Is a license required for a traumatic pistol?


In order for you to obtain a license to use and carry a traumatic weapon, you must collect the following documents: You will need a certain certificate, which will be signed by a neuropsychiatrist. This certificate must state that everything is in order with the psyche of the person who wants to receive a weapon; It is also extremely necessary to have a certificate from a narcologist; quite a lot depends on him, or rather on his certificate; A copy of your passport is required.

You will need a photocopy of all its pages, because you need a place of residence and a photo; A comprehensive medical certificate is very important.

The most important property that all special protective agents have in common is their limited damaging effect. Its main purpose is to have a psychological effect on the attacker. In this case, minimal harm is caused to human health. With the skillful use of self-defense, dangerous situations can be avoided. For example, when many attackers see a traumatic pistol, they lose all desire to commit an attack.

Very often, many people wonder what weapons can be used without permission. A gas can can be used. It is the most affordable and simple weapon for self-defense. However, it does not require any permission. A gas canister is a container containing a caustic substance called an irritant. Today, five types of such substances are allowed to be used on the territory of the Russian Federation. They are capable of depriving a person of the ability to act actively for some time. When entering the body, irritants cause:

  1. Copious tears.
  2. Temporary loss of vision.
  3. Stinging in the eyes. Blood begins to flow from the nose.
  4. Severe skin irritation.

Spray cans are often equipped with a special fuse. Therefore, you won’t be able to press them accidentally. Thanks to this, the owner can avoid accidents.

What other weapons can you buy without permission? A stun gun falls into this category. This means of protection is safe and quite compact. As for the owner, the stun gun will not cause him any harm. But the aggressor can suffer significantly.

It is best to have a weapon with a small number of volts, but at the same time have a large current. Thanks to this property, it will be possible to remove a person from an active state for about 30 minutes. If you purchase a weaker stun gun, you must take into account that the device does not work if the attacker is wearing warm clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more vulnerable and open place on his body. For example, you can point a stun gun at the neck area. However, in the case of self-defense, the defender does not always have such an opportunity.

The main disadvantage of using this weapon is the fairly close contact with the aggressor. But with the help of a stun gun you can scare away angry dogs. It affects animals with its high-frequency crackling sound.

In our turbulent times, many people are interested in what weapons can be owned without permission. One of these products is the Pioneer pistol. This weapon for self-defense also does not require special permission. It combines a rocket launcher, gas and signal pistol. Today, the Pioneer is the best weapon for self-defense, but you need to learn how to use it correctly.

Advantages of this pistol:

  1. It is compact and lightweight.
  2. It can be recharged fairly quickly.
  3. Its handle has a replaceable clip.
  4. It shoots at about 5m.
  5. There is a bar and an aiming front sight.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. There is no laser target pointer.
  3. It can be quite hard to pull the trigger.

We continue to consider what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense. Many people believe that it is possible to use a regular gas pistol without special permission, as long as the canister is allowed. This self-defense weapon is controversial. Its principle of operation is approximately the same as that of a gas spray. The only difference is that the latter is cheaper, but it is much easier to maintain.

The main advantage of a gas pistol is that it can be used to exert good psychological pressure on the aggressor. Outwardly, it is very similar to a military weapon. In most cases, when a criminal sees a gun in the hands of a victim, he changes his mind about committing rash actions.

However, to purchase and carry a gas pistol, you need permission (in accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law 150). For violation of this rule, a fine of 500 to 5000 rubles is imposed. with the confiscation of cartridges and a pistol.

Currently, many people are wondering whether it is possible to buy a gun without a permit. This is allowed if its muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 J and its caliber does not exceed 4.5 mm. Air pistols fire rubber bullets. The main task of such weapons is to influence the aggressor. Air pistols are very similar to firearms. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly disorganize the attacker. However, it should be noted that this is also a weapon. Therefore, if an air pistol has a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, it requires a license.

Buying a traumatic pistol without permission in Russia is an outright crime. And using it without specific permission will incur criminal penalties. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful and careful. There is no need to be lazy, because obtaining a permit is quite simple, you just need to collect all the necessary certificates that are approved in a special list and present them to the OCA of Russia.

The procedure in this case is much simpler than in the case of obtaining a permit for a real weapon. We will describe everything for each stage of collecting the necessary documents.

As you already understand, first of all you need to visit a psychotherapist. You must obtain a certificate - evidence that you are completely healthy. Next, you will need to obtain a comprehensive weapons certificate. It must be remembered that you cannot have traumatic pistols without a license, much less use them. Next, you must visit a drug treatment clinic. From there you need a certificate stating that you are completely healthy. Next, you must take special courses on the use of weapons and their proper storage. Next, take a photo and make a copy of your passport. Fill out the form and submit it to the police department in your city.

The price of a traumatic pistol without a license in Moscow can be completely different. Everything depends solely on the technical characteristics of a particular weapon.

Based on this article, you learned whether you need a license for a traumatic pistol and how to get it. This information is quite important if you want to purchase a traumatic pistol.

It is enough that such a certificate will be presented to the Ministry of Internal Affairs once when obtaining a license. Therefore, these standards once again confirm the fact that a traumatic pistol requires a permit, and it must be renewed after five years. OSA This pistol is a barrelless traumatic weapon. To purchase it, you need a special permit, which must be properly issued through the internal affairs authorities. The pistol is considered a weapon for citizens and is intended for self-defense. In addition, it is considered eligible for purchase. Nevertheless, many citizens are interested in the question of whether a permit is needed for the OSA traumatic pistol. Yes, it is simply necessary, otherwise a person who purchases it without this document is considered an offender and will be held accountable.

Permission to purchase

Many people today want to purchase trauma equipment.
Some need it for hunting, others for self-defense, and others, directly, for work. There are two types of licenses: to purchase weapons and to carry them. To do this, you need to pass an examination test confirming your understanding of responsibility and familiarity with the federal law “On Weapons”.

Having decided to purchase an injury, you need to visit the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (LRO), located in the area of ​​your residence, in order to receive detailed advice.

In different regions there are all sorts of nuances that can only be clarified by visiting the department. For example, in some regions they require 3 personal photographs, not two, which is enough, or a sales receipt confirming payment of local payments. To obtain a permit to purchase an OSA pistol, the following is required:

  1. Identification document of the owner of the pistol - an original copy and copies of all pages required by the department (including registration);
  2. Photos (b/w) 3 x 4 format, two pieces;
  3. A document confirming payment of the state duty;
  4. Medical report from a medical commission;
  5. The conclusion of the narcological clinic and the psychoneurologist that they were not registered for diseases;
  6. Statement.

When applying for a license allowing you to carry an OSA pistol, you must provide:

  1. A document characterizing the personal qualities of the owner (from the place of work, or from the housing department passport officer);
  2. Hunter's Ticket;
  3. A gun cabinet that allows you to store a pistol and its ammunition. The cabinet must be located at the applicant's home.

Regulatory framework governing the use of weapons for self-defense

Weapons are:

  • civil;
  • official;
  • combat hand rifle and cold.

It should not fire in bursts; the permitted magazine capacity of such weapons in 2022 is no more than 10 rounds . For sporting weapons the requirements are different.

The Law “On Weapons” clearly regulates weapons for self-defense that do not require a permit:

  • gas sprayer;
  • stun gun;
  • low-action pneumatics, a revolver with a power of no more than 7.5 J and a bullet with a caliber that does not exceed 4.5 millimeters;
  • household knife;
  • axe;
  • "Blow" device;
  • spear gun;
  • a signal revolver that cannot be used as a combat revolver;
  • rubber sticks and batons.

Every citizen who has reached the age of majority can purchase the above types of weapons for self-defense . Let's take a closer look at what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without a license.

Permission to carry

The turnover of weapons in the Russian Federation is limited by law, and its possession, without a license, serves as an incentive to bring the owner to criminal liability.
To purchase a traumatic pistol, you need to prepare a very extensive list of reference materials.

Without most of the documents listed a little earlier, obtaining a license is impossible. The OSA pistol (or PB-4-1 ML OSA) is a traumatic weapon that requires documents legalizing its purchase. You need to have with you:

  1. Passport;
  2. Four photos;
  3. Health certificate;
  4. Petition from the district police officer,
  5. ATC verdict.

Before purchasing an OSA pistol, you need to study the legislative provision “On Weapons” (you can download it here), the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the rules for storing, carrying and using a pistol. Possession of knowledge from the specified sources is required in order to obtain a permit for the OSa pistol.

This article will tell you how to get a hunting license.

You must write a petition to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which indicates your passport details, information about the applicant (address details, registration/residence, presence of a family, no criminal record). Health certificates can be obtained from the clinic at your place of residence. To complete it, the doctor will request a certificate from a psychoneurologist and narcologist with information about the applicant’s presence among those registered in these areas.

You will need to pay a state fee and information from the district police officer about the organization of the place of safety of the OS, as well as information regarding reliability and “sanity” in accordance with the form of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You will have to pass an examination test to determine your knowledge of the law and security rules. The pistol must be registered at the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence. There are a number of requirements related to the safety of a pistol at home.

It is required to purchase and install a special safe (metal box) where the pistol and ammunition will be kept. After installing the safe, you need to invite an authorized district police officer. He is obliged to draw up a report on the presence of a metal safe, and also to check the place you have chosen for storing cartridges and a pistol, drawing up a report. These two documents are attached to the general package of documents.

Steel arms

When buying a knife, you can always read in the documents whether it is cold or not. What edged weapons can be carried without permission in Russia - those that have a blade less than 90 mm.

Knives with a blade longer than 90 cm and automatic ejection of the blade are prohibited.

Using a knife is more difficult than shooting. It is suitable for people with some knowledge of martial arts. But you can't get into some public places with a knife.

The use of knives should be considered as a last resort. Judges don't like cases of self-defense involving knives. When purchasing, you must require a certificate stating that this knife is not a bladed weapon.

Types of pistols of the Osa series

Over the entire period of development of the brand, four serious modifications of the pistol have been developed and released onto the market.

  • Production of the founder of the series, labeled PB-4, began in 1999. The four-charge barrelless traumatic pistol was equipped with a magnetic pulse generator (MIG), which served as an igniter. The simplest mechanical sight was located on the chamber. A notable detail is also the absence of a fuse. This is a plus for the ability to fire quickly in an emergency. Currently, this model has already been removed from the assembly line.

  • The first deep modification of the weapon took place in 2000. The new PB-4M was equipped with a sophisticated electronic system that allows you to determine the serviceability of cartridges. Based on this information, when the trigger was pressed, only the charges ready for shooting were fired. This increased the reliability of the weapon and became a standard system for subsequent modifications of the Wasp. As with the first model, the history of the PB-4M is also over; pistols in this series have already been discontinued.
  • The development story continued in 2003 with the advent of PB-4-1 . This series is distinguished by a change in the design of the handle (it has become much more comfortable to hold in the hand), and among other things, the model was supplemented by the presence of a laser designator, and in place of the igniter, the old magnetic pulse generator was replaced by a modern lithium-type battery.

  • In the latest version, the Osa traumatic pistol began to be labeled as PB-4-1 ML 18x45. It has been produced since 2005. This model is a modification of the previous one. Its technical characteristics have not changed, but the magnetic pulse generator has returned to its original place as the charge igniter. The CR lithium battery, however, has not gone away, but its function is now limited to maintaining the functionality of the laser sight. This modification is by far the most widespread.

The OSA PB-4-1ML traumatic pistol rightfully remains one of the most popular models.

The development of the series did not stop there. released several notable upgrades.

  • The Osa Compact retained the design of its predecessors, but a special 18×40 cartridge was created for it. A sleeve with thinner walls and narrower diameter made it possible to reduce the size of a block of 4 cartridges. "Wasp Compact" The sight received a green target designator. It significantly increases the visibility of the front sight at any time of the day and at any brightness, and in the dark it can even blind the enemy. The trigger mechanism received a safety lock.

Weapons for spearfishing

An underwater gun is considered an element of underwater equipment. But the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not issue certificates regarding the storage, wearing, or transportation of such equipment.

Cases have become more frequent when customs officers, fisheries inspectors, and police illegally detain hunters.

Requirements for using an underwater gun:

  • necessary for spearfishing, cannot be used in crowded places (on beaches);
  • must be stored, carried, transported in a special case.


In addition to the usual cartridges equipped with a rubber bullet (most models have a steel core), several other types of ammunition are used in the complex. These include:

  • Signal and lighting (yellow, white, red, green) The charge energy is enough to illuminate a wide area for several seconds;
  • Gas is a very effective method of protection when shooting from minimal distances.
  • A light-sound cartridge capable of incapacitating an enemy by stunning and blinding him for several tens of seconds.

Stun gun

The power of the discharge can throw an adult off balance. In some types, you can adjust the discharge power.

The most vulnerable spots of a person for a stun gun:

Advantages of a stun gun:

  • deprives the attacker of the ability to move for a short time, and the victim can escape;
  • hits the target from a distance of about 4 meters (models that shoot with electrodes have this capability);
  • compact, small in size, does not take up much space;
  • does not arouse suspicion, it can be disguised as a mobile phone;
  • will not provoke the attacker to further aggression.


  • most models require direct contact with the attacker;
  • We are dependent on batteries, we need to take care of them: always change or charge them, otherwise the owner of a non-working stun gun will be in danger and will anger the aggressor even more if he tries to use it;
  • In winter, a shocker will not always have an effect through a thick layer of clothing.

Components and repairs

The Osa complex is the most reliable on the market of civilian traumatic weapons. The reason for this is the simplicity of the design and the small number of moving elements. To prevent mechanical parts from breaking down, you just need to keep them clean. Maintenance includes simply wiping the pistol contacts with a rag moistened with alcohol, removing dust and dirt, as well as lubricating moving parts (the loop of the chamber block, for example).

Only one element of the kit has a high chance of being replaced. This is a battery. Its capabilities are limited by production technology. After intensive use, a shooting battery may begin to discharge faster, failing its owner at the wrong moment. For this reason, the Wasp models, where the shot is fired from the influence of the MIG impulse, are considered more reliable in this regard. Changing the battery is very simple. There is a plug at the bottom of the gun, by unscrewing which you can gain access to the supply element and replace it with a new one.

Disassembling and assembling the weapon is not very difficult; most of the elements are fixed with screws, unscrewing which you can see the electronic components of the pistol (circuits, wires). It is not recommended to climb into them without special knowledge, because... this may cause the weapon to malfunction. Disassembly of the weapon should be carried out only for service purposes, to check oxidation on the contacts and remove contamination.

You are unlikely to need other spare parts for repairing the Osa traumatic pistol.

Device "Blow"

It is used to shoot at an attacker using a liquid solution: a mixture of a gas can and a pistol.


  • works regardless of weather conditions;
  • firing range 5 meters;
  • can be used in confined spaces;
  • the liquid is sprayed directionally;
  • minimal risk of harming yourself;
  • compact.


  • you need to aim carefully;
  • they need to shoot with their left hand;
  • If the capsules turn out to be of poor quality, the device will misfire, and the capsules may fall out or leak.

Getting permission

On Russian territory, the PB-4 and all its modifications are weapons of self-defense. So purchasing and using Osa without a license may be grounds for criminal proceedings.

Obtaining a license to purchase civilian weapons is carried out in the RLO department (Permit and Licensing Department) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of registration. You must have with you:

  • Identity document (original);
  • Medical certificates, including the conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist;
  • Confirming document confirming payment of the state duty;
  • And an application to the RLO for issuing a purchase permit.

Approval of the application by the RLO gives the right to buy a pistol on the basis of the received license. With the purchase of a pistol, however, the bureaucratic moment does not stop. To carry a self-defense weapon on your person, you also need a license. It can also be obtained by preparing a package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Health certificate. It is issued in a simple clinic using the method of a regular medical commission;
  • Photos for permits;
  • A certificate from the district commissioner - to obtain it, you must submit an application;
  • Knowledge of gun laws
  • Resolution from the Internal Affairs Directorate.
  • In addition, it is necessary to have a secure safe where the purchased weapons and ammunition will be stored.

But that's not all. After receiving all permits, you must contact the RLO again within 2 weeks, taking with you all available documents and the weapon itself. After inspecting the documentation and weapons, the RLO officer issues the owner a ROH certificate, replacing the license certificate with it. ROH allows you to purchase ammunition and is valid for 5 years. To continue to legally own a gun, it must be renewed.


Air pistols come in single-shot and gas-cylinder types . A gas-cylinder pneumatic charge produces about 40 shots.

Pneumatic weapons are more designed for psychological impact; they can cause damage to the health of the aggressor, especially if they hit the eye or head, or turn out to be meaningless at the most necessary moment.

Outwardly it resembles a firearm, thereby discouraging an attacker from attacking . But an informed person will immediately distinguish pneumatic weapons from military weapons, so it is not always necessary to rely on the psychological effect.

The pistol should be carried in a place where it can be easily reached.

Its action is not as effective as that of a gas canister, which is much more compact, cheaper, easier to use, and does not cause serious damage.

The capabilities of this type of weapon cannot be overestimated . If you hit the eye, the defender will be subject to the article on exceeding the measures of necessary defense.

Pneumatics are not the most reliable weapon for self-defense . Compressed gas may gradually lose charging power, and in cold weather the pressure in the can will decrease.

Air rifles

The operating mechanism is based on the movement of a powerful straightening spring pushing the piston, creating excess air pressure in the compressor. It pushes the bullet.

Airguns have traditionally been viewed as entertainment . Many companies produce models that are suitable for hunting small game - rabbits, birds, and so on. Some of these rifles fall into the category of weapons that can be purchased without a license.

The caliber should not be more than 4.5 mm, and the power should not be up to 7.5 J. 6.35 mm air guns should not be purchased without a license.

Also included in the package is a reinforced spring, which is installed for a fee at the counter, which criminalizes gun ownership.

But some buyers take advantage of this because the gun they buy meets license-free regulations. And such a rifle passes inspection by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in rare cases.


  • there is no increased noise from a shot, which sometimes spreads over several kilometers;
  • lighter than conventional guns;
  • no need to disassemble, clean after almost every shot;
  • safer;
  • lower in cost;
  • environmentally friendly.

But it is inferior to a firearm in power, firing range, and stopping power of ammunition . Other disadvantages of such a rifle are its high cost and the need to carry a high-pressure cylinder or a special pump.

There are also super-powerful air rifles designed for larger animals.

As for the legality of using such weapons, hunting with air guns is not officially permitted.

But weapons with an energy of less than 7.5 J (a sporting type of pneumatic) are “hunting” by law, and shooting birds and stray animals with pneumatics is not prohibited.

Licensed self-defense weapons

An effective weapon for self-defense is a pump-action shotgun . It is not recommended to purchase it without a license. But it is one of the best for protecting yourself and your loved ones.

A pellet charge fired from a shotgun carries powerful energy. A buckshot shot is compared to a burst from a submachine gun.

The pump has a capacious under-barrel magazine for 4-8 rounds, which is what makes it different from single-barreled or double-barreled shotguns. It has a simple design.

The pump is the leader in the ability to fire the first shot if the gun is completely unloaded.

You need to throw the cartridge onto the feed tray and return the forend to the forward position. If you have time, you can equip the under-barrel magazine with one hand.

The Russian M-133 shotgun is the most popular in our country . Equipped with a triple shot protection system.


But it should be used only when there is a danger to the life and health of its owner, as well as his family members.

The most common in Russia:

  1. "Wasp" PB-4-1. Barrelless version of the injury with a shot power of 120 J.
  2. "Thunderstorm R-04s". Reliable weapon, caliber 9 mm. The recoil when fired is not so strong.
  3. "Makarych" is compact, reliable, solid.

The T-10 traumatic pistol is highly durable and its design is carefully thought out. Due to the sufficient thickness of the trunk, cracks do not appear.


  • high build quality, reliable, durable;
  • you can install a flashlight, a reflective front sight;
  • high accuracy;
  • designed for powerful cartridges.

To obtain a license you need:

  • complete special training courses by completing training;
  • obtain permission to purchase traumatic weapons;
  • buy it;
  • register weapons and license the right to carry and use them.

Owning a traumatic vehicle without permission and a license is prohibited by law; the act is punishable. Fine 500-2000 rubles (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

In case of illegal storage, sale, or carrying of weapons, if a person threatened to use trauma against third parties and caused damage, such actions fall under Articles 119 and 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

To obtain permission after purchasing such a pistol, the following documents are submitted to the police:

  • a copy of the purchase permit, there must be a note from the seller about the fact of sale;
  • application for permission;
  • insurance that you receive upon purchase;
  • 2 photos 30x40 mm;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the permit.
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