Guide to the Tier 5 medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III/IV WoT from

Hello everyone and welcome to! Friends, today we will talk about an unremarkable, at first glance, but in fact very interesting and promising vehicle, a German medium tank of the fifth level and this is the Pz.Kpfw.
III/IV guide .

This car stands at the origins of the branch leading to the top-end ST in Germany, desired by many - Leopard. That is, for everyone who sets themselves the goal of pumping out this masterpiece and going through the medium tanks branch, it is important to know what the Pz.Kpfw is . III/IV World of Tanks

and how to behave in battle on it.


First of all, every owner of this tank must understand that he has at his disposal a weak margin of safety, even by the standards of his classmates, as well as a very poor basic visibility of 320 meters.

But the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV characteristics

reservations are of quite great interest and although this German cannot be called well protected, he is capable of surprising. Let's start with the weak point - it is a cardboard tower, which can be easily penetrated even by fourth-level equipment. But the large commander's cupola is not so vulnerable, its thickness is basically 95 millimeters, which is unlikely to protect even from classmates, but ricochets are possible.

The frontal part of the hull is the very place that is ready to surprise the enemy. Of course, the NLD medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

has a weak one, everyone will punch you here too. But that part of the VLD that is painted orange on the model’s collage reaches 120 millimeters in scale, and the red armor plate has a thickness of 124 millimeters, that is, when turning the hull further, there is a chance to catch ricochets even from some sixes, however, sevens sew us without problems.

We can’t help but mention the sides of our car. Unfortunately, both the side of the hull and the turrets are not penetrated very easily, but as you can see, the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV tank

It is perfectly protected by screens, which means that it is very difficult to cause damage to us with a cumulative projectile.

You may also have noticed that the dimensions of our German, to put it mildly, are rather large, and to be frank, the car is very barn-like. But surprisingly, this shed received excellent mobility. Pz.Kpfw. III/IV World of Tanks

is the owner of excellent maximum speed, excellent dynamics and excellent maneuverability. In other words, the car is very dynamic and playful.

Combat use

The first serious campaign in which the Pz.IV took part was the war against Poland. Early modifications of the tank had weak armor and became easy prey for Polish artillerymen. During this conflict, the Germans lost 76 Pz.IV units, 19 of which were irretrievable.

In the hostilities against France, the opponents of the “fours” were not only anti-tank guns, but also tanks. The French Somua S35 and the English Matildas performed well.

In the German army, tank classification was based on the caliber of the gun, so the Pz.IV was considered a heavy tank. However, with the outbreak of war on the Eastern Front, the Germans saw what a real heavy tank was. The USSR also had an overwhelming advantage in the number of combat vehicles: at the beginning of the war, there were more than 500 KV tanks in the western districts. The short-barreled Pz.IV cannon could not cause any harm to these giants even at close range.

It should be noted that the German command very quickly drew conclusions and began modifying the “fours”. Already at the beginning of 1942, modifications of the Pz.IV with a long gun began to appear on the Eastern Front. The armor protection of the vehicle was also increased. All this made it possible for German tankers to fight the T-34 on an equal footing. Considering the better ergonomics of German vehicles and excellent sighting devices, the Pz.IV became a very dangerous opponent.

After installing a long-barreled gun (48 calibers) on the T-IV, its combat characteristics increased even more. After this, the German tank could hit both Soviet and American vehicles without entering the range of their guns.

It should be noted the speed with which changes were made to the design of the Pz.IV. If we take the Soviet “thirty-four”, then many of its shortcomings were revealed at the stage of factory testing. It took the leadership of the USSR several years of war and huge losses to begin modernizing the T-34.

The German T-IV tank can be called a very balanced and versatile vehicle. Later heavy German vehicles have a clear bias towards security. The Four can be called a unique machine in terms of the reserve for modernization inherent in it.

This is not to say that the Pz.IV was an ideal tank. It had shortcomings, the main ones of which were insufficient engine power and outdated suspension. The power plant clearly did not match the mass of later models. The use of a rigid spring suspension reduced the maneuverability of the vehicle and its maneuverability. Installing a long gun significantly increased the combat characteristics of the tank, but it created additional load on the front rollers of the tank, which led to significant rocking of the vehicle.

Equipping the Pz.IV with anti-cumulative shields was also not a very good solution. Cumulative ammunition was rarely used; the screens only increased the weight of the vehicle, its dimensions and impaired the crew’s visibility. Also a very expensive idea was to paint the tanks with Zimmerit, a special anti-magnetic paint against magnetic mines.

However, many historians consider the biggest miscalculation of the German leadership to be the start of production of the heavy Panther and Tiger tanks. For almost the entire war, Germany was limited in resources. The Tiger was a truly excellent tank: powerful, comfortable, and with a deadly weapon. But also very expensive. In addition, both the “Tiger” and the “Panther” were able to get rid of many “childhood” diseases that are inherent in any new technology until the end of the war.

There is an opinion that if the resources spent on the production of “Panthers” were used to produce additional “fours”, this would create much more problems for the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.


Of course, armament always deserves special attention, but true Germanphiles will be very familiar with our top gun, since it is found on a huge number of other German tanks, but its parameters are still worth considering.

Let's start with the fact that the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV gun

has the standard alphastrike for ST-5. However, unfortunately, we do not have a high rate of fire, so we can only produce about 1500 units of damage per minute.

Regarding penetration ability, everything is also not as good as we would like. Pz.Kpfw. III/IV tank

does not always penetrate even heavy tanks of its level, so you definitely need to carry about 30% of gold ammunition with you if you want to comfortably fight against levels 6-7.

From the point of view of accuracy, in our case, too, not everything is smooth. With a rather small caliber of the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV WoT

has a fairly large spread, our aiming speed is not very comfortable, and stabilization is weak.

However, there is one more very pleasant point in all this - the vertical aiming angles of the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV World of Tanks

very good, the barrel bends down 10 degrees, which allows you to play depending on the terrain without any problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

I think many were able to notice that our German hero has very significant strengths, but as in any other case, the tank also has weaknesses. To feel confident in battle, you need to know all these points, for this we will highlight them separately. Pros: • Strong hull front for a medium tank; • Very good driving characteristics; • Comfortable gun declination angles; • Availability of large anti-cumulative screens. Cons: • Medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

has poor visibility; • Barn dimensions; • Cardboard tower and sides; • Low damage per minute; • Mediocre penetration of AP shells; • Poor accuracy.

Crew Perks


  1. Disguise
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Sniper
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Smooth rotation of the tower
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. King of off-road
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Non-contact ammunition rack
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Desperate
  3. The Brotherhood of War

We continue in the same spirit - disguise and light bulb are the key skills for this PT. If you are going to play seriously and for a long time, then pumping up the BB will also not be superfluous.

Equipment for Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

As you know, with the help of additional modules you can both increase the existing strengths of the tank and reduce its shortcomings. In our case, unfortunately, we will have to neutralize the influence of the weaknesses, so for the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV equipment

Let's choose the following: 1. – an extremely necessary module with such mediocre damage per minute, because with it we will be able to shoot a little more often. 2. – of course, our aiming speed is not critical, but for a more comfortable stay in battle, it wouldn’t hurt to improve it. 3. – at all times, a 5% boost in characteristics will be beneficial, and in our case this option is optimal.

We still have the problem with visibility, and to solve it in the case of a mobile tank like this, you can abandon the second point, replacing it with . Judge for yourself, the third point will allow you to speed up the mixing speed a little, and overall this configuration option may be even better.

Tactics of playing Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

Despite the impressive selection of weaknesses, our German tank still remains a very versatile and, dare I say it, creative machine. Thus, for Pz.Kpfw. III/IV tactics

combat can consist of at least two directions.

The safest option would be to play as a support tank. To do this, you can either take a position on the second line and fire while standing in the bushes in a safe place. Or a medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

can maneuver behind stronger or armored allies and knock out hit points from enemies while they are distracted.

But being at the top of the list, our German is capable of even more serious achievements. Thanks to the excellent mobility of the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV tank

can masterfully spin less mobile equipment, shooting enemies without even receiving damage in return. By the way, if you drive into your opponent’s side, and even more so into the stern, you will not experience problems with penetration, because often these parts of tanks are more vulnerable.

Here it is only important to remember that the review of the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV WoT

weak, but the dimensions are large. That is, the chance that we will be discovered first and not allowed to get close unnoticed is very high. This leads to another conclusion - it’s better to go hunting when half of the enemy team is already in the hangar and you won’t be hindered from dealing with the target one-on-one.

Otherwise, playing Pz.Kpfw. III/IV World of Tanks

You need to constantly monitor the mini-map, try to get into the enemy’s sights as little as possible and take care of your safety margin. To do this, either fire from a distance, or try to constantly move and take advantage of the excellent mobility of this fun and dynamic tank.

Features of German tanks

A common feature of most German tanks is their accurate guns and the ability to turn quickly on the spot. Otherwise, they differ greatly - there are both slow, heavily armored vehicles, and fast tanks with no armor at all. Some are inferior to the Soviets in terms of one-time damage, and some are superior to them. In general, the game has many interesting German tanks that differ in gameplay from Soviet ones and are interesting to play on. We recommend them to be upgraded next after the USSR, as they are presented in the research section.

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