Is it possible to convert a signal pistol into a traumatic one?

Signal pistols were originally produced as devices used during sports games. However, the worsening crime situation has forced citizens to think about purchasing legal means of self-defense. It is almost impossible for an ordinary citizen to purchase military weapons if he is not in the service of law enforcement agencies or is not an official who is required to carry weapons.

From the entire arsenal of self-defense means, you can choose traumatic weapons, pneumatic weapons, gas weapons, aerosol pistols and cans, stun guns or a signal pistol.

Approximately half of the listed species do not require compulsory licensing and are freely available. The only question that remains is what to choose. It all depends on the initial goal, the buyer’s capabilities, and physical fitness. Pneumatics with energy up to 7.5 J do not require a permit. In addition, a bullet from such a pistol, hitting an open and unprotected area of ​​the enemy’s body, will cause him very unpleasant sensations. But from the sound of the shot, the aggressor will quickly guess that in front of him is a victim armed with a “child’s toy.” After such an exposure, counting on the help of a pistol is simply stupid.

Signal weapons differ from traumatic, pneumatic and military weapons in that after firing a bullet does not fly out of the pistol barrel. The only consequences of the shot are noise and a bright flash. Depending on the cartridges used, one or another effect can be strengthened or weakened. When using such a weapon against an enemy, the owner must understand that he can rely solely on psychological impact. However, no one can guarantee a positive outcome.

  1. Firstly, if desired, the simulator can always be distinguished from a combat barrel.
  2. Secondly, it is almost impossible to meet a citizen armed with a live gun.
  3. Thirdly, after the first shot it will immediately become clear which pistol was used.

Nevertheless, the MP-371 signal pistol is considered a good means of self-defense. Its operating factors are its similarity to its combat counterpart, imitation of the sound of a shot, and the light effect.

Is it possible to convert a signal pistol into a traumatic one?

It should not be denied that the dominant part of signal weapon buyers pursues a slightly different goal than using it for its intended purpose. Most citizens want to receive, if not a real impact weapon, then at least a device as close as possible to a combat pistol.

The reason lies in the strictness of the legislation, according to which it is generally impossible for an ordinary citizen to buy military weapons, and in order to purchase a traumatic pistol or revolver, one must go through a lengthy procedure for obtaining a permit. Buying a signal pistol remains the only way to satisfy your craving for weapons culture.

Video review of the signal pistol MP 371-03 + automatic + beard (PM, Makarov):

- a noise pistol from the Izhevsk pistol manufacturer, made entirely of steel.

This model is made by converting it from a traumatic pistol. If the question arises, why convert a traumatic pistol into a signal pistol?!

- They are made from rejected traumatic pistols 79 and 81, that’s all.

The most important thing about the model is that it has modified automation, i.e. The signal pistol MP 371 03 fires self-cocking

, the bolt automatically opens and the brass cartridge is ejected, please note that the pistol does not fire with plastic cartridges.

As is clear from the name MP 371-03, this is a signal Makarov with a beard; its bolt differs from the standard model not only in the presence of a beard, but also in the fact that the model has a forged bolt


The signal MP 371 fires with automatics in semi-automatic mode, i.e. Each pull of the trigger is accompanied by a shot.

The pistol is very beautiful and looks more like a combat pistol than a standard model; if you put on it a simulator of the muzzle and a handle from a combat pistol, then the model becomes an excellent collector's item.

The MP 371-03 automatic pistol can be used as equipment for cinema or stage production in the theatre. Before the first shot, it is necessary to jerk the shutter.

The magazine of the MP 371 pistol holds 8 rounds of 9 mm caliber, but the powder charge inserted into it is only 5.6 mm, so the Makarov MP 371-03 signal pistol with automatic equipment can be bought without a license .

The only thing is that using it in public places is prohibited.

The store recommends the Makarov MP 371 signal pistol with a beard and automatic as a starting pistol for a collection or the beginning of a sporting competition.

The muzzle simulator and combat grip are purchased separately, but they significantly improve the appearance of the pistol.

Since January 1, 2016, the Baikal plant has been producing shutters using an updated method, namely casting followed by machining, just as before they are covered with bluing and undergo thermal hardening.

Main differences from its combat counterpart

The signal Makarov differs from the real specimen in the absence of a bolt “beard”. Instead, there is a small cut, which serves to eliminate the possibility of installing homemade illegal modifications. In this condition, alteration will lead to rupture of the barrel and possible injury to the shooter.

Another significant difference is the pistol barrels. In the signal model, a blank with a longitudinal milling groove is provided instead. It has a blind pin that weakens the fixation of the barrel, which further complicates the conversion of the dummy to a combat unit. The cartridge is inserted into a chrome-plated chamber, and the powder gases exit through a special hole measuring 20 mm. In addition, the copy is equipped with a limiter that prevents the clip from being loaded with live ammunition.

What weapons are most often remade?

What are the modifications of the MP-371?

Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 types: criminal and non-criminal.

The first is when a signal pistol is converted to fire traumatic or live ammunition.

The second is when the pistol, without acquiring damaging properties, receives some internal or external improvements.

If everything is clear with the first case, then with the second there are many nuances.

For example, the most common modification of the MP-371 is the introduction of automatic weapon reloading, when the owner implements the operation of the automation like a combat analogue. This eliminates the need to manually pull the bolt before each shot.

When fired, the pistol automatically removes the cartridge with the spent Zhevelo primer and, with the movement of the bolt forward, sends a new cartridge into the chamber. It is this alteration, which is also called the fashionable word “tuning,” that does not threaten the owner with absolutely anything, since the MP-371 has not lost its properties as a signal weapon and has not acquired the destructive properties of a firearm, remaining the same MP-371 according to the certificate.


The cartridges used are similar in appearance to real charges. They are equipped with a container, the inside of which serves to install flammable type primers. Among these elements, the most popular brands are “KV-21” and “Zhevelo-N”.

Simulators are made from brass and plastic. The first option is better suited for one-time triggering of a sound signal; brass samples are aimed at repeated firing. The operating temperature of these ammunition is from –10 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Legal changes to flare weapons

The first most popular legal modification is the implementation of the ability to automatically reload the pistol, because it is known that the MP-371, unlike its combat counterpart, has this ability deactivated. Let us remind you that automatic reloading is needed so that after each shot you do not have to cock the bolt manually, but use the energy of the powder gases for this. The weapon meets the characteristics specified in the certificate, so there is nothing illegal in this tuning.

It was not by chance that we drew attention to the certificate, since this document appears in the law on weapons. The characteristics of the pistol must comply with the certificate, otherwise it may be seized by law enforcement officials. Some modifications do not turn signal weapons into firearms, but change their performance characteristics.

As such, there is no punishment for such actions, but the gun cannot be called legal either.

First of all, we are talking about increasing the caliber. Usually the pistol is adapted for firing light-noise cartridges of 10x24 or 1-TK caliber. Here the owner has a certain temptation. To obtain a cold weapon, you will have to spend a lot of time and money, and converting a signal pistol for 10 TK cartridges provides a relatively inexpensive way to get shots that sound identical to a shot from a combat pistol.

Any examination will confirm the fact of alteration. If a citizen does not have a certificate for a pistol, this will be a reason to send the barrel to specialists. But if the articles of the criminal code are not applicable in this case, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a violation of the law in this act. This means that the owner of such a trunk will have to pay a considerable amount of fine. Isn’t it better to legally acquire a traumatic or bleached weapon? This is a rhetorical question.

Video review of the signal pistol MP 371-03 + automatic + beard (PM, Makarov):

- a noise pistol from the Izhevsk pistol manufacturer, made entirely of steel.

This model is made by converting it from a traumatic pistol. If the question arises, why convert a traumatic pistol into a signal pistol?!

- They are made from rejected traumatic pistols 79 and 81, that’s all.

The most important thing about the model is that it has modified automation, i.e. The signal pistol MP 371 03 fires self-cocking

, the bolt automatically opens and the brass cartridge is ejected, please note that the pistol does not fire with plastic cartridges.


The pistol in question can effectively serve as a self-defense weapon. In addition to the appearance that imitates a combat PM, the noise cartridges of the cartridges create a very real effect of a real shot. In addition, the MP-371 can be used for training beginners in shooting, disassembling and assembling weapons, and reporting their location on long trips.

Rework issues

Approximately half of the buyers do not mind using some effort to “bring to mind” the purchased device, which, as many people think, can only scare yard dogs. For now we are talking about legal design changes that lead to a change in the appearance of the pistol. Another striking example of the use of the master’s “golden hands” is the restoration of automation. On the MP-371 model, self-cocking firing is impossible, and the bolt must be cocked before each shot. This can be easily fixed, and completely legally.

The object of our attention is the category of citizens who prefer to make design changes to the design of the starting pistol with the aim of converting it into a real firearm.

Their motive may be completely different. While some are interested in the process itself and the possibility of its implementation, others plan to use the modification for recreational shooting or as a means of self-defense. But there are also those who are ready to “raise money,” even with echoes of crime.

It is known that such weapons are in demand in certain circles. Typically, representatives of gangster groups are not interested in the reliability or safety of the barrel, since it is purchased for one-time use.

With all the above motives, the reason that prompts the owner to convert a signal pistol into a traumatic one is the inability to buy a military weapon, as well as dissatisfaction with the characteristics of a traumatic weapon. In Russia, laws regarding gun ownership are not the most lenient. In some European countries, citizens can purchase a fighting gun. Alterations are carried out mainly by those who, by law, do not have the right to buy a pistol, and this category is, of course, complemented by criminal elements.

Video review of the signal pistol MP 371-03 + automatic + beard (PM, Makarov):

- a noise pistol from the Izhevsk pistol manufacturer, made entirely of steel.

This model is made by converting it from a traumatic pistol. If the question arises, why convert a traumatic pistol into a signal pistol?!

- They are made from rejected traumatic pistols 79 and 81, that’s all.

The most important thing about the model is that it has modified automation, i.e. The signal pistol MP 371 03 fires self-cocking

, the bolt automatically opens and the brass cartridge is ejected, please note that the pistol does not fire with plastic cartridges.

As is clear from the name MP 371-03, this is a signal Makarov with a beard; its bolt differs from the standard model not only in the presence of a beard, but also in the fact that the model has a forged bolt


The signal MP 371 fires with automatics in semi-automatic mode, i.e. Each pull of the trigger is accompanied by a shot.

The pistol is very beautiful and looks more like a combat pistol than a standard model; if you put on it a simulator of the muzzle and a handle from a combat pistol, then the model becomes an excellent collector's item.

The MP 371-03 automatic pistol can be used as equipment for cinema or stage production in the theatre. Before the first shot, it is necessary to jerk the shutter.

The magazine of the MP 371 pistol holds 8 rounds of 9 mm caliber, but the powder charge inserted into it is only 5.6 mm, so the Makarov MP 371-03 signal pistol with automatic equipment can be bought without a license .

The only thing is that using it in public places is prohibited.

The store recommends the Makarov MP 371 signal pistol with a beard and automatic as a starting pistol for a collection or the beginning of a sporting competition.

The muzzle simulator and combat grip are purchased separately, but they significantly improve the appearance of the pistol.

Since January 1, 2016, the Baikal plant has been producing shutters using an updated method, namely casting followed by machining, just as before they are covered with bluing and undergo thermal hardening.

Technical data

The pistol is made of high quality weapon steel. Its technical characteristics are as follows:

  • Caliber – 5.6/9 mm;
  • Weight – 700 g;
  • Weapon length – 162 mm;
  • Weapon width – 31 mm;
  • Weapon height – 127 mm;
  • Pseudo-barrel length – 93.5 mm;
  • Bolt frame type - movable;
  • Release type – adjustable;
  • Fire mode – semi-automatic;
  • The cocking of the trigger is a double action type;
  • Handle – plastic;
  • Magazine capacity – 8 charges;
  • The cartridges are noise-type with “KV-21” or “Zhevelo-N” type capsules.

The pistol produced at the factory is equipped with a passport, as well as a certificate of conformity, which contains complete technical documentation. The pistol comes with one magazine and 8 rounds.

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