Killing for profit: TOP 10 most dangerous PMCs in the world

Events in Venezuela have become another reason for the West to mention the Russian private military company, with which Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman from St. Petersburg, is often associated.

The American press regularly raises the topic of the Wagner PMC at the slightest disturbance in any country. According to the West, the fighters are localized throughout the world, from Syria to Caracas, but no convincing evidence has been provided in favor of this theory. What is known for certain is only about Russian volunteers who, for personal reasons, went to Syria and Donbass. As a rule, these are former participants in military conflicts who decided to use their skills and experience in distant countries where this help is needed. However, in the West they have not yet learned to distinguish a mercenary from a volunteer, so they are ready to classify any Russian-speaking person in a combat zone as a PMC. It is not difficult to remember that a volunteer fights for the Motherland and stands up for the oppressed, while a mercenary defends the interests of whoever pays the most.

At the same time, European private companies, as a stable phenomenon, appeared about 50 years ago and since then have only increased their numbers and level of weapons.

The Americans followed their example, where the institution of PMCs became an integral part of the US Army. has compiled a large selection of private military companies around the world, from which we have selected the top 10 most interesting. From our rating you will find out the location, number and annual income of the most powerful PMCs in the world.

No. 10 Brink's Company (Virginia, USA)

Let's start with the American PMC Brink's Company, whose headquarters are located in Virginia. However, mercenaries have a huge network and operate in more than 100 countries around the world. It is worth noting that the staff of this PMC exceeds 70 thousand people. It was founded back in 1859 by Perry Brinks as a kind of taxi service. At first, the company was engaged in the delivery of passengers with luggage from the railway station to hotels.

Nowadays, Brink's Company is known for its huge fleet of armored vans, which are used to meet the needs of governments, banks, jewelers, businessmen, etc. In 2011, Brink's revenue was $3.9 billion.

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Why is the Wagner Group so secret?

There are a lot of rumors about this PMC, in the mixture of which there are grains of truth. Thus, it is known for certain that its prototype was the notorious “Slavic Corps”. This PMC was officially registered, although not in Russia, but in Hong Kong, and consisted not of the Chinese, but of Russians (who had previously served in the SOBR, Airborne Forces, and GRU). The “Slavic Corps” did not hide its intentions and openly placed recruitment advertisements, promising a salary of 5,000 USD. They recruited people to guard facilities in Syria. They also guarded the oil fields in Deir ez-Zor. For this purpose, the fighters were given anti-aircraft guns (caliber 37 mm), PM-43 mortars without mines, three BMP-1s (one inoperative), two BM-21s with rocket shells without fuses. With such a wonderful weapon, the PMC, while on the march, was attacked by a gang of ISIS fighters. With great difficulty, with the support of an attack aircraft and two Akatsiya installations, the PMC managed to retreat to the Tifor airbase, where it took up defensive positions.

Immediately upon arrival in Moscow, the FSB arrested everyone from the Slavic Corps, including the owners. They were charged with Art. 359 and were given various prison sentences, although not all of them served them. Those who were not imprisoned joined the new PMC “Wagner Group”. No wonder she doesn't want to glow. But cunning journalists still extract information about this mysterious group, bit by bit. So, they discovered that the leader in it is not Wagner, but Dmitry Utkin, a reserve colonel, former commander of the 700th special forces detachment, who worked for the Ministry of Defense. And “Wagner” is his call sign. All members of any PMC give a non-disclosure agreement, but, as a rule, there are slob fighters who share some information and even show their own selfies, where they are captured against the backdrop of recognizable structures. It was from such “finds for a spy” that information leaked that Utkin’s PMC was involved in Syria and the Donbass. There are also rumors that the Wagnerites were engaged in the physical elimination of people disliked by the government there.

№9 CACI International (California, USA)

In ninth place is CACI International. The company was founded in Santa Monica, California in 1962 as a California think tank. It has more than 120 branches and approximately 15,000 employees in the United States and Europe. The company specializes in information technology. It provides "information solutions and services in support of national security missions and government transformation for intelligence, defense and federal civilian clients." In 2012, the company's revenue was $3.8 billion.

It has been proven that CACI employees participated in the torture of prisoners in the Iraqi Abu Ghraib prison. The companies received a contract for the protection and security of prison facilities from the US government. A military tribunal proved the guilt of six employees, but none of them were ever brought to justice.

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How does recruitment work for PMCs?

On forums on the Internet you can see questions from young guys about where they are accepted into PMCs. Some even ask for the exact address. Since these companies are officially banned, you can only get there through the patronage of those who have connections with them. Such information is not publicly disclosed. It is known that only Russian citizens are accepted there (Utkin, being Ukrainian, accepted Russian citizenship), and preference is given to those who have special military training. Other admission criteria:

- absence of any chronic diseases and health problems;

- good physical fitness;

- unencumbered by marriage;

- no criminal record.

Working for a PMC mainly entails a good salary (although everything in life is relative). So, according to some data, if missions take place on native soil (convoy, security, etc.) they pay a minimum of 80 thousand rubles per month. Now you can earn that kind of money in any reputable company. For missions abroad they pay up to 500 thousand rubles. For example, in Syria the salary was 300 thousand rubles. per month. For comparison: in Iraq, fighters of the Academi PMC received from 600 to 1000 USD. e. per day. If an employee in a Russian PMC is injured, he is paid a penalty, the amount of which depends on the severity of the injury. If he is killed, his family can hope for compensation of up to 5 million rubles.

No. 8 Booz Allen Hamilton (Virginia, USA)

Edwin J. Boose, James L. Allen and Carl L. Hamilton founded the firm in 1914. The company was rebranded in 2012, and its revenue reached $5.859 billion. Booz Allen Hamilton's service areas include management consulting and technology, but it also serves as a defense contractor. The firm focuses on national security, government, healthcare and other missions. The company works with the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, as well as defense organizations, space agencies and intelligence groups.

№7 Control Risks (London, UK)

This British PMC has 36 offices around the world and is an international company providing professional services and consulting. In a statement on its website, the company says it provides "strategic advice, expert analysis and in-depth investigations to address sensitive policy issues and provide practical advocacy and support on the ground." Control Risks received a large contract in Iraq to provide security for the assets of an oil company. In 2010, revenue was $223.32 million.

Advantages of a private army

A number of specialists, mercenaries and private military companies (hereinafter referred to as PMCs) state that, regardless of the existence of peace agreements, there are other ways to successfully make money.

For example, when the movement of individual armies on the territory of a separate state is limited, then PMCs have a “free hand” - their actions in this regard are not limited.

Note! A private army can, when concluding a separate agreement and sending it to another state, perform multiple tasks. This also includes work related to security, but mostly professional mercenaries, for a monetary reward, take the position of one of the warring parties and fight for it.

In addition, PMCs are attracted to overthrow a separate political regime. The main condition for this work is a sufficient financial base, and specialists with a high level of professionalism will be sought.

PMCs are suitable for people who have been to “hot spots”, but upon their return were unable to live normally in peaceful conditions – “in civilian life”.

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№6 GardaWorld (Canada)

This is one of the largest PMCs in the world. Headquartered in Montreal, the total number of employees reaches 45,000 people. They are located in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. The company provides security to individuals in 140 cities around the world and protects 28 airports in North America. Meanwhile, the company's cash management services process $5 billion a day. In December 2013, GardaWorld entered into a 12-year cash management deal with Bank of America worth $1.4 billion. At the end of April 2012, GardaWorld had quarterly revenue of approximately $300 million.

Where are PMC employees trained?

Journalists from the Russian online newspaper Fontanka found out where our PMCs were trained for military operations in Syria. Molkino (Krasnodar Territory) is the location of their camp, 40 km from the city of Krasnodar. Now there is a modern military training ground there. Its first checkpoint is located a little away from the Don highway. Behind it is a fork. The road to the left leads to the village where the military live, and to the right to the training ground. Near it there is a second checkpoint. A camp was created on the Molkino farm in 2015. The territory is surrounded by barbed wire, behind it are tents decorated with USSR banners, barracks, a dog handler station, a guard tower, parking for vehicles and training complexes themselves. Tender documents state that for the training of fighters, PMC Molkino (Krasnodar Territory) was equipped with UMU-S-127 installations (53 units), intended for shooting at light (in the weight category) targets, UMU-T1-127 installations (40 units), necessary for shooting at heavy and all other targets, RTK-1 sets (5 units), control training targets, and PSO-R sets (2 units). It was at the training ground near Molkino that the Wagnerites improved their skills before being sent to Syria.

56 million rubles were spent on creating such a base, equipped with advanced military equipment.

No. 5 Dynalectron Corporation (Virginia, USA)

The Annandale private military contractor's history dates back to 1951. In 1962, the company was renamed Dynalectron Corporation (DynCorp). Services include security, air support, intelligence and "contingency" operations. The firm's annual revenue exceeds $3 billion, and more than 96 percent of that is generated by U.S. government contracts. The PMC provides support to US forces in countries such as Peru, Colombia, Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Bolivia, Angola and Haiti. The company's main client is the CIA, which involved company employees in all significant conflicts of the 20th century.

According to some reports, mercenaries from this PMC were involved in drug trafficking, murder, rape and human trafficking. However, each time the company's management managed to get out of the situation. DynCorp employees managed to take part in all the significant conflicts of the last century and the present. They were in Bosnia, Colombia, Somalia, Angola, Kosovo and other countries.

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Requirements for candidates

Who has a chance to join the ranks of PMCs, who is in demand for this work, what are the requirements for candidates?

A random passerby looking for work, or a pensioner temporarily working as a watchman, will definitely not get into the company.

Candidates are subject to clear requirements regarding both physical and psychological indicators. Mandatory skills are an essential attribute.

Persons wishing to become PMC employees are subject to the following requirements:

  • acceptable age – within 25-45 years;
  • height – 175 or more;
  • no bad habits or addictions (from chemicals, drugs, drugs, etc.);
  • high level of physical fitness – no health restrictions allowed;
  • Willingness to perform assigned tasks in different regions of the world and in any climate.

Additional criteria that candidates are required to comply with:

  • no criminal record (including expunged);
  • dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces is permitted, but not for discreditable articles;
  • is not suspected of involvement in activities related to terrorism;
  • strict observance of the rights (freedoms) of citizens.

The selection is also made according to a number of psychological criteria.

A person needs to be:

  • stress-resistant with a balanced psyche;
  • attentive and responsible;
  • conscientious;
  • ready to perform work in any severe stressful situation;
  • punctual and disciplined;
  • ready for increased physical activity loads;
  • must not suffer from mental illness (documented) and have any physical restrictions. and psychological stress, other diseases are categorically not acceptable;
  • quickly adaptable, have a high recovery rate, and have endurance.

No. 4 AlliedBarton (Pennsylvania, USA)

The company was founded in 1957. The company has more than 55,000 employees spread across 120 offices throughout the United States. AlliedBarton is the largest security company in the United States. The company specializes in a variety of industries, including higher education campuses, commercial real estate, aerospace and defense, residential construction, shopping centers, healthcare facilities and the chemical industry. Through its Hire Our Heroes program, AlliedBarton hires former military personnel and their relatives to fill its workforce with "highly trained security personnel." In 2012, its annual revenue exceeded $1.9 billion.

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No. 3 ADT (USA)

The top three is opened by ADT Corporation, which was founded in 1874. Today it is one of the largest American PMCs. Originally known as American District Telegraph, ADT began as a telegraph delivery business. The office is located in Boca Runton, Florida. The company's branches are located in 35 countries. They specialize in alarms and security systems. In South Africa, ADT provides armed response teams and 24-hour surveillance. In 2011, ADT served approximately 6.4 million customers and generated annual revenue of $3.1 billion.

#1 G4S (UK)

First place goes to G4S, which describes itself as "the world's leading security group." PMC specializes in business process outsourcing in sectors where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat. The British multinational security giant was created in 2004, when it was based in London. G4S currently employs more than 620,000 people, making it the third largest employer in the PMC sector. In 2012, G4S's turnover exceeded $12 billion. The company offers a wide range of services, including the supply of security personnel, monitoring equipment, response units and secure prisoner transport. G4S also works with governments abroad to provide security.

The British are not far behind their American counterparts when it comes to reputation. G4S became famous for a series of high-profile scandals thanks to Omar Mateen. This shooter massacred an Orlando gay club. In 2013 and 2014, he was questioned by the FBI on suspicion of links to terrorist groups, but G4S paid no attention to this. Of course, these are small things on a company scale. Notoriety has long followed the company. Its employees have been known to beat and rape detained migrants, hold children in solitary confinement, and torture prisoners around the world.

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Commander of the Wagner Group

CensorNET journalists confirmed that the mysterious PMC is headed by Dmitry Utkin (far right in the photo above). He comes from the Ukrainian village of Smolino, near Kirovograd. His mother Lyudmila used to live there. She worked as an engineer and separated from her husband when Dima was still a baby. Lyudmila tried in every possible way to encourage the abilities of her talented son. So, even before entering kindergarten, he was already reading and writing, and after school he left for St. Petersburg, where he entered a military school. After graduation, he fought in Chechnya, retired (he is now 46 years old), tried to go into business, and at the end of 2013 he decided to recall his military experience again and created a PMC. Dmitry Utkin, of course, became its commander. The first baptism of fire of the “Wagner Group” was the operation to disarm the Ukrainian military in Crimea.

Then they helped the Lugansk groups fighting for the independence of their region in the fight against the Ukrainian army. But the “Donbass voyage” of the Wagnerites has not been officially confirmed anywhere. Today, Utkin’s mother has moved to Russia, and Dmitry’s two ex-wives and two of his children still live in Smolino. According to the stories of one of Utkin’s wives, Elena Shcherbinina, mother is the only person in the world whom the brave colonel is afraid of; he even talks to her in a whisper. She was also the reason for the divorce of Dmitry and Elena. The couple broke up back in 2000 and have not maintained a relationship since then. However, fellow villagers say that Elena was never Utkin’s wife, he himself loves his mother very much, and his daughter Anna, born in Smolino, went to Russia to join him. Now Utkin is married again, he has a wife, a dentist, and three small children.

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