New Russian pistol cartridge 9x22 Altay and weapons for it

Today’s story is purely a review, dedicated exclusively to the model ranges of weapons for .366TKM, 9.6/53 “Lancaster”, as well as 345TK and 9x22 Altay 2022 and 2022 from the main Russian manufacturers.

Attention: all technical details, including data on ammunition, including expansive, shot and grapeshot, videos with both general information and shooting of specific samples are given in the first part of the article “Lancasters go on the offensive.”

Instead of a preface: what will happen to the Lancasters in 2022 and 2022

Not so long ago, the head of the Russian Guard came up with the following initiative: “... it is necessary to establish that the issuance of semi-automatic smooth-bore weapons of the Khatsan, Hunter, Saiga, and especially Lancaster systems will be after citizens have completed a five-year period with smooth-bore weapons, because semi-automatic weapons, especially the Lancaster system, can be close to rifled weapons in their lethal effect.”

The reason, as usual not only here, was the bloody incident at Kazan school No. 175, where the shooter used the popular Turkish Escort. As you can see, everything goes in full accordance with the famous joke: “The rear left wheel of the king’s carriage fell off. The order of the next day: “check the rear left wheels of all carriages.”

And in general - a somewhat strange formulation for a man in uniform, it would be more suitable for another journalist, blogger or deputy who saw weapons only on the screen of a gadget (or maybe the general just “voiced” someone else’s theses, unable to resist the pressure). After all, any semi-automatic machine is also a semi-automatic machine in Africa, regardless of the operating principle and especially the brand, and why the “Hatsan system” or “Saiga system” is worse :)), say, the “Benelli system” or the “Tiger system” is unclear.

And the “Lancasters” simply could not help but come under attack; for a very long time, certain high-sitting “servants of the people” looked askance at them. It is not surprising that it was the deputies who brought the initiative to its logical conclusion - that is, they enshrined the restrictions in law. Well, there is a lot more fun in the amendments, but retelling the innovations is not the topic of this article; those who are interested will find somewhere to read about them.

The only thing that can be said to console novice shooters: since the law does not have retroactive force (although, alas, there have been precedents to the contrary), then, in theory, those who managed to acquire a semi-automatic or Lancaster before it came into force in 2022 , even if they have not yet achieved the required “five-year plan,” they cannot act as violators of anything, but are bona fide purchasers and users. The authorities are unlikely to agree to a wholesale confiscation of samples that have suddenly become illegal during a period of already serious tension in society, well, at least if they soberly assess the situation.

Shotguns and carbines .366TKM, 9.6/53 “lancaster”, 345TK and 9x22 Altay produced by Molot-Oruzhie

First of all, as it should be, let’s turn to the products of the pioneer of mass production in modern Russia of such an unusual firearm - the Vyatsko-Polyansky “Hammer-Weapon”. After all, what is the beauty of such devices? First of all and mainly in the absence of the need to nurse for the time being a five-year “smooth-bore” experience in order to obtain permission to purchase them. And at the same time, they are not visually different from their classic rifled counterparts, and in terms of performance characteristics they are between them and conventional guns.

But let's return to the heroes of our story. CJSC Tekhkrim developed special ammunition for them, or rather, cartridges appeared first, and then the corresponding weapons. This is .366TKM (according to the first letters “TechKrim” - “Hammer”):

And this is a much more powerful 9.6/53 Lancaster (there are also expansive and buckshot options):

Naturally, they differ very much both in speed and muzzle energy, and therefore in flatness and lethality. Details - in the first part of the article “Lancasters go on the offensive” .

By the way, Tekhkrim itself produces a TK527 with a price from 80 to 87 thousand rubles, depending on the version:

Upper barrel caliber - 12/76; lower barrel caliber - 9.6/53 Lancaster.

And now just a few words about the newest, no longer hunting, but, whatever one may say, exclusively “sporting and post-shooting” ammunition in a pistol form factor, intended, again, for use in weapons with a Lancaster/Paradox drill, which is sold at “smooth” licenses (more details about the samples themselves, which bear the quite logical name “pistol-carbine”, are below, in the corresponding chapters of the article).

A couple of years ago, Tekhkrim CJSC, building on the success of the .366TKM and 9.6/53 Lancaster, released the 345 TK caliber .

Today, the range includes two light supersonic bullets (FMJ 7.5 jacket and all-metal “Eco”) and “heavy” subsonic bullets – FMJ 9.5 jacket and expansive “Strizh”.

And in August 2022, the Barnaul Cartridge Plant presented an already certified new cartridge with a steel case of 9x22 caliber Altay Lancaster with a 6.1 g FMJ jacket bullet (speed ~ 420 m/s, average accuracy at a distance of 25 m ~ 8 cm and actual diameter , amounting to 3-5 cm.

Thus, Techkrim’s actual monopoly on ammunition for the “liberal” weapons in terms of weapons legislation, which have suddenly gained popularity, is a thing of the past. For us as consumers, this can first of all give us hope for a reduction in their costs due to the competition that has arisen. At least in the future, God willing - in the near future... As well as comparative shootings of new products, online battles of their fans and opponents on forums and social networks.

* * *

Note. To avoid confusion, I’ll immediately note that the guys from Molot classify the Lancaster models as guns, and the Paradox ones as carbines, since some kind of rifling is still present there.

"Molot-Weapon" carbines .366TKM with a "paradox" drill bit

Today, both the newest representatives of the model lines and honored veterans are in service, primarily the VPO-208 , with a “paradox” drill (that is, no further than 140 millimeters from the muzzle - this is a legal requirement - the section with rifling begins) under .366TKM. Read more about it in the article “VPO-208 carbine: a non-standard “paradox”.

I will only add that a new version has recently appeared - VPO-208L (that is, “Lancaster”), but more about it below, in the corresponding chapter. The price of VPO-208 SKS is 38,000 rubles.

Another “oldie” is the VPO-209 AKM with a price of 37,900 rubles.

Well, here it’s also immediately clear where the legs come from...

Ermine , presented in 2022, with a longitudinally sliding “bolt” bolt with three lugs, also remained in production. This is a whole family of light and agile carbines with a compact receiver, designed mainly for “intermediate” calibers .223 Rem, 7.62x39, “Grendel”, as well as .366TKM.

In the photo above is the “Ermine” VPO-215-02 (.366TKM “paradox”) with a 600 mm barrel. The price is noticeably higher than that of the 208th model, and amounts to 52,100 rubles.

VPO-213 is another family of .366TKM “paradox”, only more in line with the needs of fans of the “tactical” style, created on the basis of modern army small arms. Let us dwell on one of its most interesting representatives. So, VPO-213-19 Sport :

We can say that the manufacturer initially carried out the tuning of the base model, so beloved by many “practitioners.” And indeed, it is precisely for them, according to the Molotovites, that it is intended. Well, a universal rail, a solid DTK, a “telescope” with an adjustable cheekpiece and a hanging forend immediately catch the eye. But in addition, we have a fire selector with an additional key for the index finger, as well as a left cocking handle (yeah, here it is the answer to the most pressing “tactical” question - “so with which hand should you use to pull the shutter :)!?”). The corresponding price is 93,800 rubles.

And another model range of the same type of samples VPO-212, or “Vepr Pioneer”. They differ mainly in stocks (and you can choose from wood or laminate, plastic is not available as a class), as well as the length of the barrel. In the photo VPO-212-04 , barrel 650 mm, price 45,100 rubles:

Well, it seems that we are done with the pure “paradoxes” of the .366TKM. However, there are also not quite ordinary representatives of weapons for this caliber.

Molot-Weapon carbines .366TKM with Lancaster drill and hybrids

There are not many of them. Here is the already mentioned VPO-208L , created for the same ammunition as the source VPO-208, but which has a Lancaster drill barrel instead of the “paradoxical” one. The appearance, as we see, has not changed, and the price too - 37,500 rubles.

Note. It must be said that the Simonov carbine was and remains very popular not only in the vastness of the former USSR, but also, say, in the main world arms market - in the USA. Some people use it in its original design, but most prefer customization. SCS tuning is carried out by both small companies and individual masters, of whom there are a dime a dozen overseas. Or you can simply purchase kits or individual parts and do the customization yourself; fortunately, the body kit, including the stock, etc., even according to Russian law, do not belong to the “main parts of the weapon.”

For example, choose freely sold options from the Israeli FAB Defense, say, a polymer stock (or stock, if you prefer) with a handle and butt. As a result of using “crazy hands”, the end result is something like this handsome guy:

Of course, it’s not difficult to recognize it as the good old SKS, but it looks really good.

However, let’s return to the model range of carbines from Molot.

Before us is the VPO-209 L AKM .

The price - 37,900 rubles - is exactly the same as that of the “paradox” VPO-209.

Now a few words about a kind of “hybrid” that combines both “Lancaster” and “paradox” drilling. There is only one - VPO-213-18 LP :

The cost is already 42,000 rubles, which is slightly more expensive than the classic 213 series (with the exception of the expensive VPO-213-19 Sport described above).

Note : In the case of VPO-213-18 LP, the logic, frankly speaking, is unclear. Either the comrades of the Vyatichi doubt the effectiveness of the “Lancaster scheme” and decided to play it safe by adding the “paradox” there, or they act on the principle “you can’t spoil the porridge with butter,” counting on some improvements as a result of such a mixture of approaches. Unclear.

Shotguns "Hammer-Weapon" 9.6/53 with Lancaster drill bit

Attention: all technical details, including data on ammunition, including expansive, shot and grapeshot, videos with both general information and shooting of specific samples are given in the first part of the article “Lancasters go on the offensive.”

Three years ago, at the “Hunting and Weapons” exhibition, they presented the “Jager” smoothbore carbine ( VPO-223 ) under 9.6/53. Not so long ago it was rebranded, and now it is called VPO-223 “Taiga” (something related to issues of ownership, etc.).

Unlike the Ermine, the Jaeger was originally created for the more respectable rifle .308Win, 7.62x54R, and, as you can see, more powerful than the 366, 9.6/53 Lancaster. The price is noticeably higher than that of representatives of the mustelid family :)). We are talking about 63,600 rubles.

Now the VPO-220 series has joined the “Jagers”/”Taiga Residents”. All of its representatives are created on the basis of the Mosin rifle of the 1891/1930 model by replacing the old rifled barrel with a new one with a Lancaster drill, made by cold rotational forging. In the photo - VPO-220 in a nice walnut stock and with a price of 55,500 rubles:

And now - VPO-220-01 in a polymer stock:

On the left side of the receiver there is a fin for fastening the side bracket, the bolt handle is curved, which allows you to work with optics. The cost, at first glance, contradicts the generally accepted practice, when “plastic” versions are cheaper than “wooden” ones, especially in a stock made of valuable species. The price for the 01st version is 60,500 rubles... Well, for the “sniper”!

Another note. By the way, like the Simonov carbine, the Mosinka is also a subject of tuning, although due to a number of design features it is not nearly as popular as the SKS or, say, the Mauser 98k. As far as I know, the main manufacturers of kits for it are Orsis and the Ukrainian Kruk.

It is clear that Molot-Weapon could not help but use in the production of Lancasters such an undoubted trump card as the Vepr carbine created there on the basis of a Kalashnikov light machine gun, known in a number of shooting and hunting online communities as “Papa Pig” :) ). A simple, rather oaky device in the best sense of the word, it became the ancestor of an entire production line. More precisely, two - VPO-221 in a wooden stock and VPO-222 in a polymer stock.

The photo shows VPO-221-03 with a barrel of 700 millimeters, a record for this family, and a cost of 40,900 rubles.

And now the same “superlong”, only VPO-222-03 (price 44,100 rubles):

Please note that they all come with a classic receiver cover and, accordingly, a seat for a side bracket. There are no models in the line yet that have not only a universal rail on the forend (the 221s generally come without such an option), say, for attaching a “tactical” grip or an under-barrel flashlight/laser, but also a cover for optics with a Picatinny/Weaver rail, like FABovskaya. However, the manufacturer, albeit vaguely, promises to please customers with something similar sooner or later. In the meantime, users habitually “collectively farm” their “Vepris” at whatever cost.

And finally, a few words about the original “big brother” of the already known VPO-212 (“Vepr Pioneer”) - VPO-224 in the only version so far “00” (wood/laminate, 550 mm barrel).

Since it comes not in 366, but in the much more serious 9.6/53, its name is no longer a pioneer :)), but a solid one - “Vepr Hunter” (the price is also impressive - about 60 thousand rubles). It is based on the same RPK, but pay attention to two striking design details that clearly distinguish it from the VPO-221 described above: this is a long gas tube and, accordingly, an enlarged aiming line, as well as the presence of a fairly quiet push-button fuse, which amount will have a beneficial effect on the results of the hunt.

Pistol-carbines for 345TK and 9x22 Altay

Most recently, Molot-Weapon presented the latest development, created on the basis of the VPO-185 pistol-carbine of the classic 9x19 caliber - VPO-285 with an oval-screw Lancaster drill for, again, the latest 9x22 Altay ammunition (see the beginning of the article).

It is based on some elements of the AK platform, in particular the details of the trigger of the Vyatka-Polyansky “Vepr”, but as such there is no single “source” in the form of a specific model of domestic rifle. That is, this is an independent development. The price of this still quite rare sample fluctuates around 48 thousand rubles.

But the photo of the “285th” brother in the production line - model VPO-289 (aka “Vepr-9 Altai”) - does not give reason to doubt the pedigree of the product: “Kalash”, it is also “Kalash” in Africa...

There is also a version in wood. The price is the same - about 44 thousand rubles.

Read about the direct competitor of the described samples - the TR9 smoothbore carbine 345TK from the Kalashnikov Concern (pictured) below, in the corresponding section.

* * *

With this, comrades, we say goodbye to Molot-Weapon products for now and move on to models of its direct and, in principle, only competitor on the Russian market (there is another one - the last section of the article is devoted to it - but its production volumes are not so large) .

345TKM vs 9x22 ALTAY. In the end, which is cheaper?

The TROP website is in touch.

Two new calibers for smoothbore weapons have been released. Many were waiting for these calibers, hoping for a low price. When information appeared about an analogue cartridge 345TKM from BPZ, there was at least a small hope that the TechCream monopoly would collapse in this caliber and prices would become pleasant for buyers.

Unfortunately, hopes do not always come true, and after some time the price will undoubtedly become lower as a result of competition for these cartridges. Here, not just interests in cartridges intersect, but in weapons. Naturally, a person will choose a cheaper version of the cartridge when buying a weapon, because in terms of performance characteristics these calibers are similar, and they are also similar in weapon models. Both companies understand this very well.

But what can competition give? Will prices collapse to the values ​​that everyone wants, namely, price comparability with a cartridge for rifled weapons? Most likely in the coming years, no.

Let's consider the reason for the high price of cartridges for smooth-bore weapons. Everything is very simple. This is a new type of chuck, machines and equipment require investment and this investment must first pay off. Prices for components also do not stand still and are creeping up and we simply find it impossible to keep the price at the level of a cartridge for a rifled weapon.

Please note: Russian technologies in the field of air defense are extremely difficult to surpass. Who is trying to do this?

Drawing an analogy with a cartridge for a rifled weapon, many miss such a point as production volumes. Cartridges for rifled weapons are produced in millions of batches, while new cartridges for smooth-bore weapons are produced in small batches, which also does not have a positive effect on the price reduction. Let’s not forget that sellers also want to earn as much as possible, and especially on new items they like to add three hundred percent.

Time will pass, the machines and equipment will pay off, and then factories will be able to regulate cartridge prices more significantly.

But there is no need to despair now, if the new calibers are of interest and desired, then self-loading of the cartridge is allowed, which means there is a chance to assemble your own cartridge and stick to an acceptable price. By the way, by purchasing equipment for loading a cartridge yourself, you will get a complete picture of the payback of the cartridge; you will be able to independently calculate when your cartridge coming out of your press will cost the same as a cartridge for a rifled weapon.

Now let's move on to comparing the prices of 345 and 9x22.

Actually, a new 9x22 cartridge with an FMJ 6.1 bullet costs 25 rubles. Of course, at such a price, if we take into account the average salary in the Russian Federation, it cannot be considered “post-shooting”. But you shouldn’t expect the price to be much lower than 345. In other respects, this can be seen from the “screen” taken from the online store page.

TKM - TechCream - Hammer. With an FMJ 7.5 bullet it costs 29 rubles. As you can see, the difference in price is minimal and most likely this minimal difference will remain for several years. Perhaps, in a competitive environment, the price will be reduced to 17-20 rubles, which will already be an acceptable price for this type of cartridge.

Best regards, TROPA website.

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Article source: 345TKM vs 9x22 ALTAY. In the end, which is cheaper?

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  • Next: New generation T-14 tank. We know when it will go into service

Carbines 9.6/53 “lancaster” and .366TKM produced by the Kalashnikov Concern

Carabiners TG3 9.6/53 with Lancaster drill bit

Let me remind you: all technical details, including data on ammunition, including expansive, shot and buckshot, videos with both general information and shooting of the TG3 carbine in comparison with the SVD and Tiger are given in the first part of the article “Lancasters go on the offensive” ".

Therefore, the story will be very brief; in fact, we will only limit ourselves to the list of models and the main differences.

TG3 itself is considered basic :

As you can see, the source was the good old “Dragunovka” in a wooden stock, now out of production.

The second version is TG3 Spanish. 01 :

This is exactly what today's SVD looks like, as well as the Tiger 7.62x54R hunting carbine. 01.

And finally, TG3 Spanish. 02 :

It is based, as you might guess, on today's SIDS with a folding stock.

The pricing policy for models from the TG3 line is quite logical and generally accepted: the model in wood is more expensive - 86,400 rubles, in polymer - the cheapest, 55,500 rubles, and the additional option in the form of a “folding box” made the 02nd version cost 78,300 rubles.

Tuning TG3

If I were a fan of the tactical style, I would opt for the most budget-friendly 01 version. And I bought everything my heart wanted, fortunately for the SVD/Tiger/TG3, similar kits and individual parts are a dime a dozen - a nice aluminum forend a la Sig Sauer MCX, a really working telescopic butt with an adjustable cheek piece and built-in dampers from FAB Defense ( or some kind of “sporty” design with a lot of settings, see photo below), a side bracket with a universal rail for optics, etc., etc.

The final cost of a “custom” would be noticeably lower than that of its brothers in the line. And the final look is exactly the same, brutal and modern:

Picture from the wonderful website of Yuri Maksimov.

Well, okay, it's time to move on to other QC products.

Carbines of the Kalashnikov Concern .366TKM with a paradox drill

TG2 , introduced back in 2022 with a price of 40,600 rubles.

In my opinion, it is not nearly as interesting as its older brother described above - the reasons are described in sufficient detail in the first part of the article “Lancasters go on the offensive .”

And yet…

Well, the modern reincarnation of the good old 7.62-mm AKM in the form of the modern AK-103, which is the basis of the model, apparently prompted the concern’s marketers to take an unusual move - the “anniversary version” was released under the slogan “70 years of guarding the world” carbine TG2:

It is based on the same 103rd, but the new product is “made in the classic style of the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle.” I think this sample is intended mainly for foreign buyers - non-professional collectors. At one time, we played our fill with such “oars”, so we don’t see any special romance in them... Yes, SKS or Mosinka, it’s like a symbol of fathers and grandfathers :)).

Of the new products in the family, there is another one with a price of 69,000 (!) rubles:

It was developed on the basis of the AK-15 assault rifle and has maximum external similarity with it. According to the developers, while retaining the signature features of Kalashnikov weapons, the carbine has acquired improved ergonomics and compatibility with modern sighting systems. Well, it's hard to disagree with this.

TR9 PARADOX, or “Submachine Gun” for Beginners

This is the newest of the new: the TR9 is designed to fire also the latest development of Tekhkrim - the 345TK 9x19 mm cartridge, introduced in 2022.

The TR3, which is maximally unified with the Saiga-9, is nevertheless sold under a “smooth” license, since, like the samples described above, it has a barrel with a “paradox” drilling.

I am extremely skeptical about such models, since I don’t quite understand the area of ​​​​their real use, including as a weapon of last chance (we are, of course, talking about hunting). Self-defense? Here, some “Saiga-410K”, in my opinion, would be much preferable: with the same dimensions and similar “agility”, the power and stopping effect of its ammunition significantly exceeds the capabilities of a pistol cartridge, and the cost, for a minute, is half as low!

Well, in various kinds of shooting games or in sports “practical” disciplines, I think he will find his admirers. And buyers. The price of the new product is almost 50,000 rubles, but such a “scale” in our time, alas, will not surprise anyone.

Moreover, the initially tuned version of the TR9 with a body kit, including a folding adjustable stock AK-EVO and a PBBS simulator, costs 79,400 rubles.

Three Altai. Weapons caliber 9 mm Altay

Unfortunately, as soon as it appeared, the 9 mm Altay cartridge fell under “sanctions” as a result of changes to the Russian Law “On Weapons” adopted in June 2022. Their essence is that from July 2, 2022, the entire range of cartridges for “paradoxes”/“lancasters” will cease to be considered ammunition for smooth-bore weapons and will turn into cartridges for rifled weapons.

The Barnaul 9 mm Altay cartridge is a direct competitor to the Izhevsk 345 TK cartridge. Both are designed for shotguns

Accordingly, guns chambered for 366 TKM, 9.6/53 Lancaster, 345 TK, 366 Magnum and 9 mm Altay calibers from this date will be classified as long-barreled weapons with a rifled barrel, the acquisition license for which can be obtained after five years of owning a weapon with a smooth barrel barrel (the topic is discussed in more detail in the article “New Weapons Reality”). Thus, starting from July 2, 2022, the acquisition by first movers of compact weapons chambered for 345 TK and 9 mm Altay cartridges will become impossible - they will have to wait for the coveted red license for five whole years, having previously spent money on purchasing a single- or double-barreled gun for “hatching” the notorious experience. Gloomy prospects... On the other hand, the current situation is a reason to hurry up and become the owner of a smoothbore carbine chambered for the new 9 mm Altay cartridge, having in hand a license to purchase smoothbore long-barreled weapons. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, adult citizens of the Russian Federation still have almost a whole year, taking into account the fact that in the summer of 2022 the minimum age will change (from 18 years to 21 years) for applicants to purchase the first smoothbore gun and the procedure for obtaining a license will become more complicated ( at least in terms of passing a medical examination). Well, okay, the license is in hand - what weapons are on the shelves of Russian arms stores chambered for the 9 mm Altay cartridge? If we consider exclusively mass-produced mass-segment weapons for the Altai, then we will have to choose exclusively from the Vyatka-Polyansky smoothbore carbines. These are the VPO-285 and VPO-289 (“Vepr-9”) models produced by Molot Arms LLC, as well as the PPSh-Altay from Molot Arms. The VPO-285 is an adaptation of the 9-mm (9×19) VPO-185 carbine chambered for the 9 mm Altay cartridge and differs from it in having a barrel with an oval-helical bore profile (“Lancaster”) instead of a barrel with classic rectangular rifling.

Smoothbore carbine VPO-285 caliber 9 mm Altay (9x22 “Altay”)

VPO-185/285 is one of the few truly new developments by Russian gunsmiths, who in recent years have rarely pleased us with original models. The weapon is interesting, first of all, for its novelty and compactness, which today is estimated at 42,000 rubles. (price in the St. Petersburg arms store "Bars"). As for the quality of shooting, we have already briefly talked about the impressions that the Vyatka-Polyansky “Altai” make at the shooting range and at the shooting range in the material “Accuracy of the 9×22 Altay cartridge.” It also talked about the second smoothbore carbine from Hammer Weapons LLC - VPO-289. VPO-289 is a kind of reincarnation of the old Vepr-9 project, the essence of which was to transform an AKM assault rifle into a carbine chambered for 9x19 through minimal modifications. The first version turned out to be rather unsightly, while the second generation of the 9-mm Vepr looks quite decent and shoots well.

The VPO-289 smoothbore carbine is available with wooden or polymer stock parts

The smoothbore "Vepr-9" with an oval-helical bore profile ("Lancaster") is remarkable not only for its "Acamoid" origin, but also for the adaptability inherent in all weapon models built on the AK platform. Moreover, VPO-289 can be purchased not only in the factory configuration with wooden or polymer stock parts, but also already “packed” in a modern way. In particular, in St. Petersburg, such a configuration is offered by Bars, which dresses the 9-mm Vepri in a body kit from FAB Defense. Please note that such a kit costs significantly less than the option of purchasing weapons and parts installed on them separately. For example, the Vepr-9 itself costs 44,900 rubles at Barca. (as of mid-July 2022), and the set of parts installed on the sample shown in the illustration below is estimated at approximately 17,000 rubles.

In this configuration, VPO-289 in the Bars weapons store costs 10,000 rubles. cheaper compared to purchasing weapons and tuning parts separately

At the same time, the retail price of a tuned carbine in Barca is 54,900 rubles. The direct benefit is 10,000 rubles. despite the fact that professional installation of new parts is carried out in a weapons workshop free of charge. Finally, let’s pay attention to the smooth-bore PPSh-Altay, which costs 82,350 rubles at Barca. This is a conversion of the domestic 7.62-mm machine gun mod. 1941 (PPSh-41) chambered for 9 mm Altay. The combat barrel was replaced with a Lancaster one, and the trigger mechanism was modified to make it impossible to fire in bursts.

The PPSh-Altay smoothbore carbine of 9 mm Altay caliber was released in a limited edition of only 50 copies

It is clear that this new product is of little use for hunting or sport shooting, but it is interesting, of course, from the point of view of Russian weapons history. In particular, the copy that I examined at Bars was released in 1944 and was probably sent straight from the assembly line straight to the front, in order to return many decades later from the warehouses of the Russian Defense Ministry to Vyatskie Polyany, where during the most difficult wartime 2,500,000 of his brothers were born. In fact, the PPSh-Altay is a collectible weapon that can still be purchased under a license for smooth-bore weapons. Thus, with a rather modest choice of only three models of serial weapons chambered for the 9 mm Altay cartridge, a potential buyer has the opportunity to purchase a modern “compact” (VPO-285), an adaptive “Kalashoid” (VPO-289 / “Vepr-9”) and historical rarity (PPSh-Altay).

All this is currently sold under a license for smooth-bore long-barreled weapons. But, in less than a year, all the smooth-bore carbines mentioned above, at the wave of a parliamentary mandate, will turn into weapons with a rifled barrel. Time is running…

Hammer Arms weapon with Lancaster drill for .366TKM and 9.6/53

Stories about products and “Hammer Arms” are separated by chapters about products of the Kalashnikov Concern on purpose - many (including me at one time) confuse these two companies with almost identical names, and even geographically located in Vyatskiye Polyany. In a nutshell, “Molot Arms” is a subsidiary of a military production facility that was once evacuated in 1941 from the Moscow to the Kirov region, later JSC “VPMZ “Molot”, and “Molot Arms” is a private enterprise founded five years ago.

The products of both are based on samples produced, plus rarities like “mosinki” or PPSh taken from the bins of the Motherland. Phew, there are a lot of these “tools” for one paragraph, it’s time to move on to the weapons themselves.

So, the main difference between the Armz product lines and its fellow countryman competitor is that there are completely no models with a “paradox” drill, only “Lancaster” (as for me, I don’t see anything tragic in this - see the first part of the article “ Lancasters "go on the offensive"). First of all, this is a whole line of AKS-366-Lancaster . They differ in barrel length, presence/absence of a side rail, type of DTK and butts, and even the AKS-366-Lancaster-06 (price 53,200) with a “telescope” was included in the company:

And, for example, the AKS-366-Lancaster-04 (price 54,600) is equipped with a keyless stock that folds to the right side, which allows you not to remove the side bracket with optics:

There are also good old “oars”, logically called AK-366-Lancaster . They took all the surroundings from the classic AKM, including the main hardware, butt, forend and handle, losing only the “automatic” and changing the barrels (again, there are both “shortened” and standard options). DTK also differs, from the classic “whistle” to the TGP-A type, like the AK-366-Lancaster-09 (price 46,800):

A kind of analogue of the VPO-208L (see the corresponding chapter about “Hammer-Weapons”) at “Hammer Arms” is the SKS-366-Lancaster :

The price is 36,000 rubles, that is, cheaper than the “competitor”.

the KO-44-Lancaster model range, created on the basis of the Mosin rifle by replacing the barrel - a direct competitor to the VPO-220 from Molot-Weapon. All products are no longer in .366TKM, but in a much more serious 9.6/53 in all respects. A striking difference between Hammer Arms products is the pre-installed legendary PU optical sight (3.5x) and, accordingly, the curved bolt stem on all samples. In the photo - KO-44-Lancaster in a polymer stock and with a price of 45,000 rubles:

For lovers of “natural products” there is KO-44-Lancaster-01 in walnut (price 51,200):

And also an almost authentic “three-line” model, already under the designation KO-91/30-Lancaster (price 45,000):

As you can see, all of them, except for the “walnut” sample, are noticeably cheaper than similar VPO-220.

And finally, a little about a model that is somewhat curious from the point of view of not a collector, but an ordinary hunter and shooter - RPD-366-Lancaster .

“Degtyarev light machine gun mod. 1944" at one time it became one of the first adopted for service under the intermediate 7.62x39 and although it was, of course, noticeably lighter than the DP/DPM, at the very least the weight without ammunition was 7.4 kg. So imagine yourself as a beloved, trailing animal with such a “smoothbore gun” (this is what the RPD-366 is officially called)…

And yet, this new product of the end of 2022, or rather the beginning of 2022, with an as yet unknown cost (“price on request”) and performance characteristics, will most likely find its buyer, just as the completely amazing fenced legendary heavy machine gun (“carbine- machine gun ZID Maxima 7.62x54" for 300 thousand rubles). Moreover, unlike “Maxim”, it is sold under a “smooth” license, it will obviously cost several times cheaper, and you can work from an RPD from an ordinary storage shed, and not build a full-fledged bunker as a bunker :)).

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