How can girls get a contract job in the army in Russia?

Modern girls have become more active and self-confident compared to several decades ago. They are trying to achieve equality in everything. Therefore, more and more often you can see women in leadership positions. Politicians, economists, analysts - today a woman in this field will not cause any surprise. And it seemed that such a traditionally male occupation as defending the homeland would remain inaccessible to the fair sex. But contract military service was also able to interest them. What's so interesting about it?

How to get a girl to serve in the army on a contract basis

Before a girl can do military service in the army under a contract, she needs to submit an appropriate application to the local military commissariat, collect a package of necessary documents, undergo a medical examination for suitability for military service and pass the established standards.

The girl can also send an application and all the necessary documents through the state website or contact directly the military unit in which she wants to work.

After the relevant government agency accepts a woman’s statement of desire to serve in the army under a contract, she is given an order within 30 calendar days to undergo the following procedures:

  • Educational level checks;
  • Medical Commission;
  • Physical fitness tests;
  • Mental state analysis.

The procedure for admitting Russian female citizens to military service is practically no different from the similar procedure for men. If a girl is in excellent health, she has every chance of signing a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry.

Contract service for women and girls

In Russia, many people think that the army is not a place for women. However, there is also the opposite opinion - men admire women who can easily handle weapons and command soldiers.

The government has submitted for discussion a law on the conscription into the Armed Forces of girls who do not have children and are over 23 years old. But many did not support this idea, and for this reason, army service for women was closed.

Today, women in Israel, North Korea, Peru and Malaysia are subject to compulsory conscription. Of course, it is possible to obtain citizenship of another state and go to serve. Those women who prefer to serve in the Russian Federation are left to choose other alternative paths.

Young men under 27 years of age are conscripted to serve in the Russian army. The female half is not subject to conscription in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian state. But for those who want to spend everyday life in the army, there is a similar opportunity. A woman is able to voluntarily, at her own request, enter into a fixed-term contract for service.

A woman retains the right to choose the type of troops if there is a vacant place for her in them. If her mental state and physical health meet the standards, then a woman can serve even in the missile and space forces, and in addition, in the navy.

Another alternative for serving is considered to be enrolling in a military school or ensign school, for example the Suvorov or Nakhimov school. But not all women are able to cope with difficult exams and be one of the best among a large stream of applicants.

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Conditions for accepting women into military service

Now let's talk about what the army and contract service are like for young girls in Russia. A woman who decides to serve under a contract in one of the Russian military units has two ways to achieve what she wants:

  1. Receive professional education at one of the military institutions of the Ministry of Defense;
  2. Contact a special point for hiring Russian citizens for contract service.

In the second option, you must first pass a military suitability test. Initially, the girl undergoes an interview. A representative from a contract hiring office will advise the citizen in detail about:

  • The advantages of serving in the Russian army;
  • Possible career growth and other prospects.

At the same time, the employee will definitely ask the candidate what motivated her to choose the army field for work. Next, he will suggest several positions suitable for the girl.

The selection of vacancies for girls to work in the Russian army under a pre-concluded contract is carried out according to the available ones:

  • Skills;
  • Skills;
  • Inclinations;
  • Education.

But the final decision is made only after the woman undergoes a medical examination, psychological testing, physical fitness testing and professional selection.

What documents are required to collect for service?

In order to join the army, girls need to write an application according to a certain sample and collect all the necessary documents. Only after this will military service under contract be available to them. The documentation package mainly includes papers that prove identity and social status. The list is as follows:

  1. Passport.
  2. A questionnaire filled out according to a specific template.
  3. Brief biography of the candidate.
  4. Photocopies of the work record book, notarized.
  5. A document confirming the presence of higher or secondary vocational education.
  6. Photocopies of documents that confirm the marital status and birth certificate of the child, if available. All these papers must be certified.

Contract service for girls will be opened after the decision of the military commissariat, where all collected documents must be submitted. If the answer is positive, the woman will be sent to a military unit, where a contract will be concluded.

Standards for girls

Contract service in the Russian army for both men and women requires good physical fitness. Female candidates for military service are assessed for strength, speed and endurance:

  • Strength testing is carried out using the press (standard – 22 push-ups/min);
  • Speed ​​test - shuttle run (standard - 10 times 10 m in 38 seconds);
  • Endurance – running (standard – 1 km in 5.5 minutes).

According to the listed standards, women in the age category of 25-30 years are assessed.

Standards for girls under 25 years old:

  • Press – 26 presses/min;
  • Shuttle run – 36 sec;
  • Run 1 km – 4 min 46 sec.

If at least one standard is not passed, the signing of the contract is postponed for 1 month. This time is provided to candidates to improve their physical fitness. In this case, you will have to retake all the standards, and not just the one for which the result was unsatisfactory.

The final stage before a woman is accepted for military service is passing a military commission. Here they once again study the candidate’s personal file, conduct an interview with her, and make a final decision by voting.

Medical examination

Before being presented with a military contract for signing, girls are checked for suitability for service in the Russian army. For this purpose, candidates undergo a medical examination by the following specialists:

  • Surgeon;
  • Therapist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Dentist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Neurologist.

The main difference between a women's medical examination and a men's one is an additional examination by a gynecologist. The specialist first conducts a visual examination of the patient, then sends her for an ultrasound scan.

The work of the medical commission does not depend on conscription periods. Members of the military commission meet as applications are received from citizens wishing to serve under contract in the military.

1 working day is allocated for inspection. First, each medical specialist makes his own conclusion. Then, based on all medical reports, the commission establishes the candidate’s suitability category for contract service.

The military medical commission must include a psychiatrist and a psychologist. They determine the psychological state of the girls as a result of oral conversation. Before carrying out the procedure, specialists study the characteristics of candidates given by their employers or representatives of educational institutions.

The main task of a psychological examination is to prevent a person with obvious mental disorders and an unstable emotional background from acquiring weapons. During the conversation, the psychiatrist has the right to ask the woman to show her hands for traces of injections.


A woman or girl who decides to enroll in military service under a contract can take advantage of two options at her discretion:

  • Get an education at an institution of the Ministry of Defense in a profession that suits her;
  • Visit a contract recruitment office.

In the latter option, you will need to pass some eligibility tests. Usually the woman will have an interview. The selection point employee will brief her in detail about :

  • All the advantages of serving in the Armed Forces;
  • Prospects for career advancement.

The employee will certainly inquire about the motivation of the woman who chose the military direction. Then she will be offered some positions that are suitable for her specifically.

The selection of vacant positions is carried out in accordance with:

  • Skills and abilities;
  • Degree of education;
  • Various inclinations.

But you must also be prepared for the fact that employees will make the final decision regarding a woman no earlier than the psychological and professional selection is completed.

At the end of the conversation, the woman is provided with:

  1. Sample application.
  2. Questionnaire for further employment purposes.
  3. Referral for medical examination.

With this package of documents, the woman must also submit the following:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Certificate or diploma of completion of an educational institution.
  3. Work book.
  4. Insurance certificate.

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Women are examined by specialists at a medical institution at their place of residence. In addition, they also need to take a certificate confirming their lack of criminal record. Next, they come to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination. When the entire list of documents has been collected, the woman returns to the selection point - there a personal file is opened on her.

Requirements for women when applying for contract service

The requirements for entry into contract military service for women are the same as for men. They can be divided into several separate procedures:

  • Providing the necessary set of documents;
  • Passing a medical commission;
  • Psychological selection;
  • Analysis of the degree of education, professional skills;
  • Physical fitness check.

After completing all of the above procedures, candidates are considered by a commission at a military point for selecting Russian citizens for contract service.

Girls must have at least a complete secondary education, but candidates with higher education have a better chance.

What can prevent you from serving in the army?

Candidates are considered based on applications from commanders of military units. The basis is also the order of the district military headquarters. It should be noted that the restrictions do not include the presence of a preschool child or marriage. The contract service for girls will be closed if there is an outstanding or unexpunged conviction. This is a significant obstacle, since convicts are not accepted into the ranks of the Russian army.

A woman can only be recruited after reaching twenty years of age. The contract is concluded with a girl who has no medical contraindications until she turns forty. The medical examination must be marked “Pass” or “Pass with minor restrictions.”

Vacancies for Women in the Army 2021

The first question of interest to those wishing to serve in the Russian army is what girls do in the army, what vacancies are offered under a military contract.

There are significantly fewer positions in the military for women than for men. But despite this, the total number of female military personnel is approximately 50 thousand people. There are only about 1000 of them in lower positions, and some even rose to the rank of colonel.

Most women are engaged in medical and financial activities and office work in military units. Many work as signalmen. Female military personnel wear their outfits mainly at the military unit headquarters, at communication centers, in the barracks or in the kitchen.

List of female vacancies in military units for 2022:

  • PC operator;
  • Economist;
  • Accountant;
  • Translator;
  • Cartographer;
  • Cook.

As a rule, most women have the ability to solve certain tasks that men cannot do. For example, they most often occupy positions in services whose activities are related to meteorology, printing, aerial photography and photogrammetry.

According to current Russian legislation, women are prohibited from performing guard and garrison duty under contract. However, they are not exempt from combat duty or field training.

Nobody prevents girls from wanting to serve

On the other hand, why should contract services for girls remain unavailable? After all, in the army, soldiers are not divided by gender. They fight shoulder to shoulder. At the present stage, the share of girls in the army is about 10% of all military personnel. If we translate this figure into numbers, it will be equal to 60 thousand. Most of the girls serve in the ground and air forces. There are representatives of the fair sex in the missile units of the army.

It is the contract service (reviews demonstrate this quite clearly) that helps those girls who do not want to yield to men in anything to feel their worth. It is worth immediately noting that the procedure for recruiting women in comparison with men does not have any differences. However, girls receive benefits such as a package of social guarantees and compensation. All this is spelled out in the legal documentation of a social nature.


Before submitting an application to the military registration and enlistment office, women, as a rule, are interested in how much girls are paid for serving in the Russian army under contract.

Salaries in the Russian Armed Forces do not depend on the gender of the contract serviceman. The procedure for monetary support is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2011 and Federal Law No. 306 of 2011.

The amount of wages according to these documents depends on the position held by the military personnel, i.e. salary and additional allowances for:

  1. Rank;
  2. Qualification level;
  3. Foreign language skills;
  4. Achievements;
  5. Difficult working conditions;
  6. Longevity.

Every year, each military personnel receives financial assistance from the state, and those who performed their official duties perfectly during the calendar year are additionally awarded a cash bonus.

According to data provided by the press service of the RF Ministry of Defense, today the wages of contract soldiers are:

  • Rank and file - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Sergeants and foremen - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Lieutenant - 55 thousand rubles.

Female military personnel are provided with additional benefits that enhance overall welfare. For example, the state provides them with a fairly wide social package and various additional monetary compensations.

Advantages of service for contract girls

There are many reasons why young girls choose to serve in the army.

The main advantages of contract service for women:

  • Stable work;
  • Free treatment and recreation in Moscow Region sanatoriums;
  • Regular salary without delays;
  • Opportunity to receive additional education free of charge;
  • Free travel on public transport;
  • Opportunity to obtain your own housing after a specified period of military service;
  • Retirement based on length of service, much earlier than civilians and with good pension benefits;
  • Health and life insurance;
  • Free clothing and food allowance;
  • Benefits for utilities.

Additionally, female military personnel have the following privileges and social benefits:

  • Annual paid vacation;
  • If there are 2 children under 12 years of age and one disabled child under 16 years of age, leave is granted at any time of the year;
  • Leave for pregnancy and further raising of a child up to 3 years old;
  • Free travel on public transport, local electric trains, incl. after retirement.

How much girls earn while serving in the army under a contract is one of the main questions of interest to potential contract soldiers. The salary of female military personnel, like that of men, consists of 2 parts:

  1. Military salary - depends on rank and position;
  2. Additional allowances - for length of service, difficult working conditions, secrecy, etc.

If a woman moves to a new duty station, she receives monetary compensation (elevation allowance) and service housing (a room in a military hotel or dormitory). Moreover, if a serviceman has a spouse and children, the family is provided with a service apartment.

The service life can be 3 years, 5 or 10 years. But a woman has the right to terminate a military contract at any time of her own free will.

Early dismissal is permitted in the following cases:

  • Failure to perform duties in good faith;
  • Husband moving;
  • The need of a sick relative for constant care;
  • Staff reorganizations, reshuffles;
  • The manifestation of pathologies, the receipt of injuries, due to which the military medical commission declares the woman unfit for further service.

Women contract workers earn in the army at the level of the stronger sex. Every year, the military units of the Russian Federation are replenished with 3 thousand women. According to statistics, for every 500 guys who want to join the contract service, there are 10 girls.

For whom the road to the army is closed

The basic requirements for women wishing to serve in the Russian army on a contract basis are the same as for men:

  • Age – not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years;
  • Education – at least complete secondary education;
  • Category of fitness for military service - A or B;
  • Excellent physical shape.

Due to the presence of a family (husband and children) or even pregnancy and recovery after it, they cannot refuse to sign a contract.

Only Russian citizens who are under investigation or have a guilty verdict are not allowed to serve in the army. Having a criminal record, even a long criminal past, is a 100% refusal of a military contract.

Also, women whose age has exceeded the established limit of 40 years are not accepted into the army.

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