Military expert Leonkov told how “Crossbows-DM” fight UAVs

Project of the Arbalet-DM combat module

In recent years, remotely controlled combat modules with machine gun weapons have become widespread. Such systems have already established themselves as an effective and convenient means of arming light army armored vehicles. Remote-controlled machine gun modules have acceptable firepower and also allow you to maintain free space inside the base vehicle. Such weapons systems are being developed both abroad and in our country. One of the domestic developments in this area is approaching the start of mass production and operation in the army. In the near future, a new domestic combat module “Arbalet-DM” should enter service. The promising domestic combat module "Arbalet-DM" was developed by specialists from the "Weapon Workshops" company and the Kovrov Electromechanical Plant. During the recent Russia Arms Expo 2015 exhibition, Deputy General Director of Weapons Workshops Oleg Kruglyakov spoke about the current state of the new project. According to him, the Arbalet-DM combat module is currently undergoing the final stage of state testing. The authors of the project expect that by the end of the year the new product will be put into service. Thus, mass production of this equipment may soon begin with the subsequent installation of modules on military equipment in the army.

The Crossbow-DM module is offered for arming various armored vehicles and combat vehicles. Thus, for the first time this system was demonstrated on the Tiger armored car. Subsequently, the module was installed on the Typhoon armored car and the ANT-1000R robotic complex. Finally, at the RAE-2015 exhibition, the MT-LB armored vehicle was demonstrated with a promising combat module in place of the original machine gun mount. It cannot be ruled out that in the future the module may be installed on other equipment. Thus, some sources claim that the module of the new model can be carried by various wheeled and tracked vehicles, as well as river boats. In addition, it is possible to use the combat module as a weapon for a stationary security post.

Combat module "Arbalet-DM" at the RAE-2015 exhibition. Photo:

It should be noted that the samples of the combat module demonstrated at exhibitions in recent years have some noticeable differences. Not only some details have changed, but also the overall layout of the product. For example, on an early model, the optical-electronic equipment unit was located under the machine gun, and not on the side of it. Thus, the model installed on the MT-LB was seriously different from the system shown several years ago on the Tiger armored car.

The product "Crossbow-DM" is universal not only from the point of view of installation on various machines. Depending on the wishes of the customer, this system can receive various weapons. The combat module can be equipped with a rifle-caliber PKTM machine gun or large-caliber systems, such as the Kord. Moreover, as follows from the available data, the design of the module does not depend in any way on the type of weapon used.

"Crossbow-DM" can be installed on various combat vehicles. This feature of the product is associated with its design, which was originally designed for use on various equipment. A characteristic feature of this system is its low weight. The total mass of the combat module does not exceed 250 kg. Such a low weight of the module is due to its original design. A number of technical solutions, such as the remote placement of the cartridge box, made it possible to reduce the weight of the entire structure.

The main element of the module is a rotary support device, made in the form of a complex-shaped unit. On the base platform with yaw drives there are two vertical racks with mounts for weapons and vertical guidance mechanisms. The frontal part of the latest version of the module, both the central casing and the side pillars, has a characteristic inclined shape. A swinging device with mounts for a machine gun is hingedly mounted on the vertical posts. The design of the combat module allows the weapon to be aimed within the range from -20° to +70° in the vertical plane. Horizontal guidance is circular.

Combat module "Arbalet-DM" at the RAE-2015 exhibition. Photo:

On the right side of the module there are mounts for a box with cartridges. Ready-to-use ammunition, depending on the type of machine gun, can reach 450 rounds. To feed the belt with cartridges to the machine gun, the module's swinging device has a special curved tray. The tray ensures the removal of the tape from the cartridge box and its uninterrupted supply to the receiving window of the machine gun. To the left of the machine gun there is a small pipe for discharging cartridges. A sample of the combat module installed on the MT-LB vehicle and demonstrated at the RAE-2015 exhibition received a sleeve collector made in the form of a canvas bag on a metal frame.

To the left of the machine gun there is a remote frame with mounts for the optical-electronic unit. The equipment is housed inside a metal casing with a movable front cover. According to available data, the Arbalet-DM combat module uses the PK-SU IPTsYu.201219.026 sighting system with a television camera, a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder. This equipment makes it possible to detect a typical target and recognize it at distances of at least 2.5 km. Optical-electronic systems are used both for target detection and for aiming weapons and monitoring the results of an attack. The maximum detection range is achieved during the day when using a television camera.

To operate in the dark, the optical-electronic unit is equipped with a thermal imager. The latter provides detection and identification of typical targets at distances of up to 1.5 km. Another “eye” in the front wall of the metal casing is intended for a laser rangefinder. This device is designed to determine the range to a target in the range of distances from 100 m to 3 km.

The applied sighting system with a two-channel optical-electronic system allows you to monitor the surrounding space at any time of the day and in any weather conditions. It also provides target identification with subsequent use of weapons.

The parameters of effective fire depend on the existing conditions and the type of weapon used. Thus, the greatest range of aimed fire is ensured during the day when using a heavy machine gun. Night and a rifle-caliber machine gun reduce the effective range of fire accordingly.

An early version of the combat module on the Tiger armored car. Photo /

The Arbalet-DM combat module is controlled using a remote control installed in the cockpit of the base vehicle. The remote control is equipped with a large LCD screen and controls. The signal from a television camera or thermal imager, as well as other data, is displayed on the screen.

Previously, a version of the Arbalet-DM combat module, equipped with four smoke grenade launchers, was demonstrated at exhibitions. At the recent RAE-2015 exhibition, a new version of the module was shown, equipped only with machine gun armament. For some reason, it was decided to abandon camouflage means.

According to the latest data, the Arbalet-DM combat module is currently undergoing state tests. All checks should be completed in the near future, after which the military department will make a final decision on the fate of this development. The development company hopes that this product will suit the military and will be put into service. A decision will be made over the next few months.

Based on materials from the sites:

Military expert Leonkov told how “Crossbows-DM” fight UAVs

Army special forces will receive Tiger-M armored vehicles with Arbalet-DM (BM) combat modules, which are capable of shooting down drones. The main feature of this unique product will be complete stabilization, with which you can conduct targeted fire even while moving. The software installed on the BM will facilitate the automatic capture and tracking of enemy air or ground targets.

, spoke about how effective Tigers-M with Arbalet-DM combat modules will be in the fight against drones .

He noted that the main task of all armored vehicles is to protect personnel and support them on the firing field. That’s why they are equipped with the appropriate sets of weapons.

“When we talk about the Tiger car, these are platform cars. And depending on what combat module is installed, it will perform certain tasks. On the same chassis, it is possible to install combat modules that are relevant for solving certain current combat missions,” the military expert stated in an interview with a PolitExpert .

In his opinion, one of the most pressing issues now is anti-drone protection. Because if you underestimate this threat, everything can end badly. The experience of military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh made it clear that competent organization of protection against this type of weapon leads to the desired results, the military expert shared.

“They say that the Bayraktars allegedly won a duel with air defense - this is not true. If you look at the total number of drone losses, the ratio is approximately 1:4. <…> A total of about 95 different drones were shot down, including Bayraktars. The average daily number of Turkish models shot down was 6-8 units at the last stage. During this time, 19 air defense systems were lost, only because the organization of air defense in Nagorno-Karabakh was not at a high level. 95 drones for 19 air defense systems, who won? Air defense systems,” he said.

Thus, the installation of combat modules of this type is due to the fact that the enemy can use various weapons. And since the Tiger vehicle is a platform vehicle, it is possible to arrange them so that they can be used to fight both ground and air targets and drones, Leonkov emphasized.

He said that when fighting against UAVs, the first thing you need to do is detect the drone in the distance. Thus, the Arbalet-DM automated machine gun module is equipped with a television camera that can detect drones in the sky.

“They say that the detection range of a typical target is about 2.5 km. In this case, not just detection occurs, but, as it were, guidance towards this target. And then the machine gun that stands there, and this is the well-known 12.7-mm Kord machine gun, fires shots at these drones,” said the military expert.

According to him, one of the opponents of Russian armored vehicles will most likely be loitering ammunition, that is, UAVs with projectiles that hit the target and self-destruct. The acquisition range of these drones exactly corresponds to their detection range by the module.

“However, if there are other UAVs in the coverage area, then other means of destruction and organization will be required. But it is quite possible to use the Arbalet-DM against drones,” summed up PE’s interlocutor.

Earlier, military historian Yuri Knutov said that the development of an anti-tank missile system, which is also capable of hitting drones, is a step towards the universalization of Russian weapons. Modern weapons are becoming multifunctional.

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