What is the difference between contract service and conscript service?

How to apply for contract service?

Girls are also recruited for contract service

To register your interest in becoming a contractor, visit your local recruiting office. It is there that you will be able to receive full-fledged consulting support on your issue, and therefore information about what you should do next.

In particular, you will be provided with a complete list of vacancies available to you and given a letter of recommendation, which you will then need to present at the local commissariat.

All you need to have with you to complete the application is. By presenting this document, as well as the already mentioned letter of recommendation at the military commissariat, you will receive a sample on which you will have to write your appeal. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be assigned dates for inspections and other activities necessary to determine your readiness for contract service.

If your health and physical fitness indicators are sufficient, you will be issued a visa. After this final step, you will be awarded a contract to serve in the Armed Forces. Now, all you have to do is take an intensive course of combined arms training. For this purpose, you will be sent to the nearest military training unit. During the training process, you will have to demonstrate not only your physical and professional, but also your personal qualities from the best side.

After all, representatives of the unit’s command staff will closely monitor the preparation process. It is they who will appreciate your ability to take on the role of leader, without which advancement through contract service will simply be impossible. If the results of the observations satisfy the command, upon completion of training you will be immediately sent to your place of further service.

The video will tell you about contract service in Russia instead of conscript service:

How much do contract workers earn?

Of course, any citizen entering contract service will be primarily interested in the issue of his own material remuneration. How much do they get? This figure may vary. Thus, for contract workers, the salary amount is calculated in accordance with two main documents.

These are the Federal Law “On Salary of Military Personnel” and the Government Decree “On Salary for Military Personnel Serving under Contract”. Thus, the basic salary of a contract employee is, as it were, “composed” of two parts - salaries by position and by rank. In addition, numerous allowances are regularly added to this amount, for example:

  • for qualifications;
  • by length of service;
  • for risk to health or life;
  • for special conditions of service;
  • for involvement in state secrets;
  • for significant achievements in the military field;
  • for knowledge of a foreign language;
  • for a high level of physical fitness (awarded upon regular passing of the relevant standards.

In addition, at the initiative of management, a contract employee may be given a bonus. Thus, usually remuneration is given to those individuals who cope “excellently” with all the official responsibilities assigned to them. In addition, absolutely any contract employee can count on regular payments according to the EDV (that is, annual).

If we talk about specific figures, then, according to data for 2016, the monthly salary of the average contract worker was:

  • 30 thousand rubles - for a private;
  • 40 thousand rubles - for a sergeant or sergeant major;
  • 55 thousand rubles - for a lieutenant.

About the advantages and disadvantages of contract service

Contract service without compulsory service: there are both pros and cons

It should be noted right away that military service under contract is a fairly new phenomenon for Russia. So, it is quite natural that such an activity will be distinguished not only by a large number of advantages, but also by simply a huge number of different “shortcomings” and shortcomings.

What are the main positive and negative aspects that you will encounter in contract service? The obvious disadvantages of such activities include:

  • increased risk to the health (and often life) of the employee;
  • significant restrictions on freedom of movement, as well as personal space;
  • the need to strictly follow the regulations and, often, absurd instructions from the command (and the moral overstrain that naturally follows);
  • forced cessation of some “unhealthy” habits (in particular, drinking alcohol);
  • frequent (sometimes with the need to live in the field).

However, one cannot fail to mention some undeniable advantages that contract service provides:

  1. quick solution to employment problems (which is especially important for residents of small towns and villages);
  2. stable wages even during an economic crisis;
  3. great ;
  4. significant benefits when obtaining housing.

To summarize, we can say that contract service is a fairly promising solution for the RF Armed Forces. As for the citizens themselves who agree to such activities, they receive enormous advantages over many of their compatriots.

Moreover, we are talking not only about material support and benefits, but also about something more important from a social point of view. Thus, today the term “contract service” is firmly associated in the minds of Russians with the words “respect”, “nobility” and “prestige”.

However, when agreeing to this type of activity, you must remember the enormous burden imposed on you at the time of signing the contract. After all, from now on you will be forced to take care not only of your own well-being. You will have the responsibility to protect not only your life, but also the lives of your comrades, as well as all those citizens who live today in the vast territory of the Russian Federation.

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Not everyone goes to get a higher education in order not to serve in the army. Many want to become qualified specialists so that they can begin their service by joining the junior officer corps. Military registration and enlistment offices are much more willing to enter into contracts with university graduates, since in this way they successfully implement the state program. A university graduate most often looks for a job in a specialty, a better paid alternative to which is contract service. It is possible to conclude an agreement with the armed forces without military service.

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