Registration of a military ID after obtaining Russian citizenship

Obtaining a military ID is a mandatory procedure for every man. You can, of course, not receive a military ID, since there are no penalties for this, but the absence of this red book among your documents can make life very difficult, especially if you are under 27 years old (for example, you will not be able to get a foreign passport without a military ID).

The question of why a military ID is needed will be resolved immediately after graduation, when the former student will have to enter adulthood.

If you are a reserve officer, then you definitely need a reserve officer’s military ID, since it actually replaces a passport for a military personnel. It is for this reason that a military ID card for a reserve officer will have to be obtained.

So if you want to get a job without any problems or you are waiting for a passport replacement, it is strongly recommended that you apply for a military ID.

Who can count on receiving a military ID?

A military ID is issued to the following citizens without any problems or red tape:

  • To young people who served in the army and passed this test with honor;
  • Students who did not serve, but studied or are studying at state military universities;
  • Those who are unfit for service and sent to the reserve (such men can also receive a so-called “white” ticket);
  • Those who cannot serve due to ineligibility or a certain diagnosis;
  • Getting a military ID after 27 years is also quite easy.

If you fit into one of the above categories, then the question of how to get a military ID will be resolved very simply for you.

Method two: Enter military service under a contract.

Girls who entered military service under a contract also receive a military ID. The procedure for selecting candidates for military service under a contract from among citizens is determined by Article 5 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237. This procedure applies equally to both male and female citizens gender, but with some features,

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 8 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, female citizens can be accepted for military service under a contract if there are vacant military positions to be filled by female military personnel . Military positions that can be filled by female military personnel are determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The question arises: how to conclude a contract? First, you need to submit an application to the selection point for military service under a contract. At the selection point, the application is registered and accepted for consideration, after which the citizen who sent the application becomes a candidate entering military service under a contract. Measures are taken with her to determine compliance with the requirements established for those entering military service under a contract for military positions of privates and sergeants. It is necessary to undergo professional, psychological, and medical examinations for suitability for military service and pass the established standards.

The procedure for admitting Russian female citizens to military service is practically no different from the similar procedure for men. If a girl is in good health, she has every chance of signing a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry.

Why do you need a Russian military ID?

You will definitely need a military ID if:

  • If you are planning to get a job in government or municipal structures. Of course, you can say that the military ID is lost and, having paid a fine for the loss of the military ID, you will definitely bring a new one, but most often the employer will not want to bother with a suspicious young man, because for submitting improper information, the employer himself can pay a large fine. So it will be difficult to get a job without a military ID. Working without a military ID is, in principle, possible, but you should not count on a good place;
  • It will also not be possible to obtain a foreign passport without a military ID. If you are under 27 years of age, you will not be issued a passport without a military ID. For many young people, the problem of traveling abroad becomes acute precisely at the moment when tickets have already been purchased and a hotel has been booked. A young man discovers that he cannot get a foreign passport without a military ID, so his vacation abroad will have to be postponed;
  • In addition to the fact that traveling abroad without a military ID is not possible (if you are under 27 years old), you will also not be able to get a license without a military ID (if you are the holder of a “white” ID, you will not be given a license either);
  • To obtain a weapons license, you will definitely need a certificate from a psychiatrist. Without a “military man” it definitely won’t work for you. Saying that your military ID is lost will not have any effect on the doctor. At best, he will tell you how to restore your military ID;
  • When you move and change your registration, you will be asked to show your military ID number. Naturally, if you don’t have a military ID, it will be difficult to show it;
  • Obtaining a passport without a military ID will also seem like an impossible procedure. At the passport office they will definitely ask where the “military officer” is, and in the worst case they will “hand you over” to the military commissar;
  • It will also be problematic to get a loan without a military ID. Even if you are given a loan without a military ID, the interest on it will be twice as high.

In addition to all the above points, if this happens and you have forgotten your passport, a military ID (which has a series and number) can successfully perform its functions.

Responsibility of the organization

Organizations are required to send information to the military registration and enlistment office within a fourteen-day period about the employment of a person liable for military service or who has not registered for military training, but is obliged to do so. If the information is not provided, according to Part 3 of Art. 21.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an enterprise is punished with a fine, the amount of which is set within the limits of three hundred to one thousand rubles.

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How to change a military ID

If you urgently need to change your military ID, you should not believe advertisements that promise the restoration of this important document. The scammer who advertised this is simply exchanging a real ticket for a fake one. Not only can this fake not even act as a temporary ID, but falsifying documents can result in a prison sentence.

Since it is impossible to restore a passport without a military ID, this means that you will have to put in a little effort if your military ID is lost. Since it is quite difficult to restore a passport without a military ID (although the law does not require this document, passport office employees receive internal instructions not to issue young people under 27 years of age a new passport without presenting a military ID), it is better to worry about eliminating such significant problems in advance .

To whom should the “military officer” be issued?

Even having good reasons to avoid the army, a citizen is obliged to appear at the local military commissariat within the time limits specified by law to register and receive a military ID.

For military personnel serving, the document is an identity document.

When enlisting in the reserves, the presence of a “military member” confirms previously fulfilled military duty, or legal exemption from it.

The current legislation clearly defines the situations, terms, when, and to whom a military ID is issued:

  1. Conscripts.

Young people, after being served with a summons, undergo a mandatory medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. The commission, based on the “Schedule of Diseases,” decides whether a particular guy can be sent to the army. If health problems do not allow a young man to join the ranks of recruits, he receives a military ID in hand with the corresponding non-conscription category. Those who successfully pass the selection are sent to certain troops; after completing their service, a mark is placed on their military ID confirming their passage into the army.

  1. Students of military schools, universities with a military department.

By entering a specialized educational institution, a guy will automatically receive a “military” status after graduation, avoiding conscription under general conditions. During the five-year training, young men undergo the necessary training that allows future officers to become real defenders of the Motherland. In case of expulsion, you will have to prepare for the next conscription campaign, then go into the army along with all the recruits.

  1. Contract workers.

Service on a contract basis in any law enforcement agency also requires the presence of a military ID.

  1. All sent to reserve.

The document is received by officers who have retired to the reserve, young people released by the decision of the commission from the army, who have successfully completed alternative service.

When a military ID will be issued depends on many circumstances. A certain category of citizens can count on receiving a “military officer” without familiarity with army life.

A fairly large list of existing deferments sometimes allows a young man to postpone conscription until he reaches 27 years of age, which is the non-conscription age. The only condition: the presence of valid reasons provided for by law.

Evasion, attempts to hide from the employees of the commissariat will not end well, such citizens will face severe punishment.

Read about what deferments from the army there are on our website.

What is needed to restore a military ID and is there liability for its loss?

If you have lost your military ID, you must immediately contact the military registration and enlistment office, where it can be restored. For this you will need:

  1. Passport;
  2. Photos;
  3. Statement;
  4. A certificate from the police, where the fact of loss or theft must be recorded.

If you are exempt from military service, you will have to undergo a medical examination. If the military registration and enlistment office has military ID forms available, you will receive them on the same day.

Responsibility for the loss of a military ID is provided in the form of a fine, which varies from 100 to 500 rubles. The fine will have to be paid in any case, so you should not delay paying it.

What documents are needed

The list of documents required to obtain a military ID is available to everyone, and is usually posted on the websites of the Russian Ministry of Defense and information stands of military registration and enlistment offices.

To obtain a military ID you need documents:

• personally filled out standard application form (in 2 copies. The form is available upon request directly at the military registration and enlistment office or can be downloaded on the website docx, pdf; • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with an attached copy on one page 2nd, 3rd and 5th th pages of the passport; • certificate of education (the original and a copy will be required). This also applies to documents of higher education (technical school, university, institute); • 2 photographs of 3*4 format printed on matte paper; • medical certificate card issued by the military registration and enlistment office (to be filled out by the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office, or at the clinic at the place of residence or stay.) Additionally, a requirement to provide a registration certificate is possible.

The military ID contains data on completion of military service, military registration specialty (military specialty), assigned ranks and other necessary marks. For persons not subject to military service or discharged (unfit for military service due to health reasons), special marks are made. All military ID data is stored at the military registration and enlistment office.

A military ID obtained through any means other than the military registration and enlistment office is considered invalid and illegal.

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