Light tank of the third level Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C WoT - guide from

Hello to all fans of virtual tank battles, is with you! Soldiers, today our guest is a crazy and incredibly funny vehicle, a German light tank of the third level, in front of you is the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C guide


Anyone who has fought in the “sand” at least once knows this machine, remembers the frantic clatter of hundreds of bullets flying out of his crazy machine gun in a matter of seconds and stuff like that. Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C

or, more simply,
IC WoT is actually a very interesting tank, a real saboteur and scout, it’s worth getting to know him better.


According to an already established tradition, it’s worth starting your acquaintance with the fact that this baby has at its disposal a small margin of safety, but excellent basic visibility for the LT-3 with a range of 340 meters.

As is often the case with light tanks, our survivability is very weak, in the sense that the Pz. IC characteristics

the reservations are quite meager and almost any enemy encountered is capable of breaking through it. The only exception will be some hits from classmates in our 30-mm gun mantlet, because behind it there is also the main armor, which in some places even reaches about 50 millimeters of adjustment due to the inclination.

Otherwise the light tank Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C

it can be easily “sewn” into the forehead, side and stern, that is, no matter how you stand, no matter how you turn the hull, relying on armor is an absolutely disastrous idea.

However, there are two sides to the coin and our bright side is its very compact dimensions and low silhouette. Pz. IC World of Tanks

It’s a very small machine, thanks to which it not only has good camouflage, but can also hide behind any cobblestone and getting into its movements is not an easy task at all.

The last thing worth mentioning in terms of general characteristics is ride quality. Pz. IC tank WoT

It has an incredibly high maximum speed, excellent maneuverability and excellent dynamics, which makes it really crazy, you still need to cope with such a lively creature.

PzKpfw I Ausf C

I categorically welcome you, comrades, to the second lecture of the special course “Storm in the Sandbox”!!! The topic of today's lecture will be the PzKpfw I Ausf C motorcycle with sidecar, which should be understood as “armored combat wagon 1 variant of Tse”. Historical reference. This hellish device was developed on the basis of the serial PzKpfw I and was a high-speed reconnaissance vehicle. The PzKpfw I Ausf C was significantly different from its progenitor, the tank was designed as an airborne tank, had a more powerful engine, the Maybach HL 45P with 150 horsepower, a staggered suspension (Here it is! Here it is, the larva of the “Tiger”), which made it possible to accelerate this cheaterwagen to speed as much as 65 km/h. More powerful weapons were installed on the tank: a 20 mm cannon and a machine gun (before that, the gloomy Aryan genius installed only machine guns on the PzKpfw I, which allowed them to successfully merge with nature in clashes with the Soviet T-46 and BT-5 during the civil war in Spain). The mass of the tank was 8 tons. The main purpose was reconnaissance and fire support for airborne troops. Armor Hull - 30/20/20 Tower - 14/13/13 stock - 30/14.5/14.5 top Strength 210 stock 230 top

More detailed booking scheme

The frontal armor looks pretty decent for a Tier 3 tank and can withstand hits from most automatic cannons. Particularly pleasing is the armor of the top turret and sides of the hull, which allows the tank to be mounted in a diamond shape. In general, the tank is still light, so you shouldn’t try to “tank” single-level tanks and artillery pieces.

Turrets: Pz.Kpfw. I Breda – turning speed – 42º/sec. Overview – 320m. Vertical aiming angles: -10..+20 Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C – turning speed – 44º/sec. Overview – 340m. Vertical aiming angles: -10..+20 The presence of a top turret, for the successful completion of combat missions assigned by the command, is mandatory and necessary. In addition to a significant increase in the frontal armor and HP of the cheaterwagen, the above-mentioned turret performs circular movements relative to the tank hull (for comatose cadets, it turns) much faster than the stock one. The turret rotation speed was calculated as the average rotation speed of the head of a single Deutschen Soldaten motorcycle piloting a cradle under conditions of average cloudiness with a headwind of 20 m/s and a relative air humidity of 80%. This speed turned out to be quite high, but not enough to keep up with the top chassis.


PzKpfw I Ausf C stock 2 cm KwK 38 L/55

PzKpfw I Ausf C stock 2 cm Flak 38 L/112

PzKpfw I Ausf C top 2 cm Flak 38 L/112

PzKpfw I Ausf C top 7.92 mm Mauser EW141

Te-he-ks, we immediately scrap the spitter from the tractor (for those who are especially dull - 2 cm KwK 38 L/55), and with the proceeds from the super-profitable deal of the century we buy 2 cm Flak 38 L/112. This unit takes just over 3 seconds to reload the clip. allows you to confidently send tanks of a mock enemy to the same scrap, and the souls of tankers to reincarnation. It is possible to install the erotic fantasy of Anka the machine gunner in the top tower, i.e. 7.92 mm Mauser EW141. It should immediately be noted that ordinary machine gun cartridges, due to austerity and mass theft, are chronically not filled with gunpowder, which has an extremely negative effect on their ability to penetrate even a cardboard box. The situation is saved by expensive sub-caliber cartridges with a uranium tip, which on average penetrate as much as 43mm of armor.

Chassis: Stock – VK 6.01: maximum load – 8 tons, turning speed – 44 degrees/sec Top – VK 6.02: maximum load –10.2 tons, turning speed – 48 degrees/sec

Engines: 1) Maybach HL 45 P power 150 hp, probability of fire 20% 2) Maybach HL 66 P power 180 hp, probability of fire 20% Maximum speed +79/-22 km/h For a cheaterwagen (however as with most non-technical equipment) they install engines from the most expensive Maybach supercars, apparently in order to emphasize the coolness and exclusivity of the products (not like Soviet tanks with engines from trucks). Despite the stated speed of 79 km/h, the cheaterwagen very easily reaches the first space speed (about 95 km/h) and takes off into the stratosphere on the first bump that comes along.

Communication: To listen to German marches, weather forecasts and the screams of burning enemy tankers, the PzKpfw I Ausf C is equipped with a choice of one of three radio stations: FuG5 (310m), FuG7 (415m) or FuG Spr. A (700m), allowing you to cover almost the entire battlefield.

Leveling up and research: Attention announcement: cadets who are not able to drive a PzKpfw I Ausf C in 5 battles are invited to a field hospital to participate in a trial hand transplant from great apes (it won’t get any worse anyway).

Equipment: Now we go to Exibit and upgrade our cheaterwagen. Cadets with hairy arms will be given bananas and Pepsi. Upgrading the PzKpfw I Ausf C is harsh, merciless and straightforward, like a steel crowbar flying at the enemy’s head on a moonless autumn night! 1. First of all, we install a fan (sleep well, dear Parteigenosse Carlson, your sacrifice was not in vain), which improves gas exchange inside the tank, especially in stressful situations with particularly fearful tankers (Improving crew skills by 5%) 2. For early detection of beer , sausages and enemy tanks pretending to be clouds (and not bears at all), it is necessary to wipe the optics with a 98% alcohol solution remaining after the morning disinfection of the stomach by oral administration to the body (Coated optics +10% to review) 3. To ensure continuous movement and bouncing in space, despite enemy shooting at the legs of the tank, it is necessary to install Reinforced springs (+50% to the strength of the chassis). Pumping a cheaterwagen in any other way is considered harmful and is punishable by a field tribunal.

Crew: The crew of the tank consists of an uber commander (aka a gunner, aka a loader, aka a radio operator) and a motorcyclist, a fighter pilot, and a mechanical driver. The following should be considered as additional knowledge and skills regulated by the regulations: For both crew members - the first perk is “Combat Brotherhood” Next for the commander - smooth rotation of the turret, sniper (since the module damage from a top machine gun is much higher than its usual damage , which will allow you to light up and blow up more often and more fun) For the driver - a smooth ride, a virtuoso. All additional skills are aimed at increasing the accuracy of firing when moving over rough terrain, in conditions of bullets and shells of various calibers flying low over the tank.

Consumables: Standard – Repair kit + First aid kit + Fire extinguishers Premium – Large repair kit + Large first aid kit + Chocolate. The car rarely burns, so I strongly recommend stocking up on bonus chocolates before the fight!

Combat use: Comrade cadets! PzKpfw I Ausf C is a harsh Nordic labor LT!!! Moreover, LT right up to, I’m not afraid of this word, marrow bones, and all sorts of BTs silently nervously smoke on the sidelines! This vehicle predisposes to active light and brutal punishment of enemy equipment by introducing a large amount of ammunition into it through the side and especially the rear armor plates. As an everyday weapon, I strongly recommend the 2 cm Flak 38 L/112; this gun has fast reloading and good (for its level) armor penetration, which, in turn, has almost all same-level enemy equipment. The 7.92 mm Mauser EW141 machine gun should be used only on major holidays (because it’s terribly expensive) and only with gold cartridges (because armor-piercing ones are no good), you should also take into account the rather long reload time (about 8 seconds) and not fly at the enemy with an empty drum. If you get into level 5 battles, you shouldn’t get discouraged and go drown yourself in the nearest body of water, remember that you control a tank, and are quite capable of collecting 2-3k of light damage before leaving for the hangar, and drum roll on the hull, even without causing damage very distracting (what if O_o hits???) and annoying, giving your teammates the opportunity to overwhelm the KV-1, which is hopelessly trying to hit you. Due to the small size of the tank and good visibility (provided that the illumination is installed), passive lighting should be used at key points. That's all. Good luck in your battles! The lecture was given by Madspider


Armament is an integral and most important part of any tank, and it must be said that in our case the gun is not only very interesting, but also no less strange.

First of all, I will say that the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C gun

equipped with a loading drum for as many as 40 shells, but each bullet deals only 8 units of damage, that is, our alphastrike is incredibly small.

On the other hand, these 40 rounds of Pz. IC tank

“spits out” with stunning speed and a potential 320 damage in the drum, we can shoot in just over 5 seconds, taking any classmate into the hangar, provided that with each meal we hit and penetrate his armor. Oh, by the way, completely recharging the drum takes only 8 seconds, which is also very cool.

Now let's touch on the main drawback of the gun - its penetration. The fact is that the basic armor-piercing cartridge Pz. IC WoT

It doesn’t even penetrate every classmate, and shooting gold in our case is very expensive, because one drum costs as much as 16,000 silver.
All this to say is that you must know the weak points of any enemy tank, remember the firing limit of a machine gun is 400 meters, and also the German light tank Pz.
IC is practically incapable of dealing damage to level 5 vehicles.

In terms of accuracy, not everything is smooth either, because our firefly has a huge spread and poor stabilization, but thanks to very fast aiming and excellent mobility, these shortcomings can be compensated.

As for the vertical aiming angles, we have excellent ones. Pz. IC World of Tanks

capable of lowering his infernal machine gun 10 degrees down, so you can play from the terrain and deal damage while moving without fear that some bump will ruin everything, too.

TTX Pz.Sfl. IC

Let's compare with level 4 upgradeable and collectible tank destroyers.


The main feature of Pz.Sfl. IC loading drum for 3 rounds with a 2 second reload between shots. This partially compensates for the smallest one-time damage of 70 units. The implementation of the drum allows for high armor penetration with the basic projectile.

Ammunition characteristics:

It is definitely worth noting the high speed of the projectiles, so you can confidently shoot in advance. But pay attention to the low speed of horizontal translation of the sight; it will not always be possible to keep track of a fast enemy.

A full recharge takes 9.59 seconds. The UGNs are not the most convenient; sometimes you have to turn the body, but the UGNs allow you to fire using the features of the terrain. The aiming time of 2 seconds and accuracy of 0.39 look good compared to other classmates. But the damage per minute is very depressing - only 927 units.


Here we can briefly: the safety margin is not bad, but there is absolutely no armor. A cardboard machine that everyone can penetrate and you should be especially careful with high-explosive opponents.

Mobility and reconnaissance

The smallest weight combined with a weak engine provides a specific power of 15.15 hp/t. In general, there are no problems with gaining speed, but it will not be possible to accelerate to the maximum value of 54 km/h everywhere. At the same time, Pz.Sfl. IC high speed of rotation of the chassis, so in general the mobility of this tank destroyer is good.

The stealth coefficient is one of the best, the viewing radius is also almost maximum for this level.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the information received and analysis of the general characteristics of the tank and analysis of the parameters of its weapons, you could already get an idea of ​​​​what kind of vehicle is in front of you. However, our Pz. IC guide

will be incomplete if you do not highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the tank, besides, this will make it easier for you to navigate its weaknesses and strengths. Pros: • Good basic viewing radius; • Excellent mobility (maximum speed, maneuverability, dynamics); • Small silhouette and good camouflage; • Very high rate of fire and reload speed; • 320 damage per drum and high DPM; • Very fast mixing; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Small safety margin; • Weak armor; • Very low alpha strike; • Frankly bad penetration; • Mediocre accuracy (spread and stabilization).

Equipment for Pz. IC

Correctly selected additional modules can make serious adjustments to the original characteristics of the tank, making it stronger and more comfortable. Of course, at the third level we have very few options, but even from what we have, we can pick up a good set. Taking into account the characteristics of our German, the Pz. IC equipment

It’s better to put the following: 1. – the most universal and at the same time win-win option, which will improve several important characteristics at once. 2. – with such high mobility, it is better to improve visibility with this module, especially since in our case it will give a good increase in “vision”. 3. – the best completion of the set from the available options. With this module we will be able to more confidently provide passive illumination if necessary.

Crew training

As part of the Pz.Sfl. IC has four tank crews, and the commander has a combined specialization with the gunner. We recommend this order of learning skills: First of all, you need to increase the stealth of the vehicle in order to increase survivability and compensate for the lack of armor. At the second level, we select the main specialized skills (in the case of the commander, it is better to reset the disguise and be the first to put the Sixth Sense). On the approach to the 3rd level, you can reset the skills of all tankers to choose the Brotherhood of Battle or start learning the perks shown at the 4th level (valid from the moment of study).

Tactics for playing Pz. IC

Once again, I would like to remind you that we have in our hands a very cheerful, daring and relatively strong tank, created for reconnaissance and sabotage operations. It is no wonder that with such high rates of mobility, small dimensions and good camouflage, for the Pz. IC tactics

scout fits perfectly.

By providing his team with intelligence, our German can be useful at the top of the list, but at the bottom of the list this is almost our only task, because with so much weak penetration of the Pz. IC tank

practically incapable of causing damage to level 5 vehicles, the only exceptions being very cardboard tank destroyers and artillery.

So, we can shine passively, quickly rushing forward at the very beginning of the battle, and taking the appropriate position in the bushes closer to the middle of the map. But Pz. IC WoT

is also an excellent active scout who can almost fly around the map, providing coverage.

However, when we are in the ideal top, that is, the opposite team has only vehicles of the third level and lower, the light tank Pz. IC

also turns into an excellent damage dealer. Remember that you cannot rely on armor, you need to use mobility, dynamics and cunning.

Always try to attack the enemy from an unexpected direction, get close, discharge your drum, because if circumstances go well, the Pz. IC World of Tanks

capable of sending any classmate to the hangar in a matter of seconds, and try to escape without harm to yourself to further carry out a new attack or carry out sabotage behind enemy lines.

Being at the top of the list, we are truly capable of working miracles, we just need to act wisely, know the weak points of the tanks encountered in battle and get as much pleasure from the game as possible.

Equipment selection

Considering that this is only the 4th level and there are no profile slots, and in general the choice of equipment is small, you can consider two build options depending on your preferred gameplay.

A mobile vehicle that actively supports allies and is more independent in the second half of the battle:

  • reinforced aiming drives (the only available module to increase firepower);
  • coated optics (+32 meters to visibility);
  • turbocharger (to make the speed advantage more noticeable).

It is not necessary to speed up the aiming time, since the reload between shots will still be longer (2 seconds). This module is only needed to zoom in a little faster when moving the sight, if you shoot at a moving target.

Or you can go with the classic assembly of ambush tank destroyers :

  • coated optics/stereo tube
  • low noise exhaust system/camouflage network
  • reinforced aiming drives

Considering the pace of battle at low levels, bush tactics do not always pay off, since the modules operate only in a stationary position.

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