New tank Object 259A in WoT – are we looking forward to the next marathon?

The game "Tanks Online" impoverishes real players around the world, who can play in the virtual world, controlling different types of battle tanks. The gameplay is based on the PVP system - player versus player. When destroying an enemy tank, the player receives experience and frags.

Tanki Online is a multiplayer online browser game that is a tank simulator. Cool graphics, realistic controls and a lot of possibilities will not let anyone get bored! Massive battles await you on large maps, which give each player the opportunity to show their abilities and prove their superiority in real combat. What could be cooler?

World of Tanks

In order to start fighting enemies with your tank as soon as possible, you don’t need to learn this skill for too long. World of Tanks gives you the opportunity to jump into incredible hardcore tank combat almost immediately. It won't take much time, but will bring a lot of pleasant emotions. This game will also allow the casual gamer to try out quite a few different tanks.

There is a well-developed leveling system that will only make the gameplay more interesting. Tanks are unlocked as you progress to the next level, meaning you'll have to go through a lot of exciting battles before testing out the best vehicles.

The advantage of World of Tanks is the variety of vehicles. Here you will find more than 250 types of military equipment: from primitive reconnaissance equipment to incredibly large and powerful ones. Interestingly, the game offers tanks from different countries, such as France, Japan, Russia, the United States, China, the USSR and some others. This variety makes every battle in World of Tanks unique and inimitable.

“There is a penetration!”: the image of a tank in Russian culture

“The tanks rumbled on the field...” is sung in a famous wartime song. Today, iron death machines rumble not only across the fields, but also across the screens of cinemas, televisions and computer monitors. Even mobile devices accommodate the clank of caterpillars.

It is in our country that any media and projects related to tanks earn special popularity and even popular love. Movies about tanks, games, stickers with tanks on cars... It seems that this has always been with us. However, why exactly did the tank become an image-symbol that captured a huge part of the Russian audience? How did he fit so well into the cultural matrix? VATNIKSTAN decided to look into this.

"In a liberated village." Photo by Arkady Shaikhet. 1943 Source:

Tank avalanche

In order to talk about the image of the tank in culture, we first need to say a few words about tanks as such. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the history of tank building in Russia will be outlined in broad strokes: we are more interested in cultural aspects and the general historical context.

Conceptually, a tank is an ideal means of waging war in the natural and climatic conditions of Russia. A fairly harsh climate, radical weather changes several times a year - from snowdrifts to scorching sun - widespread impassability and difficult soils. All this makes the use of military equipment designed for increased maneuverability and relative independence on the battlefield the best tactical solution. Therefore, even in the Russian Empire, attempts were made to design their own combat vehicle that met Russian conditions: these included, for example, the actually built Tsar Tank, which relied on two nine-meter wheels. Most of these projects, however, were not successful.

"Tsar Tank" being tested. 1915

After the establishment of Soviet power, tank building received a new round of development. First, we studied the experience of other countries. The MS-1 tank was an analogue of the French Renault FT-17. Then, based on the suspension of the American Christie tank, they developed a series of wheeled-tracked light tanks BT, designed for crossing cities along good (European) roads.

MS-1 (T-18) at the Armored Museum in Kubinka

At the same time, their own directions were developed: three-tower and heavy five-tower giants, amphibious amphibious tanks, heavy KV tanks. The latter received their name in honor of the veteran of the Communist Party, People's Commissar of Defense Kliment Voroshilov.

The culmination of the development of tank-building thought in the USSR at the end of the 30s was the T-34. It was in every sense a medium tank, which made it easy to manufacture and master, effective both defensively and offensively. That is, an ideal armored vehicle for wartime needs. Subsequently, the T‑34 chassis was used as a base to create self-propelled artillery systems SU-85, SU-100, SU-122. Moreover, during the war, a modification of the tank was developed with an 85 mm gun instead of a 76 mm one. The T-34 truly became the workhorse of the Great Patriotic War.

T-34 tanks. Photo by Georgy Petrusov. 1940–1942. Source:

Already during the war, the tank is fixed in the narrative as an instrument of glorification. Thus, in the anti-fascist animation “Do not trample the fascist boot of our Motherland!” (Soyuzmultfilm, Politplakat, 1941) it is the tank troops, to the accompaniment of the “March of Soviet Tankmen”, who drive out the anthropomorphic pig, personifying Adolf Hitler, from the territory of the country.

In Stalingrad, the STZ plant gained fame, continuing to produce new tanks from its workshops under enemy fire. This episode was replicated in a number of Soviet newspapers and even today often ends up in popular science books on the history of the Great Patriotic War. This is how the link “tanks - heroism” is formed.

By the end of the war, heavy tanks of the IS series (Joseph Stalin) became available to the Red Army. Named after the Soviet leader, they were not only a powerful weapon, but also a powerful symbolic image. Political instructors and commissars could now say that the fighters were fighting “shoulder to shoulder” with Stalin himself. By the way, other tanks also became unique battle flags: slogans, names of commanders or names of cities were written on them, forming an important patriotic impulse.


IS-1 and IS-2 managed to take part in hostilities, but IS-3 was delivered to Berlin for a triumphal parade. And already in the summer of 1945 they took part in the famous first Victory Parade on Red Square.

After the war, the USSR finds itself in a situation in which the most likely enemy, the United States, has nuclear weapons, but the USSR does not. During the development of its own atomic bomb, the Union had to increase its superiority in other areas. So gradually, even despite the success in the development of RDS-1 (the first Soviet plutonium bomb), the concept of a “tank avalanche” was born. This strategy involved the rapid transfer of a large number of armored vehicles to the required sectors of the front. Western Europe was, of course, considered as the main zone.

In the second half of the 20th century, albeit unofficially, but at the highest level, tanks were recognized as the main military instrument of the Soviet Army in tactical terms, while nuclear warheads maintained strategic parity.

“Soviet tank crews are in the ranks...”

While tanks were becoming one of the most important types of troops, the cultural sphere also experienced their influence. And the most important of the arts - cinema - was no exception. A huge number of feature films are being made about the Great Patriotic War, in which tanks and tankers are either present in the plot or even become the main characters.

For example, in the epic “Liberation” one of the films, “Fiery Arc”, is dedicated to the Battle of Kursk. For filming, the USSR Ministry of Defense allocated about 150 tanks, so the scenes turned out to be truly monumental. Thus, the film perpetuated the classic concept of the history of the Great Patriotic War: the victory at Stalingrad launched a radical change, and the Battle of Kursk strengthened it, transferring the strategic initiative into the hands of the Red Army. Moreover, the famous battle of Prokhorovka in 1943 also marked the symbolic advantage of Soviet tank building over German.


Another iconic film in which a tank and tank crews become central characters was the 1964 film “The Lark,” to which we will return. The film tells about the escape of captured Soviet soldiers from a German training ground: they were used as the crew of a target tank while testing anti-tank guns. The story of the tank hero heroes was remembered for a long time by the Soviet audience.

There were also some occasional mentions, even using elements of folk art. Thus, in the 1969 film “In War as in War,” in the scene with the arrival of self-propelled artillery units at the unit’s location, a soldier sings a folk song that had already become a folk song:

The tank loved the self-propelled gun and took it for walks in the forest. From such a novel the whole grove is broken!

The Polish series “Four Tankmen and a Dog,” based on the book of the same name by Janusz Przymanowski, gained particular popular love. It caused such a great resonance that, under the influence of the film, informal “Tank Clubs” appeared in the USSR, in which enthusiasts discussed military history, tank building, films and books about the Great Patriotic War.

Still from the film “Four Tankmen and a Dog.” Source:

The series was distinguished by a pleasant plot feature: in addition to the crew of the Rudy tank, among the heroes there was a German shepherd Sharik. “Szarik to nasz pies!” The Soviet audience remembered it for a long time. And again, we note that the tank theme was developed outside the series, which only launched a spontaneous wave of viewer interest.

One of the last Soviet film projects about the war was a film called “Tank “Klim Voroshilov-2”” in 1990. The plot of the film tells the story of a KV-2 abandoned in a swamp, which was later found and put back into combat readiness by retreating Red Army soldiers trying to catch up with their units during the summer retreat of 1941. It's interesting that the film itself is named after a tank, as if the machine is much more important than the human characters. This is also a very important motive.

Still from the film “Tank “Klim Voroshilov-2””

Tanks are driving through Moscow

The post-Soviet film industry is also not lagging behind in the production of films about tanks. Among the modern films on our subject, I would like to note three fundamentally different films, which, despite their dissimilarity, use a single basic motive of interest in tanks and military history. We can say that the use of a tank in the plot already gives some credibility and creates positive expectations among the audience.

In 2012, the film “The White Tiger” was released, based on the novel “Tank Man” by Ilya Boyashov. Both works combined a wartime context with elements of mysticism. The mysterious PzKpfw VI "Tiger" of an unknown modification, painted white, appears from the fog from the most unexpected positions, leaving no survivors except the main character. And now his goal was to search and destroy the elusive enemy.

Still from the film “The White Tiger”

Surprisingly, the directors did a seemingly unthinkable thing by creating a conceptual and mystical detective story about tanks. And it worked! Moreover, the final episode of Adolf Hitler’s conversation with the mysterious unknown (in which some critics recognized the devil, as in the “White Tiger” itself) added emotionality. The film was supported by the World of Tanks project, which was indicated in the credits. Moreover, as part of the WoT gameplay, a separate game event dedicated to the film was added.

Fundamentally different from the previous one is the work with the unambiguous title “Tanks”, which tells about the legendary transport of two T-34 prototypes from the workshop to Moscow under its own power for demonstration to Stalin. One of the cars was personally commanded by the designer Mikhail Koshkin, who during the ferrying process received pneumonia and later died from it. In “Tanks,” the emphasis is already on the biographical moment, but the main character’s mission is to structurally bring the tank to a combat-ready state and demonstrate it to senior management.

The film combines the legendary story about the “transport”, and individual biographical moments (though spoiled by too free an interpretation and the White Guards who came from nowhere), and an almost sacred scene of Comrade Stalin’s approval of new combat vehicles.

Finally, a recent work that came under the scorching light of the media spotlight and received very contradictory reviews. "T-34" is a remake of the film "Lark", which we mentioned above. And again, in the title of the film, which, generally speaking, is about people, only the name of the tank is recorded. At the same time, the history of the vehicle or the goal associated directly with the tank are not central to the plot. You could even say that they don't exist.

Still from the film "T-34". Source:

We won’t give a general assessment of the film as such, let’s just say that it turned out to be extremely controversial. The opening, which shows Soviet tank crews escaping from a concentration camp, is only needed to show a few battle scenes of tank battles. Graphically they look very decent, but at the same time historically completely implausible. Internet users at the time of the film's release, commenting on the battle scenes shown, saw more similarities with the online shooter World of Tanks than with the real story. Nevertheless, the “tank” credit of confidence was realized and the film’s box office receipts were more than three times higher than the budget.

It turns out that the image of a tank in cinema is an analogue of salt in the post-Soviet kitchen, only for the sphere of meaningful content. If you add them to a product, it makes it more interesting, more attractive and more successful. Of the three films mentioned above, only “Tanks” did not pay off at the box office, although it attracted some attention.

It seems that it is already possible to identify a separate, independent genre of “tank” cinema - with its own rules and characteristics, subgenres and industry classics. At the very least, we can say with confidence that such films are steadily collecting money at the box office and have no plans to lose popularity at all.

Put on your headset!

Tanks also left their mark on music. In order not to repeat what was said long ago, we note two fresh, not at all textbook examples of the existence of “tank” imagery here and now.

So, the domestic performer Nick Sax in the song “USSR Kid” has the following lines (sings in English):

Cross on my neck Driving my tank Under my back Soviet Punk.


A cross on my neck, I'm driving my tank, I have a Soviet punk behind me.

For the modern music scene, the tank turns out to be a kind of ironic and playful element of Soviet-punk everyday life, since it carries the strongest association with the former power of the USSR. Even on an indirect level, this image penetrates modern culture: the cover of the USSR Kid single depicts the artist looking out of the turret of a T-34-85 tank. How much more symbolic?

The most obvious sign of the pop-cultural penetration of tanks would seem to be the popularity of the Russian rave group “Give me a tank (!),” but here the paradoxical mechanics of metamodernity come into force. There are no references to the tank in the group’s work; it is present in a very schematic form - only on the performers’ badge.

The team took its name from the gamer cheat code GIVEUSATANK from GTA 3, which was famous 15 years ago. That is, there is no meaningful quote here, this is a reference for the sake of reference. Why did the code associated specifically with the tank form the basis of the name? Was this an absolute coincidence, a completely random result of a conditional “brainstorm”? Or maybe the image of a tank is so deeply rooted in the culture of post-Soviet generations that interest and craving for it is no longer recognized?..

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast

A tank is not just a designation for military equipment. In Russia, his image has become an independent and almost living character: with his own character, living context, reaction to the surrounding space. The symbolic field of Russian culture is simply unthinkable without mention of the tank - direct or indirect, real or fantastic.

Tank culture is not something niche or special. This is a full-fledged “area” of (re-)reproduction of meanings: from the game of “tanks” (aka Battle City) or historical films to mystical detective stories and musical allusions.

By the way, the famous game about “tanks”, which then migrated to pirate Dendy, was made by the Japanese from Namco back in 1985. However, in Russia the game has taken root much better than in its historical homeland. Children from the nineties simply could not tear themselves away from the “tanks” from the console or from their simpler analogue from “Tetris”.

Still from the game Super Tank 90

Children's toys in the form of tanks, common in the USSR and its post-Soviet successor countries, also played their cultural role. Probably every child wanted to “spice them up” a little, to feel like a real tanker.

Online games have caused a revolution in the field of interest in tanks. Interactive entertainment made it possible not only to watch armored vehicles from cinema and television screens, but also to control them - in virtual space, but in real time. In post-Soviet countries, large, original and expensive projects have emerged dedicated to tanks in the context of technically advanced gameplay.

Chronologically, the first was the multi-user online sandbox “Tanki Online”: the developers presented its release in 2009. The simple but understandable name and the same game engine ensured the game's wild popularity. Unlike thousands of similar strategies, in which real tanks were presented as permanent playable units, in the new game the user was given the opportunity to assemble a unique vehicle from combinations of hull and turret - and then paint it in some crazy pattern.

Still from the game "Tanks Online"

The abstract and fantastic nature of the action attracted not only fans of tank building and military history, but also a huge number of ordinary players who simply liked to “drive tanks.” In this sense, it is indeed fair to say that in Russia tanks are loved not only for their historical role, but also as an abstract concept from the world of imagination. After all, the first large-scale online game about tanks in history was created here.

Tanki Online was historically the first, but a little later a project would be released that not only fundamentally changed games about tanks, but also turned the entire game market in the CIS upside down.

All the details are in our next article.

Read also ““Approved by the USSR Ministry of Education”: discourses of Soviet political culture .



Imagine that you are an experienced tanker, making your way through the legendary battlefields of the Second World War. And Enlisted will help you with this. This game is produced by Gaijin Entertainment, it is free and is ready to offer a huge selection of armored vehicles during each battle.

Gaijin Entertainment has tried to make the game as historically accurate as possible, meaning that the tanks and armored personnel carriers of yesteryear are recreated in detail and look exactly the same as they did during the real war. Therefore, those gamers who are worried about historical accuracy and possible errors during combat can calm down.

When playing Enlisted and fighting enemies on the battlefield, you have the opportunity to switch from tank to aircraft or infantry. This can help you look at the situation from a different perspective and maybe even bring you closer to victory.

War Thunder

War Thunder is not as simple as the previous two games. The developers are lovers of hardcore tactics, ingenious statistics and the smallest details. That is why the game is completely filled with them. Here, in addition to a huge variety of military equipment, there are a lot of branches for research on which you can spend a lot of time. Those who don’t want to do this kind of thing can easily find a guide on the Internet and quickly rush into battle. In addition, a feature of the game is the surprisingly accurate and complex armor penetration mechanics, which must be carefully considered before firing.

In the arcade mode of War Thunder, of course, you can learn the basic mechanics, but to become a real expert you need to win the battle on the simulator. In this mode, the view is very limited, there is no assistance while aiming, and all actions require more time. Any encounter with the enemy is a tactical horror.

It is worth noting that in this game it is possible to pilot planes and ships.

Soviet Union

For objective reasons, Russia was the last to join the list of tank-producing countries. The military department of Tsarist Russia was not interested in this topic. In the fall of 1919, the first step was taken.

The Council of Military Industry of the RSFSR decided to create a Soviet tank based on the French Renault.

On August 31, 1920, the first tank “Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin!” came out of the gate. A total of 15 tanks were produced, whose characteristics were not inferior to similar models from other countries.

The further development of armored vehicles in the country was so active that it would only be reasonable to briefly outline the milestones of this path:

  • January-February 1928 - the beginning of mass production of the MS-1 (T-18) tank - small, escort. The first production tank. Participated in battles on the Chinese Eastern Railway;
  • 1931 – 1932 – creation and serial production of T-26 and BT-2 tanks. Until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were models that were the main battle tanks of the Red Army;
  • 1930 - 1933 - following global trends, the two-seater T-27 tankette and the T-38 amphibious tank were launched into production;
  • 1931 is the first year of mass serial production of tanks. 740 units of equipment were produced. For comparison, in 1931 – 170;
  • decade 1931-1941 Historians call it the period of creation of a complex of armored vehicles. The massive development of tank models of all categories made it possible by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War to have a number of models that later became “weapons of victory.”
  • mid - late 30s the Leningrad Kirov Plant (LKZ) is developing a model of the KV heavy tank, the decision to mass produce which was made at the end of 1939;
  • The 76 mm tank gun on the KV was replaced with a 152 mm M-10T tank howitzer. The new combat vehicle received the KV 2 classification. The KV tank became known as the KV 1;
  • September 1938 - the design bureau of the Kharkov plant was tasked with creating the A-20 light tank. The plant's designers, led by M. Koshkin, proposed their own version - the A-32, which later became the T-34 medium tank. The first use of sloping frontal armor, the V-2 diesel engine, the 76-mm F-34 cannon, and the Christie suspension—all this together made the medium tank the best for that time.

Valkyria Chronicles 4

Tanks are a symbol of strength. They make their way through any obstacles that come their way, break and destroy them. But not in all games this goes unpunished. Valkyria Chronicles 4 is ready to offer an exciting journey in which you will have to use not only force, but also strategy.

Developed by Sega, this role-playing game puts you as an army officer leading your unit through the brutal reality of war. During one of the battles, a tank is among the units called. But you need to play, carefully thinking through every step, without making mistakes.

The developers were inspired by the situation in Europe before the First World War. Another difference between Valkyria Chronicles 4 and other tank games is that it is similar to an anime game. This visual adds charm and originality.

The situation in Donbass - what is the current situation, latest news

The heads of the foreign affairs departments of Russia and the United States held telephone conversations about the countries' demands on each other and the escalation of the situation around Ukraine. The world media, including the media of Donbass itself, are talking about the high risk of a resumption of armed conflict in Donbass. Thus, Sergei Lavrov and Antony Blinken are literally deciding the issue of war and peace.

If we describe the current situation around Donbass in one word, it would be “alarming.” Anxiety is everywhere – both in anonymous telegram channels and in statements by officials. The first to report that the fighters of the so-called. dobbatov - veterans of the so-called. The ATO is quickly distributing weapons. And deputy police chief Eduard Basurin said that militants from the Right Sector (banned in Russia) had already arrived at positions towards Gorlovka.

On Tuesday evening, armed people in uniforms without distinctive insignia occupied a school in the Kyiv-controlled village of Novohnativka near the demarcation line between the parties. This line is still in the same place, but the expectation of a military operation is literally hanging in the air.

Panzer Corps (part 1 and 2)

About nine years have passed since the release of Panzer Corps, and now the developers have delighted gamers with the second part. The game has been visually updated and has also become a continuation of the strategy. Panzer Corps 2, like the previous part, is based on World War II. Among all the updates, there are expansions of capabilities in tank battles, more than a thousand new units and a large campaign with 60 scenarios.

The multiplayer mode has also undergone changes. There are new ways to fight online with your friends as opponents or allies. It is possible to install a variety of mods and edit scenarios, thereby recreating the battles that you have dreamed about for so long.

Armored Warfare

This game is very similar to World of Tanks, but differs in that all gameplay takes place in a more modern time. Armored Warfare has a much more diverse range of possible equipment, vehicles and technologies. All this makes the main gameplay more interesting and unusual. Overall, the game definitely deserves your attention.

It is worth mentioning the PVE mode, which allows you to connect with friends and fight in a company against bots, thereby upgrading your vehicles. This way you can quickly improve your tank without wasting your nerves on opponents in PvP whose level is higher than yours.

Armored Warfare is updated regularly, with new tanks and features constantly being added to the range. For this reason, the game simply cannot bore you.

Between two wars

This period did not become a breakthrough for the creators and manufacturers of armored vehicles, although the tanks of England and France did not remain out of competition for long. Other countries (USSR, Germany, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Poland, USA, Hungary, Sweden) gradually became involved in the process of creating new types of weapons.

However, tank building did not develop rapidly. Even a brief analysis of the work of designers and manufacturers of armored vehicles in the 20-30s allows us to highlight its main directions:

  • development and production of inexpensive, light tanks and wedges with 1-2 crew members;
  • the creation of light, maneuverable reconnaissance tanks, with improved weapons and protection compared to tankettes;
  • a separate direction was the development of a reconnaissance amphibious tank;
  • the creation of wheeled and tracked models, caused by the need to move machines from one site to another. But soon, instead of these complex systems, more durable tracks were developed.

It is easy to see that the main trends in the development of armored vehicles in the 20s and early 30s. boiled down to the development of light, cheap and easy-to-control combat vehicles.

The economic crisis of the post-war years and the disbelief in battle tanks of a certain part of people from power structures, including the military, had an impact.

Steel Armor: Blaze of War

This game can rightfully be called the most complete and detailed tank simulator. Here you will have to pay close attention to managing the crew and the vehicle itself inside. Steel Armor can only provide a couple of tanks, but the rendering of their external and internal appearance is incredibly detailed.

The game is difficult to control, but experienced tankers, as well as ardent fans of war games that require a more realistic setting, will enjoy it.

Panzer Elite Action: Gold Edition

In this game you will have to travel a lot in the battlefields of World War II, constantly encountering explosions. The controls in Panzer Elite Action are not at all difficult, and the mechanics are exciting and will definitely appeal to any gamer. There are many opportunities open to you here. To start, you can choose the side you want to play for, get some tanks, and then you can have fun blowing things up while hiding from your opponents. The game is not rich in realism found in the original version of Panzer Elit. But by taking care of other players on your team and constantly upgrading your tank, you will definitely enjoy the gameplay.

During the Great Patriotic War

The war became a bloody “competition” between German and Soviet tank building. During it, both the Red Army's combat vehicles and German tanks were constantly improved. Often, changes in the combat and technical characteristics of Soviet tanks became the motivation for intensifying the work of German armored vehicle manufacturers. And vice versa.

Thus, the Red Army, having in service at the beginning of the war a small number of medium tanks T-34, heavy KV and light T-40 (mainly the units were equipped with T-26 and BT-2), after the first battles practically abandoned light tanks.

By the end of 1941, the KV-2 was discontinued and all attention was focused on the production of the T-34.

But with the advent of heavy tanks “Panther” and “Tiger” by the Germans, the need for heavy tanks returned. In 1943, the IS-2 heavy tank, nicknamed the “Tiger Fighter,” entered service. The table shows some tactical and technical characteristics of the main tanks of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht during the war.

Main characteristicsT-34-85TV PantherIS-2T-VI Tiger
Combat weight (t)30,144,84657
Crew (persons)4545
Dimensions (mm):
Armor thickness (mm)52/3090/30100/30100/40
Gun caliber (mm)857512288
Ammunition (shells)77812892
Machine guns2x7.622x7.923x7.62; 1x12.7 2x7.92
Engine (hp)500 - diesel700 - carburetor520 - diesel700-carburetor
Highway (km/h)54553744
Off-road (km/h)363015-2020-25
Cruising range (km)380250160-240100-195
Firing range (m)4000400040004000

It would be wrong to simply compare numbers. The approach must be analytical. For example, we must take into account that by German standards the Panther is a medium tank, but by the parameters accepted in the world it is a heavy one.


In this game you will find a huge expanse of the world, which is why the battles will become larger. You will no longer have to drive around destroyed cities, facing enemies at short distances. In Arma 3, you will be forced to regularly check with a scanner to see if there is any threat nearby. There is almost nowhere to hide, because buildings and other objects are practically absent. You will have to survive by timely detection of enemies and the ability to defeat them in battle.

The game does not directly relate to tanks, but provides gamers with thoughtful realism that allows them to recreate a modern tank battle. The realism of Arma 3 is so developed that one day the news mistakenly included a still from it on the air instead of filming real military operations.

Steel Division 2

This game is perfect for strategic players and will allow them to plunge into the events on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. The player will have the opportunity to lead the Soviet army and fight the Nazis. All battles take place in real time, there are twenty-five maps to choose from and several modes.

Each map is a huge battlefield with over six hundred types of units. All of them can be used for single or cooperative play, as well as in multiplayer competitions, where up to 10 gamers participate on each side.

The main difference between Steel Division 2 and other similar projects is that you don’t need to spend a lot of time collecting resources. So you can pay more attention to commanding an army and defeating enemies, which is undoubtedly much more interesting.


The Versailles Peace Treaty of June 28, 1919 introduced for defeated Germany strict restrictions on the production of many types of military equipment and weapons. Including tanks. Despite the ban, even before the Nazis came to power, the Germans secretly, under the guise of producing tractors, began developing and producing light and medium tanks.

When Hitler came to power, he simply ignored the Treaty of Versailles. Beginning in 1934, German tanks (light Pz-I, a little later Pz-II and medium tank Pz-III) began to enter service with the army.

Battlefield 4

Careful choice of position is the most important thing when surviving in games with a similar theme. However, Battlefield 4 doesn't require this. Here, armored vehicles are incredibly fast and blow up enemy helicopters on the fly, forcing infantry troops to scatter in search of cover. So the game will help you have a good time.

In Battlefield 4 you'll basically have to destroy everything that gets in your way. Gamers can wreak havoc and destroy any objects on the map without worrying about choosing tactics or strategies.

Fans of slightly more old-school tanks can play on earlier versions of this game, for example, on the first and fifth.

Will there be a war between Russia and Ukraine - forecast of a Polish political scientist

Polish professor Pavel Soroka from Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce was skeptical of the Western mainstream talk of a “Russian invasion of Ukraine in the near future.”

Answering questions about “Russia’s imperialist aspirations regarding Ukraine,” Soroka said:

“I don’t think there will be an armed invasion of Ukraine, at least not in the near future.”

Speaking about the meeting between the heads of diplomacy of Russia and the United States, Sergei Lavrov and Antony Blinken, scheduled for tomorrow, January 21, the Polish international affairs expert noted:

“It is likely that the agreement on the reduction of medium-range missiles will be restored. As is known, under the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States withdrew from this agreement. I suspect there may be reductions in military exercises on both sides.”

Heroes & Generals

Here's another game that doesn't require a strategic approach. Heroes & Generals offers you to have fun in a variety of exciting battles, where the most important thing is tanks. Here you can find everything you need: both control over resources and amazing battles in first-person mode.

The game is equipped with several functions for controlling armored vehicles, which means that your main task here will be to destroy everything that comes across on the map. Thanks to the combined forces element, the player can feel like the commander-in-chief of a tank and be in charge of the entire process, leading his teammates into ground or air battle. In addition, Heroes & Generals will undoubtedly appeal to fans of World War II military vehicles.

What will happen if Russia attacks Ukraine - Western media

Perhaps there is no more discussed topic in the media right now than the alleged threat of an attack by Putin’s army on “Independence”. The BBC, for example, writes:

“The head of the Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, previously condemned reports of an impending invasion as false. However, President Vladimir Putin has spoken of “appropriate military-technical retaliatory measures” if what he calls an aggressive Western approach continues.”

The New York Times adds fuel to the fire by zombifying Americans with its fakes:

“Russia downsizing its embassy in Ukraine is a possible key to Putin's next move. The slow evacuation could be part propaganda, part preparation for war or part deception, Ukrainian and American officials say. But all three assumptions may be true.”

Such assumptions from the mainstream press of the so-called collective West can be quoted ad infinitum, despite denials from the Russian side. Moreover, the recently failed negotiations between the Russian Federation and the United States (NATO and the EU do not count, these are pro-American structures) clearly showed that they are not only unable to come to some kind of agreement, they are not even able to agree on an agenda.

No matter how the Yankees and their allies call the NATO takeover of Ukraine the “Open Door” policy, in fact we are talking about providing the “Prompt Global Strike” strategy with new unique capabilities. Here you don’t even need to go to your grandmother to unravel the true purpose of “NATO expansion to the east.”

The actual seizure of Ukraine by the United States is impossible without the entry of “Nezalezhnaya” into the alliance, but without Kyiv, Washington will not be able to break the balance of power in Europe in its favor. You can say this: now the question is who will win whom. This is not about the ambitions of individual politicians, but about a new military reality that threatens our security.

The Yankees, of course, are far from fools, and have already warned Moscow about the so-called “serious consequences” in the event of a Russian invasion of the former province. In other words, now there is a game of nerves. But in any case, the situation is such that if the procedure for Ukraine’s entry into NATO begins, a military operation will follow to prevent such an extremely dangerous scenario for Russia. Moreover, it makes no difference what economic costs will follow.

Canadian online resource Global Research notes that the Russians have made it clear that there will be no compromise when it comes to Russia's legitimate national security interests.

“As for American threats, Russia has given its answer - any attempt to impose sanctions against Russia will lead, as Putin told Biden last month, to a “complete break in relations” between Russia and those countries that are trying to impose sanctions,” GR notes. “It doesn’t take a student of history to understand that the next logical step after a “total breakdown” between two parties who are at loggerheads over issues involving existential threats to the national security of one or both sides is not a peaceful resumption of relations, but war".

Just don’t think that other centers of power won’t take advantage of this situation, since the return of the Russian-speaking southeastern part of Ukraine almost automatically means the return of Taiwan to the PRC. Beijing simply cannot find a better time to realize its long-standing dream. But these are not all the problems that will boomerang on the United States. Iran will kick open the door to the nuclear club amid a severe oil crisis caused by sanctions against Russian energy companies.

Red Orchestra 2

The game is not dedicated specifically to tanks, but they are still present here and fit perfectly into its complex process. Gamers will certainly enjoy controlling armored vehicles in Red Orchestra 2.

The game uses the same mechanics of ballistics and armor penetration as in War Thunder. This feature gives more adrenaline during a fight. Skills and the ability to think through everything accurately are irreplaceable here. At any moment you can become a victim of an enemy anti-tank army. For this and many other reasons, Red Orchestra 2 deserves the title of one of the best multiplayer computer games.

Pros, cons, influence of donation

The advantages of the game include:

  1. Big online.
  2. Variety of daily tasks.
  3. Quick battles and match searches.
  4. Availability of a sufficient number of game modes.
  5. A clear system of titles and ranks.
  6. Development of gaming tactics and thinking.
  7. Interesting communication with participants and making new acquaintances.

The disadvantages of the game include, first of all, the presence of an outdated Alternanive 3D engine, which somewhat slows down the gameplay and does not allow it to fully develop. According to users, the following are also considered disadvantages:

  1. The gameplay is particularly focused on the use of expensive consumables.
  2. Problems with moderators (blocking participants for complaints about the game, indifferent attitude from the administration, chat defects - it is impossible to write about the problem).
  3. Forcing a player to donate after the 2nd level by creating an artificial shortage of game currency.
  4. Difficult control of the tank, due to the lack of a Russian keyboard layout.
  5. The influence of the donation on the strength, power and speed of the combat vehicle is too strong.

Despite a decent list of disadvantages, and the requirement for constant investment in the form of donations, the gamer is still given the opportunity to play without investing personal finances, if he successfully completes the levels, and earn points and advantages. The game also has a special Premium account.

Company of Heroes 2

This game will require you to constantly come up with new tactics and make full use of your tanks. To win in it, the player must first take cover, and then take the enemy by surprise and come into line of sight, after which he must suppress it. Only in this way, using real combat tactics, will it be possible to escape from the Axis threats.

Tanks in Company of Heroes 2 are capable of delivering devastating blows and turning the tide of every battle. Thus, all inattentive and careless participants in the battle receive losses in the squad as punishment.

Tanks are truly incredible as they are giant steel machines that can destroy any obstacle that comes their way. Now that you've learned about the best games on this theme for PC, you can go into your own battle and experience everything for yourself.

From the history of tanks

Attempts to combine the three main actions of any battle - attack, defense and maneuver - have been made at all times. There are any number of historical facts confirming this. The tank meets all these requirements.

The first English tank in the world is considered to be the MK-1 (Mark 1). On September 15, 1916, in the Battle of the Somme River, several of these vehicles, terrifying with their appearance, ensured a convincing victory for the British. At the same time, the losses in personnel turned out to be 20 times less than the “calculated” ones.

In fairness, it should be noted that in the history of tank building the names of domestic inventors have been preserved - Lebedenko, Porokhovshchikov, Stechkin, Mikulin.

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