Crossbow with reverse arms: similarities and differences with a block one

The modern market offers a large selection of crossbows. They differ in manufacturer, technical characteristics, etc. The most common are recursive and block. They are perfect for hunting, as the shooting distance is short and the shot is quite loud.

At first glance, crossbows are similar and there is no difference which one to choose, but in practice the situation is different. The devices have a number of differences, advantages and disadvantages. Our article will help you understand them.

Recurve crossbow: what is it?

The word recursive itself is of English origin and is translated as curved in the opposite direction. This type of device is classic and has been used for a very long time. Moreover, such crossbows were used in ancient times.

Today their appearance has hardly changed. They are represented by arcs that are curved in the direction of the shot. S-shaped.

The principle of its operation is as follows. The tension intensifies and grows due to the bending of the arches. It becomes maximum as soon as the trigger mechanism has fixed the bowstring.

In this case, the load is more than 40 kg . As soon as the bowstring relaxes, the shot is fired. The arcs straighten and the accumulated energy is transferred to the arrow.

History of origin

The appearance of the first crossbows dates back to the 5th century BC. This weapon was invented approximately in Greece, but it acquired the characteristics of a rifle only in the 14th century AD. Subsequently, it was supplemented with all the amenities inherent in rifles (trigger, butt, handle), and through the use of modern materials, it was possible to significantly reduce the weight of this weapon. So the crossbow has become much more convenient and accurate in shooting compared to its predecessors. Some models received a rifle form factor, including those designed for long-range shooting.

Compound crossbow: what is it?

A block crossbow has a more complex design. The main difference from the classic version of the device is the presence of a block system. The latter is located on the arches and is an auxiliary element of the bowstring that passes through it.

The shot of such a bow is carried out thanks to installed blocks . When the rope is cocked, they rotate and tighten the cables. The latter provide bending of the arches. At first the force increases, but then drops sharply, and the load is evenly distributed.

A so-called reset occurs. After the bowstring is released from the trigger mechanism, the arcs become straight, the blocks rotate back, and a shot occurs.

These crossbow variants have a number of features. When fired they make a clicking noise . In some devices it is more pronounced, in others less.

But it is worth noting right away that the possibility of a silent shot is excluded. Their shooting distance is acceptable for hunting, where they are successfully used.

Criterias of choice

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which crossbow is better, a recurve or a block crossbow. A lot depends on the tasks that the weapon will be called upon to solve and on the conditions in which it will be used. But general recommendations on how to choose crossbows for hunting still exist.

The most important technical characteristics are the following:

  • weapon power;
  • firing range;
  • design complexity;
  • manufacturing materials.

As for materials, everything is quite simple. Since wood has the property of bending fatigue, it does not allow the weapon to remain loaded for a long time. Therefore, the best option would be a model whose main working parts are made of metal or modern composite materials, and they are not afraid of being in a bent state for a long time.

The complexity of the design, as a rule, directly depends on the capabilities of the weapon. It is quite obvious that the most powerful crossbow in the world will have a fairly highly complex design, the presence of additional and auxiliary components and mechanisms. Of course, the complexity of the device also affects how much a crossbow of a particular model costs.

And yet, the main selection criterion is the power of the model, which naturally affects the firing range. The power that characterizes this or that model is measured in the tension force of the bowstring. It is expressed in kg/s.

There are several generally accepted gradations of the power of weapons of this type:

  • Sports models with a tension force of up to 47 kg/s, suitable for hunting small and medium-sized animals. This class most often includes small pistol-type models.
  • More serious hunting with a crossbow for wild boar and other large animals requires a pulling force of 50-70 kg/s. Models with such characteristics use special hunting arrows for crossbows of various designs.
  • The most powerful models, with indicators above 70 kg/s, are usually block type with mechanical tension of the bowstring. Loading an arrow in such bulky and lethal models can take up to one minute.

Advantages of recurve crossbows

Recursive devices have a number of advantages, thanks to which they are still in demand among archers today. And not only for beginners, but for professionals with extensive experience. Among the main advantages of such devices are the following.

Little weight. The crossbow is quite light, which is very convenient. It is practically not noticeable on the shoulder, and the hunter can move through the forest longer.

The block weight is 1.5 - 3 kg more. And this is not surprising. Its design is much more complex and requires additional parts.

High accuracy rate. The setting is performed once, after which it is stored for a long time. It does not need to be repeated.

Another type of crossbow is inferior in this matter. The adjustment is carried out at certain intervals.

Reliable and durable. This property is due to the simplicity of the design. This bow has a minimum number of parts that move.

It is perfect for extreme hunting conditions, going through bushes and trees. Crossbows with different blocks and cables quickly become unusable.

The string is replaced. The tightly stretched rope that is included in the design sometimes breaks during hunting. This unfortunate event will pause your training.

But if the crossbow is recurve, then fixing the problem will not be difficult. It is enough to replace it, the arms of the bow will easily bend and allow the rope to be pulled over the ends. As for the block one, this process is much more complicated.

It is unlikely that you will be able to deal with it yourself; it is better to contact a specialist or the store where it was purchased;

Powerful. It is not inferior in strength to a block one.


Despite the fact that hunting crossbows in Russia, unlike many other countries, are not officially legalized as permitted weapons, they are on free sale, since there is also no clear ban on their use.

Today, the specialized market offers the following types of crossbows:

  • block;
  • recrusive;
  • shortened, pistol type.

Much in the choice of weapon depends on hunting conditions, the size of the animal or bird, firing range and many other aspects. However, when deciding which best crossbow to choose for hunting, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each type of this specific weapon.


A modern block crossbow for hunting is a serious combat design designed for hunting large animals. Thanks to the reinforced frame, the presence of fine adjustment mechanisms and the use of modern high-tech materials, the block design is the most powerful crossbow for hunting, providing high accuracy, range and stopping effect.

The complex design of the block model significantly increases its efficiency, but at the same time significantly increases the dimensions and weight characteristics. This is an excellent crossbow for hunting wild boar or elk, for example. But for shooting small animals or game, such weapons are too cumbersome and practically useless, since heavy crossbow arrows cause too much damage.


It is a familiar design with curved arches and a classic arrangement of tension and release mechanisms. Despite the fact that the power of a crossbow of this type is noticeably inferior to its block counterparts, recrusting weapons have a much lighter weight and compact dimensions. It is easy to set up, easy to maintain, and has high maintainability. Uses arrows of various types, calibers and designs.

Silent duck hunting with this model brings true pleasure and indescribable excitement.

Pistol type

The capabilities of the most compact and lightweight models of this design are often unfairly underestimated by many hunters. Of course, even the most powerful pistol-type crossbow cannot compare in range and firing efficiency with either the classic or block design.

However, the advantages of such weapons lie not only in their small size and light weight, but also in the versatility of the ammunition used. This crossbow, which shoots balls and arrows, can be used for completely different types of hunting.

Block crossbows: main advantages

The block type bow has many advantages:

  • Small shoulder span, which makes it narrow and increases its mobility. It is easy to move through the forest with such a design;
  • Minimum load on the bow trigger. This is explained by the fact that in a tense state the holding force in it is thirty percent of the maximum capabilities. As a result, the resource of the element increases;
  • High arrow speed. There is no need to put a lot of effort when pulling. This process is easy.

After comparing different types of crossbows, it is difficult to say which one is better. Since each has its pros and cons. If we talk about popularity, then block ones have recently become more and more popular. But you shouldn’t be guided by this.

Experts recommend that beginners try to shoot from each , and then just make a choice. At the same time, consider why it is needed and the conditions of use. The crossbow should be comfortable and liked by its owner.

Features of hunting

Experienced hunters know that hunting a duck with a crossbow is a thankless and even useless task, since it is simply impossible to set the necessary lead when aiming. But for hunting a lekking bird, or sitting on the water, such a silent weapon is almost ideal.

But the advantages that hunting with a crossbow provides are by no means limited to the absence of noise from a shot, as a result of which all living things scatter at a distance of several kilometers.

Bowstring weapons do not need to be cleaned after each shot; they are much simpler and safer to handle and transport. For example, a pistol-type crossbow for hunting can easily fit into a regular bag or backpack.

On the other hand, there is a significant drawback to this type of hunting. It consists in the fact that in Russia hunting with a crossbow is not officially permitted. More precisely, it does not have a legal status. Accordingly, the hunter runs the risk of encountering troubles from law enforcement agencies and environmental organizations.

The process of shooting a bow: how does it happen?

Before discussing which compound bow is better and why it is better in principle, let's consider how the process of shooting a bow occurs. It is a process, since one must carefully prepare for the release of an arrow. First, we will describe it from the point of view of a shooter from a classical design, so that you can judge the degree of complexity of this process. So, shooting from a recursive bow occurs according to the following scheme:

    “Ready” phase : get into position, pick up the bow and place your fingers on the string.

Phase “Tensing the bow” : you tighten the bowstring, bending the arms of the bow, thus accumulating potential energy in them. To do this you need to make a certain effort.

Aiming Phase : Keep both eyes on the sight and prepare to release the bowstring.

“Release” phase : Having caught the target in your sight, continue to draw the bow until you hear the click of the clicker. Now you've reached maximum effort - it's time to shoot!

Shot Phase : With the click of the clicker, you relax your fingers and release the arrow. At this point, the bow structure may be thrown away from you. This is the so-called return.

The shooter has a difficult time: he must pull the bowstring to the maximum, maintain the force of its tension while aiming, aim and release the arrow correctly to minimize the recoil force. Agree, all this requires an Olympic effort.

But if you shoot with a compound bow, this process will be easier and the shot will be more accurate.


The base on which the stock and shoulders of the product are fixed is the body. It is advisable to cut it from a metal blank with a thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.

The crossbow stock is fixed in the central part of the body and at the end using bolts. The use of such a solution facilitates the rapid assembly of weapons to bring them into combat condition and disassembly during transportation.

A stirrup is welded to the body at the bottom. The latter makes it possible to hold the crossbow with your foot when the bowstring is pulled. It is recommended to use wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm as the material for making stirrups.

Differences between a crossbow and a bow

Even a light crossbow has a significant energy advantage over a bow. A trained archer sends an arrow with a maximum of 70 J of energy at the point of departure. A light crossbow provides twice that, up to 150 J. A light crossbow's arrow weighs 50 g and is released at a speed of 70 m/s.

Throughout its history, the crossbow has fought fiercely with the bow. He won in range, aiming accuracy and penetrating power. But it was inferior in terms of rate of fire and mobility.

The best models for hunting

The Russian market presents mainly imported models. It is not possible to clearly select the best model; we will list only the most popular of them.

Barnett Crossbows Ghost 410

A model characterized by an optimal ratio of price and quality parameters. It has a fairly high arrow flight speed, reaching 125 m/s. It is a classic (recrusting) layout scheme made of modern composite materials. It is distinguished by high reliability and durability, high combat characteristics at a very affordable price (about 18-20 thousand rubles).

Interloper Skald

Powerful block design with high mass and destructive power. Thanks to this model, hunting with a crossbow for elk or any other large animal can be carried out from fairly long distances, without the risk of spooking the sensitive animal. At the same time, for a powerful and fairly heavy design (4.3 kg), this model has fairly compact dimensions.

Barnett Vengeance Crossbow

Another model of a block design, designed for hunting in various conditions. Despite all the complexity of the mechanisms, it has the ability to fine-tune, high range and combat accuracy. It can use both ordinary arrows or bolts as ammunition, and a special harpoon for a crossbow, designed for specific types of hunting.


It is impossible not to mention the domestic development, produced under the Tactic brand. This hunting weapon is available in various versions, and shooting balls from a crossbow of this family allows you to achieve impressive results when hunting small animals or stationary birds or game. In addition, weapons of this brand are distinguished by their reliable design, unpretentiousness and low price.

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