At what age can you have a traumatic pistol?

Even a child understands the potential danger that a weapon poses, provided that the appropriate conversation has been held with him, but if any child can own a toy gun, then to purchase a real weapon, a special permit or license is required, which is issued strictly in accordance with the law Federal level “On Weapons”.

This law establishes the procedure for obtaining a license, registering a weapon, storing it and carrying it. It also states at what age you can get a weapons license. However, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question for a number of reasons:

  • the classification considers several types of weapons;
  • There are several types of licenses;
  • third-party factors are taken into account.

○ Features of purchasing traumatic weapons

Not all citizens can purchase traumatic weapons, but only those who are over 18 years old. Persons for whom there is evidence that they:

  • They have an outstanding criminal record.
  • They were held administratively liable for violating public order.
  • They have medical contraindications.

Other citizens have the opportunity to purchase self-defense weapons only after:

  • They will undergo special courses.
  • Obtain permission to purchase trauma equipment.
  • will buy it.
  • Register and receive a license to store and carry weapons.

✔ Registration of permission

After completing special courses, the citizen applies to the territorial police unit. Provides the necessary package of documents on the basis of which a permit to purchase weapons is issued:

  • Statement.
  • Copy of passport and TIN.
  • Certificate or certificate of completion of special courses.
  • Medical certificate.
  • Four photographs, size 3 by 4.
  • Documents for a safe or metal box for storing weapons.
  • An inspection report on the installation site of a safe or metal box, drawn up by the district police officer.

✔ Completion of training

Special courses are conducted on the basis of specialized educational institutions. During the training period, laws and by-laws are studied that regulate the procedure for using traumatic weapons, the features of their storage and carrying.

During practical classes, skills in dealing with injuries are developed, as well as methods and techniques for providing first aid.

✔ Collection of documents

The list of documents that should additionally be submitted to the police officer responsible for the permitting system after purchasing a weapon includes:

  • A duplicate of the permit with the store's mark on the sale of weapons.
  • A set of spent cartridges in original packaging, which is included with the weapon.
  • An insurance contract drawn up when purchasing trauma equipment.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

✔ Obtaining permission to store and carry

The permit to purchase weapons is valid for six months. During this time, you need to have time to buy or otherwise acquire trauma equipment.

From the date of purchase, it is necessary to register the weapon with the police within two weeks.

One month is allotted for issuing a permit to store and carry traumatic weapons, from the date of its registration with the police. The validity period of the permit is set at five years.

Why do you need a trauma permit?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand that a shot from a traumatic pistol can cause great damage to a person (and in some cases, kill if handled incorrectly) if shot in the eye or temple. Some people do not realize the seriousness of using traumatika and consider it an “extension of the arm.”

Hence the answer.

It is necessary to obtain a permit for injury in order for a person to prove his ability to properly handle a weapon and use it solely to ensure safety. To obtain a license, the applicant will need to undergo a medical examination, lessons on the proper storage and use of weapons, as well as psychological tests. In addition, permission will not be issued to those who have a criminal record or people prone to violence (identified by a doctor).

Therefore, having a permit is a guarantee that the weapon will not end up in the hands of people who may use it for more than just security or beyond self-defense.

Types of licenses

In essence, a license is a document that gives the right to purchase the types of weapons that are specified in it. But further actions with the purchased trauma equipment are determined by the availability of permission.

There are 3 types of permissions:

  • for purchase. The acquisition means the purchase of a weapon in a store or from an individual who legally owns a weapon (i.e., has registered it and received the appropriate permission);
  • for storage. Issued only after the district police officer inspects the living space and makes sure that there is a safe for safe storage of weapons;
  • for storage and carrying. Allows a citizen not only to store, but also to carry trauma equipment with him.

If you are going to buy 2 units of injury, you need to write 2 applications at once.

These are 3 different documents. Having permission to purchase does not mean that you can store trauma equipment, much less carry it with you.

Killing in self-defense is not a crime

Whether the new law will cause an increase in crime statistics or, conversely, reduce crime rates - time will tell. The EU media disagrees on this matter. They are united in their confidence that the Italian “Law on Self-Defense” will bring an additional number of votes to Salvini and his party in the elections to the European Parliament, which will take place at the end of May this year.

The new law does not mean that from now on any citizen of the country can purchase weapons for self-defense in Italy. Everyone must first undergo examination by a psychiatrist, then obtain approval from the police (those with a criminal record should not waste time). Currently, the population of the Apennine state has approximately 1.4 million officially registered firearms in their hands. And, according to law enforcement sources, “more and more people are seeking to protect themselves by purchasing guns, despite the fact that in 2022, according to government statistics, the number of recorded crimes decreased by 10% compared to the previous year.” . According to the annual report of the Center for Social Research Censis, in 2022, 39% of Italians believed that the criteria for allowing civilians to purchase weapons should be relaxed. In 2015, according to the same source, 25% had the same opinion.

At what age can you have a traumatic pistol?

Can weapons be used for self-defense?

On September 25, the head of Kievblenergo was killed in his own home. If he had a firearm, he could protect himself and his family.

We tried to figure out whether Ukrainians have the right to own firearms and use them for self-defense.

Can a Ukrainian citizen own a firearm?

In Ukraine, the issue of firearms ownership has not been regulated. There is no law on weapons; the circulation of weapons is regulated by several by-laws and departmental regulations.

The main one is Order No. 622 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated August 21, 1998. It states that most firearms are subject to licensing.

According to 2016 data, 878,793 people legally own firearms in Ukraine.

Who has the right to own a firearm?

To obtain a firearms license, you do not need to be a hunter or have experience owning such weapons.

Restrictions apply only to age.

From the age of 18 you can own:

— pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet speed of more than 100 meters per second;

- gas pistols and revolvers;

From the age of 21 you can purchase a smooth-bore hunting weapon.

From the age of 25 - rifled hunting weapons.

What types of weapons exist, and which ones can be purchased legally?

Permission is not required if the caliber does not exceed 4.5 mm and the bullet speed is 100 meters

Hunting firearms. It can be smooth-bore, rifled, or combined. Best suited for self-defense.

Gas. Pistols and revolvers loaded with tear or other irritants.

Traumatic (non-lethal weapons or weapons that shoot rubber bullets)

Only a certain category of people has the right to buy such weapons

Used by police, military and other persons in uniform.

What weapons can you legally buy?

A citizen can legally buy rifles, carbines, rifles, shotguns (double-barreled, semi-automatic, pump-action, etc.).

You can also buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but only with the ability to fire single shots with the butt folded and a magazine of no more than 10 rounds.

Pump-action shotguns, Dragunov sniper rifles and other powerful small arms can also be purchased with a permit.

Renewal of weapons permit

The training center also conducts testing, during which you need to answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly. After communicating with the local police officer, the owner pays the state fee. Then, when all the documents are collected and submitted to the Department of Human Rights, the waiting period begins for a decision on issuing a license to purchase trauma equipment.

Attention! Russian legislation does not provide for criminal liability for violating the rules on traumatic weapons.

How is a permit for a traumatic weapon issued and what does its future owner need to do?

If a pistol has a rifled barrel, by its design alone it can no longer be traumatic. Self-defense devices are created only of smooth-bore type. There is also a barrelless device, but in Russia it is allowed to purchase such injuries only domestically produced.

These designations are conditional, because the very fact of purchasing an injury requires further measures to obtain paper. The permit must specify the data and technical characteristics of the weapon that will be owned. Without licensing, possession will be considered illegal once the time limit for obtaining a certificate has expired. The cabinet is equipped with a high-security key lock. On the back wall of the safe there are two holes for fastening to the wall.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 have the right to purchase gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled self-defense weapons, sports weapons, hunting weapons, signal weapons, bladed weapons intended for wearing with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or the Cossack uniform.

In the event of a change in place of residence, a citizen of the Russian Federation, within two weeks from the date of registration at the new place of residence, is obliged to apply to the appropriate territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking with an application to register the weapons belonging to him.

If the permit is refused

If all the conditions stipulated by law are met, obtaining a license will not take a long time (most of the time is spent on training). To speed up the procedure somewhat, you can contact specialized commercial centers that organize the collection of documents for a license.

However, the absolute grounds for refusal to issue a special permit are:

  • if you are under 21 years old, have contraindications due to health conditions or have not passed the exam;
  • persons who do not have a specific place of residence;
  • if you have violations of hunting rules (of any nature);
  • a conviction has been issued against you and has entered into legal force for committing an intentional crime of any nature. The type of punishment does not play a significant role in this case, while at the same time, only the outstanding criminal record matters for refusal;
  • committing, within 12 months by the time of applying for a license, at least two administrative offenses related to an encroachment on administrative order (or public order);
  • if you are a prisoner serving a sentence of imprisonment for committing any crime (including recklessness) at the time of applying for permission.

For example, if you have collected all the necessary documents sufficient to obtain a permit, but apply for it later, for example, after a year, then you will be denied a license due to an expired medical report (its validity period is 1 year).

If you believe that you were denied a license unreasonably, then the law provides for the possibility of appealing the actions of LRO employees in court. Let us note that such cases are isolated in nature, since an exhaustive list of requirements for the recipient of a license eliminates any ambiguities in the application of the law.

How to apply for a license

The procedure for obtaining a weapons license is well defined, so in different regions of the Russian Federation the procedure for obtaining a weapons license is the same. The first document that initiates the start of the process is a citizen’s application. Licensing ends with the issuance of a special certificate on the original form. A complete list of documents must be presented at the information stand of the licensing department. The absence of at least one release package is the reason for refusing to issue a permit.

The response time of the authorized body to a citizen’s application is 30 days. Consequently, maximum time is also allocated to complete the entire registration procedure. For a longer period, a license cannot be issued by law.

The package of documents includes a certificate of passing a special medical commission. The procedure for obtaining it can be found at the territorial clinic. You will be required to undergo short-term training on how to handle weapons and provide the appropriate documentation. You will have to present your passport and take photographs in advance. Additionally, when applying for a permit for a hunting rifle, you will need to present a hunter's ticket.

The proportion of citizens who were denied permission is quite large. The law establishes several reasons that are valid grounds for such a refusal.

  • First of all, a court decision on the ban.
  • The most common reason is an incorrectly collected package of documents.
  • Serious consequences, including denial of a license, will result from forgery of documents.
  • Before making a decision, the district police officer checks the availability of a safe for future weapons. If there is none, then permission will be denied.

Obtaining a license does not mean permission to use weapons arbitrarily. If a citizen uses it in the wrong place or in a situation that the law does not provide for, then he may be deprived of his license. A citizen may voluntarily refuse a weapons permit. In the event of his death, the heirs become the owner of the weapon, but they will immediately have to obtain a license, at least for storage, otherwise the weapon must be handed over to the police.

Weapons without permission or license

Weapons that do not pose a threat to human life are sold without a permit. There are not so many such weapons, and this category includes:

  • gas cartridges;
  • pneumatics with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm or bullet speed up to 100 m/s.

Gas cartridges are cheap and compact, but poorly effective. The effect on the attacker begins a few seconds after use, and it is very easy to accidentally poison yourself - just use it indoors or without taking into account the direction of the wind.

Well, small-caliber pneumatic weapons are not an option for self-defense at all. Any jacket will stop his bullet, and a hit to the body will hurt, but not enough to stop someone. Such an impact is more likely to anger or provoke the attacker.

Obtaining a license

How much does a traumatic weapon permit cost?

The total cost of obtaining a permit largely depends on where you will take the training courses. Courses are a prerequisite for obtaining a license. The training program includes: a theoretical part with consideration of the laws and rules for storing weapons, as well as a practical part, which will provide the basics of handling weapons and the rules of first aid. After completing the training, an exam is held.

Where can I get a license for a traumatic weapon?

Documents for traumatic weapons

To obtain a license, the following documents are required:

  1. A certificate indicating the absence of contraindications based on the results of the medical examination. Markings required: ophthalmologist, local therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist. A medical examination must be completed before the start of training courses.
  2. Copy of the passport.
  3. 3x4 photos for each weapon.
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee for the license.

To obtain a weapons permit, you also need to purchase a safe; otherwise, the district police officer, after conducting an inspection, will note in the report that there is no possibility of storing weapons. In addition, the safe will protect loved ones from troubles.

Types of licenses

The concept of a weapons permit is quite multifaceted, since a license can establish the right to one of the following actions:

  • storage;
  • wearing;
  • application;
  • hunting.

Control by the Federal executive authorities over storage is due to potential danger. Weapons must be kept in a special safe. When obtaining a license, the presence of such a safe is checked by a local inspector.

In isolated cases, having a storage license implies the right to use weapons. In the opposite situation, when only the right to use is confirmed, it can be stored only in compliance with the requirements established by law.

Hunter licensing is a separate item. Only the holder of a special document can obtain the right to purchase, store, and use hunting weapons.

What happens if you carry a weapon without permission?

A citizen who does not have a permit for a traumatic weapon of defense is subject to administrative liability under Art. 20.8 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Previously, this was punishable by criminal charges under Article 222 of the Criminal Code, but recently only the illegal sale of traumatic drugs falls under it.

What is your opinion about the procedure for issuing licenses and permits for self-defense weapons established by Russian legislation? Have your friends ever had to contact licensing authorities, what did they say about obtaining permits? Share your opinion or ask a question by writing a comment!

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