Guide to the third level medium tank Somua S35 WoT from

Hello to all fans of fighting in the sandbox, is with you! Friends, the topic of our conversation today will be a really strong and quite comfortable car, a French medium tank of the third level, this is the Somua S35 guide


This unit is significantly different from most tanks of its level; in skillful hands, without exaggeration, it is capable of carrying through battle after battle, winning the “Master” class badge over and over again, etc. However, to achieve such results you need to know about the Somua S35 World of Tanks

as much as possible, so let's get to know the car, equip it and analyze tactics.

TTX Somua S35

The first thing I would like to say is that our French tank has an absolutely standard third-level safety margin by the standards of technology, and it is also endowed with a good basic visibility of 330 meters.

A serious advantage of our Frenchman is survivability, that is, the Somua S35 has characteristics

reservations are worthy of respect. First of all, it is worth understanding that there is not much hope for the tower, because the 40 millimeters available here can be penetrated quite easily, unless an enemy shell hits some kind of slope, where the target can go even beyond 100 millimeters.

The body in frontal projection is worthy of closer attention. If we talk about the area immediately below the tower, there is a Somua S35 tank

has 50-53 millimeters of armor, which allows it to hold back machine guns, but can be penetrated by conventional cannons.

Even lower awaits us the upper frontal part, located at a good angle, thanks to which the value of the armor ranges from 66 to 104 millimeters. That is, its VLD Somua S35 WoT

can confidently tank many of his classmates, but this must be done correctly, slightly turning the body.

The lower frontal part in our case is more vulnerable, and it is also large in area. The 47-50 millimeters of steel available here can be penetrated without much difficulty, but again, they make it possible to hold back some machine gun-type guns.

All-round armor for its level French medium tank Somua S35

got a decent one. Yes, the 43 millimeters available on the sides can hardly be called the standard of equanimity, but if you form a diamond towards the enemy or show only the side at a good angle, rest assured, it will be incredibly difficult to inflict damage on you. By the way, the Pz that drove up from the side. 1 C and kids like him won’t be able to do anything with their nasty machine guns, because most of these guns won’t have enough penetration.

Of course, you will have to pay for impressive armor not in hard cash, but in driving performance. We are talking about Somua S35 WoT

became the owner of weak dynamics, which is why it develops a good maximum speed extremely reluctantly, so in terms of mobility, only maneuverability can be considered suitable.


  1. ^ abcde François Vauvillier, 2007, "Notre Cavalerie Mécanique à son Apogée le 10 May 1940", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 75, p. 46
  2. ^ abc François Vauvillier, 2013, "Le Somua S 35, Genèse et Production", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , no. 105, pp. 83-95
  3. Danjou (2004), p. 7
  4. ^ abc Danjou (2004), page 10
  5. ^ abc Danjou (2004), page 9
  6. ^ ab Stephen J. Zaloga, 2014, French Tanks of World War II (2): Cavalry Tanks and AFVs
    , Osprey Publishing, New Vanguard 213, p. 7
  7. François Vauvillier, 2006, "Nose of Symbols en 1940: Pourquoi, Combien", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 74, pp. 40–41
  8. Danjou (2004), p. 8
  9. White, Brian Terrence, 1983, Tanks and other armored fighting vehicles of the Second World War
    , Peerage Books, London, p.92
  10. ^ ab Stephen J. Zaloga, 2014, French Tanks of World War II (2): Cavalry Tanks and AFVs
    , Osprey Publishing, New Vanguard 213, p. 15
  11. ^ abc François Vauvilliers, 2007, "Notre Cavalerie Mécanique à son Apogée le 10 Mai 1940", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 75, p. 47
  12. ^ ab Stéphane Ferrard, 2011, "Le Char de Cavalerie AMX 40", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel, N° 95, pp. 78-86
  13. ^ ab François Vauvillier, 2009, "Le SOMUA S 40, à quelques semaines près", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 88, p. 66
  14. Danjou (2004), p. 13
  15. Danjou (2004), p. 5
  16. Danjou (2004), p. 18
  17. Danjou (2004), p. 14
  18. ^ ab Danjou (2004), p.17
  19. Danjou (2004), p. 30
  20. Danjou (2004), p. 31
  21. Danjou (2004), p. 32
  22. Danjou (2004) b. 33
  23. Danjou (2004), p. 37
  24. Danjou (2004), p. 38
  25. Danjou (2004), p. 39
  26. Danjou (2004), p. 40
  27. Danjou (2004), p. 42
  28. ^ ab Leulliot, N. "SOMUA S 40 and SAu 40". France 1940
    . Retrieved February 18, 2013.
  29. Danjou (2004), p. 27
  30. François Vauvillier, 2009, "Le SOMUA S 40, à Quelques semaines Pré", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 88, p. 62
  31. François Vauvillier, 2009, "Le SOMUA S 40, à Quelques semaines Pré", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 88, p. 65
  32. ^ ab François Vauvillier, 2009, "Le SOMUA S 40, à quelques semaines près", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 88, p. 69
  33. François Vauvillier, 2009, "Le SOMUA S 40, à Quelques semaines Pré", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel
    , N° 88, p. 68
  34. Stefan Ferrard (2010). "Les SOMUA de l'Ombre (I) - Le S 40 à tourelle FCM, char de la defense de l'Empire", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel N° 89
    , pp. 44–49
  35. Stefan Ferrard (2010). "Les SOMUA de l'Ombre (I) - Le S 40 à tourelle FCM, char de la defense de l'Empire", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel N ° 89
    , p. 46
  36. Stefan Ferrard (2010). "Les SOMUA de l'Ombre (I) - Le S 40 à tourelle FCM, char de la defense de l'Empire", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel N° 89
    , pp. 47–49
  37. Stefan Ferrard (2010). "Les SOMUA de l'Ombre (II) - Le SARL 42, char de la clandestinité", Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel N ° 90
    , pp. 54-59
  38. Danjou (2004), p. 29


Despite the fact that the cannon is the main component of every tank, in our case the weapon does not stand out with any serious advantages; it is quite ordinary.

Let's start with the fact that the Somua S35 has a gun

has average one-time damage by ST-3 standards, but not a very high rate of fire, so per minute without equipment and perks you can only deal about 1140 damage, this is a modest figure.

In terms of armor penetration, there is also no imbalance; it is not bad, but not record-breaking either. This means that Somua S35 WoT

capable of confidently fighting against classmates, but starting from battles of the fourth level and even more so the fifth, gold may come in handy, so it’s worth having 15-20 sub-calibers with you.

Accuracy can be considered a rather pleasant side of the weapon, because if you compare these parameters with classmates, the French medium tank Somua S35

boasts a very pleasant spread, fast convergence, but poor stabilization.

As for the vertical aiming angles, they are really good, because we can lower the gun as much as 11 degrees down, which is very comfortable in any situation.

Advantages and disadvantages

As was already said at the very beginning, our Frenchman is really strong, you can not only enjoy the game on it, but also, without exaggeration, drag out battles, leading your team to victory. However, for this you still need to clearly understand the pros and cons of the Somua S35 World of Tanks

, because this way you can react faster to various situations during the battle. Pros: • Decent basic overview; • Good frontal and all-round armor; • Good maximum speed and maneuverability; • Decent penetration rates; • Pleasant spread and mixing time; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Mediocre turret armor (especially the commander's cupola); • Poor ratio of horsepower per ton of weight (dynamics); • Low damage per minute and low alpha strike; • Poor gun stabilization.

Equipment for Somua S35

With purchased and installed additional modules, you will not only feel more comfortable in battle, your combat potential will increase significantly, and you will gain an advantage over the enemy. However, we have little choice, so the equipment for the Somua S35 tank

it’s better to put it in this form: 1. – at the same time it will increase our mediocre damage per minute, slightly speed up the aiming and improve visibility, what could be better? 2. – in combination with the already good overview and the bonus from the first point, this module shows itself perfectly, because you can see much further. 3. – with our armor and tanking ability, this option shows itself very well, because we significantly increase our survivability.


In the game, after leveling up, we get Somua SAu-40, level 4 PT. The first thing any player will notice is the appearance of the new car. In this regard, the S35CA.. let us down. The only thing that reminds me of this tank destroyer is, in my opinion, a “garbage can” to which for some reason tracks were attached. The gaming community is less liberal in its expressions - and calls the machine a “toilet”. Indeed, the characteristic unusual appearance of the open cabin does not give the tank any beauty. However, in battle, this machine completely changes the way it looks at itself. Let's look at why one by one.

Crew training

This aspect is always given special attention, since the number of variations for leveling up skills is extensive and, due to ignorance, you can make a mistake, the correction of which will take a lot of time and effort. In addition, we are somewhat limited in capabilities due to the fact that the crew consists of only three people, but despite this, perks for the Somua S35

are studied in this order: • Commander (gunner, loader) – , , , . • Driver mechanic - , , , . • Radio operator (loader) – , , , .

Game tactics on Somua S35

Taking into account all the strengths of this device, the conclusion immediately suggests itself that it was created for conducting combat operations on the front line. Of course, we are talking about those situations where we are at the top of the list, in which case, without hesitation for Somua S35 tactics

consists of positioning on the first line.

As you can already understand, our task is to both contain the enemy and push the direction, but in any case, the Somua S35 tank

can and should tank.
To do this effectively, you can adhere to two principles: 1. Tanking with the forehead - we have quite strong frontal armor, but it becomes directly dangerous to the enemy, so you should always slightly turn the body in frontal collisions in order to increase the alignment. However, be careful, an experienced tanker will target the hatches on the hull or the commander’s cupola for you, so in this position the Somua S35 WoT
should still dance slightly back and forth.
2. The second method is not always applicable, but its effectiveness is many times higher; we are talking about side tanking. In this case, you should hide the frontal projection, showing only your side at a good angle from around a corner or some other cover. The values ​​of the given armor will increase very much and it is incredibly difficult to penetrate the French medium tank Somua S35
in such a position at the third level; in this way, you can win back even against vehicles of the fifth level.

Of course, positioning on the front line provides another big plus - we can always confidently inflict damage, targeting vulnerable areas in the enemy’s armor and without suffering from the vagaries of accuracy.

Otherwise, you need to remember that Somua S35 World of Tanks

is afraid of artillery, and also try to avoid cases where the enemy drives into your side or stern, because these are obviously unfavorable positions.

Child of five German factories

Unlike the Frenchman, the gloomy Teutonic genius developed his PzKpfw-III without haste, with an eye on experience and technology. In February 1934, the Reich Armament Directorate organized a competition to develop a new armored vehicle. The Wehrmacht required a “platoon commander’s tank,” which combined lightness, maneuverability and a 37 mm caliber gun that was quite powerful for vehicles of that time.

Daimler-Benz coped with the task best of all, beating such serious rivals as Krupp, MAN and Rheinmetall. But in the end, the PzKpfw-III still became the “child of many mothers”: the chassis was built at Daimler factories, the turret was riveted in Krupp’s workshops, the optics were made by Karl Zeiss, and the engines were assembled by Maybach. Rheinmetall, which equipped the “troikas” with the legendary MG34 machine guns, was not offended either.

By 1938, production of the reliable PzKpfw-III had already begun. The design turned out to be so successful that these tanks formed the core of the German Panzerwaffe until 1943.

© Photo from the archive

The PzKpfw-III formed the basis of the armored fist of the Reich in 1940.

Since 1938, the first large-scale batches of PzKpfw-III went into production. One of the most widespread modifications was the Ausf.F - from September 1939 to July 1940, 435 vehicles were sent to the troops. It was this modification of the “troika” that formed the basis of the armored power of the Reich, which rolled like a roller through the underbelly of France in May 1940.

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