Tier 5 medium tank Sherman III World of Tanks - guide from aces.gg

Good day and welcome to aces.gg! Today our guest is a rather suffering unit, a medium tank of the fifth level of Great Britain, in front of you is the Sherman III guide


As you know, there are a lot of Shermans in our favorite game, only at the fifth level there are several varieties of this tank model. Unfortunately, the British Sherman III WoT

It doesn’t stand out against the general background in the best way, but you can play it and for this you need to know as much as possible about the tank.

TTX Sherman III

If we talk about the simplest parameters of the machine, then we have at our disposal a safety margin more than standard for the ST-5, as well as a very good initial viewing range of 370 meters.

In terms of survivability, everything is more than mediocre. Let's start with the fact that the Sherman III has characteristics

The front armor of the hull is nominally poor. True, the VLD has a good slope, but 96 millimeters of adjustment at the thickest point does not make it possible to reflect damage even from classmates’ guns, not to mention level 6-7 vehicles. You can catch a ricochet only with a good and timely turn of the body, but you shouldn’t rely on this.

At the front of the tower the situation is not much better. First of all, here is the Sherman III medium tank

has a large gun mantlet, however, its thickness does not exceed 91 millimeters, and immediately behind it there is a void. Then all guns with a penetration above 90 millimeters will penetrate us in the forehead without any problems. In addition, the cheeks of the tower, although not without slopes, are just as easy to break through.

Separately, it should be said about the security of the sides of our British Sherman III World of Tanks

. However, don’t expect anything good here, because literally everyone will hit us from the side. Such mediocre armor is aggravated by its large dimensions; this device is tall, thick and wide, shines from afar and is not difficult to hit.

In terms of driving characteristics, everything is also very relative. Maximum speed of Sherman III tank WoT

I got a good one, but it's far from the best. Our dynamics are also not bad, however, the car still accelerates a little slowly, and maneuverability could be better.

Support tank

As for mobility, in general, it is not bad, but not good either. The maximum speed is limited to 48 km/h, the specific engine power reaches 15 hp. per ton. The rotation speed of the chassis is 37 degrees per second. On Sherman 3 it is still better to play not from the dynamics, but from good vertical aiming angles. But the overview of the top turret is really pleasing; it is as much as 370 mm! This is the maximum value for this level and class; on open maps, visibility is a significant advantage. The safety factor is 465 units, which is slightly above average, but just a little.

Sherman 3 is a classic support tank, it should not go in the front row and “tank” damage, for this it does not have strong armor. But there is no need to stand somewhere near tank tanks and self-propelled guns; mediocre accuracy does not allow you to confidently hit the enemy, and after all, the Sherman 3 is a medium tank. For a 76 mm gun, the preferred combat distance is medium, but with a high explosive it is better to shoot at point-blank range with the enemy. Whenever possible, drive to hilly areas; good elevation angles will be a big advantage there. Show only the front of the turret to shoot and hide while reloading.

The Sherman 3 is a classic support tank. It performs best in open, hilly areas.

If you are thrown into battle at levels six and seven, then do not despair. Firstly, you can easily penetrate most enemy vehicles in the forehead even with an ordinary shell. At least if it is possible to target vulnerable points. And in such battles you need to try to approach the enemy from the flank and inflict damage on the side. Secondly, an excellent view of 370 meters allows it to serve as a light. You will see many opponents when they simply cannot notice you. In general, Sherman 3 is ideal for open, hilly maps where it can play to its strengths. It is not so good on city and corridor maps.


For those who played on the American M4 Sherman or read the guide on it here, the situation with weapons in this case will be very familiar, since the guns of both Shermans are very, very similar.

First of all, let's look at the Sherman III gun

caliber 105 millimeters, which is famous for its powerful alphastrike, capable of destroying many classmates with one shot.

The only problem is that this barrel is for the Sherman III WoT

has very weak penetration, that is, you have no guarantees of powerful one-time damage, well, except for those cases when you shoot at a really cardboard target.

Also with this gun Sherman III tank

is the owner of a very large spread, terrible stabilization and not the best convergence speed. However, the barrel bends downwards by 10 degrees, that is, our vertical aiming angles are very good.

The second gun, with a caliber of 76 millimeters, can be called more or less standard. With her Sherman III World of Tanks

has the usual one-time damage for the ST-5, as well as an unremarkable rate of fire, thanks to which it can deal about 1500 units of damage per minute.

Of course, this weapon can penetrate classmates with much greater success, but even for battles against the sixth levels, penetration will often not be enough and mediocre gold BBs do not solve this problem well.

In addition, with this barrel the Sherman III medium tank

still remains very oblique, since the dispersion, final accuracy, and stabilization of the gun are disgusting, and fairly fast aiming is not able to cope with such shortcomings.


Lv.gunPenetration(mm)Damage(HP)Rate of fire (rounds/min)Spread (m/100m)Mixing timeDamage per minute
IV75mm Gun M392/109/38110/110/17515,790,462,11736,9
IVQF 6-pdr Mk. III 105/170/3075/75/100240,4421800
V105mm Gun M453/101410/3506,670,552,52734,7
VQF 6-pdr Mk. V 110/180/3075/75/100240,4221800
VI76mm Gun M1A1128/149/38115/115/18513,040,432,31499,6

Since the gameplay with the M4 and M1A1 guns is already known to everyone, let’s pay attention to the new weapon. Possessing the least one-time damage, it nevertheless deals the highest damage per minute, and also has the highest penetration with a sabot projectile, which will allow it to deal damage regardless of its place in the team’s list.

Having neither high alpha nor accuracy, the QF 6-pdr Mk. The V is clearly positioned as a close maneuver weapon. However, when firing armor-piercing ammunition, you should be more careful about the affected areas due to lower armor penetration.

75mm Gun M3QF 6-pdr Mk. III QF 6-pdr Mk. V 105mm Gun M476mm Gun M1A1

Advantages and disadvantages

From all of the above, it is clear that the car in our hands is not a gift at all, however, in such conditions, knowing the strengths and weaknesses is even more important. Now we will analyze such nuances, but next is our Sherman III guide

will continue from the position that a 105-mm high explosive is installed on board. Pros: • Excellent basic overview; • Decent driving characteristics; • Powerful alpha strike; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Barn dimensions; • Weak armor; • Weak armor penetration; • Poor accuracy of both guns.

Equipment for Sherman III

In our game there are two different ways to improve the basic parameters of a tank, one of which is to install additional modules. Unfortunately, even in this simple aspect, many make mistakes. To keep everything in order, equipment for the Sherman III tank

It’s better to put the following: 1. – an excellent solution for most tanks in World of Tanks, which allows you to shoot more often and increase DPM. 2. – if there are obvious problems with accuracy, you need to improve at least the aiming speed, otherwise it will be very difficult to realize damage. 3. – this module will allow us to make our already excellent visibility simply excellent, and with a pumped-up crew, we can increase this parameter to the maximum.

But as often happens, there is a good alternative to the third point -. You should give preference to this configuration option if you want to sacrifice maximum visibility in favor of increasing firepower and shooting comfort.


The equipment needs to be equipped with a rammer, coated optics and reinforced aiming drives. This is a standard set for a low-level medium tank; it’s unlikely that anything needs to be changed. The tank rarely burns (even though the transmission is located in the front), so a fire extinguisher on it is not really needed; it can be replaced with a box of cola, although at low levels few people spend silver on it. But you definitely need to take a first aid kit and repair kit with you.

If you just want to unlock the next tank, then the choice of skills and abilities is not so important. If you decide to leave it in the hangar, then this is a pressing issue. Perks need, first of all, to enhance the advantages of the tank. Sherman 3 has this review. The commander and radio operator have two perks to increase it (eagle eye and radio interception), and they should be taken first. Then you can discard the eagle eye and take the sixth sense. The rest of the tankers would benefit from camouflage. Repairs on low-level medium tanks are not very necessary; a damaged track can be restored using a repair kit, and the Sherman 3 is not intended for “tanking.”

Tactics for playing the Sherman III

As mentioned earlier, the machine in our hands is very controversial, but you can play on it and show good results. Of course, for this it is necessary to build on the strengths and weaknesses of the tank, but in general, remembering the weak armor, tactics for the Sherman III

will always involve the utmost caution.

Remember that even if you are in an ideal top, in 90% of cases everyone will penetrate you and no margin of safety will be enough if you are exposed too much. In contrast, the Sherman III medium tank

First of all, he must distance himself, stay behind his allies or somewhere on the second line. In this case, there is no point in taking a position too far away, in which case poor accuracy will make itself felt too much.

Another good option for fighting on the Sherman III World of Tanks

There will be a game depending on the terrain. Remember about excellent vertical aiming angles, but at the same time know that you need to play according to the terrain, in no case try to deliberately tank with a turret, most likely you will be penetrated.

Of course, at the top of the list is the Sherman III tank.

feels much more comfortable, here everyone is afraid of our evil high explosive and you will get a lot of pleasure from one-shots of various small and weakly armored targets. But at the bottom of the list, vigilance and caution should increase significantly, here our weapon no longer looks formidable, and our opponents are much more powerful.

Otherwise on Sherman III WoT

Always keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of even the weakest artillery and be afraid of powerful high explosives. Take into account the fact that if you have to engage in close combat, it is better to face the enemy with your forehead, since our sides are completely loose.


As with the Grant, the Sherman III, unlike the American vehicle, can be equipped with a 6-pounder gun. And if for the American M4 there is only one adequate top gun (105-mm howitzer), then in the case of the “English gentleman” we have a quite decent alternative, turning it into something like a Soviet 34 with a hole punch.

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