Tier 6 medium tank T-34-85 WoT - guide from aces.gg

Hello tankers! Today we’ll talk about the legendary Soviet tank T 34-85! How not to notice this beauty and write a guide about it.

The cost of this legend: 915,000 credits. This is not much, and the car easily pays for itself. You can keep this tank after unlocking higher-level vehicles - farming on it is a real pleasure.

Experience for research (from t 34) will be needed: 27,825. Do you need 27k experience? on t 34? - no problem you say!

A little about the T-34-85:

As you can see the tank in the TOP: 100 mm D 10-T, for a higher rate of fire it installed a medium-caliber gun rammer.

An ordinary fluff with a top crew will be ready in 8.5 seconds, the rammer will give a bonus of 0.5-0.8 seconds and this will increase your rate of fire.

Also, as you can see, there’s a box hanging from the modules (I got it on sale for half the price) and a mask net (there’s nowhere to put it). But my crew isn’t top yet: (but otherwise the tank is fine!

Impression :

The stock tank, of course, like all UGs, behaves sadly, accelerates poorly (I’m not even talking about driving downhill (8 km/h)), maneuverability is lame, and the fluff (76mm) is only for beauty.

I had an open gun with a 122 mm KV - I drove with it until I took the 85 mm (ZIS S-53). But gradually the car will transform before your eyes and you will want to leave it in your hangar, because it farms well( 15-20 k for a win).

Chassis: 1. T-34-85 (basic) / Max. Load 35.0 / Turning speed 37 degrees / sec. 2. T-34-85-60 / Max. Load 35.3 / Turning speed 40 deg/sec.

You can install it after purchasing the D-10t gun. On this tank you can install all the necessary equipment without installing the chassis

Turrets: 1. T-34-85 (base) Armor 90/75/52 Turning speed 56 degrees/sec. Review 400 meters. 2. N-34-85 extended Armor 115/90/75 Turning speed 52 degrees/sec. Review 400 meters.

This module is vital for researching and installing the D-10t gun. Plus you will have a little more armor and health -690.

Radio stations: 1. 9Р (base) / 370 meters 2. 9РМ / 600 meters

Personally, I examined the radio station back on 34. In my opinion, a medium tank cannot do without a walkie-talkie.

Engines: 1. V-2-34 (base) / 500 hp / 15% chance of fire 2. V-2-34M / 520 hp / 15% chance of fire

TTX T-34-85


Maximum speed54 km/h
Power density17.83 hp/t
Chassis traverse speed38 degrees/sec.
Turret traverse speed46 degrees/sec.


Number of units strength 670 units
Hull armor45 / 45 / 40 mm
Tower armor90 / 75 / 52 mm


Average one-time damage180 units
Average armor penetration144 mm
Mixing time2.3 sec.
Recharge time6 sec.
Gun spread0.37 m
Ammunition48 pcs.


View radius360 m

History of changes:

Update 0.6.4

  • The durability of the T-34-85 turret has been reduced by 20 units.

Update 0.7.5

  • Added V-54K engine.
  • Increased strength with the first tower by 30 units.
  • Reduced the rotation speed of the first turret by 3 degrees/sec.
  • In the first turret, the reload time for the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun has been increased by 4%.
  • In the first turret, the reload time for the 122mm U-11 gun has been increased by 3.5%.
  • In the first turret, the reload time of the 76mm S-54 gun was reduced by 10%.
  • The 100mm D10T gun has been removed from the second turret. As compensation, an 85mm D-5T-85BM gun and a new V-54K engine were installed.
  • The viewing range of the second tower has been increased by 10 m.
  • In the second turret, the reload time for the 76mm S-54 gun was reduced by 12%.
  • In the second turret, the reload time has been increased by 3% for the 85mm D5T-85BM.
  • The durability of a tank with a second turret has been increased by 30 units.
  • For 85mm D5T-85BM, the ammunition capacity was reduced by 12 rounds.
  • The 85mm D5T-85BM has its aiming time reduced by 19%.
  • The 85mm ZiS S-53 has its aiming time reduced by 19%.
  • The 85mm S-54 has its aiming time reduced by 19%.

Update 0.8.6

  • Profitability increased by 13%.

Update 0.9.0

  • The tank has been redesigned with a new visual quality.
  • The tank armor model has been reworked.

Update 0.9.2

  • Minor errors and shortcomings in the visual model of the tank have been fixed.

Update 0.9.15

  • The visual quality and damage model of the tank have been improved.

Crew skills

Before upgrading the crew's perks, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Recommended skills that need to be upgraded step by step for the crew:

driver mechanic
radio operator

First, you need to improve the stabilization of the gun using the “smooth turret rotation” and “smooth motion” skills. Since the tank has a radio operator, it is immediately recommended to study “radio interception”. This will greatly improve your visibility. In the future, you also need to upgrade the “eagle eye” of the commander. "Combat Brotherhood" will improve all crew characteristics by 5%. Next, it will be necessary to study “camouflage” and “repair” by the entire crew. Disguise will help in the game at the bottom of the list, and repairs will allow you to quickly restore damaged modules.


The T-34-85 is a classic Soviet tank that needs to improve its firepower and viewing radius.

A medium-caliber rammer will speed up an already good reload. The vertical aiming stabilizer will allow you to shoot more accurately while moving. Improved ventilation will improve the performance of the entire crew by 5%, including reloading.

But with such equipment, the tank will have poor light, since the standard review of the council is 360 m. This is the average for a level 6 ST, which can be brought to acceptable results using the following equipment:

By replacing the vertical stabilizer with coated optics, the tank will be less likely to hit while on the move, but will be able to independently illuminate enemy vehicles. This combination will be very effective in positional firefights.

Historical reference.

In 1943, with the advent of new, more powerful German technology, the effectiveness of the old 76.2 mm gun began to decline sharply.
An example was the battle on the Kursk Bulge (July 5, 1943), where although we won the battle, it was only due to the number of T-34 tanks, as well as T-60 and T-70 light tanks. Despite the huge losses, the German troops received mostly damage from anti-tank artillery, and not from the fire of Soviet tanks, because they simply could not penetrate the German Tigers and Panthers. After this battle, it was decided to increase the combat capability of the T-34 tank. In 1944, the T-34-85 tank, equipped with an 85 mm gun, was put into mass production. Besides the gun, the main differences were the installation of a new cast turret, which was more reinforced and had more space for the crew, thereby increasing the number of crew to 5 people, and the commander no longer performed the task of a gunner. The only drawback of all the upgrades was the increase in the weight of the tank, which directly affected the dynamics of the tank.

The first T-34-85 tanks, built with the D-5T cannon, had a two-man turret, structurally slightly different from the turret developed by plant No. 183. The D-5T cannon took up a lot of space, which did not allow the placement of an additional loader.

Reservation T-34-85

These are the characteristics the Soviet medium tank can boast of.

The maximum armor value is in the front part of the turret and is 90 mm. Of course, the thickness of the armor will not allow you to confidently tank shells even from the same level of equipment, but do not forget that this is a legendary USSR tank, which has optimal shapes, both in the hull and in the turret. It is also worth noting that the gun mantlet is 90 mm, which doubles the armor in the central part. It is this zone that will be difficult for level 8 opponents to penetrate. And by the way, it occupies a fairly large part of the frontal projection of the tower.

The hull is not so armored, and according to the stated characteristics, almost every tank should penetrate it, but do not forget that this is, after all, a Soviet ST, so it will not always penetrate. Shells from single-tier vehicles will ricochet very often, especially from the turret.

This is the peculiarity of the council. It is capable of holding back shells at the most necessary moments, and with good weapons, in positional firefights, the armor will save the day more than once.


The beauty of 5 levels is that, in addition to the fun in the sandbox, you can also farm silver due to cheap equipment repairs and the ability to get by with ordinary equipment:

  • repair kit;
  • first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher;

To increase survivability, it is better to install an automatic fire extinguisher; it will not only save more strength points, but also reduce the likelihood of a fire by 10%. Due to the location of the tanks along the side of the tank, the tank has a high fire hazard, so replacing the third slot with a Doppayek is still not recommended.

How to play T-34-85

The style of play will depend on the level of the enemy. Playing at the top, the tank will feel comfortable on the flanks, along with other CTs. This technique will be very effective in aggressive attacks and breakthroughs. The armor will deflect many projectiles, and this advice is actually quite good when shooting on the move. With the vertical stabilizer installed and the “smooth ride” and “smooth turret rotation” perks upgraded, the T-34-85 will be able to safely conduct firefights while constantly moving.

It’s immediately worth noting a good 85 mm gun, which is capable of penetrating 144 mm of armor and causing one-time damage of 180 units.

For level 6, this is more than enough. In a game against 8K, of course, it will be difficult to penetrate armored vehicles, but for such cases you can load several premium shells. At the same time, at the 7th and 8th levels there are a lot of vehicles with no armor, which need to be targeted to cause damage. In the game against same-level vehicles, you can also help allied heavy tanks while on the 2nd line. But you should act as fire support very carefully, and only go out at the right moments, since the safety margin will not allow you to make many mistakes.

The council tower, of course, is well armored and can hold back projectiles, but it will be difficult to use in battle. The vertical declination angles of the gun -7 degrees will not allow you to fight comfortably from the terrain, so you should still stick to urban buildings.

The dynamics of the Soviet ST are not bad. The T-34-85 reaches a maximum speed of 56 km/h quickly and confidently, since it is equipped with a 600-horsepower engine with a specific power of 17 hp/t. Of course, the Soviet will lose in speed to such classmates as the Cromwell or VK 30.01 D. But this tank has better armor, which should be used in battle as a privilege. As a breakthrough vehicle, it may lag behind its classmates, but in positional shooting, the T-34-85 will be one of the best at level 6.

For positional firefights, it is recommended to install a vertical stabilizer and a rammer. These modules will make the game more comfortable, since the tank will be able to hit more often when tanking, and reloading will also be faster. The last equipment should be coated optics or improved ventilation. The player will have to decide for himself whether to have good visibility or slightly improved characteristics of the entire crew, including reload speed.

It is worth noting the peculiarity of the tank that it earns good silver, being not premium. Shells and maintenance are not expensive at level 6, but the council can deal more than enough damage. With constant good play, the T-34-85 will bring an average of 20,000-30,000 silver, and this is a good indicator. It is also not uncommon to see this technique in clan forays or tournaments. Dynamic tanks are certainly good, but armor also plays an important role, especially on a tier 6 medium tank. On the council, as on other tanks, you should always use individual tactics and try to use advantages while hiding disadvantages.

Tips for the game.

As a rule, we will consider 2 situations today: when our tank is at the top of the list and when at the end.

The first fight when we are at the top. A striking example is the map of Ruinberg, namely the entire 0th line. There are usually always battles between medium tanks, and heavy tanks are sent to the city. Thanks to our not bad maximum speed, we can easily occupy square E0 and defend it. In this square there are houses that protect us from enemy artillery and the terrain is such that in order to be able to shoot at us, it is necessary to be on square F6, but our allies will not allow this.

After successfully occupying a position, leaving from behind the houses, we can fire at enemy tanks on the 6th line. After successful combat operations, the time will come to move forward, where the enemy artillery is located. I highly do not recommend moving into the city on a T-34-85 tank, because such heavy tanks as the KV-1S with damage of 390 units will easily kill us with 2 shots, so it is not advisable for us to butt heads with heavy tanks.

We will look at the second battle on the Murovanka map, where we are at the very end of the list. If you find yourself in such a battle, then it would not be a bad idea to carry gold shells with you, because they are now for silver, and we need to penetrate the IS-3 with something.

The main rule when getting to the end of the list is to always be with a large team. A striking example is the T-34-85, which is located on the “K” square. From the very beginning of the battle it was clear that the right flank would be lost, because a large mass went to capture. And what do you think? Two IS-3s easily broke through this flank; if the T29 and ISU-152 can fight back, then the T-34-85 will die with two shots, which deal an average of 390 damage, and we have 720 hit points.

If you supported the rush, then you should not go at the head of it, because the first ones always receive most of the damage. We must go and shoot whenever possible, because it is not our place to carry out the battle, but this does not mean that we need to stand and do nothing, as they say, wait for a miracle.

We can also stand on the square “H3” and calmly conduct targeted shooting. The accuracy of the gun allows it to hit even the ELC AMX.

Advantages and disadvantages

one-time damagegun reload speed
tower reservationviewing radius
safety margin
gun stabilizationvertical declination angles
armor penetration with a basic projectile
silver earnings

Order of studying modules:

ChassisTowergungungunEngineRadio station

Credits: 182320

Experience: 20865

T-34 mod. 1943 T-34 mod. 1942 76 mm S-5476 mm F-3457 mm ZiS-4V-2-349RM
1940 experience - 7960 credits1735 experience - 10000 credits4300 experience - 40130 credits1650 experience - 30550 credits2200 experience - 41480 credits5000 experience - 27860 credits4040 experience - 24240 credits

More details on the research.

  1. Chassis T-34 mod. 1943 - will add carrying capacity and also increase the maneuverability of the tank.
  2. Tower T-34 arr. 1942 - significantly increases viewing range, turning speed and armor thickness.
  3. The 76 mm S-54 gun has high penetration and one-time damage.
  4. The 76 mm F-34 gun is a pass-through for researching the top gun.
  5. The 57 mm ZiS-4 gun has a high rate of fire, excellent accuracy and excellent penetration with premium shells.
  6. V-2-34 engines - slightly increases dynamics.
  7. Radio station 9РМ - increases communication range.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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