Alexey Khlopotov. Object 140 - a promising loser

The spectacular return of what was once one of the best random CT, how relevant is it after the patch and is it worth buying back.

Greetings, tankers! With you Wotpack and guide for Soviet ST level 10 Object 140 in World of Tanks. Experienced players, thinking about the recent development of this technique, probably recalled how they enjoyed going into battle in a tank 5-7 years ago.

Can current innovations bring back those emotions and the dynamics of gameplay that cannot be expressed in words? Only by understanding all the nuances one by one will you be able to draw a 100% correct conclusion; this is precisely the issue our team has been fruitfully working on.

Performance characteristics of the Object 140

Looking ahead a little, we can say with confidence that the changes in characteristics will not seem grandiose , but when you roll the tank into battle, you can feel the current comfort of the gun depression angles and the new “adjustment” of the VLD. It would be most rational to compare this combat vehicle with the Chinese ST 121 and its compatriot Ob. 430U, but it is no less interesting to draw a parallel with other 10s.


The average damage per minute is quite good, it is 3034 units . Although the STB-1 is superior to the USSR ST in this indicator, the values ​​regarding the gun’s rate of fire of 9.48 and the time to load one projectile of 6.33 inspire great hope for the equipment’s assistance in battle. No less important is that the vertical aiming angles to -7/17; the Chinese friend 121 is inferior to the Object 140 by 2 degrees. The numbers are small, but in practice the gameplay can change dramatically; now playing on the terrain is much more comfortable.

Taking into account the booking app, which will be written about in more detail, this innovation cannot be ignored, because it has become easier to implement CSAs in certain situations. The turret's rotation speed is mediocre, in this regard it is inferior to its classmates. But it can boast of fast aiming and excellent accuracy, which allows targeted fire at medium distances.


In patch 1.10.1, Object 140 received an increase in VLD armor, thus increasing the chances of a ricochet.

It is not advisable to tank with a turret; this should be done only in rare cases; this is due to two rather expressive hatches on top, which are perfectly “sewn” even with the main projectile. The safety factor is 1900 units, one of the minimum at level 10, which directly affects its survivability.

And if the opponent loaded the “golda”, then the penetration will definitely happen in the area of ​​​​a kind of tubercle in the structure of the tower. Although it is cast, the so-called “bald patch” does not allow you to confidently hide the NLD behind an obstacle and tank everything except high-explosive shells. You shouldn’t count on success at this point; most players know the combat vehicle very well, so they’ll immediately start looking out for just such vulnerable spots .

In dynamics Ob. The 140 is quite ricochety, so it is important not to stand still, but you need to be aware of vulnerable tanks.

Mobility and reconnaissance

Since the tank is the lightest in the presented comparison, maneuverability will be the main trump card of the Object 140. The dynamics are confirmed by the chassis turning speed indicators , they are presented in the basic configuration as 56.32 degrees per second.

But these numbers can easily be increased with the help of special equipment and perks. The review is standard for both Soviet technology and the rest of the branches of other nations, except for some units. Mobility is very good , so experienced players first of all develop it in order to instantly occupy positions favorable for shooting and transmit intelligence information along the way or make a light, receiving a reward at the end of the battle.

Crew Perks


  1. The Brotherhood of War
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Repair
  4. Disguise


  1. The Brotherhood of War
  2. Smooth rotation of the tower
  3. Repair
  4. Disguise

Driver mechanic

  1. The Brotherhood of War
  2. King of off-road
  3. Repair
  4. Disguise


  1. The Brotherhood of War
  2. Non-contact ammunition rack
  3. Repair
  4. Disguise

It is assumed that you already had a well-pumped crew, so the grid is divided into 4 skills. In principle, I don’t dare give any clear instructions, because for a ST, many combinations of perks and skills can be quite playable. The above is just one of the options. It all depends on your imagination and preferences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Considering the recent changes in characteristics, I would like to talk only about the advantages of the Object 140, but this combat vehicle also has disadvantages. First of all, you can notice the high possibility of fire in fuel tanks . The BC is also critical quite often, in some cases until the turret comes off, so vehicles with a large-caliber gun must be taken seriously. to make an exchange with 320 damage , even taking into account the high DPM indicators , if it does not involve “carousels”, lone enemy tanks will have a hard time with such an outcome of events.


  • good gun accuracy
  • excellent dynamics
  • frequent hits on the silhouette of a tank in motion
  • stabilization


  • small one-time damage
  • frequent tank fires
  • unprotected hatches on the tower

If you follow all the rules of the game on Object 140 and constantly move, you can tank shells with a 10-mm hull and turret, but this will require practice . And, as you know, it can only be obtained by repeatedly going into battle on your own.

Historical reference

As part of the creation of a fundamentally new medium tank, the design of the Object 140 medium tank began in the early 1950s.

By 1957, two prototypes of the Object 140 tank were built in Nizhny Tagil. Field tests revealed a number of serious shortcomings in the design of the Object 140 engine and transmission.

For example, the unusual location of the engine across the hull in an inclined position made it difficult to access it during operation and military repairs and required structural modifications for installation in the tank.

Soon, due to these problems and disagreements in the design bureau, work on the Object 140 tank was stopped.

Selection of equipment for Ob. 140

To achieve maximum results in driving on any terrain and dynamics, you should pay attention to the first assembly option.

With this kit, you can increase the chassis traverse speed to 63.36 degrees/s, reduce the spread by -32.5% and get a horizontal sight translation of 46.93 degrees/s.

  1. Improved turning mechanisms.
  2. Rammer.
  3. Vertical stabilizer.

The best damage per minute of 3463 units is available in the following configuration:

  1. Improved ventilation.
  2. Rammer.
  3. Vertical stabilizer.

And if you plan to surprise your opponent with a sudden appearance at an important point for victory, then you need to take a closer look at such devices as:

  1. Turbocharger.
  2. Rammer.
  3. Vertical stabilizer.

The maximum speed will increase to 60/23, which will be quite enough for the ST.


We take it with us

I take everything according to the standard.

But sometimes, instead of a fire extinguisher, I take a twisted engine speed controller

A fire extinguisher should always be taken into battle due to the location of the tanks in the front of the tank. After all, a powerful enemy weapon can damage the tanks and cause a fire, which we do not need at all. But sometimes, instead of a fire extinguisher, I took a regulator or additional rations, but I took it under the condition of playing very carefully. When a successful battle didn’t waste any HP at all.

The shells I purchased were as follows:

Sub-caliber 30pcs

Cumulative 20pcs

OF-0 pcs

I took cumulatives because the game has a problem with hitting heavily armored tanks. You can take CS for much less. After all, it's expensive. And I didn’t save then.


I am a supporter of aggressive tactics in the game. After all, I had enough shooting from bushes back in the Japanese stations.

I advise you to put on the tank:

Vertical stabilizer MK 1;

Medium caliber gun rammer;

Improved ventilation class 2;

My friend with whom I sometimes rode this tank took a more standard version:

Vertical stabilizer MK 1;

Medium caliber gun rammer;

Coated optics;

Perhaps he was right in installing coated optics for himself. After all, an increase in visibility gives you faster exposure of the enemy, which means that you will not receive splashes from unexposed opponents at key points.


I had a transplanted crew. I didn’t play tricks with the perks for him.

How to play Object 140

The tank has been known to everyone for quite a long time, and experienced gamers will want to skip this point, but not only beginners should remember their manner of behavior on the battlefield. Remember about the given armor , now you can rely on it more often. Vertical aiming angles have also become more comfortable, now it will be much easier to implement DPM, although one-time damage is small, but constant fire towards the enemy is very important.

Using the speed of the tank, you need to take advantageous positions and not rush too far; as soon as one or two enemy combat vehicles remain on the flank, you should immediately go to another. The speed is clearly enough to get there and shoot a large amount of damage. The location of the deployment must be changed constantly, otherwise, due to the low one-time indicator, it will not be possible to implement the CSA, and the result of 1500-1900 units is unlikely to bring joy. When rushing, you don’t need to stand still and wait for someone to appear on the horizon, now you have a better chance of catching a rebound, so breaking through the flank with the goal of going to the rear is an excellent scenario for Ob. 140.


Well, here comes the final part of my blog :-)

From the very beginning of the blog, I insisted that the T-62A and Ob.140 are practically no different from each other. Are you interested in knowing how they differ?

Tank differences

When I compared the performance characteristics of tanks, it seemed to me that it was only a matter of armor, speed, size and accuracy. Yes it is. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Even tanks have the same problems. T-62A and Ob.140 medium tanks of level 10. Like all tanks, they can end up at the end of the list. And if you get to the end of the list, it's like getting into a world of pain and suffering. Therefore, you should not regret that you did not take the T-62a.

The first difference between the T-62a and Ob.140 is the maximum speed. Our tank has 5 km/h more. Just think, some 5 km/h.. And it is these 5 km/h that the T-62a is not enough to quickly take a position or dynamic combat.

I would also like to note the UVN of our tank. 1 degree more than the T-62a. It was because of one degree that we had the opportunity to play from the tower and use the map's terrain.

In terms of armor, our tanks differ in turret armor. At the site, the turret is less armored, but due to its small size and the slope of the armor, ricochets occur quite often. But playing from the turret is hampered by a sense of self-preservation; you can’t easily tank with the turret like on the T-62A

Tanks vary greatly in battle tactics. After all, on the T-62A I quite often sat in ambush, and on the Ob.140 I quite often organize dynamic raids on the enemy with a platoon or with adequate allies (of which there are few). I change positions often. Fortunately, the speed allows this to be done. The tank somewhat reminds me of the T-54.

Basic tactics

The main task of the ST is not only to help the TT, but also not to lose HP. Half the battle I move from one convenient position to another and cover my allies. I shoot mainly at long and medium distances with cover. At the beginning of the battle, our goal is to define the directions, but when firefights begin between the teams, our time will come. This happens closer to the middle of the battle, so it is important that you do not lose HP by this time. And now contact between the enemy and allies occurs. Shootings begin. At this time we begin to take active action. These are outflanking maneuvers, helping to push through the defense of allied tanks. Also participate in the hunt for artefacts (closer to the end of the battle). And at the end of the battle you will understand how important HP is for you. After all, unfinished opponents will fiercely defend the base + splashes from artillery during its search. Therefore, it is important not to lose all your HP at the beginning of the battle. Your team's chance of winning depends on the completion of all actions.

Object 140 or T62A: which is better?

Such a question could be called relevant only when a player who had reached the 10th level of the Soviet ST branch was faced with a choice between two tanks. Today, such thoughts should be cast aside immediately, because Ob. 140 received an update of its characteristics , and the T62A continues to gather dust in the collection equipment section. Modern randoms are constantly being replenished with skill players, and they can only be properly countered with the most productive equipment, which has its own undeniable advantages.

Gun at Ob. 140 has become a little more comfortable than before, but these changes did not affect , after the VLD apa the questions should disappear by themselves. Despite these irrefutable facts, some gamers are still interested in such moments. Such disputes do not arise among experienced tankers, so beginners should not test this in practice, otherwise they can easily ruin their “status” .

The advantages of the T62A are accuracy and speed of aiming; the turret is more ricocheting and has a good traverse speed, but due to poor air-to-air angles (-5 degrees), it is often difficult to realize these advantages. The hull armor is weak, and the difference in maximum speed of 5 km/h and power density is noticeable.

This is why Object 140 is much more enjoyable in terms of gameplay and will be able to perform better in battle.



Lv.TowerArmor (mm)Rotation (deg/sec)Review (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
XObject 140240/187/65404008 20052 000

Compatible weapons:

Lv.gunPenetration (mm)Damage (HP)Rapid fire (rounds/min) Spread (m/100m)Mixing (c)BCWeight, kg)Price (credits)
X100 mm U-8TS264/330/50320/320/4209.090.352.1502 800242 700


Lv.EnginePower (hp)Fire probability (%)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
XTD-12580121 000132 000


Lv.ChassisMax. load (t) Turning speed (gr/sec)RminWeight, kg)Price (credits)
XObject 1403954012 00031 700

Radio stations

Lv.Radio stationCommunication range (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
XR-1137308052 200

Brief summary

Object 140 has certainly become more interesting after the AP; in talking about dramatic changes , nor should we expect them. Although the technology has improved somewhat, in reality it is not very noticeable. At levels 10 there are enough punching machines, especially since many shoot gold. An increase in gun declination by 1 degree will not always be noticeable. In this regard, it is still inferior to the STB 1 or M48A5 Patton, and to the Ob. 430He is far away.


The cost of our tank:

  • 206000 experience
  • 6,100,000 silver

After purchasing the tank, I transferred the crew from the T-54 (no problems arose). Transferred crew for gold without resetting skills. Those who do not have gold will have to exchange for silver.

I also purchased camouflage. I use the ability to increase the tank's camouflage. Therefore, the issue of purchasing camouflage is not even discussed. If you didn't know, our tank has the lowest silhouette at level 10.

Now we are almost ready for battle.

At the end

It's quite difficult to describe this tank. After all, the fact is that medium tanks are practically not standard. And the situations in the game can be completely different. I gave you the recommendations that I used myself. I hope it helped.

The tank itself is simply beautiful. I had very vivid impressions from playing on it.

Soviet medium tank

Greetings to all fans of the game World of Tanks! Today we will talk about a tank that has proven itself to be extremely good by a large number of players. And we’ll talk about the Object 140, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, learn about its use in battle, and also compare it with other top Soviet medium tanks.

Traditionally, we will divide our review into several parts:

1. Object 140, what is it? 2. Walk or explore for free experience? 3. Comparison with T-62A and Object 430 4. Equipment. 5. Perks 6. Equipment 7. Tank play style. 8. Results.

Object 140, what is it?

Object 140 is located in the main development branch of Soviet medium tanks and is an alternative to the T-62A tank, which once alone dominated the random battlefield under the Soviet flag. More on the comparison later, but now let’s look at the tactical and technical characteristics of the vehicle.

So, we see that the tank has good dynamics, typical of a medium tank, and is equipped with a strong turret, capable in most cases of “withstanding the blow” of many of the top guns in the game. It has an excellent, accurate and fast-firing weapon. And with all this, the Object 140 has a low silhouette, which, coupled with a fairly good gun deflection (UVN) for Soviet tanks, gives us the opportunity to play “from the terrain.”

Walk or explore for free experience?

As already noted, the tank is at the head of the main Soviet branch of development of medium tanks. You can get to it in three different ways: traditionally - through the T-34-85, T-43, T-44 branch, through the branch of tanks with a rear turret - A-44, ob.416, or through the light branch that was recently introduced into the game tanks - LTTB, T-54 region.

We do not take into account tanks up to level 5 due to the low cost of completing them. Interest in the branch begins after the purchase of the legendary “thirty-four”, which proved itself well not only during the Great Patriotic War, but also in the game. Next, we find ourselves at a crossroads between medium and light tanks, after passing which we will certainly meet the even more interesting T-54 tank, the popularity of which is proven by its presence in almost every battle! Well, the most important “treasure” is that after completing the T-54 you can get two Soviet medium tanks of level 10 at once, one of which is our Object 140. I believe that every tank on the way to it is worthy of attention and playing on each of them will give you at least a pleasant gaming experience, and perhaps most of them you will want to keep in your hangar.

Comparison with T-62A and Object 430.

Many players thoughtlessly say that the Object 140 and T-62A are almost identical tanks. Indeed, these vehicles have a lot in common: the dynamics and maximum speed are better in the Object 140, the dispersion of the gun when firing and its aiming time are slightly better in the T-62A, the same armor penetration and damage indicators, as well as almost the same amount of HP. The difference in air pressure between the Object 140 and the T-62A is only one degree - the Object 140's gun drops a little better. Our tank pays for this by having two fairly large commander's cupolas on the turret and weak armor on the turret roof, where enemy shells often hit with damage. Therefore, it’s up to you: choose the terrain more selectively on the T-62A using the advantages of an almost impenetrable turret, or move more often using a higher maximum speed (it is 55 km/h, versus 50 km/h for the T-62A) with opponents on Object 140. B In other cases, tanks cope equally well with their purpose.

As for the Object 430 tank, we can safely say that its differences from its classmates are clearly more obvious than those mentioned above. The tank has good stabilization, but it is noticeably worse compared to the T-62A and Object 140. Object 430 also has low gun accuracy compared to other Soviet lvl 10 medium tanks. These two disadvantages are compensated by more solid armor, capable of “holding damage” when used correctly, the lowest silhouette (430 lower than 140) and higher damage per minute. Hence the differences in the use of the compared tanks. If the first two can fight productively at long and medium distances, then the last model also feels quite comfortable in close combat.


To increase the comfort of the game, the following equipment can and should be installed on the tank: a rammer, improved ventilation and a vertical stabilizer.

In this case, we will increase the already good stabilization of the gun, its rate of fire, and slightly increase all the skills of the crew members by installing improved ventilation. This is the best set of modules for this tank, although those who like to “shine the light” can replace the vertical stabilizer with coated optics.

As for the crew skills, here, as with additional equipment, there is a standard set of perks.

Commander-radio operator - sixth sense, repair, camouflage, combat brotherhood Gunner - repair, smooth rotation of the turret, camouflage, combat brotherhood Driver mechanic - repairs, smooth movement, camouflage, combat brotherhood Loader - repair, non-contact ammunition rack. camouflage, military brotherhood

My advice: when you pump two perks to 100% and open the third, then reset them for gold and put the perk fraternity first, leave the second row unchanged and start pumping repair 3 again.


Everything here is simple and standard: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and a hand-held fire extinguisher. I don’t recommend adding additional rations, because Soviet medium tanks are known for having fuel tanks located in the front of the hull, so they will have to burn often. I also recommend using premium equipment instead of the above set: a large repair kit, a large first aid kit and an automatic fire extinguisher. But this is quite expensive and not everyone can afford such expenses, but the survivability of your car will increase significantly due to it.

Tank play style

The class of medium tanks is unique in that they can be used in different ways: as anti-tank guns, shoot at the enemy from the bushes, or ride along with heavy tanks on the attack line; play the role of a firefly, or, together with other medium tanks, break through the defense of one of the flanks. The Object 140 is suitable for any of these purposes, and the tank also feels good in close combat, thanks to its rapid-fire gun, but we must not forget that the hull is simply rather lightly armored, and the tanks are located in the front - we will burn better than a Christmas tree! Therefore, we play “from the tower” (note that in this position it is extremely difficult to damage the tank). We realize the potential of the weapon, use the terrain and always try to be in the center of events.

If the enemy team has a sufficient amount of artillery, we try to move more often and change locations more often. If there is a dominant superiority in the enemy’s medium tanks, we help our tank destroyers in the likely direction of the breakthrough, and in the case of superiority of the heavy tanks in the enemy team, we try, together with two or three allied tanks, to break through one of the directions and rush to the enemy’s rear. For the latter case, playing in a platoon is very good. Two or even three medium tanks, united in a platoon and actively helping each other, can greatly undermine the firepower of the enemy team.

The Object 140 tank is the “top” of the Soviet branch of development of medium tanks. It embodied many bold decisions and strengths of Soviet tank building. In skillful hands, he poses a real threat to the enemy’s team and equipment, capable of changing the course of the battle to his advantage in the shortest possible time. The versatility of its application is proven by the absence of any pronounced disadvantages. Alone, he is capable of bringing great benefits to his team, and in a campaign with his teammates, this car becomes a real “thunderstorm of randomness”!

Object 140 is a machine that represents Soviet technology. He has an average rank and is at game level 10. The tank represents a new generation of top military equipment, however, it has already gained sufficient popularity among many players. It belongs to equipment that does not require pumping, as it is initially equipped with the best modules.

The Object 140 is a fairly dynamic vehicle with excellent weapons. However, his lack of armor makes him vulnerable and significantly reduces his combat power. Its firepower lies in a 100mm cannon that can deal 320 damage. In this situation, the tank has a firing rate of up to nine rounds per minute.

  1. Rammer – significantly increases the rate of fire.
  2. Vertical aiming stabilizer – Significantly reduces gun spread due to its fixation and stabilization.
  3. Improved ventilation - significantly improves the performance of crew members.
  4. It will be enough to equip the car with a standard set of equipment - a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a repair kit.

Crew Object 140 perks

The crew is the “heart” of the tank, and with a skilled crew it becomes practically invulnerable.

  • Commander: Light bulb plus Combat Brotherhood, plus Repair, plus Camouflage, plus radio interception.
  • Driver-mechanic: Repair plus BB, plus Smooth ride, plus Camouflage, plus Off-Road King.
  • Gunner: Repair plus BB, plus Smooth turret rotation, plus Camouflage, plus Sniper.
  • Loader: Repair plus AP, plus Non-contact ammo rack, plus Camouflage, plus Intuition.

Looking at the parameters of this tank, first of all, its weak armor, reaching no more than 100 mm, becomes noticeable. This indicator is quite weak for equipment of this level. Therefore, it will be enough for the enemy to simply break through the body of the vehicle. However, taking into account the ideal slope of the armor in the front protection, the preferred place for shelling is the armor plate of the hull, as well as the base of the turret. It is worth paying attention to the fact that damage can be caused through tower hatches. Therefore, it will be quite easy to damage this tank, especially if you can knock out its track and deprive it of the ability to move.

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