Guide to the ninth level German medium tank E 50 WoT from

After the up, the branch has become more playable and will be even better able to realize itself in random, which will help increase the win rate and personal rating. The E 50 medium tank is a pre-top Tier 9 vehicle in the German branch of well-armored assault STs and is rightfully considered one of the best vehicles in the branch.

Greetings, tankers! Here's Wotpack and a review of the German Tier 9 medium tank E 50 in World of Tanks. In the end, the developers decided to upvote the entire branch, and this tank got a little of it too. It's time to look at it in a new way, analyze the performance characteristics in comparison with its classmates and what it can offer in a modern random house.

TTX E 50

The improvement affected this vehicle only in terms of increasing the frontal armor of the turret from 185 to 215 mm, which was the weakest point, and penetrating the top gun with a basic shell from 220 to 230 mm.

The one-time damage of the pre-top gun, which is transferred from the second Panther, has also changed from 240 to 280 mm, which will make leveling up somewhat easier. Everything else - mobility, stealth and visibility - remains unchanged.


Let's compare the E 50 with its upgradeable classmates - Tier 9 medium tanks, similar in gameplay, with a front or middle turret, without loading mechanisms and a drum.

One-time damage of 390 units is a good indicator, higher only for Leopard PT A and WZ-120, which is not very relevant now. But as for penetration , even taking into account the AP, the picture here is rather sad, only the T-54 and Patton have lower values; for level 9 this will not always be enough. The DPM here is average, on the one hand, due to lower penetration it is more difficult to implement, on the other hand, there is armor and better accuracy at the level, which allows you to play from a closer distance and target vulnerable points. Everything is fine with the gun declination

alternative projectiles also matter . The armor penetration of premium sub-calibers, which also greatly lose penetration with distance, is low for the E 50, but apparently this is the price of the armor.

The developers seem to be hinting that you need to play in an armored vehicle from close to medium range.

Cumulatives Ob.430 with the same penetration will in most cases penetrate better, since they do not lose penetration with distance and do not ricochet. But sub-caliber shells have their advantages - they fly quickly, are not eaten by rollers and screens, use these features in battle. By the way, the E 50’s armor-piercing and high-explosive shells also fly relatively quickly, and the price for sub-calibers is one of the lowest.


In terms of hull armor, the E 50 is superior to all its competitors, but its turret armor is rather weak.

The VLD , in addition to its thickness of 150 mm, also has a good angle of inclination, which makes it quite strong. Projectiles from low tanks will ricochet off it, with the exception of premium CS, which will penetrate it. But tall vehicles and tanks standing higher will pierce it with main ammunition, due to a more favorable angle of entry of the projectile.

However, you can try to correct this with the help of a diamond, especially since the sides are also quite strong, but you shouldn’t twist it too much, so as not to expose the roller and the corner remains ricocheting.

The NLD is quite large, but also at a good angle, so the situation with it is the opposite - projectiles coming from above can ricochet off it, but directly and from below they are almost guaranteed to penetrate. No diamond will help here, so it is important not to expose the bottom sheet to attack by hiding it behind cover.

The turret is the weakest point in the tank’s armor – the thickness of the “cheeks” on the sides of the gun is not sufficient to withstand the blow of even level 8 vehicles. And the shells enter it almost at a right angle, which eliminates the possibility of a ricochet. In this case, it is impossible to unscrew the tower, since it begins to make its way into the side bevels.

There is only one way out - stay away from the enemy and hope that he hits the strong gun mask or misses. At close range, you just have to mance and this really often saves you. In this regard, the car is definitely inferior to the Soviets with their cast rebound turret and the British.


The maximum speed of the E 50 seems to be quite good, but due to its low specific power and cross-country ability, it picks it up reluctantly and is inferior in mobility to all its classmates.

You can accelerate this heavyweight to maximum speed only on smooth asphalt or downhill. In terms of chassis turning speed, it is also the worst along with the Centurion. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that its dynamics and agility do not cause any special problems; the tank does not feel like a slow trough.

High mass and armor allow you to effectively ram the enemy.

Camouflage and visibility

The E 50 is not good at camouflage; it is comparable in size to the second Tiger and is difficult to hide in the bushes.

But with visibility everything is fine, it is surpassed only by the American and British ST, so the tank does not apply to the blind.


If, when used correctly, armor causes genuine delight, then, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about weapons. No, our gun is formidable, but even here there are several significant shortcomings.

The main and really very pleasant advantage is that the E 75 has a gun

has a very powerful alafstrike. But the main drawback immediately emerges - the rate of fire leaves much to be desired, which is why you can only deal 1870 units of pure damage per minute.

Penetration in case of E 75 World of Tanks

decent, however, for most classmates belonging to other nations, this figure is higher. In any case, you will often have to clash heads with other weights and therefore do not be lazy to buy 10-15 gold sub-calibers.

But the accuracy of our gun, with such an alpha, is, oddly enough, pleasing. Scattered German light tank E 75

I got a comfortable one, the aiming time is fast for this caliber, and our stabilization is quite good.

We will conclude the discussion of weapons with comfortable vertical aiming angles. E 75 tank WoT

capable of lowering the barrel 8 degrees, which allows you to play well from the terrain and feel confident in most situations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let’s summarize all of the above and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages.


  • good one-time damage
  • comfortable UVN
  • quick mixing
  • excellent accuracy
  • good hull armor
  • high top speed
  • powerful ram
  • normal review


  • low penetration
  • weak turret armor
  • mediocre mobility
  • huge dimensions
  • poor camouflage

Order of studying modules

In order to cause damage and speed up further upgrades of the car, you first need a good gun. Without a suspension, you can only install a very weak gun from the first Panther with alpha 135, which is not suitable for us, or a pre-top gun from the second Panther, which is still acceptable.

But it’s better to immediately open the suspension for free experience or install the “Improved Hardening” and install the top gun from the second Panther, it will be much easier to deal damage with it. Also, immediately install the top-end walkie-talkie, which comes from level 4 and should have been open to you for a long time.

Next, attack the tower as quickly as possible, since it has much more powerful armor, speeds up reloading and aiming, and adds 100 HP and 10 m to vision.

Then you will have to be patient and use all possible boosts - personal reserves, a controlled bonus to experience and combat missions, to pump up a top weapon for 59,400 experience.

With it, you will significantly increase your damage and easily gain experience on the engine, which is 200 horses more powerful than stock and will give a good increase in dynamics and maneuverability.

If you didn't research the suspension at the beginning, do it last, it will increase the turning speed a little more.

Conclusion on the E75 tank

Advantages of E75:

— Good dynamics of acceleration up to 40 km/h compared to the E-100 whose speed is 30 km/h; — Excellent armor for the frontal part of 160 mm and the top turret of the tank 252/160/160; — Excellent visibility of 400 meters, compared to “Tigr ll” visibility of 380 m; — Powerful top gun 128 mm with damage 490/490/630 Hp.

Disadvantages of E75:

— High silhouette and visibility compared to its predecessor; — Weak side armoring 120 mm; — Visible tendency to damage internal equipment and crew; — Long gun reload time 15.7 seconds; — Low rotation speed of the top turret;

The E75 tank is excellently balanced, has excellent damage and armor on the front of the tank and turret, has good maneuverability and an elevated silhouette. Having studied the E75's weaknesses and strengths, in battle you can become a team leader and fight alone against an enemy that outnumbers you.

Equipment selection

The choice of equipment depends on the style of play; you can identify several main roles of the machine and select modules for them.


For a support vehicle, which involves aggressive play from the second line, the most important thing is to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, which means we need to increase DPM and stabilization. Based on this, we recommend installing the following equipment:

  • rotation mechanisms – will increase the turret rotation speed and reduce dispersion
  • the rammer is a must-have for pumping up the DPM
  • stabilizer - will reduce spread and allow you to shoot more accurately


If you like to play mainly from distance, then the E 50 is also suitable for this. In this case, it is worth reducing the spread and increasing the reload speed so that the enemy does not have time to hide from the sight. Therefore, we advise you to put:

  • ventilation – will slightly improve recharge speed and other characteristics
  • the rammer is a must-have for pumping up the DPM
  • stabilizer - will reduce spread and allow you to shoot more accurately

Station wagon

It is understood that you cannot foresee in advance which map, with which technique you will be balanced and you will play depending on the situation, moving around the map. If you lack speed, then a turbocharger and the final assembly will look like this:

  • turbocharger – will allow you to keep up with other ST
  • the rammer is a must-have for pumping up the DPM
  • stabilizer – will reduce spread and help you achieve faster aiming both with active support and in sniper mode

But in this case you will lose firepower.

Crew training

To actively support your allies, first of all, you should upgrade your repairs, then the profile perks for dispersion, visibility and BC protection, which will move to third place after upgrading and replacing them with Brotherhood through a skill reset. The fourth perk can be Eagle Eye, Sniper, Ram Master and Desperate. Lastly, if you are playing with a fire extinguisher, you can upgrade Camouflage, since for E 50 it is not very useful, and there is nothing better left.

If you play with chocolate, then instead of camouflage, you can upgrade Firefighting.

e75 perks

For a heavy tank, the main perk of all crew members except the commander is the Repair skill. The commander's first perk is "Sixth Sense", the second is "Repair". Well, the rest is according to the standard: “Smooth rotation of the tower”, “King of the off-road”, “Radio interception”, “Non-contact ammunition rack”.

If all crew members have several perks, then it is better to level up the “Combat Brotherhood” skill for absolutely everyone.

Equipment selection

Everything is much simpler here, for an aggressive game:

  • automatic fire extinguisher
  • small/large repair kit
  • small/large first aid kit

For a more accurate game:

  • chocolate/hand fire extinguisher
  • small repair kit
  • small first aid kit

Use premium consumables depending on your desire and ability. Typically, skilled players prefer to ride with an automatic fire extinguisher or chocolate in one slot. And in the other two it is better to put a small repair kit and a small first aid kit, so as not to go too far into the minus for silver.

How to play E 50

This heavy iron monster just screams - crush your opponent and roll him into the asphalt. And indeed, the mass, armor and speed of the vehicle will allow you to remove more HP from the enemy with a ram than with a shell from a gun. However, you should not rush, you can only act so aggressively when you are at the top and against easier enemies.

In single-level battles, you need to act more carefully - maintain an average distance, aiming for vulnerable points, move your body and turret after the shot. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of receiving a response from the enemy.

In level 10 fights you're still a threat, but it's best to keep your distance. Fortunately, the accuracy of the gun and the flight speed of premium shells allow you to sniper. But take care of the tower, dozens of its armor simply won’t notice, so don’t let them get there.

Thanks to relatively good armor, you can play support by riding alongside heavy tanks. And good speed will allow you not to lag too far behind other medium tanks on the flanks. In this regard, the car is quite versatile, just go where you can shoot more.

Does E50m tank?

The thickness of the lower frontal part is only 80 mm, so even light tanks can penetrate it. The thickness of the sides is also 80 mm, so the E50M can quite successfully tank in a reverse diamond shape due to cover. But the forehead of the tower, unfortunately, is by no means impenetrable. There is 185 mm at a slight angle, so the E50M can penetrate there with guns with a penetration of approximately more than 210 mm. The mask, although very durable, is small, so there are relatively large vulnerable areas. Surveillance devices are also easily penetrated, but with such a vulnerable forehead of the tower, there is little point in targeting them. Next in the E50M guide we will look at the gun.


In general, it cannot be said that the changes greatly affected the position of E 50 in the random. But it also cannot be denied that the developers have corrected the most important characteristics for this machine and it has become a little more comfortable to play. The vehicle was one of the best for raising the WN8 rating, and remains so if you know the vulnerable areas of other vehicles or are ready to charge gold.

The tank is suitable for average players who cannot play on cardboard tanks and from DPM. Everyone can play from armor and alpha, in this the German CT of the ninth level is at its best.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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