The FOX Hunting Marathon begins!

What's new

As you remember, we initially planned to adapt Object 430 to the current conditions of random battles, add heavy tanks with a rear turret and rebalance the Object 263 branch to make the research tree more consistent.

We carefully analyzed your feedback and collected statistics after a series of tests. And now Soviet medium tanks with a rear turret are turning into an independent branch, and the Object 430, together with the new Object 430U vehicle, will form a new branch of assault vehicles.

Regarding the addition of the TT and Tank Destroyer branches, the additional data we received proved that both branches fit well into the game and will have a positive impact on game balance.

Let's take a closer look at the changes in Update 9.22.


  1. Crew commander;
  2. Gunner;
  3. Driver mechanic;
  4. Loader (Radio Operator).

Learning additional skills for the crew:

Standard crew for Active Actions:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members, except the commander, the “ Repair” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Repair” skill speeds up the repair of damaged modules, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank has been detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn the additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which will improve the level of proficiency in the specialty - be sure to learn it all at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the Radio Interception , which increases viewing range.

Studying skills and abilities of crew members for defense:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members the “ Camouflage” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Camouflage” skill will reduce the overall visibility of the tank, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn an additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which improves the level of proficiency in the specialty, must be studied by everyone at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the Radio Interception , which increases viewing range.

Changes in the branch of medium tanks of the USSR

Just recently we announced a rebalance of the ST branches. After a series of game tests, we changed the branch from the A-43 vehicle: the “Object 430U” was added to the game (which we will talk about a little later), and other vehicles changed levels. Thus, “Object 430” (which remained in the shadow of its “brothers” T-62A and Object 140) moved to level IX in the branch with a traditional turret arrangement - now it comes after the T-44 in the research tree.

A powerful 122-mm gun with high one-time damage, mounted on the T-44 tank, will become a distinctive feature of the entire line of medium tanks of the USSR. By the way, she doesn’t have a top-end car yet. We are still deciding on the candidate who is best suited for this role.

Advice: by the time a new vehicle appears in the branch of medium tanks with a rear-mounted ST turret, you can accumulate experience for the Object 430 Option II.

Object 430U

The task of the “Object 430U” is to give the enemy a good beating with its 122 mm gun with a one-time damage of 440 units. Although it will take longer to reload, this vehicle will be a great addition to any ST platoon.

The thickness of the armor in the upper frontal part and the turret can reach values ​​of 320 and 380 mm, respectively, while the hatches are quite well protected. However, this does not mean that you are invulnerable. Enemy tank destroyers or tank destroyers can still penetrate your armor, especially if they target the 180 mm thick lower frontal part.

The fairly agile Object 430U, with its speed of 50 km/h, is not the fastest medium tank. However, good dynamics will be extremely useful in the heat of battle.

Experienced medium tanks T-44-100

In 1943-44, Soviet industry attempted to enhance the firepower of the newest T-44 tank using a 122-mm rifled gun.
The experimental tank T-44-122 showed a significant increase in firing characteristics while simultaneously causing an unacceptable decrease in combat effectiveness. The further development of a medium tank with a powerful gun was abandoned, but the idea of ​​equipping an armored vehicle with a new gun was continued. The next result of the search for a new weapon for a medium tank was the T-44-100 project. The reasons for the emergence of new projects were simple and understandable. In 1943, Red Army tanks had to face Germany's newest heavy tanks, which had a significant advantage in effective fire range. It was soon established that the existing 122 mm guns used on heavy tanks were capable of hitting enemy vehicles at different ranges. The consequence of this was the proposal to equip the newest medium tank T-44 with a weapon of increased power. However, tests have shown that such a vehicle, while having high firepower, is characterized by an extremely inconvenient fighting compartment and an unacceptably small ammunition load.

Museum serial T-44. The first sample of the T-44-100 looked almost no different from it. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Despite the failure of the T-44-122 project, the military and industry did not abandon the idea of ​​modernizing a medium tank with a replacement gun. A new attempt at such a technology update was made already in 1945. This time it was proposed to install the existing D-10T 100 mm cannon on the armored vehicle. A similar weapon was used on several existing and future models of armored vehicles and managed to establish itself as a reliable and effective means of combating enemy vehicles. In addition, it compared favorably with 122 mm guns due to its smaller dimensions.

By analogy with the previous project, the new model of armored vehicles received the working designation T-44-100, which indicated both the type of base armored vehicle and the caliber of the new gun.

The previous experimental project involved the removal of the standard gun with mounting systems and the subsequent installation of new equipment along with a more powerful weapon. To install a 100 mm cannon, the production medium tank had to undergo similar changes, but along with them it was proposed to use some new modifications. Over time, a proposal arose to use additional armor elements, thanks to which the experimental T-44-100 tank could differ from the base vehicle not only in increased firepower, but also in enhanced protection. However, no major modifications to the existing design were proposed.

The T-44-100 project was based on the design of the serial T-44 tank with all its characteristic features. It was proposed to use a ready-made armored body, welded from sheets of various thicknesses and shapes. The front hemisphere of the tank was protected by inclined frontal plates 90 mm thick. The sides had a thickness of 70 mm, the stern - up to 45 mm. The hull was protected from above and below by a roof up to 20 mm thick and a 15 mm bottom. A characteristic feature of the T-44 hull, which distinguished it from units of previous domestic medium tanks, was the use of a front plate without large openings and holes. A traditional hull layout was used with a front control compartment, a fighting compartment in the center and a motor-transmission compartment in the stern.

The second version of the T-44-100, equipped with screens and the LB-1 gun. Photo

The V-44 diesel engine with a power of 500 hp was retained in the engine compartment of the updated tank. A five-speed gearbox and other transmission units previously used on the base model tank were used. The existing chassis design was retained. On each side there were five large-diameter road wheels with individual torsion bar suspension. The drive wheels were located in the stern, the guides in the front part of the hull.

The T-44-100 project again proposed preserving the existing cast turret with a frontal part up to 120 mm thick. The side sections of the tower had a thickness of up to 90 mm, the stern - 75 mm. The turret was mounted on a shoulder strap with a diameter of 1800 mm, which made it possible to mount various weapons in it, including quite large ones. A similar modernization potential of the tower has already been confirmed in a previous project.

The frontal embrasure of the turret was now supposed to house an updated oscillating mount with a 100-mm D-10T rifled gun. Initially, this weapon was developed for the T-54 tank, but now it has been proposed to use it in a project to modernize an older armored vehicle. Such an approach to updating the T-44, in theory, made it possible to obtain a unification of the two models, which could simplify the operation and supply of units with ammunition.

Tank armor scheme with screens. Drawing

The 100-mm tank gun had a 53.5-caliber rifled barrel, consisting of a monoblock pipe, a coupling and a breech. A horizontal wedge valve equipped with semi-automatic mechanisms was used. The recoil parts of the gun weighed 1538 kg, the swinging part - 2257 kg. The gun was loaded manually and used unitary shots. Depending on the type of projectile, a long barrel could provide an initial speed of 600 to 900 m/s. Manual loading made it possible to fire up to 5-6 rounds per minute.

The gun could use 100-mm unitary rounds with several types of projectiles. It was initially proposed to use the BR-412 projectile to hit armored targets. With an initial speed of 880 m/s, this projectile could penetrate 135 mm of armor at a distance of 1 km (meeting angle 90°) or 100 mm at 2 km. Subsequently, Soviet industry created new ammunition for the D-10T cannon, which had higher characteristics. However, for obvious reasons, they could not be included in the ammunition load of the T-44-100 medium tank.

The use of a new weapon required the ammunition stowage to be redesigned accordingly. The larger shot size of the 100 mm caliber resulted in a reduction in ammunition load to 36 rounds. A separate crew member had to work with the shells.

The new tank was to receive a proven complement of additional weapons. On one installation with a cannon there was a coaxial DTM machine gun, the second was placed in the embrasure of the front hull plate. The use of an anti-aircraft machine gun, according to some sources, was not initially proposed. Later, a turret for mounting a large-caliber DShK appeared on the roof of the turret. Rifle-caliber machine guns had a total ammunition load of 2000 rounds, anti-aircraft - 200 rounds.

Experienced tank, front view. Photo:

Four tank crews had to operate the vehicle. The driver was placed in the front of the hull and entered his place through a hatch in the roof of the hull. The commander, gunner and loader were located in the fighting compartment, equipped with two hatches in the turret roof. All crew workplaces were equipped with viewing devices, sights, etc.

The absence of major changes to the design of the hull and turret allowed the dimensions of the tank to remain at the same level. The length of the hull slightly exceeded 6 m, width - 3.2 m, height - 2.41 m. The length with the gun forward increased noticeably and now exceeded 8-8.2 m. Combat weight increased from the original 31.8 tons to 33.5 t. Nevertheless, the power of the existing engine made it possible to compensate for the increase in weight and keep the mobility characteristics at an acceptable level.

The development of the T-44-100 project was completed in the spring of 1945, after which the assembly of the first prototype began. By the summer of the same year, a prototype entered the test site, outwardly having no noticeable differences from the base type vehicle. It was possible to distinguish the original T-44 and the new T-44-100 only by different barrel lengths. During the tests, it was found that the modernized vehicle shows satisfactory mobility characteristics and, in general, corresponds to the basic type of equipment.

Machine feed. Photo:

The shooting tests ended in failure. It was found that the high-power weapon used could not be fully used on the T-44 tank. At the test site, it turned out that the gun was unbalanced and was interfering with the normal operation of the equipment. The powerful recoil of the 100 mm gun rocked the tank when firing and confused the aiming. Finally, after a series of shots in pursuit of the turret, a gap formed. It became clear that in the existing configuration the new tank had no real prospects and could not be used by the army.

The T-44-100 project was sent for revision in order to get rid of the identified shortcomings. It was decided that the D-10T gun could not be used on the existing armored vehicle. In addition, there was a proposal to slightly change the composition of the weapons, as well as to strengthen the armor. In theory, such modifications to an existing project made it possible to obtain the required characteristics and also get rid of existing problems.

As an alternative to the already tested gun, the LB-1 100-mm rifled tank gun was proposed. This gun was developed a little earlier for use on the experimental T-34-100 tank and was a variant of the existing 85-mm LB-1 gun using a new barrel of increased caliber. In general, in terms of its characteristics, the LB-1 gun corresponded to the D-10T, but had some differences in design. The most noticeable difference was the use of a muzzle brake. This device was introduced into the design of the gun in order to reduce recoil and reduce its impact on the units of the carrier tank. Taking into account the test results of the first T-44-100 prototype, such characteristic features of the LB-1 gun were of interest.

Starboard view. Photo:

In the basic configuration, the T-44 medium tank was not equipped with chassis protection. Above the upper branch of the caterpillar there was a fender, which did not provide any protection. There were no additional elements in the lateral projection. In the second version of the T-44-100 project, it was proposed to get rid of this design flaw by using additional side screens. Large sheets of armor 8 mm thick were attached to the side ends of the shelves. Such screens were distinguished by their relatively low height and the presence of beveled corners. The screen covered the side of the hull, as well as the chassis in the gap from the front road wheel to the drive wheel. The presence of additional armor made it possible to protect the vehicle from cumulative ammunition aimed at the side.

According to some reports, it was in the second modernization project that the use of the DShK anti-aircraft heavy machine gun, installed above the loader’s hatch, was envisaged.

In the fall of 1945, an experimental tank with an LB-1 gun and side screens entered the test site. Improvements to the design again did not lead to any serious changes in terms of mobility. At the same time, the firing characteristics of the updated vehicle were of greater interest to the customer and designers. The firing showed that the less powerful recoil of the new 100-mm cannon made it possible to get rid of the vehicle's rocking. The tower remained in its place and the operation of the shoulder strap was not disturbed. However, there was a noticeable drawback: the muzzle brake, while reducing the recoil force, formed a cloud of dust and unmasked the tank.

Based on the test results of the second version of the experimental T-44-100 tank, conclusions were drawn and the real prospects of such equipment were determined. The customer decided that the experimental tank could not be put into service and put into mass production. The reasons for this were related both to the characteristics of the resulting machine and to the advent of new technology that had some advantages.

T-44-100 at the training ground. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

By the time the experimental T-44-100 tank was tested, the industry had already begun mass production of the latest T-54 type vehicles. Such tanks were initially equipped with a 100 mm D-10T gun. As a result, the serial T-54 and the experimental T-44-100 were equivalent in terms of weapons. At the same time, the D-10T gun did not have a muzzle brake, which was considered a definite advantage - the military at that time tended to perceive such devices negatively. The new production tank also featured more powerful armor and improved mobility.

Having some similarities, the T-54 and T-44-100 tanks differed noticeably from each other in certain features. A comparison of the two samples showed that from the point of view of future use in the army, the new T-54 looks much more profitable. They decided to continue to build such equipment, and the T-44-100 project should have been closed due to the lack of real prospects. Work was stopped. In a few months, they built and tested experimental equipment with D-10T and LB-1 cannons, but such samples did not receive customer approval with corresponding consequences for the entire project.

The idea of ​​increasing the firepower of the T-44 medium tank by installing a new gun appeared back in 1943, shortly after the development of this vehicle began. Over the next two years, Soviet industry developed two options for modernizing the tank, which involved the use of three guns of 100 and 122 mm caliber. All three variants of the experimental equipment showed certain advantages over the basic version of the tank, but at the same time demonstrated a number of characteristic disadvantages. The fundamental impossibility of eliminating these shortcomings, as well as the emergence of new machines that initially had fairly high characteristics, led to the abandonment of interesting projects. There was no further development of the armament of the T-44 tanks. All tank building efforts were devoted to improving the T-54 and creating newer vehicles.

Based on materials from the sites:

New heavy tanks of the USSR

Heavy tanks of the USSR are solid vehicles that do their job well. In 9.22 we will slightly diversify their ranks by adding the heavily armored close combat vehicle "Object 705A".

The vehicle will lead a new alternative branch of heavy tanks of the USSR. It will start with the IS-M vehicle at level VIII, followed by the Object 705 at level IX. A common feature of all three vehicles is the rear position of the turret, which will determine the gameplay on these tanks.

The classic IP will serve as the starting point for the future branch.

Object 705A

“Object 705A” is a unique machine. Its role on the battlefield is quite easy to determine, especially considering that it is equipped with a 152mm gun capable of dealing 650 damage per shot. However, this weapon will be effective at medium and close range.

With a visibility of 390 m, this tank will not be able to successfully fire from a long distance; it is most effective in close combat.

The Object 705A is ideal for head-on combat and is capable of withstanding a lot thanks to its upper frontal part, the reduced thickness of which reaches 340 mm. However, the thickness of the NLD is only 244 mm, so it should be placed at an angle or hidden behind a cover.

The weight of the Object 705A is about 100 tons, so it accelerates slowly. However, the engine power is enough to get this beast where it needs to go on time.

Equipment, gear and ammunition:

List of equipment that can be installed on the T-44-100 (R):

Equipment for the T-44-100 (R) tank:

For Active-Action , you need to install the Rammer, Vertical Stabilizer and Improved Ventilation . On the first slot we install complex Rammer equipment, which increases the reload speed by 10% . On the second slot we install complex equipment Vertical Stabilizer, which reduces the dispersion of the gun when moving and turning the turret by 20% . In the last slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% .

For the Ambush-Sniper , you need to install the equipment “Rammer”, “Reinforced aiming drives” and “Improved ventilation” . On the first slot we install complex Rammer equipment, which increases the reload speed by 10% . On the second slot we install complex equipment: Reinforced aiming drives, which increases the gun aiming speed by 10% . In the last slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% .


List of equipment that can be installed on the T-44-100 (R):

The equipment should be equipped with a standard set of equipment: Small repair kit , Small first aid kit , Hand fire extinguisher . The fire extinguisher can be replaced with Lend-Lease oil , which will increase engine power by 5% . For tournaments or when there are a lot of credits, you can replace the fire extinguisher with Extra Ration 10% to all skills .


For the 100 mm LB-1 , we’ll take most of the armor-piercing shells, but against more armored opponents it’s worth taking a few premium sub-caliber shells, which will make the game easier. High-explosive fragmentation shells will be useful for us to shoot down the capture of the base and finish off opponents with a small margin of safety. The total ammunition load is 56


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Active actions:


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Defense:


Rebalance of tank destroyers of the USSR

After rebalancing the alternative branch of the USSR tank destroyer, the vehicles will receive a new specialization. The branch begins with the SU-100M1 at level VII, followed by the SU-101, followed by Object 263. And at level X there will be “Object 268 Option 4”.

As in the ST and TT branches, the guns of these tank destroyers will also be located in the rear. In addition, these vehicles will be distinguished by good mobility, low maneuverability and durable frontal armor. Created for attack, they should be in the forefront of the attack, where they can have the maximum influence on the outcome of the battle.

Object 268 Option 4

The new top tank destroyer represents the entire branch. This vehicle will be most effective in a group attack. Mobility (50 km/h) and good speed will allow you to take a comfortable position, however, low maneuverability means that this tank destroyer depends on the support of its allies, otherwise enemy tanks will be able to “twist” it.

More detailed information about the technique:

The T-44-100 (P) battle tank is practically a copy of the basic Soviet medium tank T-44. The frontal projection of the body is located at a rational angle of inclination, which allows for a chance to get a rebound. On the sides of the hull there are screens that protect against high-explosive and cumulative shells. Like the base tank, the main disadvantage is the frequent damage to the ammunition rack, which is critical for any tank. The armament is quite weak, the gun’s penetration is not enough even against classmates, not to mention at higher levels. Does this mean the tank is bad? No, the equipment has good dynamics and a high turret rotation speed, which allows you to spin the tank and cause damage to the sides and stern.

Bottom line: The T-44-100 (P) tank is mainly suitable for use as a credit earner and a simulator for the crew. Its characteristics are suitable for occupying key positions first and supporting a group of medium tanks.

Balancer improvements

In update 9.22, the balancer will allow you to get into different types of combat more often than you noted. This means that in the next random battle, the chance of getting into a type of battle you have already been in (standard, assault, counter or pitched battle) will be lower.

This change will allow you to avoid getting into the same type of battle several times in a row (this applies most of all to general battles). However, getting into a general battle through combat is still possible.

To maximize the effectiveness of the new mechanics, the balancer needs data for the last 50 battles you played after the release of version 9.22.

NOTE: If you wait too long to fight, the balancer may add additional combat types to the ones you selected. If you wait longer than 50 seconds, the balancer will send you to the first available battle of any type.

New season of ranked battles

The new season will consist of only one stage lasting 21 days and 15 ranks. Rank 5, 10 and 13 cannot be lost in case of defeat. We've also revised the rewards: reaching Rank 9 will reward you with 1,500 Bonds. In addition, the higher the rank, the greater the reward will be.

Server unavailability

Game servers will be unavailable on February 6 from 3:30 to 11:30 (Moscow time) due to the release of the update. We recommend that you refrain from making payments at this time.

Also, on February 6, from 3:30 to 10:30 (Moscow time), the Clan Portal will be unavailable. In addition, on February 6th, “Offensives” will not be carried out in Fortified Areas.

Premium account and compensation

Players who have a premium account or other temporary services (for example, camouflage) active at the time of the start of technical work will be compensated for a day of premium account and/or a day of using services starting from February 6 at 3:30 (Moscow time) according to the rules. If you want to make in-game purchases, please wait until the servers start.

We hope you enjoy the new USSR vehicles and improved balancer. Don't forget to check out the forum and share your opinion with us!

Changes to Ranked Battles

  • The new season of Ranked Battles will start a little later than the release of update 9.22. The start of the season will be announced separately.
  • The season now lasts 21 days and is not divided into stages
  • The number of ranks has been increased from 5 to 15.
  • The conditions for obtaining chevrons have been reworked:
  • The top 10 players on the winning team and the player ranked first in experience on the losing team will receive one chevron.
  • The top 3 players on the winning team receive an additional chevron.
  • Players who took 11th–15th places on the winning team and 2nd–5th places on the losing team retain the chevron.
  • Players who took 6th–15th places on the losing team lose their chevron.
  • A new feature has been added - rank protection. Some ranks will be protected, which will have durability points.
  • The home screen interface of the Ranked Battle mode has been redesigned to correctly display information about fifteen ranks.
  • The interface of the rewards screen for ranks and for the entire season has been redesigned. It is now accessible from the home screen and includes:
  • information about rewards for each rank;
  • information about rewards at the end of the season.
  • The visualization of vehicle ranks has been changed - now these are rank points. The principle of earning rank points has not changed.
  • The display of vehicle ranks from the vehicle panel has been removed, and in vehicle achievements they have been replaced with rank points.
  • The interface for progressing by vehicle ranks has been redesigned: now, when you reach the maximum rank, you will see the number of rank points earned in the Hangar.
  • The interface of the leaderboard in the Ranked Battle mode has been redesigned.
  • The new season of ranked battles will begin a little later than the release of version 9.22. The start of the season will be announced separately.

Changes in vehicle parameters

  • Vehicles announced in the research tree:
  • Tier X vehicle, next to the T-10.
  • Tier X vehicle, next to the “Object 430 Option II”.
  • The announced vehicle will be represented in the research tree with a special symbol, so you will know that in the next updates the corresponding vehicle will be added at the place of the announcement.

With the release of version 9.22, the FCM 50 t tank will be removed from the in-game store.

Cars added:

  • IS-M (VIII level)
  • Object 430U (instead of Object 430 X level)
  • Object 268 Option 4 (instead of Object 263 X level)
  • Object 257 (level IX)
  • Object 263 (IX level)
  • Object 430 (IX level)
  • Object 705 (IX level)
  • Object 705A (X level)

Cars removed:

  • Object 263 (X level)
  • Object 430 (X level)
  • SU-122-54 (tier IX)

Changing the parameters of military equipment:

VIII T-54 first sample:

  • The power of the V-44 engine was increased from 520 to 760 hp. With.


  • The dispersion of the gun due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 40%.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been increased from 20 to 23 km/h.
  • Engine power increased from 520 to 760 hp. With.


  • Engine power increased from 520 to 760 hp. With.

VIII T-44-100 (P):

  • The dispersion of the gun due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 40%.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been increased from 20 to 23 km/h.
  • Engine power increased from 520 to 760 hp. With.

VIII T-44:

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 20%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 22%.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been increased from 20 to 23 km/h.
  • The power of the V-54-6 engine was increased from 680 to 760 hp. With.

VIII SU-101:

  • The 122 mm D-25S mod. gun was replaced. 1944 for the 122 mm D-25-SU-101 gun with the following performance characteristics:
  • Elevation angle 18.3 degrees.
  • Declination angle 3 degrees.
  • Dispersion at 100 m is 0.44 m.
  • Reload time 11.1 s.
  • Mixing time 2.5 s.
  • UBR-471 damage 390, armor penetration 210 mm.
  • BR-471D damage 390, armor penetration 248 mm.
  • UOF-471 damage 530, armor penetration 64 mm.
  • The ammunition has not changed.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the SU-101 chassis has been reduced by 33%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the SU-102 chassis has been reduced by 37%.
  • The turning speed of the SU-101 chassis has been reduced from 34 to 23 degrees/s.
  • The turning speed of the SU-102 chassis has been reduced from 36 to 25 degrees/s.
  • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 increased from 0.35 to 0.4 m per 100 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been increased from 0.35 to 0.39 m per 100 m.
  • The dispersion of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been increased from 0.37 to 0.42 m per 100 m.
  • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944, when turning the barrel, it is increased by 25%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54S gun when rotating the barrel has been increased by 25%.
  • The dispersion of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun when rotating the barrel has been reduced by 25%.
  • Reload time for 100 mm D-10S gun mod. 1944 increased from 6.2 to 7.1 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been increased from 6.7 to 9.1 s.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been increased from 12 to 12.6 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 increased from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been increased from 2.1 to 2.3 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced from 3.1 to 2.5 s.
  • The viewing range of the SU-101 turret has been reduced from 380 to 350 m.
  • The SU-101 turret traverse speed has been reduced from 44 to 26 deg/s.
  • The hull armor has been strengthened.
  • The speed of the UOF-472 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 10%.
  • The speed of the BR-472 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 10%.
  • The speed of the BK-9 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 8%.
  • Gun declination angle 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 increased from 2.3 to 3 degrees.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been increased from 2.3 to 3 degrees.
  • The depression angle of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been increased from 2.2 to 3 degrees.
  • Horizontal pointing angles for 100 mm D-10S guns mod. 1944 and 100 mm D-54S increased from −9.3/9.3 to −10/12 degrees.
  • The horizontal guidance angles of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun have been increased from −7.3/7.3 to −10/12 degrees.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been increased from 16 to 18 km/h.
  • The durability of the SU-101 increased from 990 to 1100 units.

VII SU-100M1:

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the SU-100M1 chassis has been reduced by 30%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement and rotation of the SU-100M1 Bis chassis has been reduced by 33%.
  • The turning speed of the SU-100M1 chassis has been reduced from 32 to 23 deg/s.
  • The turning speed of the SU-100M1 Bis chassis has been reduced from 34 to 25 deg/s.
  • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 increased from 0.37 to 0.42 m per 100 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1S gun has been changed from 0.33 to 0.41 m per 100 m.
  • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944, when turning the barrel, it is increased by 25%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1S gun when rotating the barrel has been increased by 25%.
  • Reload time for 100 mm D-10S gun mod. 1944 reduced from 7.3 to 7.1 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1S gun has been increased from 5.9 to 7.1 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 increased from 2 to 2.3 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1S gun has been increased from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
  • The viewing range of the SU-100M1 turret has been reduced from 360 to 350 m.
  • The SU-100M1 turret traverse speed has been reduced from 44 to 26 deg/s.
  • The hull armor has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1S gun has been increased from 235 to 258 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1S gun has been increased from 183 to 212 mm.
  • Horizontal pointing angles for 100 mm D-10S guns mod. 1944 and 100 mm LB-1S increased from −8/8 to −12/12 degrees.
  • The maximum forward speed has been increased from 50 to 54 km/h.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been increased from 14 to 16 km/h.
  • The durability of the SU-100M1 has increased from 830 to 850 units.

Equipment converted to HD:

  • IV AMX 40.



Lv.TowerArmor (mm)Rotation (deg/sec)Review (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
VIIIT-44-100 (R)120/100/100483807 80030 000

Compatible weapons:

Lv.gunPenetration (mm)Damage (HP)Rapid fire (rounds/min) Spread (m/100m)Mixing (c)BCWeight, kg)Price (credits)
VII100 mm LB-1183/235/50250/250/3307.410.352.2562 400130 750


Lv.EnginePower (hp)Fire probability (%)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
VIB-445201575029 000


Lv.ChassisMax. load (t) Turning speed (gr/sec)RminWeight, kg)Price (credits)
VIIIT-44-100 (R)3751B/28 00030 000

Radio stations

Lv.Radio stationCommunication range (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
IX9RS60010038 800
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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