Daily outfit. General provisions. Responsibilities of the duty officer and orderly in the company

All official actions of a company orderly are in the Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The company orderly is subordinate to the duty officer and serves near the front door of the room where the weapons are stored. The schedule and number of shifts are set only by the commander of the military unit or the captain of the military vessel.

Let's take a closer look at the responsibilities of a company orderly, what are the specific features of the service, and how a company orderly should act in certain situations.

Who is a company orderly?

The orderly is obliged to monitor adherence to the daily routine, careful wearing of the soldier's uniform and maintaining cleanliness. Privates who have received this status look after:

  • equipment
  • ammunition
  • personal accessories.

In terms of the functions performed, the orderly can be compared to the duty officer. Its main function is controlling. He notes interruptions in work, conflicts and reports them to his senior rank.

The company orderly is appointed from among the soldiers. Military personnel from first aid stations can also become orderlies. The appointment of these individuals falls on the shoulders of unit commanders. Appointment can be voluntary or compulsory. The second option is used as a punishment for a soldier for violating discipline.

The face becomes normal for 24 hours. The commanders are responsible for regulating the shift of duty personnel. They are guided by schedules drawn up by management. The exception is orders out of turn, which are reserved for the guilty. There are two documents that prescribe the duties of an orderly in a company:

  • Internal Service Charter;
  • Naval Ship's Charter.

The direct order for the appointment of an orderly to a soldier is given by his immediate company commander. In some cases, a soldier may be assigned to this role by high command. Above the company orderly there is his boss - the company duty officer. The number of orderlies in a company is determined by the unit commander, in accordance with official permission or document.

What daily outfit is assigned to the regiment?

duty signaller-drummer; messengers; fire outfit. Every day, by order of the regiment commander, the following are appointed: regiment duty officer, assistant regiment duty officer, guard chief, park duty officer, duty unit, as well as units from which other persons are assigned to daily duty and work orders.

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Responsibilities of a company orderly

The duties of orderlies are discussed in Decree No. 1495 dated November 10, 2007.

They consist of the following points:

  • control of entrances to the weapons room;
  • preventing strangers from entering the barracks;
  • preventing the unauthorized removal of weapons or other objects outside the unit. The person transporting weapons must have permission from the company duty officer;
  • informing senior rank about all problems and controversial situations that occur in the company. Such events include disturbances in personnel relationships, equipment malfunction, and the possibility of fire;
  • awakening colleagues when the alarm is raised. The rule also applies to general ascent;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the assigned area. Requiring the military to maintain cleanliness;
  • avoiding smoking or cleaning shoes in areas not intended for this purpose;
  • During the day, the company orderly must ensure the maintenance of order. His tasks also include replacing the company duty officer if he needs to temporarily leave his post;
  • performing service on the street. This paragraph applies to those companies that are located in populated areas. The orderly's place, which is located on the street, must be equipped with a canopy.

Prohibitions that will be severely punished include:

  • leaving the post without permission from the duty officer;
  • removal of uniforms during service;
  • performing patrol duties while sitting;
  • unfastening the uniform.

The orderly must know the location of the current duty officer. Information about all incidents and violations should be communicated to superiors in a timely manner.

When the company orderly assumes his duties, he monitors the serviceability of communication devices and the safety of documents.

The documentation consists of the following categories:

  • inventory of property located in the subdivision;
  • map of the area that is controlled by the orderly;
  • charter;
  • a list of rules that contains instructions for wearing a uniform (depending on the current season);
  • telephones for contacting emergency services.

The peculiarity of the work of an orderly is that he is not authorized to solve emerging problems on his own. The orderly is prohibited from repairing breakdowns or reprimanding colleagues. He can only register violations and report them to the duty officers.

Specific Responsibilities

In order to cope with such work, you need to know how and what to do. To do this, soldiers are allowed to prepare for 3 hours before their daily duty and rest for 1 hour. Then they undergo training.

The daily squad includes the duty officer and his deputy. These are, as a rule, officers. They are responsible for everything that happens in the unit during their stay in the outfit. Military personnel are on duty at the headquarters, at the checkpoint. In addition to security functions, the outfit maintains cleanliness in the premises. It's no secret that the army has always loved cleanliness. The hardest thing is for the soldiers who are on duty “on the nightstand.”

In the army, attire is one of the job responsibilities of every serviceman, regardless of position and rank. And contrary to stereotypes, this is not a punishment for guilty soldiers.


In principle, you can understand what a dress means in the army. Now it’s worth talking about the features of each type. For example, when a military member is assigned a work order, he may be assigned to perform some activity in the kitchen. Let's say peeling potatoes.

Or they may be sent to clean the barracks. Wash floors, sweep, scrub toilets in the toilet. Sometimes they are sent to do agricultural and auxiliary work. This usually lasts a maximum of four hours.

In the army, work orders are allowed only during times when there are no combat or training activities.

Now - a few words about the patrol. Or, as it is correctly called, garrison outfit.

Within its framework, a serviceman is obliged to protect public order outside the territory of his unit, but within the garrison (region or region).

For example, soldiers serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be sent to patrol the city, and they will have the right to prosecute people who drink alcoholic beverages in the wrong place.

Talking about what an outfit is in the army, one cannot help but touch on this topic. An orderly is the person in the daily squad of soldiers or sailors. He is responsible for the integrity of property, ammunition and weapons under his protection. The orderly is also obliged to monitor the order and cleanliness of the premises and the compliance of other military personnel with the daily routine.

The list of his responsibilities is wide. The orderly must remain in his place at all times and leave only with the permission of the company duty officer. He is also obliged not to let strangers inside, not to allow anyone to take weapons, ammunition and other property out of the barracks.

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Also, the orderly must report to the duty officer about everything that happens in the company - be it any malfunction or violation of the Charter by someone. During the general rise, he is obliged to wake up the personnel. The same applies if there is an alarm or fire at night. The orderly must monitor how military personnel wear their uniform.

And finally, the orderly himself does not have the right to sit down, unbutton his jacket and take off his equipment. This is what dress means in the army.

Features of performing duties as an orderly

The Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces defines certain features of the performance of service by orderlies in a company.

What kind of weapons is the company orderly equipped with?

The duty officers and orderlies in the units are armed with bayonets-knives in sheaths. The bayonet-knife should be on the waist belt on the left side, palm-width from the buckle. The only exception in terms of equipping with weapons is provided for by the Charter for female military personnel who are part of the daily dormitory outfit.

By decision of the unit commander, as well as in conditions of combat readiness, the orderly may be given an assault rifle with ammunition from two to four magazines.

Actions of a company orderly when an alarm is declared

When an alarm is declared, the orderly is obliged to carry out the orders of the company duty officer, in particular - to raise personnel and notify military personnel.

What is prohibited to a company orderly?

The next orderly is prohibited from sitting down, taking off his equipment or unfastening his clothes.

How much sleep should a company orderly sleep?

The free shift of orderlies is allowed to alternately rest lying down (sleeping), undressing, only during the period from lights out to getting up.

Actions of an orderly in various situations

In case of emergency, the orderly performs actions according to the statutory algorithm.

Alarm command at night

  1. Confirms the signal with the unit duty officer.
  2. The personnel will wake up.
  3. Notifies military personnel located outside the location.
  4. Issues weapons according to the number of military personnel.
  5. Follows further orders from command.

Important! If the company duty officer is not in place, his duties are transferred to the orderly.


  1. Urgent report to the unit duty officer.
  2. Organization of personnel evacuation.
  3. Assistance in transporting ammunition and all weapons.
  4. Organization of property protection if there is a risk of looting.
  5. Issuing orders to personnel until the company duty officer or commander arrives on site.

Shift acceptance procedure

This process requires a thorough approach, therefore it is regulated by a number of clauses of the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces.

  1. P.273. 5-6 hours before the start of the new month, the unit headquarters must convey to the commanders information about the days of entry into daily detachments, and also informs the composition of the detachments.
  2. P.274. Unit commanders who issue orders for daily detachments are responsible for selecting soldiers for the detachments and preparing them for the role. They must also monitor the timely arrival of the daily outfit for the lesson (instruction) to the person responsible for these processes.
  3. P.275. On the night followed by the outfit, the soldiers who are to become orderlies are completely freed from all work.
  4. P.276. Personnel who take up daily duty must receive at least 3 hours (when going on guard every other day - at least 4 hours) to prepare for duty (this also includes at least 1 hour of sleep).
  5. P.277. The personnel who are to serve on daily duty are prepared by the sergeant major or other company officials.
  6. P.278. The assigned personnel arrive at the specified time (with strict adherence to deadlines) for briefing, which is conducted by the deputy company commander or other official entrusted with this role. During the briefing, soldiers study general provisions, as well as become familiar with the safety requirements of military service, and demonstrate their knowledge in the field of special duties.

When there are 10 minutes left before taking over the watch, the incoming soldiers are checked. The company duty officer is notified of the results of the inspection. Sick employees are relieved of their duties as company orderlies.


In principle, you can understand what a dress means in the army. Now it’s worth talking about the features of each type. For example, when a military member is assigned a work order, he may be assigned to perform some activity in the kitchen. Let's say peeling potatoes. Or they may be sent to clean the barracks.

Now - a few words about the patrol. Or, as it is correctly called, garrison outfit. Within its framework, a serviceman is obliged to protect public order outside the territory of his unit, but within the garrison (region or region). For example, soldiers serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be sent to patrol the city, and they will have the right to prosecute people who drink alcoholic beverages in the wrong place.

But the most common outfit in the army is for a day. In fact, it’s an analogue of a patrol. Only the serviceman does not leave the territory of the unit. He is obliged to ensure the safety of personnel, as well as protect weapons and equipment. This outfit lasts for a day. And the next day after that, the serviceman is released from service or study.

Combat duty is usually performed at training grounds, as well as during martial law or when transporting employees.

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Object guard is the last type of outfit. The military is assigned to the protection and defense of warehouses with equipment, banners, ammunition and equipment. It usually lasts 12 hours.

Shift delivery

Conducting a shift change is a big responsibility both for the person entering the service and for the one taking over the shift. The newly arrived orderly must take over the entire floor and check inventory and equipment according to the inventory.

The condition of all property must be perfect, without a hitch! The soldier is also obliged to check the safety and presence of locks on the doors, casts with a seal, because if something goes missing. He can only blame himself.

If a person entering service notices a malfunction or violation, he must immediately report it to the company duty officer. Further actions will depend on the decision of the duty officer.

Officer on duty at the headquarters of a military unit

313. The duty officer at the headquarters of a military unit is called He is responsible for the security of the service rooms of the headquarters, the cleanliness of the headquarters premises, the correct performance of service by messengers and the timely receipt of correspondence and television recordings The duty officer at the headquarters of a military unit reports to the duty officer at the unit, his assistant and

The old and new duty officers

314. The duty officer at the headquarters of a military unit is obliged to :

- after the divorce, accept the documentation ,

— receive and transmit official television phonograms

- manage messengers;

- stay in the headquarters premises at all times ,

- when an alarm is declared, immediately notify

— take service rooms under guard and store the keys to them;

- monitor compliance with the rules for firing furnaces , fire safety

— receive correspondence outside of working hours ;

- in the event of a fire, call the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish it and headquarters immediately report this to the duty officer at the military unit and the chief of staff of the unit;

- upon arrival at the headquarters of a military unit, the chief of

For example:
“Comrade Major.
Sergeant Zhigunov, duty officer at the headquarters of the military unit.” Fire outfit

315. A fire squad is appointed from a non- regular motorists the number of number The fire brigade is subordinate to the chief of

316. The fire department is obliged to :

— monitor compliance with fire

- carry out fire guard duty according to the checklist;

— monitor the serviceability of fire extinguishing

— together with the heads of storage facilities, warehouses and fire

— report to the duty officer at the military unit at the time established by the time sheet on compliance with fire safety requirements in the unit;

- if a fire occurs, participate in its extinguishing.

The fire brigade performs its duties

The old and new chiefs to

The fire department is provided with the necessary fire smells , belts and steel helmets.

Duty signaller-drummer

317. The duty signaller-drummer is appointed He is obliged to stay in a room near the room of the duty officer of the military unit

To provide signals in the absence of a


318. The raising of a military unit on alert is carried out Defense

Alarms are divided into combat and training .

319. The raising of a military unit on combat alert is carried out in order to prepare it for the performance of combat missions. At the same time, all personnel with their assigned weapons, military equipment and other material resources

320. The procedure for raising a military unit on combat alert is determined by a plan developed by the headquarters under the direct supervision of It should provide:

- who has the right to declare a combat alert ,

- actions of the duty officer at the military unit and other persons on daily duty when an alarm is declared;

— the assembly area of ​​the military unit, assembly points for units and the procedure for the entry of personnel into them and the withdrawal of military equipment;

- areas of concentration of a military unit and the location of units in them, as well as the starting line (point), routes and order of movement

— measures to comprehensively support the

— organization of control and communications when a military unit is raised the move

— the procedure for removing (removing) the Battle Banner of a military unit;

— the procedure for issuing ammunition, food and

- organization of commandant service when entering areas of assembly and concentration.

321. The raising of a military unit on a drill alert is carried out in order to prepare it for actions on a combat alert, when a unit (unit) goes out for exercises, in the event of a natural disaster to extinguish a fire and solve other problems. In this case, the unit (subdivision) acts as if on a combat alert, with established restrictions

322. All military personnel must have a firm grasp of the procedure for the military unit (unit) to respond to an alarm as it relates to them.

In all cases, when declaring an alarm, personnel must act quickly and in an organized manner, maintaining disguise.

Chapter 8

How to become an orderly

The number of orderly shifts in companies is determined by the commander of the military unit. However, a soldier can be appointed as an orderly even for a minor offense. One of these cases is considered to be dressing out of turn. You can “earn” it very easily - you just need to take a few wrong steps in front of the unit’s leaders or fail to carry out a lawful order.

After being assigned to a new detachment, the soldier is obliged to report the incident to his immediate commander, who is obliged to initiate an investigation into all the circumstances of the emergency.

There is no way to give up the role of an orderly. If a soldier falls ill, he will be exempt from this duty, but in the future, after recovery, he will most likely be appointed again.

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