Fitness category B3 in the army - which troops will be sent to, what does it mean, decoding

The procedure for passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and determining the degree of suitability of a conscript for military service is determined by the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013 No. 565.

According to paragraph 18 of this Regulation, the draft commission must check the health status of the conscript and determine whether he is suitable for military service or not. Depending on the state of health, the conscript is assigned one of the 5 available fitness categories, designated by letters: A, B, C, D or D. For example, assignment to category A means that the conscript is fit without any restrictions and can serve in any type of service or the form of troops. Assignment to category D means that the conscript is completely unfit for service, and therefore he will not be drafted into the army either in peacetime or in wartime.

Since not every young man has ideal health, most conscripts are assigned category B by the military registration and enlistment office, that is, fit, but with minor restrictions. This means that the young man will go into the army, but he may not end up in every military unit.

What does the letter "B" in the category indicate?

The category is established during a medical examination by a special commission, which determines whether the conscript is fit for military service or not.
Any letter indicates restrictions on military service. The letter “B” indicates that the conscript has some deviations associated with minor health problems, but this does not mean at all that he cannot serve the Motherland and join the army. As a rule, category B3 for conscripts may indicate that the young man has minor dental problems, hemorrhoids or other diseases that are not serious, but this will not prevent him from serving. Category B3 can be given even to people who have a predisposition to asthma, but this fact is taken into account when assigning to service. The conscript can still join the army. At the same time, for example, he will not be sent to a warehouse with chemical products, but he can be a driver. If a person has problems with the musculoskeletal system or minor visual and hearing impairments, then he may also be given category B3 in the army. What troops are available to him? Yes, almost everything that is included in category B3, except that he cannot be a driver. But he will be able to feel calm in the warehouse.

If there are minor problems with the circulatory system or heart, then this category is also issued, and the conscript can fully serve in the army in special units.

What grades of eligibility for conscripts exist?

Before turning to the main issue, let's consider what degrees of suitability the law distinguishes.

  1. Category A1. This category indicates the conscript’s full suitability for military service. The recruit is in perfect health and good physical fitness. Can serve in absolutely any army.
  2. Category B. This grade of fitness indicates minor health problems.
  3. Category B indicates that the conscript is unfit for military service.
  4. Category G provides a temporary deferment from the army due to a current illness. The young person is given a deferment of six to twelve months for treatment.
  5. Category D. This category indicates the complete unfitness of the conscript for military service, even in wartime.

In addition to the main categories, each of them has subcategories.

What military professions are available under category B3?

Naturally, every conscript who has been assigned the B3 fitness category is interested in what position he will be able to hold and in which troops he will be sent to serve. Young people who fall under this category will be able to count on the following specialties:

  1. Work in a warehouse where automobile fuel is stored.
  2. Driver of an infantry fighting vehicle, air defense missile system or armored personnel carrier.
  3. The conscript may be a member of the crew of these vehicles.
  4. Service in the anti-aircraft missile forces is available.
  5. There is a possibility of serving in the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If a conscript does not agree with the established category, he will be able to challenge the conclusion of the draft commission, even if category B3 is shown on the military ID. In any case, even after serving in the above-mentioned units, you can then get a job in law enforcement agencies. Of course, if a conscript wants to serve in the elite troops and then continue military work, then the category must be contested and raised, but this can only be done through the courts. Until the court resolves the dispute, the conscript cannot be drafted into the army.

What will it mean for a conscript to be assigned category B or D?

When a young man, after passing the draft board, receives an entry in the military ID in the form of category “D” or “B”, in the future this may provoke some problems when applying for a job in organizations such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and similar law enforcement agencies.

In this case, perhaps you shouldn’t even try to send your resume for consideration, since you will still receive a clear refusal. Almost the same applies to state-owned enterprises, which do not always employ citizens with these categories. To correct the situation, a man can undergo a second medical examination.

If his health condition has changed for the better, these restrictions can be lifted or changed to more gentle ones. In this case, a corresponding entry is made in the military document about passing another medical commission. But we should not forget that the condition can only worsen, which will negatively affect not only the opportunities to find a job in the security forces, but also on obtaining a driver’s license.

How to challenge category B3 through court

A special commission, which includes expert bodies, will be able to re-check whether the conscript was correctly assigned category B3 in the army and which troops are suitable for his service. They are the ones who control and examine the young man. Not only physical health will be taken into account, but also mental health, on the basis of this a conclusion is drawn about what type of activity the future fighter can be involved in. In order for the court to order a review of the category, it is also necessary to provide an objective reason. As a rule, such requests are made if it is necessary to reduce the category in order to obtain a deferment from service, or in some cases, complete release.

Many who go to serve in the army seriously think about the question of where they will take the B3 category, but there is no need to worry too much, since even with this category the choice of troops is quite extensive. As you can see, category B3 does not greatly limit the conscript and leaves him with almost all the same opportunities that other conscripts have. For example, many young people, having served in the army, then go to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It will not be possible to get into elite units with this category, so this must be taken into account when passing the commission and immediately express disagreement with the category established by the commission.

Who assigns health category “B3”

“B3” is a fitness category that is assigned during a medical examination. This procedure takes place at the military commissariat with the direct participation of doctors, who must carefully check the health status of the conscript, but in practice, due to the large flow of conscripts, the quality of the examination by doctors leaves much to be desired. Based on this inspection, they make their decision on which troops the conscript will be recommended for military service.

Anthropometric fitness indicators and health indicators:

  • the height of the conscript must be in the range from 155 to 180 centimeters;
  • visual acuity without correction should be from 0.5 to 0.1 diopters;
  • the conscript must be able to hear whispered speech at a distance of 5 or 6 meters;
  • The conscript must not have color vision impairments.

In the event that members of the medical commission cannot determine the cause of health problems or doubt the correctness of the diagnosis, they have the right to send the conscript for additional examination. Very often, an additional examination is prescribed if a conscript comes for a medical examination with documents that indicate long-term treatment of any diseases. Therefore, if there are serious illnesses, the conscript should prepare for the examination procedure by making copies of medical certificates, extracts and other documents issued by the attending physician.

After a re-examination carried out at the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, members of the draft commission must carefully study the results of additional diagnostics. Based on the data obtained, a decision will be made as to which category best corresponds to the current state of health. The final decision must be brought to the attention of the conscript so that he knows why he was assigned the “B3” health category. Upon request, a full decoding is carried out, since not every person understands how the “B3” category is used in the army.

Which troops will they be sent to serve in?

After passing the medical examination, young men are wondering which troops they will be sent to with a health certificate. These are the following types of troops and positions:

  • driver, as well as crew members of an infantry fighting vehicle or armored personnel carrier;
  • anti-aircraft missile forces - crew members, maintenance personnel and protection of the air defense complex;
  • internal guard service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • service at headquarters and in military warehouses;
  • troops associated with material and technical support;
  • infantry troops;
  • motorized rifle units;
  • warehouses and guard services of chemical troops.

Having a knowledge group does not require passing standards or special training. It is important to remember that in any case, a conscript with this health category will be sent to serve. But a young man with such indicators will not be accepted into the elite troops or special forces.

After returning home with this level of health, a serviceman can receive advantages for joining the police. After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you have the opportunity to receive a special education and become an officer in the future.

Moreover, if the military ID shows health category B3, but there is no confirmation that the young man served in the army, doubts may arise about the authenticity of the military ID. This fact will interfere when trying to take a high position or simply get a prestigious job. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with employment in the future, it is mandatory to undergo military service.

Grounds for obtaining fitness category B3

Category B3 in the army is issued upon passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Often, to obtain this fitness category, military doctors prescribe additional examinations. Most often, additional examinations are prescribed if the conscript has documents in his hands indicating long-term treatment of any disease.

Health and Fitness Indicators:

  • conscript height 155-180 cm;
  • without correction, visual acuity is 0.5-0.1 diopters;
  • indicators of difference in whispered speech - distance 5-6 meters;
  • There are no problems with color perception.

If a conscript has serious illnesses, then it is necessary to prepare in advance for a medical examination and present all documents, certificates, extracts from the medical card, as well as other documents issued by the attending physician.

The considered fitness category is most often obtained for the following diseases and disorders:

  • there is a risk of asthma;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system after recent fractures;
  • mild to moderate allergies;
  • other pathologies in a mild form.

Young men who have category B3 on their military ID have some restrictions on daily physical activity. The conscript must not have serious and severe pathologies that affect normal functioning and physical condition, otherwise he is assigned the next fitness category.

Medical examination standards for subgroup B-3

In order for a young man who has been assigned category B-3 to have the opportunity to serve in the army, he must meet the following standards when undergoing a medical examination:

  • • understand speech spoken in a whisper;
  • • reach a height of at least 1.55 m;
  • • perceive colors normally – there should be no color blindness or dichromasia.

The conscript must be in good health and have normal organ functions. If serious illnesses that pose a threat to life or physiological condition are detected, the young man is assigned a different fitness category.

Category “B3” - where will they be sent to serve?

If a young man has an o on his military ID, then he cannot serve in the elite units of the army. Such units include special and special forces, marines, airborne troops, as well as border troops responsible for protecting the external borders of the state on land or water. This is due to the fact that these units have special requirements for the physical characteristics of the conscript. Therefore, a young man who is fit with health restrictions cannot get to serve here.

In 2022, conscripts assigned to the B3 health category will most likely serve as a driver or crew member of an armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicle, or missile launcher. In addition, with this category you can obtain access to the management and maintenance of anti-aircraft missile systems, become a specialist in refueling and storing fuel, or perform guard duty in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to change “B3” to another category?

Many conscripts, after they find out which troops they are taking into category “B”, want to change it to another in order to receive a legal exemption from service or a deferment. This can be done legally, but before receiving a summons for military service. Category “B3” in the army no longer changes, so you need to submit an application to the court in advance. Unfortunately, without a good knowledge of the “Schedule of Illnesses” and the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” you can incorrectly draw up an application or make a mistake in drawing up a package of documents that will be required during the consideration of this case in court. Therefore, it is better to seek help from experienced lawyers who can solve all problems with changing this category.

Registration and deployment are impossible without passing all stages of a military medical examination. At the medical examination, doctors check the conscript for diseases, and after that determine the degree of suitability for service.

Fitness category “B” is very broad, since it includes an impressive group of pathologies that allow one to serve in the military. For this reason, the commission can assign the conscript one of its four options:

  • "B-1"
  • "B-2"
  • "B-3"
  • and also "B-4".

Who is not accepted into the army?

According to the list of diseases, which is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 N 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination”, people with disabilities, HIV infection, malignant neoplasms, congenital syphilis, bronchial asthma, regular epileptic seizures, severe vascular diseases of the brain, etc. In addition, citizens who:

  • — have an outstanding conviction for any type of crime;
  • — sentenced by the court to a suspended sentence (even if the person is not in custody, he cannot join the army);
  • — those working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB (exempt from conscription for the duration of service in these structures);
  • — are holders of an academic degree;
  • - have a direct family connection with those killed in the performance of military service.




Conscription medical commission

The military medical commission includes 7 doctors:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • surgeon;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist

In accordance with the Regulations on Military Medical Examination, medical workers are engaged only in examination, that is, exclusively in ascertaining the presence of diseases in a conscript. Their responsibilities do not include prescribing treatment or making diagnoses.

During the examination, members of the medical commission rely on external characteristics and medical documents prepared by the conscript:

  • medical card from the clinic or an extract from it;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • fluorography,
  • ECG.

Other documents indicating diagnoses, therapy, and examinations will also be required.

At the end of the examination, each doctor prepares his own report and assigns his own fitness group for military service. Based on these assessments, the chief physician decides on the final category.

If the members of the military medical commission disagree, the conscript will be assigned the “lowest” fitness group. For example, if 6 doctors determine category “B”, and the seventh doctor determines “C”, therefore, the head physician writes category “C” as the final one.

In the future, if the draft commission confirms this suitability group, it will be included in the military ID.


While studying at an educational institution, Andrei B. was diagnosed with flat feet of the 3rd degree, however, during the conscription procedures, the conclusion was not confirmed. The draft medical commission approved the young man’s fitness group “B-4”.

Categories of suitability for the army

There are 5 key categories of suitability. They are established according to a special document - the Schedule of Diseases. This act indicates the diseases, their degree, anthropometric data and other necessary information, which makes it possible to determine which group corresponds to the quality of health of the conscript.

Key categories

The key categories include the following groups (decoding fitness for military service):

Group "A" - fit for military service. There are no restrictions on the type of troops in which it is recommended to serve.

“B” - fit for military service with certain minor restrictions. They relate to the selection of recommended troops, which are marked with a number after the letter that determines the degree of suitability.

"B" - fit for service, but limited. The young man receives a military ID, but at the same time he is sent to the reserve.

"G" - temporarily unusable. For certain diseases, a temporary deferment is provided. At the end of the deferment, the conscript undergoes a second medical examination. If the health condition improves, the conscript will be sent to serve. If the health condition does not improve, the young man receives either a second deferment or a military ID card.

"D" - category of unsuitability for service. The young man is finally removed from the military register. Subsequently, under no circumstances is he called up, either in war or in peacetime.

If the commission is not sure of the accuracy of the medical documents or has some questions about the candidate’s health status, the young man is sent to a medical institution to undergo an additional examination.

The examination is carried out to verify the candidate's diagnosis. Diagnosis of the disease will be free. If demands arise to pay for medical services, you can safely write a complaint to the army commissariat or, as an option, to the prosecutor’s office.

Diseases and the army

According to the law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” a conscript has the opportunity to receive a deferment or complete exemption from the army for health reasons. After receiving the summons, he must appear at the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a mandatory medical commission, which establishes the category of fitness. There are five of them in total:

  • — category “A” means suitability for military service without restrictions on the type of military service;
  • — “B” — fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • — “B” means exemption from conscription in peacetime and enrollment in the reserves;
  • - “G” gives a temporary deferment for health reasons;
  • - "D" - the conscript is not accepted into the army.

A medical examination must be completed even if the young person has already been diagnosed with a disease that provides a deferment or exemption from service, allowing him to obtain a military ID. In accordance with the law, examination of disabled people occurs with their consent or the consent of their legal representatives in absentia. February 18, 16:58 Spring conscription into the army 2022 - when does it start and how long will it last? Before the examination, the conscript needs to have a fluorography and a general blood and urine test, then see a surgeon, therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, dermatovenerologist. For service under the contract, persons who have passed a military medical commission and received categories “A” and “B” are admitted.

Fitness category "B"

Fitness category “B” is established subject to significant deviations in the candidate’s current state of health, which will not be an obstacle to military service. The group described is quite broad; it includes most of the diseases from the Schedule of Diseases. In this regard, a definition of the purpose indicator was introduced. He divides group “B” into four subcategories with indices 1,2,3,4.

Categories “B1” and “B2” are characterized by the presence of insignificant deviations in health. These include:

  • chronic diseases not in acute forms, as well as mild forms of allergies - deviations that do not entail serious disruptions in the functioning of the candidate’s organ systems.

Description of suitability category B-3

This category of health is of greatest interest to conscripts, since it is the broadest and contains literally all conscript illnesses from the Schedule of Diseases. This category is assigned for minor dysfunctions of various organs, treated diseases and residual effects of past diseases or fractures. A candidate with category “B-3” is fit for the army, but with restrictions on physical overload.

What troops are drafted into with category “B-3”?

  • crew members and drivers of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and missile launchers;
  • guard units and other military forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • specialists of fuel and lubricants parts, as well as other chemical parts;
  • maintenance and management of anti-aircraft missile systems.

The “B-3” service category in the army does not provide the opportunity, either during conscription or in the future, to serve in special forces and elite troops: the Marine Corps, Airborne Battalion, Border Troops and Airborne Forces. The legislation puts forward specific requirements for the candidate’s health status.

What does category B3 mean in the military registration and enlistment office?

Category “B” implies that the conscript is recognized as fit to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, but restrictions must be established for him regarding the choice of types of troops.

There are four subcategories of group “B”:

  • B1. Assigned to conscripts who have minimal restrictions in the choice of troops. It is established when non-essential diseases are identified that do not interfere with a normal lifestyle (allergies, chronic diseases in remission, etc.).
  • B2. Awarded to citizens who are suitable for service in tank forces and submarines. An example of a disease for which this subgroup is assigned is color blindness (impaired color vision).
  • B3. There are significant restrictions in the choice of troops, which we will discuss in the following paragraphs of the article.
  • B4. Conscripts with this fitness group have serious restrictions in choosing the type of military service. They are suitable for service in the protection of missile troops, as well as radio engineering troops.

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Number "3" in the fitness category

Number 3 indicates a number of diseases, the presence of which in a young man subject to conscription into the army, significantly reduces the choice of the type of military service where he will serve. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, such diseases include:

  • Minor hearing problems.
  • Risk of bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies in the musculoskeletal system caused by recent bone fractures.
  • Risk of mild to moderate allergic reactions.
  • Other diseases.

Taking into account the assigned subcategory, the conscript is selected for the category of troops in which service will not cause damage to his health.

How to change the fitness group in a military ID

During a medical examination, candidates with a borderline diagnosis often receive groups “B4” or “B3” instead of group “B”. This problem is especially relevant in the second half of the conscription - at this time, military commissariats are puzzled by the implementation of the plan for manning the troops.

There are several options to solve this problem.

  1. If you have not received a health examination report, you should ask the doctor for a referral for additional examination from the military registration and enlistment office. It should be taken into account that there are often cases when conscripts are not prescribed the entire list of examinations. This may affect the results of the study to determine the suitability group. For this reason, it is necessary to be well aware of the list of mandatory examinations to confirm diagnoses. It is also necessary to be careful when studying the notes made by the doctor on the report form and in the medical record.
  2. If, after completing an additional examination, the military registration and enlistment office intends to establish a draft category, appeal this decision to a higher draft commission. To do this, you need to write an application requesting to be sent for an in-person control medical re-examination.
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