Popular articles in the military ID (13, 14b, 18b, 62, 20b, etc.) - transcript

Anyone who makes a military career or simply serves in the army is faced with a number of questions regarding the military ID. VUS in a military ID, the decoding of which is fraught with difficulties, means the specialty that is assigned to the employee. This specialty depends on the man’s education (technical school, college, higher education institution). What specialties are there and how they are coded - more on that.

What is VUS?

All documents that a person receives are full of abbreviations and incomprehensible codes. Such codes are adopted rather for the internal convenience of the institution in which the document is issued, and are standardized at the state level. It can be difficult for the average person to understand abbreviations and codes, but such information is necessary to better understand your own documents. Many misunderstandings surround the military ID, so conscripts and employees are often interested in what VUS-999 means on the military ID and other codes.

The VUS in the military ID, the decoding of which indicates the specialty, is necessarily listed in the documents of every man who served in the army.

VUS is a military specialty. It is assigned according to the education received before conscription into the army.

Code 999 denotes citizens with fitness category “B” who can be called up in the event of mobilization, but do not undergo special army training

A person receives a military specialty either directly during military service, or immediately after graduating from the military department at the corresponding higher educational institution.

Knowing what VUS is on military IDs, you should understand specialty codes. This will allow you to more accurately decipher all the symbols in the document.

The VUS number in the military ID appears either during service after some time, or right before assignment to the unit. In the second case, a person’s existing skills are taken into account, and this is not always associated with special education. Thus, a young man with a driver’s license and good driving experience can immediately be identified as a driver. The military registration specialty VUS 837037a will immediately appear on his military ID. The last three digits in this number indicate the driver's position, the first three digits indicate military specialization. The letter “a” at the end of such a number indicates that the employee does not have any special characteristics. The absence of such signs indicates that the driver can serve in any army, without restrictions.

How articles and categories are removed

The deletion of an article on a military ID occurs only if the conscript is cured of an illness. For this to happen, the conscript will need to undergo a second medical examination. If the examination result is positive, the article is removed.

The list of diseases that limit or prohibit military service is constantly being revised. As a result, the categories of articles are also constantly changing. Sometimes there are cases when the removal of the article occurs automatically, regardless of the desire of the conscript.

The list of factors prohibiting military service is constantly being revised.

Sometimes a situation arises that the article under which the conscript had a deferment from conscription into the Armed Forces may prevent him from getting a prestigious job or obtaining a driver’s license. In this case, you should know that it is possible to independently remove or change the article and category that are indicated on the military ID.

Indeed, according to the law, obtaining a driver’s license is prohibited for persons who have serious mental illnesses, diseases associated with the sensory organs and the musculoskeletal system. In all other cases, you can calmly defend your innocence.

Removal of an article

In this case, you need to do the following:

A conscript who independently wishes to undergo a repeat medical examination for the subsequent removal of the article must submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office indicating the requirement to conduct a repeat medical examination.

If he is officially denied this, he has the right to go to court with a request to undergo a second medical commission.

But there is one caveat: if, after undergoing a second medical examination, the conscript is found fit for military service and he has not yet reached the age of 27, he will be legally drafted into the army.

Here is the step-by-step action that needs to be taken to remove the article written on the military ID:

  1. Personal characteristics are taken
  2. There is a medical examination.
  3. With the result of the medical examination, an appeal to the military registration and enlistment office follows, with a demand to remove the article.

If removing the article in this way does not work out, then you should simply replace the old “military” with a new one. After all, the article will not be indicated in the new document. It only indicates the fitness category. In this case, there is a government order that indicates that putting article numbers in this document is not legal.

So, thanks to this order, you can calmly and legally demand a replacement of your military ID.

Replacing the suitability category

The category can also be changed, because it can also be important for possible employment or obtaining a driver’s license. To change a category, you also need to go through a special procedure.

To do this, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office, which must indicate a request for a repeat medical examination. Receiving positive results gives the right to challenge the fitness category. If you refuse, you also need to go to court.

Why do you need to determine VUS?

In fact, the full code designation of the VUS on the military ID is necessary for convenience. One glance at this code is enough to understand the type of activity of the employee.

Young people who have just been issued a military ID are not assigned a VUS. The only exceptions are those cases when the guy graduated from college or technical school and attended the military department. In this case, what VUS means on a military ID will depend on the type of activity of the conscript or employee.

VUS codes are required:

  • to determine the specialization of a person in the reserve;
  • health group designations;
  • for employment in the army.

Thus, in the event of urgent mobilization, thanks to the VUS, it is possible to quickly determine the number of specialists in each sector, which helps to quickly send people to the necessary troops. Thus, the codes of military registration specialties of soldiers eliminate unnecessary paperwork.

What is a military category?

Particular attention should be paid to which category was assigned to the young person. It is she who determines whether he is fit for military service. There are five categories in total:

Young people with one of the same diseases can be called up for service and released from it. The decision depends on the degree of manifestation of the pathology. Pregnancy is located in a separate column in the “Schedule of Diseases”. This paragraph applies to female military personnel.

What types of positions are there?

Having figured out what the VUS means on a military ID, you need to understand what specialties this or that code denotes, and in general, what specializations there are in the army.

Military occupational codes are six-digit numbers with a letter at the end. The first three digits indicate the branch of the army:

  • rifle;
  • sniper;
  • intelligence service;
  • special purpose;
  • engineering;
  • technical.

So, if the first three digits of the code are 100, these are rifle troops. Reconnaissance and special forces are designated by codes 106 and 107, respectively.

Driving specialties are designated by code 838. Moreover, this specialty includes driving any military equipment, depending on what kind of training a person will undergo in the army.

Military occupational specialties (MSS) and officer professions, as a rule, are assigned to the educational department in which the person was trained. The only exceptions are persons who have undergone training at a military department in a higher educational institution, or citizens with a driver's license. The list of military specialties is large and depends on the type of military in which a person serves.

So, people who have the specialty of a trainer, technical safety engineer, or parachuting instructor can get into command. They can be transferred to command only if the person has demonstrated leadership qualities and has distinguished himself during service.

The list of military specialties includes signalmen, operators, drivers, etc. Special forces usually include people whose profession is related to the Ministry of Emergency Situations or special services. So, it could be a fireman, a diver, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


In general, the entry in the mentioned draft paper is made in 2 stages. The first is a mention of the disease (article number in medical regulations), the second is the severity of the disease. All this raises many questions among ordinary citizens. And we have yet to find answers to them.

But first, a few words about the categories of fitness for service. Among them are the following components:

  • A - fully fit;
  • B - suitable, but with minor restrictions;
  • B - limited suitability for conscription;
  • G - temporary unsuitability;
  • D - complete liberation from the army.

Depending on the assigned fitness category, a citizen is assigned to a particular military unit in specific troops. Therefore, great attention is paid to the component being studied. Decoding the articles on a military ID allows you to understand exactly why a person is unfit or fit for conscription.

Codes on a military ID

It is better to find out how the various codes in the VUS indicated on the military ID are deciphered directly from the institution where it was issued. The military registration number of the army specialty consists of several components. The list of codes is very large; you can view it at the military registration and enlistment office.

Assignment to a unit is determined by the following numbers:

  • 100 – rifle unit;
  • 106 – exploration activities;
  • 107 – special forces;
  • 838 – driving military equipment.

You should know that driver and signalman are two civilian professions that are immediately assigned to the army.

Two more codes are used separately - 998 and 999. The first code denotes citizens who already have a military specialty, but have not served in the army. Such people end up in the reserves, and the military specialty code is entered into a special register, so that in the event of urgent mobilization it is clear in what position a person can prove himself.

Code 999 denotes citizens with fitness category “B”. They can be called up in case of mobilization, but do not undergo special army training.

To understand the exact specialization, you need to look at the last three digits of the VUS in the military ID.

You should also pay attention to the last letter in the code. If the VUS on a military ID ends with the letter “a,” then the person does not have a specific military attribute. The letter “D” stands for airborne troops, the letter “m” stands for marines.

Thus, you can accurately decipher this code on a military ID directly at the military registration and enlistment office or military unit. Such codes are created primarily to orderly group officers according to their professional skills.

For each citizen liable for military service, as well as military personnel, a special military ID is issued, which has a VUS number (Military Registration Specialty), indicating the mastered military specialty. Often such a number has the form of a digital and alphabetic encoding. Most often, it is assigned to a citizen on the basis of his existing education or on the basis of a mastered military profession during military service.


Articles, categories, codes that are written on a military ID indicate how suitable the owner of the military ID is for service in the Armed Forces. In what branches of the military can he serve, what category of fitness does he currently belong to, or are there any restrictions for service for medical reasons.

Some of the categories and articles can be modified for medical reasons, others cannot. Then they become an obstacle to completing military service or obtaining a more prestigious job.

Under no circumstances should you try to bribe the persons who are responsible for removing or changing articles in documents. This will bring to justice not only the person who takes the bribe, but also the person trying to give the bribe will be held accountable.

According to the Criminal Code, officials of military registration and enlistment offices or medical commissions who are involved in extorting money are also held accountable for changing or removing “bad” articles specified in the documents of military personnel.

Why do you need a VUS?

Often, when hiring an employer, an employer requires a citizen liable for military service to present a military ID. If we are talking about the employment of a reserve officer, then he will only have a registration certificate in his hands. Based on such documentation, employees of the human resources department of a commercial structure carry out the following actions:

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  • Fill out a personal card for the employee;
  • They take into account the data that is included in the citizen’s military registration document.

What diseases correspond to this fitness category?

When deciding to assign a certain degree of suitability, medical staff of the military registration and enlistment office commission are guided by the “Schedule of Diseases”. This document is periodically updated and contains a complete list of diseases with which they will not be allowed to serve. The following pathologies fall under suitability category “B”:

  • infectious and parasitic;
  • blood diseases that affect the functioning of the immune system;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • disorders of the endocrine system, metabolic processes;
  • diseases associated with disruption of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • severe vision diseases;
  • hearing aid problems;
  • pathologies of the respiratory organs;
  • diseases related to blood circulation; (including mild heart failure);
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system; (for example, disc protrusion)
  • diseases of the genitourinary system; (for example varicocele)
  • absence of ten or more teeth;
  • presence of congenital defects: height below 150 cm; body weight less than 45 kg.

More detailed information about each item on this list can be found in the approved “Schedule of Diseases”.

Why are military specialties determined?

In the personal file of a citizen liable for military service, as well as in his military registration document, information about the military service is displayed. A military specialty is determined for each man registered with the military registration and enlistment office who has a certain profession (communications experts or medical workers).

A man can receive VUS in the following cases:

  1. In the process of completing military service in the ranks of the Russian army;
  2. Upon completion of training at an educational institution where there is a military department.

In some individual situations, a specialty may be assigned to a conscript when he is assigned to a military unit at a recruiting station. So, for example, if during the process of passing the draft board it is established that the conscript has a driver’s license that allows him to drive various vehicles, then he can be sent to a military unit as a driver. In this case, his documents will indicate the VUS code assigned to him.

It is also worth noting the fact that upon obtaining a certain specialty, you can count on getting into certain troops. In order to do this, it is enough to undergo special training and some tests. Almost all young men of pre-conscription age and high school students now undergo similar training.

Is it possible in the future to remove a category or article from the military record or change it to another?

It is possible to change the entry if the conscript has recovered from an identified disease that prevented him from receiving a specific category. To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination again, contacting representatives of the military department for this purpose. After confirmation of the information provided by the conscript, the previous entry is removed.

Some changes may be made to the military manual due to the fact that the list of articles describing diseases is regularly revised. To do this, you don’t even have to organize a second medical examination. Everything is done automatically. In practice, young men who do not have the best marks in the World Bank tend to change their record, since this becomes an obstacle to obtaining a license.

Existing VUS job groups

In a military registration document belonging to a citizen, the military registration number is indicated in the format of a multi-digit digital encoding with an additional letter designation. When decrypted, such a code allows you to obtain the following information about a man:

  • The troops in which the citizen served;
  • Title of the position held;
  • Name of military specialty.

There are several main groups of VUS:

  1. Command. To get into this group a person must have strong leadership and organizational skills;
  2. Operators. People who have received a military profession in this category are often well versed in computer technology;
  3. Signalmen. Military personnel with such a military service provide communication between military units. They must have a profession related to modern telecommunications technologies;
  4. Drivers. The task of representatives of this group is to transport military equipment and people. To obtain such a VUS, you must have a driver’s license that allows you to drive various types of transport;
  5. Special purposes. To get into this category you must have good health, as well as good physical fitness.

Code decoding method

The first digits in the VUS code indicate the military profession:

  • 100 – shooter;
  • 101 – sniper;
  • 106 – military intelligence;
  • 998 suitable for military service, but did not undergo it;
  • 999 – limited fit for military service, but does not have military training.

The list of VUS is divided into separate chapters. Each chapter has a number that partially or even completely repeats the first code. The following numbers indicate the specific position held by a person in the army. These data provide more comprehensive information about the citizen's military specialty. So, for example:

  • 000 - without any position;
  • 001 – battery specialist;
  • 097 – deputy commander;
  • 182 – commander;
  • 220 – mechanic who services aircraft jet engines;
  • 259 – driver and part-time mechanic;
  • 673 – specialist in measuring land and elevation differences on the ground;
  • 385 is an expert in demolition work that is carried out under water.

In general, decoding the VUS is a rather complex process. This is due to the fact that a certain combination of numbers denotes a specific military profession. The alphabetic symbol can complement the digital encoding and denotes special characteristics of the service:

  • A - ground forces, as well as the coastal Navy;
  • B – a specialist who works with equipment for rockets;
  • D – representative of the airborne forces;
  • K - representative of the composition of warships;
  • M - Marines;
  • P – internal troops;
  • R - Border guards, FSP (border part of the FSB);
  • T – military builder;
  • E – member of the flight crew;
  • C – Ministry of Emergency Situations and rescuers;
  • F - Special Forces;
  • X - reconnaissance.


Before the adoption in 2013 of the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination,” the state had a regulation with the same name, adopted on April 20, 1995 N 390. This regulation also stipulated Article No. 68. At the same time, the essence of the article and its interpretation remained the same. The exception is that in some suitability categories there are discrepancies in points b, c.

Since the 2013 standard is currently used, the above decoding completely coincides with it. After conducting a pathology examination, doctors determine the severity of the disease according to the following principle:

Category 68 article Description of the pathology Causes* Conclusion
A There are changes in the foot that provoke severe functional impairment Leg injuries at an early age, congenital pathologies, acquired changes that provoke curvature. The shape of the feet is characterized as varus, calcaneal, equinovarus, equine, hollow.

Defects cannot be eliminated
b Moderate functional impairment Arthrosis of the joints is diagnosed, affecting the middle part of the foot, which led to flat feet. Acquired absence of a certain area of ​​the foot, some fingers. Hammer-shaped, clawed deformation of the toes as a result of previous diseases. Changes affecting the heel area. · Since such pathologies are accompanied by pain, discomfort, aggravated after certain physical exertion (usually unpleasant symptoms intensify in the evening), often after a long stay in an upright position, then in case of exacerbation the soldier is subject to commission
V Minor foot dysfunction Acquired longitudinal or transverse flatfoot, not accompanied by arthrosis of the joints. Typically affecting the midfoot. Existing arthrosis of stages II and III or of the subtalar joint.** Fit for service, with restrictions
G The functionality of the foot is not impaired Acquired flat feet, in which mild arthrosis develops. Stiffness of the finger or its absence at the level of the metatarsophalangeal joint Passable

*Diagnosis is performed only using radiography and computed tomography.

** This diagnosis does not limit training at a military department or any specialized institution.

If there are certain pathologies, the conscript is included in the list of those enlisted in the reserve. But if the conscript has his own wishes, he can be enlisted in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

There are no significant restrictions on deciphering an article in civilian life. Health and employment problems may arise. This is due to the fact that when flat feet develop, the leg gets tired and hurts; work activity, which requires good physical fitness and endurance, is simply impossible. With such a record, they can only hire you for sedentary work. It will be difficult to get into the civil service, police department, or FSB.

Attention! A driver's license and a permit to use a weapon with such a diagnosis are issued without restrictions.

An example of decoding some VUS

The full code designation VUS for some military professions is deciphered as follows:

  1. 999000A – a citizen has the status of limited fitness in the absence of any military specialty;
  2. 998000A - the citizen does not have any military specialty or military training, although he is fit for service in the army;
  3. 837037A - assigned to those who have the profession of an electrician driver;
  4. 600543A - such a VUS means that its owner is an operator of electronic computer equipment;
  5. 121000 - applies to men who served in units and military signal units;
  6. 620100 - construction and operation of buildings for special and general military purposes;
  7. 021000 - commander of a motorized rifle platoon;
  8. 100915A is a gunner position with the rank of private or sailor.


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Some specialties that were acquired by a citizen during military service can be used by him when finding a job. A number of professional skills that can be acquired in the modern army help to get a well-paid job and generally get settled in life.

Military registration specialty

Each serviceman has his own specialization, therefore the military ID has a designation, that is, an encrypted code meaning of military specifics, which has been going on since the times of the USSR.

The decoding of the abbreviation VUS is the military registration specialization of a serviceman, it does not matter whether he is currently in service or has already retired or is retired.

VUS is designated as codes, most of which represent six numbers and a letter. If you learn to decipher each specialty, such a system is not difficult, very convenient and understandable:

  • the first three digits contain the number of the military registration specialty;
  • the next three digits are the code name of the position;
  • if there is a letter symbol at the end, it means there are features of military service. For example, the letter A stands for coastal units of the Navy.

A complete list of Russian military specialties was compiled by the government, and then officially proclaimed first in 1993, when decree No. 600-33 was issued, and the next decree with minor additions and changes in 1997 under number 707-35. In 2007, a new decree - No. 854-43 made some adjustments to previous documents.

Types of diseases

It is important to understand that in medicine there is a clear classification of diseases. She helps doctors in matters of assigning a category of fitness for service. Ordinary citizens often do not delve into such records. They are only concerned about the fitness category assigned based on the results of the commission. In other words, a general assessment of the conscript’s health.

Today doctors divide diseases into the following types:

  • tumors;
  • infectious;
  • blood diseases;
  • nervous;
  • mental;
  • ear;
  • ophthalmic;
  • endocrine;
  • respiratory;
  • skin;
  • digestive organs;
  • bone and muscle;
  • genitourinary;
  • consequences of external influence;
  • pregnancy.

As you might guess, the last class applies only to women. And in practice it is rare. Therefore, they hardly talk about it in connection with military service.

Decoding of articles in a military ID occurs after studying medical records. Each listed group has its own letter clarifications. They indicate the characteristics of the course of the disease and the “neglect” of the disease.

Every man needs a military ID

VUS begin to be assigned based on the existing education of privates or sailors, but can be assigned after training in the training unit.

If the training takes place at a military institution, then the number is given at the very beginning of the training, and then after graduation, but if the training takes place at an educational institution with a military department, then military specializations are noted at the end of the institution.

In this situation, the cadet receives not only a specialty, but also an officer position.

Changing an entry

With any fitness group assigned, you can appeal the result by requesting a re-examination based on unaccounted data.

For example, a person had a disease that was not included in the card. You must contact the doctor who treated you and obtain a certificate. This certificate is provided to the military commission. After this, a re-examination is scheduled, which is carried out in a medical institution. With the results, you must go to the commission doctor who deals with the specified area.

After this, the specialist makes a second opinion, and the category changes (or not), depending on the meaning of the result. A change in the result can be carried out both to reduce the level of suitability and to increase it. Promotion is most often required by persons who want to connect their future activities with military service in certain troops, where excellent health is required.

To upgrade the group, you must immediately contact civilian specialists who have been involved in treatment or are considered the best in their field. After the medical examination, the specialist makes a verdict and issues a certificate, which should indicate that the conscript’s health is optimal and does not have consequences or deviations in the signs that caused the reduction in the fitness category.

A person who has a “D” or “B” record has the right to submit an application to the Military Commissariat for a second commission before reaching the non-conscription age. This will allow you to undergo a re-examination and, in the absence of prohibitions, begin military service.

Civil and military professions

Many army specializations correspond to civilian ones. These are a security guard, a trainer, a draftsman, operators, an administrator, a tourism specialist, a driver working at a service station, etc.

But there is also a special specificity. For example, the operator must be able to manage military equipment, have the skills to control military equipment, and make quick decisions.

For example, the title “automatic repair engineer for special equipment and tanks” is contained under the number 20300.

Without reliable communications, troops will suffer heavy losses, so each unit and company must communicate with each other.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine directory contains positions for signalmen, for example, it also includes a radiotelegraph operator with knowledge of codes and ciphers. On the military ID, the communications affiliation is “121000”.

The military driver's position requires control of armored vehicles and railway vehicles, you need to be able to drive any type of vehicle.

121702 is the driver of the armored personnel carrier, and 180994 is the driver driving the excavator.

A reconnaissance officer who works in certain dangerous conditions has special assignments; a sapper is also exposed to such difficult conditions, performing complex tasks that require special training.

01001 is the commander of an engineering platoon, and 10003 is the commander under whose leadership the engineering platoon is located.

If you need an assistant to the military commandant at the railway station, then he will be assigned the number 260101.

In the army, office clerks are also needed in any department, their number is 901566. And such a position as a cartographer-tablet operator - 671567 - is necessary for studying the area.

For successful combat, the gunner-operator is indispensable; code 121282 corresponds to him.

The brave machine gunners are assigned the number 101. The code worn by the landing party is 213182.

In peaceful life, a military ID plays the role of an important document, representing its owner as a civilian, but if mobilization is announced, coded records will greatly facilitate the work of the military commissariat.

Classification of categories of suitability for military service

Military service is associated not only with the defense of the homeland, but also with increased physical activity, which is why certain requirements have been established for the health of military personnel.

After all, defenders of the fatherland must not only shoot accurately, but also move quickly, and also master hand-to-hand combat techniques, which presupposes sufficient training and good health.

However, in view of the fact that military service involves many varieties of military professions, a scale of suitability for service has been developed at the legislative level in order to attract citizens to defend their homeland due to their physical capabilities.

How is this category assigned?

This fitness category can be assigned to a recruit immediately after the presentation of official medical documents that confirm the presence of serious diseases.

In some cases, symptoms indicating health problems are identified directly during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, and the young person is referred to a medical institution to undergo a full diagnosis and establish or clarify the diagnosis.

If a conscript called to the military registration and enlistment office knows about his illness, has undergone examinations and treatment, and has the necessary documents to prove it (certificates, extracts, pictures, test results), you need to take care in advance of collecting them to present to the commission.

What it is

In accordance with the law, every citizen of the Russian Federation, and foreign citizens too, have the right to enroll in military service. At the same time, taking into account that there are quite a lot of military professions, as well as branches of the military, and applicants have different levels of physical fitness and health, a system has been developed . implying the determination of the state of readiness of the future soldier to perform duties.

That is, in essence, fitness categories are a scale that determines the readiness and ability of an individual for military service, taking into account his state of health, existing knowledge and level of physical fitness. For example, the category of limited fitness includes applicants who, due to health conditions, cannot be drafted into the army in peacetime, but in case of an emergency they can be called upon to serve in a civilian specialty.

Stock categories

Each serviceman is registered with the military and is subject to distribution into separate reserve categories.
The latter are determined taking into account age, gender, and rank. This is done to ensure clear and coordinated actions during mobilization activities. Upon reaching a certain age or after a deterioration in health, a serviceman leaves the reserve category forever. In 2022, medical examination at military registration and enlistment offices will help determine which people are suitable for the reserves and which are not.

There are 3 categories of reserve military personnel. The first includes privates, sergeants, midshipmen, warrant officers under 35 years of age. Junior (up to 45 years old) and senior officers (up to 60 years old), colonels and captains of the first rank (up to 55 years old), colonels, majors, captains of 2.3 ranks up to 50 years old are also listed here. They are called up first, since these people took part in hostilities or served in military service.

It is a common practice that in order to check the health of (potential) military personnel, they are ordered to undergo a second medical examination to confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, military registration and enlistment office employees are obliged to listen to the conscript’s complaints about his health condition.

The second group consists of military personnel from 35 to 45 years old, and senior management in the reserve (45-60 years old). Also present here may be young people who did not get into the service because of “G”. They go to serve after the start of the second wave of mobilization.

The third group is officers (50-60 years old), military personnel aged 45 to 50 years. This reserve category also includes women of the same age with military education or military service experience.

So, there are 5 categories of suitability for military service. Only one of them provides for complete exemption from the army with the issuance of a “white” military ID. This is group "D". They receive it in rare cases (in the presence of incurable serious diseases and mental disorders).

Indicators of purpose

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Government Decree No. 565, assignments have also been developed for each category, assigned after examination in accordance with the approved list of diseases and which are taken into account when sending conscripts to certain branches of the military or when appointing them to a particular position.

In particular, the stipulated Resolution No. 565 contains a list of major diseases, covering diseases of internal organs, problems with the musculoskeletal system, and the psychological level of perception of reality, not to mention the presence of viral infections or genetic abnormalities.

Also in the agreed norm is a scale of basic physical indicators in the context of requirements for service in certain troops. In particular, weight and height are indicated, as well as permissible deviations in hearing and vision, not to mention previous injuries and diseases that may affect the future soldier’s ability to perform certain functions already during the performance of his immediate duties.

Suitability groups

There are only five categories, but some also have a digital entry regulating restrictions or recommendations regarding military affiliation. The digital designation is limited to four points. The list is established by government decree and is regulated by letter designation. Each has its own characteristics. Division into categories:

  • A;
  • B;
  • IN;
  • G;
  • D.

The digital definition is most often established in the first two groups, which allow military service. The numbers are included for a number of reasons:

  1. Recommendations of the branch of service;
  2. The type of illnesses suffered that limit the person in the service;
  3. Health status and injuries.

Almost every person who is included in the disability group has a digital registration.

After the main medical commission, the category is added to the military ID and remains there forever. Group changes occur only in exceptional cases.

What categories with restrictions are on a military ID are specified in the legislation.


Category “A” is a designation that a person has no limitations due to health conditions or has very minor deviations from the norm. In the case of this category, numbers are entered that recommend the conscript to certain types of troops or indicate that there were minor injuries that had no consequences.

Persons with category “A” are required to undergo military service and cannot apply for a deferment due to health reasons. All types of troops are available to such a person. From this group of conscripts, conscripts are recruited into most of the elite branches of the military, where other people in worse health cannot get into.

In fact, the highest category opens the way to service in the army under a contract, and also, in the future, in the security forces. This type of category is very rare, since most conscripts have minor health restrictions.


All conscripts who have a minor health limitation are eligible for this category. The digital designation most often regulates the type of restriction. Category "B" is the most common. Conscripts in this group are not given a deferment for health reasons. If necessary, a deferment can only be obtained by persons in categories B-3 and B-4 who have a chronic or acute seasonal illness. With this category, conscripts are included in any troops, except those that have health restrictions in the form of the first fitness category.

In fact, a person with category “B” is fit for military service and has good health, but is limited in activities due to a number of diseases, including those suffered in childhood.


For category "B" there is limited validity. A person with this category cannot be called up for military service due to a serious illness that does not allow him to perform certain functions.

The majority of people have significant health problems, which are chronic diseases with a long duration. At the same time, it is regulated that serving is impossible only in peacetime. A person is eligible for general mobilization during hostilities.


Category “G” – temporary unfitness, which means receiving a deferment for a certain period and passing the commission again. The category is assigned in the presence of a number of serious diseases or specific fractures and injuries. A person is not exempt from conscription until the category is changed as a result of the conclusion of a medical commission. The duration of the delay depends on the complexity of the disease and the need for complete rehabilitation. Most often, a deferment is given for six months, after which the next draft will again require a commission.


This group includes all persons who are unable to serve. After entering this category, the person is removed from military service and issued documents stating that he is unable to serve as a result of a permanent serious illness. Most often, this group includes people with disabilities and people with diseases of the nervous system, as well as people with mental disorders.

After receiving this category, a person cannot be drafted even during wartime.

Category A

Category A, in fact, is the highest score, which confirms the excellent health of conscripts and their ability to occupy military positions in almost all troops.

Moreover, in most cases, upon receiving the specified category, future military personnel can quite deservedly count on serving in elite troops, such as the landing force and the marine corps.

Moreover, taking into account that, in principle, there are no ideally healthy people, this class is divided into four more subgroups . which make it possible to determine the ability of future soldiers to serve in various troops.

In particular, A1 is the highest score, which is assigned not only for health reasons, but also for external indicators, such as height and weight, given that height is as important for paratroopers as vision for tankers. For example, to qualify for the airborne troops, the height of the applicant must be no lower than 170 cm and no higher than 185 cm, while the weight must be within 90 kg, and not classified as obesity of the 2nd degree. Also, the future paratrooper must be able to distinguish whispered speech within 6 meters, and therefore have perfect hearing.

Military medical expert commission

To conduct a medical examination of a conscript and assign him one or another fitness category, a special commission is created at the military registration and enlistment office. It includes medical specialists, each of whom examines the young man and studies his medical history. Anamnesis is necessary to obtain relief, deferment or release from service.

The commission includes:

  • An ENT doctor who diagnoses diseases of the ears, nose and throat;
  • specialist in disorders of the functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves (neurologist);
  • medical vision specialist (ophthalmologist);
  • a doctor who determines the presence of mental disorders (psychiatrist);
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist.

Based on the totality of the results, the commission gives an opinion on the general state of health. The conscript is assigned a category (health group), according to which it is determined which troops he can be sent to and possible restrictions on the performance of official duties. In case of a controversial situation, preference is given to the group with more limited capabilities.

Important! Medical representatives of the military registration and enlistment office commission only give an opinion on the health of the young man in their medical field based on the results of the examination. They do not diagnose the disease and do not treat the detected disease. In total, five categories of health are accepted, which in the military ID are indicated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet (A, B, C, D, D)

Only men with categories A and B can serve in the Armed Forces under contract

In total, five categories of health are accepted, which are designated on the military ID by capital letters of the Russian alphabet (A, B, C, D, D). Only men with categories A and B can serve in the Armed Forces under contract.

Brief explanation of categories

Avalid without restrictions
Bvalid with minor restrictions
INlimited (partially) fit, deferment for treatment provided
Gpartially unfit, given a deferment for inpatient treatment
Dunfit, full exemption

When determining the category at the military registration and enlistment office, making a decision on deferment or release from conscription service, medical specialists are guided by a single document called the “Schedule of Diseases”.

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