Special Forces Day in Russia in 2022: date, interesting facts

Who can become a special forces soldier?

To receive a maroon beret, a fighter must have grades of at least “good” and “excellent” on his report card. In addition, they first undergo preliminary tests, where they need to run 3 km, then demonstrate physical fitness, that is, do pull-ups, push-ups and repeat a number of other exercises. If this test is not passed, then the fighter will not be allowed to take part in the main tests.

Next, the soldier must run 10 km, overcome an obstacle course, where he shows how he can storm a high-rise building, demonstrates hand-to-hand combat skills, shooting and even acrobatics.

During a forced march, the commander can give additional instructions, for example, “shelling”, “water barrier”, “evacuation of the wounded” and so on.

If you are 50 m behind the main group, then you are automatically removed from the race. If you fail at one of the stages, then you won’t see the maroon beret like your ears. Among other things, for unworthy behavior, cowardice in battle and other violations, a soldier can be deprived of this honor.

How will Paratroopers' Day be celebrated in 2022?

Airborne Forces Day is today a national holiday, celebrated and celebrated on a grand scale: at 11 o’clock the festive program begins on Mikhailovskaya Embankment. The festival program usually includes and takes part in a field kitchen, disassembly and assembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, master classes on parachute installation, a concert with the participation of professional and amateur artistic groups, demonstration performances by paratroopers, charity events, folk festivals, an exhibition of equipment and weapons from the times of the Great Patriotic War, competitions of military-patriotic clubs "League of the Military-Industrial Complex DOSAAF of Russia", children's interactive platforms, competitions.

/Photo by Arkady Uvarov/

But due to the pandemic, public events were canceled last year, and there was no celebration in Central Park or on Mikhailovskaya Embankment. On July 1, 2022, the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, Andrei Travnikov, signed the Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region No. 72-p dated March 18, 2020 on the ban on mass events, with the exception of official sporting events and the operation of theaters and cinemas with occupancy of no more than 50%. Accordingly, this year the official program with mass celebrations will be cancelled. The resolutions can be found on the website of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region www.nso.ru and nauka.nso.ru, the text of the document is for review.

How old are the Airborne Forces?

Last year, the Airborne Forces celebrated their anniversary; this year, “Uncle You’s Troops” turns 91 years old.


90 years of the Airborne Forces: how paratroopers will celebrate their anniversary during the 2020 pandemic

The most interesting facts about military special forces

The date is associated with the formation of a special training company in 1977. Subsequently, she became the “Vityaz” that thundered throughout the country. Initially, these fighters were trained for the Olympic Games to prevent emergency situations.

It is this group that would be sent to terrorists and hostages. Almost immediately they began to be distinguished with the help of maroon berets and an exam was developed to obtain such a headdress.

In the early nineties, three more detachments were added to “Vityaz” - “Skif”, “Rus” and “Rosich”. In addition to them, there were other special forces groups. Notice what powerful names they chose for themselves. So, for example, there was “Alligator” and “Werewolf”.

Special forces teams were always sent to the bloodiest massacres. “Rus” freed the hostages in Budennovsk. The same detachment, together with Vityaz, neutralized a group of militants from Salman Raduev.

Historians tell us that this was not the first experience in Russian history. In 1764, the so-called Jaeger troops were created. This was the first elite of the army.

Historical reference

A similar division existed under Catherine II. Their tactics were very similar to modern ones.

  1. In 1811, employees of a separate corps of internal guards began to monitor state order.
  2. In 1817, Alexander I created special gendarmerie detachments on horseback.
  3. In 1842, the so-called Plastun detachments were formed, and the technologies that were developed here are still relevant today.
  4. In 1905, troops appeared at the base of the Tsar’s secret police that resembled today’s riot police.
  5. In 1918, the Bolsheviks created military intelligence.

During the Second World War, there were units that also engaged in reconnaissance and sabotage. Therefore, as you can see, Russian special forces had their predecessors and became the last logical link in this chain.

What do special forces do?

The best serve here. Special forces are engaged in reconnaissance, carry out combat missions behind enemy lines, prevent terrorist attacks, neutralize saboteurs and even fight the nuclear threat.

These are not all the responsibilities that fall on their shoulders. Naturally, the weapons here are not only a rifle and a pistol. They have everything, even small nuclear mines.

Among the special purpose companies were those intended for particularly difficult tasks. For example, one that could work in the Arctic or specifically aimed at the North Caucasus region.

In 1968, the legendary 9th company was created in Ryazan, which existed until 1981.

The most significant events in history

On Special Forces Day, it is usually customary to remember major operations. The first of these took place in 1968, when members of the Warsaw Pact sent troops into Czechoslovakia.

A special forces aircraft flying over Prague requested an emergency landing at the airport due to a malfunction. It took less than 10 minutes to capture the airport. The units that arrived in Prague a little earlier took the main connecting points such as train stations and telegraph offices. Then the Government building was attacked, and its leadership was urgently taken to Moscow.

Our special forces took part in combat operations in various countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and even managed to resist American commandos without any problems.

He did a lot during the Afghan war. For example, the so-called “Musbat”, that is, a detachment in which Russian Muslims served: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens and others who spoke Farsi, managed to take the Amin fortress in 40 minutes. This story seems like a gamble even to specialists. And yet it worked.

Airborne Forces Day

Airborne Forces Day (another name is Airborne Forces Day or Paratroopers Day) is celebrated on August 2 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (RF) of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” as a memorable day dedicated to to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increasing the prestige of military service and established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

In all Russian cities, on the second day of the last summer month, you can see men in blue berets and combat vests who once served in the Airborne Forces and made the phrase “Nobody but us” the motto of their lives. And even a person far from military service knows that representatives of the elite branch of the military will eat watermelons and swim in fountains.


Airborne Forces: “Nobody but us!”

How special forces work

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, much fewer people began to celebrate Special Forces Day in Russia, because some of the brigades were redeployed or simply disbanded. Some of them went to the breakaway countries.

Sometimes squads even develop their own code. Here are excerpts taken from one. It is not the weapons that should take part in the battle, but the fighter’s brains. You cannot make mistakes at the selection stage, otherwise the whole study is meaningless.

In battle, victory is not for the one who fired first, but for the one who hit the enemy first. A shooter's level is determined by his worst shooting performance. The skill of a special forces team does not depend on its brawn, but on its brains. The level of special forces is determined by quality, not quantity.

In general, it is worth noting that all information about these brigades is usually classified, so it is impossible to say for certain even about the number of such units.

Each country has its own special forces, but they are called differently.

  1. In Pakistan these are the Black Storks.
  2. In Spain, these combined units are considered the deadliest in the world.
  3. Everyone has probably heard about the Israeli Mossad; there is also a group here called Sayeret Matkal, which participated in many counter-terrorism operations.
  4. In the USA, only the best get into the Delta Force.
  5. In France, this is GIGN, which not only takes part in hostilities, but also negotiates with terrorists who have taken hostages.

The history of Airborne Forces Day - where the holiday came from

August 2, 1930 in the USSR is considered to be the official birthday of the Airborne Forces unit. It was then that 12 paratroopers were formed as part of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh. During the training, military personnel parachuted from the winged vehicle of a TB-3 bomber. Thanks to such an experiment, it was possible to discern the prospect of landing and the advantages of parachute units in quickly combat coverage of the enemy from the air.

The Air Armed Forces are considered one of the elite units and took part in the battle on the territory of Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic. They celebrate and accept congratulations in traditional bathing and honor the memory not only in Russia, but in Ukraine.

What to gift?

Of course, the best thing you can come up with is attention. Let the special forces officer understand how important his work is for the country and for individuals. It is difficult to evaluate this in material terms. What is more valuable: a chocolate bar or a postcard that a son drew for his father?

  1. If we talk about small gifts, these could be flash drives or keychains in the form of a grenade or weapon.
  2. A towel or T-shirt is also a win-win option.
  3. A good knife is a gift that will not be discussed. But it is better to coordinate his purchase in order to please for sure.
  4. A mug or flask with special forces symbols is a good choice.

In general, as always, the main thing is a creative approach in choosing a gift, which should be unique, chosen for a specific person, according to his desires and dreams. If you manage to please the stern special forces soldier at least a little on this day, then the goal has been achieved!

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Interesting facts about Paratrooper's Day

"Uncle Vasya's Troops"

Sometimes the abbreviation VDV is jokingly deciphered as “Uncle Vasya’s Troops” in honor of Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the first commander of the Airborne Forces. He went down in the history of the Russian army as “paratrooper No. 1,” although airborne units appeared in the Red Army at a time when Margelov, with the rank of foreman of a machine gun company, was just beginning his path to the heights of command, and he made his first jump only at 40 - summer age.

Airborne Forces emblem

The well-known emblem on the badges and flags of the Airborne Forces corps with a large open parachute flanked by two aircraft appeared in 1955, when, on the initiative of Margelov, a competition for the best sketch was announced. Most of them were completed by the paratroopers themselves, and in the end there were more than 10 thousand works.

Where did vests come from?

The “marine” element of the military uniform also appeared thanks to the commander of the Airborne Forces, Vasily Margelov. The Soviet leadership was initially against the introduction of an element of the Marine Corps uniform, but the general insisted on his own. But the stripes on vests began to be made not black, but blue (to match the color of the sky).

/Photo archive VN.RU/

Blue berets were originally crimson

Yes, yes, that's exactly it. In 1967, the same Margelov approved a new uniform for paratroopers, the peculiarity of which was the wearing of crimson berets. On November 7, the airborne troops marched in such uniforms for the first time during a military parade on Red Square.

But the very next year, Airborne Forces veteran Ivan Lisov made a proposal to replace the crimson berets with blue ones. Vasily Margelov agreed with him, since the latter were more to the liking of the fighters.

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