What does a military ID look like - what types are there, sample

Several years ago, when my husband turned 28, a military ID was required to obtain a foreign passport. But since my husband never served, he did not have this document. On the one hand, we knew that at this age he would no longer be sent to serve, but on the other hand, he was very afraid that a criminal case might be opened against him. Since the Criminal Law has an article providing for liability for evading military service. As a result, my husband was given a military ID, and no responsibility was assigned for this. And today I will tell you in detail what this document looks like, as well as why it may be needed.

Military ID

This document is provided by Russian legislation as an identification document, as well as its legal status regarding military service. All the young guys who completed military service are transferred to the reserves. That is, if necessary, the state can call on them to defend our country. And the military man himself confirms that the citizen fulfilled his duty and was transferred to the reserve. The presence of such a document provides a guarantee to the young man that he will not be re-mobilized into the military ranks in peacetime.

Also, such a document is issued to those who did not serve, but did alternative service, or for certain legal reasons cannot do it and are completely released. A complete list of such grounds is strictly established by law. In this case, military will also mean that this person cannot be drafted into the ranks of the military.

After turning 28, when you are no longer called up for military service, such a document used to be issued to everyone. But now it can only be obtained in certain cases, if a person proves that he legally did not have time to serve. If during these 10 years he had the opportunity to serve, and he did not do so, then he will be given a certificate. It states that the person avoided service, but now he cannot be called upon reaching a certain age.

To get a job

According to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a military ID is included in the list of documentation requested by the employer when applying for a job. It must be presented by citizens subject to military conscription, that is, whose age ranges from 18 to 27 years.

If refused, the employer must report this fact to the commissariat within 2 weeks, otherwise administrative liability may be imposed on the employer for concealing information (Article 21.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

It is unacceptable not to hire a person solely on the basis of failure to provide a military ID. In this case, he has the right to go to court or Rostrud.

When employing a person in law enforcement agencies (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations), a military ID is considered one of the main documents requested, regardless of the person’s age. The document is presented upon admission to large companies, to responsible positions, to security and defense enterprises.

Read more about why you need a military ID when applying for a job.

The rationale for why an employer needs a military ID is the need to send information to the commissariat about enlisted persons, as well as to approve the employee’s status. For example, when hiring employees for a security company, preference will be given to those who have undergone army training.

You can avoid presenting a document when applying for unofficial employment; it will also not be needed when applying for a job:

  • men over 60 years of age (after 65 years of age if they have a military rank);
  • minors;
  • women;
  • to foreigners.

Men over 27 years of age, although not subject to conscription age, are provided with a ticket to fill out a special T-2 form.

Why is it needed?

If you think that it is enough for a man to only have a passport, then you are very mistaken. Because a military man is required in many institutions when applying to them. Therefore, without it, you will not be able to fully exercise your rights in Russia. Let's consider the most common situations where this document is required:

  1. Employment . If you are under 27 years old, then when applying for a job, you will definitely need to present a military ID or a certificate confirming your status as a military personnel. Based on this data, the employer makes a decision about hiring a person. In the absence of this document and the presence of an unfulfilled obligation to the state, the employer must understand that such an employee can be called up at any moment.
  2. Obtaining other documents . For example, when applying for a foreign passport, you will definitely need a military member. If you have not fulfilled your duty to the country, and you do not have legal grounds for a deferment that are documented, you will not be released from the country.
  3. Getting loans . If you want to contact a credit institution, it will also be important for them to have a military ID. This applies to young guys under 27 years of age. They will be denied receipt of funds in the absence of documents confirming the performance of official duty or the existence of legal grounds for a deferment from the army. Since it is important for every bank that the loan issued is repaid on time. And while serving in the army, the borrower is unlikely to be able to do this.
  4. Freedom from problems with the police . Recently, internal affairs bodies very often conduct various raids to identify army evaders. And in the absence of a military ID, as well as official documents confirming the existence of a legal deferment issued by the military registration and enlistment office, you can be mobilized to a military unit directly from the police station.

In addition, a military officer can always serve as confirmation of your identity, just like a passport. If your passport is lost, or is in government custody, or is missing for other reasons, you can always use your military ID.

Registration at the place of residence and military ID

Despite the fact that the registration procedure at the place of residence does not require the presence of a military ID, it can be requested by the passport office employee.

There is an unspoken cooperation between the passport office and the military registration and enlistment office, which makes it possible to successfully identify men who want to evade military service. The passport officer promptly informs the military commissariat that a representative of the stronger sex who is of conscription age does not have a document confirming military registration.

Identity types

Depending on the grounds for which the military service is issued, it can be of several types. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. A document with a red crust that everyone is used to seeing. This is a standard military ID, which is received after completing military service, and is also issued to sergeants, midshipmen, and warrant officers. It is also issued to all persons who continue to serve under contract in the military ranks.
  2. A document with a green crust, it is issued to officers and graduates of military departments. It is considered a more prestigious document, confirming that a person has a special military profession and a high rank.
  3. “White military man”, which outwardly represents the same red standard document. This expression dates back to ancient Russia, because such a document was issued to persons with health problems. If they received an exemption due to poor health, they were given a “white ticket.” Also now, young people whose health does not meet the standards receive an exemption from it in the form of an ordinary red military card.

It is also important to know that since 2014, military registration and enlistment offices began to actively issue draft dodger certificates instead of military ID cards. Therefore, those who simply successfully hid from military service will not be able to get a crust. To register as a military member, it is important to document all the existing legal reasons why you were unable to complete your military service on time. You can learn more about this from the presented video.

To obtain a loan and mortgage

When registering loan obligations, all men from 18 to 27 years old present a military ID to the financial institution. If the bank does not make sure that the citizen will not be called up for service in the future, he will be denied a loan.

When a person leaves for military service, the financial institution is more likely to lose funds and delay payments.

That is, a military ID acts as one of the additional guarantees of compliance with obligations on a loan or mortgage.

Read more about whether a mortgage is possible without a military ID on our website.

To whom is it issued?

You can obtain a military service certificate in cases specified by law:

  • after completion of military service;
  • upon successful admission to a military educational institution as a student;
  • upon graduation from a military educational institution , the red ticket is replaced with a prestigious green one;
  • when a person is enlisted in the reserve without actually serving due to health reasons;
  • if a person has other circumstances due to which he is not legally subject to conscription;
  • end of conscription age , if during the entire period the person had legal grounds for obtaining a deferment.

The legal grounds for obtaining a complete exemption or temporary deferment from service are strictly regulated by law. Other reasons are not considered valid. The decision on extradition is made by the military registration and enlistment office. If necessary, this decision can be challenged in court.

How to get VB after 27 years

As a rule, obtaining a document occurs at the age of 20, if you have Russian citizenship. There are a number of precedents that give the right to issue a military ID to a person later.

These options include:

  • Providing deferment for family reasons.
  • The commission's decision on conscription into the army was postponed due to health problems of the citizen.
  • The young man received an education and applied for an academic degree.

The presence of such grounds makes it possible to obtain a military ID after 27 years without complications. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 52 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” a conscript who has reached the age of twenty-seven is enlisted in the reserve. It is important not to be noticed in violation of the law.


To obtain a military officer, you will need to present a certain list of papers:

  • passport of a citizen of our country and its photocopy (a double page and registration will be required);
  • driver's license, if available, and a copy of the document;
  • a certificate confirming the presence of secondary education, as well as other diplomas, if available;
  • photographs 25*35 mm , 2 pieces will be required, they must be black and white, printed on matte paper.

All of the above documents must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office. If desired, they can be sent by Post. When submitting documents, you must also fill out an application. After this, it will be reviewed within a month. The law establishes that the extradition procedure must take place within 10 days, but usually military registration and enlistment offices take up to a month and a half.

To obtain a driver's license

The approved mandatory list of documentation required to obtain a driver's license does not include a military ID. However, the document may be required earlier when obtaining a license to drive a vehicle.

Almost always, a ticket is requested by a psychiatrist during a medical examination to mark the certificate 003-В/у (permission to drive).

Since military documentation is received after a comprehensive examination at the military registration and enlistment office, it is considered as confirmation of a person’s mental health (if there is an appropriate mark on the fitness category).

Therefore, presenting a ticket greatly simplifies the procedure for passing a medical examination.

How to get a document without going to the army

Having learned what a military ID gives, what problems can be encountered in its absence, many potential conscripts, together with their parents, begin to look for options to become the owner of the required “crust”, without a year of upcoming army tests.

By trusting numerous scammers who promise to buy and “make military equipment,” there is every chance of senselessly losing money and time.

Attempts to transfer bribes or pretend during a medical examination are fraught with unpleasant consequences, often imprisonment.

If you don’t want to join the army like other recruits for a year, you should turn to specialists who know all the nuances of this area.

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