Limited fit for military service - category “B”

When a conscript undergoing a medical examination is told at the military registration and enlistment office that he will not be accepted to serve in the army and at the same time he is entered into category “B” on his military ID - which means he is limitedly fit for military service, this should be understood as follows - he is not ready for health reasons.

Fitness is a criterion that determines how healthy and capable a man is for service. The indicator is based on health problems discovered during the examination and medical reports issued. The general decision of the medical commission regarding each specific conscript, based on all the data, determines the category of suitability.

The legislation defines the following five types of suitability:

  1. Group “A” – fully fit for military service.
  2. Group “B” – fit for service with minor restrictions.
  3. Group “B” – limited fit for service.
  4. Group “G” – temporarily unfit.
  5. Group “D” – not fit for service at all.

How is the suitability category determined?

The fitness category is assigned based on the conclusion of the military medical commission (MMC), as well as provided certificates from government medical institutions and extracts from the medical history.

The VVK consists of seven specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist

Note! If you have chronic diseases, undergo an examination by an appropriate specialist and submit a report to the military registration and enlistment office.

Doctors determine whether a conscript is able to withstand the stress of military service. After each member of the IHC makes a decision, a draft commission meets. It is here that the decision is made to assign a fitness category to a young person.

Obtaining category “B”

To identify a disease that corresponds to category “B”, you must undergo an independent medical examination. Since the degree of violation is the reason for decommissioning from service, it must be described in great detail with a complete and detailed diagnosis. For some diseases, the duration of medical observation is important—how often the man saw a doctor or received hospital treatment.

Based on the results of the examination, having studied all medical certificates and conclusions, the commission assigns the recruit one or another category of suitability for military service. If during the medical examination questions arise or new symptoms are discovered, the conscript will be sent for additional medical examination and in-depth diagnostics.

Important! In accordance with the law, you need to take tests for the military registration and enlistment office in advance, even before passing the commission! After waiting for the finished results, be sure to take them with you.

Fitness category "A"

“A” - fit for military service, absolutely healthy. Persons liable for military service in this category can count on serving in elite military units, such as the Aerospace Forces, Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, and submarine units of the Navy. A conscript is fit for military service without restrictions on physical activity. Category “A” is divided into four subgroups: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4. The division depends on the physical condition of the conscript: the better the health, the higher the category, and accordingly there are fewer restrictions on the choice of troops.

As a rule, distribution into subgroups is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • health conditions;
  • physiological characteristics (height and weight);
  • the principle of personnel shortage in military units;
  • results of psychological testing;
  • availability of additional skills.

Good sports training will be an advantage when assigned to the troops.

Fitness category “A” is assigned in two cases: if there is no non-recruiting disease at all or if the disease is at an initial stage and does not cause disruption of body functions.

In the second case, you need to be more careful: it is important to adequately assess the capabilities of your body and undergo a full independent medical examination. Remember: the heavy physical stress of military service can aggravate the situation, and qualified medical care is not always available.

Who is assigned category “B”

When determining the fitness category, they are guided by a special document called the “Schedule of Diseases.” It directly states which disease to which degree this or that category corresponds.

The document is a large table with notes and looks like this

On the left is the article number, then the name of the disease, its degrees and possible manifestations, then the actual category of fitness for various citizens. The fitness category of “ordinary” conscripts is indicated in the first column. Below we describe in detail which case of disease belongs to which point in the second column.

Evgeniy Godov


We regularly write about diseases from the Schedule of Diseases in our Directory of Diseases, where we explain the principles of exemption from the army for a particular disease in a simplified form.

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It should be noted that for an accurate and correct understanding of the “Schedule”, it is necessary to have certain knowledge, both legal and medical. Moreover, each specific case may have its own difficulties and nuances. Therefore, it is better for a potential conscript not to try to figure everything out on his own, but to use the services of professionals. Our company provides conscripts with free consultation from a qualified lawyer.

The Schedule of Diseases lists many diseases. But we can highlight the most common diseases, in the presence of which the conscript is assigned fitness category “B”. A short and simplified list of them is presented below:

  • Flat feet of the 3rd degree;
  • Scoliosis with a spinal curvature angle of more than 17° (in some cases, with a smaller curvature).
  • Myopia more than 6 diopters;
  • Farsightedness more than 8 diopters;
  • Hypertension with pressure from “140 to 90” and above;
  • Bronchial asthma.

Please note that even such a “simple” disease as flat feet can be of different “types”: there is longitudinal and transverse flat feet, etc. The situation with the well-known scoliosis is even more complicated: here, not only the angle of curvature of the spine is decisive, but also other, very subjective factors. Therefore, you should not try to figure out such nuances on your own, because what is at stake is exemption from military service, which lasts a whole year.

Suitability category "A-1"

The highest degree of suitability for service is when doctors have not identified any abnormalities or pathologies.

Criteria for category "A-1":

  • lack of obesity;
  • height 170-185 cm;
  • weight no more than 90 kg;
  • excellent hearing: audibility of whispered speech at a distance of up to 6 meters;
  • no limitation of the visual field, or limitation of no more than 20 degrees;
  • no deviations in color vision.

Category A1 is considered the highest; its holders are recruited into the Marine Corps, Aerospace Forces, Border Troops, as well as special and special forces.

However, you should not naively believe that if you have this category, you will immediately get into the elite troops. Much may also depend on personnel shortages in certain military units.

Fitness category "A-2"

If a young man has had fractures or other injuries/illnesses, then he is assigned to this category of fitness for military service.

Criteria for category “A-2”:

  • 1st degree obesity, caries or benign formations, without organ dysfunction, are not an obstacle to this subcategory;
  • height up to 175 cm for tank crews, engineering vehicles based on tanks or tractors, height up to 185 cm for those who will serve on submarines or surface ships;
  • good hearing: audibility of whispered speech at a distance of up to 6 meters for submariners and tank/vehicle drivers, and up to 3-4 meters for crew members;
  • limited field of view of no more than 20 degrees;
  • no grade 2 obesity.

After being assigned this category, a man can be sent to serve as a tank crew, driver of engineering combat vehicles, or become part of a crew of submarines or surface ships. Also, with this level of fitness they can be assigned to the Marine Corps or Airborne Forces. Everything depends not only on the condition of the young man, but also on the strength of the troops.

List of diseases for category “B”

Type of diseaseDegree of violation
Infectious and parasitic diseasesIntestinal infections, bacterial diseases, viral diseases
Respiratory tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of other organs
Patients with HIV infection in the stage of primary manifestations
Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections
Mycoses and fungal infections
NeoplasmsMalignant formations of organs and circulatory systems
Benign formations
Blood diseasesDiseases of the blood and circulatory organs, as well as immunodeficiency conditions
Endocrine system diseasesEuthyroid goiter: making it difficult to wear military uniform
Other diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders
Mental disordersOrganic mental disorders
Symptomatic and other mental disorders of exogenous etiology
Neurotic and mental disorders
Personality disorders: moderately expressed with unstable compensation
Mental retardation: mild
Nervous system diseasesEpilepsy with a frequency of attacks less than 5 times a year
Diseases of the central nervous system
Systemic atrophies affecting mainly the central nervous system, spinal cord and brain tumors
Vascular diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord
Diseases of the peripheral nervous system and nerves
Temporary disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems after illness or injury
Eye diseasesDiseases of the eyelids, orbits, conjunctiva of the lacrimal ducts
Diseases of the sclera, cornea, iris, retina, optic nerve
Retinal disinsertion
eye muscle diseases
Refractive and accommodation disorders
Blindness, low vision, color vision abnormalities
Ear diseasesDiseases of the outer and middle ear
vestibular disorders
Deafness, hearing loss after surgery
Diseases of the circulatory systemRheumatism
Hypertonic disease
Ischemic disease
Diseases of the aorta, arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels
Hemorrhoids with complications
Neurocircular asthenia
Temporary disorders of the circulatory system
Respiratory diseasesDiseases of the nose, pharynx, paranasal sinuses
Diseases of the larynx and trachea
Other respiratory diseases
Bronchial asthma
Digestive diseasesDisorders of teeth eruption and development
Dental diseases, periodontitis, periodontal disease
Maxillofacial anomalies, defects and deformities
Diseases of the esophagus, intestines and peritoneum
Peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Chronic urticaria, recurrent angioedema, psoriasis, eczema, etc.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue Arthritis and arthropathy
Diseases and lesions of bones, large joints, cartilage
Spinal diseases
Absence or defects of the hand and fingers
Flat feet
Absence of a limb up to the level of the upper third of the shoulder or hip
Diseases of the genitourinary system Chronic kidney disease
Diseases of the upper urinary tract, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis
Diseases of the male genital organs
Genital prolapse, urinary incontinence
Consequences of injuries, poisoning and other influences of external factors Injuries to internal organs of the chest, abdomen and pelvis
Skin injuries
Poisoning by drugs, drugs and biological substances
Dystrophy: weight less than 45 kg, height less than 150 cm
Speech disorders, severe stuttering

Fitness category "A-3"

Conscripts who fall under this fitness level may have minor vision problems or other illnesses that do not require medical intervention and will not prevent full military service.

Criteria for category "A-3":

  • height up to 180 cm;
  • visual limitation of the field of view of no more than 20 degrees;
  • absence of degree 2 obesity;
  • excellent hearing: audibility in a whisper up to 6-5 meters;
  • lack of dichromasy.

Young men in the “A-3” category usually serve in the guards, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and become part of the team of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc.

What does category B4 mean?

Category B4 on a military ID will not create problems at the employment stage. It will not become an obstacle to obtaining a driver’s license after completing military service. Such conscripts often guard important facilities, work at checkpoints and in law enforcement units.

The decoding of this category implies that a person does not have diseases that could interfere with his performance of military duty. Such young men are ready to serve, but they may have restrictions on physical activity.

Fitness category "A-4"

This category includes conscripts with vision problems or first degree flat feet. The A-4 is accepted into all types of troops except those listed above. The criteria are essentially the same:

  • height up to 180 cm;
  • visual limitation of the field of view of no more than 20 degrees;
  • absence of degree 2 obesity;
  • excellent hearing: audibility in a whisper up to 6-5 meters;
  • lack of dichromasy.

More detailed information about the criteria for assigning fitness categories can be found in the “Schedule of Diseases”.

How to change the eligibility category?

Many conscripts who dream of serving in the elite troops deliberately change their fitness category to a higher level. However, it also happens that the draft commission ultimately assigns fitness category “A”, ignoring or not taking into account the presence of non-conscription diseases. In this case, this can become a serious problem, both for the conscript himself and for his physical condition.

Many people believe that the fitness category cannot be changed, but this is not true. If desired, the decision of the draft commission can always be challenged. As a rule, there are reasons for this, since there are almost no completely healthy people. You can always undergo a medical examination again and identify non-contagious diseases.

The procedure for challenging the decision of the draft commission is complex; you need to have knowledge of military legislation and specific communication skills with military commissariats.

Experienced military lawyers of SKA “Prizyvnik” will study your problem, find the best solutions and represent your interests in the military registration and enlistment office, and, if necessary, in court.

We don't give hope in hopeless situations. Our main goal is to help conscripts and restore justice .

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