AltProto AMX 30 review – is it worth running a marathon for?

Hello to all croissant lovers and welcome to! Today we have a guest from the not very romantic France of the 1960s, a French medium tank of the tenth level is AMX 30 B guide


This vehicle appeared in our favorite game in the already distant update 0.9.7, it is quite strong, but very popular in the current random AMX 30 B World of Tanks

does not possess. However, there will probably be people who want to play it, or want to know what to expect from it, so it's worth getting to know the Frenchman better.


To begin with, I want to say that we have at our disposal a slightly reduced, but still close to the standard safety margin, as well as a good basic viewing range of 400 meters.

Our Frenchman is endowed with weak armor and even in the frontal projection the AMX 30 B has characteristics

security is very low. Both in the front of the turret and in the hull, even taking into account good slopes and streamlined surfaces, the thickness of the armor does not exceed 150 millimeters, and often this figure is even lower.

But if from this armor the medium tank AMX 30 B

At the very least, he could play out using the terrain, sometimes rejoice in the fact that the cardboard gun mantlet will “eat up” cumulative shells, but the huge commander’s turret on the roof spoils everything. It penetrates anything and at the same time has such a huge size that it literally attracts enemy shells.

As for the side projection, everything is completely sad. Sides of the AMX 30 B WoT

no stronger than that very bucket on the tower, landmines come in with full damage, and even if an artillery “suitcase” explodes nearby, it can take about 1000 safety points from us.

I would also like to note that the AMX 30 B World of Tanks

there is a fairly low silhouette that provides us with a decent level of camouflage. But at the same time, our Frenchman’s body is long and it is not always possible to hide it in time.

However, due to the fact that the armor of the AMX 30 B tank

It is weak, this cardboard also weighs little, which gives us good driving characteristics. The maximum speed we get is excellent, the specific engine power is very high and this device maneuvers very vigorously, that is, there are no complaints about mobility.


● Commander – sixth sense, repair, camouflage, military brotherhood;

● Gunner – smooth rotation of the turret, repairs, camouflage, military brotherhood;

● Mechanic - driver - smooth running, repairs, camouflage, military brotherhood;

● Loader – non-contact ammunition storage, repair, camouflage, military brotherhood;

For a Frenchman, it is better to prepare your crew in advance, because your life expectancy will directly depend on the characteristics of the crew members. First, we recommend increasing the accuracy of shooting on the move and softening the resistance of the soil, as well as reducing the likelihood of rupture of the ammunition rack, and then pump out repairs, camouflage, and then brotherhood to everyone. These three skill options can be swapped with each other at the player's discretion.

Click and read: Tank Alecto guide World of Tanks


As always, the tank’s armament deserves special attention, since the gun is the very element that turns a tracked vehicle not into a bulldozer, but into a tank itself.

The AMX 30 B has

has average one-time damage for the ST-10, and also boasts a good rate of fire, thanks to which we get not a record, but quite reasonable damage per minute, which without equipment and perks is approximately 2600 units.

Penetration of AMX 30 B WoT

is also good and it practically does not differ from the performance of other medium tanks at the level. All this makes it possible to confidently inflict damage on all opponents, especially if you use your mobility correctly. And at the same time, it’s better to carry 10-15 gold shells with you for difficult situations.

Secure your firepower with the AMX 30 B tank World of Tanks

capable of excellent accuracy. The Frenchman's circle of dispersion is very compact, the gun is brought down really quickly and its stabilization is at a low level.

Moreover, the French medium tank AMX 30 B

endowed with comfortable elevation angles, the barrel bends down by 8 degrees, this is also a good indicator.

A little history.

The AMX 30 project was developed in 1966.
The main goal of the AMX-63 project, which was later designated as the AMX 30 V, was to create a universal tank that would be the best at long-range shooting, capable of being either an “interceptor tank” or an “attack tank.” The project was revised several times, with the participation of countries such as Italy, the USA and Spain. According to France, the AMX 30B was supposed to be a tank that would be accepted into service throughout Europe, and therefore the tank was being prepared for further import abroad. In 1966, the tank went on production line and mass production began. An interesting feature is that the AMX 30 never went on sale to other countries, remaining in service only in its own country.

Advantages and disadvantages

In our tank game there is not a single vehicle that is perfect in everything, it just doesn’t happen and it would be wrong. For this reason, so that you have the opportunity to more successfully realize the potential of this device, we will now highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the AMX 30 B WoT

separately. Pros: • Excellent mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, maneuverability); • Good viewing range; • High camouflage coefficient; • Decent damage per minute; • Excellent penetration and accuracy of the gun; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Frankly weak armor; • Very vulnerable commander's cupola; • Frequent crits of internal modules and crew members; • Still quite large in size.

How to play

Constant control over the development of the battle on the mini-map is one of the most important components of victory. This statement is especially true for the AMX 30 B.

This is a fairly “creative” Tier X medium tank. AMX 30 B will undoubtedly be of interest to players who are well aware of the key positions of the maps and the scenarios for the development of battles on them.

The mobility of the tank allows it to occupy positions convenient for firing without any problems. If necessary, the tank is able to quickly change them, if the current situation in the battle requires it, and move to the other flank or firing point.

Aggressive raids as part of assault groups of allied medium tanks are not the best tactical solution for using the new Frenchman. This is not a Mouse or even an AMX 50 B - the armor is not capable of protecting us from fire from enemy vehicles above level VIII.

You will have to rely on prudent and prudent actions: use folds of the terrain, allies, or any suitable buildings as shelter.

Try to preserve your own strength points as much as possible until the end of the battle. At the decisive stage of the fight, this will become one of the most important conditions for victory.

The most effective method of using the top Frenchman seems to be a mixture between sniper tactics and the actions of a support vehicle - occupy key positions to highlight and destroy opponents, support attacking groups of allies with fire. Constantly monitor the development of the battle, and luck will turn your face.

Equipment for AMX 30 B

Installing additional modules is always an excellent opportunity to increase the potential of a tank by improving its original characteristics. However, this aspect has not undergone significant changes in the equipment of the AMX 30 B tank.

It’s better to put the following: 1. – always a popular choice that will increase our firepower by speeding up the reloading of the gun. 2. – for such a mobile medium tank as this one, it is necessary to increase the stabilization and accuracy of the gun, because this way we can deal damage much more confidently even while moving. 3. – a comprehensive 5% boost in characteristics will perfectly complement the overall picture, making our damage higher, the gun more accurate, and our visibility better.


Balance weight120
Strength1 900
Hull armor80 / 35 / 30
Tower armor80 / 40 / 30
Maximum speed65 / 23
Armor penetration260 / 320 / 53
Damage390 / 390 / 480
Rate of fire6.74
Aiming time2.1
View radius410
Communication range750
Weight35 700
Power density20.2
Price6,100,000 silver

Tactics for playing on the AMX 30 B

Now we have a strong vehicle in front of us, but due to the complete lack of its armor, vulnerability in the form of a huge commander’s cupola, but at the same time an accurate gun and decent camouflage, the AMX 30 B is a tactician

and the battle comes down to standing in the bushes on the second line and firing from a safe cover, while it is advisable not to get caught in the light.

But for those who don't like a passive playstyle, the AMX 30 B medium tank

quite capable of active combat operations. We honor ourselves well by forming a powerful fighting fist with other ST-10s, or by serving as support for more armored allied vehicles.

When playing actively, never push forward, remember your vulnerability in close combat. On the contrary, AMX 30 B tank WoT

must rely on cunning, mental acuity and excellent speed. Constantly maneuver, try to spin the enemy, use houses on city maps and uneven terrain on open maps.

By the way, don’t be fooled by good elevation angles, remember about this terrible huge superstructure on our tower, because playing from the terrain and protruding from behind a hill, the AMX 30 B WoT

will certainly hit the commander's cupola before he fires a shot.

In general, we can either spend the entire battle in the bushes, trying to shoot more damage at the allied light, playing like a tank destroyer. Or act actively, but then AMX 30 B World of Tanks

must constantly be on the move, look for profitable and at the same time safe loopholes, deceive the enemy, try to bring as much benefit to the team as possible, maintaining his margin of safety and using the maximum of his advantages. By the way, beware of artillery, because we are a very tasty morsel for it.

In Game

A tank for combat at medium and long distances. A comfortable and accurate weapon with excellent armor penetration and fast aiming. The value of the vertical aiming angles will allow you to effectively use terrain folds as shelters.

Thanks to its mobility, the AMX-30B can easily occupy key points on maps and fire effectively to take advantage. An excellent review indicator will help you “shine” your opponents on your own, which is especially important at the final stage of the battle.

Gaming characteristics of the AMX 30 1er prototype

The tank weighed only 32.7 tons. French engineers sacrificed the armor and thereby increased the dynamics of the vehicle (this is in the spirit of the French developers of military equipment). The developers felt that the armor on the AMX 30 1er prototype would be too excessive and heavy, as well as useless, since this was the era of new anti-tank defense developments. So it turned out that the car turned out to be maneuverable, fast and decently low (2.28 m).

The AMX 30 1er prototype had a 105 mm mle gun in its arsenal. F1 and excellent damage and penetration. The gun differs from models from other countries in that it did not have an injector, but was simply covered with a heat-protective casing to increase the tank's accuracy. It is not possible to call the French tank the only, best of its kind in WoT, since at the moment there are several Tier 9 tanks with similar characteristics that are practically no different (Leopard Prototyp A and Type 61. I would like to add that the peculiarity of this tank is French development branch is indisputable and cannot be criticized. The tank turned out to be very interesting. Fast and dynamic, with an excellent top gun and fairly good visibility, but with terrible armor. Quite a few hit points in the amount of 1900 - this indicator is almost the lowest in WoT among light tanks , this is justified by its low mass. With such a number of units of strength and thin protection, the tank appears to be a favorite target for enemy artillery, especially for the top self-propelled guns of Great Britain.

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