Light tank tier 4 M5A1 Stuart WoT - guide from

Hello to all fans of fast technology, is here! Comrades, now we will talk about a very fast, cheerful and quite strong vehicle, a Chinese light tank of the fourth level - this is M5A1 Stuart guide


I would like to say right away that this car, at its own level, has a brother from the USA with a very similar name - M5 Stuart. These cars are similar not only in name, they have a lot in common, for example, an almost identical appearance. However , M5A1 Stuart World of Tanks

received several very pleasant bonuses at his disposal and surpassed the American, you will soon understand what exactly we are talking about.

TTX M5A1 Stuart

Let's start the review of the parameters of our Chinese with the fact that it has a typically small safety margin and an average viewing range of 350 meters (not bad, but not good either). But more importantly, the M5A1 Stuart tank

has an increased level of battles, that is, it periodically balances itself in battles against level seven vehicles.

It makes no sense to talk about the security of this device, because the M5A1 Stuart has characteristics

The bookings are so mediocre that even our classmates easily beat us. But if, being at the top of the list, lucky random ricochets are possible, then everyone, from the fifth to the seventh level, hits us with their shells, and from being hit by a powerful landmine, instantaneous departure to the hangar is guaranteed.

A good word can be used to reward the invisibility of this baby. The fact is that the Chinese light tank M5A1 Stuart

It has really compact dimensions and even though its silhouette is relatively high, the camouflage remains excellent.

But the strongest feature of this firefly, as it should be, is its mobility. M5A1 Stuart tank WoT

boasts a very high maximum speed; in the ratio of horsepower per ton of weight, it even surpassed the American, which gives it excellent dynamics, but the maneuverability is still slightly let down, this is especially noticeable when trying to turn at high speed.

TTX M3 Stuart

As usual, we will begin our acquaintance with the fact that our American has a standard safety margin for his level, as well as a good basic visibility of 330 meters, which is much more important.

On the one hand, the security situation is understandable. You can immediately tell that the M3 Stuart has characteristics

bookings are scarce, but at the same time, not everything is so bad. The fact is that the most vulnerable areas in the frontal projection have a thickness of 40 millimeters. Of course, such armor can be penetrated very easily by almost everyone, but still, many machine gunners will inflict damage on us every now and then, and if we tighten the hull, the number of ricochets will increase significantly, a trifle, but nice.

Upper frontal part of the M3 Stuart WoT

located at a rational inclination, so that shown here is approximately 45 millimeters. Yes, this is also not much, but for mystical reasons in battle you will often enjoy ricochets. In addition, we have a reinforced NLD, here the metal thickness reaches 49 millimeters, which is also important, because the transmission is located behind it.

As for the sides, they have an American light tank M3 Stuart

He can’t hope at all, because the thickness of the armor here is 25 millimeters. And as a small summary of security, I would like to say that the armor of this baby is weak, but if you really had to face the enemy, do not show him the sides and stern.

By the way, despite the high silhouette, the overall dimensions of the M3 Stuart World of Tanks

It is very compact and its stealth indicators are excellent, so the tank copes really well with the function of a scout.

As often happens, if the armored vehicle fails, this disadvantage is compensated by mobility. In our case, this rule became true, because the M3 Stuart tank

has an excellent maximum speed, high dynamics and maneuverability, in battle this is our main advantage.


As you may have noticed, in terms of general characteristics, the Chinese and the American are approximately similar, but it is worth noting that our guest today is doing much better with weapons, this is exactly the pleasant bonus that was mentioned at the beginning.

So, the M5A1 Stuart has a gun

has an alphastrike that is not so small by the standards of its classmates, and also has a high rate of fire, all this allows it to inflict approximately 1680 units of pure damage per minute, this is a very decent indicator.

Penetration in our case is also very good compared to other LT-4s. M5A1 Stuart tank

capable of confidently punching through all his classmates, and also easily knocking out strength points from the fifth levels if you drive into their sides or stern. And for fights at the very bottom of the list, we have an excellent gold, with which the M5A1 Stuart WoT is also capable of not only shining, but also shooting with damage.

The situation with the accuracy of this Chinese is somewhat worse. The problem is a large spread, long convergence for such a mobile technique, as well as poor stabilization. But at the same time, there is another plus - the Chinese light tank M5A1 Stuart

is capable of lowering the gun 10 degrees down, but you should know that from the stern the negative angle becomes zero.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is quite obvious that to play effectively on any machine, you need to understand its main strengths and weaknesses. Based on this knowledge, not only will you build tactics, it will be easier for you to choose equipment and perks, so let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the M5A1 Stuart WoT

. Pros: • Excellent maximum speed and dynamics; • High camouflage coefficient; • Decent viewing range; • Good rate of fire and damage per minute; • High penetrating ability of conventional and gold shells; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Increased level of battles (4-7); • Small safety margin; • Frankly weak reservation; • Not the best maneuverability; • Poor gun accuracy.

Equipment for M5A1 Stuart

Installing additional modules is the foundation for more successful and comfortable gameplay, so they need to be chosen with feeling and placement. Of course, since we already have a firefly in our hands, priority should be given to increasing the viewing range, but otherwise the equipment on the M5A1 Stuart tank

you can install the following: 1. – the most important module, thanks to which you can significantly increase your visibility and more effectively provide intelligence to your allies. 2. – thanks to this choice, you will receive a small increase in visibility, and in addition, you will increase the DPM and convergence speed. 3. – a reasonable choice, with which you can increase camouflage, respectively, survivability and the ability to shine passively.

However, the described set is not the only correct one. At the very least, you can replace the first point with, which goes well with the camouflage network, will easily increase the viewing range to the maximum and will allow you to obtain passive light even better.

Equipment for M3 Stuart

Of course, additional modules on the tank must be installed wisely, however, in our case this issue has already been resolved. Partly, this conclusion is made because we have very little choice, partly because of certain standards, in other words, equipment for the M3 Stuart tank

we put this: 1. – the ideal solution in our case, because this module gives a small but important increase to several important parameters at once. 2. – it is this choice that makes us a full-fledged firefly, as it significantly increases the already good overview. 3. is the best option of all the rest, thanks to which we will be even more invisible and will be able to confidently provide passive lighting.

Tactics for playing the M5A1 Stuart

Of course, you already know that the armor and survivability in general of this vehicle leave much to be desired, that is, open close combat is strictly contraindicated for it, like most light tanks. In addition, M5A1 Stuart World of Tanks

throws us into level 7 battles, where life becomes much more complicated, but even in such realities we are able to bring a lot of benefit.

The fact is that the main task of this Chinese is to obtain intelligence data and he copes with it perfectly in any realities. To do its "job" effectively, the M5A1 Stuart tactics

may consist of both active and passive lighting.

In the second case, you are required to quickly take a key position somewhere in the bushes, closer to the middle of the map. In this case, you can shoot only if you are sure that there are no enemies nearby, otherwise the M5A1 Stuart tank

turns into eyes that watch everything moving and that’s all. You just have to understand that you need to leave such a position in time, otherwise, if you are discovered, the chances of salvation are not so great.

Providing active light is also possible and this tactic is much more fun. For this purpose, the Chinese light tank M5A1 Stuart

must move as much as possible around the battlefield, periodically driving beyond the foul line and again shine. Be careful, use the terrain, any obstacles and buildings, maneuver and don’t slow down, this will make it much more difficult to hit you.

In addition, do not forget that you have a completely sane weapon. With this M5A1 Stuart WoT

capable of shooting everyone at his level, and when he gets to the bottom of the list, he can twist slow opponents, shoot them at vulnerable sides and send even level seven equipment to the hangar.

As you can see, the tank in front of you is very multi-tasking, strong and dynamic. When playing it, it is only important to be constantly concentrated, not to be afraid to take risks, but at the same time to act wisely and moderately carefully.

M3/M5 "General Stuart", Light Tank

Light Tank M3/M5 General Stuart

The most popular and most famous light tank of the Second World War. It was a direct development of the M2A4 light tank. It was developed and produced by American Car and Foundry and Cadillac Car Division (a branch of General Motors). From 1941 to 1944, 22,743 units were manufactured.

SERIAL MODIFICATIONS: M3 - the first version with riveted hull and turret. During the production process, the tower became welded, its shape was changed - multifaceted to horseshoe-shaped. Late production vehicles had a partially welded body. Combat weight 12.43 tons. Dimensions 4531x2235x2515 mm. Some of the vehicles were equipped with a gun guidance stabilizer in the vertical plane and a Guiberson T-1020-4 diesel engine with a power of 210 hp. 5811 units produced.

М3А1 – the commander's cupola and machine guns in the side sponsons were eliminated. The body, chassis and engine are unchanged. 4621 units were produced.

M3A3 - a fully welded hull of a new shape with beveled chines. A tower with a developed aft niche in which the radio station is located. The armament, engine and chassis are the same as the MZA1. 3427 units produced.

M5 – power plant of two carburetor 8-cylinder Cadillac Series 42 V8 engines with a total power of 220 hp. and Cadillac Hydra-Matic automatic transmission. New fully welded hull with 63 mm frontal armor. The turret and chassis are the same as the MZA1. 2074 units produced.

M5A1 – M5 with a turret from MZAZ. Armor cover for the installation of an anti-aircraft machine gun has been introduced. Combat weight 15.39 tons. Dimensions: 4602x2150x2161 mm. Cruising range 161 km. 6810 units produced.

The “Stuarts” received their baptism of fire in November 1941 in North Africa as part of the 8th British Army. In December, American “Stuarts” from the 197th Tank Battalion entered the battle against the Japanese who had landed in the Philippines. As part of the 1st and 2nd Tank Divisions of the US Army, MZ, MZA1 and M5 were used in North Africa in 1942 - 1943. As for the M5A1, during the fighting in Tunisia they entered service with light tank battalions and anti-tank units, where they were used as command units. At the same time, “stuarts” of early modifications were gradually forced out of combat units. By the time of the Sicily landings in late 1943, the M5A1 had become the standard light tank of the US Army. After the African campaign, American tank divisions were reorganized. As a result, the number of light tanks in them was reduced from 126 to 51. However, in Africa and Italy, if the enemy had a large number of light combat vehicles, it was still possible to find use for the M5A1. But in France and Germany, German tanks of 1944 - PZ.IV with a long-barreled gun, Panther and Tiger - did not leave the “Stuarts” any chance to survive on the battlefield. Therefore, American commanders sought not to use the M5A1 in tank attacks, giving preference to the Shermans. The lot of the “stuarts” became fire support for motorized infantry, reconnaissance, security of headquarters and other auxiliary functions. In the Pacific Theater of Operations, “Stuarts” of all modifications fought as part of tank battalions of the Marine Corps until 1945. To destroy Japanese bunkers on the islands, a flamethrower version of the “Stuarts” MZA1 and M5A1 – Satan (“Satan”) was used.

After the M24 General Chaffee light tank was adopted in 1944, most of the M5A1s were converted into Stuart Recce reconnaissance vehicles. The turrets were removed from them and a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun was installed. Control vehicles for unit and unit commanders were equipped in a similar way. During the Second World War, “Stuarts” of various modifications, in addition to the US Army, were in service in Great Britain, the USSR, China, the Free French troops, Polish and Czechoslovak troops in the West, and the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. A significant number of combat vehicles - 683 - were transferred to Latin American states, where they were in service until the 70s. Currently, the MZA1, modernized beyond recognition, under the designation X1A2, is in service with the Brazilian army.

COMBAT WEIGHT, t: 12.94. CREW, people; 4. OVERALL DIMENSIONS, mm: length – 4531, width – 2235, height – 2151, ground clearance – 420. ARMAMENT: 1 M6 cannon of 37 mm caliber and 3 Browning M1919A4 machine guns of 7.62 mm caliber. AMMUNITION: 116 artillery rounds and 6400 rounds of ammunition. AIMING DEVICES: M5A1 telescopic sight. RESERVATION, mm: hull front – 45, rear – 25, roof and bottom – 10, turret – 13...38. ENGINE: Continental W670-9A, 7-cylinder, radial, carburetor, air-cooled; power 250 hp (184 kW) at 2400 rpm, displacement 9832 cm3. TRANSMISSION: multi-disc main dry friction clutch, driveshaft, five-speed gearbox with synchronizer, differential, final drives; band brakes. CHASSIS: four rubber-coated road wheels on board, interlocked in pairs into two bogies, two support rollers, a guide wheel, a front drive wheel with two removable gear rims (lantern engagement); each trolley is suspended on two vertical buffer springs; each caterpillar has 66 tracks with a width of 194 mm, track pitch is 140 mm. MAX. SPEED, km/h: 48. POWER RESERVE, km: 113. OBSTACLES TO OVERCOME: climb angle, degrees. – 35, wall height, m ​​– 0.61, ditch width, m – 1.83, ford depth, m – 0.91. COMMUNICATIONS: radio station SCR-5Q8.

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