How to restore a military ID: procedure, list of required documents, deadlines

The main documentation of all military personnel is a military ID. They take great care of it, otherwise, if the ticket is lost, the man will have a lot of trouble, especially for career military personnel.

But even if it already happened that you lost the document, then do not be upset. It can be restored. There is nothing overly complicated in the restoration process, but you should take into account some nuances, knowledge of which makes things easier.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the main documentation of any adult is, naturally, a passport. However, for military personnel (both men and women), having a military ID is very important.

Significant nuances to remember:

  1. Damage or loss of a military ID means almost the same as the loss of a passport;
  2. in some cases, a careless attitude towards this documentation issued by the military registration and enlistment office is fraught with even more serious consequences than the loss of a booklet received at the passport office.

The good news is that a military ID, like any official paper, can be restored.

You've received a summons to join the army, but you don't want to serve? Get your military ID officially and legally using this link

Why do you need a military ID?

So, you already understand that all those liable for military service must carefully preserve their documents confirming registration. We are talking about a military ID.

It is needed:

  1. to call for training camps;
  2. to obtain a visa to be able to travel outside the Russian Federation;
  3. obtaining a foreign and Russian passport;
  4. admission to secondary specialized and higher educational institutions;
  5. for official employment.

You will learn more about how to restore the documentation in question from our material.

How to restore a military ID if lost?

What to do if your military ID is lost? First of all, contact the police and report that the document was lost. If it was stolen, then the fact of theft is indicated in the appeal. The police must register the report and issue you a ticket.

To obtain a duplicate document, contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence within two weeks.

You need to go to the military registration and enlistment office in person. It is impossible for another person to obtain a military ID card using a notarized power of attorney.

Document types

The military man comes in two colors – green and red. The red ticket is given to privates and junior and junior officers, which include:

  • soldiers and sailors;
  • sergeants, senior sergeants and warrant officers.

Green books are designed for officers and are issued in case of transfer to the reserve of the armed forces. Graduates of the military department of universities in the country are able to obtain such a document.

How to restore a military ID in another city?

First of all, we need to prepare for possible further difficulties. The future punishment depends on what type of activity you are engaged in. You definitely need to contact the military registration and enlistment office where you are registered.

If you currently live in another city or region, but your place of registration remains the same, then you will need to return home to submit an application and present the necessary documentation to the military registration and enlistment office employee.

No one will cope with this task instead of you (we remind you that mediation in such a matter will not work). And you can’t go to the nearest branch either, since you will certainly be sent to the place of registration. Don’t forget also that you can’t delay this. Only ten days are given for recovery. At the end of this period, you will have to explain why you still haven’t gone to the military registration and enlistment office and written a statement. Only those who have a really good reason, for example, a certificate from the hospital where the person was treated, can avoid problems.

You've received a summons to join the army, but you don't want to serve? Get your military ID officially and legally using this link

Let's assume you have chosen a time to visit the military registration and enlistment office. And now you are faced with the question of the documents needed to restore your military ID. The list of required documentation is not too long; it consists of only a few items. If you still have your passport, be sure to take it for identification. If it was lost or stolen, then instead you need to bring a certificate issued by the FMS (Federal Migration Service) office. In addition, you will need to write an application requesting reinstatement of the ticket. A sample application is available on site, and thanks to it, the document can be quickly written by hand.

Anyone who has gone to government agencies with various questions knows that there is no point in rushing them, even if you urgently need new documentation. The military registration and enlistment office is no exception to the rule, therefore, according to the most optimistic forecasts, you will receive documentation only in a month.

Employees of the military commissariat say that this is exactly the amount of time needed to carry out a thorough check and draw up new papers.

But in some cases, employees cope faster, for example, within two weeks.

If you live in one locality and are now a member of another, then in such a situation the action plan determines whether you have registration at your place of residence. If yes, then you can go to the military registration and enlistment office of the city in which you live to get a duplicate military ID. If you do not have registration at your place of residence, you will have to go to your place of permanent registration to restore the document.

If you are temporarily living outside your permanent place of residence for more than ninety days, then you must register at your place of residence. For the fact that a person does not register, he faces an administrative penalty in the form of a fine of two to three thousand for someone who lives without registration, and from two to five thousand for the owner of a residential premises. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, the cost of fines is even higher.

If a document needs to be restored quickly

How to quickly restore your military ID? To do this, it is important to understand that in the event of theft, the military registration and enlistment office will have to conduct a long check and look to see if the military personnel are being used somewhere for personal gain. Therefore, if you need to do everything quickly and not bother too much, simply declare that the ticket is damaged and cannot be restored.

Then, of course, you will have to pay a fine, but the check will not take so long and the document will be restored quickly. If a ticket is stolen, its restoration always takes an order of magnitude longer because it is being searched for. If it just burned down, then no one will look for it, and therefore they will restore it quickly enough.

Documents required to restore a military ID

  1. Statement.
  2. If documentation has been stolen, a police certificate is required.
  3. Foreign or Russian passport.
  4. Documentation of registration at the place of stay or place of residence.
  5. Medical documents that confirm the category of fitness, if the applicant is not yet twenty-seven years old.
  6. Documentation of receipt of basic (general), secondary specialized or higher education.
  7. Four photos 3 x 4 cm (without corners).


The law does not regulate the form of the application. The place, time, reasons for the loss of the military ID and the measures taken to find it must be indicated.

If your passport has also been lost, you will need to attach a temporary ID card. It is issued by the police in case of loss or theft of a document.

When necessary

A military ID for men is an “addendum” to a general civil passport, which is issued to a military personnel or a citizen who has not served due to health reasons. The document may be needed in the following situations:

  • When applying for a new job, you will have to prove that there is no risk of joining the army while fulfilling your official obligations at the enterprise.
  • At the time of submitting an application for a passport. Minors and men over 27 years old do not need a certificate.
  • Change of registration when moving to a new place of residence - to another city or within one’s own locality.
  • Registration of a marriage or registration of its dissolution - a change of status for a man aged 18 to 27 years must be notified to the commissariat.

A military ID is often considered as a passport in the absence of one. The document can verify the identity of a citizen. With it you can receive a parcel at the post office, purchase alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

About the fee

How much does it cost to restore a military ID? A new document is issued free of charge; state duty is not paid in such a situation. At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for intentional loss or damage to documentation. A person who does this will receive a warning or a fine of one hundred to five hundred rubles.

The measure of responsibility is determined by the following: whether this is the first time you have lost your military ID, the circumstances of the loss also play an important role. They will impose another fine if the loss is discovered just before the training camp to which you were called.

If you do not show up for training without good reason, you will have to pay a fine (from one hundred to five hundred rubles). By the way, in accordance with the law, simply losing a “military soldier” is not a valid reason.

A serviceman, in addition to administrative liability, also faces disciplinary liability (an ordinary or severe reprimand, depending on the specific circumstances of the case).

Fines and other penalties

ATTENTION! Liability measures for loss of a document are provided for in Article 21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Losing a military ID is punishable by a fine of 100 to 500 rubles . How much this action costs is determined depending on the degree of guilt of the citizen.

Even if the ticket is lost, its owner must not miss military training; this is an even more serious offense. And the amount of the fine for evading fees increases significantly, it will range from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

A person who has lost his military ID may deliberately delay its restoration so as not to get on the military muster list or serve. Punishment will also be imposed for delaying the recovery process.

The recovery process itself takes up to a month, and if you start it too late, the period for solving the problem will be too long.

How quickly is a duplicate made?

The law does not regulate the period for issuing duplicate military ID cards. Practice shows that, depending on the workload of the military registration and enlistment office, documentation is issued after five to thirty days from the time the application was submitted.

If there is a need for this, then during the period of restoration of documentation, a citizen can receive a temporary certificate. The latter is issued in the absence of documents necessary for issuing a new ticket, or while their authenticity is being verified.

Through the Internet

At this time, a procedure has been developed for obtaining many documents and certificates online. But a military ID does not apply to them.

For now, the State Services website can only introduce you to the restoration procedure by contacting the military registration and enlistment office. This will save time. On the website you can read what documents to take with you and the time frame for restoration. Further actions are connected with the military registration and enlistment office.

It is also impossible to get a duplicate through the MFC. Perhaps such online functionality will be developed in the future, for now we should adhere to the real state of affairs.

If you are denied a military ID

In practice, there are cases when a man is refused a military registration document to replace a lost one due to the lack of permanent registration at the place of application or due to the lack of information that the citizen served.

In this case, two copies of the application are drawn up, and you need to ask that you have an entry number and signature on one of them. An official refusal, drawn up in writing, is subject to appeal in court.

You've received a summons to join the army, but you don't want to serve? Get your military ID officially and legally using this link

In addition, refusing to accept an application because there is no police certificate is also unlawful. Therefore, if the documentation is not accepted in person, it must be sent by registered mail with notification. In such a situation, you will have a mail notification in your hands, which confirms that you have fulfilled your duties and contacted the military registration and enlistment office in a timely manner - within two weeks from the time the “military soldier” disappeared.

Getting a duplicate

When the duplicate is issued, you need to consider some points when receiving it:

  • You need to very carefully re-read all the data specified in the document.
  • Errors are often found in information about moving, about changing the place of registration, and in information about traveling abroad.
  • You should check whether changes in marital status and place of work are correctly reflected.
  • The military ID must also contain information about places of study.

A military ID should be treated with the same care as a civilian passport or birth certificate. If the document is lost, you need to immediately report it to the police and get a certificate from them. And then you will need to go with her to the Military Commissariat. Timely application is one of the main requirements for the restoration of a military ID.

The resulting duplicate must not be lost, since repeated violations in the handling of important documents will be severely punished.

Is it possible to restore a military ID through the MFC?

There are many cases when people are interested in the possibility of restoring a military ID at the MFC (multifunctional center). We remind you that the loss or improper storage of documentation, which led to its invalidity, can be classified as an administrative offense for which penalties are imposed.

To obtain details for paying a fine for the loss of a military ID, as well as to clarify its amount, the applicant must contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence or registration, personally visiting a government agency or calling there by phone. When you pay the collection, be sure to save the check or receipt, because the document will be needed for further submission to the MFC.

The package of documents at the MFC consists of:

  1. passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. a document confirming payment of an administrative penalty or state duty;
  3. an explanatory note indicating the circumstances of loss or damage to documentation (there is no strict template, the note itself can be written on the spot);
  4. copies of diploma or certificate;
  5. two documentary photographs on matte paper (3 x 4 cm);
  6. certificates from a university, lyceum or technical school (for students) or from a place of work;
  7. marriage or divorce certificate issued by the registry office.

In general, it is worth saying that Russians registered with the military are obliged to immediately notify the commissariat of any changes that occur in their lives. You need to contact the MFC within fourteen days.

Possible reasons for filing an application:

  1. divorce or marriage;
  2. change of job or position;
  3. change of locality.

The document will be completed in ten days. Sometimes the processing time can be extended by a day or two (due to sending documents to the commissariat and their return to the MFC).


Neglect of such an important document as a military ID cannot go unpunished:

  1. A military person may be suspended from service while the document is restored. At the same time, he will not receive a salary or material support for this time.
  2. Military doctors may receive a reprimand or reprimand. When a medic who has lost his military ID participates in hostilities at this time, the punishment applied to him is more severe.
  3. Military personnel in reserve will receive a fine of up to 500 rubles.

If a military ID is lost multiple times, severe penalties are applied to the culprit. A military man can even be dismissed from service for such an offense. There is even a ban on the restoration of positions and ranks.

What is needed to restore a military ID through State Services?

After a significant expansion of functionality on the government services portal, many people who will receive a military ID are interested in the possibility of obtaining this document online. It is worth understanding why this issue is still relevant.

Those who have completed military service can easily receive a military ID. Its registration is the responsibility of the unit command. The specified documents are completed at the military registration and enlistment office by those citizens who did not serve or have lost their documentation.

  1. In the first situation, citizens may be addressed with hidden reproaches from military registration and enlistment office employees, the latter may artificially delay the issuance of a ticket, and start not very pleasant conversations about the reasons for the delay.
  2. In the second situation, you will need to explain in detail how the document was lost, and perhaps you will be given a moral lecture.

Of course, the law regulates the procedure for issuing military tickets, even the deadlines are determined, but in real life things are far from being like that. The military registration and enlistment office may say that they do not have the forms or come up with other reasons for delaying the issuance of the document. If the employees of the commissariat violate the laws, then the citizen can defend his position in court, but then the process will definitely drag on even more. Therefore, many people want to be able to issue a military ID electronically.

The state of the functionality of the government services portal currently does not allow issuing a military ID online.

We must hope (and there is every reason for this) that the above service will soon be on the list, because the capabilities of the portal are constantly expanding. But for now, obtaining a “military soldier” is possible only in two ways:

  1. if you go to the military registration and enlistment office yourself;
  2. or contact the multifunctional center.

Recovery procedure

Loss of VB occurs due to theft, destruction (intentional or not), or unconscious loss. Algorithm of actions to obtain a duplicate:

  1. Notifying police officers.
  2. Visit to the military commissariat.
  3. Drawing up an application.
  4. Attachment of required papers.
  5. Receiving a new VB.

The recovery period and the amount of the penalty depend on the circumstances of the loss of the document.


It will not be possible to restore a military ID on the Public Services Portal - the service is not included in the list of documentation preparation activities. On State Services you can only familiarize yourself with the restoration procedure, rules and requirements.

The multifunctional center offers the following services:

  • registration when changing place of residence;
  • removal from the register;
  • issuance of a duplicate in case of loss or theft;
  • data change.

The Center does not provide services for initial registration.

Algorithm of actions to restore a ticket through the MFC:

  1. Collection of papers.
  2. Registration at the Center (with registration in the electronic queue).
  3. Submitting certificates to employees.
  4. Receiving a receipt for documents acceptance.
  5. Waiting for the issuance of VB.

The process of reinstating a military officer through the MFC has nuances depending on the individual case. Before submitting an application, you must clarify the specifics with a Center employee. Recovery time is 10 – 30 days. If you provide incorrect information, an incorrectly filled out application, an incomplete list of papers, or lack of temporary registration at the address of application, your application will be refused.


If the military item needs to be obtained faster, file a statement of loss rather than theft. The citizen will be issued a fine and given a duplicate within 10 days.

When restoring a lost certificate, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the procedure. The main mistake when losing a document is turning to intermediaries who promise to quickly restore the document. In such offices, the service is not cheap, and the issued military ID often turns out to be fake. If a fake VB is presented, the citizen will be prosecuted.

Getting a job without a military ID

Hiring without a “military officer” is considered a violation of the law. The Labor Code provides for the mandatory provision of documentation on military registration during employment. If you want to check whether you will be hired without a military ID, but you refuse, the employer will report this to the commissariat.

By the way, starting from February 2022, employers have been given new responsibilities. From now on, they provide employees who are not yet registered with the military with directions to the military registration and enlistment offices. They also notify certain authorities about persons who are not yet registered. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that do not want to work according to the new rules will pay fines.

Personnel officers often encounter situations when a candidate who has passed the selection process says during the job application process that he does not have military registration documents. But now you know how this can threaten such citizens.

Not everyone knows, but it is not prohibited by law to hire a person who does not have a military ID.

However, when concluding an employment contract, the employer must:

  1. explain whether a “military worker” is necessary for a certain employee and why;
  2. on the day of admission, receive a written explanation from the applicant why he did not provide military registration documentation. It may be that the latter simply did not know whether “military” is required for employment, or had not yet applied for it if, for example, he had only recently received citizenship. It is also possible that a person has a temporary ticket for getting a job, issued instead of regular documentation if it was lost, damaged, or needs to be replaced for other reasons;
  3. tell the candidate that employment data without appropriate documentation will be transferred to the military registration and enlistment office;
  4. notify the military registration and enlistment office about the conclusion of an employment contract with a citizen who does not have the appropriate documents.

According to current legislation and judicial practice, there is no clear answer about hiring without a “military officer”. Much is determined by the state of military registration in the organization and the position of a particular employer on the question of whether a military ID is necessary for employment.

Consequences of loss

Losing this document is a serious problem. It is especially necessary to quickly respond to the loss of those persons who have not yet turned 27 years old:

  • You will need a military ID when you need to get a job. The manager will be suspicious of a person who does not have such a standard document - maybe he is not who he says he is, maybe he is evading military service?
  • The employer is even obliged to report such a citizen to the military registration and enlistment office, especially if he is not yet 27 years old.
  • A military ID is required to obtain a foreign passport; a man without this ID has no chance of obtaining a document to travel abroad.
  • There will also be problems when you need to change your place of registration or get a driver’s license.

As you can see, the consequences of losing or stealing a military ID are serious. But they can be resolved if you immediately contact us about the loss and start getting a duplicate. And even the fact that someone who has lost a ticket will have to pay a fine should not become an obstacle to active action. The recovery procedure has been developed and can be familiarized with immediately to make the process less problematic.

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