Signal pistol MP 371 (Makarova) with automatic Tuning

It should not be denied that the dominant part of signal weapon buyers pursues a slightly different goal than using it for its intended purpose. Most citizens want to receive, if not a real impact weapon, then at least a device as close as possible to a combat pistol.

The reason lies in the strictness of the legislation, according to which it is generally impossible for an ordinary citizen to buy military weapons, and in order to purchase a traumatic pistol or revolver, one must go through a lengthy procedure for obtaining a permit. Buying a signal pistol remains the only way to satisfy your craving for weapons culture.

Rework issues

Approximately half of the buyers do not mind using some effort to “bring to mind” the purchased device, which, as many people think, can only scare yard dogs. For now we are talking about legal design changes that lead to a change in the appearance of the pistol. Another striking example of the use of the master’s “golden hands” is the restoration of automation. On the MP-371 model, self-cocking firing is impossible, and the bolt must be cocked before each shot. This can be easily fixed, and completely legally.

The object of our attention is the category of citizens who prefer to make design changes to the design of the starting pistol with the aim of converting it into a real firearm.

Their motive may be completely different. While some are interested in the process itself and the possibility of its implementation, others plan to use the modification for recreational shooting or as a means of self-defense. But there are also those who are ready to “raise money,” even with echoes of crime.

It is known that such weapons are in demand in certain circles. Typically, representatives of gangster groups are not interested in the reliability or safety of the barrel, since it is purchased for one-time use.

With all the above motives, the reason that prompts the owner to convert a signal pistol into a traumatic one is the inability to buy a military weapon, as well as dissatisfaction with the characteristics of a traumatic weapon. In Russia, laws regarding gun ownership are not the most lenient. In some European countries, citizens can purchase a fighting gun. Alterations are carried out mainly by those who, by law, do not have the right to buy a pistol, and this category is, of course, complemented by criminal elements.

Putting aside exceptional cases when owners are engaged in modification or alteration for entertaining purposes, we come to the conclusion that in Russia, as in European countries, such a step is taken by citizens who are restricted by law from purchasing traumatic weapons or by persons who sell the received combat units for "black" market.

The complexity of the issue lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to legalize constructive changes. If a citizen is stopped by law enforcement officers with such a weapon without the appropriate documents, then the would-be owner faces punishment under the Criminal Code, or more precisely, Article 222. That is, responsibility for storing and carrying firearms comes. In addition, circumstances may emerge that prove the citizen’s involvement in the alteration process. Then his actions are aggravated by Article 223. Illegal production of weapons already threatens with a real prison term.

Many people are aware of criminal liability, but when it comes to implementing the possibility of modification, everyone seems to forget about it. The confidence in impunity is simply off the charts. You can see videos with detailed instructions on the Internet. We do not undertake to justify or condemn such actions, but from the video it is not at all difficult to find the creator of the video. The only question is whether the state really needs to catch such “Kulibins”, of which there are tens of thousands.

Increasing the power of spring-piston pistols

New concept for upgrading spring-piston pneumatics

Spring-piston pneumatics (SPP) are represented by the most reliable and accurate samples intended for sports or amateur use. Unlike similar rifles, PP pistols usually have a significantly lower firing speed, which is structurally due to the smaller dimensions of the chamber.

There are the following ways to give more energy to a bullet from such a weapon:

  • increasing the volume of the pneumatic chamber. The method consists of processing its inner surface on a machine, removing a thin metal layer.
    This approach requires the involvement of an experienced turner, otherwise you may end up with a pistol that is disfigured and unsuitable for shooting.
  • replacing the barrel with a longer one. This operation also requires a qualified approach, otherwise there is a risk of radically deteriorating the accuracy of the sample (in case of improper installation);
  • installation of a more powerful spring. When replacing, you should take a spring several turns larger than the previous one. The main requirement is its length in a compressed state - it must fit in the pistol when cocked;
  • installing a metal washer one or two coil lengths thick under the spring. This will cause the spring to be slightly compressed, increasing resistance when charged. This method and the previous one are one of the easiest ways to upgrade a pistol;
  • increase in the mass of the piston pushed by the spring. The principle of the method is to obtain more energy from the part that compresses the air, and due to this, pumping more pressure. A piston of increased size and weight can be ordered from a turner.

Any upgrade to the pistol’s spring-piston system involves exceeding the operating parameters specified by the manufacturer. The power should be increased gradually, avoiding the pursuit of too high speeds, which can negatively affect the performance and durability of the weapon.

Review of three Elite II Umarex, 92 KWC and M-92FS models of the popular Beretta air pistol in one article. Here we discuss their structure and diagram, basic equipment and repair methods.

You can read how to modify the Makarov air pistol here. Find out the power and speed of bullets of different models.

MP-371 - the best weapon for modification

In order to determine the model of the best signal pistol for converting it, for example, into a traumatic weapon, you need to take into account its price category and the amount of work performed on it. According to these criteria, the MP-371 model is in the lead. It’s not hard to guess that it’s easiest to work with this particular model, since it was created on the basis of the PM combat pistol, and besides, it’s quite easy to find all the necessary parts on the market.

  1. All modifications to the signal pistol can be divided into two categories. The first category is criminal, it is characterized by the fact that it is converted into a trauma, that is, the type of weapon completely changes.
  2. The second category includes work in which the weapon does not receive damaging properties, but only some improvements in operation or transformations in appearance.

Muzzle chamfer

Many shooters complain that the MP-512 air gun has a poor-quality factory muzzle bevel. As a result, the bullet does not leave the rifling simultaneously at the moment of firing, which leads to a disruption of its trajectory. As practice shows, on MP-512 shotguns, the upgrade of which we are considering, the chamfer is not very beautiful, but even. Therefore, you should modify it only if you are sure that it is necessary. Sometimes the manufacturer compresses the barrel with knurling under the front sight. In this case, you have to cut the barrel, resume the chamfer, and sometimes even cut a new thread.

For those who have decided to modify the muzzle chamfer in their gun, let's consider one of the simplest methods of this important operation. So, to finalize the muzzle chamfer we will need:

  1. Trunk.
  2. Bullet.
  3. Cotton wool.
  4. A ball with a diameter of 5-15 mm (a bearing is good).
  5. Abrasive of different fractions.

The first step is to secure the barrel in a vertical position, with the muzzle up. From the muzzle side, you first need to insert a bullet into the barrel, then a piece of cotton wool. Cotton wool is necessary to ensure that the abrasive does not get into the main part of the barrel. Then a little abrasive is poured into the trunk so that a small slide is formed. A ball is placed on it. It is desirable that it be steel. Now a chamfer is made using rotational movements with light pressure. Rolling along the muzzle, the ball removes excess metal from the abrasive. After some time, you will see how the chamfer takes on a more regular shape. All that remains is to push the pellet with cotton out of the barrel and clean it several times with new cotton.

The ball can be rotated either manually or using a drill. To do this you will need a tube like a pen refill.

Legal changes to flare weapons

The first most popular legal modification is the implementation of the ability to automatically reload the pistol, because it is known that the MP-371, unlike its combat counterpart, has this ability deactivated. Let us remind you that automatic reloading is needed so that after each shot you do not have to cock the bolt manually, but use the energy of the powder gases for this. The weapon meets the characteristics specified in the certificate, so there is nothing illegal in this tuning.

It was not by chance that we drew attention to the certificate, since this document appears in the law on weapons. The characteristics of the pistol must comply with the certificate, otherwise it may be seized by law enforcement officials. Some modifications do not turn signal weapons into firearms, but change their performance characteristics.

As such, there is no punishment for such actions, but the gun cannot be called legal either.

First of all, we are talking about increasing the caliber. Usually the pistol is adapted for firing light-noise cartridges of 10x24 or 1-TK caliber. Here the owner has a certain temptation. To obtain a cold weapon, you will have to spend a lot of time and money, and converting a signal pistol for 10 TK cartridges provides a relatively inexpensive way to get shots that sound identical to a shot from a combat pistol.

Any examination will confirm the fact of alteration. If a citizen does not have a certificate for a pistol, this will be a reason to send the barrel to specialists. But if the articles of the criminal code are not applicable in this case, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a violation of the law in this act. This means that the owner of such a trunk will have to pay a considerable amount of fine. Isn’t it better to legally acquire a traumatic or bleached weapon? This is a rhetorical question.

What weapons are most often remade?

The answer is simple: the most affordable in terms of price and the possibility of alteration. The leader here is the MP-371 signal pistol. Being created on the basis of the Makarov pistol, you can find any spare parts for the MP-371, from spare magazines to trigger parts.

What are the modifications of the MP-371? Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 types: criminal and non-criminal. The first is when a signal pistol is converted to fire traumatic or live ammunition. The second is when the pistol, without acquiring damaging properties, receives some internal or external improvements. If everything is clear with the first case, then with the second there are many nuances. For example, the most common modification of the MP-371 is the introduction of automatic weapon reloading, when the owner implements the operation of the automation like a combat analogue. This eliminates the need to manually pull the bolt before each shot.

When fired, the pistol automatically removes the cartridge with the spent Zhevelo primer and, with the movement of the bolt forward, sends a new cartridge into the chamber. It is this alteration, which is also called the fashionable word “tuning,” that does not threaten the owner with absolutely anything, since the MP-371 has not lost its properties as a signal weapon and has not acquired the destructive properties of a firearm, remaining the same MP-371 according to the certificate. Since, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, the basis for the circulation of civilian weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation is a certificate, only in the case described above will the converted product comply with it. All other cases that we describe below will already be outside the scope of the certificate and, as a result, converted pistols will be confiscated by law enforcement agencies as having no grounds for circulation. Well, responsibility for storing or manufacturing these modifications will be determined based on the properties acquired by the former MP-371 signal pistol. The second most popular modification is changing the MP-471 caliber for the 10TK or 10*24 light-noise cartridge, which are used in cooled weapons. This is understandable: the reluctance to pay at least 4 times more for a cooled weapon encourages the owner of a signal pistol to get a louder and more realistic model for a cooled cartridge. The alteration work itself is not complicated and not particularly expensive. At the same time, the owner is driven by the idea that he is not making the pistol a combat weapon.

Yes it is. However, if such a pistol is found in the owner’s possession in the absence of a passport and a certificate for the weapon, it will be sent for examination, which will establish that this product is an MP-371 signal pistol handcrafted for the light-sound cartridge. If it is structurally impossible to fire any projectile equipment from a converted pistol, then Articles 222 and 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be avoided, but you will still have to bear responsibility under several articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. As well as paying a fine equal to approximately two of the most expensive models of cold PM on the market. However, there are also those who, for experimental or selfish purposes, convert the MP-371 for traumatic or firearms cartridges. In these cases, the pistol is usually converted to fit the available cartridges. Without global intervention in the design of the pistol as a whole, the MP-371 is converted to use 9 R.A. traumatic cartridges. and 10*22 or chambered for military or service weapons 9*18 or 9*17, respectively. In all cases, the barrel, that is, the main part of the weapon, is manufactured.

The quality of workmanship, as well as the presence or absence of rifling, depends on the technical potential and capabilities. However, converting the signal MP-371 to a traumatic or “combat” pistol cartridge will definitely fall under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and storage of such weapons and cartridges for them will fall under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Illegal options

This may include the activities of citizens who, for selfish reasons or as an experiment, prefer to make a real weapon out of a signal pistol. The essence of the modification is to adapt the pistol to specific ammunition. At the lowest cost, the MP-371 pistol can be converted to chamber 9 mm RA, 10x22 or 9x18.

In this case, you will have to work with the barrel. Its specific part, the stem, must be replaced. There can be no quality control in this process and you should rely only on yourself. Moreover, it is technically difficult to make rifling in the barrel. But this does not stop the “masters,” and the latter, in turn, fall under Articles 222 and 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the manufacturer has taken all possible measures to prevent illegal alterations. Some parts of the barrel, bolt and frame are weakened due to cuts. It is assumed that the metal will not withstand the movement of a combat bullet, and its tears will be observed. In response to this, craftsmen come up with ways to increase the strength of parts.

Illegal modernization

Any modification to the signal pistol is considered illegal. True, those craftsmen who independently make real firearms are punished most severely. Owners of combat pistols will have to solve another problem - somewhere to get pistol cartridges. Everything related to firearms is strictly controlled and sold with special permission.

How to convert the MP-371 into a combat pistol:

  • disassemble the body;
  • change the false barrel to a steel one (for 9 mm caliber);
  • solder the holes in the frame under the barrel, change the bolt design;
  • install a reinforced spring;
  • assemble the body;
  • insert live ammunition into the magazine;
  • install the loaded magazine into the chamber.

Possible consequences

Now let's cool down the ardor of those who decided to start manufacturing their own weapons. Carrying such a pistol, and even more so, using it, cannot but attract the attention of prying eyes, among which may be the eyes of a law enforcement officer.

If your pistol is examined, it will be proven that it is a firearm and is intended to hit a living target. Due to the lack of permission to carry such a device, you will be surprised in the form of a real sentence of up to 4 years or a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles.

The troubles don't end there. If desired, the investigator may be interested in where this barrel came from. According to Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for the manufacture of firearms you can get five years in prison or a 200 thousand ruble fine. Practice shows that when converting a signal pistol into an injury, the degree of punishment is not so high, but do not forget about Article 222, under which the actual sentence and fine have already been assigned.

“Fried topic”, media campaign or real increase in incidents

An epidemic of violence is raging in Russia, the causative agent of this epidemic is a traumatic weapon of self-defense. Pistols converted from military Makarovs, Nagans, TTs for firing “non-lethal” rubber bullets. If a combat pistol in Russia can be either a service pistol, or a reward pistol, or a criminal pistol, then a traumatic one is also sold to ordinary citizens - this requires a license similar to a hunting one.

Having settled in the pockets of Russians, “traumas” also settled in crime chronicles. Showdowns on the roads, shootings in drunken fights, and even “Russian roulette” at a wedding, which recently ended with serious injuries - such events have become almost an everyday background in Russian news since last year. The density of reports of offenses using such pistols, meanwhile, leads to suspicions that we are facing not only a real increase in “traumatic” offenses, but also a media campaign aimed at limiting the spread of civilian weapons.

There are indeed grounds for such guesses. Officials and legislators have repeatedly stated that the proliferation of traumatic weapons has become a real problem, and this problem must be somehow solved by limiting the spread of Makarychs and the like. Free Press asked experts on civilian weapons and the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself about whether such a campaign is being waged in reality.

Rafail Ruditsky

, Chairman of the Saiga shooting club and one of the coordinators of the Civil Weapons Union:

— What is happening now in the criminal chronicle is not a media campaign, these are the real consequences of ill-considered decisions made several years ago.

I'll tell you how this story with traumatists began. In 2005, the LDPR convened a round table on the possibility of legalizing short-barreled weapons. Leonid Vedenov, major general of police, deputy head of the public order department, was present there; representatives of the arms industry, social activists. And at this round table, when the topic of traumatic weapons came up, we, as supporters of the legalization of short-barreled combat weapons, immediately stated that this type of weapon is not a very good solution for civil self-defense.

The fact is that “Makarychi” and similar traumatic pistols are declared by manufacturers as non-lethal. After all, even through a jacket, a rubber bullet will give at most a severe bruise, and a thick jacket generally completely protects against a shot from a trauma weapon. Therefore, a traumatic pistol is not perceived by its owner as a weapon. As a result, the threshold for using weapons as such is reduced.

Meanwhile, traumatic weapons can turn out to be quite lethal. The bullet pierces the eye or temporal bone, hits the brain - and that’s it, on the spot! And our streets are full of hot-tempered people. And therefore, if earlier an angry driver ran out with a tire iron or a bat, and the matter ended with bruises, or at most a broken arm, now it often comes to murder.

However, then it was decided to develop the market for traumatic pistols converted from combat pistols. For gunsmiths, this turned out to be extremely profitable: at that time, remaking a combat pistol lying in a warehouse cost the plant 200-300 rubles, and the finished product cost about 3,000. Factories began to make money literally out of nothing.

And people began to sweep away these pistols in stores - of course, almost real Nagans and Makarovs were sold, then the traumatic TT became a bestseller. As a result, we have what we have now - and we warned everyone that this would happen. It was necessary first, by legalizing short-barreled combat weapons, to accustom citizens to weapons culture, and only then to promote “rubber arrows.”

After all, military weapons are treated completely differently. It is known that in the Caucasus, where the population traditionally has military weapons in their hands, not a single holiday is complete without shooting - and there are almost no accidents or drunken shootouts. This is because among the Highlanders, every child knows that weapons must be taken seriously. And here - remember the recent case when at a wedding guests played Russian roulette with a traumatist with sad consequences. This is because a traumatic pistol is perceived as a half-toy, a frivolous thing.

In order to improve weapons culture, it would be worth restoring the system of shooting training for citizens - in particular, DOSAAF used to do this. True, now that there are many public shooting societies and private shooting ranges, I believe that we could simply be given the official right to teach the “weapons minimum” to those who wish. And if the now reformed DOSAAF takes over shooting training, it seems to me it will be worse. On top of everything else, we at a private shooting club always thoroughly record briefings, safety exams, the number of shootings, and government agencies will not be under control in such a situation, try to figure out who is a trained shooter and who is not.

Of course, I understand the police. For them, the more weapons they have, the worse the situation. There's enough to do already. So the police would be happy to take away weapons from all citizens. But life, nevertheless, moves forward, such things are already difficult and unreasonable.

For example, there have been much more rifled weapons on hand lately. Previously, almost no one came to the LRO of the police station, where I am renewing my license, for rifle weapons. Now there is a crowd of 70 people every day! The waiting list for shooting at the bullet point department is a month and a half!

Therefore, in any case, comprehensive measures are needed to prevent further escalation of violence involving traumatists. First of all, those who want to own weapons need to be trained - almost any shooting range can be useful here. You also need to learn how to carry a self-defense weapon: you need to wield it confidently, if you own it at all. Weapons must be carried and used safely and without danger.

In addition, I would suggest converting traumatic pistols into a special type of weapon. They are also good, but in their own way. This is a good sporting weapon; it can be used to drive away stray dogs without unnecessary blood. For them, I would introduce into licensing practice exams under the Weapons Law and psychological testing - in a medical center or a mental health clinic, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there is a psychologist who would identify potentially aggressive (albeit mentally normal) citizens. But as a civilian weapon, a weapon of self-defense, they are too dangerous.


True, there is another side to the coin: many veterans who would like to remember their youth in combat (front-line soldiers, Afghan heroes, etc.), alas, cannot afford such things either. Black pistol The question that just rolls off the tongue: isn’t it dangerous to sell a weapon that can’t be distinguished from a combat weapon from a distance of a few steps to everyone? A reasonable question, but...

Behind this faceless term was a deactivated military weapon. For the average person, it is also almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

In short, the genie is long out of the bottle. The police simply do not know who is now holding thousands of sold guns. Therefore, only one thing remains: to cultivate a weapons culture among the people.

Converting a signal PM into a combat one: myth or reality

Ammunition is loaded into the magazine according to the standard scheme, after which it is inserted back into the pistol grip. Transformation When wondering: a cold weapon, what it is, you should remember that it is not capable of firing cartridges that could harm human health or life. Craftsmen who try to transform it into a combat version risk their own freedom. Criminal liability is provided for such actions. As a rule, modifications for dry firing are modified with the expectation that it is impossible to restore lethal characteristics. It is necessary to pay attention to one more nuance that a cold weapon has. Most models are visually no different from army modifications. Therefore, you should not openly carry converted copies in public places, much less shoot from them.

How to remake a revolver

3 To change the frame, you need to work in such a way that it is loosened at the fastening point.

The scope of delivery and technical characteristics of the product may be changed by the manufacturer without notice. The client, by placing an order on the website, fully agrees with the terms and conditions specified in the section.

Video on the topic Please note: Protect yourself first by removing the cartridges from the revolver.

It will be easier to change the revolver using specially developed plans for the design of this weapon.

Useful advice You can convert some revolvers into mass-dimensional sizes in order to be able to sell it profitably to collectors.


  1. How to remake a Dnepr motorcycle
  2. How to fire a burst from a Saiga
  3. How to remake

Cold weapons: what is it, purpose, ammunition

Among the mass producers of this product in Russia, one of the first was. Most of the analog guns from this manufacturer are mock-ups as close as possible to the combat model. Typically, these modifications are made by converting combat units into civilian ones. For example, on the MA-AK-SKH model in a redesigned form, blank shots cannot be fired in automatic mode.

The prototype of this barrel was VPO-133. By the way, it is worth noting that the majority of starting pistols with a caliber of nine millimeters or less belong to the cooled type of weapon. Blank weapon SO-AVT-40: description The named rifle was produced by Tula gunsmiths in the fall of 2014.

The kit includes a passport and a duplicate of the certificate. Outwardly, she looks quite decent.

In Transbaikalia, they learned how to convert cold weapons into combat weapons

It is recommended to contact specialized stores that have permits to provide services in this field of activity. This way you can purchase a quality product with all accessories and documents.

Converting a cold weapon into a combat weapon Many people have a question: is it possible to convert a cold weapon into a combat weapon? A cold weapon is created from a combat weapon, so with due diligence it can be converted into a firearm. But such a development is fraught with serious troubles.

Emasculated in battle

But we must not forget that outwardly the SHP weapon does not differ from the real one, therefore, when wearing and using it, certain safety measures must be observed. What is a “chilled weapon”? Cold weapons are decommissioned military models that have been decontaminated and have lost the ability to fire live ammunition.

The documents on them must indicate exactly how they were changed; several procedures are provided:

  1. The barrel is fixed motionless.
  2. The chamber is bored for a blank cartridge.
  3. A sleeve is pressed into the barrel and welded.
  4. The bolt is secured with pins.

Cold weapons are not classified as firearms; anyone over the age of eighteen has the right to buy them. Purchasing ammunition also does not require a license. Both of them can boast of weapons, but the latter can buy completely unique samples. The price of cold weapons is quite affordable, and there are an incredible number of varieties.

So what is the difference and what does a cold weapon mean? Chilled weapons A blanked weapon is a firearm in which technical changes have been made to its design to prevent it from firing live ammunition. Initially, this type of weapon was intended only for: 1.

theatrical performances; 2. filming; 3. historical reconstructions. However, over time, ordinary citizens who wanted to have something unusual in their collection began to acquire it. A decommissioned quenched weapon is structurally practically no different from a signal weapon. However, they differ legally. There are strict rules for its use and modification. And it is not recommended to use it for self-defense. Naturally, this begs the question: why is one needed then? And for cultural and educational purposes. For military-patriotic education, participation in film and theater productions, for historical reconstructions. PM is the most widespread and relatively affordable quenched pistol.

But far from the only one. The market offers a serious choice: Nagan revolvers, TT pistols, carbines and Mosin rifles, SVT self-loading rifles, Shpagin and Sudaev submachine guns, Degtyarev light machine guns, and Kalashnikov assault rifles have been converted for various light-sound cartridges. And at the top of this pyramid is the legendary Maxim machine gun.

If you have enough funds, you can create a small weapons museum at home. We are behind the price. Cooled weapons are at a great price. “Makarov” in Russia is already being shut down by four enterprises. We were the first to establish production in Vyatskie Polyany.

Nagan RNHT under 10TK

This store received a quick response, the seller helped me navigate the choice.

Everything suited me. I purchased a Nagan with accompanying documentation; it became a worthy addition to the collection. Marquis 04/29/2017 I personally know Yuri, the founder of the store.

I can say that he is a reliable person. That's why I made several purchases from him. Moreover, when I bought it for the first time, SHP revolver, I didn’t indicate that I was me. And everything arrived safe and sound, by courier. It’s nice that there is a good attitude towards all clients Victoria Olegovna 12/07/2016 I knew that my husband was interested in weapons.

His friend recommended this store. I couldn’t decide for a long time, I chose Nagan at random. The manager who accepted my order explained everything in detail and convinced me that the decision was correct.

And most importantly, my husband is happy!

Revolver Nagan SHP RNHT, 10tk (decommissioned weapon from Molot-armz / ZiD)

Price 40,000t Nagan RNHT SHP for blank cartridge 10tk 1938 Tula, number LCH 407, ideal sample not polished, arsenal pine cheeks! On some numbers all, all on the stars Price 40000t Nagan RNHT SHP for blank cartridge 10tk 1938 Tula, number ich 252, the ideal pre-war sample is not polished, the cheeks are arsenal pine! On some numbers the whole Price is 40000t Nagan RNHT SHP with a blank cartridge 10tk 1936 Tula, number 8881, the ideal pre-war sample is not sanded, the cheeks are arsenal pine! On some numbers the whole, all Stars Price 40000t Nagan RNHT SCP under a single cartridge 10TK 1937 Tula, number 38675, ideal pre -war sample is not polished, cheeks are arsenal pine! For some rooms, the price is 40000t Nagan RNHT SCP for the idle cartridge 10TK Tula, KV473 number , an ideal military example, not polished, dark cheeks. On some numbers, all over, all with stars, without repair marks.

Leave a review Product rating Name E-mail Comment text Light and sound cartridge of 10TK caliber, designed for firing from SHP weapons.

Price 36000t

Sawn-off shotgun brother 2 emasculated SHP conversion into combat

What do you need to know when purchasing?

  1. Such weapons must have a passport and markings.
  2. The passport contains methods for deactivating the model.
  3. The write-off data is indicated on the case.

How does a cold weapon shoot? SHP weapons are a sought-after product today; the stock for them is often traumatic weapons, which are considered defective. It is an exact copy of the combat one. To shoot, Zhevelo capsules are used; they are inserted into cartridge simulators. Starter pistols use brass cartridges because plastic substitutes can melt. Starting pistols are more convenient because they produce signals such as sound, light, and smoke; there are even flash-and-noise options. Cold weapons for self-defense Many people willingly buy cold weapons for self-defense; experts call the “TT” model the best option.

Bypass hole

For better performance of the rifle, the diameter of the bypass hole is reduced. This is done using a special bushing. It is inserted into the rubber bypass gasket. The bushing, as well as the weighting material, can be purchased or ordered from a turner. To reduce the diameter of the bypass hole, a piece of gel pen refill is also used. To prevent the air flow from pushing it out, you need to make a cap at one end.

How to convert a cold PM into a combat weapon

But before you walk around the city with it, you need to learn how to use it; it’s best to take a few consultations with an instructor. You should choose a shooting range for training. Shooting from a cold weapon is as loud as a firearm, so using it in a crowded place risks attracting the attention of law enforcement officers.

Carrying and storing cold weapons There are no special rules for storing SCP; you need to find a place for it in the house where children do not have access. Transportation also does not require permits, there are no prohibitions on the transport of such weapons, only a certificate of conformity is required when exporting them from the country.

How does the Dobrynya aerosol gun work?

The main problem of converting aerosol pistols into traumatic ones is that you need serious technical knowledge, an understanding of the shooting process, and knowledge of the operating principle of internal mechanisms. The most important thing is to know how a weapon for self-defense works, on the basis of which modifications will be made. The Dobrynya pistol consists of several parts:

  1. Plastic case. It consists of two large parts, which are connected to each other with metal bolts. The plastic case is not intended for serious operational loads or impacts from bullet shooting. This material is suitable for shooting small aerosol cartridges.
  2. Magazine 5 shells.
  3. Trigger.
  4. Metal striker mechanism.
  5. Feed spring. The second spring is located at the front of the gun.

The Dobrynya aerosol weapon does not have a full-fledged barrel. It is replaced by imitation.

Main technical characteristics:

  1. The guaranteed number of shots is 1000.
  2. The minimum range for using a pistol is 1 m.
  3. The range for effective shooting is no more than 5 m.
  4. Magazine capacity – 5 BAM.
  5. The dimensions of the pistol are 14x12 cm, 5x28 mm.
  6. The weight of the weapon without loaded BAMs is 175 g.
  7. Trigger force is about 70 N.
  8. Temperature conditions for operation without breakdowns are from -20 to 50 degrees Celsius.
  9. High quality assembly, connection of individual parts. If worn and stored correctly, the pistol will last for many years (depending on the activity of use).

When purchasing this pistol, a person receives not only a weapon, but also additional equipment:

  1. Adapters for firing different projectiles.
  2. Operating instructions, description of technical characteristics.

You can separately purchase a holster for comfortable wearing:

After studying the device, you can talk about the principle of operation of the aerosol gun. After pressing the trigger, the firing pin cocks itself. At the same time, it is activated. The drummer hits the primer of the topmost cartridge. The capsule breaks due to impact. At this time the piston begins to move. Jets of self-defense agent - irritant - fly out of the muzzle hole.

After the person releases the trigger, the ejector will advance the spent cartridge to the feeder spring. It will push the spent projectile out of the pistol body. A new can will take its place.

Answer to some questions about the Dobrynya pistol

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