Caliber History: .408 Cheyenne Tactical. Good Indian

.408 Cheyenne Tactical
Chuck typesniper
Manufacturer countryUSA
Cartridge10.3×77 mm
Type of weapon using cartridgesniper rifles
Service history
Production history
ConstructorJohn Taylor William O. Wordman
Time of creationyear 2001
Years of productionsince 2001
Chuck length, mm109,4
Real bullet caliber, mm10,4
Bullet weight, g19,8-27,2
Powder charge mass, g10,32
Initial bullet speed, m/s910—1100
Bullet energy11 350
Sleeve parameters
Sleeve length, mm77
Case neck diameter, mm11,1
Sleeve shoulder diameter, mm15,3
Sleeve base diameter, mm16,2
Sleeve flange diameter, mm16,3
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

.408 Cheyenne Tactical
.408 Chey Tac
, 10.3×77 mm) is a specialized sniper ammunition for long-range shooting.

The cartridge was created with the goal of conducting high-precision sniper shooting up to 3500 m. It was assumed that the maximum firing range of the .408 Cheyenne Tactical cartridge would be 3000 m. The .408 Cheyenne Tactical cartridge occupies an intermediate position between the .338 Lapua Magnum and .50 BMG. The .408 Cheyenne Tactical ammunition is manufactured and sold by CheyTac Associates. The pressure in the barrel when fired with this cartridge reaches 440 MPa.


The .408 Cheyenne Tactical cartridge was created by Cheyenne Tactical and Tactical High Energy Impact Systems (THEIS) under the direction of Dr. John Taylor and with the participation of William O. Wordman in 2001. From the very beginning, the new cartridge was developed as part of the program for advanced sniper weapons of the 21st century, the goal of which was to create a highly accurate and effective cartridge that would outperform all existing ammunition, including .50 BMG, in terms of accurate fire efficiency.

Variety of operatives – 8/10

The good news is that there are quite a few operators in the game (52+, not counting recruits). The bad news is that a good half of them are available only for donation currency. Of course, it is quite possible to earn it by playing, but the event is not quick.

The remaining operatives are purchased either for credits, which can be earned in battles, or for a unique Event Key, which can be obtained during events and for some contracts. For example, everyone received one such key for the New Year 2022 as part of the “ Common Cause ” event.

This key is spent on purchasing one of 4 unique operatives from different classes. They are at the end of the list - Scout , Bison , Kaval and Busel .

If we talk about the operative system as a whole, the big disadvantage is the inability to choose another weapon . All barrels are initially tied to specific operatives and cannot be replaced. But they can be improved a little (more on this later).

On the other hand, there are operatives in Caliber for every taste and for every playing style. For those who like to " rush " there are mobile attack aircraft such as Rein with rapid-fire assault rifles and grenades. Even an ability that disorients enemies around for a short period of time literally screams in the player’s ears that this stormtrooper’s place is in the vanguard.

Those who like to “ carry ” the whole team on themselves will appreciate Bastion with an assault shield that does not allow damage to pass through. In direct hands, this operative is a formidable weapon in his own right. And in combination with competent allies - a real impassion.

There are even doctors here to suit every taste. If you want, throw a capsule with “ healing gas ”, like Karavay, or if you want, heal allies in a radius around you, like Bard. If you want, run with a shotgun, if you want, run with a PP. The main thing is to have fun playing.

And, of course, you can’t ignore snipers. Some of them use large-caliber sniper rifles that kill with 1 hit to the head. Others are armed with Marksman rifles of the " vintorez " type - the damage is weaker, but the firing mode is semi-automatic or even automatic. It's funny that there is a sniper even with an assault rifle.

Therefore, it is a sin to complain about the diversity of operatives. The only drawback in our opinion is the inability to change weapons. Otherwise, at least 8/10.

Bullet type

Previously, the range of cartridges was provided by one type of bullet - Solid. Recently, the production of expansive types of bullets has begun.

  • Solid - made entirely of copper alloy. When hitting a target, it has the same properties as conventional jacketed bullets (FMJ).
  • HPBT[1] is a hollow point bullet (with a cavity in the bullet nose and a beveled rear part).

Bullet weights range from 305 to 419 grains. In grams - from 19 to 27 g. Weight of expansive bullets - from 390 to 415 grains.

Combat system – 9/10

Now we’ve come to the biggest advantage of Caliber – the combat system. To show all its beauty, in addition to the text, short videos were prepared - clippings from replays. Be sure to review them as you read this section. They illustrate the gameplay of Caliber better than any words.

Death is not scary

It’s worth starting with the fact that operatives in battle do not die immediately . First they fall on all fours and have some time to get to cover. After which they fall to the ground completely and can no longer move or give signals to the team.

Any ally with a Reanimation Kit can revive a fallen comrade in a couple of seconds, and he will return to the battle. Doctors differ in this regard in that instead of one resuscitation kit, they carry several with them at once.

However, any enemy player can perform a finishing move on a wounded ally, after which he will die and cannot be revived for that round.

Positional skirmishes

This is something that, in our opinion, is so lacking in most modern online shooters. If in some CS:GO players are constantly on the move, and 90% of success is shooting skill, then in Caliber the dynamics of the offensive harmoniously alternate with holding advantageous positions.

Game maps are full of a variety of shelters. Some (wooden) can be destroyed by shots, some (stone) can be blown up by grenade launchers, and some (fuel barrels, cars) can even explode, causing damage to everyone in a small radius around.

Players have to constantly use cover, just like soldiers would do in a real battle. Moreover, some classes can use bipods when shooting from cover, thereby increasing accuracy.

One round in the life of a stormtrooper

Tactical superiority

The variety of weapons in Caliber allows you to choose an operative to suit your play style. For example, the Shadow sniper with a Marksman rifle is good at medium distances, but is vulnerable when in close contact with the enemy.

To do this, he always has a 6-round hand grenade launcher with him. The best thing about this weapon is that grenades can be thrown at the enemy by ricocheting off walls.

This is just one of dozens, if not hundreds, of examples of competent use of an operative’s strengths in combat. Some fighters have incendiary grenade launchers in their arsenal, some have smoke bombs, others even have gas grenades and drones. Using the available weapons wisely, you can turn the tide of battle at the most unexpected moment for the enemy.

But it's better to see it once. Therefore, we suggest watching the entire battle for the Shadow.

One fight in the life of a sniper


The .408 Cheyenne Tactical cartridge is used both in military sniper rifles and as a hunting cartridge, for example in the mountains and at long distances. Today it is not widely used and rifles chambered for this cartridge are produced in only a few countries, for example in the USA, Germany, Russia (the SVL rifle was produced by a private arms company until 2011, now the modernized SVLK-14S rifle is produced by the same company, which has changed its name to "LobaevArms" (OOO "KB Integrated Systems")). The cartridge can be used at distances up to 3500 m. As practice has shown, the cartridge does not provide the accuracy that was stated when the cartridge was promoted to the market (0.3-0.5 MOA) and is actually about 1 MOA. Precision sniper fire on a tall target with the .408 Cheyenne Tactical cartridge can be fired at a range of up to 3000 meters (the practical range is limited by the capabilities of the sights). The maximum range of use of the cartridge is 3500 m against large targets.

Class System – 9/10

As mentioned above, operatives in Caliber are divided into classes. There are 4 of them in total:

  • Stormtrooper. Usually armed with a machine gun and a grenade, or an under-barrel grenade launcher. The most mobile medium armored class. The main tasks are to quickly capture positions advantageous to the team and destroy enemy personnel.

  • Support fighter. The strongest class in all respects. Armed with a heavy machine gun and grenades. Tenacious, but slow. The main tasks are suppressive fire, holding back the advance along the flank, and direct assault together with the allies.

  • Medic. The most difficult, but most popular class. If a medic on a team knows how to play, the chances of winning increase significantly. Often armed with a SMG or shotgun. Not the most damaging class, but it can apply positive effects to allies and restore their health. Has the largest stock of resuscitation kits.

  • Sniper. Second most difficult after the medic. If a sniper can play, this is a big plus for the team. Typically armed with a sniper or marksman rifle with a telescopic sight, as well as a hand grenade launcher/gas grenades. Sometimes even " sniffer drones" The main task is to cover the allies with fire and destroy enemy personnel.

To understand the picture of the combat system in Caliber, it must be said that no equality is assumed between classes . And what kind of equality can there be in a confrontation between 1 x 1 medic with a submachine gun and an armored support who, in addition to the submachine gun, also has an impenetrable police shield? No, that's not what Caliber is about.

Each class performs its own tasks in battle . If a player for some reason does not do what his class is supposed to do, the team loses its advantage. For example, a sniper, for obvious reasons, is weak in close combat, and if he goes to “ rush ” to the front line, even a medic will kill him very easily. If the support fighter sits out in the rear, the team will lose “ fat ” and in the end he will be left alone surrounded by enemies.

Only competent roleplaying for the class of your operative will ensure victory for the team. And for this, the Caliber class system gets a well-deserved 9/10 points.

Fighting qualities of the cartridge

The cartridge is characterized by high accuracy and accuracy of fire. At ranges over 700 meters, the energy of a .408 caliber bullet is higher than the energy of a .50 BMG bullet at the same range, and due to the special shape and design of the bullet, it has a very high ballistic coefficient, and maintains supersonic speed at a distance of over 2000 meters, while , that the .408 cartridge itself is 30% lighter than the .50 BMG and creates less recoil.

The .408 Cheyenne Tactical bullet is capable of penetrating any personal protective equipment. Can also be used against vehicles like large-caliber sniper rifles.

Game modes – 7 / 10

Game modes in Caliber are not very diverse. There are 3 PVP modes, 3 cooperative PVE modes, introductory training missions (one for each class) and a training ground.

PVP modes are:

  • Ranked battles 4 on 4 . The player increases his rank and advances through the 5 available leagues. At the end of the season, in-game currency, containers and resources are given as rewards.
  • Regular 4v4 battles . Two teams fight on small maps. The task is to destroy the enemy. At the end of the round, a neutral zone appears that can be captured to win. The maximum number of rounds in a match is 5.
  • Front . An unusual 4v4 mode with capture of control points. At the same time, bots will also come from everywhere, who shoot accurately and can kill unwary onlookers with almost a one-shot. To win you need to score points.

The modes are really interesting and replayable, although there are few of them. To fully appreciate them, you need to understand the game's combat system. We'll talk about it further.

As for PVE modes, these are:

  • Stripping,
  • Special operation,
  • Onslaught (3 difficulty levels).

Here it is necessary to emphasize once again that bots in Caliber are complex . If you think that co-op against AI is boring and dull, then this game will quickly convince you of that. Once you lean out of cover at the wrong time, the operative ends up on the floor with a broken helmet.

At the same time, as you progress, you are given tasks that often have to be completed in extremely uncomfortable conditions. For example, defend a sector so that it is not taken or cover a bot engineer while he runs around and fixes something there. At this time, the shelling does not stop from all sides. And if there is not at least minimal teamwork, the bots will easily kill everyone in the first 2-3 minutes of the mission.

As for the Prologue , they are designed to familiarize the player with the operative classes. As a reward for completing the game, you will be given some donation coins.

At the training ground you can practice shooting against bots alone. From time to time, everyone should look there, since accurate shooting and quick reactions in battle are always a plus for any fan of PVP shooters.

As a result, the game modes in Caliber are 7/10. They don’t differ in variety, but they captivate you from the first minutes. The shootouts look very impressive. Although sometimes they can be damn difficult.


  1. Midway USA
  2. EDM Arms XM04
  3. PGWDTI Timberwolf Tactical rifle Archived September 10, 2012 on the Wayback Machine Archived September 10, 2012.
  4. Lawton Machine
  5. Grande Armeria Camuna precision rifles (unspecified)
    (inaccessible link). Access date: June 27, 2010. Archived December 16, 2014.
  6. RND 2500 semi-automatic rifle (unspecified)
    (inaccessible link). Access date: June 27, 2010. Archived May 2, 2009.
  7. Vigilance Rifles VR1
  8. VOERE X3 - Das modulare Präzisionsgewehr (German).
    . Access date: August 24, 2022.

Graphics – 8/10

From a visual point of view, Caliber is beautiful. The graphics detail is really high. And so much so that even on modern video cards at ultra settings it causes periodic drops in FPS. Here you have chromatic aberrations, lens distortion, local shading, and much more. The picture is great - it would pull iron!

The shootouts look extremely impressive and interesting – at least for our tastes. If we evaluate the graphics strictly objectively, then they are almost in no way inferior to those in other modern shooters, and often even surpass them. From time to time, some shortcomings are noticed in the character animation. But to say that this spoils the overall experience of the game would be blasphemy.

Here are some gameplay screenshots from the replays.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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