Sniper training. Part 3: Ballistics, work in pairs, in a unit, against an enemy sniper


Everything mysterious gives birth to legends. The art of a military sniper is similar to mysticism. The result of his work is terrible, and his ability to appear at the most unexpected point and immediately disappear after a shot seems supernatural. Legends about the capabilities of the best snipers are based on reality. A professional sniper can truly do things that others cannot.

The Russian sniper is a long knife into the enemy's heart; too long and too cruel to be ignored. You cannot ignore a sniper, neither body armor nor distance will save you, even security is powerless against a sniper bullet.

The best sniper on the battlefield can radically change the situation, in the political process he is able to put the necessary end to it and can neutralize a terrorist with the precision of a surgeon. The very threat of snipers participating in battle puts pressure on the enemy’s psyche and forces him to duck. The very fact of his impunity and inaccessibility is depressing. A real sniper is merciless, invisible and elusive. His work is romantic, just as the process of shooting in a free hunt is romantic. We appreciate the work of snipers and Voentorg Voenpro in the product catalog has allocated a special Sniper section, where thematic products are presented, here you can buy a Sniper “Black Berets” flag or buy a Sniper T-shirt of a suitable size.

Sniper terror organized by Soviet snipers against the Wehrmacht

Well-trained snipers have always been valued in all armies of the world; the importance of snipers especially increased during the Great Patriotic War. As the results of this war showed, the most effective and prepared were Soviet snipers, who in numerous respects were better than snipers of other armies and the German Wehrmacht. The Soviet Union, as it turned out, was almost the only state in the world where shooting was seriously and constantly taught; it was part of pre-conscription training even before the war; the older generation should remember the “Voroshilov shooter” sign. The quality of this training was tested by the war, Soviet snipers presented all their skills.

In mid-1942, Soviet snipers, who were already actively working on all fronts of the Second World War, unleashed real sniper terror against the German troops; our snipers had a huge moral impact on enemy soldiers, and this is understandable, because enemy soldiers were fired at by our snipers almost every day and almost every minute.

The most famous Soviet sniper, Hero of Stalingrad Vasily Zaitsev, killed 242 German officers and soldiers, including Major Konings, head of the Berlin sniper school. Zaitsev’s group destroyed 1,126 enemy troops in 4 months of fighting. It should be noted that Zaitsev’s main merit was not only in his personal combat record, but also in the fact that he launched a sniper movement among the ruins of Stalingrad. Among the Soviet snipers by 1943 there were more than a thousand women, they accounted for more than 12,000 killed enemies. Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlyuchenko is considered the best of the female snipers, she destroyed 309 fascists, of which 36 were German snipers.

During the war years, a total of 428,335 excellent snipers were trained; no army in the world can boast of such a huge number. Soviet snipers significantly increased the combat ranks of rifle units. 9,534 highly qualified snipers graduated from centrally subordinate training organizations. Lieutenant General G.F. Morozov made a great contribution to the creation of centralized training for military snipers.

During the Second World War, 87 snipers became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 39 snipers became Knights of the Order of Glory.

Combat use of snipers

Sniper is a legendary military specialty, snipers are respected by their own, but hated by their enemies. This combat unit is autonomous, in many cases completely self-sufficient. The sniper collects information, successfully analyzes it and effectively applies it to accomplish the assigned combat mission - eliminating the enemy and key figures, be it an army commander or a platoon commander.

When performing certain tasks, different categories of snipers are used. Each “Police” sniper works alone or in pairs. When they are used, a separate radio network of police snipers is created, reaching the head of the operation. Snipers are divided into sectors, and enemies (terrorists) are numbered. During the operation, each sniper continuously reports on the enemy’s sector. When destroying a criminal, a sniper attack or salvo is used. A sniper salvo was successfully used in 1976 in Djibouti during the liberation of a bus carrying children by the French group GIGN.

When training and using military snipers, the experience of previous military conflicts is often taken into account. For example, during the Great Patriotic War, snipers had extremely varied tactics. They acted singly, in pairs, in separate groups and as part of units. They were independent and could implement personal initiative. So, during the defense of the Kursk ledge, in the summer of 1943, special sniper groups of 25-30 people were trained in rifle regiments. Sometimes snipers solved very original problems: they fired at airplanes and other atypical targets.

Today, snipers exist in all armies of the world, as well as in intelligence agencies and police. Terrorists and criminals use sniper fire. So, in 2000, Washington was terrorized for several weeks by a sniper who killed several people to obtain compensation from the authorities. The “Washington Sniper” worked practically on his own, only his adopted son helped him, however, the intelligence services and the police were unable to catch him for a long time.

Current conflicts have dramatically increased the role of snipers in military operations. As combat practice shows, several well-equipped and trained marksmen or a sniper group can play a decisive role in the outcome of a combat clash. For example, Carlos Hatchcock, a sergeant in the US Marine Corps, conducted an unprecedented sniper operation for three days in 1967 with his partner; they blocked a unit of the North Vietnamese army. After three days, almost forty people were killed, and those who remained were completely demoralized. The rout was completed by an artillery raid called by radio from snipers. The only Vietnamese who survived was later captured.

The panicky fear of enemy snipers in many cases turns into hysteria, and any single enemy shot is perceived as confirmation of the sniper’s work. However, not all enemy “shooters” are actually “super accurate”. Here, for example: everyone has heard about the famous Finnish “cuckoos”. They say that in 1940, on the Karelian Isthmus, all the forests were swarming with these “cuckoos”; everyone was afraid to raise their heads. And few people knew that the Finnish army had only about 200 rifles with optical sights! This was classic sniper terror: the enemy was so intimidated that he shied away from any shot. Still, a sniper hunter should prepare for a sniper duel not with an amateur, but with an experienced and serious opponent.

The combat operations in Afghanistan also showed how significant the role of snipers is, but snipers must be well prepared for such conflicts. It's time to stop studying only during war.

The importance and role of snipers at the current stage of development of the Russian Armed Forces has increased immeasurably, in particular for solving pressing problems of the fight against terrorism. Today, sniper companies are established in all combined arms formations. Specialized units of this type have not yet existed in the Russian Armed Forces. The final formation of these units, consisting entirely of professional contract soldiers, equipped with current weapons and uniforms, is planned to be completed in 2016. The implementation of the developed concept for improving the system of use and training of snipers will make it possible to establish a corps of highly professional snipers. The use of today's technical means and technologies will radically change the quality of the educational process in connections and parts.

Today, various competitions are often held in which every sniper of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR sniper, FSB sniper, reconnaissance sniper and riot police sniper can take part. Participants admit that such competitions help not only to exchange experiences, but also provide an opportunity to test themselves under extreme loads, which helps them work better and more efficiently in real combat situations. For sportsmanship, the most accurate shooters are awarded diplomas and valuable souvenirs. Being a marksman is one of the core professional qualities that every soldier of different units and special services must have.

Airborne snipers are the most trained and proactive warriors

The Airborne Forces sniper belongs to the paratrooper unit. He can work either together with the parachute squad or in a special group. The task can be carried out by two airborne snipers together.

The combat mission of an Airborne Forces sniper includes the destruction of the most significant targets at the enemy’s location. Fire is carried out from a sniper rifle at embrasures, bunkers, air targets, and observation posts. An Airborne Forces sniper not only wields a sniper rifle flawlessly, but also skillfully uses other types of weapons and military equipment in oncoming combat, on the offensive, and in defense. The Airborne Forces sniper is excellent at constructing various types of shelters, providing camouflage, overcoming obstacles, etc.

The most difficult combat mission performed by a paratrooper sniper is the fight against an enemy sniper - a sniper duel. Success in this type of combat largely depends on the qualities of a warrior: perseverance, self-control, observation, restraint, cunning, dexterity. The airborne sniper is able to work in any conditions, in hot and cold, in windy, rainy weather or snowfall.

An airborne sniper performs his duty as part of the landing force, therefore he knows the structure of a parachute well, knows how to make parachute jumps in all kinds of environmental conditions and conducts combat operations immediately after landing. Airborne Forces snipers are the most trained, courageous and proactive warriors, capable of fulfilling their assigned combat mission in any conditions.

In the Russian army, the traditional sniper weapon is the Dragunov sniper rifle of 7.62 mm caliber. Paratrooper snipers use the SVD-S, as well as a 9mm sniper rifle designed for silent shooting, the VSS, which is known as the Vintorez.

The Austrian sniper rifle MANNLICHER, STEYR SSG 04 is intended for some snipers who solve problems of hitting targets at a distance that exceed the potential of domestic sniper rifles. The similarity with the SVD is that the Austrian sniper rifle also uses a 10-round magazine and has the same caliber - 7.62 mm. However, the Mannlicher uses a more powerful cartridge, which provides greater aiming and a lethal range of more than 1000 meters. The bolt of the Austrian sniper rifle is longitudinally sliding and requires continuous manual reloading, but provides better accuracy of fire than the SVD.

According to Russian military personnel, the new foreign sniper requires special training. Scout snipers, during combat training, practice special tactics and new procedures for use, as well as the potential of combining these two sniper rifles to solve various problems.

A sniper is an ideal hunter, a person with a special character. The profession requires from a sniper enormous endurance, secrecy, observation, will, and the ability to think outside the box. A sniper must be able to make independent decisions, because he often performs tasks autonomously, in the absence of the commander. A warrior sniper knows how to camouflage himself, when to change position, how to navigate the terrain, which sector is best to choose for observation and shooting. Physical training for a sniper is also a matter of life and death, because he has to not only spend hours motionless tracking a target, but also often cover significant distances during reconnaissance. And if you need to make an immediate sniper shot, this should not be prevented by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

All these invaluable professional qualities can be formed only through systematic training - and only field conditions make them varied, realistic and interesting. And Voentorg Voenpro suggests visiting the Sniper page and choosing products with this theme as a gift. On Sniper Day or Airborne Forces Day, you can for your acquaintances or friends who have chosen a worthy profession - sniper.

Chechen sniper war

The first armed clashes in Chechnya revealed that Russian troops were completely unprepared for sniper warfare. More than 26% of the injuries received by federal troops during battles were bullet wounds. According to eyewitnesses, in the battles for Grozny in January 1995 in the Eighth Army Corps, almost all the officers in the platoon-company unit were knocked out by sniper fire.

Chechen fighters prepared in advance to defend the city, including with the help of sniper warfare: positions were prepared and equipped, communications were established, all actions were coordinated and combat tactics were worked out. Chechen snipers acted very efficiently, competently and brutally. Sniper pairs were mainly the basis of mobile fire groups, which included two machine gunners, a grenade launcher and a machine gunner.

The result of the first month of battles showed that the Russian fighters were forced to start all over again from scratch and, at the cost of their blood, learn what they should have been persuaded to do long before the battles.

At the end of the “first Chechen war,” the military leadership made a logical conclusion: our military personnel lost the sniper war. The Russian Armed Forces have not had special training units for snipers for about half a century, and as a result, the experience and tactics of their use have been lost. For a military sniper, the troops had neither weapons nor equipment that met today’s demands.

A training center was created in Solnechnogorsk in 1999. To staff this sniper school, officers who were more trained in the field of sniping were sent from the districts. After 6 months of training, the selected personnel received the rank of sniper instructor. The main task of this training company was to train professional instructors for established sniper schools in different military districts, and also developed training programs and tactical actions of sniper groups and single snipers in different types of military operations.

“K-43” systematically sends its students to the Chechen Republic for military training. In 2000, during the storming of Grozny, this unit eliminated 51 militants, of which 8 were leading and 30 mid-level field commanders, as well as six mercenary instructors. Russian snipers eliminated 28 Chechen snipers, thereby saving the lives of dozens of soldiers.

One of the characteristic features of the battles in the North Caucasus region was the massive use of snipers in guerrilla warfare. The scale of their effectiveness was such that Russian military personnel rightly called it a “sniper war.” Not only Russian SVD and VSS weapons were used by Chechen shooters, but also sporting rifles intended for sniping, as well as machine guns equipped with optics.

Chechen militants on the territory of Dagestan actively used typical tactical methods of using snipers. The capture of dominant heights, passes, and advantageous routes was practiced. Small fire teams were often used, which included a mortar crew, a grenade launcher and a sniper pair. At the same time, sniper fire was conducted from caves and other shelters under the cover of the sounds of grenade launchers and mortar shots.

Sniper groups were most effectively used by militants during battles in populated areas. They initially incapacitated officers, radio operators and drivers. Each sniper worked under the cover of 5-6 militants, among whom at least one was a grenade launcher. Positions for shooting were usually chosen according to the classical principle - in the depths of rooms on the middle floors of houses.

A very common technique among Chechen snipers was to kill a larger number of fighters: first, one soldier was “shot,” then the soldiers who came to his aid were also wounded in the limbs, and, in the end, they were all methodically finished off. As another specific feature, it should be noted that the militants used the OSV-96 large-caliber sniper rifle and the VSK-94 and VSS sniper rifles. And yet, Russian snipers, despite all the difficulties, have confirmed their skills many times. Thus, sniper Alexander Chernyshov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the heroism and courage shown while participating in the counter-terrorism operation in Chechnya. In terms of shaping the tactics of sniper groups, this war has given a lot; now it is important not to lose military experience, which was paid for in blood.

Snipers of TsSN FSB Directorate “A” are world champions

The eleventh World Championship among military and police snipers was held in Hungary from June 1 to June 5, 2012. The most representative and large-scale competition was attended by active police and army officers from all over the world. In total there were 73 teams from countries such as Germany, China, USA, Italy, England, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Israel, etc.

These competitions stand out from other tournaments due to their extremely difficult competitions. The number of exercises and their conditions of execution were unknown in advance. Almost all exercises are carried out with one shot at the smallest or smallest targets, in a few seconds and from awkward positions. The sniper is required to have the highest precision and meticulous technique.

In the fiercest competition with last year's favorites, the Chinese team, as well as in competition with strong snipers from the USA and Western Europe, in such difficult conditions, the FSB snipers of the Alpha department presented the best result. FSB snipers took first place in the overall individual competition, and also received gold in the overall team and individual competition for police exercises. In recent years, for the first time, representatives of Russia took first place in the competition and received the title of the best snipers in the world.

This high result was achieved thanks to the ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifles produced by the group. The T-5000 sniper rifle allows you to accurately hit targets at any distance. Regardless of calibers, this rifle is comfortable and handles recoil well, which is very important for high-precision shooting. As competitions have shown, the T-5000 sniper rifle is convenient for brisk movement, is small in size and allows movement over considerable distances.

The FSB does not have this sniper weapon in service; now manufacturers are conducting fruitful work with the TsSN FSB of Russia in order to study the potential of a sniper rifle in order to discover operational properties and make modifications to the design. The T-5000 sniper rifle is used in field tests; manufacturers are constantly in contact with snipers testing the rifle and promptly respond to comments. The result of this work will be sniper rifles of the highest quality, which will be adopted by the Russian FSB instead of Finnish and English sniper rifles.

Now FSB snipers have high competence, a combination of both combat and sports experience. Still, you need to remember that a sniper rifle is only a tool, it cannot shoot by itself, it is the sniper who shoots.

Today, work is underway with the Border Service, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defense, the FSO and their special units. Soon, this development may become the best sniper rifle and will be purchased for service in many departments and troops.

The Alpha officers, FSB snipers, showed concentration, courage and an amazing will to win. They became champions of the planet not only thanks to their skill, but also to their fortitude. We are proud of the FSB snipers, honor and glory to them! Voentorg Voenpro offers to buy Sniper Chevron stickers and proudly celebrate the victory of our guys!

Sniper company of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade

Since in the course of current hostilities the importance of sniper business is invariably growing, sniper units are being introduced into the combined arms formations of the ground forces, which are now staffed by military personnel. All snipers of individual sniper companies will undergo special training at established training centers every 3-4 years. Each sniper school operates according to special training programs that provide for mastering a set of skills, knowledge and abilities. Instructors at these training centers (district training centers) completed a cycle of fire training in Solnechnogorsk.

A specially trained psychologist, with the assistance of established techniques, identifies people who do not have the proper level of neuropsychic stability. The testing carried out in the company of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade was the most ordinary. For example, one of the tests, which consists of 86 questions, is capable of dividing all candidate fighters into four groups, of which only those included in the first two groups are recommended for enrollment. When recruiting a sniper company, psychological selection is very strict. The core qualities that a psychologist works to consolidate and develop are courage, determination, and adequate response to any new situations. For a sniper in combat, the most important thing is to be able to clearly and quickly set priorities.

Depending on external circumstances, the sniper must blend into the terrain. Soldiers of a sniper company must be able to prepare different camouflage suits on their own, using available materials. The main task is to hide the silhouette and weapon, protect your hands and face.

Despite the fact that there are factory kits, to achieve high results, the sniper customizes his camouflage suit, again starting from the current current situation.

The sniper independently chooses the place from which he will shoot. This could be a hummock, a stump, a nest in a tree, any fold in the terrain or inside a building. In open areas, snipers use fans. They are lightweight and quickly erected. Other vegetation and grass are wrapped around a wire frame, allowing the firing point to be rolled up and deployed in a short time.

The standard training session also includes crawling and running on the battlefield as part of a sniper pair. The sniper's work is covered by a machine gunner. A sniper often operates in this mode, in particular to disorient the enemy.

Firing in the company of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade takes place 2-3 times a week. The unit is newly created, so attention to it is appropriate; it is necessary to intensively train personnel. 10% of fighters show outstanding results. In this matter, practice alone is not enough; talent is also needed. There are sharp shooters among experienced contract soldiers and among conscripts who, before serving, never came close to a sniper weapon.

When training snipers, special attention is paid to the use of current night surveillance devices, as well as aimed shooting at different distances. In addition, the sniper must be able to use large-caliber sniper rifles. You can hardly make a decent sniper out of an ordinary soldier. After all, snipers are the elite. Screening happens all the time. Everyone can't be the best. Sniper work is very painstaking. It is necessary to accurately and consciously “sharpen” the accumulated experience for yourself.

The “ideology” about the elite is specially imposed on the recruit, it is extremely important, it helps to develop as a warrior. A sniper rifle is also prestigious, it’s not for nothing that they say that only a sniper has a rifle, the rest are just weapons.

In addition, the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade unit has distinctive insignia. These are chevrons that must be earned. In the entire brigade, only two companies wear them - snipers and release companies. The soldiers understand that the chevron is truly prestigious. Recently, the sniper company acquired its own motto: “Victory will belong to the snipers!” We believe that this will be the case. Voentorg Voenpro, like other military stores in Moscow, provides the opportunity to buy Sniper gas lighters or other products with this theme. The high-quality products presented on the Sniper page will certainly become a source of pride for every owner.

Every boy dreams of becoming the best sniper.

As a child, every boy dreams of becoming the best sniper, so today in the world of flash games, sniper shooting games are very popular. Games like these are a great way to test your accuracy and self-control. In a sniper game there can be various options for tasks, for example, you need to wait until the enemy appears in a designated place and eliminate him with only one shot. Sometimes a target needs to be found by specific signs in a crowd of people. There are also tasks where you need to shoot not at a specific enemy, but at various objects in order to distract the guards.

Sniper online provides the opportunity to shoot with a sniper rifle. Not in all shooting games the sniper playing is a killer who kills people to order. More often you will have the chance to shoot at various villains, in particular terrorists. During military operations, a sniper is a cover; he will shoot a dangerous enemy, preventing him from approaching the positions. The player, playing sniper online, will feel like a real defender on whom the lives of ordinary citizens depend.

In such games, boys hone their accuracy skills in order to shoot accurately and win. Despite the fact that a sniper rifle scope makes it possible to aim as accurately as possible, it is necessary to choose the direction and force of the shot.

Sniper game trains your reaction well. In sniper games like these, you can use your strategic skills and always become a winner and a hero. With such games, the boy will plunge into the everyday life of a professional sniper, filled with various tasks and interesting events.

The longest and most accurate sniper shots

When declaring the best shots from snipers, first of all, the accuracy of the hit and the range of the shot are taken into account. Guns&Ammo magazine, guided by these criteria, published a rating of the eight most accurate and long-range sniper shots that were officially registered. Modern weapons today, more than ever, enable snipers to hit very distant targets. However, among the record-breaking shots, there is one that was made more than 50 years ago, this confirms the importance of the professionalism and skills of each sniper. The ranges given below are measured in yards, one yard equals 91 cm.

Eighth place in the ranking was taken by a sniper shot made by an American participant in the Iraq war, Sergeant Major Jim Gilliland. The sniper shot had a range of 1,367 yards and was fired in 2005 from an M24 sniper rifle using standard 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition.

Seventh place in the ranking was taken by a sniper shot fired by an unknown representative of the Norwegian military contingent. A sniper shot with a range of 1509 yards was made in 2007 in Afghanistan during an armed conflict, from a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle, using Raufoss NM140 MP cartridges.

Sixth place goes to British Army Corporal Christopher Reynolds, who in August 2009 made an accurate sniper shot with a range of 2,026 yards using an Accuracy International L115A3 sniper rifle using 338 Lapua Magnum LockBase B408 ammunition. The target hit was the leader of the Taliban Mullah Squad, who was responsible for a number of attacks on coalition armies in Afghanistan. The corporal was awarded a medal from the hands of Queen Elizabeth II of England herself.

Fifth place belongs to Sergeant Carlos Hatchhawk, the range of a sniper shot was 2500 yards. The historic shot was fired during the Vietnam conflict in February 1967 and made the sergeant a hero of his time. He fired an M2 Browning machine gun using 50 BMG ammunition. Carlos Hatchcock is still a legend in the American army today, ranking fourth on the list of the best snipers who hit the maximum number of targets. The Vietnamese once placed a $30,000 bounty on his head.

Fourth place belongs to American Sergeant Brian Kremer, his sniper shot had a range of 2515 yards. The sniper shot was fired in March 2004 from a Barrett M82A1 sniper weapon using Raufoss NM140 MP cartridges. Brian Cramer made two successful sniper shots over 2,350 yards during his two years in Iraq.

Canadian Corporal Arron Perry received bronze. The 2,526-yard sniper shot was fired in March 2002 from a McMillan Tac-50 sniper weapon using Hornady A-MAX .50 (.50 BMG) ammunition.

The silver belongs to a 2,657-yard sniper shot fired by Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong, matching Arron Perry's record, from a similar sniper weapon using the same ammunition.

The gold belongs to Briton Craig Harrison. An unsurpassed record was achieved in November 2009 during the Afghan conflict. A double sniper shot with a range of 2,707 yards was documented, the targets hit were two Taliban machine gunners killed in succession. Craig Harrison used the L115A3 Long Range Rifle 8.59 mm sniper rifle, which has a nominal firing range of approximately 1100 m.

Snipers are special people. Being a good and accurate shooter does not mean being a sniper. This requires extraordinary endurance, enormous preparation, patience and waiting for days to fire just one sniper shot, which is equal to one life. His work is respected by his comrades and feared by the enemy.

We are proud of our snipers and wish them victory in all battles!

Automotive Troops Day →

“Snipers: Love at Gunpoint” (TV series, 2012)

Katya and Alexander have known each other since peaceful times, they are connected by tender feelings. When the war begins, they find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades. A Soviet sniper cannot find happiness with a German. Their confrontation on the battlefield forces Katya to use her military savvy to kill the man she still loves.

  • Year: 2012
  • Country Russia
  • Genre: Drama, War
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 6.6; IMDb – 7

"Sniper: The Last Shot" (mini-series, 2015)

The film tells about the complex relationship between Russian and French soldiers. Sniper Nikolai Volokhov does not trust the son of the White Guard officer Andre Renier, but he proves in battle that he is not a coward. They both end up in German captivity. A Soviet soldier, whose parents died at the hands of the Tsarist army, stands shoulder to shoulder with Andre. In captivity, they support each other and together decide to escape.

  • Year: 2015
  • Country: Belarus
  • Genre: action, drama
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 5.4; IMDb – 6.2

"Sniper. Officer SMERSH" (mini-series, 2017)

The confrontation between SMERSH senior lieutenant Egorov and German lieutenant Loter Von Diebitz began in 1943 in Stalingrad and continued in 1944 in the Belarusian forests. After one of the German attacks, Egorova's beloved goes missing. A Soviet soldier accidentally meets her in Belarus. The girl who gave birth to his child was blackmailed into working for the Germans. A mortal fight must take place between sworn enemies.

  • Year: 2017
  • Country: Belarus, Russia
  • Genre: war film, drama
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 7; IMDb – 3.7

"Air Resistance" (2015)

The main character of the story is Vincent Cavel. His wife is unhappy with the man's earnings and constantly compares him to her sister's husband, who works as a dentist. To relieve stress, Vincent goes to a shooting range, where he shoots accurately at targets. On one of these trips, a good-natured man named Reno approaches Kavel. He invites Vincent to solve several problems at once and earn a tidy sum.

  • Year: 2015
  • Country: France, Belgium
  • Genre: drama, action
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 5.8; IMDb – 5.7

House key

During training, snipers famously hit a coin from 100 meters. But in reality there is only a combat mission: either you complete it or you don’t. Each shooter has his own signs: some don’t shave, others write on their cartridges. But there are two general rules: do not take photos before leaving and take the house key with you to return.

A shaggy camouflage suit hides outlines and is difficult to spot, but with its “fur” turned inward it perfectly warms you up in the cold. Photo: Dmitry Rogulin / TASS


How candidates are selected

The sniper is an elite specialist. A special commission is responsible for enrolling applicants . The candidate must have the following parameters:

  1. age – up to 35 years;
  2. good health;
  3. sports category not lower than second;
  4. not married/not married;
  5. belonging to Orthodoxy or an atheist (lately Muslims are not accepted as snipers);
  6. without bad habbits;
  7. should not be the only breadwinner in the family;
  8. is not the same child of the parents;
  9. completed compulsory military service (for men). Service in special forces, airborne forces, deployed motorized rifle brigades, and marine units gives you a better chance;
  10. experience in law enforcement agencies is required for girls;
  11. preference is given to contract servicemen who have been in “hot spots”;
  12. as an advantage sports category (biathlon, shooting, athletics, all-around GTO, tourism (including mountaineering), orienteering).

Individual physical parameters

To become a sniper, a soldier must:

  • have 100% vision (bumps and lenses are prohibited, but in exceptional cases people who have undergone surgery are allowed);
  • do not have chronic diseases;
  • be resilient and strong;
  • run fast;
  • precise coordination of movements;
  • be able to swim and shoot.


To begin service under a contract, a citizen must have secondary vocational or higher education. After three years of military service, a serviceman has the right to receive free higher or additional professional education (Article 19 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”).


The future sniper undergoes many psychological tests. The main purpose of these tests is to identify hidden mental disorders:

  1. chronic diseases;
  2. tendency to mental disorientation;
  3. low psychological stability;
  4. lack of professional qualities;
  5. internal restlessness, anxiety;
  6. impetuosity;
  7. tendency to negative emotional outbursts;
  8. emotional-vegetative instability, manifested in redness of the skin, sweating, nervous tics, trembling of the limbs).

A professional shooter must have the following qualities:

  • diligence and readiness to solve difficult tasks;
  • equilibrium;
  • determination;
  • high intelligence;
  • speed of reaction and decision making;
  • the ability to correctly assess one’s strengths;
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • social maturity;
  • the ability to maintain clarity of thought in a stressful environment;
  • high moral qualities.

It is psychological testing that eliminates most applicants. By temperament, a person should be sanguine or phlegmatic. Such people know how to control their emotions and have independent and independent thinking.

The sniper regularly undergoes psychodiagnostic tests to identify incipient stress conditions. To strengthen self-confidence and reduce emotional stress, the shooter needs to use special relaxation exercises.

Suitability category

Based on health status, those liable for military service are divided into categories from A (no health problems or minor deviations) to D (absolutely unfit).

For snipers, as well as for employees in the Airborne Forces, only category A is required.

It is divided into A1 - absolutely healthy, A2 - there was a serious illness or fracture, A3 - minor health problems, visual impairment (Article 5.1 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” dated March 28, 1988 No. 53-FZ). Professional shooters will accept people with ideal A1 health status.

FISO standards

To qualify, future snipers must be extremely physically developed. The level of training is determined by three exercises:

  1. running a hundred meters (no more than 13 seconds);
  2. pull-ups on the bar (17 times or more);
  3. running a three-kilometer distance in field uniform (within the standard of 12 minutes 30 seconds).

The general examination must be completed with a grade of “good” and “excellent”. Between exercises, excursionists are given time to rest and recuperate.

"Battle for Sevastopol" (2015)

The Russian-Ukrainian film tells the story of a female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who destroyed 309 fascist invaders with well-aimed shots.

The German command declares personal war on the girl, and the hunt begins for her. Lyudmila becomes a living legend. Much attention in the film is occupied by the emotional experiences of the main character.

The picture differs in many ways from the biography of Lyudmila Pavlichenko.

  • Year: 2015
  • Country: Russia, Ukraine
  • Genre: action, drama, historical, military
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 7.5; IMDb – 7.1

“I see the goal” (2013)

The film takes place during World War II. Seven girls choose a non-female path for themselves and enter a sniper school. Immediately after its completion, they are sent to the front, where each has the opportunity to deal with the invaders.

  • Year: 2013
  • Country Russia
  • Genre: action, drama
  • Rating: “KinoPoisk” – 5.3; IMDb – 5.2

"The Wall" (2017)

The feature film, set in Iraq, is about two sniper soldiers. They spent more than 20 hours in ambush. Matthews does not believe that the enemy shooter is still in position, for which he receives a bullet in the stomach. Isaac manages to help his friend, but is wounded himself. He remains at the sniper position, trying to contact headquarters by radio. An Iraqi sniper intercepts the signal, after which, recording Isaac's voice, he calls for reinforcements. When American helicopters, having picked up their soldiers, take to the air, the enemy incapacitates them with a precise shot.

  • Year: 2017
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: drama, thriller, action
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 6.3; IMDb – 6.2
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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