Heavy flamethrower system TOS-2 “Tosochka” (Russia). Description. Purpose. TTX. Photo. Video.

State tests of the latest missiles for the TOS-2 Tosochka heavy flamethrower complex will begin in 2022. This was announced by the executive director of OJSC NPK Tekhmash, Alexander Kochkin. New projectiles have an increased firing range and greater power on target. “Tosochka” is an evolution of the TOS-1A “Solntsepek”. Military experts noted that with the new thermobaric shells, Tosochka will become an indispensable weapon for the Russian Armed Forces.

State tests of the latest missiles for the TOS-2 Tosochka heavy flamethrower complex will begin in 2022. This was announced by the executive director of OJSC NPK Tekhmash, Alexander Kochkin.

“The missile set for TOS-2 is entering the state testing stage. In 2022, an experimental batch will be purchased to conduct experimental military tests,” TASS quotes Kochkin.

He explained that the new missiles for TOS-2 will differ from the existing ones in their increased firing range and target power. The ammunition, developed by NPO Splav, hits enemy armored vehicles and structures, creating a high-temperature field and excess pressure on the target area, while a volley of thermobaric projectiles is used.

Design of TOS-2

The TOS-2 heavy flamethrower has a reliable design, a modern and protected chassis, powerful weapons and an automatic fire control system.

Flamethrower chassis

The platform for installing flamethrower weapons is the chassis of the Ural-63704-0010 multi-purpose army truck. The launcher is equipped with 18 guides for launching 220 mm caliber missiles.

Armament TOS-2 Tosochka

The flamethrower can use two types of projectiles, with thermobaric and incendiary warheads. Currently, military engineers are developing special ammunition to increase the range and effectiveness of fire, specifically for TOS-2. Current samples show a projectile range ranging from 400 to 6000 meters with a warhead mass of 45 kilograms. The length of the rockets is 3.3 meters with a total weight of 173 kilograms or 3.7 meters weighing 217 kilograms.

A feature of thermobaric charges is the spraying of a large cloud of flammable, explosive gas, which increases the power of the explosion. Such ammunition belongs to the category of volumetric detonating weapons.

The introduction of an automated fire control system significantly increases the speed and accuracy of the fire. It takes only 90 seconds to fire a salvo after the complex stops.

Security of TOS-2

Equipping the cockpit with armor increases the survivability of the flamethrower, reliably protecting the crew from small arms bullets and shell fragments. The introduction of a complex of optical and electronic suppression also increases the level of survivability and reduces the degree of visibility of the combat installation. This is important, especially in combat conditions, since it allows the mobile unit to maintain its combat capability longer.

"Pinocchio" to the rescue

At the beginning of July, a visiting meeting was held in Perm with the participation of the head of the Technodinamika holding, Igor Nasenkov. Among the issues discussed is the production of Tosochka.

According to Alexander Smirnov, general director of the developer - NPO Splav named after A.N. Ganichev, there is every reason to believe that the TOS-2 system will be in demand on the market. In particular, unlike its brothers in the ranks - TOS-1 "Buratino" and TOS-1A "Solntsepek", it is more universal and autonomous, which is very important in modern combat conditions.

The manager’s optimism is supported by the high technical potential of the full-cycle combat vehicle manufacturer, Motovilikha Plants.

As General Director Kirill Fedorov noted at a meeting in Perm, the development of TOS-2 heavy flamethrowers is a logical continuation of the development of the enterprise as the main manufacturer of artillery equipment and multiple launch rocket systems.

The Motovilikha factories produced the first Tosochka samples in record time, which were successfully presented at the Victory Parade. That is, work on the new product is going according to plan: back in November last year, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops, which includes flamethrower units, announced a demonstration of TOS-2 on Red Square. The task is completed, the project moves forward.

Advantages of the new heavy flamethrower system

Advantages of TOS-2 relative to TOS-1A:

  • increasing the level of maneuverability and speed of movement, thanks to the wheelbase;
  • high degree of hit accuracy and speed, an automatic fire control system has been introduced;
  • no need for a transport-charging machine, recharging is carried out using a hydraulic crane installed on the platform of the complex;
  • reduction of operating costs;
  • the ability to fire from unprepared positions, thanks to the introduction of new navigation equipment and a ballistic computer.

Let's do without a trailer!

What are the benefits of this new heavy flamer system? Why was it necessary to create it at all in the presence of already proven and quite modern “Pinocchio” and “Solntsepek”?

It turns out that the decision was dictated by life itself and the Syrian experience. Russian-made heavy flamethrower systems have proven themselves well, including when solving problems in the Syrian Arab Republic. But TOS-1 and TOS-1A are tracked, and on hot sand it is much more convenient and faster to move on wheels.

Therefore, task number one was to change the chassis in TOS-2. The base model was the powerful three-axle all-terrain truck “Ural”. When moving over rough terrain, it is slightly inferior to the tracked "Buratino" and "Solntsepek", but its speed is higher.

Again, if, in order to save engine life, these two vehicles - TOS-1 and TOS-1A - often have to be transported to the area of ​​application on trailers and tractor-trailers, then the Ural does not need this - it will get there just fine.

However, the developers successfully solved not only this problem, but also a number of others. Thus, “Tosochka” does not need a transport-loading machine: it has a lifting mechanism on the left side of the vehicle.

This compares favorably with TOS-1 and TOS-1A. The first one includes a transport-loading vehicle on the KrAZ-255B chassis, and the second one is based on the T-72 tank.

It is no secret that the efficiency of use increases noticeably when the functions of the combat and transport-loading vehicles are accumulated on the same wheelbase. If necessary, you can transport ammunition on any truck, and the crew will load it themselves.

To the right, the package with rockets is protected along the entire side by a bulletproof box with spare parts, tools and accessories. This includes additional reliability during an attack by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and convenience for crews - everything is at hand. However, the Ural cabin is also protected from small arms fire.

© Vitaly Kuzmin

Tactical and technical characteristics of TOS-2 Tosochka:

  • Chassis: Ural-63704-0010;
  • Combat vehicle crew: 5 people;
  • Dimensions: length - 10 m, width - 2.5 m, height - 3.5 m;
  • Weight in running order: 20,000 kg;
  • Number of starting guides: 18 units;
  • Caliber of ammunition used: 220 mm;
  • Firing range: from 400 m to 6,000 m;
  • Full salvo time: 10 sec;
  • Engine: diesel YaMZ-652 with a power of 440 hp;
  • Maximum highway speed: 100 km/h;
  • Power reserve: 1000 km.

TOS-2 Tosochka is a modern heavy flamethrower system with enormous firepower, a high degree of maneuverability and mobility, firing accuracy and an increased range of hitting targets. This system will significantly increase the capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces.

Video 1: Massive fire of heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A Solntepek (Russia)

Video 2: Firing of heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A “Solntsepek” (Russia)

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Video source: our channel on Yandex.Ether and YouTube Photo source: our VKONTAKTE community and open sources.

From "Buratino" to "Tosochka".

TOS-2 is an evolution of the TOS-1A Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system, which, in turn, was a deep modification of the Soviet TOS-1 Buratino.

“Buratino” was a launcher with a package of 30 guide tubes for launching thermobaric projectiles, located on the chassis of the T-72 tank. The choice in favor of a tracked platform was explained by the large mass of the guide package. The relatively short firing range (up to 4 km) played an important role. This distance implied the proximity of enemy positions, which required an increased level of vehicle protection.

The Buratino crew aimed at the target without leaving the vehicle, similar to a conventional tank. The TOS-1 flamethrower system was recommended for adoption in 1980 and took part in combat operations in Afghanistan.

In 2001, an updated version of Buratino was developed - TOS-1A Solntsepek. In the new modification, the number of guide tubes for launching projectiles is reduced from 30 to 24, and the transport-loading vehicle is transferred from the KrAZ vehicle to the chassis of the T-72 tank.

“Solntsepeki” were successfully used in Syria, and analysis of the experience gained led to the decision to transfer the new TOS-2 flamethrower system to a wheeled chassis based on the Ural vehicle with increased load capacity and cross-country ability. This was stated back in 2022 by Nikolai Makarovets, who held the post of general designer of the machine developer NPO Splav.

“This is a development of the Solntsepek project, but this system, unlike the previous one, will have a wheeled chassis. Experience in operating TOS in desert areas has shown that they are better suited to wheeled chassis,” RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.

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In TOS-2, compared to its predecessors, the number of launch guides will be reduced - from 24 to 18. Rostec notes that this will be compensated by an increase in the power and range of the projectiles. At the same time, “Tosochka” can work with old shells from “Buratino” and “Solntsepyok”, since it uses the same caliber - 220 mm.

Unlike previous systems, TOS-2 has its own lifting mechanism, which means that it does not need a transport-loading vehicle, without which the previous TOS could fire a maximum of one salvo. Shells for the Toosochka can be delivered to any vehicle, and loading is carried out by the vehicle’s crew.

The TOS-2 system is equipped with modern navigation equipment, including a laser rangefinder, satellite navigation, Doppler velocity meter and inertial measurement unit. “Tosochka” can fire from unprepared combat positions, and aiming, shooting and fire control are fully automated. In addition, it is equipped with an electronic defense system against precision weapons.

The main difference between TOS and cannon artillery or multiple launch rocket systems is the use of special vacuum-thermobaric projectiles, explained Dmitry Litovkin, editor of the Nezavisimoe Voyennoye Obozreniye newspaper, in a commentary to RT.

“The main thing in these systems is a projectile that explodes at a distance of up to 10 km, creating a vacuum explosion and destroying everything in the explosion radius. If a jet flamethrower spills in a certain place, then the fire from the projectiles of this system spreads to all the cracks, trenches, trenches. This is a terrible weapon, especially for infantry,” the expert noted.

According to him, since such installations are self-propelled, they can be used to clear mines from the front line and to advance motorized rifle and tank units in the first ranks.

“It is important to note that these systems have a terrifying psychological effect on the enemy when they are hit by such thermobaric projectiles. The same thing happened to the opponents of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, when Katyushas were fired at with thermite shells,” Litovkin said.

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