What are the benefits of contract military service?

Contract service has its pros and cons . Military personnel who have completed their military service do not very often strive to remain in the army in order to continue serving under a contract. What is this connected with? In most cases, for the most banal reasons - you’re tired of trampling your boots, you miss your family and loved ones, you expect to find a higher-paying job in your hometown. And whether to stay or not is a fairly important decision for every serviceman. Some people like it, others don't. The pros and cons of contract service force everyone to decide their own destiny.

And now, actually about the pros and cons. So, the disadvantages of contract service :

  • Firstly, you practically lose contact with your relatives. Of course, you will see each other twice a year, but more often - it’s unlikely, because a person who decides to connect his life with military service, another city, another family, as a rule, starts his life anew and simply does not have enough time to to spend more time with my mom and dad.
  • Secondly, a person who connects his life with military service practically loses his free life. If in civilian life you have lasted a shift at a factory or a day at a company, or somewhere else, you know that you are free, that you will not be “undermined” for work. In the army, you really “live out of suitcases” - sometimes you just come home after work, the bell rings “gun” - and you go back. Here, in fact, there is no labor code, that is, officially, of course, there is one, but in reality you first of all obey your commander.
  • Thirdly, even after three years - the minimum period of military service under a contract, a person gets tired of the monotonous uniform, when you do not have the right to your own self-expression, dressing the way you want. Sometimes it begins to seem that you were born in this very uniform, in the army, as if there was no other life
  • Fourthly, the character of a man in the army changes very much, so much that adapting to ordinary civilian life becomes very difficult. Simply, you get used to protecting your life, and when you get back home, you understand that there is, in fact, no one to protect yourself from here. Then the search begins for those with whom you will fight, for the sake of your family, your loved one, yourself, and hence, constant problems with the law, misunderstanding on the part of those same loved ones.

Now, the advantages of contract service .

  • Firstly, the most important thing is that many people are kept in the ranks of the Armed Forces by stable and fairly decent wages. In any case, after the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2012, the salaries of military personnel became more prestigious than vice versa. Simply put, when a person earns a thousand dollars a month defending his country, he is no longer ashamed to answer the question of who you work for and how much you earn.
  • Secondly, numerous benefits. This includes free food, free travel to the main vacation destination, housing benefits, and many others. Not every government employee is offered such a number of benefits, which is also a matter of prestige for military service.
  • Thirdly, a very, very quick opportunity for retirement. If a serviceman is not satisfied with many things in military service, he has the right to retire within twenty years from the date of service. And if he is comfortable and likes everything, please continue to serve.
  • Fourthly, simplicity of service, and life in general. Over time, you begin to perceive everything as an order, and this helps a lot, because you no longer say “I don’t want”, “I’m lazy” or something else like that. An order is an order, and it must be carried out, in any case. People who did not serve are considered “mama’s boys” for a reason, because they reserve the right to retreat - they will constantly rely on someone, and a soldier - only on himself, on his own head, on his own hands.

So, let's summarize - contract military service has its pros and cons , but someone has to do it. In addition, you can believe that contract service really means confidence in the future, which is not so little.

Like any job, a contract in the army has its pros and cons. Many military personnel, having served their military service, are in no hurry to go on a contract. This may be due to the fact that the young man misses his family and friends or expects to find a good and well-paid job in his hometown. Therefore, it is quite difficult to decide whether to remain in contract service or not, but in order to do this, you still need to understand the positive and negative aspects of contract service.

Basic requirements for a candidate for contract service

The selection of young people into professional troops on a contract basis is carried out as carefully as possible. Basically, young men can sign a contract after completing military service, but it is also possible to conclude a contract without it.

From the age of 18, a young man already decides whether he wants to devote his life to the army, but in order to be able to do this, he must have at least a secondary education. First of all, they select those candidates who have completed military service, or have already worked under a contract, and those who have excellent health and good physical fitness.

At the legislative level, the basic requirements for volunteers wishing to serve in the army under a contract have been approved:

  • Age. When signing the first contract, the citizen must be 18-40 years old;
  • Having higher or secondary education;
  • Those who have completed military service and military personnel in reserve have the right to conclude a contract;
  • Mandatory passage of a military medical commission with assignment of fitness category A or B;
  • Good physical fitness. A soldier must be resilient, strong and react quickly in the most unforeseen circumstances.

What specialties can you get?

If you have a special education, you will be able to obtain the following specialties:

  • military doctor - one of the most important and respected specialists in the army. He is respected by both rank and file and senior officers;
  • military engineer - refers to those specialists who will perform all types of construction work;
  • military pilot - one of the elite of various armies in almost all countries of the world. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the selection will be very difficult;
  • military communications operator is one of the prestigious professions that require special knowledge and skills. Modern signalmen work not only with radio stations, but also with computers, and therefore women are increasingly coming here, gradually replacing men;
  • you can become a specialist in special forces ensuring state security;
  • Professionals related to military-technical specialties or drivers of various types of vehicles are in demand.

Of course, being a member of the military can be dangerous. It all depends on where the service is taking place.

Occupational diseases are directly related to where they work and what functions they perform. This could be radiation contamination, the result of excessive stress, colds and other diseases.

Positive aspects of contract service

When faced with the choice of whether to serve in the army under a contract or not, you should still be inclined to do so, because the army makes a man more resilient, stronger and more organized. To get into the service, you must pass a military medical examination.

The following are the advantages of serving in the army under a contract:

  1. Material aspect. What attracts young people to contract service is, first of all, good wages, which today are considered quite high;
  2. Privileges. A contract soldier has numerous benefits, which include free housing, food and vacation packages;
  3. Medical service. A citizen serving in the army under a contract and his family receive free medical care and rehabilitation assistance. Medical support is provided through medical insurance, which is mandatory;
  4. Clothing provision. Every year, a serviceman is fully provided with a military uniform and other equipment;
  5. Early retirement. When entering contract service, in addition to good wages and benefits, men are also attracted to early retirement. The only condition that must be met is at least 20 years of service. In addition, if desired, a serviceman can remain in service for a longer period;
  6. Kudos. Military service has always been considered a prestigious matter and was highly valued in the eyes of ordinary citizens;
  7. Life and health insurance. If a serviceman was dismissed from contract service due to injury, he is paid 2 million rubles. In the event of his death, the family is paid 3 million rubles.

Basic military specialties

Considering the description of military specialties, it is worth saying that the distribution of military personnel can occur depending on the availability of a civilian specialty.

As a result of this, their own requirements will be presented, knowing which you can choose a military profession:

  • doctors are one of the most respected and irreplaceable specialists;
  • engineers – specialize in construction and repair work;
  • pilots - perform tasks to control combat aircraft and helicopters. They are considered the elite in the army. At the same time, the selection for this specialty is one of the most stringent;
  • Signalmen - modern means of providing communications require specialists to have special knowledge and qualifications. The thing is that signalmen are not only radio stations, but also special programs installed on computers. It is increasingly becoming a women's specialty;
  • Specialists serving in special forces are in demand. Having passed a strict selection process, you will be able to begin your work, ensuring the security of the country;
  • one of the most common professions is one related to military-technical specialties;
  • The army also needs qualified drivers.

Naturally, when choosing the military path as your profession, one must not forget about the risk, but ensuring security does not always mean participating in hostilities. First of all, it all depends on where and how the service will take place.

Negative aspects of contract service in the army

As you can see, there are advantages to the decision to remain in the army under a contract, and there are many of them, but now it is worth talking about the disadvantages that often repel young people from further military service.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. Loss of contact with relatives. A serviceman will be able to see family and friends no more than twice a year. This may be due to his being sent to serve in another city, or it may simply be due to a lack of free time;
  2. Risk to life. If, working in civilian life, a young man is confident in the future and knows that, for example, after finishing a shift at a factory he will return to his family, then serving in the army forces him to put his life at risk every day;
  3. Monotony. No matter how many years the contract was concluded, a person gets tired of the constant monotony of wearing a military uniform every day. This greatly affects the emotional background of the serviceman, because he does not have the opportunity to express himself by wearing the clothes he likes. Sometimes it begins to seem that there is no other clothing in the world other than military clothing;
  4. Changing the character of a soldier. Contract service in the army completely changes a man’s character; he becomes tougher, ruder, which is not always liked by the people around him. A soldier, depending on his position, gets used to giving orders, which he continues to do at home, without noticing it. As a result, such behavior leads to disagreements in the family and sometimes to divorce;
  5. Unacceptable living conditions. Military personnel do not always get good housing. They are often accommodated in military dormitories, where living conditions are not at the highest level;
  6. Constant moving. A serviceman must be ready at any time to move to a new place of residence, which his family cannot always accept.

About the profession

The military profession includes many aspects, as well as a list of various specializations.

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Therefore, this specialty, having its own specifics, is divided into the following groups:

  • Military doctors . These specialists, as you might guess, provide medical care to wounded soldiers.
  • Military lawyers . They resolve issues related to jurisprudence in military service relations.
  • Military drivers. These specialists perform duties related to the transportation of military cargo and soldiers. They must also be able to operate various modes of transportation. Military drivers make up a fairly large part of military units.
  • Specialists servicing military equipment and special equipment.
  • Military personnel working in the field of research activities . In turn, these specialists are responsible for the development and implementation of new military technologies.

Thus , we can say that military personnel perform a fairly wide range of tasks and, depending on the chosen direction, the military determines for itself its professional list of tasks and responsibilities.

Responsibilities of a contractor

The job responsibilities of a contract employee depend entirely on the position he occupies and his rank. But, despite this, all military personnel must comply with the general rules of the charter:

  • Serve your people;
  • Be faithful to the oath;
  • Defend the country;
  • Comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation;
  • Strictly follow orders from superiors;
  • Constantly improve;
  • Be in full combat readiness at any time, no matter what happens.

Thus, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of contract service in the Russian Army and only after that make the final decision: to serve or not. But the disadvantages sometimes play such a decisive role that the contract worker, after several months of service, tries to terminate the contract. The main thing that frightens young people is the risk to life and health. In addition, not everyone is able to withstand military rigor, deprivation of time for personal life, constant travel and wearing a military uniform. A man must be mentally prepared for this. In addition to the disadvantages, contract service also has a large number of positive aspects, which most often outweigh the negative aspects.

Despite all the pros and cons of contract service in the army, a serviceman, first of all, must really have a desire to serve and feel a sense of pride in his decision.

Thus, contract service is concluded only on a voluntary basis, without any coercion, so the choice remains with the young man. But it’s worth remembering that it will help you become morally stronger, strengthen your character and bring a lot of positive emotions.

The contract army is a branch of military activity, a special type of functioning of the armed forces. Its main difference, which determines both the specifics of the activity and the actual category of persons undergoing such military service, is the voluntary nature of entry. It is carried out under a contract signed by citizens joining the ranks of the voluntary contract army.

This contract, as well as its terms (describing and regulating the service under the contract) is based on the legislative framework in the form of a set of rules and a law of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They also prescribe the requirements for those entering military contract service. These are requirements regarding: age, physical characteristics, education. It is also necessary to correspond to the category from the list listed in Art. 3453-FZ, for example - “reserve”, “conscript service”, etc.

Dial rules

According to Chapter 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty” and the Special Rules of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, there are a number of requirements for the selection of citizens for contract service in the Russian army:

  • A citizen of the Russian Federation entering contract service for the first time must be between 18 and 40 years of age.
  • Citizens who have already served in the army, women, as well as officers in the reserve are suitable for contract service.
  • Persons with secondary or higher education and who speak the state language of the Russian Federation may be admitted to contract service.
  • Persons who have passed a military medical commission may be allowed to perform military service under a contract. At the same time, due to health reasons, the contract soldier must be assigned to group A or B, that is, be fit for service.
  • In order to enter contract service, a citizen must meet physical parameters, that is, fulfill a number of physical fitness standards.
  • The contractor must be issued a special conclusion, according to which he receives a certain category for service.

To begin with, a citizen who has expressed a desire to serve in the army under a contract must collect a number of documents and submit them to the local selection point for contract conscripts. After studying and approving these documents by a special commission, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to pass a test to check the psychological state of the candidate. All these aspects will allow you to select the most worthy candidates for military service and avoid many unpleasant situations during their contract service.

Having a criminal record or being under investigation in a criminal case initiated against a candidate is a significant obstacle to accepting him for contract service.

Advantages of contract service

One of the advantages of contract service, although controversial, is the salary. It is two-component: a salary based on military rank plus a similar salary, but corresponding to the military position held. This includes various allowances, depending on:

  • Length of service, qualifications.
  • Special conditions for contract service related to risk or secret information.
  • Achievements in service, success in learning, knowledge of languages, physical training.
  • Features of the quality of service.

The social package for contract employees is also an important plus. It includes:

  1. Full provision, not excluding housing (rent, military mortgage), food, uniforms (clothing).
  2. Benefits – free medical care (extremely good quality), insurance, free travel.
  3. Advantage in obtaining further education.
  4. Early retirement.

There are also many positive aspects of contract service, comparable to conscription and conscript service. The latter (more precisely, the persons who bear it) is subject to a number of restrictions that do not affect citizens serving under contract.

Some aspects of contract service

Contract military service requires professionals who have undergone special training and testing. Such employees must be prepared for various situations, possess the skills to operate special equipment and perform service in accordance with the established military regulations. The daily routine differs from a regular working day in some strict rules, but nevertheless complies with all the norms of labor legislation, unlike the service of a conscript soldier.

Until recently, only university graduates had the right to serve under a contract. But now those with secondary vocational education can also choose whether to serve one year under the standard conscription or serve under a signed contract. The candidate selection point also operates independently, separately from the military commissariat. It is a kind of personnel agency of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. At the same time, contract service is also available for women, who can choose the professions of signalmen, doctors, cooks and others.

Cons of the service

They are significant and sometimes so insurmountable that a considerable part of those who join the army and military ranks leave their contract service after a few months. An obvious disadvantage that not everyone is ready to personally face is the willingness to risk their health/life .

Also, the rigor of this type of activity with considerable restrictions on both personal freedoms and personal space (also determined by living conditions) is not something everyone can do. All kinds of deprivations/restrictions: often field living conditions, forced wearing of a uniform, travel and business trips little detract from the advantages of contract service and the desire to carry it out. In addition, not everyone is psychologically capable of obeying orders.

And compensation for all this in the form of wages, benefits, and bonuses does not seem commensurate to everyone. Among other things, the serviceman’s family (both parents and spouse, children - if any) experiences certain negative aspects of contract service. Among them: a lot of work, frequent absences (business trips), which leaves little time for family. In addition, the necessary relocation often affects all family members.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the disadvantages of contract women's service. All the harsh conditions and demands are much more difficult for female military personnel to bear. Military service, to a certain extent, also damages femininity - by requiring a formal, strict appearance. Also, frequent field/imperfect living conditions do not quite meet the requirements of the female body and character.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

January 15, RIA Birobidzhan.

The order on changes to the standard form of contract on military service for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen was signed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu. The document expands the list of obligations that a serviceman gives when concluding a contract for military service, RIA Birobidzhan reports with reference to the official Internet portal of legal information.

Currently, when concluding a contract, military personnel, as the Parliamentary Gazette reminds, voluntarily give only three obligations: to perform military service under a contract for a specified period; during its passage, conscientiously fulfill all general, official and special duties of military personnel established by Russian legislation and reimburse, in cases provided for by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” federal budget funds spent on his military or special training. All of these obligations are contained in the standard military service contract form.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

A new order from the Ministry of Defense expands this list. It includes nine additional obligations, such as:

— within three months from the date of entry into service under a contract, undergo tests in order to check for compliance with the requirements of federal laws, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts;

— meet the physical fitness requirements of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces;

— comply with the requirements of the Law “On Personal Data” and provide information for the processing of personal data to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

— comply with the law “On State Secrets”;

- participate in hostilities, perform tasks in conditions of emergency or martial law, armed conflicts, as well as participate in maintaining or restoring international peace and security or suppressing international terrorist activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

— comply with the duty time regulations established by the RF Armed Forces;

- improve military skills;

- vacate the housing occupied under a rental agreement for specialized residential premises, in cases of termination or termination of the agreement;

— comply with restrictions, prohibitions and obligations related to service established by the Law “On Anti-Corruption”.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

In addition, the standard form of a contract for military service includes 10 additional obligations for the federal executive body or government agency with which the contract is concluded. Previously, the body with which the contract was concluded was obliged to ensure respect for the rights of the serviceman and his family members, including the receipt of social guarantees and compensation established by law.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

However, the order of the Ministry of Defense establishes that, in addition to this, the authority that has entered into a contract with a serviceman also organizes his training (retraining) in a military specialty in accordance with his official purpose.

In addition, he is obliged to ensure the duration of the contract employee's weekly working time in such a way that it does not exceed the normal working hours established by law. The involvement of a serviceman in military service beyond the established time is compensated by rest of the corresponding duration on other days of the week.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

If it is impossible to provide him with such rest, the time spent performing duties in excess of the established duration is summed up, and the serviceman is provided with an additional day of rest. If desired, he can add this day to his main vacation. Also, in accordance with the order, the serviceman is provided with additional rest time or monetary compensation for involvement in events carried out without limiting the total duration of service time.

Also, the body that has concluded a service contract with a military man ensures the protection of his personal data, provides him with housing from a specialized housing stock, and in the absence of such housing, pays the contract soldier monthly compensation for renting residential premises. A soldier serving under a contract is guaranteed housing, also in the form of money for its purchase or construction.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

In addition, the government body that has concluded a service contract with a military personnel organizes the provision of free medical care for him and provides mandatory state personal insurance at the expense of the federal budget. In addition, he is obliged to ensure the implementation of the contract soldier’s rights to education, including to study in military professional educational organizations and military organizations of higher education, to study in secondary and higher education programs, as well as in preparatory departments of universities.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense

The contract worker, in accordance with the order, can also undergo free professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties. At the same time, he retains all types of allowances in the year of dismissal from military service upon reaching the maximum age for remaining in it, upon expiration of the period of military service or for health reasons. In addition, they are required to provide him with food and supplies from the federal budget.

The document notes that the order of the Minister of Defense dated August 14, 2002 “On clarifying the rights and obligations of military personnel entering military service under a contract in military units of the 76th Guards Airborne Division” is declared invalid.

The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by the order of the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The terms of the contract for military personnel were changed by order of the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Photo: archive of the portal EAO.ru



Work book, agreement, contract: that’s the difference

Employment history

It is a document that indicates the work activity and work experience of an individual. It contains information about the person’s official employment, his dismissal from work, and is required when applying for and calculating a pension (see Why think about a long-term pension?). If available, you can contact the labor inspectorate or confirm the number of years worked at the enterprise.

Employment contract

A written agreement between an employee and an employer outlining their rights and responsibilities to each other. The responsibilities of the employee are to personally carry out work in a specific position in accordance with his qualifications and internal labor regulations, and the employer is to provide work with appropriate working conditions and pay wages on time.

Employment contracts are drawn up for an indefinite period, can be fixed-term or indefinite, and are divided according to the nature of the relationship (by main place of work, part-time work, temporary or seasonal work, work for an individual, at home or public service).

Labor contract

This is a variation of the agreement discussed above. Currently, this term is absent from legislation (since 2002), but there is no prohibition on its use. Contracts are concluded with employees of various government agencies (for example, internal affairs bodies) and military personnel. It is concluded for a specified period of validity, the maximum is 5 years, and after its expiration there is no renewal.

The employment contract contains a number of incentive measures and guarantees related to social security.

Pros and cons of the military profession

In order to fully understand the essence of the military profession, one should consider the main positive and negative aspects of his work activity.

Let's start with the pros:

  • The opportunity to become a true defender of your homeland.
  • The opportunity to realize your potential.
  • Career growth through military contracts.
  • Development of strong-willed character qualities during military service.
  • Opportunity for new interesting acquaintances.

Now let's talk about the cons:

  • Busy schedule.
  • Possibility of an accident.
  • High level of responsibility.

What is the difference between an employment contract and a work book?

An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer: the former undertakes to personally carry out activities in accordance with the qualifications received. A contract is a written document that proves the legal relationship between an employer and a subordinate.

The employer does not give out the work book - what to do?

In this case, the work book acts as a document reflecting a person’s work path.

There are a number of situations in which the employer does not make entries in the employment record. These include the conclusion of a contract or civil contract, subject to the temporary performance of work duties, when a certain final result is required, formalized by the acceptance certificate of the work/services performed.

Employment agreement and contract: is there a difference?

An employment contract is a fixed-term type of contract.

If an employment contract is concluded for a period that is not clearly defined, then the contract is drawn up for a period from 1 to 5 years. If the employer decides to terminate the employment relationship before the expiration of the contract, he pays compensation to the employee.

Is it possible to work with two work books?

Termination of a contract before its expiration is possible solely at the initiative of the employer or if the employee grossly violates the conditions specified in the agreement. This is its difference from a contract, in which there are situations where the employer forces a subordinate to write a letter of resignation from his position at his own request. The contract can be terminated by both parties.

Military doctor

One of the most honorable and indispensable professions during combat operations. Only an officer can be a doctor, and employees with lower positions can be orderlies. Nevertheless, we all know many stories of how, during the war, orderlies came under fire, carried away the wounded from the battlefield, and took on the functions of doctors whose personnel were in short supply.

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