Review of Boeing 777 airline Russia - photo, video, cabin layout, food, entertainment system


Wingspan (m):47,6
Length (m):54,9
Height (m):15,85

The Boeing 777-200 model served as the basis for the development of several aircraft variants, including an extended modification of the 777-300.

Work in this direction began in 1994 (initial designation - 777 Stretch), four years later the project was successfully closed - the new aircraft, after completing the flight testing and certification program, went into mass production. The first 777-300 were received by customers from the Pacific zone - airlines in Japan, Korea, and Malaysia.

Private jet rental price

There are several companies in Moscow that provide private jets for rent. Together with him, the whole trip is organized: meeting, accompaniment, service, etc.

Private jet rental agencies will organize your entire trip

The price is influenced, firstly, by the model, its dimensions and technical data. Secondly, the number of days of parking, if any are expected. As they say, time is money, so please pay for this article too. Thirdly, the flight route. For example, flights within Russia will cost much less than flights to Courchevel, Nice or. Fourthly, the number of passengers. Each passenger will need to pay extra separately.

In general, the rental price per hour starts from 234,500 and reaches 737,000 rubles. Not counting all the above surcharges.

Characteristics of the Boeing 777-300

The wide-body twin-engine Boeing 777-300 with a length of more than 73 meters with a wing span of almost 61 meters (area - 427.8 square meters, it retained these parameters from the 777-200) with a maximum take-off weight of almost 300 tons is capable of taking on board up to 550 passengers in dense layout of a single economy class (up to 368 if the passenger space is divided into three classes, up to 480 if there are two classes).

Under the control of a crew of two pilots, the Boeing 777-300 accelerates to 965 km/h and can cover 10.5 thousand kilometers at altitudes of more than 13,000 meters. Various power units were installed on the car - Pratt & Whitney, General Electric or Rolls-Royce.

What kind of planes can you buy?

Potential buyers are interested in how much a private jet costs. And here there are two ways: buy a domestic used car or a foreign aircraft.

Decommissioned Russian aircraft such as the Yak-18T, Yak-52, Yak-40 can be purchased for between 25 and 40 thousand dollars. Foreign models will cost much more.

However, experts do not recommend giving preference to domestic aircraft, considering them unsafe. The point is not so much the wear and tear of these machines, but the fact that Russian aircraft production is significantly inferior to foreign ones, and has not specialized in the production of private aircraft for a long time.

You can buy a Yak-18 in good condition for 35-40,000 Euro:

Foreign aircraft are not only made of modern materials, but also have modern equipment:

  • new navigation system;
  • anti-icing system;
  • rescue parachute system.

Domestic cars do not have much of this. Which foreign devices are recommended to buy?

The most inexpensive ones are Czech-made, their cost varies around 40 thousand dollars.

They can serve as walking devices and for training. They have a small carrying capacity and a small volume for refilling.

Relatively budget models from Americans cost from 100 to 500 thousand dollars, fly short distances and at an altitude of no more than 5 km.

More expensive models of devices offered for sale are made in French, Swiss and German. You can purchase the aircraft through the Russian representative offices of McDonnel-Douglas, Eurocopter, and Bell.

Here is one of the smallest planes. Tecnam P2002 Sierra worth 74,000 euros + VAT and customs (40%).

Equipment Boeing 777-300

The 777-300 received modern digital equipment for control, diagnostics and monitoring with several color multifunction monitors, which allows you to obtain all the necessary information about flight parameters, the operation of on-board systems and the power plant. The in-flight collision avoidance system, also used here, provides additional operational safety for the Boeing 777-300.

This model was further developed in the 777-300ER version - with an increased flight range (over 14.6 thousand kilometers) and the most powerful turbojet aircraft engines to date. In this modification, Boeing also strengthened the landing gear and tail section, added fuel tanks and changed the wing.

How much does a new passenger plane cost?

The delivery of the first production MC-21 aircraft has been postponed to 2022 due to sanctions. The MC-21 should be the first medium-range aircraft created in post-Soviet Russia, and the extended composite wing is one of its competitive advantages compared to analogues from Boeing and Airbus. It increases the efficiency of the car and increases the width of the cabin. Last fall, Rostec completed construction of the first MS-21-310 aircraft with Russian PD-14 engines.

Boeing and Airbus suspended factories, and airlines canceled some existing orders. It must be taken into account that when purchasing, demand will be influenced by the appearance on the market of a large number of old aircraft from airlines that could not cope with the crisis.

At the moment, Airbus's cheapest aircraft is the 100-seat A318, which costs $77.4 million. However, due to its low efficiency, the model is not popular with airlines and has actually been discontinued. A more popular model with a similar capacity and larger fuel efficiency - A220-100 - will cost $81 million. Boeing's cheapest aircraft, the 737-700, costs $89.1 million and is also not popular.


Airbus's most successful model is the A320, which is capable of carrying 180 passengers and costs $101 million. The updated version of the A320neo will cost $110.6 million, and the extended version for 240 passengers, the A321neo, will cost $129.5 million.

Boeing's most popular model is the 189-seat 737-800. The new 737-800 costs $106.1 million, and the updated version 737 MAX 8 costs $121.6 million.

The MS-21 list price is $96.4 million; the price of the aircraft for buyers will be approximately half that figure.


Both Airbus and Boeing's most expensive planes are long-haul aircraft, which can carry several hundred passengers between continents.

The new 400-seat Airbus A350-1000 officially costs $317.4 million, and the Boeing 777-9 of similar capacity costs $442.2 million.

Price range

Officially published prices are called catalog prices. But airlines receive significant discounts when ordering large quantities of aircraft. As a result, the real value drops by two or more times and is kept secret.

However, there are also opposite situations. For example, if an aircraft was ordered to transport the president, the cost of installing a special interior and equipment may exceed the cost of a “naked” airliner.

Let us recall that after the Boeing 737 MAX plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia at the beginning of 2022, the operation of these aircraft was suspended throughout the world.

Boeing took extraordinary steps last year to restore public confidence after two 737 MAX crashes. As part of its policy of openness, the company published part of its internal correspondence regarding the certification of this model with the US Federal Aviation Administration. Information was made public about technical problems with the aircraft's on-board computer.

According to calculations by the Russian Association of Air Transport Operators (AEVT), the total passenger traffic of Russian airlines in 2022 could be about 80 million people. This is 37.5% less than in the pre-crisis 2022, but 15% more than in the last “Covid” year. It is expected that the lion's share (87.5%) of the total number of passengers (70 million) will be served on domestic routes. Passenger traffic on international flights will remain very low - at 18% of pre-crisis levels.

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Tags: Aviation Airbus Boeing MS-21 PD-14 An-22 Antey aircraft cost price of the aircraft

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Why do some people buy airplanes?

A personal plane, just like a car, gives freedom of movement that no other carrier can provide. Previously, there were companies that offered airplanes for rent. The cost of a flight on a rented aircraft is higher than the price of the most expensive one. For a private jet, maintenance must be added to the cost of the flight. It turns out that a personal aircraft is not purchased for the purpose of saving money or the ability to quickly move at any time.

Owners of a personal airplane name several reasons that prompted them to commit such extravagance:

  • prestige, status. An airplane is a source of pride and an indicator of personal achievement.
  • love of aviation, passion for airplanes. This is a passion of life for which no expense is spared.

The interior of the Pobeda aircraft

Features of the interior of the new Boeing aircraft models, which is called the “Sky Interior,” are the absence of sharp corners and LED lighting that changes colors depending on the phase of flight. The aircraft cabin has comfortable and spacious bucket racks for hand luggage. Pobeda has a number of restrictions on the carriage of luggage and bags in the cabin; permitted hand luggage can be easily placed on the shelves.

Features of purchasing an aircraft

An aircraft is not purchased just like that; the entire amount does not have to be paid immediately when ordering a charter or renting an aircraft. First, you need to place a certain deposit into the company’s account, which acts as a guarantor of the transaction. As a rule, this amount is $500 thousand. At the time of signing the contract, you need to have approximately 35 percent of the amount on hand, the rest is paid by the buyer gradually. To do this, you can take out a loan abroad. However, keep in mind that Western banks may not like the fact that the vehicle will be registered in the Russian registry. This situation is directly related to the “holes” that exist in Russian legislation. They scare away Western banks. That is, only domestic banks can finance a transaction for the purchase of an aircraft that will be entered into the Russian register.

Price list of famous liners

All aircraft of the Boeing family are high-tech aircraft with good aerodynamic characteristics, easy to pilot and comfortable for passengers.

The price list for Boeing aircraft shows prices in millions of US dollars:

747-8 Freighter380,1403,5
787-8 Dreamliner225,1239,1
787-9 Dreamliner265,3281,7
787-10 Dreamliner307,2325,7

What are the costs of a plane and how to save

You can save a lot on buying an airplane if you assemble it yourself, then it will be 3 times cheaper. People who are interested in aviation do just that. Some people own more than one model.

But the cost of purchasing an aircraft is not limited to it. To store the aircraft you need to rent a hangar, this will cost approximately $300-400 per month. Aircraft owners unite in clubs to reduce the cost of maintaining and maintaining aircraft. Sometimes they rent them out to recoup their costs a little.

The costs of your personal flights include not only fuel consumption, but also airfield services, rental of air corridors, and payment for crew work. One hour of flight costs from 3 to 9 thousand dollars.

Boeing 737-700

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