Contract service in the army: vacancies, salary, where to go to serve, basic conditions

Who can join the contract service?

The categories of citizens who are allowed to serve under a contract are established in paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ. Among them:

  • men and women who are not in reserve;
  • Russian citizens aged 18 to 40 years;
  • foreign citizens aged 18 to 30 years;
  • men who have received a university diploma;
  • conscripts who completed military service and received higher education;
  • conscripts who completed military service and served for at least 3 months;
  • citizens in reserve;
  • graduates and students of military educational institutions.

Important! Persons with an outstanding criminal record, those under investigation, and those who have not undergone medical and psychological professional selection have no right to enter into a contract. The right to military service may be limited by a court decision.

To determine your professional suitability for entering military service under a contract, you can undergo psychological testing on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Are the wishes of conscripts taken into account?

Each conscript is necessarily asked about his desired place of service, although distribution occurs according to the needs of military units. If there are compelling reasons, they may leave him for service near home. In this case, a part that is located near the place of residence is selected in advance.

The task of serving in the army comes down to gaining the experience and knowledge necessary to serve in this branch of the military. Life in a men's team will have an impact on the development of the conscript's personality. From 2022, instead of 1 year of military service, you can serve 2 years under a contract. This is an order from our Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces.

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Contract service for girls

Girls aged 18 to 40 years (foreigners under 30 years old), who are not stationed or who are in the reserves, can also enter military service under a contract. Graduates of military educational institutions can also apply for a vacancy in a military unit. The contract is possible if there are vacant positions that must be filled by female candidates.

The selection conditions do not differ (with the exception of the physical training standard). Vacancies are open for women in the field of office work, accounting, material support, as well as operator positions.

What vacancies are there?

Where to go to serve depends on the availability of specific vacancies and the desired position. The list for recruiting the necessary positions is established directly by the commander of the military unit. Job offers directly depend on the qualifications and length of service of the serviceman. There are usually both officer and enlisted vacancies. For example:

  • psychologist for professional selection;
  • dog trainer;
  • nurse, paramedic;
  • security officer in a correctional colony;
  • driver of official vehicles and armored personnel carriers;
  • radio station operator;
  • sapper, machine gunner, grenade launcher;
  • checkpoint controller.

Important! The list can be expanded depending on the personnel needs of the military unit and is established individually.

Basic conditions for contract service in the army

A citizen who enlists in military service is obliged to conscientiously perform official duties, maintain order and discipline, and also comply with other requirements of the law. Below are the main conditions: salary, benefits package, place and order of service.

Military salaries

A serviceman earns from 30 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on qualifications and length of service. Remuneration for military personnel is made in accordance with Art. 2 of the Law of November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ and consists of the following forms of monetary allowance:

  • salary according to military rank;
  • salary according to position;
  • bonuses for length of service;
  • bonuses for qualifications;
  • allowance for working with information representing state secrets;
  • payments for performing tasks under special conditions involving risks to health and life;
  • payments for special achievements.

Military personnel are entitled to a one-time benefit upon termination of a contract and dismissal from service in the amount of 2 to 7 salaries. Additionally, bonuses are awarded for success in military service and for residents of the Far North regions.

Military ranks Salaries by military rank
Marine private, sailor 5 000
Corporal, senior sailor 5 500
Junior sergeant, sergeant major of the second class 6 000
Sergeant, petty officer first class 6 500
Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer 7 000
Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 7 500
Ensign, midshipman 8 000
Senior warrant officer, senior midshipman 8 500
Ensign 9 500
Lieutenant 10 000
Senior Lieutenant 10 500
Captain, Lieutenant Commander 11 000
Major, captain 3rd rank 11 500
Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank 12 000
Colonel, captain 1st rank 13 000
Major General, Rear Admiral 20 000
Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral 22 000
Colonel General, Admiral 25 000
General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet 27 000
Marshal of the Russian Federation 30 000

Social package and benefits

In accordance with Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel,” the social package of a contract serviceman includes:

  • free travel to the place of duty, payment for travel on a business trip;
  • catering and food supply, distribution of rations;
  • property and clothing support during the period of service;
  • provision of housing for the period of service and for permanent use with service of 20 years or more, assistance in providing targeted housing loans;
  • life insurance at the expense of the federal budget;
  • free prosthetics, medical and rehabilitation support;
  • the right to early retirement with an increase in the amount of pension payments;
  • preferential right to employment and admission to educational institutions.

Important! The law also provides benefits for family members of a military personnel: sanitary and resort services, preferential right to admission to kindergarten, preferential right to remain at work in the event of layoffs (for spouses), the right to additional leave and medical care.

Where and how the service takes place

Service in the army, navy, Ministry of Emergency Situations, National Guard, military police, special forces takes place geographically within the military unit or outside it, on a ship, in penal colonies, in hot spots, border troops - depends on the direct order of the leadership. Employees regularly undergo combat training, go on duty, and also perform labor functions in accordance with service instructions: provide passes at checkpoints, perform operator and accounting duties, supervise discipline, etc.

Service in the Russian Navy: where is it better?

In organizational terms, the Russian Navy includes separate fleets (Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black Sea), as well as the Caspian military flotilla. Each of these formations has the full range of forces and means of conducting combat operations at sea and on the coast, while independently controlling the airspace of the theater of operations. Thus, the list of required military specialties in any of the naval formations is approximately the same. Differences are manifested in the scale of their demand in individual areas.

Contract servicemen have the right to independently choose which fleet they will serve in. Conditions of service vary markedly depending on the location of units of the Russian navy. So, if more comfortable natural and climatic conditions are important to a contract soldier, it would be best for him to choose the Black Sea Fleet or the Caspian Flotilla as his place of service. Service in the Northern and Pacific fleets, on the contrary, involves exposure to harsh, often extreme climatic conditions, but this is compensated for by sailors with noticeably higher salaries and additional benefits.

Baltic Fleet

Service in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (KBF) is not considered particularly harsh in terms of climatic conditions, and in social terms it is assessed as the most prosperous in comparison with other fleets. The developed infrastructure of permanent bases is very attractive for family military personnel.

Contractors of the Baltic Fleet can count on serving in three regions: St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions. Moreover, most duty stations are tied to only two cities: Kronstadt and Baltiysk. Vacancies for contract service in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet mainly apply to positions as sailors on surface ships, as well as in the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade stationed in Baltiysk.

Northern Fleet

The Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSNF) is rightfully considered the most honorable and prestigious place in naval service, since it has the most powerful strike forces of submarines and surface ships, personifying the naval power of Russia. The main base of the KSF is the city of Severomorsk, where the flagship ships of the Russian Navy are based - the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov and the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy.

Of the other most important naval bases of the Northern Fleet, proposed as a place of service under a contract, the cities of Polyarny (the largest base for surface ships), Vidyaevo and Gadzhievo (the main place of service for submariners of nuclear submarines) should be noted. The main forces of the coastal troops and marines are deployed in the very north of the Kola Peninsula, on the territory of villages within the urban settlement of Pechenga.

It should be borne in mind that all of the cities listed have the status of closed administrative-territorial entities (CLATEs). In other words, entry into such a city for persons not permanently residing there is permitted only with passes. Future contract soldiers who prefer to directly contact the recruitment point for service in the KSF have access to Severodvinsk, where the service of military sailors is primarily associated with ships under construction and repair.

Pacific Fleet

The Pacific Fleet (PF) is considered the most remote duty station for most regions of Russia, but this does not apply to residents of the Far East and even Siberia. The main base of the Pacific Fleet is located in Vladivostok, where a brigade of large anti-submarine ships (BOD) is based and the 155th separate marine brigade is deployed.

The place of service under a contract in the Pacific Fleet may be the Closed Administrative Territory of Fokino. The Primorsky Flotilla of heterogeneous forces is based here, which includes the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the missile cruiser Varyag, as well as a brigade of landing ships. The main forces of submarines are based on the Kamchatka Peninsula - in Krasheninnikov Bay and ZATO Vilyuchinsk. In addition, Kamchatka is the location of large coastal units of the Pacific Fleet, belonging to the marine corps and anti-aircraft missile forces.

Black Sea Fleet

For the Russian Black Sea Fleet (BSF), its main base is the city of Sevastopol. The cities of Novorossiysk, Sudak, Feodosia and Yalta are also places of contract service in the Black Sea Fleet. In addition, it is under the control of the Black Sea Fleet that the permanent deployment of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea is located - the Tartus naval base in Syria.

For contract military personnel of the Black Sea Fleet, the most common vacancies are available both in the naval personnel (surface ships and submarines) and in the coastal units of the Navy (marine corps units and artillery brigade).

Caspian flotilla

For those who decide to serve under a contract in the Caspian Flotilla, they will have to choose a place of service from three cities: Astrakhan (where the main base is located), as well as Makhachkala and Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan). Vacancies for contract sailors of the Caspian Flotilla are mainly represented by military positions on surface ships, privates and non-commissioned personnel of marine units.

How and for how long the contract is concluded

Both citizens who have completed military service under conscription, and graduates of military educational institutions or other universities, as well as those who are not in the reserve, can enter into a contract. Regardless of the candidate’s status, in order to conclude a contract it is necessary:

  1. Open the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  2. Find a list of collection points in the region.
  3. Arrive at the point according to the reception schedule for citizens.
  4. Provide an original passport, certificate or diploma.
  5. Check the full list of documents at the commissariat.
  6. Pass a medical examination and psychological testing.
  7. View the list of contract service vacancies.
  8. Select a vacancy in accordance with your qualifications and sign a contract.

There are two stages of selection for contract service:

  • selection of candidates in military commissariats;
  • reception of candidates arriving from military commissariats in military units.

For citizens entering military service for the first time under a contract, the military commissariat issues military tickets on the basis of a certain document, a relationship confirming the fact that this military unit, or rather the unit commander, agrees to provide you with a position in a certain military registration specialty, within the framework of which you will undergo further tests.

Based on the results of the selection, the head of the military unit issues an order to conclude a contract for military service. How long to wait for an order depends on various circumstances. This can be from a week to several months. On average, an order takes 2 – 4 weeks. The exact period is not defined by law.

Reference. Acceptance of documents and applications may be refused if there are no vacant positions, an incomplete package of documents, as well as failure to meet physical and psychological standards.

On average, the first contract is concluded for a period of 2 to 5 years, depending on the military position. After military school, the minimum contract lasts 5 years. The beginning of the contract service period is considered to be the day the contract is signed.

To which Russian cities are conscripts being sent to serve today?

Now it’s worth telling how young guys are sent to the army from the distribution point. A similar question is asked by almost every parent whose son received a summons from the district military registration and enlistment office.

It is impossible to determine in advance where the conscript will serve. As a rule, the district military registration and enlistment office receives advance requests from different military units for the required number of ordinary conscript soldiers.

Then, at a set time, recruits are collected at the distribution point, representatives of military units arrive, select the required number of conscripts and deliver them to their place of service. Those. It will not be possible to find out in advance which city the future commander will come from.

Of course, the most ideal place of service is your hometown, but the chances of getting into the local unit are small:

  1. Firstly, the military registration and enlistment office simply may not have applications from local military units;
  2. Secondly, there may be a dozen or more applicants for one place.

In most cases, conscripts are sent to serve in nearby settlements. Those. Recruits from the Central Federal District have little chance of being assigned to military service in military units located in the Far East or the North. The leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry understands perfectly well that it will be quite difficult for young guys to adapt to new climatic conditions. And this will significantly affect their performance.

Requirements for military service under contract

Mandatory requirements and conditions for the candidate:

  • passing professional psychological selection and testing;
  • provision by the candidate of a complete list of required documents;
  • at least complete secondary education (11 grades), preferably higher education;
  • passing a medical examination with assignment of categories A or B;
  • passing physical fitness standards (bending, running).

Important! The leadership of military units and commissariats has the right to expand and establish their own selection criteria. For more information, please contact the collection points or call the reception desk.

What documents are needed

The complete list of required documents should be clarified at the military registration and enlistment office upon your first appearance to fill out the application form. In most cases it looks like this:

  • written application for employment under a contract;
  • document proving identity and citizenship (passport, military ID);
  • 4 full-face color photographs 9x12;
  • autobiography in free form;
  • a completed application form issued by the admissions committee;
  • copies of diploma or certificate, documents on additional education;
  • a copy of the work record book and a spread sheet;
  • characteristics from the last place of work, signed by the employer;
  • characteristics from the last place of study, certified by the dean or director of the school (if available);
  • certificate of no criminal record, non-administrative liability;
  • extract from the house register;
  • copies of birth certificate and military ID;
  • copies of certificates of marriage and divorce, birth of children;
  • results of medical examination;
  • results of socio-psychological testing;
  • results of passing physical fitness standards;
  • copies of TIN and SNILS.

Important! The admissions committee may request additional documents not included in the list.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of contract service:

  • provision of housing and subsidies;
  • they pay a stable and decent salary;
  • social benefits, free medical care;
  • the right to early retirement;
  • high probability of climbing the career ladder.


  • high responsibility and strict selection;
  • Regular business trips are likely;
  • risks to life and health;
  • strict conformity, routine and lack of self-expression.

In addition, the difficulty of finding a job can be considered a disadvantage. It is possible only if there are vacant positions, and contract candidates are subject to strict requirements for physical and psychological preparation. To pass the selection, you must contact the reception center at your place of registration, residence or stay and provide a wide range of documents. If the candidacy is approved, the citizen begins service on the basis of a contract.

Military directions for military service

Sending conscripts to the army for military service in 2021 is possible in different branches of the military: both the infantry, the navy or the aviation. But to qualify for individual military units, young guys must have not only excellent health and physical fitness, but also special knowledge and skills.

Air Force

The Russian Air Force includes airborne troops and units of the aerospace forces.

Airborne troops

The Airborne Forces are one of the elite units of the Russian Armed Forces. Paratroopers are designed to perform special military operations behind enemy lines. They conduct reconnaissance on enemy territory, sabotage work (disabling technical means and equipment, communication systems, etc.), and capture strategic enemy targets.

Recruits who want to become paratroopers are subject to fairly stringent requirements:

  • Absolute health without any deviations, incl. mental;
  • High level of physical fitness;
  • Increased endurance in difficult conditions;
  • Stress resistance;
  • The ability to quickly adapt to any climatic conditions, etc.

As a rule, before young men are sent to serve in the army, they are checked by a military medical commission and determined their category of military fitness. Candidates wishing to serve in the Airborne Forces must be absolutely healthy and receive category “A1”.

Aerospace Forces

This type of troops includes military units of air defense and strategic missile forces.

Military personnel of the Aerospace Forces fully control the aerospace space of the Russian Federation and ensure its protection. In the event of a military threat, the main task of these units is to repel enemy attacks from the air.

Conscripts with engineering and technical education have a chance to serve in units of the Aerospace Forces. At the same time, candidates for military service in these troops must have a high intellectual level and not have any psychological health problems.


The Russian Navy includes both surface and submarine forces, as well as aviation, incl. special units of the Marine Corps. As a rule, these troops are intended to protect the state and repel enemy attacks from water.

Quite high requirements are also imposed on applicants for service in naval units, primarily for health reasons. The serviceman's military fitness category must be no lower than "A3".

Ground troops

The ground forces consist of separate units that are designed to perform different functions and combat missions. The special military equipment and equipment they are equipped with also differs. Accordingly, sending young guys into the army may involve military service in any of the military units.

Motorized rifle

There are no serious requirements for conscripts - candidates for military service in motorized rifle units of the ground forces. Many young men are sent to these troops who have received a category of fitness for military service from “A1” to “B4” at the draft board, i.e. even with minor health restrictions.


These units are the basic attack weapons in the Army. As a rule, recruits in these troops can do military service as part of a tank crew.


These are not the most prestigious military units. They perform tasks related to the transportation of weapons, ammunition, food and personnel to the location of troops, incl. engaged in the laying and repair of railway tracks.

Most often, young guys with health problems, but fit for military service, who do not differ in physical characteristics and endurance, are sent to these troops.


Special forces are the elite of the Russian Armed Forces, whose military personnel perform the most complex combat missions.

As a rule, recruits are not accepted into such units, but only already experienced soldiers who have at least completed military service with honors behind them. At the same time, special forces military personnel must have good health, good physical fitness, incl. have no mental disorders.

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