Tier 3 Soviet light tank T-46 WoT - guide from aces.gg

Hello to all fans of tank battles and welcome to aces.gg! Tankers, today we will talk about one of the most interesting representatives of the “sand” technology, the Soviet light tank of the third level - this T-46 guide


This car is really not only interesting, but also strong, with a lot of interesting nuances that you need to know about and which are important to understand if you want to play the T-46 WoT

brought you pleasure. Let's take a closer look at the tank and discuss all the important points.

TTX T-46

We will begin the conversation with the fact that this device has an absolutely standard safety margin for a third-level tank and a very mediocre basic viewing radius of 310 meters.

Despite the fact that our tank on the research tree leads to heavies, its survivability cannot be called its strong point. The fact is that the T-46 has characteristics

the armor is very weak, even in the frontal projection there are many areas (almost all) where the thickness of the armor plates is 15, 16 or 22 millimeters. That is, they penetrate absolutely everything, with the only exception being those cases when an enemy projectile flies into the VLD, where, thanks to the excellent inclination, the reduction reaches 67 millimeters.

You are unlikely to be happy with the fact that the Soviet light tank T-46 WoT

has very large dimensions. Because of this fact, our camouflage is weak, and it is very difficult to simply hide behind some obstacle or hope that the enemy will miss at long distances.

From the point of view of driving characteristics, we do not have the most mobile vehicle in our hands, but we cannot call it slow. T-46 World of Tanks

is the owner of a high maximum speed, a good ratio of horsepower per ton of weight and excellent dynamics, that is, the car is playful, peppy and agile.

Electrical equipment

The electrical equipment of the vehicle was made according to a single-wire circuit with an on-board voltage of 12 V. A 6STE-128 battery with a capacity of 128 Ah and a generator with a power of 500 W were used as power sources. The tank was equipped with a 71-TK-1 radio station located in the turret niche.


If in terms of general characteristics everything is already quite good, then with weapons the situation is not only favorable, but also incredibly interesting, because we have a choice of three guns, each of which can be used in battle.

First of all, let's look at the T-46 gun

caliber 37 millimeters, the highlight of which is a loading drum for 5 shells, each of which has a low alpha strike, but fast internal reloading, so in just a few seconds you can inflict about 200 units of damage, after which the drum will also reload quickly, in less than 5 seconds

The problem with this gun is its poor penetration, due to which the T-46 tank

will only be able to feel confident in battles against classmates, and also do not forget that machine gun weapons have a limited firing range, in our case it is only 400 meters.

Moreover, with a T-46 machine gun World of Tanks

gets a large spread, disgusting stabilization and not the most pleasant mixing. At least I’m glad that we have good elevation angles, the barrel bends down 8 degrees.

Let's be consistent and talk about an alternative fourth-tier gun with a caliber of 45 millimeters. With her is a Soviet light tank T-46

gets a mediocre alphastrike, but a really good rate of fire, so you will be able to deal about 1435 damage per minute, which is a very good result.

Of all the weapons available to us, this barrel has the best penetration characteristics, so World of Tanks T-46

can confidently fight in level 3-4 battles and even inflict damage on fives, unless someone like the KV-1 appears in the crosshairs, in this case it’s worth having a little gold with you.

Accuracy in this configuration T-46 WoT

also gets comfortable, because the spread of the barrel is noticeably better. However, aiming and stabilization still leave much to be desired, and the negative gun tilt angle of -8 degrees is again pleasing.

The last gun has a caliber of 76 millimeters and differs from the previous two by a truly powerful alphastrike by the standards of third-tier technology. Of course, the rate of fire in this configuration of the T-46 tank

loses, but thanks to its firepower, the damage per minute remains just as formidable - 1435 units.

Penetration in this case is average, but compared to most of its classmates it can be called good without a twinge of conscience, so WoT T-46

still feels comfortable in battles against level 3-4, but the importance of having gold increases significantly against level 5 vehicles.

The huge disadvantage of this barrel is accuracy, because it is used with the T-46 tank

has a terrible dispersion of 100 meters, a catastrophically long convergence and again poor stabilization, but the UVN remains the same.

To sum up the choice of weapons, I would like to say that you are free to ride with any gun, but still the most balanced and comfortable option is the 45 mm gun, so our T-46 review

We will continue taking into account the availability of its installation.

"With little blood." KT-26

As soon as the advantages of wheeled-tracked tanks were made public, almost all design teams rushed to convert existing combat vehicles to dual propulsion.

Back in 1932, this issue was dealt with by N. Dyrenkov’s design bureau, which received an assignment from the deputy at the end of 1931. beginning UMM RKKA Lebedev: “You are instructed to adapt the T-26 for movement on wheels under its own power.” However, over the course of a year, this team was unable to defend its project of equipping the T-26 with wheels. The project was considered illiterate and unnecessarily complex.

In the fall of 1932, due to the workload of OKMO, such work was offered to students of the VAMM Academy. The students presented three solutions, on the basis of which in the spring of 1933 NIO VAMM began developing a wheeled-tracked tank designed to replace the T-26 in mobile units. According to the requirements, it was planned to install the T-26 on a wheeled-tracked drive while preserving the hull, engine and weapons as completely as possible to increase operational mobility.

By May, the design of the tank, which received the index KT-26, and its running model were presented to the UMM, which convened the Technical Council to review the received materials, which stated that in order to implement the requirements of the project, VAMM students under the leadership of M. Danchenko and V. Stepanitsky “carried out a great and successful work." They developed a new five-speed gearbox and chassis that combines both track and wheel drive. The armored hull was generally preserved, only in the bow it was narrowed to 300 mm to allow the front pair of rollers to rotate when the tank was moving on wheels.

Since the tank’s turret was supposed to be used unchanged from the T-26 tank, there were no questions about preserving its armament. The tank's mechanical equipment retained the air-cooled T-26 engine with a power of 90 hp, and the transmission, in addition to the new 5-speed gearbox, also received two driveshafts to ensure wheel travel, a simple differential with an additional gearbox, a final drive drive from the differential to the guitars, two guitars and a new mechanism for quickly switching from tracked to wheeled. The chassis of the tank contained three pairs of road wheels with a diameter of 780 mm with external rubber tires, two standard drive wheels of the T-26 tank and two guide wheels with a diameter of 535 mm.

However, according to the UMM Technical Council, the tank did not meet the requirements for operational mobility, since with a 90 hp engine. with a mass of over 10 tons, it could not reach a speed of over 40 km/h. In addition, multiple errors were discovered in the strength calculations of the gearbox and wheel drive transmission. Therefore, it was decided to abandon the production of a prototype KT-26.

Advantages and disadvantages

I think everyone has already understood that the introductory word about how interesting and strong this Soviet apparatus is was not said in vain. We looked at its general characteristics, dealt with the variety of weapons, but to put all our thoughts together, let's highlight the main strengths and weaknesses of the T-46 World of Tanks

. Pros: • Excellent mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, maneuverability); • High rate of fire and damage per minute; • Good penetration indicators; • Pleasant spread at 100 meters; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles; • Large selection of weapons. Cons: • Frankly low viewing range; • Large silhouette and poor camouflage; • Poor booking; • Low one-time damage; • Mediocre accuracy (convergence and stabilization).


  1. Crew commander (Radio operator, Loader);
  2. Gunner;
  3. Driver mechanic.

Learning additional skills for the crew:

Standard crew for Active Actions:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members, except the commander, the “ Repair” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Repair” skill speeds up the repair of damaged modules, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank has been detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn the additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which will improve the level of proficiency in the specialty - be sure to learn it all at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.

Studying skills and abilities of crew members for defense:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members the “ Camouflage” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Camouflage” skill will reduce the overall visibility of the tank, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn an additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which improves the level of proficiency in the specialty, must be studied by everyone at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.

Equipment for T-46

The choice of additional modules in our case is also a huge advantage, since we have the only light tank of the third level that can be installed, and this is a very serious advantage. So, as you already understand, the choice will be pleasant, but everything needs to be done correctly, that is, equipment for the T-46 tank

We put the following: 1. – it is impossible not to take advantage of such a unique chance and make an existing good CSA even more powerful and dangerous. 2. – as you already know, all the guns available to us have problems with alignment, so we need to improve this parameter by speeding up the alignment process. 3. is a worthy solution that will allow you to squeeze all the juice out of the tank, because we get several important increases to the parameters at once.

However, I want to remind you that this tank has very bad visibility and if you don’t want to remain blind, can’t rely on allies and want to have a good viewing range, it makes sense to replace the last point with .


T-46-1 on Poklonnaya Hill

The tank's transmission included a four-speed gearbox located under the floor of the fighting compartment, final clutches, and final drives. When moving on wheels, the two rear pairs of chassis road wheels were driven, and the front pair were rotary. When driving on wheels, a simple differential was used as a turning mechanism, which was turned off when driving on tracks. Control levers were used to control movement on the tracks, and a car-type steering column was used on the wheels. When the tracks stalled, the transition to wheel drive could be made without the crew leaving the vehicle using levers on the gearbox.

Tactics for playing the T-46

Let's get down to business right away and I hasten to tell you that despite the fact that the tank in our hands is really excellent, it is completely incapable of proving itself in close combat, because we have no armor. From this we conclude that for the T-46 tactics

consists either of support, which we do very well, or of distant fire, which is also not far from support.

But to make it a little clearer for you, let’s develop the topic and figure out what’s what. First of all, regardless of the level of battle we found ourselves in, the Soviet T-46 light tank

can maneuver behind the backs of allies and, catching the enemy on reload, inflict damage on him.

It’s even more effective to act a little differently - while the enemy is engaged in a shootout with your teammates, T-46 WoT

can quietly enter from the flank or find a loophole nearby, shooting with impunity at the enemy on the side or from above, shooting him in the roof, using his good vertical aiming angles.

It is even easier to implement a high DPM from the second line, because in this case all that is required of you is to take an advantageous position with a good cross, where you will be safe. In such conditions, T-46 World of Tanks

must only be reduced to the end, otherwise all that remains is to shoot. But it will be good if you think about cover or escape routes in case you are discovered and need to quickly hide from ground vehicles and artillery “suitcases” from the sky.

In addition, when playing passively, the T-46 tank

must periodically change position in order to bring as much help as possible to his team, and to do this, look at the mini-map, making your movements not only safer, but also thoughtful.


  • M. N. Svirin.
    The armor is strong. History of the Soviet tank. 1919—1937. - Moscow: Yauza, Eksmo, 2005. - 384 p. — 5000 copies. — ISBN 5-69913-809-9.
  • Solyankin A. G., Pavlov M. V., Pavlov I. V., Zheltov I. G.
    Domestic armored vehicles. XX century 1905-1941. - M.: Eksprint, 2002. - T. 1. - 344 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 5-94038-030-1.
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0 -10

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A- 32

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· T-35 ·
Sirken Tank
Danchenko Tank
· T-28 ·
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Object 115
Object 0-50
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· ·

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· OT-37/HT-37 · HT-130 · HT-133 ·
Object 218
OU- T-26

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· BA-10 ·

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experimental samples and those that did not go into mass production were identified

History of changes:


  • Reverse speed increased, durability increased by 10.

Update 0.6.7

  • The overview is increased to 300 meters.
  • The rotation speed of the top chassis has been increased by 2 degrees/sec.

Update 0.7.0

  • 47466 -> 47400 .

Update 0.8.6

  • Profitability increased by 10%.

Update 0.9.15

  • The tank has been redesigned with a new visual quality.
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