Fitness category “B” in a military ID - decoding

Fitness category B in a military ID means that the conscript is limitedly fit for military service, that is, he is fit for non-combatant service and can be called up into the army only in wartime.

Before assigning a fitness category to a conscript, doctors examine him and compare the results with the Schedule of Diseases, which includes more than 2 thousand diseases of all organ systems. In accordance with the Schedule, each category includes certain pathologies and their consequences.

The category is assigned depending on the severity of the disease and the frequency of exacerbation. The category is also influenced by the degree of impact of the disease on the functioning of the entire organism and individual organ systems.

In some cases, when a citizen’s health improves, the fitness category changes.

What is category B on a military ID?

Assignment of fitness category B indicates limited suitability for military service. If there is category B on the military ID, the conscript is exempt from serving, since this category is assigned in the presence of a serious illness that does not allow him to fully perform his official duties. In most cases, such diseases are chronic and have a long course.

A conscript with category B on his military ID is enrolled in the reserves. Citizens with this category of fitness are subject to conscription during general mobilization or in wartime.

Will category “B” affect the hiring process?

A military ID is one of the main identification documents. Its presentation is mandatory when applying for employment.

A citizen can be freely hired in this category if his health allows him to occupy a specific position. In some cases, the refusal is not the presence of a degree of fitness in the military ID, but a specific disease. For example, serious pathologies of the visual organs or mental disorders are incompatible with the position of a driver, diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system will become an obstacle to getting a job involving physical activity, and so on.

For many, the relevant question is whether it is possible, having the letter “B” in a military ID, to enlist in government agencies: the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the police and other bodies. This category indicates the presence of serious pathologies, chronic diseases, and various disorders that in most cases cannot be treated.

In this case, it is almost impossible to go to serve in government agencies. As a rule, a refusal of employment is received immediately after submitting documents to the HR department. A young man who has not served in military service cannot be hired by the authorities. In other words, this category closes the doors to government agencies.

Rights and obligations

Knowing your rights and responsibilities will help the conscript avoid mistakes and resist illegal actions on the part of officials.

A citizen of military age is required to perform military registration duties and receive summonses from the military commissariat against signature. He is also obliged, upon summons, to appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination and to meetings of the commission to be sent to the place of service in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

A conscript’s failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on a summons may be for a valid reason:

  • illness or injury as a result of which the conscript lost his ability to work;
  • serious illness of relatives or family members, death of someone close;
  • an obstacle arising as a result of force majeure, or a circumstance beyond the control of the conscript;
  • other reasons recognized as valid by the commission for the initial registration of citizens with military registration/conscription commission or the court.

All circumstances must be documented. The presence of such reasons must be notified to the military commissar by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery and with an enclosure certificate.

If a conscript’s failure to appear on a summons to events related to conscription for military service does not have valid reasons, the citizen’s failure to appear is considered evasion from the army and is punished in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. Administrative or criminal penalties may be applied to the conscript.

Administrative punishment implies a fine of 500 rubles. In order to bring a citizen to criminal liability, it is necessary to establish the fact of a conscript’s failure to appear on a summons from the military registration and enlistment office to events related to conscription for military service, in the absence of valid reasons, as well as the fact that the citizen was served with a summons under his personal signature.

The conscript has the right:

  1. Challenge the decisions of the draft commission;
  2. Require a photocopy of the decision of the draft commission;
  3. Undergo a medical examination at any medical institution;
  4. Refuse medical intervention in relation to your body. To legally formalize your claim, the conscript must write a statement;
  5. Get acquainted with your personal file at the military registration and enlistment office;
  6. Freedom of movement.

How to get category B at the military registration and enlistment office

To receive category B, a conscript must undergo a medical examination in advance at a clinic or hospital of his choice and, if necessary, register with a dispensary. Upon receipt of a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, he must appear for a medical examination, having with him an epicrisis, transcripts of the tests that were carried out during the examination period.

The conscript receives a referral for additional examination, undergoes the studies provided for in it, as a result of which the non-conscription diagnosis is confirmed. Based on the results of additional research, the conscript is assigned a certain fitness category.

If the commission makes an unlawful decision, the conscript has the right to appeal it in court.

Based on the Regulations of Military Medical Medicine, the medical commission can send a citizen to an additional commission, which is organized in the inpatient department of the hospital.

According to Russian Government Decree No. 886, the issuance of a military ID for health reasons is final. That is, there is no need to carry out the re-examination procedure as before.

The Schedule of Diseases contains a list of diseases the presence of which allows a conscript to receive exemption from the army. The diseases for which a citizen can receive fitness category B include:

Infectious and parasitic diseases:

  • sexually transmitted diseases in the acute stage;
  • cured closed type of tuberculosis without structural changes in lung tissue;
  • fungal infections, in particular mycosis, candidiasis.


  • postoperative conditions accompanied by functional disorders;
  • malignant tumors;
  • condition after radiation and cytostatic therapy;
  • non-malignant tumors that provoke malfunctions of organ systems.

Blood diseases:

  • failures of a painful nature, causing temporary disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders:

  • goiter;
  • dysfunction of the glands of moderate severity;

Mental disorders:

  • compensated personality disorders;
  • all types of addiction;
  • mild mental retardation.

Pathologies of the nervous system:

  • epilepsy with periodic seizures;
  • inflammatory processes and hereditary diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and brain with moderate dysfunction;
  • damage to the spinal cord and brain with certain functional impairments.

Pathologies of the organs of vision:

  • myopia (more than 6 diopters), astigmatism, farsightedness (more than 8 diopters), sharp decrease in vision.

Pathologies of the hearing aid:

  • chronic otitis media, polyps in the tympanic membrane, vestibular disorders, noticeable hearing loss.

Diseases of the circulatory system:

  • mild heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • hemorrhoids with acute stages and prolapse of nodes.

Respiratory diseases:

  • chronic runny nose, minor nasal breathing disorder, mild to moderate bronchial asthma.

Skin problems:

  • chronic skin diseases, in particular psoriasis, dermatitis, urticaria, eczema.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • flat feet, acquired curvature of the limbs with dysfunction and pain.

Congenital anomalies:

  • height less than 150 cm;
  • weight less than 45 kg.

Diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • dysfunction of the kidneys or other organs of the genitourinary system.

Procedure for assigning category <<В>>

A conscript's fitness for military service is determined during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. When diseases are detected in a conscript, doctors compare the diagnosis with pathologies from the List of Diseases and, based on this comparison, preliminarily determine fitness categories. The final category is presented at the draft committee.

The medical commission consists of 6 doctors of different specializations. The medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office determines whether the young man is fit for military service. At the same time, doctors can only register the disease: conduct a visual examination, interview the conscript and study his medical documents. The conscript must independently prepare for the medical examination and undergo examinations at the medical institution of his choice, since there is a possibility of ending up in the army with a hidden non-conscription diagnosis.

If necessary, the conscript may be sent for examination to a hospital to make a diagnosis or be prescribed an additional medical examination.

Alternative service, is it possible?

Part 3 of Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees conscripts the right to replace military service with an alternative civil service (ACS) . This is a peaceful service, without weapons in hands, for the benefit of society and is practically no different from ordinary work.

Federal Law No. 113 “On Alternative Civil Service” clearly explains who can be sent to such service:

  1. Young people whose moral or religious convictions do not allow military service.
  2. Young men who have a deferment from the army, for example, due to study.
  3. Conscripts in respect of whom the commission made a decision to send them to the ACS, based on their personal desire.

The main criterion for selection for alternative civilian service is the absence of contraindications for military service in a young man. The conscript must have category “A” or “B”. Thus, men with category “B” cannot perform alternative service.

Fitness category in the registration certificate

A registration certificate is a military registration document for citizens of military age. Issued to pre-conscripts at the branch of the district military commissariat during the initial military registration.

A registration certificate is issued to all conscripts of the Russian Federation. The document is a blue book with a photograph of the owner, where data on the fitness category and the necessary regulatory and legal information are entered. Each page contains a watermark and a document series. The fitness categories in the registration certificate are preliminary. If the document says that a citizen is fit, it does not mean that he will necessarily serve in the army after turning 18 years old. After reaching the age of majority, the conscript must undergo a second medical examination, based on the results of which a final decision on conscription will be made. Even if the registration certificate said fit or limited fit, the doctors’ decision may change, and the military ID will then have a different fitness category.

Who assigns fitness category B4

As a rule, the suitability of young men to perform military duties is established based on the results of a medical examination. The medical examination is carried out by a group of qualified medical personnel from the military registration and enlistment office. But at the same time, according to current Russian legislation, they do not have the right to independently establish a medical diagnosis for patients.

The military medical commission is vested exclusively with the authority to identify certain health problems among conscripts. The commission members make conclusions based on a visual examination of the citizen, his medical history and submitted certificates from medical institutions.

Therefore, each conscript must independently submit to the draft commission documents confirming the presence of any pathologies that could affect the degree of military suitability. This is very important because... military service involves daily physical activity, which can lead to complications of a serviceman’s illness if his fitness level is incorrectly determined.

The health status and anthropometric standards of a young man who was assigned category B4 by the draft commission and recorded in his military ID:

  • Height – up to 1 m 80 cm;
  • Vision – 0.5-1 diopters;
  • Hearing – whisper recognition at a distance of 5 m;
  • No disturbances in color perception.

If the opinions of the members of the military medical commission differ and they are unable to make a decision on the category of fitness, the young man is sent for additional examination to an independent medical institution.

During the examination, the conscript undergoes all the necessary tests and undergoes an in-depth diagnosis of his health status. Based on the results obtained, the clinic’s specialists establish a diagnosis, document all research results, and the young man presents them to the draft commission.

Based on additional medical examination documents, the military commission at the commissariat makes a final decision and establishes the category of military suitability for the conscript.

What categories of fitness are there in the army?

There are 5 eligibility categories:

  • A – fully fit;
  • B – suitable with minor restrictions;
  • B – limited fit for non-combatant service;
  • G – limited in calling for a time;
  • D – assigned in the presence of severe illness or disability. Category D means that the conscript is completely unfit.

According to Decree No. 565 of the federal law, standards have been developed for all categories, which are assigned as a result of a medical examination based on the List of Diseases approved by law.

Is it possible to change the <<В>> category to something else?

The category can be changed based on the challenge procedure. It is important to challenge the suitability category, since in the future it can create problems when getting a job or when obtaining a driver's license.

To challenge the decision, you must submit an application requesting a re-examination. Based on the results of the new survey, you can challenge the decision of the draft commission.

If the military commissariat refuses to conduct a second medical examination, the citizen has the right to sue, having with him a statement of claim correctly drawn up by a lawyer along with objective evidence that the wrong fitness category was assigned.

The fitness category determines the health status of a young man of military age. It also determines the type of troops in which the conscript will serve. Knowing your rights and the ability to decipher the assigned category will allow the conscript to challenge biased decisions of the commission within the framework of the current federal law.

How to change your eligibility category

Situations often occur when, after passing a medical commission, conscripts, instead of the desired fitness category, receive a completely different one. Those who want to serve in certain troops or, conversely, want to be exempt from military service, may not be satisfied with this. The situation, although unpleasant, is not hopeless. You can change your eligibility category in the following ways:

  • Request additional medical examination from the military registration and enlistment office. In some cases, conscripts undergo incomplete examination. An undetected diagnosis or errors in determining it can negatively affect the assignment of a fitness category. It is important to know the exact list of doctors and procedures that are necessary for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Appeal to a higher draft commission. Even if, after an additional medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office does not intend to change the fitness category, you can write an application requesting to be sent for an in-person control medical examination.
  • Go to court. If the results of medical examinations do not lead to the regrettable result, all that remains is to file an application with the court. In this case, it is worth using the services of a competent lawyer. Until the court announces its decision, the man will not be able to be drafted into the army.

All these methods are good only if the fitness category was issued by the military registration and enlistment office by mistake and the conscript is absolutely sure of his health or the presence of a diagnosis that excludes military service. Additional medical examination will not find diseases that do not exist. It is distinguished by its objectivity and therefore its decision has great weight in court .

Fitness category “B”, contrary to popular belief, does not seriously affect the future life of conscripts. Some restrictions, of course, exist; alternative service is not available to them, but after receiving a military ID, men can work in almost any organization except law enforcement agencies. The category is issued in the presence of diseases that, in a mild or moderate form, disrupt the functioning of the body. If desired, it can be challenged by the conscript in higher authorities or in court.

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“There were problems with weight. Weighed only 43 kg. During the medical examination, I was assigned fitness category B and was told that I was in the reserves. This category means that a man can only be called up in wartime.”


“The registration certificate indicated that I have category G, that is, temporarily unfit. When I received the summons and went through all the final procedures before the army, the category was changed to A, which means fit for service. So the registration certificate is temporary and is not a basis for obtaining exemption from the army.”

Temporary unsuitability

Temporary unfitness means that the conscript is given a deferment from military service from 6 to 12 months , due to the fact that a serious illness has been identified and he needs to improve his health. During the specified period of time, the young man consults a doctor and undergoes treatment. After which he is again invited to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination.

If his health indicators are normal and the treatment is beneficial, he may be sent to serve in the army. If the disease progresses, the commission of the military registration and enlistment office may declare him either unfit for military service, or assign category “B” and send him to the reserve.

Possible consequences for representatives of category “B”

There are many myths associated with fitness category “B”. It is even believed that young people with such a mark on their military ID cannot exist normally in society.

In fact, this is a huge misconception. Yes, this category used to cause its owners a lot of trouble, but today it cannot seriously affect the future life of the conscript. Difficulties may arise only if you want to obtain a driver's license or purchase a weapon. Men have the right to work in a variety of organizations, including government ones. For them, the only way to the law enforcement agencies is closed, because work there involves compulsory military service.

If a conscript fears for the possible consequences of category “B”, he has every right to appeal her appointment.

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