What is the salary in the army under contract in 2022?

The salary of the military changes annually for various reasons, for example, due to inflation or to attract the civilian population to serve for the good of the Motherland.

As a rule, the amount of monthly payments to contract employees primarily depends on the rank, position held and length of service. Also, the salary depends on the type of troops, secrecy, the region of location of the military unit and the conditions of service. What is the salary in the army for Russian contract soldiers in 2021? We will tell you in our article.

Monthly salary for a contract worker: what payments does it consist of?

A contract soldier is a serviceman who entered military service voluntarily, having signed an appropriate agreement (contract) with the Defense Ministry for a certain period of service and for a certain monetary reward.

As a rule, a soldier’s salary is usually called monetary allowance. Military citizens do not earn money in the army. But the state encourages their service with clothing, food and monetary allowances.

In order to figure out what the salary of a Russian contract employee in the army is, you need to know what payments it consists of. The salary of a serviceman who has signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry consists of the following payments:

  • Salary for rank;
  • Official salary;
  • Bonuses (percentage) for length of service;
  • Allowances for professional qualifications;
  • Allowances for serving under special conditions;
  • Additional payments for working with classified materials;
  • Additional financial assistance to military personnel and their families;
  • Territorial surcharge;
  • Awards for personal achievements in the army;
  • Additional payments for performing special military tasks.

Monetary allowance

The monetary allowance of a military personnel (salary) undergoing military service under a contract consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned military rank and a monthly salary in accordance with the military position held and additional cash payments:

  • monthly bonus for length of service (from 10% to 40% of the salary);
  • monthly bonus for class qualifications (from 5% to 30% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly bonus for working with information constituting state secrets (up to 65% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly bonus for special conditions of military service (up to 100% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly bonus for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, as well as for participating in exercises, ship voyages, practicing combat and combat training tasks in field conditions outside permanent deployment points of a military unit (up to 100% of salary according to military position);
  • monthly bonus for special achievements in service (up to 100% of the salary for a military position);
  • bonus for conscientious and effective performance of official duties (up to three salaries per year);
  • annual financial assistance (at least one monthly salary);
  • monthly bonuses for the qualifying level of physical training of military personnel and knowledge of foreign languages.

On the link page there is a salary calculator for military personnel for detailed calculations.

The law also establishes the payment of a lifting allowance when moving to a new duty station in the amount of one salary per serviceman and 25% of it for each family member.

Compensation for sublease housing is paid according to the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for Moscow and the Moscow region - 15,000 rubles). The exact calculation is made using a housing rental calculator. Upon dismissal from military service, military personnel are paid a one-time benefit: with a total length of service of less than 20 years - 2 salaries, and with 20 years or more - 7 salaries. Federal Law of November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them.” Directory on types of cash allowance payments.

Salaries for typical military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

To be replaced by military personnel performing military service under a contract.

Dynamics of growth in pay for contract military personnel

The average salary of a contract soldier is 32,000 rubles.

Social package for contract military personnel

  • Housing

Providing official residential premises or dormitories for the period of military service (receiving monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises). Providing residential premises for permanent residence at the chosen place of residence (including through the issuance of state housing certificates) upon reaching the total duration of military service of 20 years, as well as in the event of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health or connection with organizational and staffing events and a total duration of military service of 10 years or more. Possibility of purchasing housing after a certain length of service through the savings-mortgage housing system.

  • Getting an education

In educational institutions during the period of service, as well as a preferential right to admission after dismissal from military service to state educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and to preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher vocational education.

  • Medical support

Free medical and rehabilitation support for military personnel in military medical institutions and military sanatoriums. For family members of military personnel, medical care is provided in military medical institutions through the compulsory health insurance system.

  • Food and clothing supply

Organization of meals at the place of military service - for certain categories of military personnel, and provision of food rations - for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas. Clothing provision - a set of field uniforms for a trial period, then - in accordance with the standards.

  • Free pass

Free travel to a new duty station, on a business trip, to a place of vacation and back once a year for military personnel serving under a contract in the Far North and equivalent areas, including beyond the Urals and the Far East, and one member of it families and military personnel themselves purchase tickets for themselves and their family members for convenient flights or trains to their vacation destination, and the Russian Ministry of Defense compensates for these expenses after returning from vacation. Free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from the previous place of residence when transferred to a new place of military service.

  • Pension provision

The right to a pension from the age of 45, subject to 20 or more years of service.

  • Life and health insurance system

In case of death (death) of military personnel that occurred during the performance of their military service duties - 3 million rubles. When a serviceman is dismissed from military service due to being declared unfit for military service due to a military injury - 2 million rubles.

Salaries of contract military personnel in 2021

Salary in the Russian army for contract servicemen is determined by the following regulations:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  2. Decree of the Government of Russia No. 524-14.07.2000, No. 1074-21.12.2011;
  3. Federal Law No. 306-07.11.2011.

According to the listed legal documents, the salary of contract soldiers for the rank is:

  • Rank and file (sailor) – 5.6 thousand rubles;
  • Corporal personnel (senior sailor) – 6.1 thousand rubles;
  • Junior sergeant - 6.7 thousand rubles;
  • Sergeant – 7.3 thousand rubles;
  • Senior sergeant - 7.8 thousand rubles;
  • Foreman - 8.4 thousand rubles;
  • Ensign – 8.9 thousand rubles.

Position salaries:

  • Road workers and other primary positions – 11.2 thousand rubles;
  • Machine gunner - 12.3 thousand rubles;
  • Senior sapper - 13.4 thousand rubles;
  • Tank commander - 14.5 thousand rubles;
  • Commander of a tank (motorized rifle) platoon - 16.8 thousand rubles;
  • Paramedic, head of the training ground - 17.9 thousand rubles;
  • Deputy platoon commander - 19 thousand rubles.

Listed above, taking into account the coefficients, are fixed salary amounts, which are taken as the basis for calculating the monthly cash support for military contractors.

Additionally, each serviceman receives another salary at the end of the year, which is called the 13th.

The state pays additional bonuses to military personnel under a contract with more than 2 years of service. Moreover, every year the pay of military personnel is indexed and increased accordingly.

The influence of length of service on the salary of a contract worker

The total amount of monetary support for each contract soldier is significantly influenced by length of service in the army. Additional payments can range from 10 to 100%. Special state privileges are enjoyed by employees who have served in the army for more than 20 years.

As a rule, the army comes first in the state; contract service in Russia today is quite prestigious and well paid. The average salary of a contract soldier, depending on length of service and military rank, is:

  • Private soldiers with service from 1 to 2 years receive from 19 to 23 thousand rubles;
  • Junior sergeant under 5 years old - 33 thousand rubles;
  • Sergeant from 5 to 10 years – 42 thousand rubles;
  • Senior sergeant from 10 to 15 years - from 49 thousand rubles;
  • Foreman from 15 to 20 years old - from 55 thousand rubles.

Additionally, a serviceman who has signed a contract with the RF Ministry of Defense receives additional payments to his monthly allowance if he has the following merits:

  1. For qualification;
  2. For working in secret;
  3. For difficult conditions of service;
  4. For leadership of personnel.

Salaries of military personnel in 2018

The salaries of contract workers are guaranteed by the state and rise every year. The salary of a contract soldier is based on the official salary and salary according to military rank. They are also rewarded for quality service and receive an annual financial payment for health reasons.

The minimum salary for a military position is 10,000 rubles. For example, a private with up to 2 years of service has a salary of 5,000 rubles according to his military rank. On average, with all payments including income tax (13% per month), an ordinary person receives 17,400 rubles.

A contract employee with at least 25 years of service in a military position receives the maximum salary - 18,000 rubles and by rank - 7,500 rubles. With all payments and taking into account the withholding of income tax, the average is 58,812 rubles.

Financial payments depend on:

  • length of service (military seniority);
  • the specialty that the contract worker has, which is necessary to operate specialized equipment;
  • special conditions of stay, information closed to public access;
  • security clearance;
  • for increasing the level of physical fitness;
  • additional payment for received awards;
  • knowledge of foreign languages, opportunities for business trips abroad.

In addition to basic payments, military personnel receive:

  • partial compensation for utilities;
  • one-time payment upon arrival at a new place of residence;
  • upon dismissal from duty, a one-time payment is made to compensate for transportation costs for transporting one’s own belongings (the largest total weight is up to 20 tons);
  • if the service is more than 20 years, upon dismissal, a benefit is paid in the amount of 7 salaries; if less than 20 years, then only in the amount of 2 salaries.

Additional payments for secrecy

Contractors working in a classified unit or having access to classified documentation receive appropriate additional payments to their total monthly security. Depending on the category of secret clearance, payments range from 10 to 25%.

Access categories:

  • For work with particularly important documentation, a serviceman is issued a 1st security clearance;
  • For work with top secret papers - II clearance;
  • For working with secret documents - III clearance.

Secret clearance of categories I and II is granted exclusively to Russian citizens residing only in the territory of the Russian Federation and without a criminal record. Beforehand, the serviceman and all his relatives are carefully checked by officers of the Russian FSB. Citizens working with classified materials with I and II clearance are prohibited from traveling abroad, incl. after resigning for another 5 years.

At the same time, in order to obtain security clearance, a serviceman must undergo a medical examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

Special conditions

When figuring out what kind of salary in the army for military personnel serving under a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry in 2022, it is also worth taking into account the presence of special conditions for which the state pays extra from 10 to 100% of the basic salary.

For example, contract soldiers who serve in military units stationed in the Moscow region receive an additional 10% of their basic salary.

Military personnel under contract receive an additional payment of 20%:

  • For performing special military tasks;
  • For work on wheeled and tracked military equipment;
  • For performing specific work that requires professional knowledge and certain experience.

An additional payment of 50% is received by contract soldiers who perform military service in special units, for example:

  • In the Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation;
  • Navy - ground units of the navy;
  • Airborne Forces - airborne troops;
  • In special purpose medical units;
  • Other special forces.

An additional payment of 70% is received by military personnel under a Navy contract who serve on submarines, as well as by the flight personnel of the Russian Air Force.

Military personnel serving at the Central Headquarters of the Russian Defense Ministry receive a 100% supplement.

All of the above allowances are calculated from the official salary of the military personnel.

Fringe benefits

Contract service in the army provides additional state benefits for military personnel, which supplement the already good salary of military personnel in 2022.

Benefits that every serviceman who has signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry can count on:

  • Service housing for the entire duration of military service or monthly monetary compensation for rent of living space;
  • Possibility of purchasing your own home at the expense of government funds under the special “Military Mortgage” program (only after signing the second contract);
  • Free inpatient treatment, rehabilitation in military medical institutions;
  • Free preparatory courses for admission to universities;
  • Priority enrollment in higher educational institutions to obtain education in a specialized specialty;
  • Free travel on public transport to the place of service;
  • Paid travel expenses (travel, accommodation, meals);
  • Free round-trip tickets to your holiday destination during your regular annual vacation;
  • Free clothing (uniforms) and food supplies (rations) and other benefits and privileges.

Contract employees have a special advantage over the civilian population - they can retire at the age of 45 or if they have 20 years of military service.

Military contract soldiers who leave the army due to injuries received while performing their official duties receive compensation from the state in the amount of up to 2 million rubles. And the state pays additionally up to 3 million rubles to the families of deceased military personnel while performing their official duty.

The military is a special category of Russian citizens who, risking their own lives, ensure a peaceful life for the rest of the citizens of their state. Therefore, the salary of military personnel serving under contract must be decent.

In 2022, the state plans to increase the pay of Russian military contractors by at least 4% due to inflation.

Military service under contract instead of military service

In 2022, changes occurred in the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, concerning students of secondary specialized institutions. They are allowed to go to contract service without undergoing compulsory service.

It is possible to write an application for contract service after receiving a diploma or certificate. And instead of a year of military service, the recruit goes to two years, but with the accrual of monetary incentives and seniority. Contract employees after a secondary specialized educational institution are in the rank and file and, if the command evaluates the leadership qualities of the conscript, he can be promoted to sergeant or warrant officer.

After graduating from a higher educational institution that does not have a military department, you can go to serve under a contract, also with the responsibilities of a private, but before that you are sent to a training unit for six months.

If the university had a military department and the student graduated from it, then upon entering service under a contract, he will go to the rank that was assigned after the military department.

Recruits with higher technical education from the military department are actively recruited for contract service. This is explained by the fact that such officers easily adapt to new living conditions and quickly figure out how to use the latest modern weapons.

How to enroll in contract service in the army

Every young man who has served his military service has the opportunity to sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense if he wishes to connect his future life with the army. To do this, you need to collect a package of the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Military ID;
  3. Diploma of education;
  4. Photos for documents (3x4) – 2 pcs.

It is recommended to find out what additional documents are required to sign a military contract directly at the selection point for candidates for enrollment in contract service in the Russian Armed Forces.

The future soldier must first of all have excellent physical fitness and health. To do this, he will need to first undergo a mandatory medical examination and pass the established standards for FIZO.

Applicants for contract service should not have a criminal record or other claims under Russian law.

If a young person has successfully passed all tests, checks and examinations, at the final stage he will be selected for professional selection. The entire procedure usually takes about 2-3 weeks. If the special commission makes a positive decision, the RF Ministry of Defense signs the first contract with the citizen and sends him to serve in the troops in a position corresponding to his professional specialty.

Conditions for entering military service under contract

The main parameters that a person wishing to serve on a contract basis must meet:

  • education – not lower than secondary;
  • medical health category – A or B;
  • physical capabilities - compliance with the NFP (Manual on Physical Training) in the RF Armed Forces;
  • age category – from 18 to 40 years;
  • category of professional suitability (“recommended first of all”, “recommended”, “conditionally recommended”).

Reference! In practice, it is easier for citizens who have completed conscription military service to get contract service than for those who have not served in the army.

A citizen entering military service under a contract does not have the rank of warrant officer or officer. For career growth, and therefore an increase in salary, a contract worker must:

  • graduate from the Warrant Officer School (receive the rank of warrant officer);
  • training courses for junior officers (rank of junior lieutenant);
  • occupy a position corresponding to the rank.

Citizens with completed higher education have an increased chance of enrolling in junior officer courses.

All payments and allowances are specified in the serviceman’s contract

Contract terms

The primary contract with the state can be concluded during the years of military service or at any time after the end of conscription service (before reaching the age of forty). The term of the first contract in the Russian army is three years. If you decide to continue serving, each subsequent contract is concluded for five years.

Terminating a contract early is quite problematic. For dismissal there must be compelling reasons (health conditions, inability to support a family, if the serviceman is the sole breadwinner) and other conditions specified in the Law.

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