Completing military service upon conscription: order of service, taking the oath

From the military registration and enlistment office to the military unit

Within the time limits established by the Law for the conscription campaign, the young man is notified by a summons to appear at the military commissariat department to undergo a medical examination and commission.
An important condition is the delivery of the notification personally to the citizen who is subject to conscription for military service in the Armed Forces (against signature). Based on the results of a medical examination, the young person is assigned a category of fitness for service:

  • A-category – conscripts with ideal health indicators;
  • B-category - suitability with minor restrictions determining the type of military service;
  • B-category – partial suitability, with the provision of a deferment for treatment;
  • G-category – partial unfitness;
  • Category D – absolute unfitness with the right not to undergo a second medical examination.

On the designated date and time, a conscript who has received medical categories A and B is required to report to the military administration authorities of dispatch to the assembly (recruitment) point from further deployment to the place of military service (to a specific military unit).

Conscripts are sent to the assembly point in an organized manner, accompanied by officers (warrant officers). Upon arrival, young men are placed in specialized premises. The recruiting station is equipped with sanitary and hygienic rooms (shower, toilet), a change house, and a small retail outlet. Hot meals are usually not provided.

As part of their stay at the assembly point, a number of events are provided for future soldiers:

  • medical examination (if indicated - sanitary treatment and examination);
  • fingerprint examination with registration of data in registration cards;
  • educational work (lectures, conversations on the topic of discipline);
  • issuance of uniforms (if necessary, adjustment to size);
  • provision of clothing (mug, spoon, duffel bag, army travel case);
  • issuance of a metal token with an individual number and a debit bank card (with the ability to replenish the account).

In parallel mode, conscripts undergo an individual interview with representatives of military units (“buyers”) who arrived at the recruiting station for young recruits. Based on the results of interviews and familiarization with personal affairs, the “buyers” recruit for their team.

Uniforms are issued to conscripts at the assembly point

Advance distribution of future soldiers among teams, types and branches of troops, and locations of military units is excluded. When the team is formed, the “buyer” receives documents for recruits from the collection point employees (lists, registration cards, medical reports, travel documents, individual clothing certificates).

The senior in rank has a command food certificate and a route sheet. During the journey to the location of the military unit, the team is provided with dry rations or IRP (individual food ration).

The time interval for a conscript to stay at the assembly point varies from several hours to several days (depending on the speed of team formation and the efficiency of the “buyers”). Before boarding the train, young people already have information about their destination and can tell their relatives on the way the name of the locality where the military unit is based.

Important! The day the team is sent from the recruiting station is considered the day of the beginning of compulsory military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation and acquiring the status of a military personnel.

The young man officially receives military serviceman status for the next 12 months. For military personnel under a contract, the countdown begins from the day the agreement (contract) is signed with the Ministry of Defense. Contract terms range from one to 10 years.

Collection point

After passing the medical examination, the young man will also be summoned to be sent to a collection point, where he will be further assigned to a military unit.

While at the assembly point, the conscript will need to undergo a medical examination, fingerprint registration, the data of which is entered into his personal file, and a conversation on the subject of discipline in the army. You will also be given uniforms, a metal token with an individual number, a travel bag, a duffel bag and other necessary things.

In addition to being given everything they need for service, young men undergo a personal interview with representatives of military units, after which they are assigned. The time a conscript spends at a collection point can vary from several hours or even several days, depending on how quickly the teams are formed.


From the moment of arrival at an active military unit of the Armed Forces, a recruit begins the Young Soldier Course (YMC) - a set of activities for the training and moral adaptation of recruits under the guidance of non-commissioned officers and officers.

This period is otherwise called quarantine (young recruits are, as a rule, placed separately from older employees). The duration of the CMB ranges from one and a half to two months and ends with the solemn taking of the Ceremonial Military Oath of Allegiance to the Fatherland (oath).

The course for a young soldier consists of classes of various forms and contents aimed at introducing, adapting and teaching the key fundamentals of army life. The KMB includes:

Young soldier course in the army

  1. Drill. Designed to develop military bearing, strengthen discipline, cultivate attentiveness and accuracy, and teach interaction. Up to four hours are allotted for daily training on the military unit’s parade ground.
  2. Physical training. During the period of military training, the main task of physical training is to ensure that recruits acquire optimal athletic shape. The daily routine includes mandatory exercises and cross-country exercise. Hand-to-hand combat classes are held several times a week. In the locations (barracks) of many units there is a mini-gym for individual improvement of the level of physical fitness.
  3. Fire training. The purpose of the training is to teach recruits the basics of handling weapons. Theoretical classes are devoted to the study of the material part of weapons (weapons), ammunition, shooting rules, and safety fundamentals. During practical training, recruits learn how to assemble and disassemble AKs, PMs, and care for weapons. Firing training is carried out at a training ground assigned to a military unit.
  4. Theory classes. Dedicated to the study of army regulatory documents that determine the internal and external functioning of the Armed Forces: Internal Service Charter, Guard and Garrison Service Charter, Disciplinary Charter, Drill Regulations. In addition, the classes prepare for the upcoming oath. The soldiers learn the text of the oath and the national anthem.

Legislation on military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription

Conscription for military service in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law “On Military Duty,” which was adopted in 2006. This legal act regulates most of all aspects relevant to staffing our Armed Forces with the help of conscripts, as well as contract soldiers. Direct regulation of conscription into the army occurs in the 4th section of the already mentioned Federal Law. For example, its 22nd article explains about those citizens who can be called up for military service in the RF Armed Forces.

The army has changed a little

I would also like to discuss another point. The modern army , for the most part, consists of outfits, guards, daily routines, numerous jobs, and not running through the mountains in search of the next enemy. Now the army is primarily not an attack, but a defense, and even before, we defended our country, and did not attack everyone and everything. And now? Is someone attacking Russia? Most countries have long realized that it is better to live in peace with Russia. You should also not believe that military service in the modern army brings only negativity to a person’s life. Let's remember how honorable it used to be to defend your homeland, your country? Do you think there was no hazing then or they didn’t kill then? All this was as it is now, only people didn’t cry at home because, you see, they were beaten in the army.

Serving one's homeland was an honorable deed, and not a punishing and harsh duty for the male population. What if women behaved the same way? It seems that now it is somehow shameful to join the army, and if women think that it is shameful for them to give birth, we will simply die out as a nation. I would also like to remind you that, in the end, service to the Motherland is a duty for every man. And the last thing I would like to say is that it’s very disappointing that young people find thousands of reasons to stay on the sidelines, “become ill” or sit out at the institute, just to stay at home, on the neck of their parents, and not to defend their country . Now think about it - who will protect her? Who will answer to the real enemy if there is war tomorrow? Nobody if not us and our sons.

Procedure for conscription into military service

Conscription is an honorable duty for all Russian male citizens aged 18-27. One of the fundamental criteria is considered to be being registered with the military, as well as the absence of a position in the reserve of the RF Armed Forces. In turn, Russian citizens who have been officially released from relevant duties cannot be drafted into the armed forces. In particular, those citizens who have deferments, as well as citizens who, for a variety of reasons, were not subject to enlistment in the army.

Conscript service: what does a soldier prepare for?

The service of a young man in the ranks of the Russian army is different for each soldier and therefore there are also many opinions. Some speak positively about military life, while others list some negative aspects that they encountered during their service.

During military service, a lot of good and bad things can happen, but difficulties must be overcome not only in the Armed Forces, but also in civilian life, so there is nothing surprising in this.

It is worth preparing mentally for the fact that life in the army means harsh everyday life and early waking up, the same type of food, a new environment and a complete absence of family and friends. Therefore, it is worth starting moral preparation in advance for such an important stage in life. You need to learn to be independent and responsible, then the service will be much calmer and easier.

Each conscript must go through certain stages of service in the Russian army. They include conscription activities, a collection point, completion of the young fighter course (KMB), basic service and demobilization.

Definitions of urgent service

The definition of conscript service is the fulfillment of military duty to the state by citizens of military age within a specified period of time (12 months).

Young people in the age category from 18 to 27 years who do not have any contraindications due to health or other objective reasons are subject to military service. Upon receipt of the summons, the conscript must appear at the military registration and enlistment office and undergo all necessary procedures in accordance with the established procedure.

Pros of serving in the army

Completing military service has a considerable list of advantages for a young man:

  • The army allows a young man to become a real man, as it develops perseverance, endurance, concentration, and responsibility. At the same time, there is an opportunity to learn other useful skills;
  • During military service, a conscript is completely exempt from the educational process (technical school, college, institute);
  • The knowledge and experience gained can be useful when applying for a job in various law enforcement agencies;
  • In accordance with Federal Law No. 4468-1 of 02.12.1993 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal executive system, and their families”, the period of military service completed will be counted towards the length of service, which will subsequently affect the size of the pension;
  • The term of military service is only 12 months, since previously the fulfillment of army obligations lasted 2 years;
  • The daily routine in the army has a more simplified order without imposing strict conditions;
  • Having a balanced diet (moderate intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates). Proper nutrition is the basis for a man's good health;
  • Due to the latest changes made in 2012, the soldiers’ pay has doubled, which is a good motivation;
  • With good service and recommendations from the commander, the soldier has the right to enter any university in the country and further free education;
  • After completing the prescribed period of service, a soldier can optionally extend his contract and enroll in absentia studies with free tuition. In this case, the session will be held for him at a time convenient for him;
  • Military service is good physical and moral preparation for young men, which will be useful in the future and can be the start of career development and personal growth;
  • The army helps you find true friends and develops in people such qualities as goodwill and sociability.

What is military service?

The term “urgent service” is derived from the term term. Currently the service life is 12 months.

Males who have reached the age of majority and do not have health problems are called up for military service.

If a man has received a call, then at a specifically appointed time he must be in the unit.

If a citizen wants to connect his life with law enforcement agencies in the future, then serving in the army will greatly help him. Service makes a man out of a boy. The person becomes more responsible and focused. During his service, the young man learns to be responsible for his words, masters shooting, cooking and sewing.

During service, a person is completely exempt from studying (university, college). According to the Federal Law “On Pensions”, 12 months of service are counted towards the length of service, so pension contributions will be higher.

The service life is only one year, before that there were two. The soldier's diet is balanced. There are all the necessary macro and micro nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Relatives often bring gifts. In addition, the soldier is paid a salary for his services.

Disadvantages of military service

Military service also has some disadvantages that you need to pay attention to:

  • The need to interrupt the educational process, which can have a negative impact on knowledge acquisition;
  • Long separation from close relatives and friends. In this case, it is possible to visit at the allotted time;
  • Having a busy schedule, since the army has spartan living conditions (early rise, swimming, meals at a certain time, lack of various gastronomic delights, sleep about 7 hours a day and an hour after lunch break);
  • Lack of free time, since during military service the soldier is constantly busy with some kind of business (work in the unit, completing assignments, sports activities).

At the same time, the majority of people who have completed military service say there are great advantages, since such experience will not interfere with life and can provide assistance in the event of various emergency circumstances.

Army everyday life

Service in the army is monotonous and at first it will be difficult for a soldier to get used to the daily routine and nutrition. According to the established regime, military personnel live throughout the year, but sometimes there will be an opportunity to go on leave to see their relatives.

Each soldier must obey all established rules and regulations, and if they are violated, he will be punished out of turn, which is not very popular among military personnel. Throughout their service, soldiers will be able to acquire knowledge in managing and maintaining military equipment and weapons, learn to be persistent in any difficult situation, strengthen their fighting spirit and turn into real men.

Duration of military service

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the period of military service in 2022 is 1 year. The total percentage of conscripts (about 15%) of the number of military personnel is citizens. Changes regarding the duration of military obligations are not announced in the state legislative code.

Military service in the army also has alternative solutions:

  • Military service on a contract basis;
  • Implementation of training at military departments of universities;
  • Alternative service.

Terms of service in the army of the Russian Federation

Military service is the legal obligation of every man between the ages of 18 and 27.

For people of conscription age, the question is: “How long should I serve in the army?” always remains relevant.

Military service in 2022 is 12 months, regardless of the number of troops. The service life will not be changed.

The formation of a contract army is now actively underway. According to practice in foreign countries, a contract army makes it possible to bring the country's defense to a higher level.

Soldiers serve voluntarily, feel responsible for their obligations, and receive monetary compensation for their service.

Some young people have the opportunity to do alternative service. It could be:

  1. Completing training at a military department while receiving higher education. The total training time is 450 hours. Upon graduation, the young man receives the rank of officer.
  2. Employment in a military enterprise, special forces or other institution. A citizen can choose one option from 65 professions and positions, but a mandatory condition is that he is sent to another region.

Young people can carry debt like contract workers. The length of service will depend on the type of troops:

  • For soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, the contract period is two to three years.
  • For midshipmen, officers and warrant officers up to five years.
  • Those who enter into a contract for the second time and subsequent times have the opportunity to choose a period from one to ten years.
  • Conscript soldiers can switch to a contract uniform after three months of conscription.

This is an excellent option for career prospects and improving your financial situation.

What is required for military personnel?

Since military personnel are entrusted with certain obligations, the state tries to compensate for the burden with benefits and concessions. The volume and complete list depend on the position and rank, as well as on the conditions of service. Almost all benefits are issued by the soldier on the spot.

In 2022, the minimum salary of a conscript soldier is 2,000 rubles per month. Its size depends on the place of service and rank. In the last month of service, the salary increases 3 times, as the citizen receives so-called demobilization money. This is double the monthly salary, which is added to the salary. Example: with a salary of 2 thousand rubles in the last month, the payment will be 2 thousand + (2 * 2 thousand) = 6 thousand rubles.

Employees can count on additional payments:

  1. For qualifications, an additional payment of 30% of the salary is due.
  2. Allowance for special conditions of service: difficult climate, poor ecology, life-threatening conditions.

Military experience is included in labor experience in the ratio 1:2; each day of service is equal to 2 days of work. This is guaranteed by the Federal Law on the Status of Military Personnel.

Social benefits

This includes relaxations when paying for housing and communal services, kindergarten and the like:

If a conscript worked before conscription, his place is retained until he returns. The only restriction is that he must return to work within 3 months, otherwise the position will be lost.

If the position is already occupied, the citizen must be offered a position similar to or no lower than the previous position.

  1. If a soldier has a second child, they become eligible for early discharge.
  2. If a family has children attending kindergarten, benefits are provided for the cost of these institutions (up to 90%) and priority enrollment.

The delights of modern service

And recently, such a phenomenon as “hazing” has practically become obsolete, since with one year of military service it is somewhat problematic to learn everything that the army can teach, and the basis of “hazing” is to make it clear to younger comrades in arms that here , as in life, not everything is so simple and you have to fight for everything - somewhere with your hands, somewhere with your head. I would also like to highlight another point that most people prefer to keep silent about - why did such a phenomenon exist in the army at all, what was the purpose of this “hazing”? Here comes a guy who has just graduated from college and has never fought in his life, much less held a weapon in his hands. And the duties of a soldier in the army presuppose the presence of at least basic skills in handling weapons and fighting. Just tell me, how will he defend his Motherland, his land, his relatives, and, in the end, his life, if in a real battle the enemy attacks him? Yes, no way if he has no experience.

Many of us are taught by our fathers to defend our lives and honor, but who doesn’t? In addition, the cruelty of “hazing” is very, very exaggerated - fights, if they happen, are not all en masse, and those who can stand up for themselves are respected, and the period of “hazing” is very short for them.

Best age to serve

There was no consensus on this matter. Some people say that it is best to join the army immediately after graduating from school. Arguing that you have graduated, served, and have your whole life ahead, do what you want. But in essence, an 18-year-old boy is not yet psychologically or physically ready for service. He still hasn’t broken away from his parents’ care and hasn’t left under their wing. The young man should continue his education. Moreover, in the army without secondary education it will be quite boring, since holders of only school certificates are expected to do the most menial work: digging trenches, clearing snow.

Specialists in the following profiles are valued in the military service:

  • drivers;
  • auto mechanics;
  • electricians;
  • signalmen;
  • programmers;
  • cooks;
  • gas-electric welders.

It is possible to serve in the army with a higher education on a general basis. However, this is not entirely convenient from a moral point of view, both for one side and for the other.

Thus, the worst service experience is for recruits aged 26–27 years. The young man has already received an education, started a career, found a family, and service does not fit into his plans. At the age of 18–19, boys are not ready for service, because they are not yet accustomed to the rigors of life and have not been separated from their parents. 23–24 years old is the most suitable age: secondary and higher education has been completed, there is no family or children yet.

Recruitment events

Upon reaching the age of 18, each young man receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, which he must sign, which indicates that the person personally received the document. It is necessary to remember that the delivery of a subpoena through relatives, friends, the post office, neighbors and other persons is strictly prohibited and such subpoenas can be ignored, because they have no legal force.

The summons must indicate the date of appearance at the military commissariat to undergo a medical examination. Upon arrival, the conscript goes through all the doctors, each of whom makes his own decision on the state of the person’s health, and after passing the commission, the conscript is given the appropriate category of fitness, which either gives the opportunity to serve in the army, or will give a deferment while undergoing treatment, or will be completely released from the army .

A young man can receive complete release if he has a serious illness that is incompatible with the army and which is included in the “Schedule of Diseases.” If the disease is periodic, then the young man can count on receiving a deferment while undergoing treatment, after which he will again be called to the military registration and enlistment office for a re-examination.

Disadvantages of conscript military service


  1. Some have to interrupt their studies, which can negatively affect their grades.
  2. A long period of separation from relatives and friends. The first few months you will be very bored, but by the end of the service, every soldier gets used to the rigid schedule and perceives the distance normally. Moreover, now soldiers are called up to serve in units that are located close to their hometown. That is why relatives can visit a soldier during a certain period of time, which is set aside for meetings.
  3. A busy schedule is probably the biggest disadvantage of military service. Getting up very early, there is absolutely no time to soak in the crib. Conditions in the army are Spartan. Swimming at certain hours, a certain number of times a week. Visiting relatives is also on schedule; meals on schedule, no gastronomic delights or homemade cheesecakes with strawberry jam should be expected... Usual food in the army is various porridges, stewed or fried meat, bread and butter, boiled eggs, first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, etc. .P.). Sometimes there are more refined dishes, but extremely rarely. Sleep - about seven hours of sleep at night and one hour of sleep after lunch.
  4. Complete lack of free time. You will always be busy with something. This is either sports, or part-time work and similar army concerns. Many who have completed military service admit that they have completely rethought their lives after being in the army. Probably these are all the disadvantages. We can conclude that during the year spent in military service you will not lose anything. Most likely, you will acquire many new life values ​​that will help you in the future.

What do they do in the army during a year of service?

After passing a medical examination and making a decision by the draft board on the conscript’s suitability for military service, the young man can only wait to be called to the assembly point. From there he, along with other young conscripts, is sent to his place of service.

Read more about how you serve in the Russian Army.

Young fighter course

Upon arrival at the military unit, all conscripts are sent to the KMB - a course for young soldiers. In this course, the young conscript receives basic military training. The conscript stays at the KMB until he takes the oath - the maximum period is 2 months.

At the KMB conscript:

  • studies combat training;
  • teaches regulations: disciplinary, drill, etc.;
  • study general military disciplines;
  • learn to shoot.

After completing the course, the conscript is sworn in. This is a solemn event, soldiers line up with weapons on the parade ground, and everyone, when called by the commander, must come forward, swear an oath to serve and sign a special document. Relatives and friends of the soldier are allowed to attend this event.

After taking the oath, the soldier receives the right to assign weapons or special equipment to him.


After taking the oath, the soldier begins to master his specialty. Every day he lives according to a certain schedule, studies every day except Sunday. Upon completion of training, all soldiers must pass an exam and receive a diploma.

Immediately after receiving a diploma, the soldier awaits graduation. In its form, the event is similar to the oath, only instead of the words of the oath, each soldier is given a diploma, and some even receive the rank of junior sergeant.

After graduation day, all conscripts will be assigned to the troops for further service. No one can say for sure what awaits the young soldier there. This will depend on where, in what city, and in what unit the young man ends up.

Soldiers are often used as free labor: they paint, build, clean, etc. But definitely, each of them will have to live through Groundhog Day until the end of the year of service - every day is the same, a strict daily routine in the army, violation of which may result in punishment!

What awaits a recruit after arriving at the unit?

Once in a unit, a young man must be aware of what they are doing in the army and what changes await him. For all 12 months you will have to obey a strict daily routine, significantly different from the “civilian” one. A specially formulated diet is considered complete for maintaining a soldier’s morale, but in fact, not everyone who is accustomed to home-cooked food likes it.

The conditions of service in each case are different and depend on the branch of the military, the unit, and the organization on the part of the leadership.

However, it is impossible to avoid the general periods prescribed for all potential defenders in the army.

Features of a soldier's life

After taking the oath, the fighter actively participates in all events provided for by the regulations: combat duty, outfits, exercises, trips to the training ground, training.

The intensity of the workload directly depends on where the young man will serve.

However, regardless of the unit, the strict daily routine in the army is detailed, ensuring hourly employment.

Soldiers undergoing military service are required to comply with established rules that practically do not change. Here's what they do in the army:

  • wake-up time is 6 a.m., soldiers get up on command, without delay (on Saturday and Sunday it is allowed to sleep until 07.30);
  • morning exercises begin in five minutes;
  • hygienic procedures, for which exactly half an hour is allotted;
  • inspection of military personnel, checking compliance with the regulations of appearance;
  • 30-40 minutes for breakfast, after which you need to arrive on time for the morning divorce;
  • scheduled combat training classes until 14:00;
  • further check of personnel before lunch, 40 minutes for eating;
  • classes on combat training again until 18:00;
  • check, dinner (also 40 min.);
  • from 19:00 to 21:00 personal time
  • walk, getting ready for bed, general lights out at 22:00.

Bath day twice a week, weekends offer a more flexible schedule.

What they do in the army every day: general routine

Regardless of where a young soldier goes to serve, his daily schedule will always look approximately the same:

  • 6:00 – soldiers wake up;
  • 6:00-6:30 – exercises are carried out;
  • 6:30-7:00 – soldiers wash, brush their teeth, shave, make their beds;
  • 7:00-7:20 – the appearance of the military is examined;
  • 7:20-8:00 – breakfast time;
  • 8:00-9:00 – raising and raising the flag;
  • 9:00-14:00 – study pairs;
  • 14:00-14:20 – check of soldiers;
  • 14:20-15:00 – lunch time;
  • 15:15-15:30 – divorce;
  • 15:30-18:00 – combat training classes;
  • 18:00-18:20 – check of soldiers;
  • 18:20-19:00 – dinner time;
  • 19:00-21:00 – free time;
  • 21:00-22:00 – walk, get ready for bed and hang up.

This daily schedule awaits the young man every weekday of the week, with the exception of bath day.

Bath day (usually Monday and Thursday) is the day when all soldiers take a shower. The time allocated for this is from 3:30 to 6 pm, immediately followed by a control check of all soldiers and dinner.

On weekends the schedule is also strict, but on Sunday some relaxations are still allowed.

Daily routine in the army: weekends

On Saturday, soldiers live according to the following schedule:

  • 6:00 – rise;
  • 6:00-6:30 – exercise;
  • 6:30-7:00 – bed cleaning, water procedures;
  • 7:00-7:20 – inspection of the military;
  • 7:20-8:00 – breakfast;
  • 8:00-9:00 – raising and raising the flag;
  • 9:00-14:00 – study;
  • 14:00-14:20 – control check;
  • 14:20-15:00 – lunch;
  • 15:15-15:30 – divorce;
  • 15:30-15:55 – summing up the week;
  • 16:00-18:00 – business day events;
  • 18:00-18:20 – control check;
  • 18:20-19:00 – dinner;
  • 19:00-21:00 – personal time;
  • 21:00-22:00 – walk, get ready for bed and hang up.

On Sunday, soldiers are allowed to wake up later than usual - instead of 6:00, they will wake up at 7:30. There is no school on this day, but various sporting events can be held, films and programs can be watched, and time is allocated during the day for naps. Lights out the same as on all other days - at 22:00.

Emergency service: expectations and reality

Parents of conscripts often worry about hazing. Now the service lasts only 12 months, so the boundaries between old-timers and recruits practically do not exist.

Of course, no one can cancel clashes due to differences in views and characters, which often leads to clashes between guys and incidents with senior ranks.

No one can answer for sure what exactly a new recruit will do in the army, but he will definitely have to change his habits, preferences, and learn to overcome difficulties and hardships.

Many young men are happy to be drafted, imagining a kind of military romance:

  • friendly marches in beautiful uniforms in parades;
  • regular shooting, involving a competitive moment,
  • new comrades who help on the obstacle course and forced marches.

Often guys face disappointments when they arrive at the unit. Painting the parade ground, cleaning the barracks, putting the area in order (PCB), dressing up in the kitchen, sometimes meaningless orders from commanders, excessive physical exertion.

It is not surprising that some are ready to find any way to get out without spending a year in uncertainty.


In the army environment, the concepts of “demobilization” and “demobilization” are accepted, although they do not quite correspond to the dismissal procedure - the transfer of a serviceman from the ranks of the active army to the reserve (military manpower reserve).

After the issuance of the order of the Minister of Defense on the dismissal of the autumn/spring conscription, each military unit begins preparing documents for the dismissed soldiers. The service period ends when the soldier's name is deleted from the lists of unit personnel.

Issued in hand:

  • military ID;
  • military registration card;
  • a copy of the dismissal order;
  • an order for military registration at the military commissariat at the place of residence;
  • completed professional selection card;
  • medical documents;
  • transportation (travel) documents;
  • personal belongings (subject to safety).

Daily routine for conscripted military personnel (taking into account changes on Saturday and Sunday)
A discharged serviceman receives a monetary allowance on his bank card.


Whatever the service in the Russian army, the soldier still looks forward to being transferred to the reserve, that is, “demobilization.” This is the period when a soldier is transferred from active duty to the military reserve.

Preparations for the dismissal of a soldier occur only after the Minister of Defense signs a decree on the dismissal of the last autumn or spring conscription. When a serviceman's name is crossed off from the unit's lists, then his term of service can be considered to be over.

Thus, we briefly talked about the features and main stages of service in the Russian army. This is an interesting period in the life of every young person, which helps to become stronger, more confident and resistant to all life’s difficulties. Military service throughout the year will definitely leave a positive imprint on the memory of every young man.

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