T-44-85M - Soviet medium tank tier 8 WoT

A stock T-44 is very difficult to pump out due to the fact that the tank is considered a waste tank, it clearly does not deserve the nomination of the best ST at its level, but you still need to pump it out to get to the T-54 if you have already followed this branch.

Let's figure it out, we have 3 guns with the same armor penetration:

Let's start from the DPM. The LB-1 has a predominantly higher damage per minute value than the D-25-44. Then the immediate question is, why do we need a weapon that has less DPM, if it is possible to install it where there is more DPM? The aiming time of the D-25-44 is almost half that of the LB-1, the only difference is in damage, the D-25-44 has 400 damage. But compare the reload time, the LB-1 can reload twice in one reload of the D-25 -44 and therefore inflict about 600 damage. damage in two shots.

Even according to these comparisons, the D-25-44 gun is inferior not only to the LB-1, but also to the D-10E.

The D-10E gun is the predecessor of the LB-1, and the LB-1 is simply a modified version with faster aiming time, 40 seconds faster reload time, everything else is almost unchanged.

Conclusion: I played quite a lot with the D-25-44, D-10E, LB-1 guns and I can say that the T-44 is already a very draining tank, it is destroyed by all and sundry, but with the D-25-44 gun it’s the same In general, by the time reloading takes place, the tanks will be taken apart nuts and bolts by peers. One of the advantages of the installed D-25-44 gun is that you can one-shot, you can help someone in some situation with such one-time damage, but you still have to try to get through, and on the T-44 other tanks get through less often than on peer tanks. Agree that it’s not cool to play on CT among levels VIII, and often IX, with an installed weapon on which the DPM is 1393 units. and recharge 20s. The CT must move quickly and reload quickly in order to use these characteristics at the right time.

The penetration of the main projectile of the 100-mm D-10T and 122-mm D-25-44 cannon is equal to 175 mm.

Damage per minute 100 mm: 230 x 8 = 1840

Damage per minute 122 mm: 390 x 3.57 = 1392

The difference in damage per minute is 448 in favor of the 100 mm cannon. Quite a lot.

I don’t remember whether the rate of fire is calculated taking into account an already loaded projectile or with an unloaded gun. My opinion is that it would be more correct to indicate the recharge time. For reload time, we will focus on the specified rate of fire.

100 mm: 60 / 8 = 7.5 s

122 mm: 60 / 3.57 = 16.8 s

These are dry numbers. Now for tactical considerations.

175 mm is not very high penetration - you can’t take level VIII-X heavy weights head-on, but it is quite sufficient to dismantle the side and stern, and this requires maneuver and, as a rule, close combat.

T-44 is a medium melee tank. As a rule, it works right away. Let's assume that a T-44 with a 122 mm gun meets a colleague with a 100 mm gun. We believe that the first shot from both vehicles was simultaneous and effective. While the 122-mm cannon is being reloaded, the T-44-100 fires two more (.) shots. Thus, the T-44-122 deals 390 damage, and at this time receives 690. Yes, after the second shot it can take another 390, for a total of 780, but it itself will receive at least two more hits, for a total of 1150...

What if we assume that the first shot of both is unsuccessful? While the 122 mm fires its next shot, it will receive two shells with 460 damage, without yet causing damage to the enemy at all. Moreover, the 122 mm is less accurate, it takes longer to aim, a miss is more dangerous and more critical - it is quite possible to miss and get three hits in return.

More. In close combat, 7.5 s is not so much time to correctly turn the body towards the enemy or hide from the next shot, but in 17 s the enemy can not only inflict significant damage, but also has enough time to hide behind uneven terrain or buildings.


close maneuver combat is not suitable for the T-44-122.

With such a rate of fire, it is necessary, as heavy tanks do, to shoot from behind cover, moving behind it while reloading. 175 mm of penetration is not enough compared to heavy tanks (for comparison, the IS-3 has 225 mm); tanks of the same level can be penetrated head-on with great difficulty. And when shooting from behind cover at long distances, there is only ricochet and non-penetration, and this is at a rate of fire lower than that of heavy guns with guns of the same caliber.


when shooting from behind cover, the T-44-122 is worse than a TT of the same level.


with a 100 mm cannon the T-44 is a good medium tank, with a 122 cannon it is a mediocre heavy one (the weapon is still weaker than the heavy ones, and its survivability is lower).

PS In version 0.7.0 of the T-44, the LB-1 cannon was added with better accuracy and rate of fire than the D-10T. After this, the choice between calibers should be extremely obvious...

The Soviet experimental medium tank was created in 1945 on the basis of the T-44 tank. It differed from the serial T-44 by the 100-mm LB-1 gun, for the installation of which a new turret was designed, as well as by the presence of anti-cumulative screens on the sides of the hull. A total of two cars were produced.

Role Medium tank universal Medium tank universal

This car belongs to the premium class. Premium vehicles bring more credits and experience for each battle, and also have a number of other advantages.

TTX T-44

At the beginning of our review, let's look at the viewing radius of this machine.
An indicator of 380 meters is not excellent, but playing with this is even more or less comfortable. In any case, we will have the opportunity to change this parameter with the help of modules and perks. The T-44's mobility is excellent. The mass of the tank here is 33.95/35.30 tons, and the engine power is 760 horsepower. Thus, the tank has a specific power of 22.38 hp/t.

Maximum speed – 51 km/h. The rotation speed is 44 degrees/sec, and the turret rotation speed is 48 degrees/sec. Mobility is the biggest advantage of this machine.

What equipment should I install on the T44?

The T-44 is a Soviet Tier 8 short-range medium armored tank It stands out for its good speed, as well as strong frontal armor. Given its small dimensions, the tank is capable of “dancing” with any opponent in close combat. This combat vehicle is preceded by the top Soviet medium tank T-54.

You should focus on the optimal option for studying the modules available for this machine. You need to start with the T-44/54 chassis with a carrying capacity of 35.5 tons. You should not rely on the advice of beginners who talk about the possibility of increasing the carrying capacity thanks to additional equipment and saving experience to quickly learn the guns. Firstly, it costs a lot, and secondly, the speed of rotation of the body will increase by four degrees. Therefore, this module is definitely important and should be installed at the very beginning.

The next module in importance, and therefore in order, is the T-44B turret. The armor in the frontal part will improve significantly (the side part will remain the same), and the visibility will increase by another 20 meters. Compared to other towers of this level, this module benefits in that it does not reduce its rotation speed. Therefore, the module is important, moreover, it is specifically needed for the prospect of installing an improved weapon in the future.

Next, it’s better to move on to studying motors. The T-44 is a very mobile and maneuverable tank, the result on the battlefield for which directly depends specifically on the ability to quickly escape before superior enemy forces or, conversely, instantly burst into the rear of the opposing team and cause such terror there that the enemies will pray for a draw. Therefore, you should be patient, but in any case, install the V-54-6 engine with a power of 680 hp on the “forty-four”. With. It is this that will make it possible to accelerate the tank to 51 km/h, which will allow the occupation of strategically important points on the bridgehead, holding them until the team’s strike forces arrive in the form of heavy combat vehicles.

If we are talking about the top radio P113, then you can really study it on the T 44 tank, or you can skip the experience and install it on the T 54 tank. But experienced WoT gamers still recommend installing this module, because sometimes the T 44 needs to be a scout, who without a good radio is completely useless, because artillery simply will not be able to see the enemy even if they are found.

Cannons are the most important module for an armored tank. The stock 85 mm ZiS S-53 is just a temporary option that you need to get rid of right away. A weapon like the 100mm LB-1 cannon will provide extreme accuracy and boast a decent rate of fire.

Thus, at the top, the T-44 tank is a formidable colossus, capable of quickly moving to key points on the map, helping as needed both at its own and near the enemy base, causing constant damage to the enemy’s heavy vehicles, quickly clearing the enemy’s rear and destroying tanks. Self-propelled guns and artillery.

Among the additional equipment, it is necessary to highlight the wet ammunition rack (helps against the detonation of ammunition). Next, it is better to improve the gun, because shots will almost always be fired while moving. It is also necessary to install reinforced aiming drives with a rammer. Equipment includes a repair kit and a first aid kit, which must be carried in every battle. The last module can be filled with anything, the most important thing is to increase the engine power. A fire extinguisher is not very necessary, since the engine lights up quite rarely.


The gun of this tank is available in two versions: top-end and pre-top.

Let's first consider a top weapon, where the main advantage is one-time damage. He's here 390/390/530. The armor penetration indicator lags behind, here only 175/217/61 mm.

Apart from the alphastrike, in fact, there is nothing more to brag about. The DPM here is low, the spread per 100 meters is 0.38 m, and the vertical aiming angles are absolutely non-existent. The gun bends downwards by five degrees, which certainly does not bode well for a comfortable game.

The pre-top gun is chosen by almost all tankers. The armor penetration indicator here is also not very good - 183/235/50 mm, but it allows you to play normally against your classmates. In any case, you will have to carry 50% of gold shells when fighting the ninth and tenth levels.

The alpha strike of this weapon will be lower - 250/250/330, but we will be able to deal about 1,850 damage per minute. Not the best result, but quite impressive.

A controversial situation arises with the accuracy parameters. The thing is that the T-44 has a spread of 100 meters - 0.31 m, and the aiming time is 2.3 seconds. This is a good result. On the other hand, we have poor gun stabilization, which we will correct with the help of equipment for a more comfortable game.

By the way, the vertical aiming angles of the pre-top gun are slightly better than those of the top gun. Here the gun bends downwards by seven degrees, with this indicator the vehicle will behave more comfortably in battle.

Advantages and disadvantages

To accurately and, most importantly, quickly determine the necessary equipment and perks, we will present all the characteristics of the T-44 in the light of strengths and weaknesses in the form of points.


  • armor, considering that this is a medium tank;
  • maximum speed, dynamics and maneuverability;
  • UVN;
  • good camouflage indicator;
  • scattering and mixing.


  • armor penetration;
  • one-time damage;
  • DPM;
  • viewing radius;
  • stabilization.

Equipment for T-44

Looking again at the points of strengths and weaknesses, we understand that the main emphasis should be on enhancing shooting comfort. We offer the following option for choosing modules:

  • The rammer will become an indispensable equipment for increasing damage per minute.
  • The vertical aiming stabilizer will increase the stabilization of the gun, which is necessary in our case.
  • Coated optics will increase the viewing radius, which is very important for a medium mobile tank.

The last point can be replaced with a boost to all characteristics - “ventilation”, if the unremarkable viewing radius suits you perfectly.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-44-85M

Let's start the T-44-85M guide with the combat characteristics that determine the survivability of any tank in a random environment. So, the new Soviet tank has a relatively low safety margin of 1,200 units. This is somewhat lower than most of my classmates. The T-44-85M also does not shine in terms of visibility: 380 meters is not enough by the standards of medium tanks. However, thanks to the correct choice of additional equipment, the machine can see the light.

However, the almost complete absence of armor has a positive effect on maneuverability and dynamics. The maximum speed of the T-44-85M is 60 km/h, the vehicle accelerates easily and confidently maintains cruising speed on slopes and difficult soils. Weapon characteristics are the bread and butter of any premium tank in the game. Thanks to these parameters, the car brings silver to its owner.

At first glance, the T-44-85M gun looks quite decent: a good rate of fire, which provides a DPM of 2,250 units of damage per minute. This is a very good indicator, considering that the one-time damage is 180 units with an armor-piercing projectile. However, it will be very difficult to realize this potential: the armor penetration of the T-44-85M is only 183 mm, which is critically low by the standards of the eighth level. If the new ST-8 will deal with classmates and equipment of a lower level, then it clearly has nothing to catch with nines and tens. Here you will definitely have to play only on gold, which will greatly reduce the profitability of the tank.

If we consider other characteristics, the T-44-85M has surprisingly good accuracy for Soviet technology. The aiming speed, stabilization and spread radius are also at a fairly decent level. Accordingly, the tank can confidently inflict damage on the move and get involved in firefights at long distances.

In terms of UVN, everything is expectedly bad: the gun declination of only 6 degrees makes you forget about comfortable play on the terrain. Despite the very mediocre weapons, the T-44-85M should not be written off. In any case, the tank will be able to generate income, but to do this you will have to spin around, catching careless opponents and causing damage to the poorly protected sides and stern.

The full performance characteristics of the Soviet premium tank T-44-85M are presented below:

Equipment for T-44

When choosing consumables, we do not invent anything new. There is a rule here. If there is not enough silver, you need to take a standard set in the form of:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • hand fire extinguisher.

If you have the opportunity to buy a premium set of consumables, choose this:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • extra ration (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher, but it will not be in such demand).

Tactics for playing the T-44

A creative approach is the main definition of the tactics of playing this tank. Due to poor armor penetration, it will not be possible to face the enemy head-on, so tankers often come up with various ways to drive into the enemy’s side or stern.

Our armor for a medium tank is very good, but the T-44 is nowhere near the heavy armor. And this is another reason why it is better to keep your distance rather than fight in the same line with heavy, armored vehicles.

The second line will become a place from where you can shoot from behind cover or from the terrain. In this case, you need to load gold shells, because armor penetration at a distance becomes even less.

At close ranges, this vehicle will be much more useful, but you should always remember that the T-44 is a mobile vehicle with weak armor penetration. These two indicators tell us that to achieve something in battle, you need to be creative. Be sophisticated and come up with ways to enter vulnerable enemy places, taking advantage of the dynamics, to deceive the enemy.

The T-44 is an excellent support vehicle. You can stay close to other tanks and be one with them, creating a good defensive line.


Time for sequential reloading of each projectile into the magazine

The modified system allows you to reduce the base reloading time for the next projectile when firing a loaded projectile after the corresponding indication

Technical characteristics are indicated for siege mode.

Technical characteristics are indicated for the spin-up turbine mode.

Specifications are specified for speed mode.

Charging time for the first and second guns on vehicles with a twin gun mount

Time to repair a disabled main/backup track

Technical characteristics are indicated for equipment with a crew training level of 100%.

  1. Commander
  2. Gunner
  3. Driver mechanic
  4. Loader (Radio Operator)
  1. Commander
  2. Gunner
  3. Driver mechanic
  4. Loader (Radio Operator)

Tier 8 Soviet medium tank for close combat. It has high speed and good frontal armor. Due to the small overall dimensions of the tank and its mobility, it can “dance” with any enemy at a short distance. Predecessor of Tier IX medium tanks T-54 and Object 430.

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