Height and weight standards for service in the armed forces, fitness categories

Obesity is one of the main diseases of modern society; hardly every third resident of Russia has a similar illness. Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem, but also carries serious health risks. Excess body weight is one of the main causes of diabetes, heart disease, spine and joint diseases. Lack of weight can cause just as much trouble.

Unfortunately, today many young people of military age have problems with body weight. Obesity or, conversely, anorexia are fairly common reasons for exemption from military service.

People often ask whether obese people are accepted into the army or how underweight a conscript must be in order to receive the “non-conscription” category? In fact, everything happens differently - it is not body weight that is important, but the ratio of a person’s weight to height.

What is BMI

The degree of obesity or dystrophy is assessed by body mass index (BMI), which can be easily calculated using a calculator. To do this, you should use a simple formula: BMI=body weight/height2.

Height must be calculated in meters, and weight in kilograms. Let's assume that your weight is 100 kg and your height is 190 cm. The square of 1.9 m will be equal to 3.61. Now divide 100 by 3.61 and get 27.7. This will be your body mass index. For men of military age, a BMI ranging from 19.5 to 22.9 is considered normal.

Table for determining normal weight.

Based on this indicator, there are four degrees of obesity:

  • First. It corresponds to a BMI in the range from 27 to 29 and excess weight by 20-29%.
  • Second. BMI – from 30 to 34, exceeding normal weight by 30-50%.
  • Third. With a BMI from 34 to 39 and an excess of 60-99%.
  • Fourth. BMI – more than 40, excess – 100%.

It should be noted that BMI does not always correctly indicate the degree of obesity. Its importance is quite high among “pumped up” athletes with large muscle mass. Therefore, after the initial examination, conscripts are sent for additional examination, which, among other things, determines the amount of adipose tissue.

Obesity: general information

The reason for the appearance of excess weight is an imbalance in energy balance, in which a person receives more nutrients from food than he consumes.

Most often, obesity is a consequence of a lack of physical activity with too much nutrition with a lot of fatty foods and carbohydrates. It is called nutritional or nutritional. There is no linear relationship here - everything depends on the individual characteristics of a person, laid down genetically.

Sometimes the cause of excess weight is various pathologies. For example, endocrine or mental diseases, hypothalamic dysfunction. Excess kilograms themselves can cause cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the stomach and liver, damage to the joints and spine.

Suitability categories

Every man in our country, upon reaching conscription age, is required to undergo military service. An exception may be made for young people whose health does not allow them to withstand the harsh demands of military service.

The degree of suitability of conscripts for service in the armed forces is determined by a special medical commission consisting of doctors of various specialties. The verdict is made on the basis of the Schedule of Diseases - a document that contains a list of main disorders and pathologies.

After examination, each person liable for military service receives his own fitness category, which reflects his ability to serve. There are five such categories:

  • "A". It is given to young people who are declared absolutely fit for military service. This means they can be sent to any branch of the military, including marines, paratroopers, special forces or submarines.
  • "B". This category is reserved for conscripts who can serve, but have certain diseases that limit the choice of place of service. For example, young people with poor vision are not hired as gunners or drivers.
  • "IN". The category means that the conscript is not fit for service. They must give him a military ID and send him to the reserves. With this category they can be called up for service only in wartime.
  • "G". This category means a temporary deferment from conscription. It is usually given to young people whose health can be improved relatively quickly. Category “G” is also given for additional medical examination when there is doubt about the diagnosis. After completing the deferment, the conscript undergoes a re-examination, after which he receives a “permanent” category.
  • "D". This category means that military service is impossible for a young man. This category is given for the most severe diagnoses.

“Conscription” categories have their own subparagraphs (“A-1”, “B-3”), which clarify the health status of the conscript.

Body weight standards for conscripts

The first thing that medical commission specialists are interested in is the BMI coefficient. It is formed by the ratio of indicators assessed during the conscription campaign, and on their basis most subsequent conclusions are made (especially if the values ​​do not correspond to the norm).

For young people aged 18–25 years, a normal BMI is considered to be within the range of 19.5–22.9. For males of the older category – 24–45 years old, this indicator should be in the range of 20–25.9.

If the indicated coefficients for potential conscripts fit into these figures, then, provided there are no other deviations, the military medical commission sends them to the army without any restrictions.

If underweight or overweight is detected, a deferment from service may be granted. The current legislation prohibits recruiting into the army after the first medical examination those who are too thin, that is, whose BMI at the age of 18–25 years is 18.5–19.4 and at 24–45 years old – 19–19.9.

Important! In a situation where a young man’s weight is less than 45 kg, then, regardless of BMI, he may be granted an exemption from conscription into the armed forces.

If a young conscript falls within the specified limits in terms of parameters, then he will not be accepted into the army if he is underweight, since the medical commission can grant a six-month deferment, which is provided for by law.

Before making such a conclusion, specialists study all the certificates and documents available to the young person confirming the presence of any diseases.

A guy who is diagnosed with dystrophy and assigned, accordingly, fitness category “G”, is recommended to go to the hospital to undergo appropriate therapy. He will be required to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist to detect or confirm the absence of pathologies in the endocrine system and digestive organs.

If, after six months, his body weight has not undergone any changes, but no concomitant diseases have been detected, the conscript is assigned a fitness category of “B3” and sent to serve with some restrictions.

Obesity and military service

Extra pounds often become a reason for exemption from military service. They do not fit well with the harsh everyday life of the army and increased physical activity. It is not only difficult for an obese fighter to run a cross-country race or do pull-ups, but also to fit inside a combat vehicle or put on body armor.

Whether someone who is overweight will be accepted into the army depends on the size of the problem. This disease falls under Article 13 of the Schedule of Diseases. With the 1st degree of obesity, the call is inevitable. Moreover, having such a degree, you can receive the “highest” fitness category “A”, which allows you to serve in the Airborne Forces and special forces.

Only significant obesity can be a reason for exemption from conscription.

Those with 2nd degree obesity are also recruited into the armed forces. True, in this case the category “B” is assigned, which significantly limits the choice of place of service. A conscript with such a diagnosis will not be accepted into the landing force, marine corps, navy or assault troops.

You can receive a deferment or complete exemption from conscription only if you exceed your weight by 30-49% of normal. It corresponds to the 3rd degree of obesity.

A conscript with a similar diagnosis is assigned category “B”, according to which he is considered of limited fitness and is transferred to the reserve. They are called up for service with this category only in wartime.

Many questions arise if a young person’s weight is between the 2nd and 3rd degree. This point is the most controversial. With a BMI of more than 37, the conscript is usually given a deferment for treatment; if positive dynamics cannot be achieved, then he is sent to the reserve. It should be understood that they can be drafted into the army, even if only a few grams are missing from the desired indicators.

Conscripts with 4th degree obesity are absolutely unsuitable for service. They receive category “D” and forever forget the way to the military registration and enlistment office. At this stage of the pathology, the examination, as a rule, takes place quickly, after which the conscript receives a military ID.

All of the above is true not only for urgent service, but also for contract service.

Subcategories "A"

The group is divided into three categories - the lower the number, the fewer restrictions on distribution to the troops:

A1. The conscript has no signs of obesity or dystrophy, has acute hearing (6/6 m), no limitations in the angle of vision, or deviations in color sensitivity. Height ranges from 170-185 cm, weight no more than 90 kg.

Which troops are accepted into with category A1: airborne, marine, air assault, border, special purpose.

A2. The young men who are assigned to this category have suffered a serious illness in the past (especially if residual manifestations of it remain); they had broken arms and legs.

What troops are accepted into with category A2? For service on surface and underwater ships in the absence of obesity, dystrophy, vision problems, a high rate of audibility of whispered speech, and height up to 185 cm.

A young man can also get into service as a driver or crew member of a tank, self-propelled guns, or engineering vehicles based on tractors. The conscript's height must be up to 175 cm, he should not have problems with weight or vision; for crew members, hearing acuity indicators can be 1/4 or 3/3.

A3. The young man has been diagnosed with subtle vision problems (dichromasia must be absent). Also, the conscript does not have obesity or dystrophy, must have good hearing acuity (5/5, 6/6), and not be too tall (up to 180 cm).

Troops: missile, anti-aircraft gunners, chemical units, guard units, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, drivers and crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers.

A4. The conscript has been diagnosed with impaired visual acuity, for example, myopia. The remaining indicators of health requirements are the same as in A3. Guys who fall into this category are assigned to branches of the military not named above.

Deferment from the army for obesity

Being overweight, getting into the “non-conscription” category is not so easy. Typically this process takes two to three draft cycles, that is, one to one and a half years.

During the first commission, doctors determine the presence and extent of the disease. If it corresponds to the third or fourth, then the conscript receives a six-month deferment and category “G”. At the next commission a re-examination takes place. If the degree of completeness is maintained, then the person liable for military service receives exemption from service.

The conscript may be sent for additional examination to the hospital if there is a suspicion of pathological obesity.

The military registration and enlistment office can issue deferments every six months until the end of conscription age. And each time he will have to go through the commission again. In this case, of course, you can complain to higher or regulatory authorities, but it is difficult to prove that you are right.

If during the examination it turns out that the cause of excess weight is pathology, then further examination will be carried out according to the main diagnosis.

Underweight and military service

Significant underweight may result in exemption from military service. Whether someone who is underweight is accepted into the army also depends on their body mass index.

Due to poor nutrition, many modern conscripts have problems with underweight.

Underweight can develop due to chronic malnutrition or as a result of illness. Dystrophy itself can also become a source of serious health problems. The immune system suffers from it and the body’s normal thermoregulation is disrupted.

Lack of weight significantly reduces a person’s physical and mental activity. It cannot handle even light loads and is definitely not suitable for military service. In addition, people who are underweight often become depressed or in a depressed emotional state.

Lack of weight is examined under Article 86 of the Republic of Belarus. They definitely don’t take you into the army if you weigh less than 45 kilograms. Such a lack of mass is considered a lack of physical development of the conscript. This is the minimum weight for the army - if it is less, then the conscript has the right to count on the “non-conscription” category “B”.

However, as in the case of obesity, the issuance of a military ID does not occur immediately. If the BMI is less than 18.5, the young person must be sent for additional examination, giving him a delay of at least six months.

To make a final decision, the person liable for military service is examined by several specialists: a therapist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, and a neurologist. The conscript will have to undergo several tests: general blood and urine tests, sugar tests, and undergo gastric probing. Physical exercise tolerance is tested using a VEM (“bicycle”).

If the reason for the lack of weight is some kind of disease, then further examination will take place based on it.

Usually, to obtain the final fitness category for lack of mass, two or three calls are needed. If the problem can be corrected by changing the conscript’s diet, and he gains weight, then after a re-examination the young man is sent to the army.

Assignment algorithm

During the medical commission conducted by the military commissariat, the conscript goes through all of the above-mentioned specialists, receiving the appropriate medical opinion. As a result, each medical worker performing an examination has the opportunity to determine for a future soldier not only the category and subgroup of fitness, but also the indicator of purpose.

The basis for awarding a general category of fitness in this situation is the general PP. For example, if an otolaryngologist defines A1 for a young man, but the therapist believes that he needs to establish the A3 subcategory, then as a result the conscript will have a military ID with the A3 mark appearing on it.

The destination indicator established by doctors is mainly of a recommendatory nature, therefore the recruiting office has the right to ignore it and make a distribution according to its needs or discretion. This is especially true in the case of a shortage of fighters in some units.

Growth and service in the military

The height of a conscript plays an important role when choosing his future place of service. It may result in exemption from military conscription. According to Article 86 of the Republic of Belarus, people with a height of less than 150 centimeters are not accepted into the army.

If an adult man is below this indicator, then this indicates his insufficient physical development or serious illness. After passing the first commission at the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts who are too short in stature receive a deferment and are sent for examination to an endocrinologist. Usually its period is 12 months.

Abnormally short stature is usually caused by disruption of the endocrine system. In particularly severe cases, such pathologies can lead to dwarfism. It is caused by dysfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland or various genetic syndromes.

If during the deferment the conscript’s height increases to the required values, then he will receive one of the “conscription” categories and go to the army.

Height is an important characteristic that largely determines the type of military service in which a person liable for military service will serve. For example, the minimum height for joining the landing force or marines is 175 cm, and the maximum is 190 cm. Similar requirements are imposed on soldiers of the elite presidential regiment.

For obvious reasons, young people who are too tall are not accepted into tank forces. Here the upper limit is 175 cm. Small fighters are welcome in the submarine fleet and in aviation - it has been proven that short and thin people can withstand overloads better than others.

Such criteria did not arise out of nowhere; they allow military personnel to better perform their duties and save their lives.

There are rumors that conscripts who are too tall are not accepted into the army - usually they talk about a height of more than 2 meters. This is not true - there is no “upper” height limit in the Schedule of Diseases. If high growth is not a consequence of an endocrine disorder and corresponds to normal body weight, then the conscript will definitely be recruited for service.

At what height are they not drafted?

If a conscript with low weight can receive temporary exemption from the army, then a young man with insufficient height can be completely exempt from service. Having a height of less than 150 cm is considered a sign of insufficient human development. With such height, they will not be accepted into any army, so the young man has nothing to fear.

If the military medical commission made a different verdict, then the young man has every right to go to court to challenge the decision. There is no point in trying to solve the problem on your own; it is better to contact a highly qualified lawyer who will help you appeal the conclusion and achieve justice.

A conscript weighing 45 kg or less and height less than 150 cm is exempt from military service, but only after examination by an endocrinologist.

When assigning young people to troops, height plays a big role. If you want to serve in the elite units of the Airborne Forces or the Marine Corps, your height should be from 175 cm to 190 cm. If your height is above 190 cm, then you are unlikely to be able to get into these troops. But the height limit for tankers is considered to be 175 cm.

Young guys with short stature will be welcome on submarines or in aviation. In these troops it is better to be thin and short, because such soldiers can bear the load much easier due to their high body density.

The minimum and maximum height for military service were established not in order to offend anyone or hurt feelings, but so that the soldier could, under certain conditions, easily cope with the task and, thus, save his life. If, for example, height is not important at all for a rear officer, then for a tanker it is of great importance, because there is not much free space for placement in a combat vehicle. Small stature makes the soldier more dexterous and agile; he will not experience any difficulties while moving.

Is it possible to “slope” by weight?

It's no secret that many modern people do not want to join the army. The most popular way to “get out” of service is by simulating various illnesses. People often ask the question on the Internet: is it possible to be excluded from the army due to excess weight?

Excess weight is a serious problem that can cause serious illnesses.

With obesity you can really avoid military service. But it should be understood that in order to receive the “non-conscription” category there must really be a lot of extra kilos. To be guaranteed to pass under this article, your weight must be 40% higher than normal.

Moreover, excess weight must be recorded over a long period of time - it takes at least one or a year and a half to be released from the army for obesity.

Military registration and enlistment offices, for their part, are trying to delay the process of issuing categories, hoping that the conscript will eventually return to normal and can be sent to serve.

Third degree obesity is not the best way to avoid the army. The disease at this stage not only reduces a person’s quality of life, but also seriously threatens his health. It seriously affects the cardiovascular, endocrine and support systems.

If you have a serious degree of obesity, you need to think not how to avoid the army, but what to do to lose weight quickly, because this will help maintain your health.

In addition, artificially gaining weight at a young age is a very difficult task. The body is not a container in which you can put food. An enhanced diet can lead to an acceleration of metabolism, and not to the appearance of extra pounds. During such experiments, you may well end up in a hospital bed - it’s better not to joke with nutrition.

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