Topic: “Purpose and tasks of the guard service Post and its equipment Responsibilities of the sentry Action of the sentry when accepting and handing over the post”

Medical examination

What responsibility for failure to register for military service takes place in Russia in this or that case?
We have already considered the answer to this question. The most common scenarios were presented to our attention, but they are not exhaustive. It happens that during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, a citizen is suspected or discovered to have some disease that requires independent treatment and advanced diagnostics. In this case, the potential conscript must take care of his health independently.

Refusal to undergo additional medical examinations is interpreted in Russian legislation as a violation of the law. For this, a person is brought to administrative responsibility. You will have to pay 500 rubles for the corresponding act.

Acceptance and delivery of a post

Appendix 13. Charter of the garrison and guard services of the armed forces of the Russian Federation
Every 2 hours there is a change of guards at the post in good weather. In winter, if the temperature is below 20 degrees, all sentries in the cold are replaced after 1 hour. In summer, if the heat rises above 30 degrees, the guards also stand on duty for 1 hour. All instructions about the position of troops and the time of changing of the guard are given by the duty officer of the military unit.

The changing of the guard is carried out only by authorized persons. It is forbidden for any other person to do this. An exception to the rules is allowed only in a few cases. This is permissible if the chief of the guard and his assistant, as well as the guard, were unable to do this due to illness, injury or death. In such circumstances, the shift is made by the duty officer at the military unit or garrison. The guard company commander must be present during the execution of the task.

The sentries standing at the entrance to the guardhouse are replaced more often every half hour.

The guards are replaced according to the regulations. The guard should approach the soldier 10 meters away and give the command: “Change - stop.” After which, on his orders, one of the accompanying guards monitors the post during the shift.

The sentry who is being relieved stands opposite the chief, holding his weapon in the “belt” position. The leader of the guard gives orders to the one taking up the post. Then he approaches the guard standing opposite him and stands next to him without turning around. Next comes the command to surrender the post. At this moment, the sentry must turn his head to the receiving guard and verbally make the change. At the same time, he must give the number of the post being surrendered and pronounce a complete list of property that is under protection. A report on the performance of service is required.

At the end of the report, the guard gives the command for the guard to take over the post. Afterwards, the receiving post and the person handing it over, together with the guard guard, make a complete tour of the facility. They fully check the safety of property

During this procedure, attention is paid to lighting and the integrity of all windows and doors. The storage of weapons and ammunition is carefully inspected for damage, all locks and seals on them are checked for compliance with the casts

Afterwards there is a recount of weapons and equipment

It is important to carefully check communications, security systems and equipment needed to extinguish a fire

When changing guards, the guard makes a note about this in a special checklist.

Carrying out guard duty is a very difficult task. He has to perform his duties in any conditions. The slightest non-compliance with the requirements results in serious problems for the serviceman at the post.

Who is the sentry: his immunity

The charter of the garrison and guard services of the RF Armed Forces establishes that for the immediate protection and defense of objects, sentries are posted from the guard. The same Charter defines a sentry as an armed guard, performing a combat mission to protect and defend the post assigned to him.

A post means an object designated for direct protection and the surrounding area, equipped with a security alarm and protective structures (fences, barbed wire, watchtowers, firing points, control and trail strip). Security can be carried out inside the fence (if there is a single row arrangement) or between the fences (if there are two of them), with good visibility - from the tower.

As a rule, military personnel from the category of ordinary soldiers (sailors) are appointed as sentries. If their numbers are insufficient, individual guard shifts can be staffed from among sergeants (foremen), while the guard must be of equal or higher rank.

When serving on duty, the sentry is provided with military weapons. The organization of guard duty involves loading weapons according to the rules specified in Article 125 of the Charter, while the cartridge is not loaded into the chamber, the weapon is put on safety. This procedure is carried out before going to posts.

According to the Charter, the sentry must have a weapon with an attached bayonet-knife (bayonet), while an assault rifle with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife, and a bayonet-knife - in a sheath on the waist belt. The pistol is kept in a buttoned holster attached to the waist belt. An assault rifle with a folding stock is placed in the “chest” position. The carbine is placed against the leg.

At night, the weapon is held in a position from which it is possible to fire from a standing position. The weapon itself must be loaded and ready to fire. In the event of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to hold a weapon behind his back.

When serving at a post, a sentry is given a special, very serious legal status, being an inviolable person. Article 204 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces explains that the immunity of a sentry consists of:

  • in the special protection by the legislation of the Russian Federation of his rights and personal dignity;
  • in his subordination to strictly defined persons - the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and his guard;
  • it is the duty of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry determined by his service;
  • in granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in this Charter.

These provisions (including the right to use weapons) are inextricably linked with the goals and functions of the proper performance of guard duty: it is in order for their implementation to be as effective as possible that the sentry is endowed with such broad rights and opportunities. At the same time, the Charter imposes increased responsibility on him. In particular, unauthorized abandonment of a post by a sentry is recognized as a crime against military service, for which, depending on the circumstances, not only disciplinary, but also criminal punishment can be imposed.

Let's fast without fanaticism

Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Most modern priests agree that strictness in observing fasting should correspond to the degree of a person’s church involvement, his health and lifestyle. Thus, fasting is greatly facilitated for pregnant and lactating women, children, sick people, travelers, military personnel, and people whose nutrition does not depend on them.

It is a mistake to equate fasting with a diet and follow it only in order to lose weight, thereby distorting the very essence of abstaining from fast food

Nutrition is an important component of Orthodox fasting, but you should not pay undue attention to the culinary issue; more important than food is communication with God through prayer, repentance, participation in the Sacrament of Communion, caring for your neighbors and the desire to improve your life. .

Sentinel immunity

What is an outfit in the army

Regardless of the affiliation of the Armed Forces to a particular state, due to the nature of the combat mission being performed, the sentry is legally subject to a special right to immunity.

According to the Charter of the garrison and guard service of the Russian Armed Forces, a sentry is an inviolable person while on duty. The immunity of the sentry is:

  • in special protection by law of his rights and personal dignity;
  • in his subordination to strictly defined persons - the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and his guard;
  • it is the duty of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry determined by his service;
  • in granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of Garrison and Guard Service.

Only the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and his guard, to whom the sentry is subordinate, have the right to change or remove the sentry. In the event of the death of the guard commander, his assistant and the guard, or if it is physically impossible for them to perform their duties, the removal or change of the guard is carried out by the guard on duty (at the military unit) in the presence of his company (battery) or battalion (division) commander.

A similar special status of a sentry is legally enshrined in the Armed Forces of other states. For example, in the US Armed Forces and the Republic of Kazakhstan Armed Forces.

Duties of a sentry in the army

The main duties of a sentry, according to the Charter (Article 207):

  • vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;
  • to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted by anything, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he is subordinate;
  • moving along the indicated route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report via communications on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the post report card;
  • not leave his post until he is relieved or relieved, even if his life is in danger; unauthorized abandonment of post is a crime against military service;
  • have weapons at the post loaded according to the rules specified in Article 125 of this Charter, and always ready for action;
  • do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance specified in the post report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;
  • know the routes and traffic schedule of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;
  • know the advance routes, identification marks (signals) of the reserve guard group and the duty unit, the lines they occupy and positions near the post;
  • be able to use fire extinguishing equipment at the post;
  • call the chief of guard if a malfunction is detected in the fence of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;
  • upon hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when technical security means are activated, immediately report to the guardhouse.

The duties of the sentry are not limited by the Charter. He should also know:

  • access control schedule at a trusted post;
  • nuances of the security system;
  • the appearance of the original pass documents both for citizens and for transport (in order to be able to distinguish them from fakes).

If the sentry, when checking documents, finds a discrepancy in the data or catches a person in providing a counterfeit document, he has the right to detain this person and call the authorities to continue to explain the situation.

About prohibitions

There are other taboos for sentries. They should not sit or lean against anything. The thing is that it increases the likelihood of falling asleep. Also at these moments their visibility is limited. The sentry is not allowed to write, read, eat, drink, smoke, or perform natural needs. It is unacceptable to be distracted from the service at all. In addition, the guard cannot communicate with anyone except the guard superiors.

It is important to remember that many provisions in the charter are written in blood. For this reason, it makes sense to unquestioningly comply with all points

Thus, under no circumstances should you engage in the transfer of objects.

Speaking of prohibitions, I would like to say a few words about the Greek Evzones. Previously, they took part in battles, for example, against Turkish invaders. Now the Evzones are one of the symbols of Greece. There is a special part where only tall and slender guys are selected, because their duty is to perform guard duty in Syndagma Square near the government building. In any weather (rain, snow, heat) and under any circumstances, the Evzones must defend their allotted hours without moving, like stone statues. They are only allowed to blink. Agree, this requires incredible endurance. But let's return to our sentries.

Sentinel rights

The main right of a sentry is his right to immunity while serving at his post. As noted above, the sentry is given the right to use weapons in situations specified by the Charter. But in general, all the expanded rights of a sentry apply only to the post he guards. In addition, they are accompanied by strict requirements and prohibitions designed to ensure the proper performance of their duties by the sentry.

What is prohibited for a sentry on duty?

According to Article 209 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces, a sentry is prohibited from: sleeping, sitting, leaning against anything, writing, reading, singing, talking, using personal means of communication, eating, drinking, smoking, performing natural needs or otherwise being distracted from performing their duties. In addition, the sentry is prohibited from:

  • accept from anyone and transfer to anyone any objects;
  • cause by your actions the activation of technical security means;
  • unnecessarily send a cartridge into the chamber.

Since May 2022, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, this list has been supplemented by a ban on the sentry from carrying electronic products in which they can be stored or which allow the distribution or provision of audio, photo, video materials and geolocation data using the Internet.

Article 219 of the Charter additionally states that the guard at the checkpoint is prohibited from giving information about the validity of passes and codes on them, entering into a conversation not related to checking passes, or allowing unauthorized persons or any objects to be at the post.

What is allowed to a sentry on duty?

In fact, the sentry is allowed only actions related to the performance of his official duties, that is, ensuring the security of the post entrusted to him. The sentry has the right to use weapons when:

  • attack on one's own person;
  • attack on a protected object.

According to the requirements of Article 210 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces, the sentry must answer questions only from the guard chief, the assistant guard chief, his guard and those who arrived for inspection. Article 216 of the Charter gives the sentry permission in extreme, urgent cases or in the event of a malfunction of communication means to call the guard commander or a guard to the post with a shot in the air.


  • Take time to pray. Cast all your worries on Him. Remember that you should not worry about anything and pray about everything.
  • If you accidentally eat something while fasting, repent and return to fasting. This happens because we eat out of habit.
  • To begin with, you can try a week-long fast, reducing the amount of food you eat and abstaining from sweets and caffeine - this will prepare you for a more serious fast. Two days before starting a deep fast, eat only fruits and vegetables and drink only water. This will prepare you physically and mentally to cope without your favorite foods.
  • For those who drink juice during fasting: fresh melon, grapes, apples, zucchini, beets, carrots and green vegetables are especially useful. Avoid drinking citrus fruits and other acidic juices. Start your morning with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  • Around 12 noon, drink another glass of vegetable juice.
  • At around 3:00 p.m., allow yourself a cup of herbal tea, make sure it does not contain caffeine.
  • In the evening, drink vegetable broth - let someone else eat the vegetables themselves. To prepare the broth, cook carrots or mixed vegetables in boiling water. Do not add any salt or oil.

One-day posts

There are several more fasting days, here we can note three days of especially strict fasting:

- Epiphany Christmas Eve, it falls on January 18, on this day those who fast remember the Baptism performed by John the Baptist on the Lord. John baptized the Jews so that they would forsake their sins, therefore modern Christians are preparing for cleansing from sins, which is associated with the need for fasting.

– The beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) is a great day of remembrance when the great prophet was executed.

– The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27) is the day when the event of the Savior’s crucifixion on the cross is remembered.

Preparation for the process

Germany's unleashing of an aggressive war, genocide used as a state ideology, the technology developed and put into production for mass extermination of people in “death factories,” inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and their murder became widely known to the world community and required appropriate legal qualifications and condemnation.

the trial was called the trial of major war criminals, and the court was given the status of a military tribunal.

The first list of accused was agreed on August 8 in London. It did not include either Hitler or his closest subordinates Himmler and Goebbels, whose deaths were firmly established, but Bormann, who was allegedly killed on the streets of Berlin, was accused in absentia (lat. in contumaciam).

The rules of conduct for Soviet representatives at the trial were established by the “Commission for the Management of the Work of Soviet Representatives at the International Tribunal in Nuremberg.” It was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Vyshinsky. To London, where the winners were preparing the charter of the Nuremberg trials, a delegation from Moscow brought a list of undesirable issues approved in November 1945. It had nine points. The first point was the secret protocol to the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and everything connected with it. The last point concerned Western Ukraine and Western Belarus and the problem of Soviet-Polish relations. As a result, between representatives of the USSR and the allies, an agreement was reached in advance on the issues to be discussed, and a list of topics was agreed upon that should not have been touched upon during the trial.

Types of guard

According to the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the RF Armed Forces, guards are divided into garrison and internal (ship) ones. They can be permanent or temporary. Permanent guards are provided for in the guard schedule.

Internal (ship) guard

The internal (ship) guard is appointed to guard and defend the facilities of one military unit (ship) or formation at their permanent location. It is formed by temporary outfits in shifts from the personnel of the military unit of a given military unit (ship crews).

Internal (ship) guards are subordinate to the commander of the military unit (ship), the duty officer at the military unit (ship) and his assistant, if the assistant to the duty officer at the military unit (ship) is an officer. The internal guard, guarding the facilities of a battalion (division), located separately from the rest of the units of the military unit, is also subordinate to the commander of this battalion (division) and the duty officer of the battalion (division), equal or senior in military rank to the chief of the guard.

The assistant on duty at a military unit, appointed from among the warrant officers (midshipmen), is subordinate to guards, the commanders of which are appointed not from among the officers, and the assistant to the duty officer at the military unit, appointed from among the sergeants (foremen), are subordinate to guards, the commanders of which are appointed from among the sergeants ( foremen).

The internal guard guarding military personnel sentenced to arrest and held in guardhouses is subordinate to the military commandant of the garrison, the duty officer at the military commandant's office and the head of the guardhouse, and guarding military personnel held in a disciplinary military unit is subordinate to the commander of the disciplinary military unit, the duty officer at the military commandant's office and his assistant , if the assistant on duty at the military commandant’s office is an officer.

Garrison guard

The garrison guard is appointed to guard and defend objects of central or district subordination that do not have their own security units, and the guard at the guardhouse is to protect military personnel held in the guardhouse.

Garrison guards are subordinate to the chief of the garrison, the assistant chief of the garrison for the organization of garrison service, the garrison duty officer and his assistant, if the assistant to the garrison duty officer is an officer. The guard at the guardhouse is also subordinate to the military commandant of the garrison, his deputy, the duty officer at the military commandant's office and the head of the guardhouse.

Mobile guard

It is a temporary formation created for the duration of transportation and until the personnel return to the military unit. Also, a traveling guard can be called a formation for the protection of an object related to a military unit, but located outside the territory of the military camp occupied by it.

Temporary guard

Temporary guards are not included in the guard schedule; they are appointed by order of the head of the garrison or the commander of the military unit (chief of the military police):

  • for the protection and defense of military property during its loading (unloading) or temporary storage;
  • when accompanying military cargo transported by various modes of transport;
  • for the protection and defense of temporary sites, storage facilities (warehouses, parks) with weapons, military equipment and other military property, field camps, positions, mobile command posts.

Organization of guard service. General provisions. Sentry and duties of a sentry

Carrying out guard
a full-fledged combat mission
, therefore,
are required to strictly
comply with all provisions of the Charter of the garrison, commandant and guard services
The guard
an armed unit assigned to carry out the combat mission of guarding and defending military banners, military and government facilities, as well as to protect military personnel held in the guardhouse and in the disciplinary military unit. Guards are either garrison or internal
The garrison guard guards objects of central or district subordination
that do not have their own security units.
As for the internal guard
, it
is appointed to protect the facilities of one military unit or formation
It is about the internal guards
that we will talk.

As part of the guard

chief of guard
according to the number of posts and shifts, and
If necessary, the guard
also includes
an assistant guard chief

Composition of the internal guard

Armed guard

, performing
a combat mission to protect the post assigned to him, is called a sentry
Before we move on to the duties of a sentry
, let's say a few words
about his immunity
The immunity of the guard
is as follows:
he is under the special protection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, he is subordinate to strictly defined persons - this is the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and the guard
The requirements of the sentry
, determined by his
must be fulfilled by everyone
In cases specified in the Charter of Garrison and Guard Services
the sentry has the right to use weapons.

What are the duties of a sentry

First of all, of course, the sentry is obliged
and staunchly
defend his post
The sentry is obliged

not to be distracted
by anything ,
not to let go of the weapon
not to give it to anyone
even to the persons to whom he is subordinate

In addition, the sentry

under no circumstances
should he leave
until it
is replaced
Of course, the weapon of a sentry on duty
must always be
ready for action
The sentry should not allow
to approach the post at a distance closer than the distance
indicated in the corresponding
report card


the chief of the guard
, his
, as well as

persons they accompany
That is why the sentry
is obliged to know
the routes and schedule of the guard
the duty unit
, as well as their
identification marks and signals
Separately, we note that the sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of
an obvious
attack on him
on the object or post he is guarding

Duties of a sentry

If a certain person

is approaching a post or
the forbidden border of a post
, then before
using weapons
, it is necessary to perform a number of actions.

Use of weapons against an intruder

The sentry is prohibited

As you can see, the guard service

implies quite
serious responsibility
, in particular, in certain cases
the sentry must open fire to kill
Therefore, the duties of a sentry
must be taken
the relevant provisions of the Military Regulations must be carefully studied.

Duties of a sentry

207. The sentry is obliged:

  • vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;
  • to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted by anything, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he is subordinate;
  • moving along the indicated route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report via communications on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the post report card;
  • not leave his post until he is relieved or relieved, even if his life is in danger; unauthorized abandonment of post is a crime against military service;
  • have weapons at the post loaded according to the rules specified in Article 125 of this Charter, and always ready for action;
  • do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance specified in the post report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;
  • know the routes and traffic schedule of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;
  • know the advance routes, identification marks (signals) of the reserve guard group and the duty unit, the lines they occupy and positions near the post;
  • be able to use fire extinguishing equipment at the post;
  • call the chief of guard if a malfunction is detected in the fence of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;
  • upon hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when technical security means are activated, immediately report to the guardhouse.

208. The sentry at the post must have a weapon with an attached bayonet-knife (bayonet), while a machine gun with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife, a bayonet-knife - in a sheath on the waist belt: at night - in the ready position for shooting while standing; in the daytime - in the “belt” position or in the ready position for standing shooting (Appendix No. 9). At internal posts and at the post near the Battle Banner, an assault rifle with a wooden butt should be in the “on the belt” position, an assault rifle with a folding butt should be in the “chest” position, a carbine should be “to the leg” (the bag with the loaded magazine (clips) should be buttoned), the pistol is in a buttoned holster on the waist belt.

In the event of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to have a weapon in the “behind his back” position.

209. The sentry is prohibited from: sleeping, sitting, leaning against anything, writing, reading, singing, talking, eating, drinking, smoking, fulfilling natural needs or otherwise being distracted from the performance of his duties, accepting and transmitting from anyone any objects to anyone, cause by their actions the activation of technical security means, unnecessarily send a cartridge into the chamber.

The sentry must answer questions only from the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons who arrived for inspection.

210. The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of an obvious attack on him or on the object he is protecting, as well as in the case of an immediate threat of attack (physical pressure), when delay in using weapons creates an immediate danger to people’s lives or may entail other serious consequences. consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object or third parties.

Post and its equipment. Methods of protecting objects

Topic: General military regulations. Guard duty

Study questions:

1. Carrying out guard duty - performing a combat mission. Composition of the guard. Sentry and guard. Duties of a sentry.

2. Post and its equipment. Methods of protecting objects.

Carrying out guard duty is performing a combat mission. Composition of the guard. Sentry and guard. Duties of a sentry

Carrying out guard duty is performing a combat mission.

Carrying out guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires personnel to strictly comply with all provisions of this Charter, high vigilance, unwavering determination and reasonable initiative.

Those guilty of violating the rules of guard duty are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Military personnel on guard duty are not responsible for moral, physical or property damage caused by them to the offender in connection with the use of weapons or physical force in cases provided for in this Charter, unless the limits of necessary defense were exceeded, as well as in conditions of extreme necessary.

Composition of the guard.

The following are appointed to the guard: the chief of the guard, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, guards, and, if necessary, an assistant chief of the guard, an assistant chief of the guard (operator) for technical security equipment or a shift of operators (two or three people, one of whom can be appointed as an assistant chief of the guard for technical security equipment), assistant chief of the guard for the service of guard dogs, guard dog leaders and vehicle drivers.

Guards at checkpoints are assigned to the guards for the protection of headquarters and control points from the unification and higher, as well as for the protection of organizations, in addition to the persons listed, and controllers, escorts and escorts are assigned to the guard at the guardhouse.

In the Navy, armed watchmen are appointed for the protection and defense of ships (individual premises of the ship). The procedure for their guard duty is determined by the Naval Charter.

Sentry and guard.

For the immediate protection and defense of objects, sentries are posted from the guard.

A sentry is an armed GUARD who performs the combat mission of protecting and defending the post assigned to him.

Duties of a sentry.

The sentry must:

vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;

to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted by anything, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he is subordinate;

moving along the indicated route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report via communications on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the post report card;

not leave his post until he is relieved or relieved, even if his life is in danger; unauthorized abandonment of post is a crime against military service;

have weapons at the post loaded according to the rules specified in Article 125 of this Charter, and always ready for action;

do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance specified in the post report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;

know the routes and traffic schedule of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;

know the advance routes, identification marks (signals) of the reserve guard group and the duty unit, the lines they occupy and positions near the post;

be able to use fire extinguishing equipment at the post;

call the chief of guard if a malfunction is detected in the fence of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;

upon hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when technical security means are activated, immediately report to the guardhouse.

The sentry at the post must have a weapon with an attached bayonet-knife (bayonet), while a machine gun with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife, a bayonet-knife - in a sheath on the waist belt: at night - in a standing shooting position; in the daytime - in the “belt” position or in the ready position for standing shooting (Appendix No. 9). At internal posts and at the post near the Battle Banner, an assault rifle with a wooden butt should be in the “on the belt” position, an assault rifle with a folding butt should be in the “chest” position, a carbine should be “to the leg” (the bag with the loaded magazine (clips) should be buttoned), the pistol is in a buttoned holster on the waist belt.

In the event of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to have a weapon in the “behind his back” position.

The sentry is forbidden to: sleep, sit, lean against anything, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, perform natural needs or otherwise be distracted from the performance of his duties, accept from anyone and transfer to anyone be it any objects, cause by their actions the activation of technical security means, unnecessarily send a cartridge into the chamber.

The sentry must answer questions only from the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons who arrived for inspection.

The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of an obvious attack on him or on the object he is protecting, as well as in the case of an immediate threat of attack (physical pressure), when delay in using weapons creates an immediate danger to people’s lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object or third parties.

Post and its equipment. Methods of protecting objects

A post is everything entrusted to the guard for protection and defense, as well as the place or area of ​​the terrain where he performs his duties. The posts also include objects protected by guards using technical security means and areas of the area where these means are installed.

The boundaries of posts and the prohibited boundaries of posts are determined by the commander (chief), who organizes the security and defense of objects, depending on their importance, equipment with technical security means, fencing and location on the ground in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of the post.

Guards guard objects by patrolling between the external and internal fences around the object or along the fence on the inside if the object has one fence, as well as by observing from towers. Individual objects may be guarded by stationary sentries.

Garrison events involving troops

The main activities carried out with the participation of troops and military personnel of the garrison include liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, military parades and ceremonies, as well as activities to assist the military police and internal affairs bodies. In the latter case, in agreement with the head of the garrison, the military units included in the garrison are involved in cordoning off (blocking) areas of the area, residential premises, buildings and other objects to assist in the search and detention of a serviceman who has left the military unit (place of duty) without permission. weapons.

Troops (military units) of the garrison may be involved to ensure a state of emergency, as well as participate in the prevention and liquidation of natural and man-made emergencies. In such cases, military personnel are recruited to perform the following tasks:

  • maintaining a special regime for entry into and exit from the territory where a state of emergency has been introduced;
  • protection of facilities that support the livelihoods of the population and the functioning of infrastructure;
  • participation in anti-terrorism activities, suppression of conflicts with the use of weapons, and activities of illegal armed groups.

Author of the article: Akiva Content

The duty of a sentry is: what type of duties are the duties of a sentry in the army?

Each serviceman has responsibilities, classified according to their types as general, official and special. General duties apply to everyone in military service. Job responsibilities are determined depending on military specialization and position held. Special duties, as a rule, are temporary in nature and associated with military service in special conditions (during combat duty, detachments, guard duty, in emergency situations).

Thus, the duties of a sentry in the army and other law enforcement agencies are classified as special. This is reflected in the current Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces, in the first chapter of its first part, which sets out the most general provisions for military service. Article 25 of this Charter directly establishes that military personnel who (among other specified cases) are on guard duty, in order to perform their duties, may be given additional rights to use weapons, physical force, special means, present mandatory requirements, and strictly obey certain persons and other rights that are determined by federal laws, general military regulations and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The list of the main duties of a sentry is specified in Article 207 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces. According to the requirements established therein, any sentry is obliged to:

  • vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;
  • to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted by anything, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he must obey;
  • moving along the indicated route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report via communications on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the post report card;
  • not leave his post until he is relieved or relieved, even if his life is in danger;
  • have your weapon loaded and always ready for action at your post;
  • do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance specified in the post report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;
  • know the routes and traffic schedule of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;
  • know the advance routes, identification marks (signals) of the reserve guard group and the duty unit, the lines they occupy and positions near the post;
  • be able to use fire extinguishing equipment at the post;
  • call the chief of guard if a malfunction is detected in the fence of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;
  • upon hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when technical security means are activated, immediately report to the guardhouse.

In addition, there are special duties of sentries established in relation to the conditions of security and defense of a particular facility. They can be indicated in the post report card - a document that notes the features of each individual post, the methods and conditions of serving at it. For several of the most typical objects, the special duties of sentries are directly established by the Charter of the garrison and guard services.

In particular, Article 219 of the Charter states that the guard at the checkpoint, in addition to fulfilling other statutory requirements, is obliged to:

  • know the features of security and access control at the post, the description and validity period of the passes, identification documents, as well as the responsibilities set out in the post report card;
  • allow persons passing through the checkpoint only with personal passes, paying special attention to the correspondence of their samples, and photo cards to the identity of the bearer, while the passes must be taken in hand;
  • when checking temporary (without photo cards), special and one-time passes, check them with documents identifying the owner of the pass;
  • detain persons trying to enter the facility (from the facility) in violation of the access control regime, as well as with invalid passes (documents), and call the chief of the guard;
  • stop vehicles when passing through the border of the post, check documents for the right of passage and inspect them;
  • check using a material pass (waybill) when taking out (bringing in) or exporting (importing) any property exactly what and in what quantity (number of places) is allowed to be carried or transported;
  • allow only those cars that have waybills through.

A sentry at an opened storage facility (park, warehouse) or during work at the site where weapons and military equipment are parked performs the duties specified in the post report card. A sentry at a flammable storage facility (warehouse) is also obliged to:

  • do not allow anyone to smoke, light a fire, shoot, or use lighting devices not provided for by the post report card near the protected object closer than the distance indicated therein;
  • not allowed into the storage (warehouse) wearing shoes or carrying flashlights not provided for by the checklist, as well as with bladed weapons and firearms.

The sentry posted at the entrance to the guardhouse is obliged to guard and defend the guardhouse, not to allow anyone to enter it except the persons to whom the guard is subordinate, if he knows them by sight, and those whom they accompany. The sentry notifies the guard commander of the approach of these persons with an established signal and freely allows them into the guardhouse. The guard stops all other persons approaching the guardhouse at the distance indicated in the post report card and calls the chief of the guard or his assistant.

In case of poor visibility, when from the distance specified in the post report card it is impossible to see those approaching the guardhouse, the sentry stops them with the shout “Stop” and calls the guard commander or his assistant. The guard immediately reports to the guard commander or his assistant about all incidents in the vicinity of the guardhouse and about everything noticed that could interfere with the execution of the guard’s task, as well as about signals heard from the posts.

Responsibilities of the Chief of Guard

The chief of the guard is appointed from among the officers (warrant officers, sergeants). He participates in the selection of personnel, testing of their knowledge and skills, training of guards and guards in actions as part of the guard.

He takes over the guard in 15 minutes. Before a divorce, the following actions must be completed:

  • weapons and ammunition were issued against signature on the distribution list;
  • the correctness of the equipment of magazines for machine guns (clips for carbines) was checked;
  • the composition of the posts was checked;
  • a control inspection of the received weapon was carried out;
  • equipment and uniforms were inspected for serviceability;
  • the readiness of the personnel was reported to the unit commander.

Weapons on guard should not be loaded (magazines or clips are stored in pouches), except for pistols (magazines are inside, but the cartridge is not sent into the barrel).

The general responsibilities of the guard chief include (we present it briefly and clearly):

  • be responsible for everything that happens on guard, in a protected area or guardhouse;
  • allow the use of weapons in cases of attack or disorder in the guardhouse (escape);
  • know the task of security and defense, instructions, responsibilities of subordinates, patrol patterns and features of objects;
  • monitor subordinates’ knowledge of their duties, vigilance and adherence to discipline;
  • personally accept from the chief of the guard being replaced weapons and ammunition from the reserve in the guardhouse, documentation, keys and communications and fire extinguishing equipment;
  • monitor the condition of the protected objects yourself and through those responsible, record any noticed defects in the checklist;
  • manage the activities of the entrusted guard and control the performance of duty in shifts, instruct reserve groups;
  • check yourself at least 2 times (1 time at night is mandatory) the sentries at the posts, the serviceability of security and communications equipment, fire extinguishing systems; send an assistant or escorts to check at another time;
  • control the loading (unloading) of weapons, the absence of smoking and incendiary items on the watch;
  • maintain order in the guardhouse and prevent violations of fire safety regulations; do not allow unauthorized persons on guard, check the credentials of persons who arrived to control the performance of duty;
  • respond to alarm signals from posts and security equipment, organizing immediate inspections; if a serviceman becomes ill, send him to a medical center and demand a replacement from the duty officer;
  • deal with the use of weapons personally and interview detained violators with a mandatory report to the duty officer.

The special responsibility of the guard chief is to personally receive the unit’s Battle Banner under guard, checking the integrity of the glass cabinet and seals.

The Battle Banner is issued only to the chief of staff of the unit (his assistant) upon written instructions from the unit commander. At the same time, the cover from the Banner is removed, its condition, orders and ribbons are checked, which is recorded in the post sheet.

The officers who accepted the Battle Banner sign the entry. The reception procedure is reverse.

If discipline is violated on guard, the serviceman who committed the offense is removed from duty and sent to the unit without weapons. The analysis will take place later.

Cases when the guard rises to the gun:

  • when attacking objects or guard personnel;
  • when security means are activated;
  • when an alarm is declared in a unit (garrison);
  • in case of natural disasters or fires;
  • in case of riots in the guardhouse (escaping from custody);
  • at the direction of the guard inspectors.

All personnel in the guardhouse disassemble weapons and ammunition and line up in shifts and posts, awaiting further instructions. When repelling an attack, the chief of guard can use the supply of ammunition and grenades stored in the premises.

On the fact of use after repelling an attack, a report is drawn up. The duty officer must be informed of all incidents.

Fires and the impact of natural disasters, to the extent possible, are eliminated by the guard forces with a mandatory report to the duty officer and actions on his instructions.

If a sentry is threatened, he moves to a safe place on the orders of the guard commander, without ceasing to monitor the protected object.

All actions of the guard chief are described in the Charter and instructions, their implementation is mandatory and unquestioning.


The guard service is intended for the reliable protection and defense of military banners, storage facilities (warehouses, parks) with weapons, military equipment, other military property and other military and government facilities, as well as for the protection of military personnel held in the guardhouse and in the disciplinary military unit.

Carrying out guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires personnel to strictly adhere to all provisions of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces, high vigilance, unwavering determination and initiative.

Those guilty of violating the rules of guard duty are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Guards are appointed to perform guard duty.

A guard is an armed unit assigned to carry out the combat mission of guarding and defending battle flags, military and government facilities, as well as to guard military personnel held in a guardhouse and in a disciplinary military unit.

The following are appointed to the guard: the chief of the guard, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, guards, and, if necessary, an assistant chief of the guard, an assistant chief of the guard (operator) for technical security equipment or a shift of operators (two or three people, one of whom can be appointed as an assistant chief of the guard for technical security equipment), assistant chief of the guard for the service of guard dogs and vehicle drivers.

A sentry is an armed guard who performs the combat mission of guarding and defending the post assigned to him.

A post is everything entrusted to a sentry for protection and defense, as well as the place or area of ​​terrain in which he performs his duties. The posts also include objects protected by guards using technical security means and areas of the area where these means are installed.

The guards guard objects by patrolling between the external and internal fences around the object or along the fence on the inside, if the object has one fence, as well as by observation from towers. Individual objects may be guarded by stationary sentries.

Sentinels move along traffic routes on foot at a speed that ensures reliable protection of the facility, making short stops to inspect the area and fences, as well as to report via communications to the guard commander about their duty.

With good visibility, if terrain conditions allow, sentries can monitor the protected object and the approaches to it from observation towers.

To strengthen the security of facilities and provide assistance to sentries in various situations, in each guard, reserve groups are created from among the awake and resting shifts of guards, which, when the guard is called “at gunpoint”, under the command of the guard chief, his assistant or the guard, arrive at the place of violation and act depending on from the situation. To quickly deliver these groups to the site

means, and in special conditions - combat vehicles.

The guard personnel must be in a guard uniform (outer: in cold weather - a winter field suit, a woolen coat or short fur coat, a set of clean and serviceable everyday (field) uniforms, shoes, headdress, waist belt and bags for stores (clips) , armed with serviceable machine guns with bayonets-knives or carbines with bayonets, which are operational and ready for normal combat. Guards at checkpoints can be armed, in addition, with pistols or only pistols. Guard commanders and their assistants are armed with their standard weapons.

The guard is provided with ammunition on the basis of: for each machine gun and pistol - two loaded magazines; for each carbine - 30 cartridges in clips.

In addition, by order of the head of the garrison (commander of the military unit), guard commanders can be armed with machine guns, guards can be armed with machine guns with three loaded magazines for each of them and hand grenades for the entire guard at the rate of two grenades for each, and also be strengthened military equipment.

Ammunition for guard personnel, except for those armed with pistols, is issued after practical training, as a rule, at the guard town or in another place determined by order of the garrison commander (military unit commander).

Loading of weapons is carried out before going to posts, to escort military personnel held in the guardhouse outside, as well as to accompany persons checking the guard.

Loading and unloading of weapons is carried out at the command of the guard chief or his assistant (dispatching) and under their direct supervision at the guard room in a specially equipped and illuminated place with a bullet catcher, and when shifts follow to posts on vehicles - in the places specified in the instructions to the chief guards, if necessary also equipped with bullet traps. When loading and unloading, the barrel of the weapon should be directed upward (at an angle of 45-60°) and away from the surrounding residential premises and the protected object. If residential and service premises are located near and around the guardhouse, loading and unloading of weapons can be carried out in the guardhouse, in a special place equipped with a bullet trap. Unloading and inspection of weapons are carried out immediately upon returning to the guardhouse or in the places specified in the instructions to the guard commander.

Pistols are loaded after receiving cartridges in the unit, and unloaded after the changing of the guard upon his arrival at the unit.

The weapon is loaded according to the rules specified in the shooting manuals for the corresponding types of weapons, while the cartridge is not sent into the chamber.

The machine gun is loaded with a loaded magazine. Before loading, it is inspected (at the same time the trigger is released) and the safety is put on. The bolt frame does not move back after attaching the magazine.

The carbine is loaded with a magazine loaded to its full capacity. After loading the carbine, the bolt closes smoothly (without sending a cartridge into the chamber), the safety is removed, the trigger is released, and the carbine is put on safety.

The pistol is loaded with a loaded magazine; the bolt does not retract when loading. Before loading the pistol, put the safety on.

Machine guns and hand grenades are loaded immediately before they are used.

By order of the head of the garrison (commander of the military unit), a supply of live ammunition is created in the guardhouse at the rate of: for each machine gun or carbine - 150 rounds of ammunition, which are stored in standard thermal packaging (zinc), for a pistol - 16 rounds of ammunition, stored in standard cardboard boxes . The guard's supply of live ammunition is stored in a metal box.

Hand grenades and fuses for them are stored together in separate metal boxes, while the fuses are stored in a special waterproof package separately from the grenades.

The guards are appointed from among the soldiers (sailors). It is allowed to appoint sergeants (foremen) serving in the military positions of soldiers (sailors) as guards at the same post together with soldiers (sailors), and if there is an insufficient number of military personnel holding the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants (foremen) may be appointed guards. those holding the positions of sergeants (foremen); When appointing sergeants (foremen) holding the positions of sergeants (foremen) as guards, all shifts of the post (posts), the entire composition of the control and security group are made up of them, and military personnel with a military rank not lower than the military rank of guard are appointed as guards.

The number of guards is determined depending on the number of posts established for a given guard, and three shifts of sentries are assigned to guard the post during the day, and to guard the post only during the night (from darkness to dawn or from closing to opening of a warehouse or storage facility) - two shifts of sentries.

The composition of the guard, including the chief of the guard, is appointed no later than 24 hours before joining the outfit, as a rule, from one unit, or, in extreme cases, from one military unit.

It is prohibited to assign to the guard duty military personnel who have not taken the Military Oath, who have not completed the appropriate training program for arriving reinforcements, who have committed acts containing signs of crimes that are under investigation, who are sick, and other military personnel who, due to their moral and psychological state, cannot bear responsibility at the time. guard duty.

On the night before joining the outfit, military personnel assigned to guard duty should not perform any service or be involved in classes or work.

On the day of joining the outfit, in accordance with the daily routine (service time regulations), the guard personnel must be given at least three hours to prepare for duty, and when joining the guard a day later - at least four hours, including at least one hours for rest (sleep).

Preparation for guard duty is carried out in three stages:

■ the first stage - two to three days before the invasion, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the post sheet;

■ the second stage - on the day before the entry, at the hours specified in the daily routine (service time regulations), a lesson is held with the guard personnel to study the provisions of the Charter of the garrison and guard services, a report card for posts, specifying special responsibilities and options on the model of protected objects actions of sentries at posts, actions of guards as part of a reserve (control and security) group, organization of interaction with the duty unit, as well as relevant instructions and safety requirements when handling weapons;

■ the third stage - on the day of joining the guard, a practical lesson is held to practice the actions of all guards at posts in various environmental conditions.

A lesson on studying the provisions of the Charter of the garrison and guard services, the special duties of sentries and the organization of interaction with the duty unit is carried out in a class for training guards, a practical lesson with the garrison guard - on the guard town of the military commandant's office (military unit), and with the internal guard - on the guard town military unit.

The commanders of military units (units), from which guards are appointed, are responsible for the selection of guard personnel and their preparation for service, the serviceable condition of weapons and ammunition, and the timely arrival of guards for deployment.

Changing the guards consists of checking the readiness of the guards for service, in transferring them to the subordination of the persons specified in Art. 117 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces, and in granting the guards the right to change guards finishing their service. The changing of the guards should last no more than 40 minutes.

After the divorce, the guard arrives at the location of the guard being replaced. After the new chief of the guard introduces himself to the chief of the guard being replaced and tells him the password, a change of guard is carried out.

The guard personnel are located in the guardhouse.

No one from the guard has the right to leave the guardhouse without the permission of the guard commander.

Silence and order must be maintained in the guardhouse. Singing and playing musical instruments is prohibited. It is allowed to install a TV and, without interfering with the performance of the task by the guard and the sleep of the resting shift, watch TV programs at the time specified by the instructions to the guard chief, listen to radio broadcasts through headphones, read, write, play chess and checkers.

Machine guns and machine guns are placed in pyramids without magazines, with the bolts in the forward position, carbines are placed in pyramids unloaded, with the triggers pulled. Pyramids in the guardhouse are equipped with a mechanical locking device that can be opened from the guard chief's room, and are kept with technical security equipment constantly turned on.

Bags with loaded magazines for machine guns (clips for carbines) and sheaths with a bayonet-knife are not removed from the waist belts. Chiefs of guards armed with pistols do not remove their holster with a pistol in the guardroom.

Magazines (boxes with belts) for machine guns are stored in a special pyramid box, locked with a lock, the key to which is kept by the chief of guard.

Weapons from the pyramid are taken only with the permission of the chief of the guard or his assistant. Cleaning of weapons is carried out without disassembly under the guidance of the chief of guard or his assistant.

Guard personnel are allowed to be in the guard room without hats and outerwear, but with equipment. Removed outerwear and hats should be on a hanger.

The guard personnel, with the exception of the guard chief and his assistant, are prohibited from entering into conversations with those arriving at the guardhouse; You are only allowed to answer questions from those checking the guard.

It is allowed to rest lying down (sleep) without shoes, without taking off equipment and without undressing, unbuttoning the collar and loosening the waist belt:

■ to the composition of one shift of guards (operators of technical security equipment, controllers) - before taking up positions (duty), after another shift that has been relieved from posts returns to the guardhouse and a combat crew is made to the guard;

■ changing guards who guard objects only at night - upon their return to the guardhouse before being sent back to their posts;

■ guard of the control and security group - alternately, for four hours with the permission of the chief of the guard.

When the guard is called “at gunpoint,” the guard personnel located in the guardhouse, including the resting shift, put on hats, take (receive) their weapons and line up inside the guardhouse in the order of their post numbers. Outerwear, steel helmets and body armor are worn on the special instructions of the guard commander.

In all cases of withdrawal of the guard from the guardhouse (except for a fire or natural disaster), the assistant chief of the guard or one of the guards remains in it, and in guardhouses where there are none, one of the guards remains.

Maintaining the cleanliness and order of the guardhouse and the surrounding area, as well as firing the stoves, is the responsibility of the guard.

During the cold season, the guardroom is ventilated at least 4 times a day. In warm weather, vents or windows are kept open on one side of the room. In winter, the air temperature in the guardhouse should not be lower than +18 °C. The firing of the furnaces ends no later than the time set by the garrison commander. The guard's chief permits the firing of the stove for heating food for the guard personnel and the oven in the drying room as necessary. Hot tea should be available all the time.

With the onset of darkness, there should be full lighting in the guard room, corridors and toilets, and emergency lighting in the rest room. The entrance doors of the guardroom are equipped with an observation window and must always be locked from the inside.

The movement of shifts (control and security groups) to and from posts is carried out in a column one at a time at established separation distances. The breeder follows at the head of the column. The movement of shifts to posts at the Battle Banner of the military unit and at monuments is carried out in a formation step.

In guardhouses with a large number of posts, as well as when they are located at a great distance from one another or from the guardhouse, the movement of shifts to posts can be carried out by vehicles.

The guards are changed every two hours, at even or odd hours.

At an air temperature of -20 °C and below, and during windy conditions and less frost, the change of external watch posts, as well as internal posts located in unheated rooms, is carried out every hour. At air temperatures of +30 °C and above, the guards are also changed every other hour. The order to change the guards in these cases is given by the duty officer at the garrison (military unit).

The change of guards at the entrance to the guardhouse is carried out every 30 minutes by the assistant chief of the guard or the chief of the guard.

When the shift approaches the sentry at a distance of 10-15 steps, the guard commands: “ Shift - stop ” - and orders one of the guards to observe (when following a shift in a car - load a weapon and watch) the post and the approaches to it. For example: “Private Popov, take the post and its approaches under temporary surveillance.”

When the shift approaches, the sentry stands facing it and independently takes the machine gun into the “belt” position (the carbine is “towards the leg”). At the command of the new guard, “ Private Vasiliev, march to the post, ” the sentry takes a combat stance, takes a step to the right, the guard approaches the sentry and stands in his place, facing in the opposite direction (with the carbine in the “toe-to-foot” position).

At the command of the guard, “ Sentry, surrender the post ,” the sentry makes a verbal surrender of the post. At the same time, the sentry and the guard turn their heads towards each other. The verbal surrender of a post consists of the fact that the sentry, having named the post number, lists to the guard taking over the post everything that is subject to protection according to the post report card, and also indicates what was noticed near the post during his duty.

After the verbal surrender of the post, the guard, at the command of the guard, “ Guard, accept the post ,” is obliged, together with the guard, to go around the protected object and check the serviceability of lighting, fencing, doors (gates), the condition of windows, bars and walls of storage rooms (warehouses), the presence and condition of locks, cords , seals (seals) and compliance with their casts (impressions) or the number of weapons, military equipment and other military property under protection, as well as the availability and condition of technical security equipment, communications equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and guard clothing.

If, upon acceptance and delivery of the post, any malfunction is discovered (damage to the fence or seals, seals, locks, cords, doors, windows) or a discrepancy between the seals (seals) and the casts (impressions), as well as the number of weapons, military equipment and other military equipment in the amount indicated in the post report card, the guard stops transferring the post and calls the chief of the guard.

Having completed the surrender and acceptance of the post, the sentry and the guard taking over the post stand facing the guard and report in turn. For example: “Comrade Sergeant, Private Petrov passed post number such and such”; “Comrade senior sergeant, private Vasilyev accepted post number such and such.” .

After the report and receipt of instructions from the guard, the guard begins to perform his duties at the post.

The transition of a guard to the position of a sentry (a sentry to the position of a guard) is determined by his report on acceptance (surrender) of the post.

The sentry is an inviolable person. The immunity of the sentry is:

■ in the special protection by the legislation of the Russian Federation of his rights and personal dignity;

■ in his subordination to strictly defined persons - the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and his guard;

■ the obligation of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry determined by his service;

■ granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the RF Armed Forces.

Only the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and the guard to whom the sentry is subordinate have the right to change or remove the sentry.

In the event of a serious illness (serious injury), death of the guard commander, his assistant and guard, or physical impossibility for them to perform their duties, the removal or change of the guard is carried out by the duty officer of the garrison (military unit) in the presence of his company (battery) or battalion (division) commander. .

When entering a post, the guard must, in the presence of the guard (chief of the guard or his assistant) and the guard being relieved, personally inspect, check the presence and serviceability of everything that must be guarded and defended according to the checklist of posts.

The sentry must:

vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;

■ serve cheerfully, not be distracted by anything, not let go of the weapon and not give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he is subordinate;

■ moving along the specified route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report via communications on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the post report card;

■ not leave his post until relieved or relieved, even if his life is in danger. Unauthorized abandonment of post is a crime against military service;

■ have a weapon loaded and always ready for action at the post;

■ do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance specified in the post report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except the guard chief, the assistant guard chief, his guard and the persons they accompany;

■ know the routes and traffic schedules of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;

■ be able to use fire extinguishing equipment at the post;

■ call the chief of guard if a malfunction is detected in the fence of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;

■ upon hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when technical security means are activated, immediately report to the guardhouse.

The sentry at the post must have a weapon with an attached bayonet-knife (bayonet), while a machine gun with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife, a bayonet-knife - in a sheath on the waist belt: at night - in the ready position for shooting while standing (Fig. 2.2); in the daytime - in the “belt” position or in the ready position for standing shooting. At internal posts and at the post near the Battle Banner, an assault rifle with a wooden butt should be in the “on the belt” position, an assault rifle with a folding butt should be in the “chest” position, a carbine should be “to the leg” (the bag with the loaded magazine (clips) should be buttoned), the pistol is in a buttoned holster on the waist belt.

In the event of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to have a weapon in the “behind his back” position. .

The sentry is forbidden to: sleep, sit, lean against anything, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, perform natural necessities or otherwise be distracted from performing his duties, accept from anyone and transfer to anyone be it any objects, cause by your actions the activation of technical security means, unnecessarily send a cartridge into the chamber.

The sentry must answer questions only from the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons who arrived for inspection.

The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of an obvious attack on him or on the object he is protecting, as well as in the case of an immediate threat of attack (physical pressure), when delay in using weapons creates an immediate danger to people’s lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object or third parties.

All persons approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, marked on the ground with signs, except for the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons accompanied by them, are stopped by the sentry shouting “ Stop, go back ” or “ Stop, go around to the right (left)” "

If this requirement is not met and the forbidden border of the post is crossed, the sentry warns the offender with the shout “ Stop, I will shoot ” and detains him. The sentry reports the arrest of the violator to the guardhouse, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post assigned to him.

If the intruder, after the warning “Stop, I’ll shoot,” continues to move, the sentry places a cartridge in the chamber and fires a warning shot upward. If the offender fails to comply with this warning or if he flees, the guard will use a weapon against him.

In conditions of poor visibility, when from the distance indicated in the post report card it is impossible to identify those approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, the sentry stops all persons by shouting “ Stop, who is coming?” " If there is no response and (or) the violator crosses the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns him with the shout “ Stop, I’ll shoot ” and detains the violator. The sentry reports the arrest of the violator to the guardhouse, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post assigned to him.

If the intruder, after the warning “Stop, I’ll shoot,” continues to move, the sentry places a cartridge in the chamber and fires a warning shot upward. If the offender fails to comply with this warning or if he flees, the guard will use a weapon against him.

When the sentry’s shout is answered: “The guard chief (assistant guard chief, dispatcher) is coming,” the sentry orders: “ Guard chief (assistant guard chief, dispatcher), come to me, the rest are in place ”; if necessary, the sentry requires that those approaching him illuminate his face. Having made sure that the one who introduced himself is really the chief of the guard (the assistant chief of the guard, the guard), the guard allows him and all the arriving persons to come to him.

If the one who identified himself as the guard chief (assistant guard chief) turns out to be unknown or those with him do not comply with the sentry’s demands to remain in place, the sentry warns the violators with the shout “ Stop, I’ll shoot .” If the violators fail to comply with this requirement, the sentry uses a weapon against them.

If it is necessary to engage in hand-to-hand combat to protect himself or a protected object, the sentry must boldly use a bayonet-knife (bayonet) and a butt.

In the event of a fire at the guard post, the guard immediately reports this to the guardhouse and, without ceasing to monitor the protected object, takes measures to extinguish the fire.

In the event of a sudden illness (injury), the sentry calls the guard or the chief of the guard, continuing to serve.

In extreme, urgent cases or in the event of a malfunction of communications, the sentry can call the head of the guard or the guard with a shot up to the post.

Upon arrival at the post of the commanders to whom he is subordinate, the sentry reports to them on the results of his service. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. No incidents happened while on duty (or something happened).” At the same time, the sentry greets them, as well as the commanders who arrived at the post accompanied by them, according to the rules set out in the Military Regulations of the RF Armed Forces. In this case, the machine gun from the standing shooting position is first taken “on the belt”, and the carbine is “on the leg”.

The sentry at the post at the Battle Banner performs his duties while in the “at-ease” position. When greeted by military personnel with the Battle Banner, the sentry assumes a drill stance.

During the reception of the Battle Banner under guard, the guard is obliged to check the serviceability of the banner case (cabinet) and the seal on it. The guard issues the Battle Banner only on the personal order of the chief of guard and in his presence.

If the post at the Battle Banner is in danger (fire or other emergency situation of a natural or man-made nature), the sentry reports this to the head of the guard and takes the Battle Banner to a safe place.

The special duties of sentries in relation to the conditions of security and defense of each facility are indicated in the post report card.

Actions of a sentry on duty

The sentry at the post, in accordance with the requirements of Article 211 of the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the RF Armed Forces, is obliged to stop all persons approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, marked on the ground with signs, shouting “Stop, go back” or “Stop, go around to the right (left )". Exceptions for such actions are made only for the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons accompanied by them.

In conditions of poor visibility, when from the distance indicated in the post report card it is impossible to identify those approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, the sentry stops all persons by shouting “Stop, who is coming?” If there is no response and (or) the violator crosses the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns him with the shout “Stop, I’ll shoot” and detains the violator. The sentry reports the arrest of the violator to the guardhouse, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post assigned to him.

When the sentry’s shout is answered: “The guard chief (assistant guard chief, guard) is coming,” the sentry orders: “The guard chief (assistant guard chief, guard), come to me, the rest are in place.” If necessary, the sentry requires that those approaching him illuminate his face. Having made sure that the one who introduced himself is really the chief of the guard (the assistant chief of the guard, the guard), the guard allows him and all the arriving persons to come to him.

If the one who identified himself as the guard chief (assistant guard chief) turns out to be unknown or those with him do not comply with the sentry’s demands to remain in place, the sentry warns the violators with the shout “Stop, I’ll shoot.” If the violators fail to comply with this requirement, the sentry uses a weapon against them.

Article 217 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services provides that the sentry, upon arrival at the post of the commanders to whom he is subordinate, reports to them on the results of his service. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. No incidents happened while on duty (or something happened).” At the same time, the sentry greets them, as well as the commanders who arrived at the post accompanied by them, according to the rules set out in the Military Regulations of the RF Armed Forces, for which the machine gun from the standing shooting position is first taken “on the belt”, and the carbine - “on the leg”.

The sentry at the post at the Battle Banner performs his duties while in the “at-ease” position. When greeted by military personnel with the Battle Banner, the sentry assumes a drill stance. During the reception of the Battle Banner under guard, the guard is obliged to check the serviceability of the banner case (cabinet) and the seal on it. The guard issues the Battle Banner only on the personal order of the chief of guard and in his presence.

Actions of a sentry during an attack on a post

Article 210 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services not only allows the sentry, but even obliges him to use weapons without warning in the event of an obvious attack on him or the object he is guarding. The same measures are considered acceptable in the case of an immediate threat of attack (physical pressure), when delay in using weapons creates an immediate danger to people’s lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object or third parties.

Actions of a sentry in case of fire

According to Article 214 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services, in the event of a fire at the post, the sentry must immediately report it to the guardhouse and, without stopping monitoring the protected object, take measures to extinguish the fire. In the event of a fire in the technical territory of a protected facility or in a facility that has external and internal fences, as well as near the post, he reports this to the guardhouse, continuing to serve at the post.

The duties of the sentry include the requirement to be able to use the fire extinguishing equipment at the post. Also, when extinguishing a fire, the Charter allows the sentry to have a weapon in the “behind his back” position.

If the post at the Battle Banner is in danger (fire or other emergency of a natural or man-made nature), the sentry reports this to the chief of the guard and takes the Battle Banner to a safe place.

Post, its equipment and facilities.

The article is read. 119 of the Charter of the Civil Code and the Constitutional Court of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


A post is everything entrusted to the guard for protection and defense, as well as the place or area of ​​terrain in which he performs his duties.

The posts also include objects protected by guards using technical security means and areas of the area where these means are installed.

Objects included in the post are usually fenced. The most important of them (warehouses with explosives, ammunition, fuel, etc.) must have internal and external fences.

For the convenience of monitoring the approaches to the protected object, observation towers equipped with communications equipment, alarms and floodlights can be installed in the spaces between the fences (near the external fence).

On the approaches to a protected object that does not have a fence, signs are installed that are clearly visible day and night with inscriptions in which direction it is necessary to go around the object without approaching it.

Each post is equipped with a feedback alarm, which must provide the sentry with a call to the chief of the guard, from at least two points, his assistant or the dispatcher, this is done so that the sentry, in the event of an attack on the post, can report this to the guardhouse.

At the external, and, in necessary cases, at the internal post (at the location of the military unit) directly next to the protected object, fire extinguishing means should be located: fire extinguisher, boxes of sand, barrels (containers) with water, buckets and fire equipment (shovels, axes, crowbars) , hooks, etc.).

At the outer post there is a guard mushroom or a guard booth with a hanger specially equipped for guard clothes, at the inner post there is a wardrobe or hanger for an overcoat (cloak, sheepskin coat).

It makes sense to show this in your post layout.

4.4. The position of the weapon of the sentry on duty.

Art. is explained. 208 of the Charter of the Civil Code and the Constitutional Court of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and shows the position of the weapon of the sentry at his post


The sentry on duty must have a weapon with an attached bayonet (an assault rifle with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife; a bayonet-knife in a sheath on the waist belt): at night - in the ready position for shooting while standing; in the daytime - in the “ belt ” position or in the ready position for shooting while standing.

At internal posts and at the post near the Battle Banner, an assault rifle with a wooden butt should be in the “ on the belt ” position, and an assault rifle with a folding butt should be in the “ chest” or “leg ” position; the bag with the loaded magazine (magazines) must be zipped.

In the event of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to have a weapon in the “ behind his back ” position.

Then, using the example of one or two trainees, the “position of the weapon of a sentry on duty” is demonstrated.


Questions to reinforce the lesson material learned:

1. Why is guard duty a combat mission and what is required from the guard personnel?

2. Who is the sentry?

3. What is fasting called?

4. Show the position of the machine gun to the sentry when preparing to fire while standing.

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