Motorized rifle squad: composition, tasks and weapons

Today in Russia, motorized rifle troops are the most common branch of the military, which is considered the “skeleton” of the entire Russian army.

The motorized rifle troops of the Russian Federation are ground forces that consist of infantry, armored vehicles and vehicles. The main task of this type of troops is to participate in large-scale ground operations, as well as, if necessary, in fruitful and operational interaction with other troops.

Any structural unit of motorized rifle troops must be able to participate in battles in any weather, at any time of the day, on any day of the year and on any terrain. The main responsibility of the unit commander is to coordinate the work so that each individual soldier knows his goal and mission and has the opportunity to carry it out.

Motorized rifle troops, general information

Motorized rifle troops are the largest branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces and the core of their combat formations.

Together with tank forces, they perform the following main tasks:

  • in defense - to hold occupied areas, lines and positions, repel enemy attacks and defeat his advancing groups;
  • in an offensive (counter-offensive) - to break through the enemy’s defenses, defeat groupings of his troops, capture important areas, lines and objects, cross water barriers, pursue the retreating enemy;
  • conduct oncoming battles and battles, operate as part of naval and tactical airborne assault forces.

The basis of motorized rifle troops are motorized rifle brigades, which have high combat independence, versatility and firepower. They are capable of conducting combat operations in conditions of the use of both conventional means of armed warfare and weapons of mass destruction in various physical, geographical and climatic conditions, day and night.

Motorized rifle formations and subunits can quickly march over long distances, quickly deploy into battle formations, break through prepared and hastily occupied enemy defenses, carry out wide maneuvers on the battlefield, develop an offensive at high rates and to great depths, independently cross water barriers, consolidate and hold captured lines, create a stable defense in a short time.

An important direction in the development of motorized rifle troops is to increase their adaptability to airlift and expand their capabilities to conduct autonomous, highly maneuverable combat operations in isolated areas, transition in a short time from one type of combat operations to another, quickly change directions and areas of action, carry out concentration and dispersal.

Although many people believe that motorized rifle troops only have armored personnel carriers and tractors, this is not true. The Russian motorized rifle troops include the following units:

  • Artillery;
  • Tank units;
  • Anti-aircraft units;
  • Engineering parts;
  • Chemical Forces;
  • Radiation protection units.

In addition, modern motorized rifle troops often have mobile missile systems with nuclear warheads.

Motorized rifle troops are a modern version of dragoons, that is, mobile cavalry that was capable of fighting both on foot and on horseback. Modern motorized rifles took part in all military conflicts of the 90s and 2000s.

Motorized Rifle Forces Day is celebrated on August 19, although the official holiday of all ground forces is celebrated on October 1. The flag of the motorized rifle troops is a black banner with two crossed AKs framed by laurel wreaths. The sleeve patch of the motorized rifle troops completely copies the flag of the motorized rifle troops.

Motorized rifle squad in defense

The main task of the MCO military personnel is to take a position on the ground, strengthen it as effectively as possible, and, due to favorable conditions and fortifications, destroy the largest number of enemy personnel. Also, the tasks of the MCO include countering advancing tanks and other armored vehicles. One motorized rifle squad provides defense of positions along a front length of up to 100 m. Upon arrival at the site, the squad commander studies the territory and determines firing positions for machine gunners, grenade launchers and submachine gunners.

Next, the combat mission and information about the enemy are announced. Afterwards, the military personnel begin arranging fortifications: installing mine-explosive barriers, digging and camouflaging trenches. The purpose of these actions is to clear the area as much as possible for observation and shooting. In addition, soldiers dig several single trenches and one separate one for a vehicle. Several reserve firing positions are being set up. Their distance to the main one should be no more than 50 m. Next, single trenches are connected into trenches, in which soldiers are located at a distance of up to 15 m from each other. A place is allocated for the commander, which is considered the most convenient for managing the MCO. Without his order, the military personnel of the squad have no right to leave the held position.

Creation and becoming

Although infantry troops have been combined with various equipment since the 1900s, the name “motorized rifle troops” did not appear until 1957. The first such military formations were infantry forces equipped with combat vehicles with internal combustion engines. They took part in battles in southern Africa at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

However, motorized rifle troops became truly widespread during the First World War. At that time, they were armored trucks that were used to deliver supplies and soldiers to the front line. In the middle of the war, the interaction of infantry troops and equipment began to be talked about as a full-fledged weapon. Thus, in 1916, the first developments of lightweight tanks with excellent maneuverability began to appear, and this period also marked the beginning of the creation of the first armored personnel carriers. By the end of the First World War, infantry in Russia received the name “rifle” troops. This meant that the motorization and mechanization of the army was irreversibly launched.

Motorized rifle company, definition and structure

A motorized rifle company is a special tactical unit of a battalion, which is designed to perform various combat missions not only as part of its battalion, but also independently (although this happens quite rarely). The concept of “company” has been known since ancient times, when it was called a detachment. A company or squad is a unit of infantry troops that can be commanded using voice, gestures, or one's own actions as an example. At all times, the size of a detachment (or company) was as close as possible to one hundred people. This is the number that one person can effectively command.

The company commander is the main fighter of the company, who not only commands the unit entrusted to him, but also directly participates in combat operations. The company commander is usually one of the most skilled fighters, as he is often the one who has to lead his company into an attack. In ancient times, the commander of a detachment became the most intelligent and skilled warrior, who often had to prove his right to leadership with force and skill.

Development during the USSR

In the early 1940s, the very first brigades of motorized rifle troops were formed in the USSR. By the end of the Second World War, they became the largest part of the troops in the Red Army.

With the development of technology and the use of all kinds of self-propelled artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, armor-piercing and mortar launchers, etc., by 1960 a huge number of real motorized rifle units had been created in the Red Army. Soviet motorized riflemen became an exemplary example for the armies of all world powers. By 1990, the motorized rifle forces of the Red Army included 145 divisions, 450 regiments and 150 battalions.

general information

Contrary to the popular belief that all equipment of motorized rifle troops is armored personnel carriers or tractors, they also include the following:

  • Artillery pieces;
  • Tank units;
  • Anti-aircraft brigades;
  • Engineering teams
  • Chem. troops;
  • Radiation protective formations.

More than anything else, motorized rifle troops in modern Russia are armed with entire missile systems that are equipped with nuclear warheads.

From a historical point of view, the motorized rifle branch of the army is a modern interpretation of dragoons or mobile cavalry, capable of fighting on foot and on horseback. Motorized rifle military formations in the Russian Federation take part in all conflicts, and also played a huge role in hostilities in the 1990s and 2000s.

Modern Russian motorized rifle forces

After the collapse of the USSR, motorized rifle military forces were formed in the Russian Federation in 1992. Since motorized rifles are distinguished by uniquely high mobility and versatility, they can perform various maneuvers in short periods of time and instantly modify tactics, alternate one type of combat with another, change the direction of movement, concentrate in a certain area of ​​​​combat, or, conversely, disperse. It is obvious that motorized rifle divisions and battalions have an undeniable advantage over brigades with bulky military equipment.

Motorized rifle squad on the offensive

The task of this type of combat is to destroy the enemy’s defensive structures, his observation and control posts and to capture enemy territory, expanding the defensive lines. When attacking, servicemen of a motorized rifle squad destroy the enemy's manpower, capture or render unusable his weapons. The MSO advances into the attack under the leadership of the squad commander, who in turn receives instructions from the commander of the motorized rifle troops. The military regulations provide for the execution of attacks in three ways:

  • Let's go on foot. They go on the offensive in a battle chain, which is formed by the commander in the trench. The distance between fighters should be up to 8 m.
  • In several groups of 3 soldiers. According to experts, commanders resort to this method in difficult terrain. Between soldiers in the same group a distance of up to 5 m must be maintained, between threes up to 20 m.
  • On military equipment.

When attacking in threes, the commander pre-assigns combat and cover groups. During a chain offensive, it is allowed to change its line depending on the availability of natural shelters and terrain features. However, the overall focus remains the same.

A motorized rifle squad can begin combat with a defending enemy. It is also acceptable to attack a retreating enemy. According to experts, counterattacks are quite effective.

Motorized rifle battalion

The motorized rifle battalion (MSB) is the main combined arms tactical unit in the MRB. Its staffing composition has remained virtually unchanged since the times of the USSR - in the Russian army, changes affected units of a higher order - divisions were replaced by brigades united in districts.

The SME includes three motorized rifle companies, one mortar battery, and three platoons: anti-tank, grenade launcher and anti-aircraft missile. In addition, the SME includes support units (communications platoon, medical center).

The motorized rifle battalion on armored personnel carriers includes 539 military personnel, 43 armored personnel carriers, 42 vehicles, three Vasilek mortars, six 82-mm mortars, six 9K111 Fagot ATGMs and nine 9K115 Metis ATGMs.

The infantry fighting vehicle motorized rifle battalion includes 462 military personnel, 39 BMP-2 units (including 2 BMP-2K), 42 vehicles, three Vasilek automatic mortars, six 82-mm mortars, six AGS-17 mounted grenade launchers.

About the organization of MSO on armored personnel carriers

The composition of a motorized rifle squad on an armored personnel carrier is presented:

  • Squad commander. Armed with an AK-74 assault rifle.
  • Driver mechanic. At his disposal is AKSU.
  • A machine gunner using RMB.
  • Grenade launcher shooter. Fires from an RPG.
  • A sniper. SVD is provided for the military personnel.
  • Three shooters using AK-74. One of the military personnel in this MCO is appointed senior.

Armament of motorized riflemen

Soldiers of motorized rifle military forces possess a variety of weapons that can be used manually, as well as a large number of explosive supplies and armored vehicles.


Soldiers serving as part of the MRF carry the following types of hand weapons:

  1. Pistols: 9mm SPS, 9mm Makarov pistol, 9mm MP-443;
  2. Assault rifles: 5.45 mm AP-94, 5.45 mm AK-74M, 9 mm Val;
  3. Rifles: 9 mm VSS, 7.62 mm Dragunov rifle;
  4. Machine guns: 7.62 mm Pecheneg, 12.7 mm NSV, 5.45 mm Kalashnikov;
  5. Grenade launchers: 30-mm AGS-30 complex, 30-mm AGS-17, hand-held anti-tank RPG-7.

Other ammunition

Motorized rifle military battalions use the following:

  1. Grenades: F-1, RGN, RGD-5;
  2. Mines: MFM-1, PMN, POI-2, OZM-72;
  3. Anti-tank weapons: RPG-30, RPG-28, RPG-18.

Armored vehicles

Russian MSVs have at their disposal the following types of armored vehicles:

  1. Armored vehicles. KamAZ-43269, BM Tiger, Lynx;
  2. BTR: BTR-90, BTR-82A, BTR-82AM, BTR-80A, BTR-80, BTR-70M.
  3. Combat infantry equipment: BMP-3, BMP-2.

About the composition of the BMP

One infantry fighting vehicle is equipped with:

  • MSO commander. He also serves as the commander of the infantry fighting vehicle. He uses an AK-74 as a weapon.
  • Gunner. He is also the deputy commander. The shooting is carried out from AKSU.
  • Driver armed with AKSU.
  • Machine gunner with PCM.
  • Grenade launcher and his assistant. The first has an RPG at his disposal, the second has a 74th model of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
  • Sniper (SVD).
  • Three shooters using AK-74.

Day of Motorized Rifle Troops

When asked when motorized rifle troops day is celebrated, you can hear 2 different answers:

  • Since the motorized rifle troops are part of the ground forces of the Russian Federation, the day of the motorized rifle troops can be considered October 1, when the whole country celebrates the day of the ground forces. On this day, even under Ivan the Terrible, a decree was created on the collection of “a selected thousand service people.” Of course, this holiday applies to motorized rifle troops, but still officers and veterans of this type of troops celebrate their professional holiday on a different day;
  • On August 19, 1914, the “First Machine Gun Automobile Company” was created. It is this number that is considered the date of the birth of motorized rifle troops in the modern understanding of this concept. After the effective use of armored vehicles together with infantrymen, the tsarist command saw great prospects for the development of this type of troops. History knows many cases from the chronicles of the First World War, when the mere appearance of armored cars and accompanying infantrymen on the battlefield caused panic among the enemy.

Since all other units of the ground forces have their own professional holidays, motorized riflemen are trying in every possible way to have their day declared an official holiday.

Despite the fact that simple motorized riflemen are rarely mentioned in the news, paying attention to the more spectacular types of troops, it is the infantry that participated, and continues to participate, in the bloodiest conflicts on earth.

Sleeve insignia of the Russian Ground Forces

Sleeve insignia: Fabric patch in the form of a shield with red edging, in the center - a small emblem.
Above the emblem there is a yellow inscription: “RUSSIA”. The color of the field of the sleeve insignia when worn must match the color of the top of the military uniform.
Round sleeve insignia in 1998-2015: Round fabric patch in red with yellow edging, in the center - the middle emblem of the Ground Forces
. The dimensions of the sign (on the outer sides of the edge) are 80 mm. Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 1998 No. 15 “On the Description of military uniform items for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”
Sleeve badge before 1998. Round black fabric patch with yellow edging. In the center is a yellow five-pointed star on top of a green oak wreath. Along the edges there is a white inscription: at the top - “GROUND FORCES”, at the bottom - “RUSSIA”.

Personnel uniform

The main feature that determines the high mobility and combat effectiveness of any army in the world is comfortable and highly functional military clothing. Currently, the uniform of the army of the Russian Federation is one of the best in the world and meets all needs: clothing is comfortable to wear, reliable in battle and functional in all situations. Modern uniforms for Russian Army personnel were manufactured in 2022 and are currently used by all military personnel.

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