How to choose the most powerful pistol crossbow

Crossbows are a unique type of weapon with a centuries-old history. In some respects, they are superior even to smooth-bore options. A pistol crossbow is inferior in power to screw varieties, but this does not exclude the possibility of using it not only for entertainment, but also for hunting. You can do it yourself.

A pistol-type crossbow in action.

Modern models

Modern models of the presented small arms are used both for sport shooting and for hunting. Moreover, tracking game with a crossbow in your hands has some peculiarities and attracts with its indescribable atmosphere. A crossbow pistol can be recommended to novice hunters and athletes to improve shooting accuracy, as well as to learn to feel the force of the wind and make corrections for weather conditions.

Our compatriots, among the wide variety of small arms and pistols, give preference to two popular domestically produced models - “Scout” and “Aspid”, as well as the Taiwanese product MK-80. Now let’s try to figure out why the choice falls on them.

Crossbows that fire bullets or stones

Crossbows that fire bullets or stones

Despite Espinar's opinion, by the end of the 17th century. The crossbow is almost universally replaced by hunting rifles. It is preferred primarily by those who hunt big game. For small game and some species of birds, a special type of crossbow that fired bullets was preserved. It was known in France as an arbalete-a-jalet, in Germany as a kugelschnepper (bullet) and in many ways differed significantly from a conventional crossbow. Thus, its bowstring was made of two parallel ropes, held by separate bone or wooden attachments, like those of stone bows. In the middle of the rope there was a leather grip that held the projectile, which was used as a pebble, lead or terracotta spool, chosen depending on the hunter’s preferences.

Crossbows for throwing stones have been mentioned in Europe since the beginning of the 14th century. In one of the first copies of the “Book of Hunting” of the 15th century. According to Gaston de Foix, the chamois hunter is first advised to make hay piles or set up nets in the places where the animals pass. Then, when the chamois have to climb high cliffs, his assistants “must throw stones at them with crossbows so that they remain in place ... or do everything in their power so that they begin to dodge the stones and jump over the rocks.”

True, only examples dating back to the 16th century have survived. In 1547, in the Inventory of the Arsenal of Henry VIII, Fr. In 1583, Claude Gaucher published the poem “The Pleasure of Hunting,” where he devotes several lines to the stone bow:

And then I approach with a crossbow in my hands, I draw it and insert the cannonball into the sling, Raising it and taking aim, I see a blackbird or another bird. I press the lever, releasing the bowstring, And the bow straightens with terrible force, Fires a bullet straight into the air into the rising bird.

The “bow of terrible power” he mentioned, with the help of which the lead bullet was fired, turns out to be nothing more than a catapult, and not a full-fledged crossbow. Nevertheless, stone crossbows were also distinguished by their accuracy. In his 1682 book A Collection of Curious Facts, Baron Hochberg describes how, in 1638, he observed Prince Matteo de' Medici in Bremen shooting with a stone bow at a ball thrown by a page in such a way that both balls, made of baked clay, shattered into pieces. A stone crossbow that once belonged to Queen Catherine de' Medici of France is now kept in the Army Museum in Paris. It belongs to a popular model common in Italy and France.

The artist Jan van der Straat (1523-1605), known as Stradanus, painted most of his best works while working at the invitation of Duke Cosimo de' Medici in Florence. Then he made drawings for the tapestries of the palace in Peggio a Caiano. Most of the paintings show men and women hunting birds, rabbits and other game with an Italian variety of stone crossbows.

These crossbows had a long, straight frame with a slightly curved front section between the bow and the barrel. A sight with a point was attached to the bow. The trunk itself was often decorated with beautiful wood carvings with images of animals or fish. A simple hinged trigger mechanism was operated by a long hook, releasing the leather sling. The two ropes were easily pulled by hand. The low power of the bow is proven by the fact that in all the drawings made by Stradanus, hunters armed with such bows had to sneak up on the prey as close as possible.

Sometimes they had to use specially constructed shelters (Fig. 83). There is often an image of a cow covered with a blanket reaching to the ground, it was used as a component for cover during hunting with a German wheel gun made around 1580, say, like the example that is kept in the Tower of London.

Another Florentine artist, Antonio Tempesta (1555-1630), was proud of his depictions of hunters with stone bows. In J. Olina's book Antiquities, published in Rome in 1622, there is an engraving depicting hunters armed with stone bows and a kind of net or net with a long handle, which allowed them to hunt birds at night by the light of lanterns.

Olina suggests that “the crossbows used for this purpose must have had a soft bow with a coating so as not to make any noise when the arrow was released. Therefore, if someone accidentally missed, the birds would not get scared and would not fly up, and one could try to shoot at them again.”

German and Swedish stone bows were made differently in shape. One of the varieties, the so-called slot crossbow, has already been discussed above. A poem scratched on the silver barrel plate describes this type of bow, probably with a magazine release:

There are twenty-four bullets in my belly, I spew them out one by one, Quickly and consistently, And whoever tries to stop them will receive a bullet Himself.

Rice. 83. A hunter sneaking up on birds with a stone crossbow under the cover of a model of a cow (the legs of a hiding man are shown). From Stradanus' book Venationes (1570)

Most German stone bows had a steel rod that served as a barrel, onto which a movable lever was attached, which was pressed against the head with a clamp. A box with a lock rotated on a hinged lever, which included a folding sight, a hook and a system of levers that connected all this with something like a trigger. Such a rod or frame holding the lever and lock sometimes ended with a wooden head intended for the cheek (photo 79). In later samples it was supplemented with a rifle-like barrel, characteristic of a particular manufacturer (photo 81).

Note that bows were made in different sizes - from toy ones for children to large bows for target shooting. Some had a removable platform or stand located in the middle of the bow so that arrows could also be fired. An interesting example of a combined weapon is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. It consists of a carbine with a wheel lock, the barrel of which acts as a frame for a stone crossbow.

In England, the stone crossbow continued to be a favorite hunting weapon. A 16th-century embroidered tapestry at Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire, known as the Game Hunter, depicts two crossbows used for hunting birds. One of them is a crossbow with a straight barrel that fired arrows, the other can be considered an example of an Italian stone crossbow. It is a stone bow with a built-in pincer tensioner, which was popular in England.

Made by the London gunsmith Andrew Dohler around 1695, the crossbow in the Kienbush collection has an Italian style barrel, but operates by bending it. It was this type of bow that English crossbow manufacturers began to improve at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Made by Joseph Egg around 1820, the silver-plated stone bow is kept in the Tower of London. It has a built-in lever mechanism attached to a conventional rifle stock so that it can be fired from the shoulder. It also had a sight with a hole and thin wires in the field of view, making it easier to aim.

In “Rural Hunt” of 1807, W.V. Daniel wrote the following about these bows: “The bullet-firing bows were of a modern and fairly neat design. As for the accuracy, it is simply amazing; with their help you can knock down a ball placed on the tip of a knife. And the most remarkable thing is that an absolute beginner can do this at a distance of 15 to 20 yards, and the balls always come out with the same accuracy.

In the 19th century crossbows were most widely used in East Anglia and Lancashire. At least one study is known about supporters of this type of hunting. Although there were claims of unique shots taken on rabbits and even larger game, stone bows continued to be used primarily for bird hunting.

In England, they revived the old Italian tradition of hunting birds at night by lantern light. In the 1845 edition of John Mayer's Advice to Hunters, the following description is given: “Let two or three go with lanterns and lighted candles, holding them outstretched in their hands, in the other hand carrying a small net like a net, but smaller in size, attached to the end of a long a pole to knock down birds as they roost for the night. Surprised by the light directly hitting them, they do not have time to move before they immediately find themselves knocked to the ground. The bow is very useful in this case, since it allows you to shoot down birds while they are sitting.”

True, the hunters themselves did not really value shooting at a sitting target, but during the day this type of shooting gave quite funny results.

The following anecdote appeared in Hone's Daily Book for 1848: “Some time ago, in the garden behind the church courthouse there were several large elms, where many rooks settled and built their nests. The young gentleman who lived in the attic unwittingly became their close neighbor and often amused himself by shooting at them with his crossbow. On the opposite side of the same garden lived a curious old doctor. He was at a loss, seeing from the window of his office how rooks suddenly fell to the ground for no apparent reason, “falling in clusters” from the branches in complete silence. Sparing no effort, he wasted his time on completely useless observations. Finally, having collected, as it seemed to him, enough information, the doctor thought about what was happening again and again until he finally came to the conclusion, which completely satisfied him, that he had made a great ornithological discovery, because, in his opinion, birds died, giving life to their offspring in accordance with with the principle “Volito vivus per ora vivum” (“The living reaches the border of life”).

Deciding that publishing information about this discovery would bring fame, he wrote a message about it in one of the magazines. When the true reason for the phenomenon that shocked him was finally revealed, our old man lost his mind, unable to bear the shock that befell him.”

In 1849, Richard Edward Hodges received a patent for "improvements in mechanical devices." The catapult crossbow made under this patent looked like a gun, except that its barrel was cut with two longitudinal slits through which an elastic bowstring passed. Hodge describes it as “constructed in the likeness of an ordinary game-hunting crossbow, which could also be adapted for deer hunting, and could be easily carried over long distances and fired without producing any noise or smell.”

The Tower of London houses another type of Hodges catapult, which has a rifle barrel and a rigid crossbow with an elastic bowstring (photo 84). However, none of these catapults seriously competed with steel drawn stone bows.

In Italy, stone crossbows continued to be used to hunt the smallest birds, as well as fish, since the use of short guns could damage the delicate flesh. In "Illustrated Hunting" 1868-1869. An image of night hunting in Italy is given, from which it becomes clear that it was carried out in exactly the same way as in the 16th century.

The most powerful pistol-type crossbow: a review of popular models

Each crossbow model is designed to achieve specific goals. To choose the most powerful pistol-type crossbow, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular weapon models.

They all differ:

  • speed of arrow departure;
  • tension force;
  • weight of the product.

MK-80 (plastic). A pistol crossbow that fires two-feathered arrows. There is an automatic fuse. Easy to cock. Composite material is used to make the shoulders, and a strong polymer thread is used for the bowstring. Designed for lovers of an exciting holiday. The initial speed of the arrows is 48 m/s. Weighs 0.6 kg. The force when tensioning the arcs is 36 kgf.

"Aspid". A powerful and at the same time elegant crossbow-pistol, one of the top sellers. Multifunctional, designed for shooting arrows and balls. Equipped with a fuse for safety. Not suitable for hunting, designed for sports and recreational shooting. Tension - 36 kgf. Weighs 1 kg.

MK-80A3. One of the most powerful pistol crossbows. Made of light metal alloy, weighs 0.8 kg. The design has an automatic safety and stirrup cocking. Supplied with aluminum darts. Arrow speed 48 m/s. Tension - 36 kgf.

"Scout" (aka "Behemoth"). For those looking for the most powerful pistol-type crossbow, the Scout is perfect. This weapon is of the highest quality. It was produced by Poe Lang, which produces many other popular models. Its main difference from other modifications is the presence of original grip and body linings, which allow you to confidently hold the weapon in both hands. The model is equipped with a scope rail. Arrow speed - 50 m/s. Weapon weight - 0.85 kg. Tension - 36kgs.

"Tactician". Often recommended as the most powerful pistol crossbow for hunting made in Russia. Available in different modifications. When shooting with balls, it is possible to achieve high results when hunting birds and game. It is distinguished by its low price and ease of care.

Products in the catalog

The MainHunter online store sells guns with different types of hulls. Here you can buy:

  • crossbow-pistol MK-80A3 and MK-50A2 with an aluminum body;
  • models MK-80A1 and MK-50A1 – with plastic (plastic);
  • MK-80 models – in fiberglass version;
  • MK-50 products – in metal version, etc.

The weapon comes with detailed instructions that will help you easily master shooting and quickly adjust its accuracy if necessary. They are distinguished by excellent maneuverability, durability of the trigger mechanism, and ease of tensioning of the string, which in case of rupture the shooter can replace independently.

Distinctive features

Unlike the previous model, the Aspid crossbow pistol uses metal balls, arrows, and even harpoons as projectiles. For shot shooting, a special unlocking clip for 12 rounds of ammunition is provided. Special magnets hold the balls inside a special tube.

To shoot darts, you need to place it between the ball cage and the guide bar. If you plan to use a harpoon, then a reel is installed on a special protrusion, on which a thread is wound, already connected to the projectile itself. Harpoons are designed for catching fish.

BARNETT Ghost 415 Revenant

Never delivered to our stores, because... the model is new, and the company announced the introduction of sanctions against Russia. But, judging by the previous Ghost 410 model, this one differs little from it structurally. The BARNETT Ghost 410 crossbow is an extremely unreliable model. Developing such speed, all the components of the crossbow literally work to their limits. The abundance of plastic and moving parts does not give confidence in the shot.

For Ghost 410, there are constant calls to service with broken bowstrings, burst shoulders and destruction of blocks in 100% of cases. Repairs are very expensive.

The weight of the crossbow bolt on which the speed is measured is also unclear, because this is not indicated on the official website.


  1. 1234
    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In 65 volumes / chapter. ed. O. Yu. Schmidt. — 1st ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1926. - T. 3 (Henrio - Atoxil). - P. 489. - 800 p.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Fedorov V. G.
    History of the rifle / ed. K. K. Tsvetkovsky. - M.: Voenizdat, 1940. - P. 8-9. — 128 p.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grits T. S.
    Marksmen / ed. M. A. Zubkov, design by V. Noskov. - 2nd ed., supplemented.. - M.: Detgiz, 1956. - P. 22. - 368 p. — 100,000 copies.
  4. Trubnikov B. G.
    Determinant of weapons and weapons. - St. Petersburg: Polygon, 1998. - P. 213. - 704 p. — 10,100 copies. — ISBN 5-89173-010-3.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Volkovsky N.L.
    Crossbow // Children's military encyclopedia / comp. N. L. Volkovsky. - St. Petersburg: Olma-Press, Polygon, 2001. - T. 1. - P. 219-223. — 656 p. — 20,000 copies.
  6. Trubnikov B.G.
    Arquebus // Throwing weapons: Dictionary-reference book / ed. E. Migunova. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2004. - P. 14. - 150 p. — 5000 copies. — ISBN 5-94278-644-5.

Criterias of choice

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which crossbow is better, a recurve or a block crossbow. A lot depends on the tasks that the weapon will be called upon to solve and on the conditions in which it will be used. But general recommendations on how to choose crossbows for hunting still exist.

The most important technical characteristics are the following:

  • weapon power;
  • firing range;
  • design complexity;
  • manufacturing materials.

As for materials, everything is quite simple. Since wood has the property of bending fatigue, it does not allow the weapon to remain loaded for a long time. Therefore, the best option would be a model whose main working parts are made of metal or modern composite materials, and they are not afraid of being in a bent state for a long time.

The complexity of the design, as a rule, directly depends on the capabilities of the weapon. It is quite obvious that the most powerful crossbow in the world will have a fairly highly complex design, the presence of additional and auxiliary components and mechanisms. Of course, the complexity of the device also affects how much a crossbow of a particular model costs.

And yet, the main selection criterion is the power of the model, which naturally affects the firing range. The power that characterizes this or that model is measured in the tension force of the bowstring. It is expressed in kg/s.

There are several generally accepted gradations of the power of weapons of this type:

  • Sports models with a tension force of up to 47 kg/s, suitable for hunting small and medium-sized animals. This class most often includes small pistol-type models.
  • More serious hunting with a crossbow for wild boar and other large animals requires a pulling force of 50-70 kg/s. Models with such characteristics use special hunting arrows for crossbows of various designs.
  • The most powerful models, with indicators above 70 kg/s, are usually block type with mechanical tension of the bowstring. Loading an arrow in such bulky and lethal models can take up to one minute.

What you need to know

Modern schnappers are excellent weapons and have many advantages. However, this type of crossbow also has its disadvantages. It is worth talking about the pros and cons of such weapons in more detail.

  1. The cable system is made of steel and at first glance should be durable. However, in fact, this material can hardly bear the load and can break at any time. At the same time, harm nearby people.

    "Black Python"

  2. In order for the part to last as long as possible, it is recommended to lubricate it with lithol rather than wax. You can also use any other lubricant similar to lithol. Otherwise, the metal will simply rust. The disadvantage of using such a lubricant is that the shooter will get very dirty during prolonged shooting.
  3. To simplify the tension of the crossbow's arms, the weapon's design has two pulleys for each arm. At the same time, the connection of the main blocks of the pulley blocks is carried out using a steel cable, which can lead to an asymmetrical force on the arms of the weapon. As a result, the accuracy and precision of combat is significantly reduced.
  4. To ensure accurate shooting, you need to train long and hard.

Crossbow arrows

Answering the question whether it is possible to make a hunting crossbow with your own hands, we have to state a clear “no”. Theoretically, it is, of course, possible to make a homemade design, provided you have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. But the quality of such weapons will not stand up to criticism.

As mentioned above, wood has low resistance to bending stress. And processing modern high-tech materials at home is almost impossible. Even with a drawing of a homemade crossbow in hand, its implementation in practice poses a serious challenge associated not only with the processing of complex materials, but also with the adjustment of components and mechanisms, their fit and efficient operation.

There is a huge variety of factory-made arrows and points. But many hunters, who have certain experience, metalworking tools and an understanding of their own needs, prefer to make hunting arrowheads for crossbows with their own hands. Here everything depends on the skill of the hunter and the specific tasks that he sets for himself.

As a rule, the following materials are used to create arrows and tips:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Naturally, wood and high-strength plastic, which is preferred in the vast majority of cases, are used for arrow shafts or bolts. And various types of metals and alloys, as in the old days, are used to produce “stings,” that is, tips. As for the form, the work here does not limit the hunter’s imagination in any way and is in many ways reminiscent of the selfless creativity of fishermen or even collectors.


All pistol crossbows can be divided into two types:

  • block;
  • recursive.

The recurve crossbow has been known since ancient times and is considered a classic version of self-propelled weapons.

Block is a more complex variety. There are blocks on his shoulders, and a bowstring is laid through them.

If we compare both types, the recursive one has the following advantages:

  • a light weight;
  • ease of learning;
  • there is no need to adjust shooting accuracy;
  • If the bowstring breaks, it can be easily replaced without stopping the hunting process.

Block models have the following advantages:

  • high degree of maneuverability;
  • long service life of the trigger mechanism;
  • easier to pull by hand;
  • higher boom speed.

Both types of weapons have their advantages. To decide which is the best and most powerful pistol crossbow, it is worth trying both of them in action. Both block and recursive types have gained their fans around the world.

Crossbow "Scout"

The domestic crossbow-pistol "Scout" has become popular among compatriots due to its high accuracy, power, compact size and low price. They buy it mainly for leisure activities - shooting at cans, bottles and other targets for a bet or to improve their weapons skills.

The presented crossbow is of a recursive type - for firing, the elastic properties of the material from which the shoulders are constructed are used. The body of the model is represented by a pistol grip, which is made of aluminum alloy and plastic. The loading mechanism and the lock holding the bowstring are made of steel. Lever cocking and automatic safety make shooting easy. The design includes a Weaver bar, which allows you to install various canopies.

How to choose and buy a crossbow pistol?

When choosing a crossbow pistol, you need to decide on the purpose of use. To hit game or fish, a weapon that can shoot so that the speed of the arrow does not decrease during the first 30 meters is suitable.

For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase models with a bowstring stroke of at least 24 centimeters. A block type crossbow-pistol is also suitable for hitting game. The second option is considered more preferable, since thanks to the design, such a weapon can be kept cocked for a long time without fear of the bowstring breaking.

In addition, pistol crossbows with a metal fore-end are suitable for hunting. Similar products are suitable for sports shooting. In the second case, products are recommended that allow the installation of optical sights.

Pistol crossbows with a bowstring stroke of less than 20 centimeters are suitable for entertainment. Such products have an effective firing range of no more than 15 meters. All models that are loaded with balls or darts are suitable for crossbows intended for entertainment. For products of the second type, the firing range can reach 40 meters.

Types of crossbows for hunting and selection criteria

Crossbows for hunting are divided into three types:

  • classic with s-shaped curved (recursive) shoulders;
  • block crossbows, the design of which is based on a system of eccentric blocks in which the bowstring is placed. These elements greatly facilitate loading and speed up the flight of the arrow;
  • pistol crossbows.

Each of these species has its own advantages and disadvantages for hunting.

Modern classification of crossbows

Recurve (recurve) or classic crossbows are easy to use, lightweight - weighing about 2 kg, very reliable, almost never break. The string can be easily and quickly replaced. Assembling and disassembling such a device takes 5 minutes, it is easy to carry, and for hunting such weapons have no price for this reason alone. The tension force of the arms exceeds 50 kg depending on the model.

Crossbow MK-200

With recurve crossbows you can hunt any bird, small game such as a hare, fox, marmot, as well as large game - roe deer, gilts, and with certain skills (especially the ability to pull the bowstring) - even deer and elk

A very important advantage of recurve crossbows is their constant and very high accuracy. It is enough to set up and shoot the weapon once – the shooting accuracy will not change under any conditions

Recurve crossbow design

Block or compound crossbows have a more complex design, and their weight is 1–1.5 kg more than a classic one. On the other hand, the dimensions of such weapons can be much smaller, in particular, due to a decrease in the width of the shoulder span. Therefore, with a block crossbow it is much easier to move through the forest - it clings less to bushes. The resource of the trigger mechanism is significantly longer and the speed of arrow departure is higher. Due to their power, crossbows of a block design are not used on small animals - it’s like hunting woodcock with a rifled carbine. But for a large and dangerous animal - that’s it. Compound crossbows have a fairly high power reserve and high shot energy, which is enough to stop an angry cleaver or knock down an elk with one shot.

Pistol-type crossbows are compact and convenient, somewhat similar to a large pistol. The most interesting thing is that with less power than block ones, the speed and destructive power of the arrow is even higher. This crossbow can shoot balls (in automatic mode), darts, and harpoons. They are used on birds and small animals, but you need to have good aiming practice.

Product advantages

In the catalog you will find crossbow pistols from Man Kung, Cobra, Scout and a number of other well-known manufacturers. Their weapon is characterized by:

  • ease of operation;
  • convenience in the process of stringing the bowstring and sight;
  • relatively small size;
  • versatility in choosing the type of arrows, harpoons, etc.

It should be taken into account that the crossbow pistols of the MK series with a plastic body, as well as the aluminum models presented by us, are intended for hunting only small animals. Compared to classic types of crossbow devices, pistol versions have average power ratings and allow shooting at a short distance.

Pistol crossbow trigger

The crossbow pistol has a trigger. The trigger can be cut from a thick strip of aluminum. Make a through cut in the crossbow pistol stock according to size. And then assemble and strengthen the trigger mechanism as shown in the diagram.

After completing all the work, it will take some more time to shoot the new crossbow and pistol. At this stage, shots may be inaccurate, mechanisms may malfunction, and the bowstring may be much tighter than usual. Depending on how powerful the crossbow is, you can equip it with an optical sight and use it for hunting, and not just as entertainment.

Review of crossbow schnapper

Smirnov Yuri

I’ll go out into the field and pull the bowstring...

You fly, fly like an arrow in your dreams and in reality,

I'll go out into the field and pull the bowstring.

And the arrow flies, flies, in dreams and in reality

Translation of an ancient Teutonic song.

I’ve been wanting to check out Pasha’s stories about a crossbow that pierces a refrigerator for a long time. For my fortieth birthday, one very respected person gave me a crossbow, or rather a schnapper crossbow “Hornet 2”.

At the age of 12-13 I liked the novel “Ivanhoe”; at the age of 16 I began to read “The Damned Kings”. And of course I fell under the influence of Walter Scottai Druon... After all, for example, the main character of the epic Robert Artois, Druon, eventually killed with a crossbow. So, you can say I’ve wanted such a toy for more than 24 years. Looking back now at my Soviet childhood, I cannot understand why 25 years ago I was not puzzled by calculating the penetrating force of an arrow (energy, initial speed) fired from a bow or crossbow. Similar problems are solved in grades 7–9. As a child, I was completely satisfied with historical (artistic-historical) information about shooting range, arrow weight, etc.

‘, ‘

I was finally aroused by a note (compilative research) from the Internet, in which the author claimed that an arrow from a sports bow has an initial speed of 300 m/s with a tension force of 20 kgf and a mass of 20 grams. The study was written “based on materials from Internet sources and forums, as well as on the basis of my own reasoning.” This statement was the last spark that ignited the fire of my creativity; it turned out that the author was not holding a bow or a crossbow in his hands. I love people like this, you can very often meet them on forums, people of this type, competently rewrite the Internet, love to talk...

I wanted to check all this data and practice all of THIS.

I started by studying the characteristics of the sports bows indicated in the description; in none of the descriptions did I find information that the arrow speed exceeded 100 m/s…. Then I had to find information on bullet speeds.

According to various sources, the initial speed of a bullet fired from a Kalashnikov assault rifle is 700-900 m/s (depending on the caliber and model), and the initial speed of the Makarov is 290-400 m/s (depending on the type of cartridge). From the note I read, it turned out that the energy of an arrow fired from a bow was somewhere between the energy of a bullet from a Makarov pistol and the energy of a bullet from a Kalash. After such a comparison, a question about history arises:

— Did it make sense to invent a firearm whose projectile energy is comparable to the energy of an arrow?

The crossbow that was given to me had a draw weight of 35 kilograms of force, significantly more than that of a sporting bow. Here I need to make a small link. More than a year ago, the legislation was changed, in Russia it became possible to freely trade crossbows with a tension force of up to 50 kg, before that the limit was up to 20 kg. Each crossbow (bow) undergoes an examination at the ECC (expert and forensic center) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, after which a certificate is issued, in which the weapon is classified in accordance with the law on weapons. A copy of the certificate is attached to each device sold. In my case, the crossbow is a type of sporting weapon that does not require a permit. In general, a toy for adults.

Excerpt from the accompanying document:

“Information sheet for the protocol of certification forensic tests

No. 6616 C-5175 dated August 10, 2007."

“Crossbow-schneper art. ZS-A-015, manufactured (Moscow). The tested sample is a crossbow for sports, recreation and entertainment and is not a throwing weapon. Complies with the requirements of GOST 51905-2002 “Sports crossbows, crossbows for recreation and entertainment and shells for them. Technical requirements and safety test methods" with amendment No. 1 (pr. No. 385-st dated December 27, 2006)."

The crossbow kit also includes a very convenient bag, two short darts (7 grams), two longer darts (9.4 grams) and a bag of 6 mm steel balls. The crossbow's caliber is 6 mm, but don't be surprised, you can't shoot a 7 or 8 mm arrow from it. Above the arrow groove there is a tube-shaped ball magazine that secures the dart (arrow) from above. With a loaded crossbow, you can easily run around, thirdly, the dart will not fall out thanks to this design. The crossbow is loaded with balls in a very original way: a spring flap is pulled back from the top of the magazine and 15-20 balls are rolled into the magazine tube. There is the same spring flap in front of the trigger mechanism. He pushed it aside, and one ball fell out into the “trunk” (gutter), in front of the cocked bowstring. The crossbow is ready to fire.

I couldn’t cock the crossbow the first time; it wasn’t very clear which end to grab from.

My colleague came to the rescue; he boldly stepped on the staple with his foot and pulled the bowstring until it clicked. Until now, the purpose of this brace on the front of the crossbow was a mystery to me.

To repeat Pashin’s feat, I had to find a ZIL refrigerator and shoot at it. Finding such a target turned out to be a problem; I considered it incorrect to use a BOSH home refrigerator as a target. For testing, the refrigerator had to be replaced with an old case from a 486 computer (miditauer), which was collecting dust on the loggia. The wall thickness is about 1 mm, the material is structural steel. We had to shoot in the corridor. I placed the body on a stool, having first opened the toilet door to cover the refrigerator in the kitchen. My wife would be a little unhappy if I accidentally hit him. A standard 9 gram dart bounced off the computer case, leaving a minor dent. But I already had a homemade armor-piercing design in my arsenal. An armor-piercing arrow was made from a six-millimeter aluminum tube, which I bought at a model aircraft store; the plastic shank was pulled out of the dart. I had to tinker with the tip a little. At first I planned to sharpen the needle file, but at the dacha I came across broken Darts hands. The internal thread turned out to be M6, just right for the tube. I was still too lazy to cut the thread. The arrow-tip adapter was quickly cut out from a broken dart.

The assembled weight of the projectile was 22 grams.

I loaded the homemade product into a crossbow without any problems and shot it at the target. The feeling from the shot was amazing, the arrow stuck into the computer case like a dart into a piece of wood. When I pulled out the arrow, there was a neat round hole left in the body, about 3 mm in diameter.

The next target was a chilled chicken, on which I wanted to test the hunting tip (not to shoot at live birds). It turned out to be a matter of a couple of minutes to attach it to the aluminum tube. I inserted it into the tube and pressed it a little with pliers. Shot without aiming. The arrow slashed through one of the chicken's ribs and pierced the outhouse door.

I couldn’t get it out; the hunting tip was firmly stuck inside, and the aluminum tube simply jumped off. The second shot ended in the same way, now both hunting tips were sticking out of the door. The shelling had to be continued with standard darts. From the fourth time I started to hit.

The darts pierced the chicken right through, which was enough for my first experience.

The shooting continued at the dacha, first I shot the crossbow at the board from the SD-rom from 4 meters.

The case of the CD-rom turned out to be pliable.

The crossbow is equipped with a conventional diopter sight, a simple rear sight with a slot on one side and a front sight at the end. The position of the front sight can be changed by moving it to the right and left; smooth adjustment is provided by two. The rear sight is twisted up and down.

Then my daughter and I moved out into the field to conduct range tests. He threw a couple of darts with a canopy towards the forest. Visually, the distance turned out to be over 200 meters, with mounted shooting, although we never found the darts. I would define the target range as 12-15 meters; I managed to hit a piece of paper glued to a tree the second time from a distance of no more than 15 meters. Here we must make a small digression; I was never able to shoot accurately; I couldn’t hit the target with a Makarov at all, and in my childhood I was not the best shooter with a slingshot. Another interesting observation: a plastic dart with a conical tip broke when not directly hitting a tree.

To measure the range more accurately, it was necessary to invent an incendiary arrow in order to determine the location of the fall from its smoky trail. I remembered that I still had rocket engines from last year. It was difficult to bite off a small piece of sorbitol caramel with side cutters; I dug a hole in the sorbitol cylinder to the diameter of the arrow (6mm) with a knife. By the way, caramel was perfectly amenable to mechanical processing. The arrow with a sorbitol tip turned out to be quite heavy - 20 grams. In the evening, in a field, away from people, my daughter and I conducted tests. My daughter was filming a video, and I lit a cigarette and shot a homemade arrow from a Hornet at an angle of thirty degrees to the horizon. The sorbitol itself caught fire when the arrow had not yet flown 20 meters.

Against the background of the sunset, it left a fatty smoky trail, but at the end of the day the caramel head separated from the stele, burning in the air. I barely had time to notice the bushes where the arrow fell. “We should have made three such arrows,” I thought. Katya did not have time to turn the camera around to film the entire flight. And I also planned that the arrow, having stuck into the ground, would continue to smoke, using this landmark it would be possible to accurately determine its position. I counted 120 steps to the bushes into which the arrow fell, but it was not there….

There are 10 arrows in the store . ru I had to buy additionally:

Set of darts “two-feather plastic bolts) (10 pcs) – 750 RUR

Hunting tip OZ – 181 re

M440Z arrow with a replaceable tip – 289 RE (diameter 8 mm did not fit my crossbow)

In this store, “Shershen” costs about 6 kilo rubles.

PS: Is it possible to hunt and fish with a crossbow? I did not find a clear answer to this question; it seems to me that this question is not spelled out in legislative acts. It turns out that it is not prohibited, but on the other hand, it is not allowed either... The law is like a drawbar, where you turn, it goes there.

PS: ATTENTION. Using non-standard shells when shooting a crossbow is DANGEROUS to YOUR health.

What does the price depend on?

When choosing a weapon, many do not understand the existing price range.

The price of a crossbow pistol is determined by:

  • brand;
  • materials;
  • design;
  • comfort of use.

Chinese models are inexpensive. But they are also made of unreliable plastic. Soon after the start of use, the bowstring may break. The bolts will fly far. In general, it is unlikely that a shooting enthusiast will enjoy using this type of weapon.

When buying a crossbow pistol, you should focus on:

  • weight;
  • tension force;
  • size;
  • shoulder and body material.

If you need high-precision shooting, you need a body made of durable but lightweight materials, and the bowstring must be made of the highest quality thread materials.

Making shoulders and stock

Let's say you have everything you need on hand. How to make a crossbow with your own hands, at home, step one - carve the shoulders. They are made from a single piece of wood, not separately. The workpiece must not have defects, knots, etc. The inner part of the arc should have a semicircular relief, similar to the letter D, the outer part should be flat.

Figure 6. Crossbow arms are usually hewn from wood

Initially, the shoulders are carved like a slightly curved board, after which they can be processed and bent during assembly. The shape is diamond-shaped, beveled towards the ends of the arc, the bevel angle is small. Take a closer look at the growth rings on the log: it is desirable that the entire structure of the shoulders be on the same layer. To make a powerful crossbow for hunting, use more resilient wood. In general, the safety margin and performance characteristics should be sufficient for medium-sized game (Figure 6).

The shoulders are secured in two ways:

  1. The first is the winding.
    It is performed both by drilling the stock and making a carving in it, followed by winding the rope around a fixed piece of wood. The main point is that the shoulders are not drilled, maintaining their structure. But this is a labor-intensive process that requires time-consuming winding. For reliable fixation, it is recommended to thread the rope through a ring that presses the frame in the middle.
  2. The second is fixation.
    For wooden ones, it is implemented in a cunning way: a conical groove is made at the end of the block with an angle of inclination of the walls in the region of 80-85 degrees, as wide as the shoulders. The frame is squeezed into this recess and then pressed with winding. The implementation of the winding is as follows: another groove, rectangular, is made in the lower part of the log. A piece of wood 5-10 cm thick is taken, a rope for winding is fixed on it, after which this anchor should be pulled to the groove and driven in there. The beam should be wound 5 cm before the groove itself in order to be able to fix the shoulders with its tension.

The steel arms are easily fixed using both the listed methods and ordinary bolts (Figure 7). How to make a crossbow arrow at home?

There are three options:

  1. The simplest one
    is to have a circular saw, a drill with a wide nozzle, and a vice. Using a circular saw, unravel the timber into small bars, no more than 2 cm thick. After this, process it with a plane until the initial roundness is achieved. Next, fix the workpiece in the drill nozzle and, starting the rotation process, pass it through the cutter fixed in a vice. An alternative to this obscenity is a wood lathe.
  2. Medium,
    relying on luck and straight pieces of wood. You will need a knife for turning round shapes. An alternative is the processing of small beams sawn on a circular saw.
  3. Difficult
    - sharpening a straight branch.

Figure 7. Arrows must be perfectly straight

For fletching, use a hacksaw to make a thin, even slit in the back of the bolt. Find a wide plastic lid (a plastic paint bucket, a flat sheet of plastic from the store) and cut out blades for the bolt. You can also secure them by making holes instead of sawing the entire part. The dimensions of the trigger for a crossbow are different; you should mainly rely on monolithic types of levers. They can be made either from metal or from hard and thick wire.

Crossbow arrows

Answering the question whether it is possible to make a hunting crossbow with your own hands, we have to state a clear “no”. Theoretically, it is, of course, possible to make a homemade design, provided you have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. But the quality of such weapons will not stand up to criticism.

As mentioned above, wood has low resistance to bending stress. And processing modern high-tech materials at home is almost impossible. Even with a drawing of a homemade crossbow in hand, its implementation in practice poses a serious challenge associated not only with the processing of complex materials, but also with the adjustment of components and mechanisms, their fit and efficient operation.

There is a huge variety of factory-made arrows and points. But many hunters, who have certain experience, metalworking tools and an understanding of their own needs, prefer to make hunting arrowheads for crossbows with their own hands. Here everything depends on the skill of the hunter and the specific tasks that he sets for himself.

As a rule, the following materials are used to create arrows and tips:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Naturally, wood and high-strength plastic, which is preferred in the vast majority of cases, are used for arrow shafts or bolts. And various types of metals and alloys, as in the old days, are used to produce “stings,” that is, tips. As for the form, the work here does not limit the hunter’s imagination in any way and is in many ways reminiscent of the selfless creativity of fishermen or even collectors.


Despite the fact that hunting crossbows in Russia, unlike many other countries, are not officially legalized as permitted weapons, they are on free sale, since there is also no clear ban on their use.

Today, the specialized market offers the following types of crossbows:

  • block;
  • recrusive;
  • shortened, pistol type.

Much in the choice of weapon depends on hunting conditions, the size of the animal or bird, firing range and many other aspects. However, when deciding which best crossbow to choose for hunting, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each type of this specific weapon.


A modern block crossbow for hunting is a serious combat design designed for hunting large animals. Thanks to the reinforced frame, the presence of fine adjustment mechanisms and the use of modern high-tech materials, the block design is the most powerful crossbow for hunting, providing high accuracy, range and stopping effect.

The complex design of the block model significantly increases its efficiency, but at the same time significantly increases the dimensions and weight characteristics. This is an excellent crossbow for hunting wild boar or elk, for example. But for shooting small animals or game, such weapons are too cumbersome and practically useless, since heavy crossbow arrows cause too much damage.


It is a familiar design with curved arches and a classic arrangement of tension and release mechanisms. Despite the fact that the power of a crossbow of this type is noticeably inferior to its block counterparts, recrusting weapons have a much lighter weight and compact dimensions. It is easy to set up, easy to maintain, and has high maintainability. Uses arrows of various types, calibers and designs.

Silent duck hunting with this model brings true pleasure and indescribable excitement.

Pistol type

The capabilities of the most compact and lightweight models of this design are often unfairly underestimated by many hunters. Of course, even the most powerful pistol-type crossbow cannot compare in range and firing efficiency with either the classic or block design.

However, the advantages of such weapons lie not only in their small size and light weight, but also in the versatility of the ammunition used. This crossbow, which shoots balls and arrows, can be used for completely different types of hunting.

Read with this

  • The most powerful crossbows in the world
  • How to make a crossbow with your own hands at home?
  • What to make a crossbow string from? crossbow string wrap
  • How to make an arrowhead
  • How to make a crossbow bolt with your own hands?
  • How to make a bow and arrow: choosing wood for the base and arrows
  • How to choose a compound bow for hunting: expert advice
  • To come in
  • How to make a bow: drawings, projects and features of how to make a homemade bow (120 photos and videos)
  • Everything about bowhunting: from choosing a weapon to shooting tactics for different game


Among the fairly few schnapper crossbows capable of shooting both traditional arrows and steel/lead balls or bullets, a truly unique model has appeared - the Zubin X340 “shotgun”.

The closed, almost rifle-like “barrel” immediately catches your eye. The secret of this crossbow lies in its design.

In classic use with a draw weight of 190 lbs, it accelerates a standard arrow weighing approximately 370 grains (1 grain = 0.0648 grams) to a speed of 340 fps, or 103 m/s, which is fully consistent with hunting requirements. Here, “Zubin”, let’s say, is not a favorite, there are also faster models, but it can do what all its brothers are not capable of, even with the schnapper function.

Unlike traditional schnappers, which fire a single steel ball (lead bullet), “Zubin” sends a whole sheaf of 16 “BB” projectiles to the target, with weight and size characteristics approximately corresponding to shot “000” (hare, fox, wood grouse). You can use smaller shot loads that are comparable in weight to a 370-grain arrow (pictured).

The charge is placed in an arrow-shaped container (pictured above), which, when exiting the barrel, opens, releasing it into free flight. Rubber rings serve only to hold the shot during transportation.

The loading process itself looks very unusual, when the container is inserted into the barrel “back to front” - with the tip and the shank out (pictured).

In this case, the inverted tail does not serve to stabilize the flight of the arrow, but to fully and quickly open the container when fired.

There is one nuance associated with loading that I actively did not like. With a conventional crossbow, we put the arrow into the guide from above, then just move it back a little until it stops. Moreover, holding it by the tube, and not by the tip. The closed barrel of the Zubin does not allow this; you have to do the same thing as loading underwater guns with harpoons. But there this is done using the so-called. “chargers” that extend the tip beyond the palm. In our case, especially with hunting tips installed, the arrow will have to be held directly by the blades. In the version with shot containers it is even more interesting - they have to be brought to the cocked bowstring with an arrow, like a ramrod for muzzle-loading shotguns. As picture:

Agree, breaking the bowstring from the combat platoon at this moment can lead to not very pleasant consequences. Of course, the crossbow is equipped with an automatic safety, but the feeling is still alarming. However, this is a matter of habit and compliance with minimum safety requirements.

Is it possible to hunt with a Zubin X340 crossbow? Why not. Classic arrow shooting was discussed above; its performance is quite sufficient even for hunting ungulates, deer or wild boar. As for use as a shotgun, everything is not so rosy here. The shot speed of this crossbow is almost five times less than that of a conventional gun, hence the very short effective shooting distances - the maximum is 20-25 meters, no more.

And, of course, we are no longer talking about wild boars. However, the total charge energy - about 115 joules (for a gun 2-3 thousand J) - is much more substantial than, say, air rifles, even with pre-pumping. For comparison: spring-piston “supermagnum” - 30 joules, PCP pneumatics - on average from 30 to 70 J, and only the super-powerful “BigBor” exceeds the 100-joule mark. The same can be said with regard to serial schnapper crossbows, like the “Black Python” and its other Chinese analogues, not to mention pistol-type crossbows. In the bottom photo is a classic “skeet” for clay pigeon shooting, shattered into pieces by a “Zubinov” shot.

Impressive. Therefore, quite serious birds, such as black grouse, or, say, a hare on a bait, look like quite accessible objects of hunting. Again, subject to the shortest possible shooting distances. But this is already a headache for the hunter himself and an indicator of his skill, which allows him to quietly approach the prey or competently organize an ambush.

An undoubted advantage of the “Zubin” for recreational shooting is the ability to switch from arrows to shot, for variety, and even practice in flying shooting. In general, the model is really unique and interesting.

By the way, at one of the foreign weapons forums I met a man who claimed that it was he who sold the patent for a closed crossbow barrel. And this was just last year, 2015, so the Zubinovites were great, they organized production extremely quickly. By the way, the author of the patent also invented a mechanism for a compound bow, turning it into a kind of “vertical crossbow” that is now gaining popularity. I had a chance to watch his video - it’s very similar to Asian devices for shooting combat bows with crossbows or simply broken short arrows.

In general, the author is a creative and technically savvy person. He even provided for such a nuance. If you look closely at the photo of “Zubin”, you will notice that the “cables” with “runners” go both from the bottom (which is usual) and from the top of the guide. This allows you to stabilize the movement of the bowstring along the narrow longitudinal slot of the barrel (in conventional crossbows it is pressed against the guide), and at the same time reduce parasitic vibrations.

The engineering miracle under the name “Zubin X340” costs about $550. The kit includes 22-inch arrows, shot containers (they can be purchased separately), an optical sight, and a manual bowstring tensioner.

It has not yet appeared in Russia and it is not known whether it will appear. Moreover, it is unlikely that a small arms company will start producing arms that are very original in design, weakened to meet the requirements of domestic legislation. And yet the model is of undoubted interest.

Current insert. A video of the famous German gunsmith inventor Jörg Sprave (more precisely, Sprave) shooting a “Zubin” at speed has appeared on the Internet. True, he apparently did not dare to shoot only with arrows or shotgun loads through a chronograph :)). But he shot them in “ballistic gel”.

Just be curious, the article was published on our official VKontakte page.

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