Guide to the Tier 3 medium tank Vickers Medium Mk. III WoT from

Hello everyone and welcome to! Friends, our guest today is another very extraordinary vehicle, a medium tank of the third level of Great Britain, in front of you is the Vickers Medium Mk. III guide


Of course, the first thing that catches your eye is the strange appearance of this device, and looking ahead I will say that this feature brings a lot of trouble. However, due to the fact that on Medium III WoT

Anyone who decides to upgrade the British heavyweight branch will have to play, you shouldn’t limit yourself to appearance, it’s important to know as much as possible about this tank.

TTX Vickers Medium Mk. III

First of all, the owners of this unit should know that they have at their disposal a tank with the largest safety margin among its classmates, as well as a decent basic visibility of 330 meters.

As for the appearance, which was mentioned at the very beginning, this is not a problem. The problem is that the Vickers Medium Mk. III tank

very large, its body is long, wide, and its silhouette is high, so that we not only get poor camouflage, but are also a favorite target for any enemy, including artillery.

The huge size is aggravated by very weak security. The point is that the Vickers Medium Mk. III characteristics

the reservations are insignificant, absolutely everyone can penetrate us into any projection, even the second levels with machine gun weapons that are weak in terms of penetration, so we will have to play with extreme caution and discretion.

Let’s end the analysis of general characteristics on an equally sad note, because armor and “barn” are not the only problems. In addition to all this, the Medium III World of Tanks medium tank

became the owner of poor mobility. Here it must be said that our maximum speed is good, but it practically does not develop due to frankly weak dynamics, and our Briton also has a low chassis turning speed.

Collect collections 2018–2021!

Upon reaching level X of the holiday atmosphere, you will be able to collect collections of previous New Year's offensives for 2018–2021. Use the shards to purchase the desired decorations individually or the entire collection at once and receive the corresponding style, as well as other appearance elements as a reward.

The cost of each missing decoration from previous years depends on its level.


New Year's Collection (Grained Armor)

Christmas collection (G, Fis, E, D, C, H, A, G)

Oriental Collection (Pandamagia)

Magic collection (Natal chart)


New Year's collection (His Worship)

Christmas Collection (Gingerbread Defense)

Oriental collection (Cherry blossoms)

Magic Collection (Mandarinium Armor)


New Year's collection (Great conifer)

Christmas collection (Toughened glass)

Oriental Collection (Night of Sparklers)

Magic collection (Multi-ton gift)


New Year

Traditional Christmas

Chinese New Year

Modern Christmas


Armament is always considered the main component of a vehicle, because what kind of tank is it without a gun? However, in our case, this aspect does not have many strong points, but we will be consistent.

Let's start with the fact that the Vickers Medium Mk. III gun

The 57mm has a good alpha strike and a very decent rate of fire, so we have the ability to deal approximately 1400 damage per minute, which is a good result.

Unpleasant news for owners of Medium III World of Tanks

will be the penetration indicators. We can deal damage to most of our classmates, but even at the third level there are opponents with whom ordinary BBs cannot cope. For this reason, having 15-20 gold armor-piercing shells with you is very important.

Another issue is accuracy rates. Of course, the British medium tank Vickers Medium Mk. III

has fast aiming, but even it can hardly compensate for the shortcomings in the form of huge dispersion and poor stabilization, that is, conducting aimed fire at long distances will be very difficult and ineffective.

As for elevation angles, the Vickers Medium Mk. III WoT

capable of lowering the gun by 8 degrees, this is not the best, but still a good indicator with which you can confidently play with the terrain.

In addition to the top gun, we have a choice of an alternative third-tier gun with a caliber of 40 millimeters. Its advantage is a higher penetration rate and increased accuracy. But at the same time he has a Medium III tank

receives a weaker alpha strike and DPM, otherwise the parameters are identical.

As a first result, it’s worth saying that you have the right to choose your own weapons, but then our Medium III guide

will continue from the position that the tank has a top barrel installed on board, due to the fact that with it we will be able to inflict more damage.


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Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that we have examined the general characteristics and parameters of the armament of this British device, it is still worth summing up more accurate results, highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses of the Vickers Medium Mk. III World of Tanks

separately for improved perception. Pros: • Large margin of safety for its level; • Good viewing range; • High maximum speed; • Good alpha strike and damage per minute; • Quick mixing; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Shed-like dimensions and poor camouflage; • Complete absence of armor; • Mediocre mobility (dynamics and maneuverability); • Weak penetration indicators; • Poor accuracy (spread and stabilization).

Hotel area (how to open the hotel door)

Go into the small building to the left of the gate and pick up the postcard

Go around the building to the left, climb onto the trash can and climb over the fence. This will take you to the hotel grounds. On the way to the parking lot, you can see the memorial
in memory of the victims of World War II.
Follow the path until a cutscene starts. Use your intuition and follow the children's footprints, which will lead you to a stone structure. Once you're inside, you'll see the split screen for the first time. Now you will observe two dimensions on your screen at once. Go forward to the electrical panel and take the drawing

Run to the left side of the shield and find a cluster of energy. You should absorb it and come back. Stand next to the shield, hold down the “ space”

» and release the key. At this moment, the heroine will throw out all her energy, and the grate will open in front of you. Run along the path forward and get out to the parking lot in front of the hotel.

Look around the left side of the parking lot to find an old car. a postcard on the driver's seat

, and in the trunk
there is a screwdriver
. The last item will be needed to open the hotel's utility door.

Return to the hotel entrance. To the left of the front door is a door without a handle. Use the screwdriver and go inside. You need to move the outer trash can and climb into the broken window


Equipment for Vickers Medium Mk. III

By properly equipping a combat vehicle with additional modules, you receive a significant increase in the original characteristics, thanks to which you can not only improve the existing advantages, but also reduce the impact of the shortcomings. In other words, the Vickers Medium Mk. III equipment

It’s better to install the following: 1. – this module is relevant under any circumstances, because it increases the main parameter in the game – damage per minute. 2. is another very good option that will give a nice comprehensive 5% boost to parameters. 3. – of course, without a good viewing range it will be difficult in battle, so this choice is more than justified.

The above three points can be considered optimal, but if you are still seriously bothered by the problem with accuracy, the second option can be replaced with, because having received even faster aiming, the aiming process will be simplified. However, if you have chosen a 40 mm gun for yourself, it is better to leave everything unchanged.

New Year's Eve 2022

December 9, 2022 9:00 (Moscow time) - January 10, 2022 9:00 (Moscow time)

Knock Knock! Come with me... if you want to celebrate! And if you've been waiting all year for an action hero to appear, consider the moment to be here!

An amazing time of miracles is just around the corner, and I thought why not spend it with you? The time has come for the long-awaited “New Year's Offensive,” which will bring with it a magical atmosphere, holiday bonuses, special combat missions from me personally, and many other wonderful surprises. Come with me to feel the festive mood and receive wonderful rewards! Let's melt the ice!


Crew training

While playing on a tank, the tankers sitting inside gain experience, that is, you always have the opportunity to improve its initial parameters by choosing the right skills. It is important to take this issue seriously, because retraining, that is, correcting errors, will take a lot of time, so for Medium III the perks

It’s better to upgrade immediately in the following order: • Commander – , , , . • Gunner – , , , . • Driver mechanic - , , , . • Radio operator – , , , . • Radio operator – , , , . • Charger – , , , .

Funeral service

Open the door of the funeral home with the key from the heroine's inventory and go inside. The door to the morgue is locked. First you need to find the key in the main room of the bureau. The key is on the table, next to the reports

about burial and family
. Use it on the locked door and go down to the basement.

Open the freezer and examine Jack. On the chair to the left of him you will see a tie

. Pick it up and combine it with the tie clip in your inventory. Use the item on the dead man, after which a long cut-scene will begin. Go up to the funeral home and interact with the broken jug.

Equipment for Vickers Medium Mk. II

As in most other cases, choosing and purchasing equipment is the easiest option, because this aspect remains standard. It is important to remember that if you don’t have enough silver, it is better to travel with a set of , , . But for thrifty tankers who have enough silver credits, we recommend carrying the Vickers Medium Mk. III equipment

in the form of , , , because such a choice will increase your survival rate. In addition, if you know how to play carefully, because in our case there is no other way, then the fire extinguisher can be replaced with.

Level up your holiday atmosphere!

Your progress in the game event determines the level of the holiday atmosphere. There are 10 of them in total. At the beginning of the New Year's Offensive 2022 event, you will have the first level of atmosphere.

Since all the regular decorations are at the same level this year, you need to earn special points to level up the holiday spirit. They can be obtained in two ways:

  • receiving new decorations for your collections (2 points for each new decoration);
  • placing decorations in slots (more on this below).

Repeats of regular decorations will earn you one extra point according to the rules above.

Regular decorations

Large decorations

Here's the number of points needed to reach each party atmosphere level:


  • If you fill all the slots with decorations, you will receive 54 points.
  • If you place all the large decorations in the corresponding slots, you will receive 20 points.
  • If you collect all 70 regular decorations for one collection, you will earn another 140 points.
  • And if you collect all the collection albums as part of the game event, you will receive 568 points.

For reaching new levels of the holiday atmosphere, you will receive valuable in-game property: personal reserves, national and universal blueprint fragments, anti-repeater charges, and much more. You will also be able to recruit four unique tank girls.

Tactics for playing the Vickers Medium Mk. III

Going into battle with this unit, you should immediately understand one simple thing - in our hands is a large and almost glass tank, completely unable to contain incoming damage. For this reason, the Vickers Medium Mk. III tactics

involves positioning at a great distance from the enemy, as they say, “at the red line.”

Of course, we are not talking about standing at the end of the map, but it is better to stick to the second line and always use not only bushes, but also some kind of cover. Bye Medium III tank

not illuminated, you can confidently inflict damage on everyone who gets caught in the light. But as soon as you are discovered, it is better to hide for a while, also remembering that there is always the possibility of an artillery focus, so the cover must be reliable.

Don't forget also that Medium III World of Tanks

is the owner of poor accuracy, that is, for effective firing it is important to try to get to the end, trying to guess the lead if the situation requires it.

In addition, there is no point in standing at one point for the entire battle if the situation requires it. Vickers Medium Mk. III tank

should move in search of a more advantageous position, nevertheless, a good maximum speed makes it possible to make throws even over long distances, so you will not only protect yourself, but also increase your efficiency.

Thus, the Vickers Medium Mk. III WoT

can also be called a quite good support tank, which can help push or repel one of the directions, as well as return to protect the base. In any case, you should always monitor the mini-map, try to completely avoid getting close to the enemy, be wary of artillery, and act carefully in any situation.

Treat yourself to big boxes!

What gifts are fighters most looking forward to during the New Year's Offensive 2022? Of course, gifts from big boxes! Choose from four collections of boxes filled to the brim with in-game valuables!

In each box you are guaranteed to find one regular decoration and 250. In addition, they may contain even more gold, as well as credits and days of the Tank Premium Account. And if Lady Luck is on your side, you can get a Tier VIII premium vehicle, unique 3D styles, or Tier II–V premium vehicles!

More about Big Boxes

Escape from the monster

After the video on the engine, continue to run forward from the monster, and when you find yourself at a fork (the monster will come straight towards you), turn left. When you reach a clot of energy, be sure to restore its supply and leave the room. This level must be completed in stealth. Just wait until the monster moves away from you and sneak on your heels. When you reach an open area, wait until the enemy moves away and run towards the exit.

Walk along the cliff and watch a cut-scene, after which the heroine will again find herself on the first floor of the hotel.

Road to the Red House (how to open a barn door)

When you leave the ruins, the screen will again split into two parts. Run to the barn and find the doll in the garage. Place it next to the two similar dolls on the bench in front of the barn to activate the power spot. Approach the car pit, above which there is a lift switch. Leave your body and walk around the building in the guise of a spirit. Here you will see an extension through which you can climb into the attic and start the generator.

When you do this, return to the real world and interact with the lift. The passage to the inspection hole will open and you can pick up the lever. Interact with the jack and run to the burnt house. To advance the story, find two powerful memories.

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