How to get a military card after 27 years? Obtaining a military ID after 27 years: difficult cases

Everyone knows that every man liable for military service, after being drafted to the military registration and enlistment office and passing a medical examination, is given a military ID. Regardless of whether he served his military service or received a fitness mark that exempts him from the army. But having a military ID is also necessary for citizens who have legally avoided compulsory military service. This document must be completed before your 27th birthday, but what should those who did not receive their military license on time do? Fortunately, it is possible for men over 27 to receive a military ID. How to do this in 2022, more details in the article.

In what cases is a red military registration book necessary?

This document has many purposes and may be needed by a citizen liable for military service throughout his life. If necessary, it can serve as a replacement for a state’s internal passport to confirm a person’s identity. Ticket holders give law enforcement agencies confidence that the citizen did not shirk his duties to fulfill his public duty, but responsibly fulfilled his entire mission during his conscription to the military registration and enlistment office. The presence of a ticket also indicates that the person is registered in the country’s army reserves.

How to get a military ID after 27 years if you haven’t served and don’t have a military ID?

Young people immediately after school enter a university or technical school. The admissions committee will require you to provide a registration certificate. The document indicates a notice of deferment or exemption from conscription. Deliberate damage to this document is punishable by a fine.

However, it must be taken into account that a person can only be drafted into the army at the age of 18 to 27 years. After this, the attribution certificate loses its relevance. If lost, it cannot be restored. Instead of a registration certificate, the guy receives a military ID.

Who is issued the ticket?

Military ID holders are:

  • Guys who served military service in one of the military units;
  • Young guys who have successfully entered training at state military institutions;
  • Young men who, based on the results of a military medical commission, are exempt from military service;
  • Persons assigned to the reserve due to health impairment;
  • Men who have reached the age of 27 are also sent to the reserves of the Russian army.

If a person has not acquired a certificate before reaching the permissible age, this does not mean that it will not be useful to him in the future. Read more about why you may need to obtain a military ID after 27 years of age.

Is there an alternative

There is no alternative as such if there are no acquaintances at the military registration and enlistment office or among doctors. We are not talking about bribing doctors or a conspiracy to deliberately classify a healthy person as disabled.

The principle is based on the fact that you can prepare to receive a military ID without serving in the army from childhood or adolescence. Everyone knows that there are no absolutely healthy people.

If in adolescence you pay attention to some disease that prevents you from serving in the army, then in the future you can periodically “play” on it. This applies to examinations, preventive or targeted treatments, stay in a sanatorium, etc.

At conscription age, also “press” on the sore spot, periodically turning to doctors. The same gastritis is diagnosed more by symptoms than by actual examination. However, if you take this issue seriously, you can get a deferment from the army.

In a sense, such behavior can be called simulation, but in fact it does not contradict the law, if you do not bribe or frame the doctor.

Civil service and work in law enforcement agencies

In this case, it is already clear that when a person works in law enforcement agencies, he must have a military ID, in addition, it must contain marks of the highest grades of fitness (“A” and “B”) and a record of successful completion of urgent services.

It will be extremely difficult for men who do not have a certificate to enter the ranks of civil servants. Even if a person did not undergo military service due to unfitness, a ticket will still be required. This is due to the fact that the presence of the document guarantees that the candidate for the position will fulfill all duties related to the procedure for passing through the military registration and enlistment office. Without a military record book, it is impossible to get a job as an employee in the antimonopoly service, prosecutors, the Federal Bailiff Service and other positions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Why do you need a military ID?

Employers are forced to refuse people who cannot provide proof of service in the Russian Armed Forces. Enterprises do not want to be an intermediary between the military registration and enlistment office and a young man hiding from conscription. Without a military ID, it is impossible to get a job in a municipal structure.

The document is required not only when applying for a foreign passport. It will be required by traffic police officers when applying for a driver’s license.

A military ID can be useful when applying for a loan. The financial institution is interested in the borrower having a stable income. A military ID is required if you move to another city. A person must report a change of residence within 2 weeks. Violators will face a fine of 100 to 500 rubles.

Obtaining a foreign document

When collecting documents to apply for a foreign passport, the list of papers often includes a military ID. Of course, guys liable for military service under 27 years of age will, in any case, put the certificate in the folder with documents for obtaining a foreign passport. Such a requirement is necessary in order to confirm the young man’s lack of intentions to hide from conscription.

After turning 27 years old, the requirement to have a ticket when applying for a foreign passport is due to the fact that in this way a person proves the absence of violations of law and order in the field of military registration.

Categories of citizens entitled to receive a military ID

There are several legal grounds for drawing up a document:

  1. The young man must serve in the army.
  2. The opportunity to obtain documents is provided to graduates of universities that had a military department.
  3. The state does not conscript citizens who were unable to serve in the army due to poor health.

The military registration and enlistment office is obliged to issue them a military ID. The exception is cases when a person evaded conscription.

Important! The state has the right to conscript young people aged 18 to 27 years.

Scheme of registration of a military document

The procedure for obtaining a military ID after turning 27 years old is simple if the young man has not had problems with law and order before this age. Without any problems, citizens who were on the register of the military registration and enlistment office as eligible soldiers, but, for one legal reason or another, did not go to military service, will be able to obtain a certificate.

Such reasons may be: studying at higher institutions, the birth of a child and other personal circumstances. After reaching the age of 27, within a few days you can come to the appropriate institution and, after writing an application, issue a military ID. To roughly know how an application is drawn up, a sample can be downloaded here.

If you go to the military commissariat, the employee who accepts documents will issue a form for filling out an application. Having filled out the paper and signed it at the end, the form must be returned to the same window where it was issued. The process takes no more than 7-15 minutes. Next, the authorized employee of the military registration and enlistment office will set a date for receiving the military man and familiarize him with the package of documents that must be collected within the stated time frame.

Required documents

If you need to obtain a military ID after conscription age, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and 1-2 photocopies;
  • photo 2 pieces measuring 25 by 35 mm;
  • diploma of education plus 1-2 photocopies;
  • driver's license (if available);
  • application for a military ID (to be completed in two copies on site).

The package of documents can be brought in person to the military registration and enlistment office or sent by registered mail. The period for consideration of the application is no more than 10 working days. In case of refusal to issue a military ID, you must contact the military prosecutor's office.

What documents will be required?

In addition to the fact that the list of papers will be announced by an employee of the commissariat, you can also familiarize yourself with the list when filling out the form to receive a ticket. It will be attached to a special information board. And often includes:

  1. Internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  2. Three color photos, size 3x4;
  3. University graduate diploma;
  4. Driver license;
  5. Photocopies must be attached to the originals of all documents;

The registration certificate, which must be given after the presentation of the military ID (if there is no such paper, then when filling out the application, you must make an appropriate entry). The absence of a registration certificate does not affect the procedure for issuing a military certificate.

Attention! An employee of the executive body cannot demand this document, since it only contains information that is already duplicated in the man’s personal file.

This information is useful because military registration and enlistment office employees often oblige those wishing to obtain a military ID to provide a registration certificate. It is issued to young men at the first examination by a medical commission at the age of 14-17 years; naturally, for a period of more than 10 years, not everyone will be able to keep this paper.

What documents must a young man collect to obtain a military ID?

To receive the coveted book, the applicant must have the following documents in hand:

  1. A copy of your passport must be attached to the completed application.
  2. The military registration and enlistment office will require you to provide a document that was issued by the educational institution.
  3. Prepare 2 photographs 2.5x3.5 cm in advance. Experts require that the photographs be without corners.
  4. After submitting your application, you must undergo a medical examination. For people who are already 27 years old, the procedure will be formal. At this age, men are not drafted into the army. Based on the documents received, the commission makes a decision on issuing a military ID.
  5. Car owners must prepare a copy of their driver's license in advance.

How to get a ticket after the required age?

Receiving a military ID several years later after turning 27 - this situation is a little more serious than the previous one. First, you will have to explain yourself to the employee who accepts applications for issuing a certificate. Reasons such as “forgot”, “didn’t have time”, “didn’t know” are not accepted. If no convincing grounds are presented, the young man will be fined in accordance with the law. The amount of five thousand rubles must be paid at a special cash desk using an issued receipt. At the time of payment, the purpose of the payment will be “a fine for a military ID not issued on time after turning 27 years of age.”

After completing the event related to payment of the collection, the next step will be to visit the Military Commissariat and perform the same procedures as in the previous version. That is, collecting documents, drawing up an application and obtaining a red military registration book. The package of papers for obtaining a military ID after 27 years is identical to the list under the usual procedure.

Employees of the military registration and enlistment office must issue a certificate to the young man within ten days. The opportunity to issue a military record book in accordance with the above stages is available only to those liable for military service who were absent from military service for legal reasons and visited the military registration and enlistment office on time.

Military ID after 30 years, if you have not served

To obtain the document, you must prepare your passport. Make a copy of the sheets in advance that contain notes about your marital status and registration. You must take with you documents about secondary or higher education. Take matte photographs that are 2.5x3.5 cm in size. Two photographs must be taken without a corner.

After this, you must fill out the application in accordance with the sample and attach the necessary documents to it. The military registration and enlistment office will require you to undergo a medical examination. After receiving the results of your health status, specialists will decide whether to issue a military ID.

How to prepare a document for a draft dodger?

A draft dodger is a citizen who, for unknown or illegal reasons, was not registered with the relevant authority and did not perform compulsory service in the ranks of the Russian army. Of course, this category of people may also require a military ID, but for them this procedure will be extremely difficult.

Important! The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issued a decree dated January 1, 2014. According to it, young people who, having no legal reasons for exemption from military service, avoided it, are not allowed to own a military certificate.

The process of obtaining a military ID after reaching the age of 27 has become more stringent in relation to draft dodgers. Now they include not only those who are hiding from the military commissariat and throwing out summonses, but also guys who were accidentally forgotten in the military organization. It doesn’t matter what situation the man finds himself in, before going to the location of the executive body, you need to make sure that he is not wanted for evading the army. If you ignore this point and appear at the military registration and enlistment office, the young man will be detained, and he will bear full responsibility for his actions, namely evasion of military duty.

Important! According to the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the punishment for evading military service in the location of one of the military units is a fine of 200 thousand rubles. or prison for up to 24 months.

It is worth noting: in the absence of opening a criminal case, a man who was registered with the commissariat, but for some reason did not fulfill his duties after receiving the summons, can only receive a certificate instead of a military record. The document will note that he ignored urgent service without legitimate reasons.

Attention! It is necessary to understand: it will be impossible to get a job in any state, budgetary or municipal institutions with such a certificate. In addition, a notary license, lawyer status, and registration of several types of benefits are not available to the owners of this paper.

Certificate instead of a military ID

The state takes measures against people who maliciously evade military service. Now violators are denied a military ID. Instead of a red book, a person receives a certificate. What consequences await people who evade military service?

Violators will face restrictions on employment in municipal institutions. Most private enterprises do not want to deal with citizens who evade military service. A person will not be able to apply for a job in a state corporation. He will not be accepted into the law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Emergency Situations or Ministry of Internal Affairs). A man will not be able to work in government bodies.

Help or book?

Naturally, it is impossible for a draft dodger to legally obtain a military ID after his 27th birthday. A man can write applications to change the commission’s verdict, but, in fact, the person deliberately avoided fulfilling his civic duty, in this situation no one will compromise with him.

Many problems are caused by the situation when a citizen did not serve in the army without grounds for a temporary deferment or complete release, but he did not violate the law and order. Today there are quite a large number of guys who find themselves in such an unpleasant situation. This category includes persons to whom the military commissariat employees forgot to send a notice of conscription.

According to the law, the young man is obliged to go to the executive body after receiving the summons in person. This means that the young man, on his own initiative, may not remind himself. Often, these people, instead of a military record book, are also issued a certificate, but it is recommended to solve this problem with the help of an application to the competent authorities.

The first step is to write a paper with claims to the military commissar of the region or region. If this is not enough to obtain a military ID after 27 years of age, even if there is evidence that the person liable for military service was not sent a notice of conscription due to the inattention of the military registration and enlistment office employees, the next step will be a lawsuit in the judicial authorities. Victory in court gives the man the right to issue a military ID according to the standard scheme.

Why might you need it?

A military ID serves as confirmation that the young man has no problems with conscription. If you have a certificate, it becomes clear whether the citizen has already served or is unfit for medical reasons. In most cases it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that a young man of conscription age does not hide from the military registration and enlistment office employees and does not evade conscription.

When applying for a job

A military ID is not included in the required list of documents for employment. In particular, this applies to civil and commercial professions. On the other hand, the employer can personally establish such a rule that the applicant has completed military service or has military equipment with him.

In most cases, this concerns young people after graduating from university. The principle is the same as when hiring young girls who go on maternity leave after being hired. Naturally, the employer is not obliged to pay benefits after the young man leaves the workplace, but he will have to look for a new, smart employee again.

There are a number of professions where a military ID, namely military service, is considered mandatory for employment:

  • internal affairs bodies;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • security companies;
  • bailiffs;
  • antimonopoly service.

It is almost impossible to get a civil service job without a military ID, but here the fact of serving does not matter.

Receiving a passport

The registration of a foreign passport is carried out by the migration service located under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For young people under the age of 27, a military ID is included in the mandatory list of documents to be submitted, otherwise employees of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may suspect evasion of service by crossing the border. Practice shows that the absence of a military member is a common reason for refusal to issue a foreign passport.

Medical examination

To obtain a military ID, you must go to the military commissariat of the municipality and receive a referral for a medical examination, which includes, in addition to the control of medical specialists, also:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • ECG and fluorographic examination (x-ray of the lungs).

In addition to referrals for a medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office will also issue requests to the psychoneurological, drug addiction and dermatovenerological dispensaries about the applicant’s being registered at these dispensaries.

What is needed to restore a ticket?

In addition to writing a free-form application addressed to the military commissar, you will have to provide the following:

  • Passport or a document replacing it. And this is very important, especially when the “military soldier” was kidnapped along with all his documents. In this case, a temporary identity card issued by the FMS is presented to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • If the document is stolen, they will require a certificate issued by the police confirming the acceptance of the theft report. But it should be borne in mind that such certificates are valid for a short time, therefore they must be submitted within 10 days;
  • Those exempt from service for medical reasons may benefit from medical documentation containing information about the examination. Those 27 years old and not subject to conscription will not need this;
  • 4 photographs of established sizes (usually 3x4 cm).
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