Daily outfits: internal outfit, garrison guards, preparation for outfit

Property safety

Uniforms and underwear will last the required time if you treat them with care.
Sergeants and soldiers store their uniforms in the unit's dormitory or storeroom. These servicemen carry one set of clothes and shoes in their socks. The work uniform is placed in special lockers. Winter clothes hang in the hallway or in a specially designated area on hangers. The rest of the uniform is given a place in the unit's storeroom. Ironed, with clean collars, ties fastened to shirts, it is on hangers, and hats are in special slots.

The foreman is responsible for issuing linen and clothing from the company's pantry. Those living in the barracks receive one copy of a blanket, a pillow, and a set of bed linen consisting of a pillowcase and 2 sheets. In addition, the recruit is given 2 towels for wiping his face and feet, and slippers. Pillows and blankets are selected according to color and size. A bedside rug was provided for those living in the barracks.

During sleep, the uniform is neatly folded onto a stool standing near the bed. In a duffel bag or backpack, a serviceman keeps a bowler hat, a mug, a spoon, threads, a set of buttons and hooks. Before leaving for training, one combat ration, a raincoat, a helmet, a towel, and spare socks or foot wraps are placed in the backpack.

What remains in property upon retirement

After a year of service, sergeants and soldiers retiring into the reserve receive ownership of:

  • hats;
  • demi-season jacket;
  • casual suit with long sleeves;
  • a T-shirt, and paratroopers - a vest;
  • underwear;
  • gloves;
  • high-top boots for summer;
  • a bag for carrying items of clothing;
  • toiletry case with personal hygiene products.

After service, petty officers and sailors also have a cap, ribbons, a uniform collar, and a black muffler. After transfer to the reserve, it is prohibited to transfer military clothing to third parties. You can wear the uniform to festive events and parades.

What are the responsibilities of an orderly?


is a soldier or sailor of a military unit, as well as a military personnel from a medical center or a military equipment park.
His main responsibility
is to ensure the safety of weapons, property, personal belongings and ammunition.

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Damage and loss

Violation of savings rules leads to the loss of property by military personnel. The Charter states that soldiers and officers must know how to take care of military property and equipment. If things issued to a serviceman are lost or become completely unusable, then he bears financial responsibility for this according to the law.

Punishment may be sent to a disciplinary battalion for 3 or more months. The Disciplinary Regulations are applied when a serviceman voluntarily compensates for the damage caused. There will be no corpus delicti if the loss of uniforms or their damage occurred through no fault of their owner. After all, even if it is properly stored, it can be stolen.

But when a soldier or officer leaves his belongings unattended and they are stolen, then responsibility for the loss is not removed from him. When loss or damage to property occurs in wartime, during hostilities, the public danger increases.

And then the culprit is punished with imprisonment from one to 3-5 years. The punishment will be more severe if the uniform or equipment is sold to another person or pledged. In addition to disciplinary action, it is possible that a criminal case will be opened. Therefore, soldiers must take seriously the property issued during service and take care of it.

Composition and responsibilities

The composition and procedure for changing the internal outfit, the procedure for protecting the office premises of the unit during the time the duty guard leaves for combat operations to extinguish fires are established by the head of the unit.

The following are appointed to the internal detachment for the period of combat duty:

  • unit duty officer;
  • garage orderly;
  • room attendant;
  • guard at the front of the unit building.

Attention!!! It is allowed to reduce or combine the duties of the internal detachment if the number of personnel on duty guard is insufficient. Control over the change of persons on the internal detail is carried out by the head of the duty guard and the duty officer of the unit

Control over the change of persons on the internal squad is carried out by the head of the duty guard and the duty officer of the unit.

Personnel of the internal outfit must:

  • serve in the uniform of clothing established for the season, have headdresses and a breastplate of the face of the internal dress.
  • go out to carry out combat operations to extinguish fires as part of the duty guard.

Unit duty officer

An assistant chief of guard or a squad commander is appointed as the duty officer for the unit, to whom the entire internal squad of the duty guard is subordinate.

When carrying out his activities, the duty officer of the unit is obliged to:

  • know the duties of internal affairs personnel;
  • accept office premises, equipment and property during the changing of the guard;
  • change the internal outfit of the unit;
  • instruct personnel assigned to the internal squad, check their knowledge of duties while on duty;
  • check the performance of duty by persons on internal duty and report to the chief of guard about the shift;
  • monitor the implementation of the daily routine by the personnel on duty, the maintenance of equipment and weapons, compliance with labor protection rules, fire safety, sanitary and hygienic standards in the premises and in the surrounding area, as well as the air temperature and lighting in the office premises of the unit;
  • carry out a walk around the territory of the unit, if necessary, turn on (off) street lighting at the time established by the head of the unit.

During the rest of the duty officer of the unit, his duties must be performed by an official appointed by the chief of the guard within his competence, or by the chief of the guard.

Garage attendant

A driver or fireman is appointed as a garage attendant.

When carrying out his activities, the garage attendant is obliged to:

  • allow the personnel of the duty guard to access the assigned equipment only to perform official duties by order of the chief of the guard;
  • ensure compliance with fire safety requirements in the garage, maintaining cleanliness and order;
  • monitor the maintenance of air temperature in the garage, turn on emergency lighting at night;
  • report to the chief of the duty guard about detected malfunctions of equipment and weapons, heating systems and other shortcomings.

Room attendant

A fireman is appointed as a room attendant.

When carrying out his activities, the premises attendant is obliged to:

  • maintain cleanliness and order in the service and sanitary premises of the unit;
  • ensure compliance with sanitary standards in places of eating;
  • ensure compliance with fire safety rules in the service and amenity premises of the unit.

Guard at the facade

Guard post at the facade

A fireman or driver is assigned as a guard at the front of the unit building.

The guard at the facade of the subdivision building is located in front of the facade of the subdivision building or on a post.

When carrying out his activities, the guard at the facade of the subdivision building is obliged to:

  • know and follow the procedure for admitting unit personnel, citizens and vehicles to the unit’s territory;
  • receive statements from citizens about fires, accidents and natural disasters and report them to the chief (leader) of the guard;
  • conduct constant monitoring of the situation within sight, and if a fire, accident or natural disaster is detected, report it to the guard commander;
  • do not allow any type of transport to stop or park in front of the subdivision garage gates and before entering the subdivision territory;
  • monitor the cleanliness and order of the façade of the department building;
  • find out the purpose of arrival from all persons arriving at the unit in accordance with the established form, after which, using the signal to call guard officials, call the head of the guard, and during his absence or rest - the duty officer of the unit.

Equipment for the dress uniform of Russian military personnel

For all categories of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, dress uniforms are required to be equipped with established insignia: shoulder straps, sleeve patches, breast insignia (badges, medals, orders). At the same time, lapel insignia, which had long been preserved as a traditional element of military uniform according to the Soviet model, underwent serious reform. Since 2018, the officers of the Russian Army are similar in appearance to the historical buttonholes of the Russian Guard of the 19th century.

Lapel emblems are intended to be worn only by the officer corps of junior and senior ranks (from junior lieutenant to colonel inclusive). For the Navy, lapel insignia in the form of an anchor were installed. The senior officers of the RF Armed Forces wear lapel emblems with the image of a laurel branch (army generals - in the form of an oak branch).

Placement of insignia

The sleeve insignia reflects affiliation both with the RF Armed Forces as a whole (as a difference from military personnel in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, VNG, etc.), as well as directly with the branches (branches of troops) of the Armed Forces. In addition, it is required to design the serviceman’s ceremonial uniform with sleeve insignia according to his affiliation with specific military formations, in the absence of which insignia are placed according to the affiliation of a higher military command authority (military formation).

Types of signsPlacement
Patch indicating affiliation with the RF Ministry of Defense, forces of the RF Armed Forces, branches of the RF Armed ForcesOn the left sleeve
Patch indicating affiliation with specific military formationsOn the right sleeve
State and departmental awards, special insignia (orders on blocks and medals)On the left side of the chest
Insignia of the RF Armed Forces and awards (orders, badges of honor) with a special statusOn the right side of the chest

On the right lapel of the jacket, in particular, are worn commemorative insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, insignia of class qualifications of specialists of the Armed Forces, the commander of a ship (submarine), and also on the right side of the chest are placed (in order of priority) the following insignia:

  • "Guard";
  • Graduation from a military or state professional educational organization;
  • Graduated from Suvorov Military, Nakhimov Naval, and Military Music Schools.

This is followed by the badge “Excellence in the service (branch) of the Armed Forces”, etc. insignia to denote merit shown in the performance of official and special duties, high achievements of military personnel in various types of daily activities (including sports), their high combat and professional qualities.

Location of medals

The location of medals on full dress uniform in the RF Armed Forces is established by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 No. 300, which determines the sequence of placement of all state and departmental awards on full military uniform. Orders on blocks and medals are placed on the left side of the chest horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge, from top to bottom in the order listed. When wearing two or more orders or medals on the left side of the chest, their blocks can be connected in a row on a common bar (the upper sides of the blocks are adjacent to each other, forming a straight line without breaks, and each block located on the right partially covers the block located to the left) .

Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the above order. The blocks of orders and medals of the second row should go under the orders and medals of the first row, while the lower edge of the medals of the upper row and the upper edge of the medals of the lower row should be located at the same level. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order.

Author of the article:

Nikiforov Vladislav

Dress up in what: what is the army and why?

Regardless of the specifics and rank of service, any soldier will have to perform a number of duties. Carrying outfits is one of the main things. Their goal is to ensure the safety of military equipment, units and the soldiers themselves. In addition, wearing outfits helps to develop important qualities in performers: endurance, organization, perseverance and determination.

Despite the outcry, the outfits, recruits, are a completely legitimate thing. In 2007, they were included in the government decree “On the approval of general military regulations of the Armed Forces of Russia.” According to it, duty duties fall on the shoulders of military personnel of all ranks.

For many, the phrase “outfit in the army” evokes a persistent association with a pile of dirty potatoes for which a soldier will have to peel whole modern ones in the kitchen. There is no such thing in the army: conscripts peel no more than vegetables and do not cook in the kitchen. Special organizations are responsible for lunches and dinners for soldiers. However, the innovations do not apply to the Navy - the soldiers there are still independently operating in Koma.

the kitchen is “threatened” by army outfits

Modern armed forces of the Russian Federation imply the execution of the following outfits for the categories:

  • conscript soldiers;
  • employee contract;
  • students of military universities;
  • officers.

The distribution looks like this: in the duty book, a schedule of orders is drawn up for a week or a month in advance. official and the same duties are repeated daily in the schedule, and each type of activity in turn is assigned its own Avoid.

performing attire is impossible. There is only one chance to rest - to get a health certificate from an army doctor. Moreover, a simple runny nose cannot be avoided; complex work will help; something more serious is needed.

Important! A soldier may not be allowed to perform his duties if he has no idea what he is supposed to receive. But the soldier does not benefit from such incompetence from ignorance of his duties: penalties are provided for if he succeeds in his duties.

For example, a serviceman may be released from duty, but deprived of the next “city” discharge.

Duration of the outfit

The duration of a particular outfit will depend on its type. for, So, daily duty is 24 hours, for guard duty - 12 hours, for workers - no more than 4 Garrison. hours, outfits can be night or day, but in both cases they should not last longer than 4 However. hours, any case is considered individually. garrison, So the guard can continue and the whole is obligatory, but with a 24-hour rest break of at least 4 hours.

General provisions

The composition of the daily work order is determined by the unit order and is subject to mandatory implementation.

  • Unit duty officer;
  • Assistant;
  • Guard;
  • Duty unit - mechanics, drivers, paramedic, checkpoint, messengers, canteen workers, signalman, fire brigade.

New composition is appointed by order daily. The commander has the right to change it. The daily outfit for the company includes a duty officer and an orderly. The number of shifts is determined by the commander.

They act in accordance with the internal Charter.

Tasks, responsibilities:

  • Ensure order;
  • Protect personnel, material assets, property;
  • Report violations in a timely manner so that emergency measures can be taken;
  • Prepare food and provide all employees with food;
  • Carry out the required repair work;
  • Dr.

Appointed from the officer corps. Responsible for:

  • Notifying unit management about alarms and various types of violations;
  • Maintains internal order and fulfillment of the duties of the outfit;
  • Responsible for the safety of weapons and ammunition.

Submits to the unit commander and reports on the situation upon request. He is in the duty officer's room, keeping documents. If there is a necessary absence, he leaves an assistant in his place, reports why, where, and on what issues he is absent.

For the immediate protection of property, material assets, and personnel, a guard, also known as a sentry, is posted. Only the chief of guard has the right to change him. Before accepting a shift, he is required to inspect the objects entrusted to him for integrity. The sentry is obliged to serve cheerfully, guard vigilantly, move along the indicated route, not leave the post, and if any violations are detected, immediately inform the guard commander.

Orderly by company

Located inside the room where weapons and ammunition are stored. His responsibilities:

  • Don't go away;
  • Do not leave your post;
  • Do not allow unauthorized persons to pass through;
  • Wake up personnel in case of alarm;
  • Notify the commander of violations;
  • Monitor the cleanliness of the premises.

The orderly monitors law and order and, in case of violations, reports directly to the company duty officer. It is prohibited to sit down, unbutton clothes, or remove equipment.

Company duty officer

Appointed from warrant officers, sergeants. Responsible for:

  • Receiving products from the warehouse;
  • Expedient use of reserves;
  • Timely distribution of food;
  • Preservation of kitchen utensils;
  • Keeps order during meals.

The duty officer is required to know the number of people, the menu, monitor the processing of food, be present during the preparation of dishes, demand proper storage of supplies, organize timely disposal of waste, and report violations to the superior duty officer.

Paramedic on duty

Responsible for internal order in the medical center, checks the quality and safety of the prepared food, monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The paramedic is required to be in the first-aid post, know the number of patients, maintain medical records, provide emergency assistance, prescribe qualified treatment, dispense medications, and conduct a medical examination. When changing duty, take toxic and narcotic substances under report.

The orderly at the medical station is appointed from among the orderlies and reports to the paramedic on duty. If there is no orderly in the unit, a recovered soldier is assigned. His responsibilities include sanitary treatment of arriving patients, their belongings, and patient care. The orderly is obliged to keep order in the point, ensure cleanliness - clean, wash the floors, take out the trash.

Fire outfit

Reports to the regiment duty officer, fire chief. Assigned according to the number of available equipment. The unit is obliged to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements, monitor the serviceability of equipment, and if a fire occurs, extinguish it.

Located in a room near the room of the regiment on duty, it sends signals to the unit from him and his assistant. In the absence of a signalman, equipment with a recording device is used.

Other duty officers in various directions are obliged to conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them, monitor internal law and order, and the safety of property and supplies of the military unit. You are allowed to sleep for 4 hours at a time set by the commander, without shoes, but with clothes on, without taking off your equipment.


This type of military uniform is required:

  • for educational events;
  • during hostilities;
  • during training;
  • in combat;
  • when a state of emergency is declared;
  • to eliminate the consequences of disasters, accidents and other disasters.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, approved a new model of the field uniform, pointing out a number of improvements, since the previous uniform did not meet the requirements in many respects. Examples of this can be found in numerous pictures presented on the Internet. At the moment, testing of clothing is taking place in the troops themselves.

The main feature of the latest field uniform for military personnel is that it is multi-layered. Previously, only field equipment for special forces units was manufactured using this principle.

The VKBO includes 23 items of clothing, which also include three pairs of shoes. The combination of eight layers of clothing allows military personnel to use this field uniform in the off-season and winter, that is, when the temperature ranges from + 15 to – 40 degrees Celsius.

The field uniform includes eight layers of clothing, which include the following items:

  1. Lightweight underwear;
  2. Fleece underwear;
  3. Fleece jacket;
  4. Windbreaker;
  5. Demi-season suit;
  6. Windproof suit;
  7. Insulated vest;
  8. Insulated suit.

Thus, the combination of different layers is selected depending on the weather and the intensity of physical activity experienced by officers and soldiers. But if the air temperature is more than fifteen degrees, then a summer field uniform is required.

LightweightFleeceFleece jacketWindbreakerDemi-seasonWindwaterproofVestInsulated


The new sample summer field uniform includes the following items of clothing:

  • lightweight jacket;
  • light boots;
  • beret or cap;
  • trousers.

In the manufacture of this uniform, stretch is used, which is first treated with a water-repellent compound. When it comes to parts with the greatest load, the application of reinforcing components is required, which protects the suit from mechanical damage and the degree of wear becomes minimal.

When service takes place in cooler conditions, it is required to wear a component of a military uniform, namely a fleece jacket, which has thick pile on both sides of the product. The jacket has a durable layer of thermal insulation, but, if necessary, it can be easily rolled up and will take up minimal volume. In windy weather, use a windbreaker jacket, which is worn together with trousers.



In cool weather, you will need to wear a military uniform such as a demi-season set, which reliably protects from the wind. The fabric of the suit allows steam to pass through perfectly, but at the same time it dries quickly. In special situations, waterproof clothing is required, even the seams are taped with a special glue.

During severe frosts, a more insulated suit and vest are required, which are quite light but practical. The winter field uniform is made from waterproof materials that also protect from the wind. In cold weather, you are allowed to use a balaclava, which is worn as a hat or together with it.


Duties of the guard squad

The guard outfit unites all military personnel assigned to guard duty. The main task is to ensure the security and defense of the entrusted facility. Accordingly, all the duties of such a unit are a set of job responsibilities of the military personnel involved.

The responsibilities of the guard squad and its personnel are determined by the documentation issued when organizing the guard. These include:

  • post layout diagram;
  • post report card;
  • instructions to the chief of guard;
  • special instructions for operators of technical protective equipment, as well as guards and controllers.

The layout of posts includes the following instructions:

  • general and prohibited boundaries of posts;
  • types of fencing, placement of engineering barriers;
  • placement of technical security equipment, guard dog posts;
  • vehicle routes with shifts and patrols;
  • movement routes of sentry and control and security groups;
  • placement of trenches, observation towers, communications and fire safety equipment;
  • the most vulnerable directions and approaches to posts.

The post report card implies the following instructions and responsibilities:

  • the name of the objects of each post that are subject to protection;
  • special duties of sentries, taking into account the specifics and conditions of service;
  • deadlines for contacting the chief of guard, emergency signals;
  • the period of stay of the sentry on the observation tower;
  • forbidden boundaries of the post, into which unauthorized persons are not allowed;
  • the duties of a sentry in the event of an attack on his or a neighboring post, as well as in the event of a fire;
  • situations allowing the use of weapons, dangerous directions for firing;
  • order of service when strengthening the security of posts and opening the storage facility.

The instructions to the guard commander prescribe:

  • guard tasks;
  • special responsibilities of the chief for the protection of entrusted objects;
  • objects that the boss must personally accept, the procedure for acceptance and delivery;
  • inspection schedule, procedure for access to the technical territory;
  • measures to strengthen security at night and inclement weather;
  • drawing up a combat crew and actions in the event of an attack on a guard, activation of technical security means, fire or other disaster;
  • the procedure for opening boxes of ammunition and using weapons by the commander and guard personnel;
  • principles of interaction with the duty unit, the use of communications;
  • places for loading and unloading weapons for shifts of sentries departing and returning from posts;
  • place of stopping and placement of the changing guard;
  • rest time for the chief of guard and his assistants.

The documents also define the specific requirements and responsibilities of guard personnel. The use of technical means of protection, guard dogs, security of the guardhouse - all this is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the charter and is determined by this documentation.

First-hand opinions

Every second Russian served in the army. The outfit is something they are all familiar with. And each person who served has something different to say about it. Naturally, there are pros and cons. Dressing up out of turn in the army is the most unpleasant thing. Because a soldier, if he is guilty, will have to do the dirtiest work. As mentioned above - wash toilets, scrub toilets, peel whole bags of potatoes.

But there are advantages. You can communicate with the company duty officer and prove yourself to your superiors. Sometimes - charge the phone and even use it. And having completed the tasks of the orderly, even read a book at night. But all the advantages are counterbalanced by moral and physical fatigue. You have to stand motionless for several hours at a time, and this monotonous and exhausting task requires endurance and patience. In general, if a young man joins the army, then it is better to comply with the Charter and behave appropriately - so as to be included in the outfit only when it is his turn, and not as a punishment.

Assistant checkpoint officer

One of the most popular positions is rightfully called an assistant to an operational duty officer at a checkpoint. The duties of the outfit include timely admission and greeting, production of a report to the head, as well as to the deputy heads of the institution.

The checkpoint assistant is required to remain on duty at all times, with the exception of rest and meal times. He is responsible for the proper screening, registration and admission of persons to the premises of the institution. In addition, he is responsible for checking the persons who bring in or take out property.

If there is any doubt about the authenticity of the ID or other document used to provide access to the territory, the assistant has the right to report this to the operational duty officer to verify the legality of admission and the person’s presence within the institution.

In conclusion, I would like to describe the procedure for changing an outfit. At the appointed time, the new squad arrives at the place of duty, where, according to the inventory, as well as other documents and journals, it verifies the availability of property, its integrity and safety, and also receives a report on shortcomings. After the duty officers, assistants or other persons have made a report internally, they are sent to shift to the operational duty officer. After the official’s signature appears in the shift log, it is considered that the new outfit has taken duty and entered service in accordance with the schedule. After the change, the person replaced is given the right to rest.

Features of each type of outfit in the army

Work order

Military personnel are involved in performing various jobs in a military unit, including auxiliary, kitchen, agricultural, cleaning, etc. The duration of such work cannot exceed 4 hours a day.

Important: execution of a work order is permitted only during free time from training and combat activities. Don't know your rights?

Don't know your rights?

Garrison outfit

A more common name is patrol. That is, the involvement of military personnel in the protection of public order outside the territory of the military unit, but within the garrison (that is, the region in which the unit is located).

Daily outfit

Similar to garrison, but without going beyond the boundaries of the military unit. The task of the daily duty is to ensure the safety of personnel, protect equipment, weapons, etc.

The duration of the assignment is 1 day, while on the next day the military personnel are released from training or service.

Combat duty

The second name is combat service. It is performed in order to solve specific combat missions, usually at training grounds, when transporting military personnel or under martial law.

Object guard

Security, and, if necessary, defense of warehouses with weapons and ammunition, battle flags, and equipment. Another type of guard is the protection of military personnel held in disciplinary military units.

Most often, the duration of guard duty is 12 hours - night and day shifts.

Preparing a daily outfit

So, on the night before joining the detachment, the personnel must be freed from all work and activities, also, military personnel entering the detachment on this day are given time to prepare for the detachment for at least three hours, and if a soldier takes a guard duty with weapons, then at least four hours, one of which is provided for sleep.

While preparing for their uniform, soldiers study their duties according to who is assigned where, and also put their appearance in order (shave, iron their uniform, get a haircut if necessary, and make a edging).

Unit commanders are responsible for the selection of personnel, readiness, preparation, timely arrival for briefings, and deployment. The night before the assignment, the entire staff is freed from all classes and work and goes to rest. On the day of entry, personnel must be given at least 3 hours for preparation, 1 hour for rest - sleep. The training is carried out by the sergeant major or another authorized person.

At the appointed time, all personnel arrive for briefing to the deputy commanders. During the lesson, they study or repeat the Charter and safety requirements. The deputy commander or other official checks knowledge of duties. After this, the outfit is sent to replace their predecessors.

What are army outfits?

The main part of a soldier's service is spent in various outfits. The outfits are different. First, let's figure out what an outfit is. A daily outfit is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, premises and other military property of a military unit (unit), monitor the state of affairs in units and timely take preventive measures offenses.

They join the army for a day. Usually from 19:00 to 19:00 the next day. Before joining the outfit, you will have to go to the divorce of the daily outfit, which takes place on the parade ground. The responsible officer interceding with you asks everyone about their responsibilities. You will have to study a lot in the army. And if you do not learn your duties on time, you will be assigned as an orderly in the company every day without taking a shift.

So, the most popular and unsuccessful outfit is considered to be the company orderly. In simple words, you will have to stand on the nightstand with your partner for a day. And the rest of the time, while your comrade is standing on the stand, you must restore order in the barracks. Wash floors, dust, wash the washroom, and toilets. And all this several times throughout the day, while you are in your outfit. In addition, you must constantly monitor the weapons room and not allow anyone to bring anything in, take it out, etc.

But there are also other outfits where not everything is so sad. For example, you can be an assistant to the duty officer at the checkpoint (Checkpoint). During the day you stand at the checkpoint in a bulletproof vest and helmet and check those entering and exiting the territory of the military unit. As well as cars entering and leaving. And of course you constantly open and close the gate.

You can also be on daily duty at headquarters and in the park. And also on duty as a patrolman. Walk around the unit and catch saboteurs, those who are on the territory of the unit illegally. You check your documents and ask for passes. There are also outfits on the tower. During the day you stand on a high tower and observe. What kind of outfits will be in your unit depends on where exactly you end up. By the way, if you mess up in any outfit, then you are immediately sent to the orderly, so don’t mess up.

Daily outfit for military women

The Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces does not have clear requirements for serving in daily duty for female military personnel. There is a regulation on the dormitory outfit, which is formed according to the same principles as the unit from the company. There are also no separate regulations for women with officer ranks.

In this context, pay attention to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, it is not allowed to involve women in heavy work under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • single mother with a child under 14 years old;
  • having a child under three years of age.

In this case, the woman is not required to work at night, overtime, on weekends, and she is not sent on a business trip. Accordingly, such military personnel are not assigned to daily duty assignments. If there is a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16, they are required to work overtime only with the consent of the woman.

Author of the article:

Nikiforov Vladislav

Features of the everyday kit

For officers and soldiers of the Russian army, Order No. 300 of the Ministry of Defense has been communicated, which outlines the rules for wearing the uniform and its equipment for various types of troops. Interestingly, in everyday equipment there is no difference between a private and an officer.

Summer version of the form

Field clothing option 1 includes:

  • cap;
  • jacket with trousers;
  • shirt with black tie;
  • belt;
  • low shoes or ankle boots, boots.

The shirt can be replaced with a T-shirt. The underwear is lightweight and made of jersey. Its special features are excellent air exchange, moisture absorption, and quick drying. In some branches of the military, the cap has been replaced by berets and hats.

The entire set is highly hygienic and comfortable for daily wear. The fabric of the light jacket is treated with special water-repellent agents. If caught in the rain, a soldier will not get wet for 2 hours. The density of the material has been increased in the area of ​​the elbows, knees, and seat.

Multilayer kit

When the air temperature drops in the fall, a winter version of the uniform is issued. It consists of several layers. As it gets colder, lightweight underwear is replaced with fleece. When the temperature drops sharply, you should wear both sets of underwear with a lightweight fleece one.

For those who serve in special forces, airborne troops, instead of body sweatshirts, they are issued vests with blue or light blue stripes on white. The 3rd layer of winter uniform is intended for autumn weather, when the air does not warm up to 15 degrees Celsius. Layer 4, consisting of a windbreaker jacket, will save you from autumn slush and rain.

The main suit is layer 5, which is comfortable to wear in the cold pre-winter months. A suit is also provided for the serviceman that protects from wind and precipitation. An insulated cap protects your head from bad weather. In more severe conditions, a hat with earflaps is issued.

In extremely low temperatures, a recruit will stay warm under an insulated vest. The set of the insulated suit includes mittens and gloves. In addition to a fur hat, the head is protected by a helmet-mask or balaclava. Foot wraps have been abolished in the Russian army, replaced by socks. For officers, a raincoat is included in the uniform. The hats worn by privates and officers in winter differ.

Uniform of female military personnel

Everyday uniforms for female military personnel differ from male uniforms. In the summer version for women they offer:

  • caps;
  • jacket with wool skirt;
  • blouse with tie;
  • shoes or boots.

In summer, women wear trousers with a jacket, under which there should be a T-shirt. In winter, female military personnel are also given several layers of clothing. The choice is made between a skirt and trousers. It depends on the job duties that require the appropriate equipment.

Work order

Perhaps the very first outfit that a recruit encounters when he or she just crosses the threshold of a military unit. Traditionally, young soldiers, in the first 3-6 months of service, are given the most labor-intensive and dirty work. Such a squad is headed by a sergeant or officer (warrant officer) who himself does not directly participate in the performance of work. His task is to organize and control his subordinates. The senior officer must know the specifics of the work and safety rules. Supervise subordinates while performing work. Do not allow deviations from the received assignment, suppress attempts to “rationalize” and “mechanize” the work performed. Ensure that military personnel do not use construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, the work of which can only be carried out by persons with appropriate permits.

The organization of work should include temporary breaks, the frequency of which depends on the labor intensity. Breaks for heating (in winter) and meals - according to the schedule provided for by the internal regulations of the unit. If work is carried out outside a military unit, dry rations are issued to all personnel.


The office uniform for military personnel is a type of casual equipment that is used only by officers, generals and some employees of the Ministry of Defense. The office military uniform is similar to the everyday uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and its list includes the following items:

  1. A soft cap, which is presented in blue for the Airborne Forces, and in green for military units;
  2. White T-shirt;
  3. A shirt that matches the color of the cap, and it should be with short or long sleeves, depending on weather conditions. In this case, a tie is not used, but shoulder straps can be attached to the shoulders;
  4. Trousers that match the color of the cap and shirt.

In the cold season, they use a warm jacket, to which, if necessary, a hood is attached. The headdress can be replaced with a hat with earflaps. This form of clothing, photos of which can easily be found on the Internet, is used less often than others. But it is strictly forbidden to use casual clothes as field clothes.





Duty unit

268. The duty unit is assigned in case of reinforcement of guards, fulfillment of the task of repelling an attack on regiment facilities or an urgent call in the event of the occurrence (threat of occurrence) of natural and man-made emergencies, environmental emergencies as a result of accidents, hazardous natural phenomena, catastrophes, natural disasters and other incidents.

It is prohibited to use the duty unit to perform economic work outside the regiment's location.

269. The call to the unit on duty is carried out by the commander (chief of staff) of the regiment or, with his permission, by the regiment duty officer. Simultaneously with the call of the duty unit, by order of the regiment commander, if necessary, a new duty unit is assigned.

When calling the duty unit, it is indicated where, by what time and at whose disposal it must arrive, as well as what weapons, military equipment to have with it, the amount of ammunition, other military equipment and the procedure for issuing them. Ammunition is issued to the unit on duty by order of the regiment commander (chief of staff) or the regiment duty officer.

270. Classes with the duty unit are conducted near the regiment's location. The location of the unit on duty and the procedure for calling it must be known to the regiment duty officer.

Upon arrival at the designated place, the unit on duty acts on the instructions of the regiment commander (chief of staff), the regiment duty officer or the person at whose disposal it is assigned.

Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces

approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 N 1495

What does it represent?

The abbreviation has been known to every soldier since Soviet times. Only before it sounded like “VKBO” - an all-season set of basic uniforms. The updated uniform is called “VKPO” (all-season field uniform set). Military technologists are engaged in improvement. This process began after comparing domestic samples with foreign ones.

Our models were significantly inferior in terms of quality and practical parameters, taking this into account the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to develop new uniforms. More precisely, the basic set was supplemented with missing items and modernized.

Today, modern VKPO has 28 items (including 3 pairs of shoes). The main feature is multi-layering, i.e. the presence of several levels, layers, combinations that can be combined in different ways (depending on climatic conditions, the specifics of the actions performed).

THIS IS INTERESTING! Because of this “multi-layered” shape, people began to call the form “cabbage”; the word quickly spread and took root among people, which is still relevant today. Therefore, if you hear mention of “cabbage” in a soldier’s vocabulary, you should know that we are talking about VKPO.

Modern research

Creating accurate models of Neptune and Uranus to visually describe the formation of ice giants has proven to be a challenging task. A considerable number of hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution of these two planets. According to one of them, both giants appeared due to instability within the basic protoplanetary disk, and later their atmospheres were literally blown away by the radiation of a large B or O class star.

According to another concept, Neptune and Uranus formed relatively close to the Sun, where the density of matter is higher, and then moved to their current orbits. This hypothesis has become the most common because it can explain the existing resonances in the Kuiper belt.

What is an outfit in the army

“Ivanov, the outfit is out of order!”

Have you often heard this phrase on TV? Last names, of course, may change, but the frequency of pronouncing this phrase from the screens remains unchanged. Personally, from my youth I remembered it thanks not only to popular Soviet army films, but also to TV series known at that time like “Soldiers”, “Kremlin Cadets” and the like.

Let's look at the true essence of this expression and the very concept of “outfit in the army.” What is this? And most importantly, does it carry a positive or negative connotation?

We'll talk about this in this article.

The first thing I like to start with in such explanatory articles is a definition. Let's look at the theoretical part. Namely, in the meaning of the word “outfit”.

Army outfit - a unit, a group of military personnel in a military unit, on a ship and in a garrison, assigned to perform internal, guard and garrison services, as well as to perform economic and other work; these works themselves.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: there are two meanings of this word. The first is a group of military personnel, and the second is the work for which these same military personnel were assigned to a squad

It turns out to be some kind of tautology. The outfit was assigned to the outfit. But for the army this is absolutely normal, friends. In the army, in general, what is abnormal in civilian life is normal.

Therefore, just remember that the word outfit in the army is used both to designate a group of military personnel (for example, when the commander utters the phrase: “Daily outfit, get out of order”), and to denote work (for example, when uttering the phrase: “Tomorrow in the outfit is assigned...")

What, do you think this article will end here? That I don't have anything else to tell you? No, my friends, this is not true at all! The fun is just beginning.

As a teenager, my grandmother, mother and uncle (who once served and took part in combat operations in both Chechen campaigns) told me: “Learn to peel potatoes, Vlad, you will feel comfortable in your army uniform.”

For the life of me, I still remember these phrases from each of them. And thanks to this, I really got the impression that a dress in the army is a dress in a canteen, during which you need to prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner for your unit.

And that there are no other outfits at all!

However, in reality everything turned out to be completely different. I learned through the army that there are a huge number of types of outfits. For example, a company outfit is one type of outfit. By the way, considered the main one. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Pros and cons of outfits

This is the main question that I personally cannot figure out to this day. Is it good or bad to dress up?

The fact is that I communicate with almost every serviceman who joins the unit in one role or another. And with those who were in the corps, and with those who took over the company, of course. Yes, with everyone!

People were divided into two parts. For those who gladly join the outfit and volunteer there, and for those who try to avoid the outfit.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that the lists were compiled based on communication with comrades, as well as my own experience. All pros and cons are subjective. So, let's go.

Pros of dressing up in the army:

  1. You can communicate a lot with your junior sergeant (the company duty officer in your outfit) and show yourself to your superiors.
  2. You can charge and even use your phone.
  3. You can read a book or do some of your own business when you have completed all the orderly’s tasks for the night.
  4. They give you a bayonet.

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