New rules for wearing awards on military dress uniforms from May 2022

What is this


Unified Form 4 is a kind of questionnaire that must be filled out by a citizen applying for a job. However, this is only necessary if his job duties require access to any prohibited information, for example, state secrets.

Normative base

The Government Decree states that it is possible to hire an employee to whom state secrets will be disclosed only after he has received the appropriate clearance.
It is worth recalling that state secrets include information that is protected by the state. This information may relate to political, military, intelligence, economic and other activities. When this information is disseminated, there is a threat to the security of the state. Of course, citizens and officials receive access at their own request. But if you do not have the proper clearance, it is impossible to get a job related to state secrets. To get such a job, citizens must fill out an appropriate application form drawn up according to Form No. 4. We can safely say that this is an official document that must be filled out by a citizen with his own hand.

What awards does the Russian Defense Minister wear?

By the way, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is already following the new rules for wearing awards. He is a holder of several dozen orders and medals, including foreign ones, but on his ceremonial jacket he wears only a small part of them - the most important.


Reform in universities: military departments will be closed and unified training centers will be created.
Above all, on the left side of the uniform, the “Gold Star” of the Hero of Russia is pinned, which Sergei Shoigu received for courage and heroism shown in the performance of duty in extreme situations.
Below are two bars of five awards each - three orders and seven medals. These include the Order of Alexander Nevsky and the rare Order “For Personal Courage”, which Sergei Shoigu, as the head of the State Committee for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, was awarded for his work to establish peace in hot spots. Among other awards that the head of the Ministry of Defense considers necessary to wear on his ceremonial uniform is the medal “For the Return of Crimea.” Below the bars is the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle with swords - only the Minister of Defense has the military version of this award.

It was first seen on Sergei Shoigu’s jacket after Crimea became part of Russia. Next to him is the star of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (attached to the neck ribbon). On the right side is the official insignia of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the form of a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings.

Many experts believe that streamlining the rules for wearing awards, especially on dress uniforms, is the right decision. Recently, a colossal number of departmental, non-state and public awards have appeared, and the status of state orders and medals has been practically leveled.

The new procedure for placing awards on dress uniforms will emphasize the status of state and departmental awards of the Ministry of Defense. This will give the military uniform a strict look, and the number of bright details will not distract attention from the really worthwhile insignia of the serviceman.

From the point of view of traditions, the idea of ​​the Ministry of Defense can be explained, but it also has a downside. After all, there are military personnel who did not participate in hostilities, did not perform special tasks and did not test the latest equipment. Therefore, they do not have high state awards, but they are worthy military personnel.

Will it turn out that after the innovations there will be practically no regalia on their ceremonial jacket?

When and what to use

Today there are many structures whose employees have secret information. It doesn't have to be important. This may also be potentially important information. The future employee, by compiling this questionnaire, confirms that he can really be trusted with such information. At the same time, he must first tell about himself in as much detail as possible. It is easy to guess that this questionnaire will be carefully checked by the relevant structures. There are certain recommendations that you should follow when filling out the questionnaire.

Rules for filling out the form No. 4

The form already contains all the necessary items. The compiler only needs to fill them with the relevant information. At the top of the form there is space for pasting a 6x4 photo. Some items in our samples are accompanied by explanations, which greatly simplifies the procedure. Essentially, this questionnaire is a table. In its left column questions are asked, and in the right column the respondent must give answers.

The document is filled out point by point:

  1. Full name must be indicated. Moreover, the surname is written as it exists at the time of drawing up the document.
  2. Here it is noted whether the person being surveyed has changed his full name. If yes, then it indicates what data was there before and for what reason this was done.
  3. Date and place of birth. The date is indicated in the following sequence: year, day, month.
  4. Passport information. Its series and number are indicated, when it was issued and by whom.
  5. It is necessary to indicate whether the person being questioned has a foreign passport. If there is one, its details are recorded.
  6. This item is intended to display marital status. The details of spouses, including ex-spouses, are indicated. If there are several marriages, you need to report all of them.
  7. Citizenship is indicated. If it has changed, you should indicate which citizenship you had and which one you received. The reason for the change of citizenship is also noted.
  8. Education. Here you need to clarify when and what educational institution you graduated from. It is noted in what form the training took place. What education was received and what specialty was acquired.
  9. Here the future employee must answer whether he has previously worked in a place where access to state secrets is required. If permission was issued previously, you need to indicate when and where this happened.
  10. Have you submitted a request to travel abroad for permanent residence? If so, when, and for what reasons.
  11. Have you ever visited other countries? If yes, then you need to note where and when it was.
  12. Did the respondent or his close relatives have a criminal record? If this fact took place, it is necessary to indicate who specifically was convicted, when and under what article. If the criminal record is cleared, this can also be mentioned. It is worth recalling that close relatives include children and parents, siblings and half-sisters and brothers, adoptive parents and adopted children.
  13. Attitude to military service. If the applicant is not liable for military service, this must be indicated. Otherwise, the place of service and military rank are indicated.
  14. This item consists of a table in which information about all previous jobs is entered. This also includes studies, military service, and business activities.
  15. Another table is intended for entering information about relatives.
  16. It is necessary to mention close relatives who permanently live in another state.
  17. This section is intended for the applicant to provide information about their place of residence.
  18. Any additional information that the respondent considers necessary is entered here.

Below are paragraphs that say that the compiler knows his responsibilities for working with information containing state secrets.
It is also confirmed that all information provided is reliable. At the bottom, the document is signed not only by the person being surveyed, but also by representatives of senior officials. Please remember that this form cannot be filled out on a computer. This must be a handwritten version. All information specified in the application form must correspond to the information specified in the attached documents. All responsibility for completing this questionnaire rests solely with its compiler, i.e., with a potential employee who is going to work with state secrets.

This provision does not provide for female military personnel.


Item nameQuantityWearing periodExplanation
Fur hat with earflaps1 piece4 years1, 7
hat with earflaps1 piece5 years1
Woolen cap1 piece3 years6
Wool beret1 piece3 years2, 6
Winter field cap1 piece4 years
Summer cap , or Panama , or beret1 piece1 year3, 7
Detachable fur collar1 piece3 years4
Woolen coat1 piece3 years6
Woolen jacket1 piece3 years6
Wool jacket1 piece3 years7
Woolen trousers2 pieces3 years6
Set color shirt2 pieces1 year6, 7
White shirt1 piece1 year6, 7
Tie1 piece1 year6
Tie bartack1 piece3 years6
Winter field suit2 sets3 years5-7
Summer field suit2 sets1 year3, 5-7
Warm sweatshirt or vest1 piece1 year1, 7
Warm long johns1 piece1 year2, 7
Sweatshirt or vest2 pieces1 year2, 7
Underpants2 pieces1 year2, 7
T-shirt, or T-shirt , or sleeveless vest2 pieces1 year2, 7
Underpants2 pieces1 year2
Waffle towel3 pieces1 year11
Waffle bath towel1 piece1 year11
Muffler set color1 piece3 years6
White muffler1 piece3 years6, 7
Waist belt1 piece3 years7
Trouser belt1 piece3 years
Boots or low shoesTwo pairs3 years6
High-top boots or boots1 pair1 year3, 7, 9
ankle boots with fur1 pair3 years7
Cotton socksTwo pairs1 year
socks or winter foot wraps4 pairs1 year10
socks or summer foot wraps6 pairs1 year
Barracks slippers1 pair3 years11
Black gloves1 pair3 years8
White gloves1 pair3 years7
Winter gloves1 pair1 year
Baul1 piece3 years

1. In areas with a particularly cold climate, hat with earflaps is issued for 2 years, and underwear is issued for 1 year. hat with earflaps is issued for inventory use only to petty officers, sergeants and soldiers performing tasks to protect facilities of the central apparatus of the Russian Ministry of Defense. 2. woolen beret warm vest a vest and vest are issued only to military personnel serving in the Airborne Forces, in special-purpose military intelligence units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and internal troops of the Ministry of of Russia. These military personnel T-shirts or T-shirts , a warm sweatshirt, or a sweatshirt. Instead of warm underpants and underpants, it is allowed to issue underpants . 3. A Panama hat (or summer cap , or a beret ), suit and high-top boots are issued in accordance with the decision Ministry of Defense . Instead of cap , it is allowed to issue a lightweight summer field cap, instead of a summer field suit - suit , instead of high-top boots - high-top boots . 4. A removable fur collar is issued only to petty officers, sergeants and soldiers serving in the Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service of the Federal Security of Russia. 5. Military personnel undergoing military service in an area with a particularly cold climate, instead of a winter field suit ( jacket and trousers), are allowed to be issued suit intended for wearing in an area with a particularly cold climate ( jacket , vest and trousers ). suit , suit , or a fur jacket and warm trousers a fur according to the standards for supplying special clothing of wearing summer and winter field suits issued according to this standard is increased by 1 year. 6. A woolen cap and beret , coat , second sets of summer and winter field suits, woolen jacket woolen shirts , a tie , a tie clip, a muffler, boots or low shoes are issued to military personnel after they have passed the established test for a period of 3 months. 7. white shirt gloves (knitted) are issued only to military personnel serving in the border control units of the border agencies of the federal security service. They are given 1 shirt jacket is issued only to petty officers, sergeants and soldiers serving in the Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, units and border control units of the border agencies of the Federal Security Service. ankle boots with fur are issued only to petty officers, sergeants and soldiers serving in the Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, units and border control units of the border agencies of the Federal Security Service. 8. Military personnel are issued black woolen gloves 9. Boots are issued only to petty officers, sergeants and soldiers of the internal troops of the Ministry of of Russia. 10. Winter foot wraps are issued: in areas with a particularly cold climate - 2 pairs of cloth foot wraps, 2 pairs of flannel foot wraps; in areas with a cold climate - 1 pair of cloth foot wraps, 3 pairs of flannel foot wraps; in areas with a temperate and hot climate - 4 pairs of flannel wraps. Instead of cloth foot wraps, it is allowed to issue flannel foot wraps. 11. Waffle towels, waffle bath towels and barracks slippers are issued to military personnel only when they are stationed in barracks.

Sample of filling out the form 4

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