Is it possible to use brass knuckles for self-defense, what are the consequences?

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If the administrative article for brass knuckles in Russia (for carrying and storing this type of weapon) provides for rather mild sanctions, then this does not at all mean a call to action. It is imprudent to purchase brass knuckles, which are prohibited for sale throughout the country, in the hope of minor consequences. Moreover, the legislation may change, as well as the criminal liability provided for the acquisition and carrying of bladed weapons, including brass knuckles. A clear proof of this is that literally until 2003, these actions were actually punishable by law.

Of course, purchasing brass knuckles assumes that the owner will at least keep this self-defense item at home. The question logically follows from this: if no tangible punishment has been established for the purchase, then is brass knuckles prohibited for storage or not? In Russia, as is already known, criminal liability arises only for the sale of such items. But the Code of Administrative Violations specifies the reasons and amount of punishment for those who keep such weapons in their homes. What awaits those who have brass knuckles at home? Article 20.8. Part 4 states that violation of the rules for storing any weapons by an individual will entail:


The price of brass knuckles can vary within quite significant limits. The cost of such products depends on many factors: materials of manufacture, manufacturer, shape and purpose of the structure, as well as the specific seller.

If we are talking about high-quality factory-made brass knuckles, then the cost of a steel product will be 600-1000 rubles. Homemade options can be both cheaper and more expensive.

Wooden and fiberglass knuckles tend to be less expensive because they are not considered serious weapons. Keychains and souvenirs rarely cost more than 200 rubles. Sometimes among the latter you can choose a good option for self-defense, which will not be classified as a bladed weapon.


The most basic “street” brass knuckles were often made without any stop at all and even with one hole for all four fingers. One of the simplest varieties can be called a lead: an ordinary ingot of lead, clamped in a fist to make the blow heavier.

What liability does the law provide for wearing brass knuckles?

What could be the point of wearing brass knuckles? ! Modern youth often carry some kind of bladed weapon, or objects similar to it, intended for “self-defense.” Considering the situation in our country, indeed, walking the streets at night, and even alone, is not a very safe activity.

In this article, I decided to consider what liability may arise if you carry brass knuckles with you. According to the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150 “On Weapons” Article 6.

Restrictions established on the circulation of civilian and service weapons On the territory of the Russian Federation the following is prohibited: 1) circulation as civilian and service weapons: ... flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other items specially adapted for use as weapons with shock-crushing and throwing action, with the exception of sports equipment; Turnover - circulation of weapons - production of weapons, trade in weapons, sale, transfer, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, use, removal, destruction, import of weapons into the territory of the Russian Federation and their export from the Russian Federation; However: Federal Law No. 162 of December 8, 2003 excludes criminal liability for the acquisition or carrying of bladed weapons. Conclusion: If you are simply stopped for a check, or in some way they find brass knuckles on you, then you will not face criminal liability in any case.

The maximum is administrative - you will be fined and the brass knuckles will be confiscated.

You can be prosecuted for illegal sale of bladed weapons (clause

4 tbsp. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and production (clause 4 of Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, it was like this: during an inspection, the police discovered a brass knuckles that was in his pocket. They themselves did not know what to do, so they contacted the department, but they also did not really explain anything. In the end, I was released, but the brass knuckles were not returned. For reference: Weapons production - research, development, testing, manufacturing, as well as artistic finishing and repair of weapons, manufacturing of ammunition, cartridges and their components. Edged weapons should be understood as those manufactured industrially or home-made: objects intended to hit a target using human muscular power in direct contact with the target, which include edged bladed weapons (daggers; combat, national, hunting knives that are weapons; bayonets - knives; sabers; checkers; swords, etc.

etc.), other weapons of cutting, piercing, chopping or mixed action (bayonets, spears, battle axes, etc.), as well as weapons of impact and crushing action (brass knuckles, nunchucks, flails, etc.).


Types and costs

There are many variations of brass knuckles. They vary in material, shape, size, efficiency and price. The most expensive brass knuckles are brass, and the cheapest is wooden, which you can make yourself.

Knife-brass knuckles

The brass knuckle knife (or trench knife) originated during the First World War. Most battles began to take place in the trenches, which meant that the usual infantry weapons, such as sabers and bayonets, became ineffective. The soldiers began to shorten it.

This is how clubs, grenades, and short knives arose, including brass knuckles. They were made from scrap materials - from bayonets, twigs and kitchen knives.

This gave impetus to the professional production of folding knuckle knives, which were soon armed with both warring sides. In 1918, American arms factories began producing knuckle-daggers with a leather-wrapped handle, which are still used in street fighting. This model of brass knuckles can cause fatal damage.

How much does a knife like this cost nowadays? Its price varies from 8 to 12 thousand rubles and depends on the length, thickness and hardness of the blade.

Another type of bladed weapon prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation is a telescopic baton. You can learn about it in detail from this article.

Stinger brass knuckles keychain

Stinger is a small plastic brass knuckles that can be worn as a keychain.

It is lightweight, compact and undetectable by metal detectors.

This model was invented by James Keating, an American knife designer, and it is his most successful product.

The average cost of such brass knuckles in Russia is 300-500 rubles.

Wooden brass knuckles

The strongest brass knuckles are made from ash, Canadian maple, rosewood, oak or beech. Such models are impractical, inconvenient to use and have a small margin of safety.

The legislative framework

According to Russian legislation, brass knuckles are a bladed weapon of the impact-crushing type.
The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” (Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 150) establishes that the carrying and sale of brass knuckles on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited.

Specialists who use weapons on duty also cannot wear brass knuckles. You won't be able to get a license for them either.

For the purchase, sale or possession of brass knuckles, Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability, and according to Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you can receive a real prison sentence for sale.

What will it be like for an ordinary citizen to use brass knuckles? Punishment depends on the severity of the offense and ranges from issuing a warning to imposing a fine of 500-2000 rubles. In this case, the brass knuckles are removed. For the manufacture of brass knuckles, criminal liability occurs in the form of correctional labor or arrest. The maximum prison term is two years.

Not always, but it can help

Keychain siren

  • Price 5-10
  • Effect
    : When activated, makes a loud sound that attracts attention and can scare off an attacker. This is not a full-fledged self-defense tool, but similar keychains work well on dogs.

In principle, a key fob is of little use against attackers, since a person himself may scream during an attack. But screaming will not scare away stray dogs, and the sound of a siren can disperse even aggressive dogs. A keychain like this would definitely come in handy in a miniature girl’s bag.

What happens if I ordered brass knuckles and the police called me

I want to know, I ordered brass knuckles from China, well, the name of the brass knuckles was “Edged Weapon”, well, I ordered it as a souvenir, well, it didn’t come to me, it was seized at customs, they carried out an examination and found out that it was an edged weapon, and they called me to the police, What will happen to me for this? I want to remind you that I didn’t know that you couldn’t order it. I ordered it as a souvenir. I live in the Russian Federation.

Article 222. Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, their main parts, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices 1. Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, their main parts, ammunition (with the exception of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, their main parts and cartridges for them, firearms of limited destruction, their main parts and cartridges for them), explosives or explosive devices - shall be punished by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a period of up to three years. a term of up to four years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or without it.

In accordance with the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the following punishment is provided for the manufacture of brass knuckles: Use for self-defense Are brass knuckles allowed in Russia as a means of self-defense in a situation where there is a threat to life and health? Legally, a citizen does not bear responsibility for damage caused by the use of bladed weapons in self-defense, only if the weapon was in his possession legally. Brass knuckles cannot be legally purchased, much less used.

The huge variety of modern materials has made possible the emergence of original combat instruments made of light alloy metal and plastic. Despite the fact that they may look like works of art, it should be remembered that these are items prohibited from circulation in Russia.

Fortunately, there is no criminal liability for such actions, but the violator can be punished at the administrative level. The corresponding resolution is listed in Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Violations, regarding which a citizen will face the same punishment for carrying such a weapon as for storing it.

  1. Metal. If we are talking about a means of self-defense, then it must be made of a durable metal alloy. Most often it is steel or an alloy of steel and aluminum.
  2. Tree. Wooden brass knuckles are not equated to edged weapons, even if they completely repeat the shape of the original design. The fact is that wood is a naturally soft material, and therefore products made from it do not have the degree of trauma that caused brass knuckles to be banned. However, a good wooden brass knuckles can serve a good purpose when fighting an intruder.
  3. Plastic. Even if the brass knuckles are made of durable plastic, it can hardly be considered a weapon. Therefore, such products should be considered nothing more than a souvenir.
  4. Fiberglass. Durable and reliable products, which, however, do not have the destructive power that is characteristic of their metal counterparts.
  5. Brass knuckles shocker. Perhaps the only permitted type of such weapon. However, the brass knuckles in this design are only a handle to which the stun gun is attached, so its use will be somewhat different.
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