Guide to the French tank of the ninth level AMX 30 1er prototype WoT from

Hello everyone and welcome to! We will now talk about a truly strong, but at the same time very difficult to handle vehicle, a French medium tank of the ninth level, in front of you AMX 30 1er prototype guide


You all know that this and the following cars stand separately in the French development tree, that is, they differ from most STs, first of all, in the absence of a drum. But the difficulty of the game on AMX 30 World of Tanks

is completely different, let's take a closer look at the tank and you will understand everything yourself.

TTX AMX 30 1er prototype

Let’s start, as usual, with the fact that our pre-top Frenchman’s arsenal includes a safety margin that is quite standard for its level, as well as a slightly reduced base viewing range of 390 meters.

The main difficulty is that the AMX 30 1er has characteristics

reservations are very weak. In any projection, be it the forehead or the sides, literally every enemy encountered in battle can penetrate us. However, in the case of this tank, there are still rare exceptions; by luck, the VLD and gun mantlet will sometimes please you with a ricochet, but you shouldn’t specifically hope for this.

The situation is slightly aggravated by the fact that the AMX 30 medium tank

is the owner of an impressive build. The Frenchman is quite tall, he is often targeted by protruding hatches on the turret, and we also have a long hull, when fired at, fuel tanks or ammunition racks often “fly out.”

But on the other hand, everything is not so bad, because the AMX 30 WoT

compensates with very good mobility. You will have at your disposal a high maximum speed, excellent dynamics, and the only thing you can complain about is the maneuverability, although it is also quite decent.

How to play on AltProto AMX 30

The developers position this vehicle as a “sniper tank.” The armor is too weak to play at close range, and the safety margin is extremely small to expose yourself and take risks. However, the accuracy here is far from ideal for sitting in the bushes near the base, so the best option to shoot damage and benefit the team is to keep it at a medium distance, playing the role of fire support.

At the top of the list, you can be more daring, trying to tank with a gun mantlet and take advantage of the terrain due to good vertical aiming angles. Good dynamics allow you to occupy key positions or change flanks in time to support your allies, so don’t forget to look at the mini-map.


The strength of this unit lies not only in good driving characteristics, our weapons are also very formidable and inspire respect not only in appearance, but also in parameters.

We are talking primarily about the fact that the AMX 30 1er prototype has a gun

has an impressive alpha strike, as well as a decent rate of fire, thanks to which you will be able to inflict about 2360 units of damage per minute, this is a good indicator.

There can be no complaints about penetration either, because the standard in our case is a sub-caliber projectile that flies very quickly, the AMX 30 tank

can confidently pierce the sides and vulnerable areas in the forehead of all opponents encountered. And for self-confidence, it is worth allocating part of the ammunition for gold cumulatives.

The only controversial issue in terms of weapons is accuracy. I want to say right away that the spread of the AMX 30 World of Tanks

very comfortable, but the information we have is somewhat long and the stabilization leaves much to be desired, so the process of dealing damage is not always comfortable.

But on the other hand, the vertical aiming angles allow you to play with the terrain without much difficulty, since the French medium tank AMX 30 1er

capable of lowering by 8 degrees, which can be considered a very comfortable indicator.

AMX 30 and AMX 30 B: new French bread

Update 9.7 brought to our game the long-awaited alternative branch of French medium tanks, consisting of only two vehicles - the AMX 30 1er prototype of Tier IX and the AMX 30 BX of Tier. Even at the general test phase, these tanks aroused the most conflicting feelings among players, but no one remained indifferent to them. And there are plenty of reasons to download and try them out.

AMX 30 1er prototype

This tank with a large rounded turret immediately attracts attention with its unusual appearance. And its research tree is depressing - you will have to fight with the stock tower for a very long time, and you will have to spend several hundred thousand experience points to upgrade all the modules. And what will we get on this difficult path to the top?

Just looking at the characteristics of the AMX 30, you immediately understand that this is a fairly dynamic and maneuverable tank with a comfortable gun and almost no armor. This is a typical medium tank, very similar to the Leopard PT A and Type 61, which have long been present in our game. Although, of course, it has its own individual characteristics.

Firepower. The tank begins its journey with a Tier VII 90 mm F3 gun, which first appears on the Tier VI heavy tank ARL 44. And while this is a good option for mid-levels, it is no longer sufficient for the AMX 30 - the gun has a relatively small penetration rate with the basic shell (170 mm) and low one-time damage. Therefore, you will have to use sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 248 mm quite often.

The next gun is the more respectable 100 mm SA47 Tier VIII with a penetration of 232 mm, which is the top gun of the AMX 50 100. It is more convenient and will not require the use of sub-caliber shells too often. Finally, the tank’s top gun is the 105 mm mle. F1 X level, which then goes to the AMX 30 B. This is already a really powerful and comfortable weapon with a penetration of 260 mm with a basic projectile (and here it is a sub-caliber projectile), and a full 320 mm with a gold cumulative one.

The top gun is the most comfortable in terms of firing; it has high accuracy, acceptable stabilization and an unusually short aiming time for the French. However, there was a fly in the ointment: the stock and pre-top guns have a UVH of +20/-6 degrees, and the top gun tilts only 5 degrees. This sometimes ruins the game, preventing you from taking full advantage of the terrain and sneaking damage.

In general, the AMX 30 has quite powerful weapons that will give a head start to many of its classmates and even tanks of a higher level. True, the path to the top will be accompanied by suffering and large expenses for premium shells or free experience.

Armor protection . But here there’s not even anything to talk about - only in a few places the thickness of the hull and turret armor reaches 80 mm. So the tank penetrates everywhere and with almost all enemies encountered in battles. And only occasionally, by luck or by the will of the FBR, ricochets and non-penetrations occur. So it’s better not to rely on armor, but to play from other advantages - weapons and dynamics.

Due to its armor, this tank will certainly be one of those targets for which opponents will happily load high-explosive fragmentation shells. And the AMX 30 will be a particularly favorite target for self-propelled guns.

Dynamics and agility. This is one of the advantages of the AMX 30. The total weight of the tank slightly exceeds 33 tons, which with an engine power of 720 hp. gives a power output of about 22 hp/t. What does this mean? And the fact that the tank is quite dynamic and maneuverable, it can accelerate up to 65 km/h and confidently overtake most cars in our game.

However, the chassis and its hidden parameters – soil resistance – make their own adjustments. Therefore, the tank accelerates reluctantly and slowly reaches its maximum speed. However, the tank’s maneuverability is good; it quickly turns on the spot and, if desired, can, like a “classic” ST, spin heavier and slower vehicles.

It is interesting to note that the AMX 30 feels good with the stock chassis; it has slightly greater ground resistance than the top one, but during the game this is practically not felt. The only thing that upsets us about the stock chassis is its low carrying capacity, which makes it impossible to immediately install a top gun.

Tank performance characteristics (Top configuration)

Features of the study. The tank has one funny feature: its top turret is upgraded very last, after researching the top gun. So you will have to play with his stock AMX 30 1er prototype turret for a long time, and at the very end you will feel all the advantages of the top-end AMX 30 A pré-série.

Advantages and disadvantages. We have already outlined the main advantages and disadvantages of the tank, so we will indicate them briefly.


  • Powerful and comfortable tool;
  • Not bad dynamics;
  • Indifference to the level of combat;
  • Acceptable dynamic characteristics in stock.

Of particular note is the advantage that the crew from the AMX 30 (as well as from its high-level brother) can be completely transferred to the new premium tank AMX CDC, which greatly simplifies the issue of evenly pumping out perks.


  • Long way to top-end configuration;
  • Weak armor;
  • The declination angles of the top gun are not always sufficient;
  • Inability to take active action at the forefront of an attack.

The tank also has one more unobvious drawback, which will be discussed a little later.

How to play? Gaming on the AMX 30 is very comfortable and enjoyable. This is perhaps one of the few tanks that performs equally well in combat at any level. The reason for this is the combination of a good weapon and lack of armor. After all, it makes no difference who shoots at you - he will still leave a hole in the armor!

The AMX 30 is a typical representative of a support or second-line tank. Thanks to good UVNs, on many maps you can play from the terrain, although effective actions from behind hills are not always possible - after all, the gun bends down only 5 degrees. The low silhouette also helps a lot; in this parameter, the tank outperforms the same Type 61 or E 50.

Active actions at the forefront of the attack are fraught with a quick loss of strength points and a sudden exit to the Hangar. Therefore, it makes sense to stay away from enemies, and when choosing equipment and crew perks, it is better to opt for shooting accuracy and rate of fire. This is achieved by installing a gun rammer, a vertical stabilizer and a fan, and for the crew the second or third perk (after repair skills and “profile” perks) is justified by pumping out “Combat Brotherhood”.

What's the result? The AMX 30 is a more than interesting car that will especially appeal to “specialized” ST riders. Yes, it lacks armor, but this is fully consistent with the history of the development of European tank building, and has already become a tradition for new tanks in our game. And this in no way prevents experienced players from getting high results on the tank and enjoying every battle.

AMX 30 B

In our game, most of the machines standing next to each other in the same development branch have serious differences, and in some cases are not even remotely similar to each other (just remember Tortoise and FV215b (183)). This is not the case with the AMX 30 1er prototype and the AMX 30 B – they are two brothers, one of which is a little taller, stronger and more skilled. This has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of this situation is that it will be very easy for a tanker to transfer from a Tier IX vehicle to a Tier X vehicle, immediately master it and learn to play effectively. And the drawback becomes obvious after getting acquainted with the characteristics of the top-end machine: the AMX 30 B inherited from the prototype all its “childhood diseases”, which manifest themselves more clearly in battles at a higher level.

The parameters of both machines are very similar, so it makes sense to give only a brief overview of the AMX 30 B, and point out the obvious differences from the AMX 30 1er prototype.

Firepower. The tank is equipped with the same 105 mm mle gun. F1, however, its characteristics are somewhat improved due to installation in another tower. In particular, it has higher accuracy (moreover, it is one of the best in the game), the aiming time is reduced (to 2.1 seconds) and the declination angles are increased to 8 degrees. This adds comfort and makes the game more enjoyable.

Armor protection. There are almost no changes here - the thickness of the armor does not exceed the same 80 mm in the front of the turret and hull. However, the AMX 30 B turret turns out to be stronger and ricochet-resistant than that of the prototype - sometimes large-caliber projectiles bounce off it. Although it’s better not to take risks and not expose the turret - not only is it huge, but it also has a commanding turret of considerable size! Therefore, playing from the tower and the terrain does not always bring the expected result.

Dynamics and agility. The chassis characteristics of the AMX 30 B are better than those of its predecessor, but this is not subjectively felt at all - the tanks are equally dynamic and maneuverable.

Tank performance characteristics

How to play? The recommendations given for the AMX 30 1er prototype are also valid for its older brother. However, thanks to the increased gun depression angles and a stronger turret, the AMX 30 B can make better use of the terrain.

What's the result? Overall, the AMX 30 B is an interesting vehicle that fans of medium tanks will definitely appreciate. It is comfortable to play, allows you to achieve good results and just have fun. However, this tank is also difficult - not all WoT players know how to competently operate an unarmored fast tank surrounded by armored monsters with huge one-time damage.

A spoon of tar

The time has come to add a fly in the ointment to this big barrel of honey. Of course, the AMX 30 and AMX 30 B are interesting tanks that diversified the French development branch, diluting its “drummers”. Perhaps, this diversity is the main point of introducing a new branch, because the concept of “a fast tank without armor with a good gun” has long been implemented in both Leopards and top Japanese tanks. And in fact, the new top French players are a repetition of what has been done; they bring quantity to the game without a significant change in quality.

Another drawback of both AMX 30s is not so obvious, but significant - pumping them out requires much more effort, time and nerves than even pumping out the STB-1 with its mid-level “cacti”. Few players make it easy to get to AMX 13 75, and the first choice is likely to be pumping out Lorraine 40 t and Bat.-Chatillon 25 t. This is confirmed by statistics: in a week AMX 30 B was downloaded by a little more than 1,200 players, and Bat.-Chat. 25 t. During the same time, almost three times as many tankers were recruited.

However, there is no need to draw conclusions and be upset in advance - it’s worth getting both of these tanks into the Hangar, trying them out and personally assessing the French power in HD quality.

Author of the article Anton Malyutin

Advantages and disadvantages

To confidently play a tank, it is important not only to know its characteristics, but also to understand its strengths and weaknesses, because this will make it easier for you to build tactics and make decisions depending on the situation in battle. Now we will highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of World of Tanks AMX 30

separately, breaking them down point by point. Pros: • Excellent mobility indicators; • Powerful one-time damage and DPM; • High penetration parameters; • Comfortable spread and ultimate accuracy; • Good elevation angles. Cons: • Very weak armor; • Visibility is lower than most ST-9; • Mediocre convergence speed and stabilization; • Quite large dimensions; • High chance of damage to ammunition racks and fuel tanks.

Equipment selection

Economy assembly with minimal silver costs. We recommend using an Automatic Fire Extinguisher, as it will significantly increase survivability and save more hit points than a Manual Fire Extinguisher.

Small repair kit Action: Repairing one damaged module or two damaged tracks. Can be used repeatedly.

Preparation time: 90 seconds. It is written off after the battle if it was used at least once.

Cost: 3,000 Credits

Small first aid kit Action:

Treats one wounded tanker. Can be used repeatedly in battle.

Preparation time: 90 seconds. It is written off after the battle if it was used at least once.


3 000

Automatic fire extinguisher Action:

Automatically extinguishes fire in your own car. +10% to fire protection (the bonus is valid for the entire battle, regardless of whether the consumable was used or not).

Preparation time: 90 seconds. It is written off after the battle if it was used at least once.


20 000

If the crew has upgraded Fire Fighting, the third slot can be replaced with Strong Coffee.

Equipment for AMX 30 1er prototype

Each player has the opportunity to improve the basic characteristics of the tank, and the easiest way to do this is by installing additional modules. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons of the machine, in our case the equipment for the AMX 30 tank

It’s better to put this: 1. – this is the most popular and win-win option, because it improves the rate of fire, which increases the DPM. 2. – in our case, we can’t live without this module, because we have problems with accuracy and stabilization, and it allows us to partially solve them. 3. – due to the fact that our basic visibility is somewhat reduced, this configuration option is obvious, because it will allow you to easily increase your visibility to the maximum.

However, it is worth noting that the third point applies more to those cases when an inexperienced crew is sitting in the tank. If you have perks for review, the last option can be replaced with, with which several important characteristics will increase at once.

Crew training

You know another way to increase the parameters of a tank, however, pumping up the crew takes much more time, and therefore it is better not to make mistakes here. In addition, the possibilities in this aspect are more extensive, we can increase survivability, improve gun accuracy, improve visibility, etc. In other words, for the AMX 30 1er prototype perks

It’s better to download in the following order: • Commander – , , , . • Gunner – , , , . • Driver mechanic - , , , . • Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Tactics for playing on the AMX 30 1er prototype

French medium tank AMX 30 1er

The prototype can be considered a classic support tank, because it feels extremely uncomfortable on the front line due to its very weak armor. Of course, you can use it in the style of a tank destroyer, shooting damage at allied light while sitting in the bushes, because it is safe, but in this case the effectiveness of the vehicle will not be fully revealed.

Much more effective when for the AMX 30 1er tactics

fighting is about being careful and positioning yourself on the second line, where you can cover the backs of your allies.

In addition, we can and should move from more or less passive support to active action. In such cases, the AMX 30 tank

must take advantage of his advantage in mobility, go behind enemy lines, inflict damage using the factor of surprise, “cut out” artillery and carousel less mobile equipment. In this case, it is important to ensure that your victim is not covered from behind, otherwise the maneuver may end in disaster.

In addition, if your team has a decent amount of the same mobile equipment, you can group and arrange rushes on one of the flanks. In such circumstances, the AMX 30 tank

shows itself excellently, because it has a powerful weapon with good damage and penetration. By acting in a coordinated manner, you can very quickly send enemy after enemy into the hangar, pushing the direction and leading your team to victory.

And one more tip, if there is artillery in the battle, AMX 30 World of Tanks

should try to always be on the move, or have a shelter next to him in the form of a building or a stone. Since artillery shells in most cases will not only cause you decent damage, but also disable various modules and crew members.

Read the AMX 30V guide here.

Modifications of the AMX-30 tank

Modifications of the AMX-30 tank


AMX-30D tanks were exported for use in countries with hot desert climates. The undercarriage was covered with screens, which were intended mainly to protect the undercarriage elements from sand and dust. Engine power was reduced to 620 hp, an upgraded gearbox was installed, limiting the maximum speed to 60 km/h.

Modernization of the AMX-30 tank hull:

1 — driver’s night vision device; 2 — ammunition rack for new artillery rounds from GIAT; 3 - new battery; 4 — cooling system fan; 5 — semi-automatic transmission ENC 200; 6 — new caterpillar; 7 — new air filter; 8 — modernized suspension; 9 - modernized controls


The AMX-30V2 variant is an attempt to “bring up” the French main battle tank to the level of its fellow competitor, the German Leopard-1. On the AMX-30B2, the mechanical transmission with a manual gearbox is replaced by a two-flow hydromechanical transmission “Baneo”/SESM ENC-200 with a semi-automatic gearbox (five forward gears and five reverse gears). The transmission was developed over the course of six years, starting in 1962, and in its design, in order to reduce the cost and time(!) of development, components of American and Swiss production were used. Instead of an optical one, an ARX M550 laser rangefinder was installed with a range measuring range from 320 to 9995 m, the measurement accuracy was ±5 m. The laser rangefinder is integrated into the M427 commander's sight; the sight has day and night (electronic-optical) channels. It is possible to install a combined day/night gyro-stabilized sight M527 instead of the M427 sight. To generate the data necessary for firing, the SOTAS electronic fire control system is used. The latter was developed for a cannon armored vehicle, the world's first "wheeled tank" AMX-10RC. The AMX-30V2 uses the SOTAS M581 variant (on the AMX-10RC - SOTAS M401). The SOTAS system includes a telescopic gunner's sight M544 with 10x magnification, a laser rangefinder M550, an electronic ballistic computer M579 and an optical module M421. The original concept of constructing a fire control system is interesting: an unstabilized gun and a very advanced independent gyro-stabilized sight for the commander. The Americans on the XM1 (the future Abrams) took a diametrically opposite approach - a stabilized gun and a dependent, fairly simple commander’s sight. The French decision, at first glance, looks strange, but it is much more justified than the American decision. Finding a target in a short-lived battle is a more important task than just an accurate shot on the move (when shooting from a standstill, the XM1 has no conceptual advantages over the AMX-30B2). Relatively speaking, on the first Abrams the commander is an appendage of the gunner - his neck turns his head. On the AMX-30V2, the head turns the neck (the commander is the gunner). The Americans were able to get rid of this congenital deficiency only on the M1A2 by installing an independent gyro-stabilized commander’s sight. Of course, US tank builders were well aware of the disadvantages of the commander's sight associated with the gun, but they, like their colleagues from France, were limited in financial resources. The problems are the same, the solutions are different.

The installation of a new, more energy-intensive fire control system necessitated the replacement of batteries with more powerful ones - with a capacity of 125 Ah.

Tank AMX-30V2 during training sessions at the training ground

AMX-Z0V2 tanks march along the Champs-Elysees on the day of the traditional military parade. Paris, July 14, 1986

AMX-30V2, 1991

Front view

Back view

Low-level television surveillance systems were mounted on AMX-30V2 tanks. An armored casing with a television camera was mounted on the gun mantlet to the right of the barrel, to the right of the laser rangefinder. Instead of a television system, the installation of a passive night vision system "Castor" from the same company is provided. The telesystem allows you to detect stationary and moving objects at a distance of up to 1000 m. The detection range of objects by the infrared system is about 4000 m, the identification range is about 2000 m. Monitors on which television or thermal “pictures” are displayed are installed both at the gunner and at commander Driving the tank at night is ensured by installing OV-31A or CN2-516 electro-optical night vision devices on the driver.

Firepower was increased due to the introduction of 105-mm finned armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles into the ammunition load.

Improved engine cooling system. A version of the AMX-30B2 tank with an 800 hp HS110-2SR engine was developed, but the French army refused to purchase tanks with high-power diesel engines.

AMX-30B2 tanks were mass-produced by the Roanne plant from 1981 to 1986; in addition, several hundred AMX-30 tanks of the French army were modernized to the “B2” level. The construction of new and modernization of old machines was carried out in parallel on two production lines. On newly built vehicles, the thickness of the gun mantlet armor was increased. In the early 1990s, GIAT developed a set of mounted dynamic protection BS G2 (BS - Brique de Surblindage) for AMX-30V2 tanks, with a level of protection equivalent to 400 mm thick steel armor.

Tank AMX-30V2 with a set of mounted dynamic protection BSG2

Top-side view of the AMX-30V2 tank, equipped with a set of mounted dynamic protection

Super AMX-30

The modernization project for AMX-30 tanks supplied for export was developed in the second half of the 1980s by a group of West German companies including AEG, Krupp Atlas Electronic, MTU, Wegmann, Diehl, ZF and GLS. For the first time publicly, the Super AMX-30 was demonstrated to the general public in Saudi Arabia, which is why a number of domestic publications indicate that the car was modernized specifically to Saudi requirements. In fact, the Germans' plans were much more ambitious.

The “key” of the modernization was the complete replacement of the power unit. The tank was equipped with a German MTU MV833 Ka501 diesel engine with a power of 850 hp. together with a fully automatic ZF LSG-3000 transmission and a new cooling system. In addition to greater power, the German engine compared favorably with the French one with better throttle response and lower specific fuel consumption. The capacity of the fuel tanks was increased to 1028 liters. The driver was supposed to install a new dashboard. Improvements to the tank's chassis included the installation of new torsion bars, limiters for the vertical travel of road wheels and hydraulic shock absorbers on all suspension units. The diameter of the road wheels themselves was slightly increased (up to 800 m). Due to innovations, it was possible to almost halve the magnitude of the moments transmitted from the chassis to the tank hull. The Super AMX-30 has become a much more stable weapons platform than the original AMX-30. The caterpillar is made from type 234 tracks, which have a resource twice as long as French tracks. As well as the power plant, the fire control system required a complete replacement.

Engine MTU МВ833 Ka501

Main battle tank Super AMX-30

Super AMX-30. The support rollers of increased diameter and the West German tracks, wider than the French ones, are clearly visible

proposed a modular laser fire control system MOLF-30 (Modular Laser Faire Control). The system includes a gyro-stabilized combined day/night gunner's sight with a built-in laser rangefinder. The electro-hydraulic turret rotation drive was to be replaced with a fully electric one. At the client's request, the Germans offered to equip the tank with a gun alignment system and additional hinged armor protection for the turret.

The Super AMX-30 was the equivalent of the Leopard-1A5, the level of which the AMX-30B2 never reached. Undoubtedly, the West German model of the modernized tank, which was much more successful compared to the AMX-30V2, nevertheless did not find any customers. The Super AMX-30 remained in the prototype stage, serving as another example of the high professionalism of German tank builders.

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